35 years of personal care. Overview of cosmetic procedures for facial care in different age periods

Facial care after reaching the age of 35 has its own characteristics. Various masks and scrubs, as well as anti-aging creams, help keep the skin healthy and youthful.

The first small wrinkles begin to appear after 30, so every woman at this age begins to more closely monitor the condition of her skin. Although it is still early to prepare for major changes, facial care after 35 is somewhat different from the previous one and has its own characteristics.

Moisturizing, nourishing a woman's face is always important, but after stepping over the mark of 30 years, it is worth watching this especially carefully. Professional massage, gymnastics and anti-aging moisturizers and masks should be added to the usual procedures, which, with regular use, will allow you to enjoy clean, well-groomed skin.

Morning treatments begin with a gentle cleansing after sleep. Its dry type needs cleansing milk, while other types need lotion or foam. In no case should you use any soap for washing when caring for your skin. Infusions of herbs such as chamomile, sage, rosemary are perfect for morning or evening face wash. To prepare them, you need to take one tablespoon of dry medicinal herbs and add a glass of boiling water.

It is imperative to perform toning procedures before applying the daily cream. You can take ready-made products or prepare a tonic yourself. One of the most effective recipes is a mixture of one glass of boiling water, a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of lemon juice. In summer, instead of lemon, use the juice of watermelon or young nettle. For oily skin, strong green tea with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice is suitable.

Particular attention should be paid to the area around the eyes, because it has thin and delicate skin, and is also devoid of a fat layer. The moisturizer will be too heavy for this area, so you need to apply special products to nourish the skin. They are applied with the ring finger in the direction from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner light movements. To eliminate puffiness under the eyes, apply a compress for 10 minutes from green parsley, fresh carrots or potatoes.

Regarding the cream for daily procedures after 30, choose moisturizers with a UV filter to protect from the sun's rays in the warm season, so that the skin does not burn. The composition of the cream should include various vitamins, antioxidants and hyaluronic acid, which very well stimulates the process of collagen and elastin production, so that premature aging processes do not occur with the skin.

Facial care after 35 years includes anti-aging creams without fail. Such special products contain components that accelerate regeneration and increase elasticity.

In the evening, it is necessary to complete all the main stages, in the end, apply a night remedy according to its type. So that a woman can be proud of her skin and avoid morning swelling, such a cream is applied no later than an hour before bedtime, and the remnants are soaked with a paper napkin. It contains the same vitamins and nutrients as in the daytime remedy, but there is a higher fat content and no UV filters. Also, night creams contain enzymes, biologically active substances and amino acids, which provide complex nutrition for the face and allow you to enjoy healthy skin.

Basic recipes

Starting from 30, the skin needs additional cleansing with a scrub or gommage. For owners of the dry type, cleansing is carried out no more than once a week, and for everyone else - twice a week. Cleaning can be done in the salon or at home. Effective components of a scrub can be:

  • milk;
  • sour cream;
  • oat flakes;
  • coffee;
  • sea ​​salt.

Peeling is used to remove the upper stratum corneum. After cleansing the skin, moisturizers and nourishing products penetrate much better into its deep layers.

To provide additional nutrition and a lifting effect for the face after 30 years, it is necessary to regularly do professional or home masks. They are simply irreplaceable in the gentle care of the skin and eliminate its fatigue, swelling and irritation. Clients of modern beauty salons have beautiful and radiant skin, but home treatments are also gaining popularity. The most effective ingredients for masks are:

  • White clay;
  • egg;
  • natural oils;
  • fruit;
  • herbs;
  • green tea.

Among the most common recipes is a honey and milk mask: they are mixed in a ratio of one to seven and applied to a previously cleansed face.

Also a good effect in 30 years from a mask of banana pulp, a teaspoon of cream and half a teaspoon of potato starch.

The next great skincare combination is one yolk with a tablespoon of olive or sunflower oil, and sour cream with parsley juice.

During the warmer months, nutritious masks made from fresh fruits and vegetables will be useful. Ingredients can be strawberries, peaches, cherries and cucumbers.

If the berry pulp is liquid, then cottage cheese, sour cream or chopped oatmeal is added to it.

What affects the skin

The first step is to establish a calm and proper sleep. Regular sleep disturbance affects absolutely any age, but after 30, even one day without normal rest greatly impairs a woman's health and she gradually says goodbye to her previously beautiful young skin. At first, swelling and a gray complexion may appear, and then, with prolonged lack of sleep, the face noticeably and sharply ages. For these reasons, it is recommended that you sleep 7-8 hours a night.

Extra pounds become a negative factor for female youth and beauty. With a lot of weight, a face loses its attractive outlines, a double chin often appears, and its color does not change for the better. It is worth excluding or minimizing spicy, smoked and fatty foods from your diet, which often cause gastrointestinal diseases and deterioration of the skin.

It is important to eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and drink plenty of fluids. You need to eat fractionally, in small portions 5-6 times a day. Dinner should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

It is advisable to get rid of bad habits in order to have delicate and soft skin, and not worsen the woman's health. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption at any age significantly reduces the firmness and elasticity of the skin. At the age of 30, the face of a woman who does not part with a cigarette fades before her eyes.

Daily physical training and walks in the fresh air should become a habit, then the skin of the face will shine with health regardless of age. You can preserve your beauty by following some simple rules, following a healthy lifestyle, so that you can enjoy healthy and glowing skin later.

Hello, our beloved beauties! It's a paradox, but women dream of looking at 25, 15, and 35 years old. And for this, at different ages, different means are needed. If at 15 you can just put more makeup on your face, then at 35 this trick will not work. It is imperative to take care of the skin of the face, and do it regularly, not a single "magic mask", made every six months, will not bring the desired result.

Today we will talk with you about which cosmetic procedures for the face after 35 years will help you for a long time and youth.

Unfortunately, the aging process of the skin begins very early, some even after 25. And in order to look 30 at 40, and even at 45, after 35 you need to take care of your face more intensively.

So, let's look at what cosmetic procedures will save our skin from early aging. By the way, many of the listed facial care techniques are quite available at home.

Cleanse your skin - get younger

Before performing any actions with the face (applying masks, doing massage, etc.), you must first clean it from dirt. In the evening, we wash off all the smog that has settled on our face, and in the morning - the toxins that our body has released onto the surface of the skin overnight.

Choose a washbasin according to your skin type. It is not at all necessary to purchase expensive funds. Carefully read the composition of the gel or milk for washing, it is important that there are no ingredients that cause you allergies.

It is best that you have at least three cleansers:

  • To remove makeup (milk, special products);
  • For washing (gel, soap, foam, oil);
  • Face tonic.

You will use them depending on the situation.

After cleansing the skin, you can do a light peeling to remove the upper layer of the epidermis, which accumulates toxins:

  • Lemon peel... Rub the peel from two lemons washed under hot water on a fine grater. Mix with warmed olive, flaxseed or peach oil until a mushy mixture. Massaging lightly, apply this mixture on your face in a circular motion for 5-10 minutes, then wash off with warm water.
  • Walnut kernels grind to a state of flour, mix a tablespoon of ground nuts with the same amount of any freshly squeezed juice. Both fruit and vegetable (carrot, cabbage, potato) juices are suitable. The mixture should have the consistency of sour cream so that you can easily use it to cleanse your face. For dry skin, add some milk. It is applied in the same way as in the previous recipe.

Water is the main component of purification. Herbal infusions or milk can be added to the water for washing, this softens the skin. Try not to use too cold water - it sharply narrows the vessels, this leads to their rupture. Then a red-blue mesh may appear on the face, which does not at all decorate it. Washing with too hot water leads to the same result.

The best option for washing your face is warm water for the main stage, cool for the final one.

There is an opinion that it is necessary to wash with extremely cold water. It is wrong! Water at room temperature is ideal for washing, then the skin can be rinsed with cold, but not ice-cold water.

The face after the mask is like in a beautiful fairy tale

After 35 years old, you need to do nourishing face masks 2-3 times a week. They not only "feed" the skin with useful substances, but also smooth and heal it. Just do not offend the neck and décolleté area with your forgetfulness. Be sure to apply masks to this area.

  1. Anti-wrinkle mask, suitable for all skin types. To prepare it, you will need a topping spoon of potato starch, thoroughly stirred in half a glass of water. Pour into a glass or enamel pan (aluminum is impossible - it oxidizes), heat it over low heat, adding another half glass of water. Be sure to stir so that no clots appear. When the starch thickens evenly, we measure out five tablespoons of the resulting "jelly" in a separate bowl, set to cool. We squeeze the juice from the carrots, we also need five tablespoons, mix with cooled starch, add about a tablespoon with a slide of sour cream. Using a soft brush, apply on the face in layers (applied one, dried, applied the next, so three layers). We lay down for 20 minutes, got up, carefully washed off everything with warm water. You are beautiful!
  2. "Biolifting" with honey... Whisk one protein lightly with a tablespoon of linden honey, add two tablespoons of thick yogurt there, literally 3 drops of lavender essential oil. Apply the resulting mask to your face with a brush, rest for about 15 minutes, wash yourself.
  3. Revitalizing cottage cheese mask... A tablespoon of soft curd should be mixed with the same amount of honey and orange juice. After holding this mask on your face for 20 minutes, wash it off with green tea infusion, apply a nourishing cream to your face and neck.

Do not use the mask if it contains ingredients that are causing you an allergic reaction.

If there is no time to visit salons ...

There are various devices, the main task of which is to facilitate skin care at home, and to do it on an almost professional level. Why almost - because serious problems such as deep mimic wrinkles, rosacea (fine mesh of blood vessels), acne, hypersensitivity, some other manifestations on the face still require the intervention of a professional cosmetologist.

In addition, hardware cosmetology has certain contraindications. This can be an allergy to certain types of drugs, diabetes, poor blood clotting, pregnancy, and other individual reasons.

In the salon, the beautician will take into account all the features of your skin, select the appropriate care. Before using any of the proposed devices at home, it is better to consult a professional.

Facial cleansing machines

  1. Electric brushes... Such devices cleanse the skin using a soft nozzle with bristles, which rotating, washes away impurities and at the same time massages. The bristles on such devices with rounded ends, it does not injure the epidermis, while at the same time toning it up, improving blood circulation in the upper layers. It is better to apply cleansing preparations directly to the brush itself, then gently treat the face along the massage lines. The cost of the devices is from 1900 rubles.
  2. Vacuum Facial Cleansing Devices... With the help of the vacuum created by this device, sebaceous plugs, comedones, dead cells are "pulled out" from the skin surface. Before using this procedure, it is recommended to wash your face, then carry out a light peeling, only then proceed to vacuum cleaning. This procedure, in addition to cleaning, also creates a massage effect, improves blood circulation. The price of such devices is from 2800 rubles.
  3. Ultrasonic cleaning devices... With the help of ultrasound, the upper layers, consisting of dead cells, are exfoliated, the skin acquires a healthier appearance, wrinkles are smoothed, and blood flow improves. Ultrasound machines are used to even out the complexion. Such devices cost from 6,000 rubles.

Remove wrinkles and tighten skin

  • Galvanic currents... Improve the condition of the skin, correct the oval of the face, remove fine wrinkles - all this will help you to do the devices that act on the face with galvanic currents. Positive and negative ions, moving, affect the deep layers of the skin, stimulate the production of important substances on which the appearance of the epidermis depends: collagen and hyaluronic acid.

At the initial stage, a gel with a negative charge is applied to the surface to be treated, and the device is adjusted to the same charge. During processing, negatively charged particles of the gel with useful substances are repelled by the same charges on the device nozzle and penetrate deep into the skin. There are also cleansing agents in the gel that envelop the impurities present in the epidermis, and they also become negatively charged.

At the next stage, another care product has a positive charge, the device is adjusted to the same charge. Swiping the device over your face, you "pull out" impurities that have a negative charge, nourish the skin with positively charged ions of the product applied to the face and neck.

As a result, the skin is cleansed and nourished at a deeper level at the same time. Currents also act on the muscles, tightening them, improving the oval of the face, reducing the sagging of the cheeks and chin. Devices that generate galvanic currents can be found at a price of 3,700 rubles. Read the instructions carefully.

  • Ultrasonic waves they act on the skin in almost the same way as needles in a mesoscooter, but at the same time they absolutely do not damage the epidermis.

With the help of ultrasonic waves, beneficial substances penetrate deep into the skin, improve its condition from the inside, while also using the deep muscles of the face, tightening them, thereby removing the double chin, "bulldog cheeks", wrinkles around the eyes go away and the face looks younger. The cost of such devices starts at 4500 rubles.

In fact, all drugs acting on the skin with the help of a current work according to the same principle - small discharges of current irritate the skin, forcing it to "work" - to regenerate tissues and contract muscles. Due to this, a beneficial effect of lifting the oval of the face and improving the appearance is obtained.

One of the simplest devices used for cosmetic procedures at home is a mesoscooter. It is a roller with sharp needles of various lengths. For home use, needle lengths from 0.2 to 0.5 mm are suitable. Longer needles are best used under the supervision of a specialist, since they violate the integrity of the skin - this is precisely the effect of the mesoscooter.

The needles pierce the epidermis, creating small channels through which the beneficial substances applied to the face penetrate into the deeper layers. They improve the condition of the epidermis much faster, providing a healing and rejuvenating effect.

In addition, the skin treated with the mesoscooter triggers its own mechanisms for restoring the skin, "forcing" to more actively produce collagen, elastin, and other substances on which the condition of the skin depends.

The cost of a mesoscooter depends on the material from which the needles are made (steel, titanium, gold or silver plating, plastic) and their quantity on the roller. Prices - from 2400 rubles.

The mesoscooter is a fairly simple device, so the price for it is several times lower than the course of anti-aging procedures in the salon.

Usually, along with meso- or as they are also called dermorollers, the substances used during the work with the device are sold.

  • Remember that with the help of the device's needles, the integrity of the skin is disturbed, therefore the whole procedure must be carried out with sterile clean hands, the device itself must be treated with either alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.
  • In no case should two different people use the same device - again for reasons of hygiene.

The correct order of caring procedures

In facial care, it is important to follow a certain sequence of actions:

  1. Purification;
  2. Special procedures - masks, massages, etc .;
  3. Application of moisturizing and nourishing products.

It also matters at what time to perform the procedures. For example, the best time for peeling is two to three hours before bedtime, so that the skin has time to recover during sleep. It is also better to apply face masks in the evening, when the body is already psychologically ready for rest and accepts various manipulations well.

Peeling (salon or home) after 35 should become a weekly procedure.

Radical solutions - salon treatments

In the salon, you can get a more radical care of your face. After 35 years, it is already worth at least once a month to carry out anti-aging salon "therapy". In a serious institution, before doing any procedure, you will definitely be asked to fill out a questionnaire in which you indicate all your health problems and ask if you are allergic to certain drugs. Experts will tell you about possible contraindications for the upcoming manipulations with the face and body.

Here are some salon hardware treatments to improve the condition of your facial skin.

Deep peeling

This can be chemical action, laser, diamond or microcrystalline resurfacing, or dermabrasion, other types of hardware cleaning. The essence of all these methods is that not only the upper layer of keratinized cells is "burned out" or removed, but also a part of the epidermis under it. This leads to the fact that the body triggers self-healing mechanisms and, which are manifested as elimination of wrinkles, leveling of skin color, removal of age spots, improvement of the condition of the skin.

Since these procedures damage (albeit microscopically) the surface of the skin, they must be performed by a specialist cosmetologist. After the procedures, it is advisable to go out for a while as rarely as possible, it is imperative to treat the face with special formulations, which the cosmetologist will advise.

Prices for such procedures vary from 1,000 to 15,000 rubles per session, depending on the complexity and drugs used.


Its essence boils down to the fact that special vitamin cocktails are "delivered" deep into the skin, which affect not only the dermis and epidermis, but also the general state of health. The cost of the procedure in the salons depends on the type of mesotherapy and the level of the salon.

  • Injection - from 3000 rubles per area.
  • Non-injection - from 2500 rubles and more.

Mesotherapy stimulates skin regeneration, accelerates it, heals the skin. It is considered the most effective at the first signs of aging.


Substances called fillers can be injected under the skin to fill in wrinkles, making the skin smoother and younger. Usually, collagen or hyaluronic acid is used as fillers, which are gradually removed from the body, leaving the effect of their use for a long time.

Such injections are already more related to non-surgical facial plastic. Cost - from 14,000 rubles and more, depending on the drugs and the area of ​​application.


This is what is called a facelift, getting rid of a double chin, wrinkles, reducing nasolabial folds.

  • Massage-lifting can be manual (from 5000 rubles and more), ultrasonic (from 2000 rubles), vacuum (from 500 rubles per session).
  • There is such a thing as radio frequency or RF lifting. This method is based on the effect on the skin with the help of radio frequency radiation, which, in addition to “exciting” the tissues of the face, also heats it up due to the energy emanating from the apparatus. As a result, new collagen fibers are formed, replacing the destroyed ones, the face is smoothed, the skin gains radiance. The approximate price of the procedure in the salons is from 6,000 rubles.
  • Lifting with threads - gold, platinum. This procedure is also closer to the field of cosmetic surgery. Threads are inserted under the skin to a depth of no more than 3 mm, they are tightened until the desired result is achieved. Later, a natural collagen skeleton is formed around the threads. The effect is quick and lasts for a long time, the cost is from 50,000 rubles.


Impact on the muscles of the face using impulse currents, in fact, is a charge for the face. Only in this case, you do not strain your muscles yourself, impulses aimed at a specific area do it for you. They strengthen the muscles of the face and neck, smooth out wrinkles, tone the skin, due to which it better perceives various caring preparations. Blood flow improves, complexion evens out.

Whichever care you choose - home, salon or a combination of both, in any case - be beautiful and healthy, dear readers!

The environment affects us - that's a fact! Avoid conversations like “I was losing weight here, and I couldn't”, “but we will still remain fat”, “there should be a lot of good people”. Well, let there be "a lot" of them - but what have you got to do with it?

Remember a simple word: graceful. This is exactly what your portion of dishes harmful to the figure should be. And then you too will become graceful - it's only a matter of time.

To reduce the likelihood of overeating, stick to the "10 calm spoons" rule. It reads: "Eat the first ten spoons very slowly, as slowly as you can."

Do 10-20 squats each time you open the refrigerator door. It can be normal, but it is possible with the direction of the feet and knees to the sides. Or on one leg. Or squat and then jump up and down. In short, be more varied.

Learn to catch the moment when the taste of food dulls, as if it becomes less tasty. It is at this time that you must stop eating.

Before you eat, tell yourself: "As we eat, I will lose weight!" A very powerful phrase for reducing appetite and regulating food composition.

Occasionally have a Big Salad Day. A huge bowl of vegetable salad (or better, a bowl!) Should be eaten during the day. The rest of the food - only after an impressive portion of the salad.

A minute of exercise before meals will reduce your appetite better than any special remedy.

Start in your refrigerator "Shelf for slim" and "Shelf for fat". Which one do you choose?

To reduce appetite, drink a glass of kefir before each meal.

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If you don't want to look 80 at 50, you need to start caring for your skin thoroughly as early as 35. This will allow you to look like most Hollywood beauties who are over 40 years old. Here are 10 rules for skin care after 35 years. They will help you keep your skin youthful and fresh complexion for years to come! And most importantly - not a single wrinkle will appear! Just follow these rules and smile more! A positive attitude has not harmed anyone yet :)

Include hyaluronic acid in your "diet"

Hyaluron should be your best friend after 35 years. Application - both external and internal, this is not a joke to you! Buy hyaluronic acid from a pharmacy (it comes in powders and tablets) and take it once a day, like vitamins. It will not hurt to get a cream, which contains acid, because it is this wonderful component that truly moisturizes the skin cells and makes it more elastic.

Give up hard scrubbing

If at the age of 25 it was possible to mix ground coffee with a foam for washing and perfectly scrub the face with this, then after 35 you should not thin the skin in such radical ways. Choose gentle face scrubs, or better yet, replace them with an electric brush (such as those from Clarisonic).

Choose a collagen stimulating cream

With age, the main problem of our skin is the slowed down production of collagen - it is he who is responsible for elasticity. Therefore, to prevent wrinkles from showing up ahead of time, you need to use anti-aging creams that help this very collagen to produce and "push out" wrinkles from the inside. Regular moisturizer just “for dry skin” or “for normal skin” is no longer suitable for you - give it to your little sister.

Use serums

Serum is the most concentrated product. Unlike ordinary cream, it contains more nutrients and restorative substances, this is a real cocktail of useful components, which means it works more actively. If before you had enough three products (night care, day and cream for the area around the eyes), now you need to add the serum to your beauty routine. Apply it in the evening, half an hour before using the night cream.

Don't forget about the neckline

Tell me honestly - when you apply the cream, what areas do you pay attention to? Only the face and neck? This is the mistake of most women! We want the décolleté skin to remain firm and taut, so you have to be generous - use your anti-aging facial treatment in this area too, because a regular body lotion will not give any rejuvenating effect.

Do lymphatic drainage massage

We hope that sometimes you trust your face to a beautician and do not forget about professional care. If you do not have such a habit, then after 35 years you will have to acquire it - every six months, take a course of lymphatic drainage massage (you need 7-10 procedures). It is he who improves blood circulation, promotes skin elasticity and slows down the aging process. Just add this procedure to your schedule and don't forget to visit a beautician!

Do the mask twice a week

Are you used to "playing around" with masks from time to time, when you and your friend suddenly decided to have a spa bachelorette party? It is not right! A face mask needs to be done once a week - it can be either ready-made products or handmade. For example, a nourishing mask with antioxidant vitamins A and E works great (buy them at the pharmacy). Also apply an intensive anti-aging mask once a week. Make sure it contains collagen, elastin, B vitamins and hyaluronic acid.

Remove makeup with hydrophilic oil

The skin around the eyes is the most sensitive, and this is what we most damage when we wash off makeup. Do not try to wash off the remnants of mascara with a gel that is not intended for eyelids, or, even worse, with ordinary soap (we know that many people sin this).

Remove makeup with hydrophilic oil - apply it a little on a cotton pad, press it against your eyelids for 5-10 seconds and remove makeup, then wash off the oil with warm water. Another proven option is biphasic whey, which also has an oil base. Why do we recommend oil? With it, you will definitely not dry out your skin and will not rub it until reddening, which becomes one of the reasons for the appearance of wrinkles.

Include vegetable juices in your diet

We all know that true beauty comes from within, so if you want to help your skin stay youthful, watch your diet. We will not urge you to radically change your diet, but nevertheless, start drinking a vitamin cocktail - juice of celery, parsley and fresh cabbage, perhaps not the best delicacy in the world, but its composition helps the skin to maintain elasticity.

Watch your hands

And finally, the hands, which so often give away a woman's true age, even if the face looks great. It is also important to follow the rules in hand skin care - scrub, moisturize and make nourishing masks regularly.

By about the age of 30, every woman begins to feel the relentlessness of time. Light wrinkles in the eye area are the first warning signs. But age-related changes begin to manifest themselves especially strongly by the age of 35. To reduce the negative effect of past years, you should carefully approach the care of your appearance.

If you systematically take care of your skin, adhering to the recommendations of cosmetologists, you can look much younger even at 35 years old.

To achieve the effect, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Change the usual moisturizer to a product containing a complex of active ingredients that promote rapid regeneration of the surface layer of the epithelium. As a rule, such a cream contains antioxidant substances that increase the nutrition of the cell structure and the production of collagen. It is advisable to use these funds about an hour before bedtime, after cleansing the face with a gentle gel or lotion;
  • You need to radically reconsider your habits. All cosmetic procedures will be useless if the woman does not let the cigarette out of her mouth and does not adhere to a balanced diet. You should include in the daily menu foods with a high content of vitamin C, which maintains a beautiful skin tone, and vitamin A, which stimulates the regeneration of the epidermis;
  • Sunlight can be a middle-aged woman's worst enemy. Ultraviolet light dries the epithelium and often leads to the appearance of ugly age spots. You can avoid the negative effect if you regularly use sunscreens;
  • According to experts, the antioxidants present in green tea can slow down the aging process by destroying free radicals. Therefore, 2-3 cups of a refreshing and aromatic drink will maintain a good condition of the skin of the face after 35 years;
  • Particular attention should be paid to the areas of the eyes, where mimic wrinkles appear in the first place. Moisturizing the skin with creams with a light texture will help to reduce the aging process;
  • Systematic peeling, at least 1-2 times a week, cleans the surface of the epithelium, removes fine wrinkles and ensures the renewal of cellular structures;
  • The aging process flows much faster if the epidermis does not receive enough moisture. Lack of water in the body affects the skin in the first place. Therefore, you should drink a significant amount of plain water daily, about 1.5-2 liters. However, before going to bed, you should refuse to drink water, otherwise the face in the area of ​​the eyes will be “beautified” with unpleasant edema;
  • Nutritional masks should be performed at least 2 times a week. In the morning, it is recommended to wipe your face with ice cubes. You can freeze herbal teas or green tea. In a similar way, they achieve an improvement in blood circulation, and, therefore, stimulate metabolic processes.

Naturally, face masks after 35 should be done taking into account the skin type.

Facial treatments at 35, tailored to skin type

It is known that products that are good for one skin type can cause significant harm to another. Therefore, it is important, when choosing the composition of masks and creams, to focus on your type.

For example, the increased fat content of the surface of the epithelium, associated with the increased functionality of the sebaceous glands, leads to the appearance of acne and enlarged pores. However, the owners of this type do not feel age-related changes so strongly. Mimic wrinkles begin to form later than all of them. As a result, no radical change in care is required.

It is enough to use tonics, balms and other means that maintain ph balance:

  • They are allowed to use without restrictions, and you can safely wash off makeup with a simple soap. For oily skin, this remedy is ideal, since excessive dryness is not terrible;
  • Strawberry berries can be used as an excellent cleaner for optimum cleaning. To do this, a handful of strawberries are ground and poured with a glass of vodka or medical alcohol. The agent is insisted for about half an hour and filtered from the berry pulp. Use a rubbing tincture instead of a tonic;
  • Compresses from yarrow, horsetail, dried St. John's wort give an excellent effect. The herbs are scalded with boiling water and insisted for no more than an hour. In the filtered infusion, moisten a towel and apply to the face. Rubbing the skin with a cube of frozen green tea will help to consolidate the effect;
  • Do not use the same cream all the time. The funds should be changed about once every 1.5 months;
  • If the pores are significantly enlarged, a simple massage will help, which should be performed in the morning and before bed.

A 35-year-old woman's face with dry skin requires special care. It is this type that is most susceptible to early formation of wrinkles.

To reduce the signs of aging, you must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Do not use toners and lotions, as they provoke excessive dryness. More attention should be paid to moisturizers. When cleaning from makeup, it is advisable to use a special cosmetic milk;
  • Before going to bed, a cosmetic ointment is applied to the face, necessarily containing panthenol;
  • An excellent result is obtained by rubbing the skin with almond oil. The procedure is carried out at least 1-2 times a week;
  • Nourishing masks will help to consolidate the positive dynamics. For example, you can mix half a teaspoon of natural honey with 2 teaspoons of fairly fatty sour cream. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes.

The mixed type is a significant problem, since it is necessary to adhere to competent care for various areas of the face.

However, there are some general tips to keep your skin looking fresh:

  • It is recommended to use foam for washing in the morning, and lotion in the evening;
  • It is advisable to purchase cosmetic products if they contain antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, and retinol;
  • The masks used with the mixed type should be nourishing as well as soothing. You can use the classic recipe - oatmeal. A small amount of rolled oats is steamed with boiling water and applied warm to a previously cleansed and steamed face.

With any type, it becomes necessary to use anti-aging cosmetics that increase collagen production. However, face creams after 35 can be partially replaced using masks made from natural products and essential oils.

Essential oils after 35 years

This product accelerates the regeneration processes and has a soothing effect on the skin. Depending on the type, a specific oil is selected that has an optimal set of vitamin complex.

  • for dry type - ylang-ylang, patchouli, rose;
  • for oily, pigmented with pimples - tea tree, rosemary, lemon;
  • for sensitive - lavender;
  • for pigmented and fading - orange;
  • to eliminate wrinkles - citronella.

Choosing the most effective oil for your type can solve most age-related skin problems.

After 35, contacts of a proven cosmetologist, endocrinologist and gynecologist should appear in the notebook of every woman. Correct interpretation of analyzes, tracking the health of the skin and the whole body, restoring the ideal balance is the main and decisive moment in anti-aging care.

Before you run to a beauty salon, you need to find out what your skin needs, whether you have a lack of elastin or collagen. If you can't get to the doctor in any way, remember at least the main signs of a deficiency of essential substances responsible for beauty. Is your skin prone to stretch marks or stretch marks? Most likely, the body lacks elastin. If you notice a sagging face contour, then you need to replenish collagen reserves.

Having figured out the basic needs of the skin, you can already turn to the salon for help. However, not all of the presented procedures will work on intensive skin rejuvenation. We have compiled a small list of manipulations that are mistakenly called anti-age.


You should not rely on the magic of laser procedures, since they do not work with anti-aging skin changes, but only with its defects: pigmentation, uneven relief and others. The laser thickens the skin well and removes age spots, so it is a good addition to anti-aging procedures, but you should not expect an anti-age visual effect.

You will receive a powerful effect and visible changes only if the correct preparation for the procedure has been carried out, for example, a course of peelings or skin biorevitalization has been completed. After undergoing laser therapy, the rehabilitation period will be decisive. If you follow all the recommendations of the cosmetologist and use the cream with panthenol within three weeks after the manipulation, then this will keep the effect much longer.

Important: the laser procedure can be repeated once (!) In 7-10 years. And not more often!


It is practically pointless to do mesotherapy after 35 years. Why? Mesotherapy is a method of administering drugs enriched with vitamins or hyaluronic acid, but their concentration is extremely low. If these injections give a good result on young skin, then at a more mature age the skin simply does not perceive these substances.

The situation is further aggravated if a woman drinks large amounts of alcohol or smokes. So the oxidation process of the introduced substances is accelerated tenfold - and the antioxidants used simply do not have time to act.

Of course, in the world of injections there is an excellent alternative to mesotherapy: biorevitalization, bioreparation, fillers.

Deep peels

Women choose peels at their whim, trusting the reviews of friends or stories about magical procedures on women's forums. It is important to remember that peels differ in their properties (exfoliating and moisturizing) and depth of action (superficial, middle and deep). In pursuit of beauty, there is absolutely no time to understand their differences. And why, if you can simply demand the most aggressive procedure in the hope that after a difficult period of rehabilitation, new flawless skin will magically appear in place of wrinkles and pigmentation.

Deep peeling provides a powerful exfoliation and is performed exclusively under anesthesia in a clinical setting, and the rehabilitation period lasts from two weeks to one and a half months. Deep peels are shown to a fairly narrow and specific circle of people: most often, professional dermatovenerologists prescribe this procedure to solve the problem of injuries, scars or burns received, but not to solve anti-aging problems.

Jet pill

Jet pill is another manipulation offered to women after 30. However, this procedure is a good and quite versatile addition to anti-aging cryomassage. The high-pressure delivery of a special therapeutic cocktail containing vitamins and antioxidants provides lymphomassage, oxygen flow to the skin and induces a transdermal state: a process when the epidermis is able to transfer beneficial substances from the skin's surface to its deeper layers.

Because of its atraumatic nature among cosmetologists, it is called “exit procedure”: girls of all ages prefer to do it before important events, be it a graduation, a date or a wedding. As it turned out, there are no special indications for using it on aging skin, and you can hardly call it an anti-age procedure, since Jet pill gives a short-term result and needs frequent renewal.


Another manipulation with a contradictory effect. On the one hand, it tightens the skin, reduces the number of visible capillaries, tightens pores and shrinks collagen in cells, inhibiting gravitational ptosis and loss of contours.

On the other hand, photorejuvenation dehydrates the upper layers of the epidermis. Therefore, if a course of special training was not completed before the procedure, for example, biorevitalization, then the effect will not be at all what you were promised.

But still...

We believe that it is not entirely correct to say that these procedures are absolutely useless. The success of the application depends on their teamwork, and any anti-aging procedure needs the right support. And these manipulations are perfect for the role of supporting anti-age care.

Text: Daria Solodovnikova