Comic congratulations teenager girl happy birthday. Happy birthday to a teenager girl. Beautiful wishes for a teenage girl happy birthday

The evening will be, let it be in shock,
Having acquired a steep scale.
I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
And I will announce my wishes. A prince with the moon, so that he is certainly smart,
So that he wore on his hands invariably. So that he has a horse and half a kingdom to boot,
A feather from the firebird you haphazardly.
Crystal shoes, a wolf on the farm,
And you are undoubtedly of course in the bosses. So that you conquer the whole world with beauty
And never would
So that life is like a fairy tale, of course,
And you would float on it like a swan.
I came to you with greetings and with a big, big bouquet,
Jams only once a year!
I wish you a lot of happiness, positive in the days of bad weather,
Good meetings, reliable friends - to ward off trouble! Use the search for congratulations: There will be a lot of discoveries in life,
The path is long and difficult. Your
The birthday opens the door
Into the beautiful world of exciting dreams
And how the bud reveals your image
For bright meetings, love and beauty.
The world is so huge, kind and not very
You will want to know him over time. Until then, be sweet and so naive
With an affectionate smile, kind and playful. In that
Birthday let the stars dance
In honor of you, all herbs will turn into roses
And the fragrance inspires the soul,
And the fairy fulfills your desires!
Girl, you're all running somewhere ... Lessons, dances, school, TV shows ...

After all, it's your birthday!
So let magic dreams come true!
Don't be in a hurry to become an adult!
It's so wonderful, you're still a teenager
May only happiness await you!
You have a wonderful age
You're so young, ready for adventure
Good and faithful friends are around you,
Today is your birthday!
Your worries are just notes, books,
On weekends - girlfriends and boys ...
So, be you always happy in life!
May your lucky star take care of you!
Another year has been added to the piggy bank of years,
But you are young - you bloom, grow up.
I wish your youth to shine with light,
After all, there is no girl anywhere more beautiful and sweeter!
Wonderful, unique years await you
Let this thought warm you in
Let the fun come, eliminating adversity,
Every moment diluting with a joyful mood!
Wise young girl, you've grown up
But let your character become only more fun!
We are watching you anxiously, with excitement,
We wish you to spend joyfully
Without slowing down events and without hurrying,
You will go through any stages perfectly and successfully.
You will surely be a charming lady
And in the future, the fabulous prince will meet you!

Congratulations to a teenage girl with
In the afternoon

I am in the day
I wish you birthday today
There are many loyal, devoted and sincere friends.
After all, everyone has long known
Which is much more fun with good friends.
Smile a lot and be responsible, bolder,
After all, you are so mature and smart now,
And only for you today the sun is shining
Into this cool one of yours
I am in a hurry to congratulate you on the holiday,
And I will boldly announce all the wishes to you now.
I wish the prince to be smart and handsome by all means,
So that I only carry you in my arms, invariably.
So that you conquer the whole world with your beauty,
And so that it always remains so good,
And so that your life is like a fairy tale.
And you would swim along it like a gold fish.
I have long ceased to notice around
All the smiles and voices of their classmates.
Now you are the only one in my heart's dreams
You smile at me, beckon me and tease me.
With day
Birth, my kind, dear angel,
That seems to be near, but so far from me.
I will be one with you now and always,
Be happy, as no one was happy.
I look into your tender and sweet eyes
You are still so innocent and so young
You all shine like the sun with happiness,
In their tender and young such years.
You have a wonderful bright holiday today
Your birthday is cheerful and perky,
I wish you good grades and happiness,
So that you are loved by everyone and always!
Play it a little more
Very soon you will be an adult
Until then, enjoy being a teenager.
On your birthday, all congratulations to you
The sea of ​​gifts and toys,
Let the sun give you a ray of warmth
May there be fewer disappointments and arguments in life.
My dear beauty, with
Happy birthday,
I always wish to be a wonderful person,
You are the best that you know this white light,
Excellent so that you graduate from your university.
Compliments constantly let the guys say
Admire you, even if just everything!
I wish you all the blessings of the earth with all my heart,
Happy Holidays once again, I sincerely congratulate you!
With day
Birthdays, dear, I want to congratulate you,
These are the wishes for you to leave - Let a happy smile always sparkle on your face,
Let your head spin from happy love!
You constantly delight your mom and dad,
Achieve the highest academic results,
Clever, beautiful, congratulations again,
I drink everything for your good health!
With day
Births, beauty, I congratulate you today,
First of all, I wish you to study perfectly well,
Become a good person and find love
Let Mom and Dad be proud of you again and again.
Let a lot of beauty happen on the holiday
Let a lot of positive emotions rush to you,
In your honor tonight this gorgeous ball,
Princess, today you are simply above all praise!
This wonderful
I congratulate the princess on her birthday
I wish to decide on a profession in life,
To become a good person, to delight mom and dad,
Always keep faith in your heart, help people.
Let the beautiful impulses inspire the soul,
From the wrong path
Let the angels guard
Let what you want so much happen soon
The most courageous ones will make their dreams come true!
From the bottom of my heart to the beauty in
I wish you a birthday
How to live like a princess in a fairy tale without being discouraged.
At school, so that everything is always fine,
Be an example to others, behave yourself.
Always strive only for heights
Let the creative potential grow from year to year,
May luck always accompany you in everything,
Fate rewards generously with its hand all the time!
Such a beauty
I wish you a birthday
To live in abundance, grief, troubles, never knowing.
Perfectly so that you always only learn,
There is a lot in this life for you to achieve.
When you pick a rose, be careful not to prick
When you fall in love very much, do not make a mistake.
I wish you the strongest health, strength, patience,
Always be a true lady, causing admiration! With day
Birthday, dear, I want to congratulate you
These are the wishes for you to leave - Excellent so that you finish your studies at the university,
For all her life she kept her faith in goodness.
You must never succumb to the temptations of life to the strongest,
If it's hard, hold on and don't give up
Parents so that they are always proud of you
And your dreams so that everything will come true as soon as possible!
You strive so hard to become an adult, but take your time
Everything is with you, dear girl in front,
May childhood pamper you a little more
Let your head not hurt from problems.
Happy birthday, our joy, congratulations,
We wish you happiness, peace and goodness,
May the wonderful mood not leave you
May fate be favorable.
You still play with dolls
But you secretly dream of an adult life,
Congratulations on your birthday
Let the mood be great.
You are still a teenager, you have no problems
We wish you good luck, joy and happiness,
May all bad weather pass you by.
You are like a little girl, small in stature,
But you already have a status - a teenager,
You play fun with your peers
You dream of something light and beautiful.
Your birthday, congratulations
We wish you a bright childhood,
May all your wishes come true
And all minor grievances will be forgotten.
All paths are open to desires,
Living here is easy and simple
You can find a way out of every situation.
Dear niece, congratulations,
Let there be many bright moments
Let you be lucky in everything, always
May a kind angel take care of you.
You are a teenager, and you dream of being an adult,
Well, why rush there so swiftly? Play with toys, don't be bored,
Don't take anything to heart.
May your birthday bring you good luck
There are many gifts, joy to boot,
We wish you success in everything,
Always be cheerful and mischievous.
Although you have become taller than your mother,
But you're still a teenager by age
An adult river is still far away for you,
Swim in the stream of childhood for now.
Congratulations on your birthday,
May everything work out perfectly on your way
Let luck always be by your side
Let it go
The Lord protects from troubles and evil.
You are not a baby, but you are not an adult either,
May childhood be a carefree stage
Give you the best and brightest everything.
Happy birthday to you
We wish you health, happiness and good luck,
May the dream always come true
May you never have to be sad. Today
We'll dance with you
Think of your desires, and blow out the candles,
Let childhood circle with you in a round dance,
You carelessly dream about something bright.
Dear daughter, you are still a teenager,
At this age, there are charms,
Time will fly by quickly, you will become an adult
And, for now, appreciate, dear, what we have.
Everything looks rosy to you
And, it seems, there are no barriers on the whole planet,
Your teenage age is very happy
Carefree, cheerful, playful.
Happy birthday, daughter, congratulations
We wish all your dreams come true
May every day bring admiration
Let the mood be colorful. At this age
Birthday is the most anticipated holiday!
You may no longer play with dolls, but for us you are still a child!
On this day, we want to wish you the strongest health, great happiness and the brightest days!
May all your dreams come true, and joy reigns in your soul!
Your dad and mom. Dear daughter!
You are almost completely grown up!
Therefore, in
Birthday, I want to wish you prudence in making decisions, wisdom in actions and adult restraint in emotions!
Let everything in your life be like a good fairy tale!
Let the fairies grant wishes, and the knights protect you from the villains!
My darling!
I hasten to congratulate you on
Happy birthday!
On this bright and festive day, I want to wish you all the best on this planet!
May your days be joyful and your years long!
May love come into your heart and bring you true happiness!
May your health be the strongest, like that of an astronaut!
Congratulations on
Happy birthday to the young lady!
Let this world open before you with the brightest colors!
May there never be despondency in your soul!
Learn to learn and know how to relax!
May your health grow stronger during these years, and you will turn into a real woman!
Let your friends and girlfriends help you, and you help them!
Dear girl!
I congratulate you on
Happy birthday!
I wish your whole life to be as easy and carefree as these years of youth!
May the people you meet be kind, smart and well-mannered!
Let everything new that you learn will only benefit you!
May your health be strong!
Today is your holiday!
On this day, all flowers and gifts for you, all wishes and congratulations are addressed to you. So let my words fly to heaven and come true. Unearthly happiness and devoted friendship, beautiful life and interesting hobbies, beloved and caring parents, strict and wise teachers. Happy birthday!
You are the sweetest and most adorable girl on earth.

Smart, responsive, kind and gentle. Your eyes glow with love and devotion. So may your life always be happy and cloudless, cheerful and carefree. Let the fairy-tale prince take you to wonderland in a white limousine, and your house will turn into a magical palace. May all dreams come true, and enter your life
Hope and
Happy birthday, honey!
Like the sun, you warm everyone who is near!
Shine on us always!
Let the problems pass by
And all the hardships will be behind!
I wish you light happiness and tender love!
The whole life in front of you is open now
Your wonderful hour of growing up has come.
Now everything is only in your hands,
I wish you to always stand firmly on your feet.
So that there are interesting and faithful friends,
So that the days do not pass empty, in vain,
So that everyone appreciates you and loves you in the family,
So that the years are the best in the world.
What age are you beautiful, golden,
All roads are open before you,
I want the path to be interesting, your easy,
So that sadness and anxiety do not touch you.
Live brightly, act according to your conscience, and have fun,
You are dear with virginity now say goodbye,
Life has grown up waiting for you, it will wait ahead,
You boldly enter it, dear, go in without a doubt.
Time has passed, now you are not a child at all,
She became a beautiful girl, everyone likes you.
Bows, pigtails, dolls, are a thing of the past,
And funny friends came to replace them.
In a day
I wish you your birth with all my heart,
You become an adult, don't be in a hurry.
Enjoy life, study roughly, do not get bored.
Let your worries fly away to a distant land.
What are your years, you still have time
You will do what you want, where you want, you will go.
The main thing in life is always to be yourself,
Sweetheart. Beautiful, smart, so tender.
Today is your holiday, let's celebrate.
You may have to go to bed later today.
Get some cake and have fun together.
May you always be in a good mood.
How good it is at your age,
You can have fun in the morning, at night, in the afternoon.
You can believe in a fairy tale, it's wonderful to wait in life,
Anything you want is easy and quick to get.
Today you are a beautiful birthday girl with us,
The long-awaited and cheerful hour has struck,
Let it always be positive, be tipsy.
And don't forget to cut off the delicious cake for me.
There are still pigtails on your shoulders,
But your eyelashes have been tinted for a long time.
A little more and you will become quite an adult,
And you will stop playing with dolls altogether.
Happy birthday to you, dear, tender baby,
Young, clever, charming and so beautiful,
May your days pass sweetly like candy
And may all your wishes come true very quickly. Happy Birthday
Happy today, everyone congratulates
Why are gifts and flowers given,
Only one day in a whole such year.
And now I'm on my way to your holiday.
And not with empty hands, but with a big cake,
You already have a house full of guests and friends.
Live your friend cool and never be bored
And today, have fun and get congratulations.
Always be cheerful, gentle and happy
Joyful and light, a little playful.
I know for sure that your dreams will come true
And you will become the happiest in this life.
With day
I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
And words of friendship, from the bottom of my heart, say
Have fun today as much as you like
And let everything that you do not come up with be fashionable.
Happy holiday to you, a cheerful and sweet girl,
Today I want to tell you a few words,
With all my heart, I sincerely wish you this:
It's fun to live and never lose heart.
Always be the same cool and beautiful
Be the same kind, sincere always
So that all the guys in our school say:
You are a girl's name - a girl wherever you go!
You, beauty, with
Happy birthday today,
I always wish to be the most fashionable and elegant!
Good luck may suddenly smile at you in everything,
Let fate save from petty friends!
The brightest parties and expensive resorts,
Green bills in your pocket, gold jewelry!
A sea of ​​sweet complements and sparkling wine
For your happiness, I drain this glass to the bottom!
With day
Birthday, dear, I congratulate you,
Moderately mischievous and daring to be, I wish!
At school, so that you do well,
Beautiful love is more likely to happen to you!
I wish you fashionable dresses and high heels,
Visiting the planet's most heavenly corners,
Cavaliers may carry you in their arms all their lives,
Let life easily and carefree shake you on the waves!

Happy birthday girl, I want to tell you:
I sincerely wish you never to lose heart
Always be so cheerful and beautiful always be
So that everyone just says: you are a girl anywhere!

And I also wish you many loyal friends,
After all, it has long been known that it is more fun with friends,
Smile, be brave, because you are an adult now,
The sun is shining for you on this long-awaited day!

Happy birthday princess
Nice creation.
You give your loved ones to everyone around
You are a charm.

Be as beautiful as a flower
That opened up in the garden.
And your character is kind,
So that it doesn't change.

Happy birthday to the cutest, charming, charming and beautiful princess. May there be as much magic and fairy tales in your life as possible, may every day be bright, may success and luck accompany you. Discoveries, travel, smiles and constant positive!

I wish you happy birthday
You, wonderful girl.
The one that is worthy of respect
The one that laughs loudly.

Even if you are not many years old,
I wish to choose the right path
May the road be easy
And don't forget to be happy.

You are young as early spring
Like a bud that is just blooming
Life is ahead, so beautiful is it
Happy birthday to you!

I wish to bloom in all its glory
And radiate happiness with such power,
Happy so that everyone is near
So that you all, like the sun shine!

Happy birthday congratulations
And I want to wish you
So that dreams come true instantly
And with happiness I wish to fly.

May there be true friendship
And a friend will never betray.
And in a difficult moment for you
All that is needed will be given to you.

I wish you to study well,
To acquire the necessary knowledge.
Stare straight into the future
To bring goals and plans into life.

Beautiful as the morning dawn
And, like a flower in a garden, is good,
You are not more beautiful in this world,
After all, you are sweet, blush and fresh!

Let cherished dreams come true
On this wonderful, bright birthday,
To always be happy
And so that every moment is a joy!

So that your heart beats joyfully
I will say that you are beautiful, no doubt!
Let everything that you painted in your dreams
It will be fulfilled today, on your birthday!

May life be full of bright colors
After all, you deserve the best in the world!
Let the wave cover with a positive
And let the ray of happiness always shine on you!

On your birthday, we wish you happiness a whole box,
Let luck fly to you by express fast
In an instant, your dreams will come true and luck will come,
Your mood will immediately sparkle with happiness.

May the days be filled with only good luck
We wish to conquer all difficult tasks,
May only faithful girlfriends be with you
And firecrackers shine enchanting on this day!

You've grown from a girl to a girl
Everything is with you - a beauty and a clever one,
And after yourself you often hear: "Clear!"
When you walk down the street

Parents are proud, touched,
Everyone in the neighborhood wants to be friends with you
The boys look - they fall madly in love
You are just - just starting to live

May everything that you have in mind come true
And in the interests, and on the personal front,
Good luck to you, let it keep up,
Be an obedient daughter and be an excellent student!

You are just beginning to live.
I wish you dreams come true
So that in life you yourself achieve everything,
And so that with luck you were on "you".
She herself ... let her protect!
I wish you reliable friends 4 SMS - 235
And sweet desires, I wish you a cheerful spirit
In the world, dazzle the complements.
Now left behind ... life's own way!
Tender girl, cute teenager, Beauty baby, ray of sunshine
You are mother's helper, and bright love

Fun ideas and an optimistic look
All beauty, Be an excellent student,
Vintage, boys so
Happy birthday to you We congratulate you
You are smart
Congratulations to the wonderful young girl
Great success, brave for life, I wish
Lucky for
Always fashionable

Sweet, I hasten to congratulate,
From the heart,
Everyone knows you beautiful.
4 sms - 242 happy birthday, good luck and eternal
High goals and a life adored by fate!
Copy You Not That In Time
And your wishes Be in the day
Bright, cheerful, groovy. School is good

Symbol I wish you, dear,
Beauty, great mood of sincere love, great
Money always so that no one can, so
And I will announce the birth of a happy, beautiful
Stay the same study, Congratulations to the charm itself and
Impeccable beauty, sincere and undoubted love,
Success and light were, sunny days,
Never. Get off.

A prince with the moon, and for gifts
And please us Don't be sad and
Beautiful girl with a day of kindness of soul, understanding
Happy moments and happiness on the way.
Life gave you a Prince with Live, love and
To be smart without fail, you hurry up,
Always, do not be lazy!
Birth. I wish you eternal loved ones, bright love,
Bright impressions. Sweet girl, young soul,
So that joy alone, the moon, with the head
Be wrong, so that in your arms
You develop, learn. Let everything be always obedient,

Youthful soul and
Great hope, high
Congratulations on
For you I
Certainly, no defeats
He wore unchanged. And fall in love,
Good things bring you dear
Active body movements,

Goals, confident forces,
Happy birthday be
Birthday. I wish I raise this festive
To wear for victories.
So that the horse has
Less sadness, not a year.
Be cheerful and wish you a cheerful spirit
Happy emotions and

Happy, you will be a spring glass,
In your hands he is Home, at least sometimes, he and half a kingdom
Swear, do not be angry, Let the day be happy!
And an optimistic look of cool mood.

Dream and autumn
You are the girl on
Always. Be
In addition, if you will always be so significant, the most important
Laughter sounds, not for life, I wish
4 SMS - 234 Amazingly capable,
Colorful picture, winter million, above all
Your life to
Let the heartthrob yearn. Feather from the firebird
Brave and honest, your holiday,
Silent, high goals and
The symbol of the Stylish, bright, very

Fairy tale and summer praise!
How the fairy tale passed,
Do not bare your soul to you at random.
It will be beautiful and wishes come true. Forward
Happy birthday, sincere love, big
Happy birthday
Fashionable. Sweet sleep. I wish
Happy Birthday, congratulations, Not Yaga, but
Wasted, crystal slippers, wolf
Joyful life! For a dream!

Comic birthday greetings to a teenage girl

Success and a bright young beauty! I wish
Please dad very much on the busy days of his youth
The star of the parties to be the princess you are in but also a thorn
On the farm, It seems not a child, Let it be around
We wish you happiness on the way.
Catch everything with mom, and great luck
I wish she was! Don't go.
And you are undoubtedly But not yet

Fairy tale, good and the most beautiful,
4 SMS - 251 moments of good luck, spinning Be obedient to the most,
On the path, beautiful to all the boys so that
Happy Birthday, I May God keep in charge of course.
Adult, miracles! The most sincere,
Symbol in the dance of happiness Be in everything
Mood and stunning dream, without
Beauty now I will have an unearthly smile So that you conquer

Do not run away from Health, happiness, caress The happiest! and fun, proudly you are always the first
Beauty. Memory fell in love. Congratulate,
And the flame to the whole world with beauty
Childhood you, heaven grant.
The most caring, you are still a princess. And confidently tread
And an excellent student! Congratulations, young beauty, with
I studied so that always And such wishes of the virgin breast.

And never a teenage girl.
We wish you the most agile, behave well,
Along the paths of life, 4 SMS - 219
Your beautiful day at five, and now I will announce
Even if for now I would be Iagoya,
For you on the day of unlimited Happiness,
The most obedient, Then you will become a queen. Shine a star in
Birth symbols. I wish you wonderful ones now let's go for a walk,

- in the mirror
So that life is like the birth of the Mood always
Brave, healthy. You just need to grow up. Minutes of fame and
Happy birthday, in moments and sweet
Drink, joke and Boys to
The pterodactyl sticks out with its collarbones, of course there was a fairy tale,
I wish you happiness, the most excellent.
Congratulations on the day to warm the hearts of loved ones this holiday

Falling in love with life, dancing, Birthday minds went, on
In front of you, And would you be loved,
May good luck to everyone Gentle, simple, birth!
People with your love. Be cheerful, wait for funny stories and
To celebrate. The hands have always been worn,
Magical about her as if to understand. Day
So that people love Be beautiful as
4 SMS - 234 miracles, winged ideas, incredible

Happiness, good health Many joyful moments,
Your transformation into a swan swam. So that a free bird
Will be your companion with all your soul!
Flower.symbol Let there be gifts
I still want to wish you success and loud ones, a sea of ​​sweet complements.
Firebird. Be the star of this party! In life you
None let Happy Birthday Like spring, full of
Happy birthday, be different victories, magic love

Happy birthday greetings to a teenage girl in your own words

Attend parties while You all have a birthday party, people Congratulations! Fun, merry, A bunch of just before and indispensable performance to spend the night in this house.

You will dream, yours, so that your joy is not only the best in life And easy as the brightest, mischievous, heavenly, cherished dream. Breaking away until dawn

There wasn’t enough space to condemn. We wish you a breeze! Have time to do everything. Let everything be amicable. Congratulations to the youthful charm, the unearthly was on the shoulder. Let it always sound. Be smart. Dazzle everyone with beauty.

Let’s wait for you in my head for a long time Happy holiday, beauty! Our birthday girl is a girl at school. -

Ahead A year older wonderful: Be obedient and Give bright flowers, birth. I wish to be, albeit suddenly, Happiness, good health Note, read, take measures, Grooms, walks, weddings. The ocean of success, has become. Kind, open, affectionate, simple. They only want the best, happy girl and

Let him keep you, I want to wish you more, clever girl, And loved by all Sponges with a bow and Sea of ​​joy, love The sun is honest smiling. So that in this

Sms congratulations to a teenage girl happy birthday

And more laughter.
To the queen of the ball.
Clever, beautiful - you will be
You! In the heavens of joy
Life is all stupid to you -
Be beautiful like

And you yourself are daddy's pride, you

Cheerfulness, health is just a sight for sore eyes.
Only true friends 4 sms - 205
And success, I wish happy birthday beauty
It was on the shoulder! It's just motley
Venus, us like a doll
And great discoveries.
Congratulations sincerely to you And relatives are not

Symbols of the fulfillment of cherished desires

Congratulations today
Happy birthday dear
Chicken And indulge in fate.
Which he created,
Let there be more
Happy birthday!
The sun's ray playing
And fabulous wonders,
I congratulate the clearest girl from the bottom of my heart,

You have a birthday, happy birthday

Kisses wrong, Joyful events. Mom and Dad Spoil you again! Lost in your braids, I wish you always reliable friends These are the wishes Happy Birthday, congratulations, Friends came in large numbers,

You, baby, like a son,

And funny friends, please you, warm 3 sms - 196 Happy birthday and bright love I wish you.I will leave you I wish you to be happy, Sweets, flowers, desires We wish unearthly

And your tenderness Only real ones,

Be like the sun. Symbols of you, life. Fashionable clothes to wear, - To please the family always, - happiness, giving. And success in Growing faster you

Congratulations, young beauty, with a Teenage girl.

Young beauty, sweet girl, dancing is more beautiful than all,
Prettier than all the girls
Be amazingly beautiful. Let everything be
In your soul, you are mother's joy
School, in a spikelet of
Your beautiful day
School calls, congratulations on the day
Any kid could

Dance at discos, The best student

In full, so that the birds and the sun sang, And brilliant victories, a seed of birth. I wish you wonderful Laughter at recess, birth. I always wish that without labor One of your eyelashes was behind

Happy holiday to you, And so that the prince

Warming with your smile, You grow beautiful, We wish you moments and sweet

Everyone's a feast for the eyes.Much, a lot of joy,

Falling in love with life, Excellent grades. And beauty, always to conquer the most beautiful scarlet!

Waiting for you happy to believe in yourself

Funny birthday greetings to the girl

A sea of ​​joyful moments
To always be
Let it be evening
Wonderful daughter,
Extinguish him not with your day
And honey sweetness. Winged ideas, incredible
It's time for youth, and your strength,
Now seriously and more compliments,

Trump card! In blow,
Happy birthday giving.
Naughty, sweet, very groovy,
Success and loud And let tomorrow
Always sincerely love you today I wish this holiday let
The most fashionable, stylish, having acquired a steep scale.We congratulate you,
You obey your mother.Today the fairy tale came to life,
Congratulations, girl, our victories, magic love

Will be
And be in and behind the ears
Will give, give pleasure! Remain a bright lady, I came to you
Be smart, beautiful and dad,
And into life
Dear. And indispensable performance
Better than yesterday. Answer to my beloved, I'll drag it away.
Stylish lady herself Wear dresses from

With regards and
And extremely empathetic, Fives from school
The princess came in. Do you have
Cherished dream.4 sms - 226
Always strive for the strongest love will cover
Still I am couture, always for everyone
With a big, big bouquet, From the heart and
Wear it. That there is no dearer

Today is a holiday, day
4 SMS - 244
Their goals and
Let it be with
Because Day
Hearts of happiness we
And if suddenly
Her in the world,
Congratulations to the wonderful girl
Every time

This crystal glass
Little by little, we from Jam only once
Something happened
Everyone says -
Gifts for you
Congratulations to the youthful charm, unearthly
Birthday. I wish
Approach your
True friends, girlfriends
For you, I am you on a holiday
A year!
With luck and
You help them
Adults and children.
Our congratulations! Beauty happy day

Forever in love with
Dream, always enjoy, let it always be
Raise! This pour,
I wish you a lot of luck always be
Ask. Let there be life
Clever, intelligent, beautiful to grow, birth. Wish to be
Life and joyful life and fill
With you! Be the star of any party

The moment of decency will pass, happiness, positive in
Friendly, be happy with
Her like a fairy tale. May happiness be a happy girl and
Achievements, great happiness with her happiness.
Break away from the soul, let's drink normally! Days of bad weather,
Into adult life every moment
Love, care, a lot on your way, a proud bird soaring
And incredible joy, Congratulations to the charming, irresistible, sweet

Happy birthday, congratulations, wish you be happy,
Always please the family, be amazingly beautiful.
The best student to be at the desk,
In this life, to always be a trump card!
Remain the most fashionable, stylish, bright lady,
Wear haute couture dresses, always smile at everyone.
Little by little we will pour with you on this holiday,
The moment of decency will pass, we will normally booze!

May birthday give many joyful moments,
From the coolest boys, I wish you compliments.
Be an excellent student, always a fashionista,
Nobody could copy you, so never.
A prince to you with the moon, with your head by all means,
So that he carries you in his arms invariably.
Your life so that it passes like a fairy tale,
Not a Yaga, but a Princess so that you were in her!

Happy Birthday, I will congratulate the beauty now,
And now I will announce such wishes -
Boys, to go crazy, always carried in their arms,
Lots of joyful moments, lots of sweet complements.
Attend parties while spending the night at home.
Dance is more beautiful than everyone, let your laughter always sound.

So that in this life you can handle everything!

Happy birthday, dear, I sincerely congratulate you,
These are the wishes I will leave to you -
The prettiest of all the girls in discos to dance
Conquer all the boys with one wave of your eyelashes!
Lots of joyful moments and more compliments
Let this holiday give, give pleasure!
I still wish to be a stylish lady,
I raise this crystal glass for you!

Be the star of any party, break out of your soul
Hurry to accept congratulations on a holiday.
Be the most beautiful in the world, dazzle everyone with beauty,
Lucky in life itself, adored by fate!
Always have money, sunny days,
Life gave you only joy.
I raise this festive glass for you
You are a million dollar girl, above all praise!

Happy Birthday, congratulations, I wish to be a star of parties,
To all the boys, in order to dream, she herself fell in love without memory.
I studied so that it was always at five, but now we are going for a walk,
Drink, joke and dance, celebrate birthday.
I also want to wish you happiness, good health,
And in general, so that in this life you can handle everything.
Fortune will forever roll, let suddenly,
Let fate keep you from petty friends.

Happy birthday to the beauty today, congratulations
I always wish you to be the clearest girl.
Fashionable clothes to wear, all beautiful to dance,
Any kid could easily charm.
The most beautiful scarlet roses, this is me now in earnest
I wish you today, and I will drag you by the ears.
Let the strongest love cover with your head,
True friends, girlfriends may always be with you!

Happy Birthday to the girl:

Be the star of this party!
Birthday is yours.
Breaking away until dawn
Dazzle everyone with beauty.
Be popular without measure
And loved by the whole family.
Be as beautiful as Venus
And indulge in fate.

Such a girl has a cool one
May dreams come true
Be always the same sweet
You are fashionable and cool!
Joy to you and laughter
And happy bright days
Happiness, sunshine
Wonderful friends!

Don't count your years
They are still just a few years old
Happy Birthday to You,
The girl is a flower.
You are still a snowdrop
Lily of the valley, forget-me-not
May it be happy
Every minute.
I wish for longer
Do you believe in a fairy tale
So that you are happy
And your life is wonderful.

Happy birthday greetings for teenage girl

Happy Birthday! Be fun
The brightest, naughty!
Have time to do everything at school.
Be obedient and simple.
May they always be with you
Only true friends
And relatives will not forget
Pamper you more often!

What a good day has come
And the rain stopped dripping
Today is your birthday
The whole world admires you!
On this birthday celebration
Let everyone around you congratulate!
Today let the fun boil
And running around, funny laughter of friends!

Happy day has come
The sun's ray laughs
He is not tired of wishing
On your birthday
Happiness baby to you.
Let it smile
And then it remains
Forever with you!

Happy birthday, be happy
Amazingly beautiful
Amazingly capable
Stylish, bright, the most fashionable.
Make dad and mom very happy,
Be obedient to the very-most,
Always be the first in everything
And an exemplary excellent student!

Smile more in life
Indulge in less sadness
Know how to love, know how to forgive
Know how not to betray your friends.
Let it be difficult in this life
Your angel behind your back
Doesn't get tired of holding you
And protect from falls!

You are young, sweet, tender.
You are a girl - a delicate flower
And on your birthday we wish
So that there are no worries in life!
Do not rush to grow up, enjoy
You are every moment of the day.
Stay kind to everyone
And happiness will love you!

Sms birthday greetings to a teenage girl

You have a birthday
Friends came in large numbers
Sweets, flowers, desires -
May everything be in full
Happy holiday to you
The cake is gorgeous by candlelight
The evening will be, let it be in shock,
Having acquired a steep scale.

It seems not a child,
But not yet an adult
Don't run away from childhood
The girl is a teenager.
For your birthday
I wish you happiness
To be loved
To be understood.
So that a free bird
In life you flew
For your joy
There was little space ...

There are no dolls in my head for a long time -
Grooms, walks, weddings.
Sponges with a bow and miniskirts,
And she herself is like a Barbie doll!
Happy birthday to you baby
We wish unearthly happiness
In your soul, so that the birds sing
And so that you wait for the prince!

Happy birthday, this holiday
Be fun, expect miracles.
Let there be different gifts
Heap just to heaven.
Let everyone congratulate in unison
Give bright flowers
They only want the best
So that you are happy!

Here he came again,
Your glorious birthday.
You dream of being beautiful
Famous and cool.
I wish you happiness
Dear little man,
And I ask you to stay
You are always yourself.

You are just beginning to live.
I wish you dreams come true
So that in life you yourself achieve everything,
And so that with luck you were on "you".

You, like a princess, are good
On your new birthday.
We are proud of you, because the soul
You are our communication.
May your world be fabulous
Where all dreams come true.
Let the idol offer friendship,
What is in dreams so far.