DIY children's birthday poster: templates, ideas, photos. How to make a beautiful children's birthday poster with wishes, photographs, and sweets? Children's posters, metrics, achievement posters Wall newspaper for birthday 2

Poster “I’m already 3 years old” with photographs of your baby from birth to one year.
Your child's photos will be placed in wavy frames with characters from the Disney cartoon "Cars".
A great decoration for your home for your baby's birthday.

400 rub.

Bright colorful poster “I’m 3 years old!” for a girl’s birthday with photographs of your baby from birth to three years old on a sea background with the characters of the Disney cartoon “The Little Mermaid”.
A great decoration for your home for your little princess's birthday...

350 rub.

Bright poster “Congratulations!” for photographs of your baby with the Lion Cub and Turtle for any age of the child.
Photos of your baby will be placed in large yellow frames along with the characters of your favorite cartoon “How the Lion Cub and the Turtle Sang a Song”...

350 rub.

Poster “I’m 2 years old” with photographs of your baby from 1 to 2 years old.
Photos of your child will be placed in clouds on a wonderful summer meadow with the characters of the cartoon “The Adventures of Luntik”.

A great decoration for your home for your birthday...

400 rub.

Poster “My 3rd year old” with photos of your baby at 3 years old and a train.
Photos of your child will be placed in bright frames with characters from Soviet and Disney cartoons. You can add 22 photos of the child to the poster.

Excellent dec...

450 rub.

Poster “My wonderful second year” with photographs of your child during the second year of his life.
Photos of your baby will be placed in pearl frames on a wonderful summer meadow along with funny toddlers. You can add 12 f...

350 rub.

A bright colorful poster “I’m already 2 years old” with photos of your child for his second birthday.
Photos of your baby will be placed against the backdrop of a summer meadow in bright frames with the characters of your favorite cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” - a hare and a wolf with gifts...

350 rub.

Today I want to tell you how we spent our own birthday for our 2-year-old son Kiryusha! On his first birthday, my son was still very young, and we limited ourselves to the wall newspaper and get-togethers with friends. And when Kiryusha turned 2 years old, we decided to organize a fun children's DIY birthday.

Child's birthday preparation plan

Where to start preparing for DIY child's birthday?

Of course, start with a holiday plan. You can use mine, editing it to suit you if necessary:

No. Progress of preparation Actions
1 Subjects Think over a birthday theme
2 Home decoration In accordance with the theme, if not thematic - decorate with balloons, posters and streamers
3 Treats for children Simple dishes for the children's table: canapés, fruits, small sandwiches, cakes
4 Games and entertainment Select games according to the age of the invited children
5 Of course, cake :-) Make it yourself or order it
6 Seeing off guests Surprise on the street for children

Birthday theme

To start preparing, think about what your child is interested in: maybe he is a fan of cars (like us :-)), or perhaps he loves cartoons about Winnie the Pooh. And based on the baby’s preferences, choose the theme of his birthday, for example, “Visiting Winnie the Pooh” or “Princess Birthday”. Our Kiryushka is interested in cars, and then he just watched the cartoon about Lightning McQueen for the first time, so he didn’t have to choose for a long time.

How to decorate a room for a child's birthday

If you choose a themed birthday, then decorate the rooms according to the theme, for example, balloons with cars, a banner with a train, or posters with your favorite cartoon character. In addition, you can make a wall newspaper with the baby’s successes and achievements. We made this for our son’s first birthday:

If you decide to do DIY children's birthday party without a specific theme, then simply decorate the house with a large number of balloons, it is advisable that the balloons not only hang from the ceiling, but also lie on the floor - believe me, the children will be delighted!

Treats for guests

Think about what you will treat your guests to. Before making a list of dishes, find out if there are any children with allergies among the guests. Don't cook too complicated dishes - children won't appreciate it, and you'll waste a lot of time. Sandwiches or canapés, various fruits and berries are best suited for a children's table; you can make simple cakes - “potatoes” or chocolate sausage.

Make this funny hedgehog from pears and grapes:

I also cut up a banana and a peeled orange and arranged them into palm trees on plates. And she made sandwiches by placing the faces of cats from sausages and branches of cherries from greens and cherry tomatoes on slices of loaf.

Now you can find on the Internet many interesting and simple recipes for the children's table for every taste, and this is wonderful!

Fun games for kids

On Kirill's holiday, we had fun with the children in different ways: for example, I hung a large sheet of whatman paper on the closet, and everyone could write or draw wishes for the future to Kirill. It turned out to be a very funny poster with cars, inscriptions and just doodles!

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

In addition, all children like figures made from long balloons - they are inexpensive, just practice in advance, and at the same time you can play with your child!

Even on Kiryushin’s birthday, we decided to give gifts not only to the birthday boy, although it often happens that everyone gives gifts to only one child, and the rest return home with nothing. I came up with the idea of ​​​​playing a game with the children, in which everyone became winners and received gifts.

Game "Cut the box". For this game you need to make paper boxes according to the number of children. Also go shopping and buy small gifts that will fit in boxes. I bought small boxes with construction sets, a mirror and various small toys depending on the age of the children (we had guests from very young to first-graders). Pack the gifts in boxes and hang them on strings at different heights - gifts for little ones are lower, and for older children - higher, so that everyone chooses a suitable gift. That's it - invite everyone to cut off any box for themselves, let the mothers help the kids!

The kids really liked it game "Pass the obstacle".

To play you need:

  • A dozen raw eggs (not a single egg was damaged in the game :-D)
  • Blindfold – scarf or wide ribbon
  • A bunch of kids

I placed eggs on the floor at a short distance from each other and asked someone to walk through the room blindfolded and not step on the eggs. We blindfold the player and slowly remove the eggs so that he does not recognize it. Now let him go, and the rest of the children help him: “To the left! Be careful, egg! It was a lot of fun for everyone - both those who “helped” pass the obstacle course, and the player himself, when he took off the blindfold, but there were no eggs! Despite the fact that the other children saw what the secret was, everyone still wanted to play, so we laid out the eggs many times and all the children completed the obstacle course!

DIY birthday cake

I decided to make a cake in the shape of Lightning McQueen for my car lover. This is such a wonderful cake that came out, especially for the first time making a cake with mastic, I think it turned out quite well:

The birthday boy and everyone else (even adults) were delighted! Then the children decided to decorate the cake, first played with it, and then ate it. If anyone is interested, I can write a recipe for the cake.

How to end a birthday

Children usually really don’t want to leave guests, especially when it’s fun and there are a lot of kids there. To avoid tears, come up with something at the end DIY child's birthday party some surprise in the yard or on the street. For example, we launched several Chinese lanterns, and the children, already dressed and with gifts, went home with their parents.

Like this DIY birthday We succeeded – it was fun and not boring!

Tell us your ideas for celebrating your baby's birthday!

Every mother dreams of capturing her child’s birthday as brightly as possible. Today, for this purpose, there is a special metric poster - a poster that displays basic information about the baby: his name, day and time of birth, weight, height, etc. This beautiful thing becomes a wonderful decoration for a child’s room and emphasizes the individuality of its owner. The only drawback is that, like any exclusive image, the metric requires payment for the designer’s work.

You can save on creating a layout by drawing it yourself or using templates from the Internet. However, to make a high-quality image, you will need skills in working with graphic editors. What if you are not a designer, but want to create a metric for a newborn for free? The website will come to the rescue. It is an online store of designer children's clothing, complemented by a free service for creating online metrics posters. It can be done very quickly without much effort.

How to make an achievement poster online?

The site offers about 50 layouts of ready-made images, where all you have to do is enter the necessary data about the child or upload his photo. All presented options have different author’s designs, which will definitely suit both you and your baby.

There is a suitable picture for any age on the site, because the archive contains not only the classic metric poster for newborns, but also personalized posters, as well as cards for Halloween, New Year and March 8th. Even for mothers who are just expecting a baby, there is their own option - posters with a window for ultrasound images.

The finished image will be sent to your email in A3, A4 and A5 formats, after which you can print them on your printer or in a printing house. You can try to make a metrics poster for children.

Poster metrics for newborns in just three clicks

There are several others on the Internet, but only Bambinic provides functionality specifically for children’s metrics.

To work on the site, registration or authorization through social networks is not required. The process of creating a picture consists of only three steps:

  • design choice;
  • entering child data;
  • sending the layout to your email.

Do-it-yourself stylish element of children's interior

Want to create an achievement poster for your baby's one-year anniversary? The service will help you do this for free online. Such a poster can be shown to guests at a children's party and given to close relatives as a souvenir.

The design of the metric poster echoes the prints of clothes produced by Bambinic, so the company offers to complement the gift for the child by purchasing themed T-shirts, dresses, sweatshirts, etc. In addition, on the website you can buy colorful mini-books containing the characters depicted on the posters and clothes, come to life and teach kids goodness.

Note that there is not a single worthy analogue of Bambinic on the network yet. All such services offer only paid services: development of an individual layout and its printing.

Spend money on an exclusive metric poster for children or create one using free online templates - the choice is yours. In any case, the image will become a source of pride for you and will take pride of place in the children's room.

This article offers you a lot of interesting templates and ways to make a beautiful birthday poster for your child.

Beautiful children's poster for the first birthday of a child 1 year old: templates, ideas, photos

Child's birthday- an important holiday not only for the baby himself, but also, first of all, for his parents. Every mom and every dad tries mark this event in an original way, fun, bright and colorful. Everything is used: balloons, soft toys, wall decorations, tinsel, garlands and greeting posters.

Congratulations poster needed to create the appropriate mood, become a big colorful postcard, attract the attention of guests. This poster may leave your note with wishes for each guest, and also take a photo against the background of the poster. In addition, such a poster can be stored for many years to leave pleasant family moments in your memory.

A child celebrates his first birthday less than his parents. However, the poster is needed in order to remember all the past 12 months. Most often, such a poster has 12 photos of a child every month. Using such photos, guests will be able to track the growth and development of the child and this is an important part of the 1st birthday celebration!

To make a greeting poster, you can use ready-made templates, or use ideas from already finished works. You can decorate the poster using:

  • Balloons
  • Corrugated paper flowers
  • Colored paper or cardboard
  • Cut out pictures or printed photos
  • Images of cartoon characters
  • Flagkov
  • Candy
  • Applications and much more!

Photos of finished posters for a 1 year old child:

Poster with photographs and poems for each photo

Poster for 1 year old, made on a computer and printed

DIY 1 year old poster for a girl

Poster for a 1 year old child in the shape of a flower

IMPORTANT: If you don’t have much time or ideas to design a poster yourself, you can use ready-made templates. To do this, you need to download the picture (template) you like, insert the photo of your baby into the computer program and print it out.

Templates for posters for 1 year:

Template for 1 year with Winnie the Pooh

Template for 1 year old girl

Colorful 1st birthday poster template

Poster for self-filling for 1 year

1 year old poster for a boy

Beautiful do-it-yourself children’s birthday poster for a child aged 2 – 4 years: templates, photos

You can make a beautiful congratulatory poster every year to congratulate your child in an unusual way and give him a pleasant experience. At the age of 2 to 4 years, the baby retains memories, albeit for a short time, but still bright and happy.

A poster for a child at this age must be bright, it must contain happy photos of the baby and loved ones. You can also attach small surprises to the base:

  • Soft toys (small)
  • Sweets
  • Miniature toys (cars, dolls, figurines)
  • Kinder surprise eggs
  • Air balloons
  • Paper hearts or flowers and much more!

Ideas for ready-made posters for 2, 3 and 4 year olds:

DIY poster for a 2 year old girl

Poster and trains for a 2 year old child

Wall poster and congratulations for a 3 year old child

Poster made on a computer for a 4 year old girl

Poster from parents to a 3 year old child

Template for a poster for a 2 year old child “Smeshariki”

Template for a poster for a 3 year old boy

Template for a congratulatory poster for a child “The Smurfs” for 2, 3 or 4 years

Child birthday poster template

Poster with wishes for a child's birthday

2 year old baby greeting poster template

Beautiful do-it-yourself children’s birthday poster for a child aged 5 – 7 years: templates, photos

At the age of 5, 6 and 7 years, the child loves and waits for his birthday. This holiday is celebrated with a lush table of treats, decorations for the home, a lot of balloons, gifts and congratulations. Children invite their friends and relatives to visit.

That is why parents (or other loved ones) should take care of having a colorful congratulatory poster. It will please the child much more than postcards from the store. On such a poster you should place photos of pleasant life moments and wishes from the bottom of your heart.

IMPORTANT: It's a good idea to leave space on the poster to write wishes. Here, each guest present will be able to write their own pleasant words, which the baby can read with his parents again and again.

Birthday poster ideas for 5, 6 and 7 year olds:

Birthday poster with wishes from Soyuzmultfilm

Poster for child's birthday wishes with space for notes from guests

Template for printing and coloring a 5th anniversary poster

Celebratory poster for daughter's birthday

Basis for a 5th birthday poster

Child's birthday poster with space for wishes from guests

Congratulatory poster for a child’s birthday “Fixies”

How to make a poster for a child's birthday using sweets?

A poster made of sweets is a popular greeting and gift at the same time. The fact is that on one large Whatman paper you can place many congratulatory words to your child and please him with sweet treats.

Moreover, some words can be written with the sweets themselves. To do this, you will need a supply of chocolates, sweets, candy bars, cookies and much more. The sweets are attached to whatman paper using double-sided tape, which is easy to buy at a stationery store.

Photos of finished posters for a child’s birthday:

Sweets poster for a child's 10th birthday

Simple poster with sweets for a child's birthday

Big “sweet” poster for a child’s birthday

simple sweet poster

Video: “Delicious birthday poster”

How to make a poster for a child’s birthday with photos and wishes?

Very often, a congratulatory poster is decorated with family photographs. This is done in order to once again relive pleasant life moments and refresh joint memories. For a child, this is a reason to find familiar faces on the “postcard” and be happy about it, and for parents, this is another opportunity to notice how quickly their baby has grown.

You should choose only beautiful photos where the child is smiling for the poster. You can also collect a collection of photographs over several months or years, photos from other birthday celebrations. Photos can be printed on a printer or glued to real ones. For those who own a computer, you can try making a poster in a special program.

Video: “Poster for a child’s birthday”

How to draw a poster for a child's birthday?

If there is more than one child in your family, you can involve everyone in the work of creating a congratulatory poster: brothers, sisters, dad, mom, grandparents. Of course, you can draw a sketch on whatman paper yourself and color it with paints. It’s much easier to print a ready-made template using a printer.

Coloring poster templates for a child's birthday:

Template for a greeting poster “Locomotive”

Birthday coloring poster for girls

Poster for coloring for a child's birthday

Unusual birthday coloring poster

What to write on a child’s birthday poster, what wishes and congratulations?

You should decorate the congratulatory poster with beautiful and warm words. Even if your baby can’t read yet, he will be able to appreciate your work years later, and your guests will simply enjoy your heartfelt words. You can write congratulations in your own words or prepare special poems. Nice words for a child on a congratulatory poster Congratulatory words for a child on a holiday poster

How to buy a poster template for a child's birthday on Aliexpress?

You can decorate your greeting poster in an original and beautiful way with additional decor, which is easy to order and buy on Aliexpress. Here you will find hundreds of creative and poster ideas to bring joy to your child on their big day. You can purchase stickers, patterns, pictures and colorful birthday posters with cartoon characters on the store pages.

Video: “Children's poster: my first year”

All this is a service BAMBINIK POSTER

A colorful poster for a children's room with an individual design and personal details of the child is a wonderful decorative element and an excellent gift for any occasion. Millions of mothers around the world order expensive designer posters for their children, now you can do it absolutely free! Choose a design to suit your taste, enter the name and additional information about the child's achievements, print it on your home printer or at a copy center... that's it! Let the masterpiece take pride of place in the nursery.

Usage options:

    Create a memorable baby birth poster: it will be a great reminder of the touching day of the birth of a new family member! Share the news on social networks and print the poster in large format for interior decoration.

    Make a great gift for a child you know for a holiday or just like that in 2 minutes - print it out, put it in a frame - and give it with pleasure! The delight of the child and his parents is guaranteed :)

    On the eve of your child's birthday, prepare a poster with the achievements of your grown-up baby and decorate the sweet table. A children's holiday today is not complete without this proud detail of the celebration! Don’t forget to tell your friends about this joyful event on social networks.

    A children's poster with achievements (wall newspaper) can be presented to your beloved grandparents so that they always have a reason to be proud.

    Choose a minimalist name poster design for a child of any age and decorate the nursery just because.

We are constantly working on creating new designs and would love to hear your feedback and comments.

Happy creativity!