Why put your nails under the threshold. Severe damage to nails. When to cut your nails

According to many beliefs from different countries, hair and nails have been treated with awe for many centuries. They were associated with magic, attributed to them supernatural powers.

After all, only hair and nails could grow throughout a person's life and after it, which means they led an "independent" life. In ancient times, human nails were used for a wide variety of magical actions: from damage to love spells. Currently, the state of human health is determined by the nails, their surface, color and other qualities. For many tens of centuries, signs and beliefs associated with nails have been formed.
Until one year old, as well as hair, it was a bad omen for a child to cut their nails. Our ancestors explained it simply: he will be a thief. Whether it is true or not, no one wants to check, so many people still follow these warnings.
To prevent baby's nails from growing to huge sizes, it is recommended that young mothers bite them and put them in a bag.
Biting your nails - gnawing your destiny. As soon as they do not try to explain this superstition, everything converges to the fact that both girls and guys should take care of themselves, and an object with bitten nails in itself is alarming, because this indicates instability of character, nervousness and slovenliness. Perhaps our grandmothers were simply trying to teach the younger generation to cleanliness and the ability to take care of themselves. And now such a habit is considered harmful, from which one should unlearn.
Many palmists who predict the fate of the hand note that nails can easily tell about a person's illnesses. Doctors willingly agree with this opinion, because unhealthy nails are evidence of pathological processes in the body. If the nails are peeling, it means that the person will soon get sick, or already sick. The explanation is simple - there is a calcium deficiency in the body, it is from this that the nails acquire fragility and fragility.
If white spots appear on the nails, you should wait for a joyful event or positive life changes. You cannot get rid of these spots on your own, otherwise luck will turn away. It is better to let them dissolve in their own way, or let the nail grow back.
But black spots symbolize misfortune or failure. It is better to cut off nails with such specks as soon as possible. Cut nails should not be thrown into the trash. They need to be gently flushed down the toilet. This is done so that a part of the human body does not fall into the wrong hands. Since ancient times, sorcerers have used hair, nails, blood, human saliva and other particles for performing magical rituals: love spells and damage. And since nails and hair are the easiest to get, they were used much more often.
Having long nails is a rich life. Nowadays, many will say that this is just an empty omen. In fact: no matter how long the nails are, this will not add wealth, no matter how much you want. But with our ancestors, this sign has become a common observation. Indeed, in those ancient times, only rich ladies wore long nails. After all, such a luxury was unacceptable for peasant women, they worked all the time.
You cannot cut your nails on Friday and Sunday. Otherwise, you can call on yourself and your loved ones unhappiness.
Many believed that the appearance of yellow spots on the nails, to imminent death. However, do not panic when you notice such marks on yourself. Such specks can indicate anything from a medical point of view. For example, such stains strewn the nails of all heavy smokers. Or he speaks of a disease. In any case, it is better not to hesitate, but to see a doctor.
After the first haircut of a child's nails after a year, it was recommended to bury the nails under an ash tree, thereby protecting the baby from the influence of evil forces.
The larger the crescent moon on the nail holes, the longer it will live. However, doctors have their own point of view regarding such crescents on the holes.
From time immemorial, crooked nails have symbolized the stinginess of their owner.
You cannot cut your nails at a party - to a quarrel. And it’s simply uncivilized. Better to be patient and do it at home.
If your thumbnail breaks, happiness will leave you. If a nail breaks on the little finger - to money losses, on the index finger - something will go wrong as we would like, on average - it is better to postpone all the planned roads, because this sign symbolizes trouble. But if the nail on the middle finger breaks, it is worth thinking: perhaps you scared off your luck, but this is for a while, so you should not worry.
If the nails are cut during the growing moon, they will become strong and grow doubly faster. According to popular wisdom, if the cut nails of a seriously ill person are buried or burned, it can be cured.
It is not recommended for sailors to cut their nails in calm seas, as this can lead to a storm.

Various signs are read according to the shape and growth of the nails, as well as the small white dots that appear from time to time under their surface.

If the nails grow crooked or they are long and resemble claws, this is a sign of the forces of evil or that a person is prone to stinginess.

If they stick out from their middle part, this is a prediction of early death, as well as the fact that the "crescents" at their base are small.

If they are large, this is a sign of a long and prosperous life. In China, it was believed that long nails symbolized wisdom and helped to communicate with deities, so nails were grown and painted by everyone. But among men, only representatives of the nobility were honored with such an honor.

In Russia, many superstitions are associated with nails. For example, the old residents of some villages to this day are seriously convinced that they should cut their nails only on Thursday.

And here are a few more superstitions regarding nails: If you trim your nails on Good Friday, it helps with toothache (although there were other beliefs: trimming nails on Good Friday brings misfortune. Or else: in a dream, the girl will see her future groom).

If a pregnant woman steps on a cut-off nail, she will have a miscarriage. If a newborn baby's nails are cut off on the street outside the door of the house, he will sing well (but not on Monday, then all his teeth will fall out).

White spots on the nails are interpreted differently depending on which finger they appear on. So, on the thumb, they portend a gift, on the index finger - the arrival of a friend, on the middle - an enemy. In contrast, in some parts of Scotland, specks on the index finger represent an enemy, on the thumb a friend, and on the middle finger a gift. A speck on the little finger - to the road.

A black or yellow spot on any finger is a very bad sign, usually a harbinger of someone's death. Cutting nails is also surrounded by tradition and is considered safe only on certain days. In most areas, Monday and Tuesday are considered suitable days for this, to a lesser extent Wednesday and Thursday. Cutting nails on Saturday is interpreted as an omen of future losses, or the arrival of a lover. Friday is not good in this respect, as in so many others, and the devil will accompany the one who cuts his nails on Sunday all week. At best, he should expect some misfortune or suffering before the next Saturday.

Old sailors believe that cutting their nails out at sea in calm weather will provoke a storm. In northern England, it is said that if a married woman cuts the nails of her right hand with the help of her left, she will rule over her husband. You cannot cut the nails of a baby under one year old, otherwise he will grow up with weak fingers. When they grow back too much, the mother must chew them off. Somerset considers it safe to cut babies' nails if done over the Bible. This belief in the danger of early nail clipping is very common both in Europe and outside of it.

In Wales and the districts of England bordering with it, it was customary to bury the first cut nails of a child under an ash tree - then he would grow up to be a first-class singer. Since ash is a guarding tree, it is possible that this ritual also has additional advantages as a safe way to get rid of clipped nails: otherwise, they can fall into the hands of a witch or a sorcerer or other malicious person who can use them to cast an evil spell on their master.

And to this day it is considered a bad omen (not to mention the fact that it is sloppy) to leave clipped nails uncleaned, although these days this is not because they are specifically afraid of witchcraft, but they are afraid of some kind of failure in general. A surprisingly simple way to become a witch or a sorcerer is given by Sternberg. It was enough to sit on the shelf for warming food in the fireplace and clean and trim my nails, saying: "I want to get away from God, like my nails from dirt." This unkind desire replaced the offer of an alliance with the dark forces, which they will always gladly accept.

Modern women of fashion make great efforts to be in trend. They spend a lot of time looking for the latest makeup and manicure ideas in magazines and on the Internet. Separately, it is worth talking about varnishes with which beauties paint their marigolds. The palette of modern varnishes has hundreds of colors and shades, however, among them there are those that remain the undisputed leaders: red and black. If everything is clear with red - passion, love, then black evokes somewhat different associations. Someone thinks that black nails look stylish and brutal, while someone claims that nails should not be painted in this color at all. Let's try to find out why you can't paint your nails with black varnish.

Why you can't paint your nails with black varnish: signs

They open a list of reasons why this should not be done, of course, folk signs.

  1. Paint your nails black - to trouble, illness or death. Black color has always been associated with mourning, so this opinion is not surprising.
  2. Black nail polish can cause trouble. People have always been afraid of magicians, sorcerers, wizards, witches and other mystical characters, who invariably dressed in black clothes. Hence the fear that black varnish can bring down the wrath of some evil sorcerer or witch on a person. Of course, fears of wizards have long been dispelled, but the sign exists to this day.
  3. If you paint your nails black, you will punish death. This sign partially follows from the first point and is due to all the same associations of death with black flowers.

Why you can't paint your nails with black varnish signs: a rationale

There can be no logical answer to this question, as you have guessed correctly. A person is free to paint his nails in whatever color he wants, and for this he will not get anything modern. If you do not believe in omens and are not afraid that someone from the outside will judge you, paint your nails in any color you like and be happy!

Why is it impossible to do black nails from the point of view of the canons of beauty?

If we are talking about beauty, then the situation takes a completely different turn. The fact is that the nails of a healthy person have a pleasant pink color, therefore, purely intuitively, black nails cause some concern. If you are an adherent of natural beauty, then black should be discarded. Black nails will also be inappropriate on a romantic date, since black color and romance have nothing in common ... It also explains why you can't paint your nails black for young girls - purity, innocence and youth are poorly combined with a gloomy and mystical color. Although, all of the above does not mean at all that black varnish should be cosmetically thrown out as soon as possible.

For example, there are many options for combining black with other colors that will make your manicure bright, original and not at all mournful. In addition, you can paint patterns on nails with black varnish, which is also very fashionable today.

You can also paint your nails with black varnish for those who need it to create a stage image or maintain style: rock musicians, for example. If you have nothing to do with the scene or a certain image, then it is better to refrain from similar colors for manicure.

Finding out why you can't paint your nails black remember the main thing: the beauty of a person, first of all, consists in its naturalness, therefore the best makeup or manicure is the one that nature gave you. The main thing is to emphasize it correctly. And for this, it is certainly not necessary to use black varnish.

Always stay beautiful, gentle and loved!

Nails (and hair) are of particular importance for the fate of the soul of the deceased or the world as a whole.

In southern Europe Basques believed that nails cannot be thrown, the devil will make himself a cup out of them.

Chinese - what kind of cut nails and hair will be lifted to the sky.


[water, God and the Devil walk on it;seven years later, God sends the Devil to dive to get the seeds to make the earth;

The devil takes the earth in his name, he washes it out of his hands; when he takes in the name of God, he brings earth under his nails; therefore man belongs to God,and black under the nails - to the Devil,

preparing the deceased for burial, the dirt from under the nails must be removed;

God took three grains of sand from the one brought by the Devil, made a flat earth out of them;

The devil tried to drown the sleeping God, but dragging his body, only stretched the earth in different directions; it became wider than the sky;

God sent the Bee to eavesdrop on the Devil; he says to himself that it is necessary to compress the earth, creating valleys and mountains; seeing the flying Bee, the Devil hit her with a whip, almost tearing it in two; she has black bruises]


[Clipped nails and falling hair should be preserved by tucking into wall cracks; in the next world they will have to be given to God; who does not preserve them, he will have to search]

Ukrainians, Poles[in the afterlife everyone will be forced to collect their nails]

[nails must be collected in order to climb the mountain with their help after death;

from cut nails, the devil will make himself an invisible hat; when he puts it on, God cannot strike him with lightning]

when at the Last Judgment the soul will be transferred across a bridge as thin as a straw, they will ask where the nails are; will have to search until you can find everyone]

Belarusians [clippings of nails must be stored, in the next world they will have to make a ladder to climb to heaven]

russians[the clippings of nails must be stored, in the next world with their help it will be necessary to climb onto the glass

Caucasus - Asia Minor.

Gagauz people [if you cut off your nails and throw them on the floor, you won't find them in the next world; you need to throw yourself behind the collar]

svans[the blacksmith Daredzhiani from the top of Yalbuz (Elbrus) sees a crying beauty in the abyss on a golden ottoman, around heaps of gold; descends to her, she says that she is the wife of God Himself, who overthrew her for some crime

D.'s wife spies on him, cuts off the beauty's hair; when D. comes, she rips open her stomach, gives him their child, tells him to leave at the crossroads, dies

Jesus Christ, St. George and one of the angels give the boy the name Amiran; if he breaks this word three times, he will fall under the power of the devil;

the dying hero tells A. to raise his two sons; they became strong, A. killed them, the devils began to pursue him; the next time he beat his horse; after the third violation of the word, the devils chained him to an iron pillar in the abyss under Elbrus;

a nine-headed diva is tied to the same pillar; both try to reach the checker A .; A. will be able to reach if his nails grow back; therefore, the Svans do not cut their nails during the first four days of the week;

at this time they grow in A .; the bird put up by the devils every time informs the devils, they cut off their nails;

one day A. will take possession of the saber, kill the diva, golden times will come]:

Georgians[devil collects clipped nails]

Armenians:[nails in someone else's house must not be cut off; cut off nails must be collected and hidden, in the next world they are exacting for them]:

[cut off nails are hidden so as not to get sick with some kind of disease]:

Iran - Central Asia.

Persians[The severed toenails are buried at the doorstep of the house or at the entrance to the temple, because they will then testify that their owner made pilgrimages;

when al-Dajjl arrives, everyone will run out into the street to look at him; the nails of the faithful, buried at the doorstep, will bite into their feet and into clothes in the form of thorns;

people will start taking them out and will not follow A .; the rest he will take to hell]

Zoroastrianism:[the bird Ashozusht (avest. asha zushta, "favorite of the goddess Asha") conveyed the Avesta to people "in its own language";

she grabs and swallows the clipped nails, over which the prayer has been read; if the prayer is not honored, the devas and sorcerers shoot these nails like arrows at this bird to kill it],

[the Ashozusht bird devours the cut nails of a person, if a prayer is read over them; if the prayer is not read, the devas use them as arrows];

Western Pamir [in paradise, the bodies of Grandfather-Adam and Momo-Havvo were covered with the same hard substance as nails, it replaced their clothes; when, at the instigation of the shaitan, they ate grains of wheat and were expelled from paradise,

the nail cover from the bodies disappeared, remained only on the legs and arms; since the nails have not left the person, the clipped nails should be buried in a clean, secluded place]:

Baltoscandia. Iceland

[When there is the death of the gods, the Naglfar ship will sail from the nails of the dead, so the dying need to cut their nails; the ship is ruled by the giant Moody;

the wolf Fenrir swallows Odin; Vidar steps on the lower jaw of the wolf;

Vidar's shoe is made of scraps from the cut of all the shoes (whoever wants to help the aces should throw these scraps)]

Icelanders [nails should be cut into three pieces before throwing them because God promised the devil all nails not cut into three pieces]:

finns [from the nails cut off on Sunday, the evil spirit makes a ship on which it takes the dead to itself; a similar "ship of the dead" was in Icelandic mythology]

Karelians [cut nails should be put in the bosom; you will die, so you will hold on to paradise by them]:

Estonians [the devil will make himself a visor for the hat from scraps of nails]:

Lithuanians : [cut off nails are burnt or put in the bosom; otherwise the devil will gather them and make himself a hat]

Volga - Perm.

Marie[sometimes a hen is slaughtered during the funeral ceremony; she must pick up the clippings of fingernails and toenails lost by the deceased during his lifetime, for he must not appear before the master of the dead Kiamat tra without them]:

Chuvash[The deceased is checked for clipped nails and hair; during life, cut hair and nails are collected and protected; the way to the next world is a thread left in a spring when scooping up water for washing;

a chicken or an egg donated during the separation of the soul serves as a ransom for evil spirits; the explanation that this hen is leading the deceased in the next world is incorrect; he rides a horse slaughtered in his honor during Jupe's memorial ceremony]

Komi Zyryans: [the deceased move "to another planet" through the tar lake on a swaying log, leaning on a pole; transportation across the lake has to be paid], [cut nails are put in a coffin - you will have to climb a steep iron mountain].

Western Siberia .

Muncie : [on the way to the afterlife, the soul overcomes the fiery hand, climbs a steep mountain; therefore, a person keeps his nails and hair cut or fallen out;

after his death, they are burned in the spring, that they came to the deceased; with new nails he will climb the mountain, fly over the river with his hair]:

Khanty: [in the evening you can't cut your nails, otherwise they will go to the cemetery],

[put your fingernails in your bosom, your toenails in your shoes; if you leave them anywhere, you will look for them in the next world],

[hair should not be thrown, tedious to store in one place; quit - in the next world you will go looking for them]:

nenets (Yamal) [Num made a deer, Nga made a wolf, etc .; Nga made huge spiders, they weaved human hair webs, caught and ate people;

Num made the spiders small; He told people not to scatter their hair (the spider will weave a web), not to kill the spiders (Nga will make them big again); now people are burning their hair]:

forest Nenets (Aivaseda clan) [bodies of people were covered with a film (nelaku); she protected them from adversity and disease, condemning them to immortality; because of the insidiousness of Kavshah ve "ku" ("Black man", the spirit of disease inhabiting the lower world), people lost their protective covering, only the nails remained; nails are shaken off in the cracks of the floorboards; one person carelessly cut his nails, a piece flew off, it was badly reflected on his future fate]:

Do you like experimenting with the shape and color of your nails? Did you know that a manicure is not only an important element of a finished look, but also a means of attracting money, luck and love?

Activate fortune by correcting the lines on the palm of your hand

Signs about the shape of the nails

The shape that we give to the nails is of great importance. So, a girl who does not have a personal life in any way may not even suspect that an unsuccessful manicure is partly to blame!

If you need to arrange your feminine happiness - give your nails a rounded shape. It doesn't matter if you currently have a relationship or are still in search of a soul mate.

Do you prioritize professional success? Then a square manicure will become an assistant in career matters. Try to make the corners as clear as possible.

But a rather extreme and even predatory "triangular manicure will suit those who have one clear goal. All the energy of the word "accumulates" in the sharp corner of the nail and helps to get what you want as soon as possible.

What color to paint your nails?

You can also influence a particular area of ​​life with the help of a properly selected varnish and various nail decorations. So, if you want to succeed in business or make a profit, forget about varnishes in bright, flashy shades, contrasting manicure (when the varnish on your hands is of two or more colors) and rhinestones. The best choice would be a calm beige-brown palette of shades or a muted burgundy varnish.

Those in search of a second half, on the contrary, should pay attention to bright red, pink and orange shades and not give up rhinestones and patterns on the nails. Inspiration seekers can choose the most non-standard shades and paint their nails with one or several colors. But what if you have, say, two important goals at once? For example, to get married, and push career matters? In this case, let the shape of the manicure be "career" - square, and the color of the varnish - "love" - ​​pink.

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