What a tricky question to ask a girl. What questions can you ask a girl and what to talk to her about on a date

If on the first date you ask a girl if she has piercings on…. (well, you understand), most likely she will send you away, and you are unlikely to shine. Even an innocent question, what is her favorite color, can cost you a coveted second meeting. Why? You may seem superficial to her. She has enough life experience, she can tell a lot, and you are able to ask her only a meaningless question!

Women have a strange logic. Therefore, we have come up with 50 questions for you that will help you not to disrupt the date and get to know your friend inside and out. Of course, you shouldn't ask all these questions at once on one date, choose several and dilute the conversation with them.

1. What would you never repeat in your life?

2. Which would you choose: to be twice as smart or twice as happy?

3. What was the last reason you cried?

4. In what situation were you most nervous?

5. What fact about you might surprise your parents?

6. What's your worst habit?

7. What superpower would you like to get for one day?

8. Which superhero do you find the most attractive man?

9. What's the biggest weirdness your pet does?

10. Where would you live if you could choose any place on Earth?

11. Who knows you best?

12. What clubs did you go to at school?

13. Complete the phrase: "Probably best of all I ..."

14. What's the last book you really liked?

15. The best show of all time?

16. What age did you enjoy living the most?

17. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself?

18. Finish the phrase: "Most of all I would be upset at dawn if I never ..."

19. Apologizing or asking permission?

20. Endless love or money?

21. If you knew you were going to die in a week, what would you do?

22. What song have you listened to the most time?

23. Lie on the beach or wander around Europe with excursions?

24. If you were a child prodigy, what would you do?

25. What is the first thing you do if you win the lottery?

26. Which celebrity would you switch places with?

27. If you were a musician, what would you name your first album?

28. What life story do your friends remember you from time to time?

29. If there was only one seasoning left in the world, what would you choose?

30. The ideal number of people for a Friday party?

31. What is the most unpleasant age for you?

33. What fictional character reminds you of yourself?

35. What program did you love to watch as a child?

37. In any game where you choose a category of questions, what would you choose first?

38. In what things are you superstitious?

39. Tell us about the worst case in your life.

40. Which of the people who are not connected with politics, would you support in the elections? Or whose election race would you be interested in watching?

42. With whom of the dead people would you like to have lunch, if it were possible?

43. Do you think it is important to follow the news?

44. What's the best gift you've ever received?

45. Would you be willing to sacrifice one of your fingers if you got free Wi-Fi everywhere you go in return?

46. ​​What would you do first if you turned into a man for one day?

47. If you could give a present to anyone for any amount you want, what would you give and to whom?

48. A large comfortable house in a residential area or a tiny house with a beautiful view?

49. What is the nicest thing others have to say about you?

Greetings to our readers! Today we will discuss what questions to ask a girl in order to get to know her better when meeting? Questions that girls can be asked should be original, funny, about life, love and relationships are also interesting. Moreover, the girl likes not only funny, funny, but also smart questions, then the guy will be able to interest her.

Therefore, we thought a lot, researched and made a list of such questions that help a guy not only get to know the girl he liked, but also understand what she is. Therefore, he can only get acquainted with this list of questions, ask them and listen carefully to the answers of the girls, drawing certain conclusions for himself.

  1. What is your opinion on how men relate to women's whims and discontent? Should a girl be naughty to make a guy give in?
  2. Do you like smoking men? How do you feel about women who smoke?
  3. In your opinion, does a smoking woman look attractive to a man or not? Why do girls try to dress beautifully, elegantly and smoke at the same time?
  4. What, first of all, should a woman rely on: heart, mind or feelings?
  5. What is your attitude towards a man who does not tolerate objection or a woman's disagreement with his opinion?
  6. Are you worried about the opinion of guys or girls about your hair, figure, clothes, style or manners?
  7. Do you consider a question to a girl about her age indecent, bad form or a normal question?
  8. In your opinion, what makes you different from other women, what is your best feature?
  9. How does a girl understand what a guy / man needs, and how to show it to him correctly?
  10. What qualities are considered the most important for a woman? Should she as well earn?
  11. Would you agree with the opinion (mostly male) that the majority of women who smoke are prostitutes? Suppose your boyfriend offers you a cigarette, will you light it to please him?
  12. Why does a girl often prefer the bad guy to the good guy?
  13. What is the best age for marriage?
  14. What kind of guys do girls most often avoid?
  15. For a woman, does the big age difference with a man matter? What's the best age ratio?
  16. What clothes, hairstyle men wear, do you like the most, what can you hate?
  17. Do you consider yourself a jealous woman? What step are you ready for out of jealousy?
  18. What are girls afraid of when meeting a guy or on a first date? (We recommend reading,)
  19. What is the best thing for a guy to talk to a stranger about in order to meet and please her?
  20. What at first should not be asked of girls, wishing to develop a relationship with them?
  21. What's the creepiest, most disgusting movie you've seen? It was scary and scary, then why was I looking?
  22. Would you agree not to sleep for several days just to take care of a sick, unfamiliar person?
  23. Why could you break up with your boyfriend?
  24. What character traits in men do you dislike? Could you put up with them if your boyfriend had them?
  25. if he wants to leave?
  26. Never tried base jumping, bungee jumping (bungee jumping) or other extreme sports?

Funny questions for girls

  • Is it possible to believe a chronic liar who confesses that he is lying?
  • I think I lost my number, can I get yours?
  • What's your opinion: are tea company employees allowed to take coffee breaks?
  • Chameleon in the room of laughter, what color will it be?
  • Why is it said about a person with a sound, deep sleep "slept like a child" if children wake up every two hours?
  • What's the difference between normal and fantastic ketchup?
  • If laughter is the best medicine, then why do they say "died of laughter" while watching this comedy?
  • Does a bald man who works as a restaurant chef need to wear a chef's hat?
  • If there is the speed of sound and light, why is there no speed of smell?
  • Is it appropriate to say "good funeral" at a funeral?
  • Why do people press harder on the remote control knowing that the batteries are dead?
  • If the whole world is theater, then where is the audience seated?
  • Can you wipe your "goats" away under the sofa while the owner does not see?
  • Your one desire has been fulfilled, I am already here, what are the remaining two of your desires?
  • Does the fish suffer from thirst in the pan?

Romantic questions for girls

  1. What's your most cherished romantic dream?
  2. What's your idea of ​​a perfect date?
  3. Where would you like to spend your honeymoon? How do you imagine it?
  4. How romantic would you like to spend your next family weekend?
  5. What romantic place do you like best, where do you want to live?

Original questions for the girl

  • Can you fake someone's accent, voice? Suppose you had such an opportunity for one day, whose voice would you fake, and for what?
  • A guy dating a girl has the right to demand from her to report what she carries in her purse, what contacts are on the phone, sms? Does he have the right to check them without her knowledge? Show the contents of your purse to your boyfriend?
  • What kind of rest will suit you best: 1) lie on the couch and watch TV; 2) chat on social networks; 3) sleep all day; 4) take up your favorite hobby or cooking; 5) spend time in nature or?
  • Suppose you were asked to write a book about your life, what would you call it and what genre will it be?
  • If you are offered a job with a lot of money, but on one condition: you work locked up for a whole year, far from home, absolutely not talking to anyone, will you agree to such a job?

  • Imagine that you have the only opportunity to influence any man to offer you marriage, whom would you like to influence?
  • For a woman, gifts are more important, or knowing what people who give gifts think of her?
  • Would you be able to make a “mean thing” to your rival in the fight for a man's attention?
  • Would you turn to "grandmothers" to make a love spell, damage to a rival or a man?
  • How would you describe me to your family?
  • What is your attitude to the opinion “if he hits, then he loves”? Forgive the guy if he hits you?

Questions for girls about life

  1. What is the most important thing in life you want to have time to do?
  2. Do you think that school studies, university, college will come in handy in your life? What academic subjects are needed for real life?
  3. Your idea of ​​your future home?
  4. What are your hobbies? Should a girl or boy be involved in something in her life?
  5. Can you name the most unpleasant moment in your life?
  6. How would you like to see yourself in 10/20/30 years?
  7. Can you give up your career to become a mother and housewife?
  8. How can a girl achieve success in life?

Questions for girls about love

  1. Tell me, is love at first sight an invention of the directors or does it exist? Who do you think has such love most often: boys or girls? (Find out which one you missed?)
  2. What usually reminds a girl of a boyfriend's love for her?
  3. Have you ever had strong feelings for a guy, were you in love with someone?
  4. When did you first realize that you fell in love?
  5. What is your answer to curious friends who ask at what stage of your relationship with a young man?
  6. What do you think of the opposite sex and how often?
  7. What compromises are you willing to make in order to keep the relationship?
  8. What do you think about early relationships, kissing? How old should girls be to date?
  9. What are you most afraid of in love and relationships?
  10. What is required of a man to make his woman feel special, loved?

Smart questions for girls

  • Agree with the opinion that alcohol or drugs soothes depression or grief, especially after
  • Can you pray, for whom are you praying? Can prayer help you?
  • Over the past year, what are the most important three events in the world, in your country, in your life?
  • Is erudition of a man important for a woman? Does she herself need to be erudite in order to attract a good life partner?
  • What is your attitude to alcohol? What is your favorite alcoholic beverage? How much can a girl drink? Is there a danger for a girl drinking at a party?
  • What does it look like in your view? What is required for this from a man or a woman?
  • Do you consider yourself a believer? Can Faith Affect Your Choice of a Spouse? Could you connect your life with a man of another faith?
  • What inspires you to do things you hate: work, study?

Cool questions for girls

  • Ever fell in love with your best friend with the same guy? If your boyfriend makes you rivals with your girlfriend, what will you do?
  • Would you go to a nude beach to sunbathe?
  • What is your opinion, who is more likely to “wash the bones” of others - boys or girls?
  • What is your attitude towards gossip? Could you dissolve gossip to get revenge on your friend, boyfriend?
  • Do you know how to restrain yourself when you "get it" or wrap up a "strong word"?
  • What funny things for others won't make you laugh?
  • For a relationship or is it optional?
  • Do you have a normal boss at work? I would like to take revenge on him and how?
  • Ever go crazy with a kiss, feel like it turned your head?
  • How would you like to spend the last week of your life?
  • Once you wake up and realize that you can read the thoughts of people whose thoughts you would like to read?
  • Suppose a year of your life is worth a million, how many years would you be willing to sell?
  • They say flattery, opens any doors: do you understand when you are flattering? Do you like it?
  • Preferring exotic food in five-star hotels, or an awesomely delicious fruit pie from a nearby diner?
  • How do you feel about a guy with excessive hairiness: can this affect the relationship?
  • What kind of wedding do you dream about: dear, unusual, romantic?
  • What gifts do you like the most: practical, expensive, romantic or unexpected? (By the way, we recommend that you find out by clicking on the article link).
  • Suppose the guy you liked rejected your love, what would you do if you wanted to keep him?
  • Would you agree to marry a beggar, but a man who truly loves you?
  • How would you react if your husband on weekends goes with friends to the bathhouse, fishing or playing football several times a month?


Exploring the open spaces of the Russian Internet on this topic, we came to the conclusion that men are most often interested in what questions to ask a girl? After all, different situations require different types of questions. This is exactly what we have provided for in the sections of this article.

Well-thought-out questions are key not only to get to know a girl, but also to get to know her better, such as what kind of wife she will be. If they are interesting, funny, somewhere even funny and smart, then they help not only to eliminate pauses in communication, but also give the guys initiative and an advantage over others in order to please the girl.

Best regards, Andronic Oleg, Elena!

Hello friends! I am often asked what question to ask a girl. In this article, I decided to lay out a whole list of questions so that you can open it at any time and just send them to the girl in SMS or ask live. In addition, I advise you to also read the article on how to flirt with a girl correctly.

Well, let's get started. Questions can be simple, tricky, funny, provocative, as well as those that the girls themselves like.

Here is a list of questions for a girl .

  1. What films do you like? What's your favorite movie? (personal)
  2. What kind of music do you like?
  3. Do you like going to clubs?
  4. What is more important to you: family or money?
  5. Do you like children? How would you name your first child?
  6. What alcoholic drinks do you like the most?
  7. Are you satisfied with your appearance, or would you like to change something in it?
  8. When was the first time you kissed your boyfriend?
  9. Do you like your job (if any)?
  10. What kind of flowers do you like?
  11. Do you have an idol? What did you dream of becoming as a child?
  12. Would you like to jump with a parachute?
  13. How do you see your life in 5 years?
  14. Do you keep a personal diary?
  15. What is your favorite thing to do when you have free time?
  16. Who do you like hanging out with more: with your friends or with your boyfriend?
  17. Have you ever fought a girl? Because of which?
  18. What time of year do you like best?
  19. Can you cook? What do you do best?
  20. Would you like to live with your parents or separately?
  21. What is your relationship with your parents?
  22. Have you performed in public?
  23. If you won a million - what would you spend it on?
  24. What do you miss most in your life?
  25. Where do you like to spend your time most?
  26. What was the best day in your life?
  27. Do you have enemies?
  28. What sports do you like?
  29. Have you ever played sports?
  30. How many real friends do you have?
  31. Where did you travel? (about travel)
  32. Where would you like to go?
  33. What did you like the most and why?
  34. You can swim?
  35. People often come up to meet you on the street. How do you react to this? (flirting)
  36. Do you often get compliments?
  37. How often do you use social networks? Do you like to meet VKontakte?
  38. Do you like it when a guy looks at you?
  39. Do you have something that sets you apart from other girls?
  40. Do you look a guy in the eye when you meet him on the street?
  41. How does your character change when you are drunk?))
  42. What's the highlight of your relationship with your boyfriend?
  43. What's the coolest gift your boyfriend gave you?
  44. What do you value in men?
  45. What is the role of a man in a relationship, and what is a woman?
  46. What's the coolest thing you've done for a guy?
  47. Have you ever met a guy first?
  48. Did you really love?
  49. Have you ever cried about a guy?
  50. How many children would you like to have?
  51. Have you ever called first after you had a fight with your boyfriend?
  52. Would you forgive cheating on your husband?
  53. How old would you like to get married?
  54. Do you freak out when you go on your first date with your boyfriend?
  55. How do you feel about women who do nothing?
  56. Do you often look at the guys you like?
  57. What is more important in men: character or appearance?
  58. If you had to choose between friends and a loved one, which would you choose?
  59. Would you marry a guy who is much older or younger?
  60. Do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman?
  61. do you have a dream?
  62. What do you like in sex? (intimate)
  63. Your favourite pose?
  64. Have you tried using toys?
  65. Do you like harder or softer?
  66. How much sex is optimal for you per week / day?
  67. How many sex partners did you have?
  68. Are you having orgasms?
  69. What kind of orgasms do you have?
  70. Do you know what a squirt is?
  71. Do you like cunnilingus?
  72. Do you swallow? (vulgar)))

If you want to listen to an example of my questions in audio correspondence, then click on the button

I want to say right away that it is better to ask what interests you the most. It is important to know how to do this. The same question can be asked in different ways: with different intonation, use harsh or neutral words. Also, the questions asked may depend on the level of trust established between you, on the place where you are, on the situation.

Before I answer what questions to ask a girl , you need to learn some rules:

1) Do not ask the girl more than two questions in a row. If you asked two questions, then you need to express your opinion on them or tell a story, or wait for a counter question.

2) Percentage of what was said. In the first minutes when meeting in a club / on the street or in correspondence, the percentage of what you and the girl say should be 50 to 50, or 80 from your side to 20 from hers.

Here the fact is that when meeting, the main goal is to interest the girl. and for that you need to speak. And if you ask only questions, then the girl will not really know anything about you and will not have time to become interested in you. In this case, she will most likely refuse you if she does not consider by your appearance and non-verbal communication how successful and interesting you are.

On the first date, the percentage may be different. Here, the girl can already speak more than you, but it is still advisable to adhere to the 50-50 principle.

Interesting questions for a girl , as well as topics of conversation. can be divided into 3 categories: social, personal and intimate.

Social can be asked to any people anywhere.

Personal- these are the questions that the girl will not answer to the first person she meets, but she will answer you, since she has already come on a date, and she has a certain level of trust in you. This includes questions about love. how did her childhood go, does she like to dream, how does her morning go, what she lacks in life, what was the brightest moment in her life (I hope it is clear that these questions cannot be asked to every person).

So you've seen what questions to ask girls. I hope the topic has been exhausted for you. If you still have questions on the topic, then ask them below in a special form.

You can also come up with something of your own, but as I said, not all questions can be asked in a particular situation, there are nuances with the rudeness or softness of words, the position "from below", place, etc.

In addition, you can leave your interesting questions for girls in the comments. I will evaluate them in terms of their adequacy and give my advice so that you do not end up in a stupid situation. See you soon, bye, bye!

It doesn't matter if we are talking about acquaintance or simple communication, but coming up with interesting questions for a girl for some guys can be a problem. That is why we have selected 100 really interesting questions that you can safely ask girls.

We are sure that these are the questions that will be interesting to the girl you like, which means that she will be happy to answer them. From the list we have compiled, you can choose some interesting questions to ask the girl. Perhaps this will be a good start to friendship, acquaintance, or even life together.

37 interesting questions you can ask any girl

First, to warm up, we present you a list of 37 questions that you should ask the young lady you like for reflection or interesting communication with a girl. Some of them are cool, others are tricky. They can be used both in a live, direct conversation, and when communicating on the Internet, by correspondence in contact. So see what interesting questions can you ask a girl?

  1. If you had the opportunity to dine with anyone in the world, who would you choose?
  2. Do you want to be famous? How can this be achieved?
  3. Before the phone call, do you mentally repeat what you are going to say every time? Why?
  4. What is the ideal day for you?
  5. When was the last time you sang for yourself, and what was it connected with?
  6. At 90, which one would you rather choose: the body of a thirty-year-old woman or the mind of a forty-year-old woman?
  7. What is one thing related to your education that you would like to change?
  8. How often should couples call each other, write mutual SMS, kiss each other during the day?
  9. What do you think is most important to the success of a relationship?
  10. Are you friends with your ex-boyfriend, boyfriend? Does this relationship need to be maintained?
  11. Is it okay if loved ones don't close the door while using the toilet?
  12. What's your greatest self-control in bed?
  13. What excites you the most in bed?
  14. Should a couple reveal to each other the secrets of an old relationship?

By the way, you noticed that it is not at all difficult to ask a girl an interesting question. You just need to think a little. Even from this list, paraphrasing a little, you can get several options for interesting questions. For example, can the secrets of a couple's old relationships affect their future relationships?

  1. Do you sometimes have to lie to others to keep them happy? Do you think this is correct or not?
  2. What excites or resent you the most about a couple's relationship?
  3. In your opinion (for women) in a grocery store or when choosing kitchen utensils, furniture, is it worth choosing what a man likes, or is it better to convince him that a woman's choice is always better?
  4. What do you like the most about me, and what annoys you the most?
  5. After a hard, bad day, would you rather be alone or spend time with me?
  6. Is it more important for you that a man is handsome inside or outside?
  7. Do you want to have children in the near future? How near is the future?
  8. Could you tell your life to a guy in 5 minutes? What details would you tell so that he has the correct idea of ​​you?
  9. The choice of which would you prefer to choose for yourself, having the opportunity to receive any quality or any ability as a gift?
  10. Do you have an unfulfilled dream? What prevents it from coming true?
  11. What is the most important thing in friendship?
  12. If you found out that in a year your life will end completely, would you like to change something in your lifestyle? Why?
  13. What role do love and being in love play in your life? By the way, how do they differ?
  14. Do you consider your childhood happier than that of other girls or unhappy?
  15. How do you assess your relationship with your mother?
  16. What has hurt you the most in life?
  17. How would you spend a million suddenly won in the lottery?
  18. What usually makes you laugh, and what do you usually cry about?
  19. Where does your family fit into your life?
  20. What do you think of infidelity and free love?
  21. Which part of your own body do you like best and which one you like least? Why?
  22. What attracts you the most about a man's appearance?
  23. What do you think about children, their upbringing?

The next questions you can ask girls range from provocative to thought provoking, as some of them are difficult, psychological. For convenience, we have divided them into headings.

Love, romance

  1. Is it better to live with the unloved, but faithful or loved, but unfaithful?
  2. Do you find older men attractive?
  3. Could you marry someone just because they are rich?
  4. Is it better to marry someone who loves you or someone you love?
  5. What was your first kiss? If not, what do you expect from him?
  6. Ever felt the feeling of love at first sight?
  7. Did you love someone before? How many times did you fall in love?
  8. What is the most important thing for you in a partner: intelligence, appearance or compassion?
  9. What are the details for the perfect first date?
  10. What's the worst date you've ever had? What happened to this man?
  11. What qualities do you want to see in a potential spouse?
  12. Was your last kiss better than the first?
  13. Would you rather spend the day hugging me or spend it exploring a new city?
  14. What is more attractive to you in a partner: common interests or a common sense of humor?
  15. How long does it take to communicate with the opposite sex, to know him in order to understand that you have fallen in love?
  16. What are you looking for in a guy?
  17. Ever dated several guys at the same time?
  18. What is your favorite thing about the opposite sex?
  19. How long was your closest relationship with your boyfriend?
  20. Ever regretted your "romantic date"?

We want to know your opinion on what interesting question to ask a girl from this list about romance?


  1. Did you do your term papers yourself or did you buy? Did you write off tests, exams or did it yourself?
  2. Did you have a favorite teacher? Why did they love him?
  3. What class, school do you think is ideal?
  4. If you were offered to study at any university in order to acquire new knowledge, but without obtaining a diploma, would you agree?
  5. What's the most boring or useless subject you've studied in school? Have you ever found this information useful?
  6. Which is easier for you: write a 5-page essay and not read it aloud, or speak to the class with a one-page dictation written in the lesson?
  7. What is your education, do you think to continue studying or not?
  8. Is there a university or school where you've always wanted to study?
  9. Did you want to study abroad?
  10. If you were a millionaire, how many universities would you like to graduate from?
  11. If you were a millionaire, would it be worth pursuing a college degree?
  12. Which of the three school subjects will you choose: geometry, physics or chemistry?
  13. Ever failed your exam?

Interesting questions for a girl about female appearance

  1. Do you prefer long hair or short haircuts?
  2. Do you have a tattoo? What do they mean, and why did you pin yourself?
  3. How would you describe your clothing style?
  4. How much time does a girl need to spend on her appearance?
  5. Is convenience or a desire to please others more important to you?

Lifestyle / work

  1. Feel like you were born at the wrong time? What era or time of history would you like to live in?
  2. Do you delay things or do you on time?
  3. Do you manage to organize yourself, self-discipline?
  4. Which would you rather: work very hard, but retire at 40, or work for pleasure, and retire like everyone else?
  5. What topics do you like to talk about?

Travel / Leisure

  1. Do you prefer to travel long distances by car, bus, plane, train or boat?
  2. Ever flew in an airplane, hot air balloon, what does it feel like?
  3. Having the opportunity to travel to any country in the world for an unlimited time, where would you go? Why?
  4. Would you prefer to live in a city among many people or be the only inhabitant of an abandoned village, but in the middle of beautiful nature?
  5. Where have you been furthest?
  6. What is the most beautiful place you have been and which impressed you?
  7. What five places do you want to visit before you die?
  8. Is it preferable for you to go to the museums or to the amusement park?
  9. Of the three museums, which one will you choose: an archaeological museum, an art gallery or a high-tech museum?
  10. Ever jumped from a bungee? And the offer to try, will you agree?

  1. For a girl, what kind of underwear is better: thongs, swimming trunks, grandma's knickers or wrestling shoes?
  2. Don't you envy the strippers? Should an unemployed girl take such a job?
  3. Are you ready to go far away from your family for a long time for the job of your dreams?
  4. If you were offered a job for pleasure, and not a salary, which one would you choose?
  5. From a week to a month, how much would you be able to do without a smartphone?
  6. What's the best way to deal with your feelings for someone you don't love? Can you hold back if he deliberately annoys you or becomes aggressive?
  7. Unwittingly witnessing that your colleague has stolen a certain thing or money from work, what do you think is the best way to solve this situation?
  8. Ever used a dating site to find a mate? Should I use it?
  9. Noticing that the guy was attacked by a bully, she would act: 1) called the police, and then intervened; 2) would first intervene and then call the police or 3) just call and disappear without waiting for her arrival?
  10. Would you rather follow your heart or your head?


Tired of banal conversations with the opposite sex? Then a list of interesting questions will help diversify your communication. Choose those questions that you like, and gently ask them to your chosen one. We are sure you will definitely find or have already found interesting questions for the girl that you can ask her in the near future. Good communication to you!

They say it is impossible to understand women. Speaking in defense of the fair sex, I affirm that this can be done decisively. And it's worth starting on the first date so that it or some of them does not become the last. The recipe is as follows - ask questions. Not about Dom-2 and not about piercings in intimate places. What to ask to get to know a friend inside and out is the cheat sheet below.

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Test drive: questions to ask a girl to get to know her better

That awkward pause when you don't know what to talk about can be costly - costing a relationship or, okay, good sex. Don't be boring and boring. Ask the girl questions. In all respects, a profitable maneuver - you will get to know the girl better, evoke vivid emotions, emphasize your interest and be remembered.

You shouldn't ask everything at once. Pick a few and, like a spider, weave them into the web of conversation. He asked - listen, clarify, dispel and reason. Time will fly by, and the date will leave a bright aftertaste. As for the interpretation of the answers, a conversation worthy of a hefty book. In short, listen not to the words, but read between the lines, and, most importantly, watch the reaction. Of course, not easy. The highest level, reaching which requires experience. In general, I leave the interpretation to you and move on to the questions of the first block, which will help you get to know the girl better and just not boring to talk.

White List: Questions to Help Strengthen Relationships and Get Closer

The partner's soul is dark until you speak frankly. One of the essential factors of closeness between partners is dialogue. And here are the questions to ask your constant companion.

Blacklist: Questions Guys Should Never Ask Girls

Perhaps I have already encountered a situation where, in response to your question, her cheeks were filled with a blush of shame or anger. You can cross out the prospect of a relationship or feel the power of (sometimes literally) girlish excitement with one careless word. Remember these questions so as not to create awkward situations in which she will be torn between the desire to get up and leave or call you, get up and leave. Well, or just not to be banal.

It's good when you have someone to ask questions. Lonely hearts unite dating sites, the rating of which can be found on our portal. Honest user reviews and competent expert opinion. Explore, register and keep our site bookmarked for a productive and vibrant surfing in the world of online dating. Good luck!