Regional data bank. Databank of children for adoption

The stories of adoptive parents usually begin with the phrase: "And then we saw our sun ..." And most people do not like to talk about what preceded the meeting with the baby. The search for "their" baby is a psychologically very difficult process, and it just hurts many to remember or talk about him. However, it makes sense for potential adoptive parents to prepare for possible problems in advance. Although it is not so easy to do this.

When my husband and I talked about the desire to adopt a child, he told me one phrase: "I like everything about this idea. But choosing a child like in the market is scary." I must say, I ignored his words. Like, what can you do? This is inevitable, this is how this system works. However, in reality it turned out that it would be better to prepare for a meeting with this system, to understand how it works and what psychological traps one can fall into.

A little about the system

I will try to explain "on my fingers" how the system works, which contains information about orphans.

In order for the baby to be placed in a family, he must receive an orphan status. If the parents have abandoned the baby officially, he can be adopted, taken under guardianship or in a foster family. However, many children do not have status, since legally they still have a connection with their blood parents. For example, a biomat is in places of deprivation of liberty, and it is impossible to deprive her of her rights, even if she had not visited the child in the orphanage before and was not interested in his fate. Or the child's parents have just been deprived of their rights, and the term has not yet expired, during which they can appeal the court decision, "change their mind." In these and other cases, the baby can be taken under guardianship or in a foster family.

When a baby receives the status "to be placed in a family", he has his own personal file and is assigned to the district care of the institution where he was placed, ie. orphanage or child's home. Within a month, the district guardianship should try to arrange the child in the family, and if it failed, transfer information about him to the regional databank (for example, from the guardianship of a district in a city near Moscow to the bank of the Moscow Region region). If this operator does not find new parents within a month, he is obliged to transfer the information to the Federal data bank

Important! The transfer of data about a child to a parent organization does not mean that the district guardianship or the regional bank ceases to take care of his placement in the family. It is also important: a regional or federal databank has the right to issue you a referral for visiting a child, but he will still coordinate this issue with the district guardianship: what if someone has already started visiting the child by contacting the district directly? What if the biomat decided to restore its rights? Follow-up calls to guardianship in this situation protect both the adoptive parent and the child from severe stressful situations.


The function of regional and federal banks is clear: to collect information about children in one place. However, in practice, information and its updating are delayed. As a result, large banks may not know that, for example, a child has already received a status for adoption - and they still list him as subject only to custody and guardianship. Thus, if you look at the adoption profiles of children, you may be missing out on some of the babies. Or that the child is visited by potential parents - people who establish contact with the baby, but have not yet signed the consent. The children's database is not updated daily, but once a week or less often, depending on the region.

What happens to a potential adoptive parent in this situation?

First, finding a child is a psychological test in itself. Many still in the process of collecting documents look through regional or federal databases and are already mentally attached to a specific child from a photograph. And this is understandable: the decision was made quite difficult, the procedure drags on, it is natural for a person to worry and do at least something that will bring him closer to the future baby. However, by the time potential parents have a package of documents, the baby may already be placed in a family. This is serious stress.

You can avoid it only if you force yourself to distract yourself from a particular child by willful effort: do not look through the database, do not draw for yourself this particular baby in your life, do not return time after time to a photo in the newspaper from the "Looking for Mom and Dad" section. Many adoptive parents have gone through the experience of disappointment "someone else took the child" - at these moments it is worth remembering that it is your baby who will certainly wait for you. The adoptive parents are familiar with mystical stories, when a variety of children were taken from the child's home, and some absolutely wonderful, practically healthy child could not wait for his mother for a long time, although objectively there was no logic in this. Or someone fought with officials for a long time, rushed the paperwork, received delays, which is called "out of the blue," and then found a baby whose adoption status appeared just when the mother had all the papers ready - and get she had them before, they would not have met. Apparently, adopted children, like relatives, do not appear in our life by chance, and fate disposes of us correctly.

Secondly, many of those who applied to regional databanks simply cannot understand where the children are. On TV, they show wonderful kids, they print cute faces in the newspapers, and in the bank (sorry for the cynicism) seriously ill children or children from large families that you are not ready to adopt. There are rumors that officials are "holding" children in the interests of foreign adoptive parents, but this is not the case. It's just that because of the red tape about many children, information is not updated, just locally good specialists from caregivers arrange the kids into families on their own, it's just that quite often data on the health of a child is given in the form of dry facts, without correcting for the fact that a child who has experienced deprivation, simply cannot develop normally - therefore, the list of diagnoses can be scarier than the real picture.

Communication with officials

It's unpleasant to write about it, but you can't hide an sewn in a sack. Far from all instances, adoptive parents are welcomed with open arms. It also happens that you come to the data bank and find yourself in a strange atmosphere: as if you came to ask the state for a million dollars for personal needs. They are extremely dismissive, they ask questions outside the framework of their own competence. In this situation, it makes sense to remember your rights: you have your passport and the conclusion of the district guardianship that you can be a candidate for adoptive parents - that's enough. Your personality, details of your personal life, motives for adoption, etc. the operator does not concern. You have every right not to answer personal questions. And what certainly should not be done is to feel guilty, and this often happens to those who adopt a child because they cannot have children of their own, and at the same time, more than once in the process of collecting documents, he was forced to speak with officials of all kinds instances. I once had to hold the hands of an elderly couple and tell them: "Guys, you are completely normal, remember this. The desire to raise a child is the most important thing."

In some regional centers, you need to queue up to view the database: that is, you first come to the appointment, your documents are meticulously examined, and only after that they set a date when you will be allowed to view the database for children. Moreover, the viewing time is limited by the conditions of the operator, and not by your desire and capabilities. You also need to be ready for this and experience the moment when the search for a child turns into a computer game for attention and speed.

Obviously, the performance of officials is measured by the number of displayed questionnaires. Therefore, the database does not allow, for example, excluding children with severe disabilities from viewing the questionnaire, etc. - all this together with the photos you will see and say "next", "next, please". Because of this, a visit to a regional center turns into a situation where you can imagine how many children with disabilities there are in this region, and you will see it in their faces. You also need to be prepared for this - the test is not for the faint of heart. Just give yourself an installation and immediately present it to the operator: he will quickly close the questionnaires that are not of interest to you, and you will say to yourself: this is not my child, I am looking for my child. How then to forget that there are hundreds of children who are unlikely to find a family - I do not know. But when you find your baby, when you build a life with him, the acute sensation of this horror will gradually dissipate.

People with a heightened linguistic instinct need to be prepared for local slang that can hurt them. Often sick children, whose questionnaires will still show you "to the heap" can be called scornfully, the process of finding a child is called "selection". "Who's next to pick up here? Did you sign up for picking?" If possible, turn a deaf ear - you learned how to ignore the wonderful slang of domestic gynecologists from the series: "How old do you live?"

Perhaps this is it!

At the regional operator or in the district guardianship, candidates for adoptive parents are required to acquaint with the data on children that meet its requirements. We can say about the requirements: the softer they are, the more chances you have to find a baby. However, you have the right to look for a child exactly the way you want - everyone has their own way: one person says "any more or less healthy age up to five", the other - "only a fair-haired boy up to six months." But everyone eventually finds their children. This is the main thing, and there is no point in thinking about whether I am formulating correctly.

So, you should be provided with as much information as possible about the children that interest you. In regional banks, it is more scarce, since it is sent in the form of a dry form, which reflects the basic facts of the child's biography and conclusions about the state of health. In the guardianship, they know many children personally, keep in touch with the orphanage or the orphanage, they can make a call in front of you and ask any question to the orphanage's management - this is important.

A quite reasonable question arises: how to communicate with those who have information about children? What to ask about? What to look for?

  1. Age and gender. It all depends on your desire. Giving advice from the outside is a completely pointless exercise. It is believed that an adopted child should not be older than his own, if one already exists. However, there are examples of successful adoption even in spite of this rule.
  2. Information about the status and bio-family. In guardianship, these questions are answered very clearly. How did the child get the status for adoption? Will there be obstacles from other blood relatives (for example, a biological grandmother may not be able to take the child into care, but goes to visit him at the child's home)? Simply put, can you have problems in court.
  3. The state of health of the child. This is the most subtle moment. Perhaps there is not a single child who would be perfectly healthy. All children have a mental and physical retardation - and this is completely normal. The question is, what caused this delay? Try to find out the history of the child's life and development. For example, it is quite natural that a baby who is in poor health develops poorly intellectually - he is constantly in an isolation ward, he does not even see the staff and other children, not to mention the fact that no one pays attention to him, as is the case in family. Naturally, he will lag very, very much. In general, "developmental delay" is not a reason to abandon this particular child. Many successful adoptive parents know how many diagnoses simply "evaporated" as soon as the baby got used to the house. At the same time, in children's homes, of course, there are many children who have really gross pathologies that cannot be completely and completely cured.

Roughly speaking, if the child's status is all right and there is no disability, you still have to look at him with your own eyes and, excuse the pathos, make a conclusion for yourself: do you believe in him and in yourself or not. Because a child in a children's institution is so depressed, the life of a little man is so unnatural, so contrary to what is really needed for the development of his personality, that a failure in development is the norm, and it is almost impossible to understand how the baby will develop in the future. Only one thing is true: better than in a state institution.

The moment you decide whether to take a referral to meet your baby, you are at the mercy of strong emotions. Firstly, you are very sorry for this baby - each of the orphans has a difficult life story, everyone wants to give love and warmth, in front of everyone we feel a little guilty simply because we are big, and everything is not so right with us. bad, but they are small, and they have no one and nothing. However, remember that ecstatic feelings alone will not help you make the right decision. So be prepared to pause ahead of time. Got information about one or more children - take time out for a day to digest it in your head and decide: to take or not to take a direction. Get Directions - Take time out to go and meet your child at ease.

If you decide, you will be given a referral to visit your child. Usually it is valid for a month, at the end of which you must make a decision and inform the guardianship. At this time, other adoptive parents who wish to meet with the child will not be allowed.


To the author of the article "respect and respect". Thank God we have already found our children. We are from Moscow, we found children in Rostov-on-Don. Everything that the author described is complete and unconditional truth. It seems that all the officials are working under the caper. I would add that the guardianship staff and the regional operator in Moscow, and in the Moscow region, constantly told us: "You will not find normal children in Moscow. Try your luck in Siberia or the Far East. In Moscow, there were only either very sick or “black people.” Hmm, Fascism with Russian nationalism in Russia is not a myth, but a reality, even in such matters as adoption and guardianship, they try to emphasize that Russia is for balobrasy Russians, and all the rest .... "black" and "yellow" let them disappear. And, by the way, we found our children with "southern" blood, not through the fucking APIRATOR, but on the Internet, on the official website. Good luck to everyone, patience and again patience, and everything will be fine.

And everyone decides for himself what he can and what not ...
In my opinion, the author just wanted to convey the emotions of regret, a person who cannot take a disabled person, and therefore scrolls further faster ...

And about a pension of 3,000, that was a topic on TV with a deputy on social issues, I was surprised by the comparison of 20,000 and 3,000, the mother of a child prone to suicide was indignant, whom she could not leave alone at home to go to work, and on a professional a nurse, not to earn money, and the mother, the child had to be sent to a boarding school, so that there would be an opportunity to earn money for gifts, no one from the studio dared to condemn her. There was one question, would they give my mother a pension of 20,000 rubles, she did not have to send the child to a boarding school ...

The deputy was able to comment only in this way: "It turns out that if a child is left at home, then the parents have the opportunity to raise him."

I do not see any categoricalness! There are no statements in the article: "Do not do this" Do not do that ", there are no short sentences, there is a short description of emotions and actions. Not in the first person, because the person helped other parents, whose experiences were also used.

Personally, as a person who has not yet established himself in the decision to accept someone else's child, I am interested in any information.

The place where it is described about disabled children, and what else can you experience besides pain and regret that you cannot help?
I will give an example, as a fact, an amount of 20,000 rubles is allocated for a disabled person in an institution, and a child in a family will receive a pension of 3,000 rubles - who can handle it? To take care of a disabled child, you need not work and provide constant care! You cannot take him to the kindergarten! you won't leave home alone!

The statement raises some doubts:
>, but in fact it agrees ?! I have not noticed. I noticed something else - custody and DR do not "like" reg. and fed. operators, they are paid in return.
> What is true that they do not hold ?! Where such confidence?
Otherwise, the article is positive. IMHO. It would only be possible to expand it, add moments of examples from the adoption (guardianship) of successful without delay and not successful with rudeness and with "kicking" the authorities.

Good article: efficient and timely. It was written in order to morally support the adoptive parents and instill hope that everyone will find their child. It did not seem to me that the author claims to be a lawyer, does not express himself categorically, just draws attention to some points. The main thing that sets you up for a constructive approach. And if a person is confident in his righteousness, it is easier for him to behave with dignity and calmly delve into the legal subtleties he can independently. Thanks to the author!

It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the laws before writing legal advice articles. The direction is really not a month, but 10 days. For example, for newborns who are taken because they simulate pregnancy, a month for one of the candidates is too much. Other statements by the author are subjective and questionable. It would be better to rewrite it - to change everything "you see" to "I saw", and as a sample of personal experience and personal perception it could still be tolerant.

The search and selection of a child is one of the most important and difficult stages in carrying out adoption activities. Many people who decide to admit a baby to their family are building in their head the procedure for finding a child as a simple activity, when the child is brought home by employees of state structures according to the necessary characteristics. In reality, this is not at all the case. Most often, the child needs to be looked for for a long time.

The most important thing in the adoption process is the desire to become a real parent to the baby.

Before starting the procedure, you need to study the legal framework and practice in order to know where the adoptive parent should go and how to behave.

The procedure itself requires a lot of time, effort and energy. It is not necessary to present numerous requirements and wishes about the prospective baby. It may take more than one year to pick up a blonde girl, with blue eyes, at the age of three, without health problems.

The most important thing in the process of adoption is the desire to become a real parent to the baby, and what this baby will be like, you will find out in the process of choosing, you will understand this with your heart when you meet your baby. It should be understood that in reality very few children who were left without parental support and upbringing have perfect health.

Search methods

You can find a baby for adoption in different ways:

  • Through communication with familiar people who are employees of the relevant competent authorities. They can advise and provide all the information about the baby that meets all your wishes.
  • The child of your friends or neighbors ended up in the shelter as a result of various circumstances.
  • Accidentally met a baby at a shelter at a holiday or charity event.
  • You are constantly in contact with children's institutions where orphans live, due to work or other circumstances, and you know about all the children.

Adoption is a painstaking job

But in the vast majority of cases, adoption is painstaking work, inquiries, visits to institutions, and familiarization with information about children. This can go on for more than one month until you find the very baby who will become a full-fledged part of your family.

Part 1 of Article 124 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation: "Adoption or adoption is a priority form of placing children left without parental care."

It should be understood that adoption is not only your business, it is the task of the state and specialized state institutions work to fulfill it, and you can count on support and assistance. Every year, the methods of finding babies are being improved, new systems are being introduced to carry out the selection of children. The unified data bank of children left without parental care is becoming more perfect and of higher quality.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is implementing an Internet project - "Adopt in Russia", where you can get access to a constantly updated database of orphans, get all the information of interest and advice from specialists. The activities of many non-governmental organizations, foundations and projects today can help find a baby.


The Russian Federation has a system for collecting, storing and systematizing data on children left without parental care, care and upbringing. It is called the Children's Data Bank. It is she who is the source from where all the data is provided to the candidates for adoption who made the corresponding request in order to find the baby.

There is a special database of children to be adopted

The formation of the Bank begins at the level of regions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. When a child appears who needs to be assigned to a new family in the territory entrusted to them, the guardianship authorities fill in all the available data about him in a special questionnaire. It contains photographs, personal data, medical indications, known information about the parents, information about why the baby was in such a situation. During the first thirty days, all data about the baby remain with the subordinate guardian body, which takes measures to arrange it.

After the expiration of the thirty-day period, if the baby has not been properly arranged, his case is sent to a higher authority of regional significance. Here, the data is entered into the regional Databank. This institute is in the competence of the regional institution of education management and manages all information and provides data on incoming requests.

The operator and other competent structures in charge of this issue are trying by all legal means in the interests of the baby to determine him in full-fledged conditions. To achieve this goal, the following measures are taken:

  • information about babies is printed in regional print media, special social videos are created in other media (newspapers, television, radio, websites, etc.);
  • all kinds of social events and actions are held.

If, after thirty days, it is not possible to arrange the baby at the level of the subject, the package of his documentation is transferred to the operator of federal significance.

It is worth considering the fact that data on children arrives at databases with delays.

Data on children in specialized banks are updated quite rarely. This should be taken into account when searching. Thus, information about children under the age of one is updated once a year, and for babies over one year old, the update is made once every three years. It is worth considering the fact that data about children is received by the databases with delays. Information about children in databases is often not true. This applies to the presence of diseases and other features.

The presence of a multi-level system for storing and presenting data about children who need to be accommodated in a new family makes it possible to maximize the possibilities to favorably resolve the situation for a larger number of babies. The transfer of data to a higher-level authority does not imply the termination of the activities of local guardianship authorities for the placement of a child, work continues at all levels.

Where to go

Based on the structure of receiving, storing and providing information about babies, it is best to initially contact your local authority. There is a high probability of finding a child that meets your requirements and wishes. Healthy children are more readily and quickly assigned to new families. In most cases, data from children with diseases, disabilities and other problems are transferred to a higher level. There are exceptions, but this is how it happens in practice.

In our country, it is not uncommon for a person to want to adopt in an area where there are no such specialized institutions. Here the question - where to go to the adoptive parent, is quite acute. In this case, it is worth contacting the authorities of regional or central importance.

More willingly and faster to identify healthy children in new families

It is worth resorting to the services of an operator in another region or central authority in situations where the candidate does not have working effective relationships with local employees of the guardian instance, and their approach to resolving the issue is not satisfied. What should be done if there is a desire to avoid or reduce the likelihood of a possible meeting in the future with the parents and relatives of the baby.

A citizen of the Russian Federation who has received the relevant documents that allow him to be an adoptive parent has complete freedom to choose which authority to turn to when looking for a child. If the candidate is looking for a specific child, his personal data and other information are known, it is necessary to make a request to the federal operator, as well as send an application in the region where the baby is supposed to be.

Searching for a child through the Databank

Contacting the operator of the Databank implies:

  • Execution of an application, with a request to provide data on children that meet the characteristics that are indicated.
  • Filling out a special questionnaire. This paper is needed to enter the data of the candidate for adoptive parents in a special database.

After providing such information, the competent employee is obliged to provide the data at his disposal that meet the parameters of the request. The presence of automated systems makes it possible to provide information about children on the day of treatment. In case of technical or other complications, the data must be provided no later than ten days from the date of application.

If at the moment there are no suitable children, the candidate leaves all the necessary data. As soon as a suitable child appears, the potential adoptive parent is notified. In accordance with legislative norms, the candidate for adoptive parents is obliged to inform on a monthly basis about the state of affairs, the appearance of new children or the absence of such.

If the initiator of adoption has found a suitable baby among the candidates provided, he will be given a referral to visit a social, educational, medical institution where this baby is located. A child visitation document can be issued to only one candidate at a specific time, in order to avoid two applicants visiting one child at the same time.

When visiting the institution, the initiator is required to provide a personal file, a medical card, all other available information. Employees should talk about the character, developmental characteristics, and the life of the baby. If, after visiting and getting to know the baby, you think that he is not suitable for you, you must fill out the appropriate paper on the results of the visit for the Bank operator, and submit a new application so that data on other children is provided.

The law does not limit the number of possible applications and issued permits to visit, the initiator of the baby's device has the right to continue searching until a suitable boy or girl is found.

The selection of a candidate may be suspended if after the candidate has been informed (monthly mandatory notification) of the availability of children, but has not read the data on children. After repeated notification (after a month), if there is no reaction from the initiator, the search is terminated. In order to resume selection, the potential adoptive parent must again apply to the Data Bank with an application and provide the required documentation.

Contacting the custodial authority at the place of residence is another way to find a child for adoption

Other ways to search

Another way to search is to contact the guardianship authority at the place of residence with a request to assist in the selection of the baby. After submitting the relevant application and providing all the necessary data, the specialists of the guardianship authority will make appropriate requests to the regional and federal databases. After receiving the questionnaires for suitable children, the candidate for adoptive parents will be informed about this and called for review and selection.

But it should be understood that this method is much longer in time. Every person planning to adopt should know that the conclusion on the right to be an adoptive parent and other documents are valid for twelve months, and the conclusion on medical indications is only ninety days. When the selection of a candidate is delayed, there will be a need to update papers and certificates.

In addition to contacting database operators, it is not prohibited to carry out searches through institutions whose competence includes the maintenance and upbringing of children who find themselves in a situation of absence of the care of relatives and friends.

Most of these institutions are under the jurisdiction of the executive branch that regulates education. These include:

  • Preschool orphanages. Here are children after discharge from the baby's home and up to the age of 7 years.
  • Orphanages or boarding schools. Children who have reached school age are determined here. They attend a nearby comprehensive school. In the boarding school, children study directly at the institution, where all the necessary conditions for education are created.
  • Specialized and correctional educational and educational institutions. Children with medical, mental and social disabilities and difficulties live and study here.
  • Institutions that provide medical services for children who are deprived of parental education and care. These institutions include infant homes and maternity centers.

It is necessary to carefully study the data on the previous life of the baby.

When visiting a particular baby, it is very important to carefully consider the study of information about him, its verification. Very often, many diseases and abnormalities are not noted in the documents, in fact, the child does not have the noted disease, the data on the nature and characteristics of behavior do not correspond to reality.

It is recommended to conduct an additional medical examination, to clarify the marked data with specialists, to find close contact with the baby himself and his supervising employee. It is recommended to double-check the information from the staff of the institution, since the presentation of data usually has a specific purpose.

It is worth very carefully studying the data on the baby's previous life, where he stayed before the meeting, what is known about his parents and relatives. All this can provide answers to many questions about the condition of the baby at the time of the visit.

Before adoption, when determining the desired age and other requirements, it is worthwhile to thoroughly assess your capabilities. A prerequisite for admitting a baby to a family is knowledge and skills in education, cohabitation, and building full-fledged family relationships. It is worth taking specialized courses and training, because even if you have parenting experience, foster children always have their own specifics, difficulties and peculiarities.

As it turns out, the Federal Databank of Children Without Parental Care is an impregnable fortress. There are only a few people who managed to get into it. And in general, it seems that the FBD is specially closed from all possible candidates for adoptive parents and guardians.

Any bank always has working hours: you can come to the branch from 9 to 18 hours, lunch from 14 to 15, something like that. There is nothing like this in FBD. There is only this.

This is a page on the site, adopt a point ru, where you can (if you are very lucky) make an appointment with this very FBD.

I do not know what is happening, but only I have a dozen living examples when people spent several weeks to sign up for this very FBD. And to no avail! A quick survey of adoptive parents on the Internet revealed only one woman who was really in this FWB, and with whom they fiddled for an hour and a half, which made an indelible impression on her.

All the others, no matter how they tried to sign up through this form, could not in any way.

What is the problem?

I think the main problem is that this system doesn't work. Well, it's simple: that's all it doesn't work. Either because it was done incorrectly, or because employees are using it incorrectly. Well, it can’t be that at 10:03 the record wasn’t ANOTHER, and at 10:04 it wasn’t ALREADY. What, in one minute (or less) all slots were already occupied? I do not believe. Most likely, the software is just buggy, huh?

A person's life cannot be called full until he has raised a healthy child for procreation. This simple rule is laid down by nature, and no modern trends can change the program established at the genetic level. If a couple does not have the opportunity to have their own child, there is a way out of this situation - the adoption of other people's babies left without parents.

Legislative regulation of adoption in Russia

Every boy or girl who is left in Russia without parental care comes under the supervision of the guardianship authorities. Babies are provided with the necessary medical and psychological support. Depending on their age, children are sent to special educational institutions where orphans live. From maternity wards, children are sent to children's homes, at the age of three, babies are transferred to orphanages, shelters, boarding schools, social rehabilitation centers for further adoption.

Nevertheless, no matter how well the work of social services is organized, orphanages will not replace a full-fledged family for a child. The main task of the state is to properly organize the process of adopting orphans with careful control and selection of candidates for the role of new parents.

The main requirements for candidates:

  1. Stable financial position. The family's income must provide a living wage for all its members, including those adopted. The family's living space is assessed taking into account the possibility of a comfortable stay for an adopted child.
  2. Physical and mental health. The absence of dangerous chronic diseases and disabilities is confirmed by a medical certificate. It is not allowed for the adoptive parent to be registered in neuropsychiatric or narcological dispensaries.
  3. No previous convictions for both spouses or the facts of deprivation of parental rights. The previous experience of raising their own or adopted children must be taken into account. To give the adopted child back to the state means to close the further possibility of adoption.
  4. Successful education at school for adoptive parents (for more details in the article:). Referrals to training courses can be obtained from the social security authorities. Foster parents can choose the course on their own or on the recommendation of social workers. After training, a special certificate is issued.

The guardianship authorities carefully study the entire package of documents and decide on the possibility of the candidate adopting a child from an orphanage. If the decision is positive, you can start choosing a baby and getting to know him.

Where can I find a child?

It is recommended to start the search for children with the guardianship and guardianship authorities at the place of residence of the couple. The state structure has all the operational information about orphans who need to be adopted in the territory under their jurisdiction. According to the established regulations, local authorities are given 30 days to set up a child, after which they send the information to the regional data bank (RDB).

If for some reason the adoptive parents want a child from another region, they can contact the guardianship authorities of that region or the regional data operator. There are no territorial restrictions in the Russian Federation - spouses from Arkhangelsk can easily find a child from a Samara data bank or Vladivostok.

It is very convenient to search for a child on Internet resources, where photographs, videotapes and catalogs of orphans are published; today video passports are very popular. The most famous information resources:

Federal databank of children without parental care and orphans

The federal data bank (FBD) contains official information about all children left without care (we recommend reading :). Currently, there are about fifty thousand children who are awaiting adoption. Forms and passports can be found on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation -

The personal data of babies contain the following information:

  • name, gender, date of birth of the child;
  • physical characteristics, height, weight, hair color;
  • information about the health of the child;
  • possible form of admission to the family;
  • reasons for admission to an orphanage;
  • actual photo.

It should be borne in mind that the last item is updated no more than once a year. Detailed information is protected by the law on the protection of personal data and is provided by personal contact with the relevant services. On the site you can find out the contacts of the responsible organizations and employees.

Objectives of the data bank

The main goal of the federal databank is to make it easier for potential adoptive parents to find a child suitable for them by all criteria, to reduce the time spent by children in an orphanage, to create a unified directory of babies in need of guardianship. Data updates happen every time the adopted happy child finds a new family. The base is replenished when new questionnaires are received from regional structures. Taking advantage of the resources of the resource, you can save time for a personal visit to specialists.

How to use?

After setting the necessary search parameters, you can select all the profiles of babies that can be adopted today. You can get information about the child and get to know him personally only by contacting the coordinates indicated on the website. Each child, not yet adopted, is assigned to a specific department of guardianship.

By the time of applying for a specific candidate, parents must have a conclusion of the guardianship authorities on the recognition of them as suitable for adoption. The responsible officer gives a referral to visit the educational institution where the child is being held.

After a personal meeting and getting to know the baby, potential parents are identified and decide on adoption (or adoption). If their expectations were met and the heart prompts that the child is suitable, the next step is to submit an application to the court to consider the issue of adoption. The court's decision is the basis for registering documents at the registry office and transferring the child from the orphanage to the place of permanent residence.

Non-state charitable foundations

Non-governmental organizations and associations, which help to adopt or adopt an adopted child, render more and more assistance to the state. Their main advantage is the ability to make high-quality, deployed videographers and videopassports, convenient for use Internet resources. The foundations' databases are not as complete as the state ones, but the quality of the information provided is significantly higher. In addition, they create additional services for future adoptive parents, communities of interest, interactive address maps, and libraries of useful information.