The status of daughters is one senior and one junior. A touching status about a daughter and a husband

  • Daughter (6 years old): Mom, you are so beautiful today! Mom: Oh, thank you, darling. Daughter (16 years old): Mom, you are so, so beautiful today ... Mom: How much?
  • A gentle face, every dash, snub-nosed nose sniffs ... Money, career is not important. Important things are sleeping next to each other !!! I love my daughter !!!
  • The daughter says to her mother: - Mom, today we went to the gynecologist, and it turned out that we have only one virgin in our class. - I hope it's you daughter! - No, mom, this is our teacher!
  • Every mother should remember that one day her daughter will follow her example and not her advice ..
  • I am raising my daughter, so I see no point in planting a tree and building a house.
  • I read my daughter's diary. I realized that my problems are childish compared to hers!
  • The daughter is a blessed creature!
  • Dad and daughter: Honey, do you sleep with your boyfriend ???? - No dads, we just lie naked in the same bed and tell jokes.
  • - Daughter, and for whom are you doing this? - We are going to the cinema with our friends. - Aaaa. Let your girlfriends stop calling your home and puffing passionately into the phone. - Maaaaam.
  • When there is a daughter, there will be someone better than my beloved ...
  • Only my husband will have the best wife and only my daughter will be more beautiful than me!
  • Daddy's friends tell their sons: "Look what kind of daughter he has grown up - clever, beautiful"! My mother convinces me that my husband will run away from me. Who to believe ???
  • - Dad, am I beautiful? - For an amateur daughter, for an amateur
  • Darling, make me the happiest - give me a daughter ...
  • Every mother hopes that her daughter will be happier in marriage than herself, but no mother hopes that her son will marry more successfully than her father.
  • And mom now thinks that her daughter has already had breakfast, lunch and cleaned everything up. The daughter, in fact, has not yet washed, sits in her pajamas. Naive mom.
  • My mom has the nicest daughter!
  • Mom asks to be sooooo good before the wedding, and to get married under a contract, in which the main point: "DAUGHTER IS NOT SUBJECT TO EXCHANGE AND REFUND."
  • The little daughter came to her father and asked the little one: "2 strips - okay?" Dad felt bad ...
  • My daughter fell asleep on the couch in front of the TV, her father quietly takes her in his arms to carry her to bed. Daughter in a dream: put where you took
  • You said that I would be cute ... Mom said that I would be smart ... and dad silently waved his hand ... ... dad was right ... P.S-daddy love you ... *.
  • After washing, I put on my jeans, and they ate ate ate to fit ..... my mother told me as a child: daughter, don't kick the machine with your foot, she will take revenge .... !!
  • I want a daughter. She will be the most beautiful in the world! I will dress her like a princess! But first I will have a son. To protect our princess.
  • Young mothers have adult children, and even more so - beautiful and sexy adult daughters - their copies in their youth are useless.
  • Mommy dear, don't worry, everything is GOOD! just your daughter is a bitch!
  • I love and very much adore my lovely daughter !!! My scarlet flower!
  • And after 15 years, when I have a daughter and she grows up, and asks: "Dad, who was your first love?" I will answer: "Your mother, the one whom I loved, I love and will love!" -

Here are collected the most touching, kind, beautiful words of gratitude for the daughter from the mother. The texts are written in prose (not in verse) and are intended both for public speech (at a wedding, anniversary, birthday and other holidays) and for private conversation. They can also be used to sign a postcard, a gift, include it in a letter, or put an end to a quarrel.

Daughter! When you were little, you gave me a feeling of tenderness and tenderness ... Now you have grown up and give me a sense of pride! Thank you for the most wonderful experience in my life.

Daughter! I always asked you to do so that I would not be ashamed of you! Today I want to thank you for the fact that I have never been ashamed of you. Moreover, I am proud of you, thank you for that too.

Beloved daughter! You often thank me for a lot ... I want you to know that I am also grateful to you for a lot:

  • for the fact that you are a real patriot of your family and have always done everything to strengthen it, and not destroy the bright world in which you were born and raised;
  • for pleasing me as best she could and trying to add a little sun to my life during bad weather;
  • that I can turn to you for advice or help and count on your support in difficult times;
  • for bringing your fresh, youthful energy into my middle-aged and measured life;
  • for being a fidget and constantly pushing me and dad to new "feats";
  • for your kind, sensitive, responsive heart - it gives me optimism and new hopes;
  • because you are a caring daughter and I am not afraid to grow old next to you;
  • because you are active, quick-witted and purposeful - I feel comfortable with this and I hope that if you are left without our help with dad, you will not be lost in life;

But most of all, daughter, I am grateful to you for the love that you have always brought into my life.

Dear daughter! They say a person has 2 families: the one that gave birth to him and the one that he himself gave birth to. You have always been the sun in our family and brought only love and happiness to it. Now you have grown up and now you can start your own family. I am sure that you will make your new family a bright and happy place ... you know how to do it. I am grateful to you for the warmth that you have always given me, for your love, friendship and kindness. Be happy!

My girl! I often tell you that I love you, but that's not all. I have not yet said that in my heart there is always a feeling of deep gratitude to you for:

  • your kindness and condescension - they relieved me of the feeling of guilt when, in moments of fatigue, I was angry with you and was not pedagogical;
  • for your wisdom, which helps us create a warm, cozy little world of our family;
  • for always sharing with me her amazing discoveries and joys - this brought beauty, brightness and liveliness to my world;
  • for the fact that she regularly bravely took on household chores and gave me minutes of rest from everyday worries - this inspired me, helped me not to limp;
  • for trying to cheer me up when I'm sad;
  • for the fact that from year to year I had the happiness of enjoying the sincerity, trust, honesty and selflessness of my child - you, daughter.

But my special "thank you" to you, daughter, for the fact that you continue to do all this now.

I want to thank you for putting in a lot of effort and honestly trying to grow up a wonderful daughter ... And you did it! Thanks to you, I have always felt like a happy mother and enjoyed my motherhood. These are unforgettable sensations, they serve me as reliable support in my life and help me in difficult days. I will always be grateful to you for this and I promise that I will be as strong support for you as I have strength.

As I watch and listen to TV and neighbors, I understand that my daughter is a gift version of a child. Thank you, dear, for always trying not to upset me and in every possible way to alleviate my mother's share, to reduce my worries, to help with household chores and, at an opportunity, to please me. It is thanks to you that my motherhood did not become a feat and I am very happy about that. Thank you for that!

My dear! I am very grateful to you, because you have done a lot for me and continue to do, although you probably don’t even know about it. I want to tell you:

  • Thank you for the sleepless nights given to me as a child, for anxiety during illness and excitement during school years ... I grew up with you, became wiser, more patient and even more resilient;
  • Thank you for the first victories and the joy that you generously shared with me when you did something ... All this made me happy, filled me with pride and satisfaction;
  • Thank you for the sorrows that sometimes happened and which you trustingly brought me, waiting for support ... In trying to help you, I became more resourceful, resourceful, bolder, more persistent and stronger in spirit;
  • Thank you for your humility and obedience when I had to punish you because I was running out of patience ... Thanks to these moments I knew that I was doing something wrong and tried to become better;
  • Thank you for the desire to please me and deserve my love, for the fear of upsetting me and the unwillingness to disturb me over trifles ... It touched me, touched my soul and made my world kinder, softer and brighter;
  • Thank you for your unconditional trust in me ... I was afraid to lose it, destroy it, it made me justify it (trust). Thanks to this fear of not justifying trust, I developed and mastered many new personal heights.

But most importantly, I am grateful to you for the fact that you were and remain my closest, dear and loving person. I promise that I will try to be not only a good mother for you, but also - your best friend, reliable support, support and guide in life.

Daughter! You and I had all sorts of things ... Both good and not so. I am grateful to you for both, because I know that you - tried ... I tried to be better, smarter, to live up to my expectations, not to disappoint me ... Sometimes we both lacked patience, sometimes we lacked wisdom, kindness or a bit of understanding. I am not angry with you, I am not offended, I remember only good things and I love them. You are beautiful, sensible, not indifferent, positive, independent ... But what is there ... you are wonderful. You will succeed. And everything will be fine. Thank you for being there.

My dear girl! Thank you for always decorating my life ... When you were little, you gave me joy with your first steps, new discoveries, thousands of naive questions and wonderful homemade postcards. When you were growing up, you decorated our family with your warmth, care and efforts to learn all the best. Now that you have grown up, I myself often turn to you for advice and support - you have adorned my world with pride that I have such a daughter, a wonderful reliable friend and a wonderful continuation of me.

But most importantly, daughter, thank you for decorating my life with your pure heart and selfless love.

Daughter! You can't even imagine how grateful I am to you for being empathetic, caring and very sensitive to my problems. It helps our family to be friendly, avoid conflict and not stress the relationship. Your wisdom has preserved many nerve cells for me. Thank you, dear, for:

  • the fact that you don't leave the house in winter without a hat, although you can't stand it. I know you are doing this to keep me calm and because I asked you to;
  • for not hanging out at night, although sometimes you really want to play with your girlfriends until late - because of this, I have much less gray hair than I could have;
  • for the fact that you do not spend time in dubious companies and are responsible for the choice of people around you - this reduces my eternal anxiety for you and I feel better knowing that if anything happens to you, it is not because I overlooked you too messed up with just anyone;
  • for the fact that if you leave home, you always tell me where and you will call 20 more times with a report ... Thanks to your courtesy, I can calmly go about my business, and not endlessly dial your phone number;
  • for trusting me and leaving all the phone numbers and names of your friends that I can turn to in search of you - thanks to this I know all your wonderful friends, they are not strangers to me and I am calm for you;
  • for obeying doctors when you are sick. I know for sure that you will regularly drink all the prescribed medications exactly when you need to take them. Your punctuality and attentiveness to health give me hope that you will not die by a stupid accident, from some nonsense infection, if suddenly I am not there;
  • for following the rules of the road and not risking your life in vain ... When I remember your reasonable behavior on the road, I manage to enslave my panic attacks, which sometimes make me feel like a car has run over you;
  • because you have learned to cook yourself and prefer to eat your own food most often. I have a hope that you will not get poisoned in public catering, consuming any garbage;
  • because you choose smart and decent men (partners) and I am not afraid for your future offspring. I am not ashamed of either you or myself, looking at your relationship with the opposite sex.

Dear, I can still list for a long time for which I am grateful to you ... The main thing, you should know: I notice everything, I remember everything and appreciate it. You are an exemplary daughter, I have nothing to reproach you with, thank you. I only wish you that in the future this way of life will not be a burden, bring you only joy and come easily. I really would not want you to be unhappy that you are doing so much for my peace of mind.

Dear daughter! When I look at you, I cannot help but admire. You grew up to be a wonderful person, independent, responsible, kind, sympathetic and intelligent. I am grateful to you for all the time spent together and now that you have your own family, I am waiting for you to make me a grandmother. I am sure you will have the same wonderful children as yourself. And I can't wait to see them. I promise I will try to become an exemplary grandmother and help you raise new wonderful people.

Dear daughter! You know, motherhood for me has become - the most important part of life, I attached great importance to it and devoted most of my time. It was important for me that it was successful and that I had nothing to blame myself for. Looking at you, I understand that it has become prosperous: you evoke in me a sense of satisfaction and pride, and I have no sense of guilt. I want to thank you for the fact that this is your considerable merit. Indeed, without your efforts and participation, I would not have got such a wonderful result, which you are. Thank you for your help in developing me as a quality mother.

  • If the selected text seems too long for you, you can easily shorten it without losing its meaning. To do this, select the first sentence of the text you like and, also, select the last sentence from any sample you like. Insert one item from the list between them (select this item in those texts that contain a bulleted list). This way you will have your own short thank you speech. The samples are compiled in a special way so that you can create the desired text by combining sentences without prejudice to the meaning.
  • If the selected text seems too short, you can easily combine it with other texts. They complement each other completely. However, make sure that the selected texts are not about the same thing, otherwise it will seem as if you are repeating the same idea over and over again. This is possible, since some samples contain individual sentences that may be similar in meaning to sentences from other texts.
  • If you decide to draw up words of gratitude in writing, then take a long text, it can become a full-fledged letter that does not require other additions.
  • Remember, these texts have an author and he is categorically opposed to any of them, in whole or in fragments, being published on any other resources (both printed and electronic). Don't forget about copyright. Use texts only for personal, non-commercial purposes.

Every person, without exception, dreams of a close-knit family. And if you already have one, then you are incredibly lucky. Share a piece of happiness in statuses about your daughter and husband.

It's good when there is someone to try for

  1. Someone endlessly promised mountains of gold, and someone just stayed close and gave me a wonderful daughter!
  2. I love to hug them together - my king and our little princess!
  3. Yes, we have already gone through a period of sweet sighs, but without each other we could not ...
  4. My family is my moral protection from all adversity.
  5. I love it when my husband notices that my daughter looks like me ...
  6. My girl's eyes are as bright as her dad's. Together with them I also light up.
  7. Ice cream is the best way to keep your family together.
  8. I fall asleep late, I get up early. Now you understand that for them I do not feel sorry for anything ?!
  9. Probably, life has sent me so many trials in order to give me a wonderful spouse and a charming angel in return.
  10. Honey, let's teach our daughter only the best! Perhaps then she will not recognize adversity.

So friendly and real

The status about a daughter and a husband does not have to be filled with tenderness, but it simply does not work in another way. What phrase will you choose?

  1. I am sure that my girl will be happy because she sees love every day. True love is not ideal, but sincere men and women.
  2. Children may well be the meaning of life, but they will be happy only with versatile parents.
  3. All the bad mood goes away as soon as I see the smile of my husband and daughter.
  4. Now my husband and I are doing everything for her, and we dream that when we get old, she will do the same for us.
  5. The most valuable information that I could pass on to my daughter is about where I found such a wonderful spouse.
  6. I'm afraid to spoil my daughter the way my husband spoiled me.
  7. I just don’t know which is more expensive: “Honey, I love you” or “Mommy, I love you”.
  8. I love it when they both smile in their sleep - my beloved cat and a little kitten.
  9. The greatest happiness is to protect the fruit of your own love together with your soul mate.
  10. There have been many mistakes in my life, but I still managed to create a wonderful family.

To be the best is to be a mom and a wife

It has long been proven that the happier a person has a family, the more fun and easier his life. To achieve this is the greatest merit of every parent. And if you have the same mission, boldly set the status about your daughter and husband!

  1. I will definitely teach my girl how important it is to choose a good boy, and how fake girlfriends can be.
  2. I love it when I have a whole day off and we can do something together.
  3. Family happiness is not taught either at school or at the institute. But it seems that I managed to build it without special education ...
  4. Sometimes my husband and I think that the stork brought us the most charming little daughter he could.
  5. All around are posting photos with children, but I have no time. My husband and I are better off just talking to our child at this time.
  6. Yesterday you looked at the world with shining eyes in incomprehension, but today you have practically grown up. Dad and I love you, daughter!
  7. Over the years, I've realized that I don't need rich or famous. I just need a person next to me. And the most beautiful thing is that he was with me all this time.
  8. I know firsthand that seeing a cooked dinner after a terrible day at work is sometimes better than a bouquet of 1001 roses.
  9. When I want to surrender, and it seems that I have no strength left, I just remember for whom I still live.
  10. Staying at home with the whole family on a rainy day is priceless.
  11. Looking at my family, sometimes I envy myself. People, appreciate the family!

The two most dear people

A caring parent is already boundless happiness for every child. And if there are two of them, and they act together, then the baby has nothing to be afraid of. And what status about your daughter and beloved husband will you choose?

  1. Do not skimp on words of praise and love, because you definitely have something to praise them for. And you need to love just like that!
  2. My daughter is nothing more than an extension of my love for my husband.
  3. If I lack something besides my daughter and hubby, then, probably, only my son.
  4. My beloved and I do not want her to grow up - so timid and infinitely sweet.
  5. It's so good that there is a family, and you don't need to cope with all the hardships alone.
  6. When you have a good husband, you only think about your daughter getting the same one.
  7. And, you know, I have two meanings of life - one tiny, with pigtails, and the second - strong and very beautiful.
  8. My husband and I are scared to imagine that someday this happiness will have to be married ...
  9. For my happy life, I have to work hard. But, unfortunately, I can always see the fruits of my labors!
  10. If a man is a king, a daughter is a princess ... So I am a queen ?!
  11. It's nice to remember in the middle of a working day that you have a wonderful man. But remembering that you have a beautiful daughter is even better.

Let every mother put the status: "I love my daughter and husband", let everyone around know that true joy cannot be bought for any money. True joy is in the family.

Quotes about daughter - I am his crazy, spoiled by love, the only and unique daughter.

A good daughter is worth two bad sons.

It's harder with daughters than in war.

The main joy in my daughter's life is to smear herself with chocolate.

Watching your daughter get ready on a date is like handing a million-dollar Stradivari to a gorilla. Jim Bishop

There is no greater joy for old people than a daughter. At least until the granddaughter appears. - Euripides

I don’t know what it’s like to have sons, but I’m sure there are more positive emotions from daughters (not to mention the fact that you can just admire them). Stephen King. Duma-Key

Every mother hopes that her daughter will find a better husband than hers and is convinced that her son will never get a wife as good as his father. Martin Andersen-Nexe

I will not let my daughters learn foreign languages, because it is enough for a woman to know one. John Milton

The mother was most afraid that her daughter, in addition to her talents, would inherit a sharp tongue. - R.Sheridan

A mother can hope for her daughter's unquestioning obedience only if she invariably serves her as an example of prudence and a model of perfection. Alexandr Duma

What mother would not sacrifice herself or anyone else for the happiness of her daughter? Helene Brontë

You are warmer than sunlight and much more valuable than any precious stone, my dear daughter.

The only marriage that gives a man genuine joy is the marriage of his daughter. Marcel Ashar

It is the daughter who is the subject of special pride for the Pope.

For a father, there is no suitable person for his daughter. He will present paternal rights to everyone.

Life is good. Am I happy? Something like that. I have a daughter, which means I am happy. Ben Affleck

Nose, lips, hair,
Pink cheeks
Genuine beauty
This is all from my daughter.

Do not restrict the child ... Do not clip his wings ... Let him choose his own path. Know, having spread his wings once, he will not let yours fall

Three daughters are ruin. Japanese proverbs and sayings

If daughters always obeyed some mothers, they probably would never have become grandmothers.

Mom looks at her daughter and tries to get used to her happiness. But how can you get used to it, to such happiness? This is now a surprise for the rest of my life: I am the mother of my daughter.

Every mother should remember that one day her daughter will follow her example and not her advice.

She was born into the world
The whole family is happy.
Shouting to ASU - hello,
Proceeding a little.

The daughter is a blessed creature!

Why do you think an adult daughter is going to her mother, whom she has not seen for a long time? You do not know? For help, even if she herself does not understand it. Oleg Roy. Daughters-mothers, or holidays in Atyashevo

Only my daughter will be cooler than me!

Modest daughter - good night, father's happiness, sage's sapphire. Muhammad Okar

If you want to raise good kids, spend half your money and twice the time on them. Esther Selsdon

Statuses about two daughters are only for those who appreciate real beauty. For the happiest mothers and, of course, for those who are looking for good statuses.

Two daughters - two little fluffs

  1. So, she gave birth to two daughters, it remains only to find them a good groom.
  2. I didn't really believe in God before, but now I am infinitely grateful to him for you, my girls ...
  3. It’s crazy, you seem to have just been born, and you’re already arguing about who will carry my dresses.
  4. My girls, may love and happiness attack you, so it will never let you go!
  5. I understand that I should be their friend, but I so want to teach them everything myself. So that they are not taught by experience.

Motherhood is happiness, and two daughters are incredible happiness. Do you agree? Then put beautiful statuses about two daughters.

  1. Daughters who get along with each other are great. And ... unrealistic.
  2. I tell my daughters to think with their hearts. Then they will definitely not regret it ...
  3. We are two daughters of fashion, and their mother of fashion. We are a real thunderstorm for our dad's wallet.
  4. My daughters will never break the hearts of guys. They will allow only the worthy, and so they will find themselves an excellent match!
  5. The desire to go to a disco arises in two cases: when you are a young girl, and when you are the mother of a young girl.

My beauty is born of me

Daughters are a joy, because we were all the same little girls before. Read more about this in the statuses about 2 daughters.

  1. My daughters are going to school soon. But the real life lessons will begin when they give birth to two like themselves.
  2. If you have two daughters, you will no longer take the time to be loved. But you see a part of yourself in their faces, and you gladly give them everything you have.
  3. I raised my second daughter much easier simply because at that time I raised the first.
  4. If I need wise advice, I just talk to my children. Anything about anything. And in these conversations, endless wisdom can be found.
  5. Only when I had two girls, I realized that my mother definitely noticed that my sister and I were trying on her dresses!

Beautiful statuses about two daughters can be set not only for mothers, but also for fathers. After all, children are a real reason for pride.

  1. Cool - this is when you take one girl from the hospital with her dad, and the second - the same company, but also her sister.
  2. In the morning I smile at least twice - the oldest and the youngest.
  3. To be honest, I didn't believe before that motherhood is happiness. But these two put everything in place in my head.
  4. If you have two daughters with character, a real paradise is when they end the war and make peace.
  5. Two daughters are rarely alike. Whoever says anything ...

Two daughters - like lights in the eyes

The status “I am a mother of two daughters” will make you cry from the affection of more than one of your friends. Therefore, rather install what you like the most!

  1. They are capricious, laugh, are afraid, smile timidly when they are shy. My daughters. So beautiful ... always.
  2. I used to look for the meaning of life, and then gave birth. Two at once, or rather two.
  3. I sometimes wonder how I have enough tenderness to raise two such pretty daughters.
  4. So I lived to see the moment when on March 8 I was presented with two drawings signed in a girly handwriting.

Two daughters are, of course, two little helpers, but at the same time, very often - and two little pets. And it is they who can become the heroines of the status of a mother of two daughters.

  1. I like collecting stories about my girls more, so that I can tell them later when they grow up.
  2. Is your child painting the walls? There is good news here. You could have two of these children.
  3. If you didn't buy many dresses as a child, get two daughters. Then you will win back ...
  4. Two daughters - this is an opportunity to arrange a bachelorette party at any time when dad leaves.
  5. And it seems they were just born and fought for dolls, and now the youngest is getting married ...

I want to be the wisest, real protection for them.

The status about two beloved daughters is for those mothers who want to be friends for their girls. At any age, they'll appreciate a phrase like this on your status bar.

  1. No, being a mom is not easy, don't even count on it. But then you realize that you are not doing everything in vain ...
  2. I hug. One and the other. Both got sick. I'm scared. But at this moment I understand that I have no right to be weak.
  3. If you don't feel responsible looking at your child's face, you are hopeless.
  4. My biggest fear is being a bad mom to my two daughters.

Despite everything, raising two daughters is not so cloudless and cute. Possible difficulties - in statuses about two daughters.

  1. There is no sadder moment when daughters are already growing up and getting married. You wish them happiness, and you quietly understand that you yourself are left without them ...
  2. The most difficult answers were given not to the tasks from the exams, but to the questions of my little daughters.
  3. My girls, this life is not easy. But until the very end I hope that it will be much easier for you than for me ...
  4. Having become a mother of two daughters, she began to understand how much it hurt her when her own children were rude. Even in passing.
  5. You feel the full speed of time when your children grow up.

If you have a little daughter, do everything to raise from her not only a princess, but also a truly wise girl. Do you agree? Do not forget to tell about it in the status!