What eyebrow shape is perfect for you. Correct eyebrow shape. Arched eyebrow shape

In some cases, your own eyebrows in their natural form need additional care. But just plucking them along the bottom edge is usually not enough. In the turmoil of everyday life, the desire to paint eyebrows every morning with a pencil is zero, or often there is no time left for this at all. Correction and coloring of eyebrows at home or in the salon is a way out of this situation.

Of course, it is easier for specialists to make a form that suits you, but what if you are afraid to get to an inexperienced amateur. Then the best option would be to create the perfect shape at home, and we will help you with this. We will figure out how to choose the shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face, and also consider what rules should be followed.

Make-up secrets: how to highlight the eyes from the best side

The very first thing that should catch a woman's appearance is her eyes. They should be expressive, charming. But what if the eyes are, for example, small in shape, or set far apart. How to choose the shape of the eyebrows so as not to overshadow the expressiveness of the eyes and make them definitely beautiful:

  • For owners of small eyes, the main focus is on the eyebrows. Against the background of too wide - they will not be noticeable, but the average thickness with slightly lowered - an excellent match;
  • Current practice shows that wide eyebrows for large eyes will be an ideal proposal. By the way, this feature will give rigidity and severity to the image of a lady. Reception with an arcuate shape will reduce the eye, and visually combines the proportions of the entire face.

How to choose eyebrows according to the type of face

For each type of face, there are recommendations for their correct outline.

The correct shape of the eyebrows determines:

  • Expressive eyes;
  • Using less makeup;
  • Look younger than your age;
  • Create the correct symmetry of the face.

So, are you looking for the perfect brows for your face? Then let's find the right eyebrow solution for your face type, created by makeup artists around the world. First, consider the available types of eyebrows.

They are divided into six types:

  • arcuate;
  • curved;
  • With a break;
  • Horizontal;
  • Ascending;
  • House.

Square face

A square jaw emphasizes the angularity of your face, so softly rounded eyebrows are the solution to the visual relationship of all parts of the appearance. But be careful not to make them too rosy. Eyebrows for a square face with a sharp curve will make the face look surprised.

When deciding to create the correct forms, one should exclude too thin ones, this option assumes to look very unaesthetic in relation to the square type of face.

Round face

A round face has no cheekbones. In this case, the eyebrows for a round face should have a slight outline of an angular shape, this feature will only brighten up the external data of a woman. A kink is a great solution for a round face. An exception is an arcuate straight line, which will create the impression of a lush ball. As a result, the eyes will fade into the background, and only overly rounded shapes will attract attention.

You should carefully consider the tattooing of a round face, because if you have such forms from fullness, then losing weight, they will acquire new forms that may not suit you and make your face unattractive.

Oval elongated face

The visually stretched vertical line of the face requires a balance of a horizontal counterweight. The best option would be eyebrows that create an extension in the part of the ponytails, and it is also good if they go a little beyond the corner of the eye.

The ideal shape in this case is considered straight, thanks to which the face will appear wider.

Oval face

This type of face is lucky, because here you can combine almost any shape of the eyebrows, the main requirement is the width - you should not unnaturally make them thicker. Eyebrows for an oval face smoothly go up, and then smoothly round down if the eyes are almond-shaped.

Also, it would not be superfluous to mention the arcuate shape. Especially suitable for girls with bangs or a high forehead. Eyebrows of a straight shape should be extremely symmetrical so that they look perfectly groomed and neat.

Heart shaped face (triangular)

Due to the small jaw line, it is important to choose the shape of the eyebrow that is not too wide, otherwise the entire emphasis will be on the upper hemisphere of the face, which will present the outlines of the woman's face in an extremely unfavorable position.

diamond face

The shape of a diamond-shaped face is not common: a powerful chin, pronounced cheekbones, a wide upper hemisphere proportional to the lower one - these are the features of a diamond-shaped face. It is worth noting that the eyebrows make the appearance expressive due to a slight break in the classic shape.

five golden rules

Regardless of the shape of the face, eyebrow correction should follow several patterns:

  1. The eyebrow should start from the bridge of the nose. It is enough to apply an even pencil from the wing of the nose to the corner of the eye vertically. Everything that is outside this line must be plucked.
  2. Never use an overly arched shape.
  3. Don't have short eyebrows. Its tail should be equal to at least the corner of the eye. To do this, use the pencil again. We lean one end to the wing of the nose, and the other end to the outer corner of the eye. Everything that turned out to be abroad is plucked out.
  4. The width between the eyebrows should be the same width of two fingers (with the exception of close-set eyes).
  5. If the recommended shape of the eyebrows is with a bend, make it extremely smooth and accurate to avoid the “barbie effect”.

Eyebrow oil

Unfortunately, chic thick eyebrows can only be found in those female representatives who have this feature genetically. The rest of the girls will have to take care of them. Evidence of the chaotic shape of the eyebrows may be their thin and rare structure.

Such eyebrows are difficult to color, and tattooing is slightly different in the visual visibility of its application. But you should not be upset, in modern times there are many ways to restore or strengthen hairline growth. What is the best oil for eyebrows to use, taking into account their saturation and how effective it is, we will consider further.

The main advantage of oils is the strengthening and growth of eyebrows. After a hard day's work, they must be cleaned with a gel. The use of massage will have a positive effect on the eyebrow area - this improves blood circulation. It will also not be superfluous to comb the eyebrows with a special brush, then they will keep the desired shape for a long time.

It nourishes the bulbs well with such oils: castor, olive, flaxseed, burdock, dog rose, chamomile, cornflower blue. It will be enough for 5-7 minutes to make a relaxing massage with a brush and oils. They strengthen and accelerate hair growth.

Separately, I want to note about castor oil. It is applied for the purpose of prevention and hair loss. If you want to speed up the effect, use oils at night. You just need to apply it on cleansed skin half an hour before bedtime. Rinse everything well in the morning.

How to model the shape of the eyebrows

Oddly enough, but eyebrows can depend not only on the type of face, but also on the character. An experienced makeup artist will always draw conclusions based not only on external data, but also on the characteristics of style and character. Because each shape of the eyebrow adapts to a peculiar note of emotion. For example, straight wide eyebrows argue seriousness and a certain severity in character. An upturned eyebrow - lightness and coquetry.

Eyebrows with a thread are categorically contraindicated for young ladies, as well as women with a heavy eyelid. Eyebrow correction will be correct initially if you choose the right starting point for the eyebrow. We talked about this earlier.

In an effort to create ideal outlines, do not forget that they need to be plucked only in the place of a blurry outline, i.e. below the main line. If you pluck the hairs from the upper side, the eyebrow can take on an unpleasant picture that can change the facial expression.

How to do it right. With tweezers convenient for you, you need to take the hair under the very root and pull it sharply in the direction of its direction. If it seems to you that it is terribly painful and unpleasant, use special anesthetic gels or creams.

If your decision is in favor of dyeing your eyebrows, then remember one rule - it is recommended to make eyebrows the color of the hair roots. If we compare painting with permanent makeup, then the second one wins significantly. The only disadvantage of permanent makeup is the high cost of the service.

Many makeup artists believe that if there is no time left for makeup, eyebrows should be beautifully painted. Don't be afraid to experiment with different shapes. To do this, buy stencils and draw, paint, and in the end you will find a suitable shape for yourself. Do not be lazy to be interested in the opinion of friends and relatives about your new image. If the search has led you to success and you have found the perfect option for yourself, then feel free to make your exit unforgettable.

In this case, permanent makeup can also become relevant, since the choice was made based on numerous positive compliments and reviews. The only caveat is about the color. It is not recommended to make the color of the eyebrows different from the color of the roots of your hair, i.e. there should be harmony between the balance of shades.

In recent years, makeup has paid great attention to the shape of the eyebrows. Most women, seeking to get it, turn to popular makeup artists or cosmetologists, not knowing that they can do it themselves at home. So that you can cope with this task without outside help, let's look at what shape of eyebrows according to the type of face can suit you.

How to find the perfect shape for any face type

How to choose the shape of the eyebrow according to the type of face? In this case, you can be guided by a general recommendation. To do this, you will need a cosmetic pencil, a ruler, and a mirror. In this case, you will need to act like this:

  1. First you will need to attach the ruler vertically to the wing of the nose, so that it passes through the inner corner of the eye to the eyebrow growth line. So you can determine exactly where your eyebrow should begin. This point should be marked with a pencil.
  2. Next, you will need to rotate the ruler so that it passes through the pupil, as in the photo. So you can determine the line of the break of the eyebrow. Mark it with a short stroke of a cosmetic pencil.
  3. The last thing you need to do is determine where the eyebrow should end. To do this, build a line from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye to the tip of the eyebrow.

Such a scheme for constructing an eyebrow line is ideal for any type of face. After its completion, you will only have to decide on the width of the eyebrows, outline their boundaries with a cosmetic pencil, and then remove all unnecessary with tweezers. Experienced girls can use a thread for this purpose, but beginners should not do this, as they can pluck out extra hairs.

Video: how to learn how to choose your eyebrow shape?

How to make a beautiful curve

If you want to get really beautiful eyebrows, but are afraid that you cannot make them yourself, you can use special stencils for this purpose, which are sold in many cosmetic brands today. The most important thing is to choose those that suit your length, as some companies produce samples that are too short.

It is very easy to work with such stencils. You apply them to your face, trace around the contour and see how the resulting shape suits you. If everything suits, it remains only to remove the extra hairs with tweezers. If you don't like the result, you can erase the resulting lines and experiment further.


if you cannot cope with such a task on your own or are afraid that you will not be able to make two identical forms, you can turn to the master for help. Let him create the correct eyebrow line for the first time, and tell you how to maintain it in the future, using stencils and tweezers at home.

How to stencil eyebrows that will perfectly harmonize with your appearance? In order not to make a mistake when choosing such a stencil, you need to take into account the features of choosing the shape of an eyebrow according to the type of face (oval, round, elongated, triangular, heart-shaped). Let's analyze the patterns of such selection in more detail.

What suits the oval type

It is easiest to figure out which shape is suitable for this type of face. The oval is an ideal type, which will look good on eyebrows of any shape. The most advantageous for him will be expressive slightly rounded eyebrows. Eyebrows with an expressive kink will also look good (you only need to avoid the shape of a house, it suits few people). You can learn more about which eyebrows suit an oval face.


owners of this type of face should avoid high planting of the eyebrow line. It will make the face visually more elongated, breaking the natural symmetry.

The correct shape and curvature of the eyebrows is primarily determined by the shape of your face.

Eyebrow shape for an oval face

Eva Mendes and Heidi Klum have oval faces

The oval shape of the face is considered ideal, and the main task of the eyebrows is not to disturb the beautiful natural proportions. If you are a happy owner of the correct oval face, choose horizontal eyebrows. They can be rounded a little, but you don’t need to raise the kink of the eyebrow too high. This will visually stretch the face.

The correct shape of the eyebrows for an oval face

Eyebrow shape for a long face

Sarah Jessica Parker and Liv Tyler have long faces

An elongated face needs to be made visually wider. This problem is solved by absolutely straight eyebrows. By the way, this form this season is also considered the most trendy. Straight horizontal lines round the face, giving it softness.

Straight eyebrows for a long face

Selena Gomez and Kirsten Dunst are round-faced actresses

The opposite of a long face is a round face. Accordingly, the task is the opposite - to visually stretch the shape of the face and bring it closer to the oval. Owners of a round face will suit eyebrows with a noticeable break, raised high, with a thin tip and a slightly wider beginning. It is very important not to overdo it and not make a comma instead of a beautiful eyebrow.

Angelina Jolie and Olivia Wilde have square faces

The face in the form of a square is straight hard lines of the jaw and cheekbones. To soften the transitions, the eyebrows should be arched, without a clear break. High rounded eyebrows will suit you, you can even make them quite wide and noticeable.

Arched eyebrows for a square face

Eyebrow shape for heart shaped face

Scarlett Johansson and Reese Witherspoon have heart faces

The heart-shaped face has sharp corners around the cheekbones and chin. The correct shape of the eyebrows will help soften them and visually even out the width of the face. You need raised eyebrows with a smooth, even curve. This is a classic brow shape.

Correct eyebrows for a heart-shaped face

Taylor Swift and Jennifer Aniston have diamond-shaped faces

A diamond-shaped face is a combination of square and heart shapes. Therefore, the task is the same - to soften the contours and make the zygomatic part less wide. The classic shape of the eyebrows with a soft bend will do just fine. Only, unlike the face-heart, shape the eyebrows a little wider than the natural shape.

Eyebrow shape for a diamond face

Focusing only on photographs or diagrams in the pictures, you will not be able to 100% correctly choose the correct shape of the eyebrows. To do this, you need to conduct an experiment. Buy eyebrow stencils or draw and cut different eyebrows out of paper. Sit in front of a mirror in good light, remove your hair from your face, wash off your makeup, and open up your neckline. Alternately apply stencils and carefully examine your face. In this case, a selfie or an outside opinion helps a lot. When you find the shape that suits you best, draw it directly on your eyebrows with a dark pencil. If even in such a comical form the face looks good, feel free to pluck and tint your eyebrows according to this shape. This is your ideal!

What's in the article:

How, without overpaying money in a beauty salon, to have beautiful eyebrows? That's right - fix them yourself! Today on the site Koshechka.ru you will learn how to make the shape of the eyebrows with your own hands, so as not to spoil the appearance.

What tools will you need

Hands alone are not enough to bring your appearance in order. Your makeup bag should include:

  • Tweezers, in which, without leaving a gap, both ends are well closed;
  • small brush;
  • Antiseptic for disinfection after the procedure;
  • Improving and leveling gel-fixative;
  • Pencil in the color you want.

Before shaping your eyebrows at home, tune in to the fact that you will get the ideal result not from the number of plucked hairs, but from the ability to give them the right shape.

When carrying out the procedure, it is very important to follow the sequence, that is, first you need to form one eyebrow, then the other. This is necessary to create symmetry and harmony between them.

There is one more secret: it is desirable to pluck the hairs only on the lower edge, pulling the skin up easily with your finger.

Cosmetologists advise:

Where to begin

Before choosing the shape of the eyebrows, determine their correct location, which will show you where the extra hairs grow. This can be done with a simple test.

You will need: a personal photo showing you in profile, a pen, a 15 cm ruler.

Now define:

  1. Where is the lowest place of the eyebrow - this is its beginning;
  2. Where the highest peak is the middle;
  3. Where the middle point in height, located closer to the ears, is the ending.

On your photo, through the 2 corners of the eye and the pupil, draw dotted lines to your eyebrows. Their shape will be determined by the intersection points.

The same calculations can be done in another way. If you have wide eyebrows and don't know how to properly shape them, do the following:

  • Take a pencil and mark on your face the beginning and end of the arc, as well as the highest point. To do this, put the pencil on your face so that it passes through the bulge of the nose along the line of the corner of the eye that is inside. That's where these lines will intersect, and there will be the beginning of the arc.
  • Then start moving the pencil until its other end reaches the pupil - this is a bend.
  • When the end of the pencil stops at the outer corner of the eye, you will determine the end of the arc.

Eyebrow shape: what it is

Now consider all the forms and find out what expression they give to the face.

Straight or horizontal

This option is directly related to the density of the eyebrows; the thicker they are, the stricter the face will be. An important role here is played by a slight bend of the eyebrows, which should be located at the same level.

Ascending or arcuate

This option is suitable for any type of face. By changing the height of the bend, you can easily change your image. The difference is that the top edge is slightly higher than the inner edge. If you do everything right, your face will be alive and expressive.

descending or falling

Here it's the other way around: the outer part is lower than the inner one.

We focus on the type of person

You probably know very well that the shape of the eyebrows for different types of faces have some differences. Cosmetologists distinguish between 5 types of face, and each of them has its own ideal correction option, which will brighten up flaws and emphasize advantages.

Consider each face type in more detail:

  1. Women with a round face should avoid rounded variations and sharp corners. The ideal eyebrow shape for a round face is curved. This option will visually remove excess roundness, make the face more pretty.
  2. For girls with a square face, thin eyebrows can ruin appearance. In this case, you need to choose their elongation with a high bend. But, the length should not be too large, there is a risk of making the facial expression surprised.
  3. An oval face is the most common option, but many tend to stretch it a little. If you have the same desire, know that a smooth break will save the situation. The shape of the eyebrows for an oval face that suits best is straight eyebrows. With their thickness, you can adjust the roundness of your face.
  4. Triangular type - perfectly emphasize the ascending shape of the eyebrows. It is not only necessary to select too much bend when correcting.
  5. The face with a heart must be visually equalized due to the chin and forehead. You can round your chin by rounding slightly the very top point of your eyebrow.

We change our appearance

And now, a few basic rules on how to carry out the correction itself:

  1. After taking measurements and conducting all the tests, choose the best option for yourself.
  2. Draw the desired borders with a pencil.
  3. Pluck out excess hairs, but without fanaticism!

And remember, when changing eyebrows, whatever their shape, at home, never change yourself drastically. So you can avoid unfavorable moments in adjusting your appearance. It is better to gradually get rid of excess hairs, following the result of the work done, smoothing them with a special brush.

Having made a correction on your own at home, take care of your appearance daily, removing excess hairs, preventing the eyebrows from growing back.

Creating an individual image for women is a meaningful work. Sometimes a slight change in appearance can drastically change everything. The shape of the eyebrows can change the look, facial expression, visually change the age. To do this, there is an individual selection of the shape of the eyebrows of different types of faces.

Selection of the ideal eyebrow shape

Initially, you need to determine what type of image. The type will tell you what needs to be emphasized, what to focus on so that the image becomes complete and pronounced.

There are several types of outlines:

The elongated face has an elongated shape, a sharp chin, a high forehead, cheekbones. The width of the diamond-shaped face differs markedly from its length.

The diamond-shaped face is distinguished by a narrowed frontal region in relation to the cheekbones. In this case, the chin is sharp or narrow, high cheekbones complement the rhombus.

The face in the shape of a romantic heart has a wide frontal part, which is visually different from the bottom. Such a face has a sharp or narrowed chin, and the hairline above the forehead resembles a heart.

A triangular face, also known as a "diamond" has a length slightly greater than its width. High cheekbones smoothly pass into a sharp chin. The triangular type has an oval hairline, a wide forehead.

The type of face will tell you what needs to be emphasized, what to focus on so that the image becomes complete and pronounced.

The square has a forehead of medium width, a pronounced heavy jaw, wide cheekbones. The eyes are usually large.

An oval face is considered ideal. Its length prevails over its width, the frontal region is equal to the chin.

Soft lines in a round face. The height is equal to the width of the cheekbones, the chin is almost invisible, the cheekbones are wide.

Considering the types of faces, at first glance it seems that nothing special should be invented, however, this opinion is erroneous. If the form is correctly chosen, then success is guaranteed.

There are several types of brow ridges:

  1. flat;
  2. curved;
  3. Semicircular.

Semicircular eyebrows have only a curve with soft corners. Flat brows do not have corners and bends. Curved eyebrows combine sharp angles and curves.

The shape of the eyebrows of different types of faces can be different, what suits one will ruin the look of another.

Eyebrow shapes for different face types

Suitable eyebrow shape for a long face

For a long face, brow ridges can add width that is missing. For this fit straight shape. Thanks to clear lines, the image is gently rounded.

Do not make arched eyebrows, from this the face will seem longer than it actually is. Straight arcs are the latest fashion.

For an elongated face, eyebrows can add width that is missing.

Eyebrow shape for a diamond face

Rhombus requires softening of the contours. It is necessary to visually reduce the width of the cheekbones. For these purposes, the type of classic eyebrows with a slight bend is suitable.

Important: Do not make straight or overly curved eyebrows.

Eyebrows for a heart-shaped face

This type of face will perfectly transform, hide a pointed chin, arched eyebrows. The beginning of the arc, as well as the end, must be at the same level. The contours of the edges should gently stand out.

The arc does not have to be high, you can try low, but with softened corners, then the image will slightly lengthen.

The selected forms of brow arches for different types of faces will add femininity, remove noticeable outlines, and change facial expression.

Mysterious Triangle

The eyebrow line on the face in the shape of a triangle should be with a soft bend. Sharp corners must be avoided, as they will add even more angularity. Short eyebrows are also not suitable.

A triangular face does not fit straight arcs at all, they create an image of sadness and sadness. You get a crying look.

Eyebrows for a decisive square

Square face it is necessary to abandon thin eyebrows forever. Thick eyebrows will create a balance between shape and jaw. If the arcs are rare, you can use a pencil or shadows.

The square face is transformed and complemented by femininity also with an arcuate shape, the main thing is that there are no break angles.

Owners of oval types, eyebrows in a horizontal design are suitable, unless the kink is raised too much.

graceful oval

The oval face type is ideal for changing the image. The main task is not to disturb the natural balance.

Owners of oval types are suitable for horizontal brow arches, unless the kink is raised too much. A slight rounding will add femininity, as well as slightly stretch the face.

The oval face easily accepts changes in the shape of the eyebrows in step with the times. It should be remembered that wide, straight eyebrows add a stern look and rigidity to the image.

Round face

Chubby beauties should focus on the visual stretching of the face. The shape of the arches should be wider at the bridge of the nose, and the tips should be narrow, only without the visibility of a comma.

To make the look more open, you need to have a raised shape with a slight kink. So many different face types, so many eyebrow shapes.

It is important to remember: you can not make a rounded shape, arched eyebrows will further emphasize the roundness of the face and form an expression of surprise.

Rules for drawing the selected shape

Once the shape is defined, it needs to be carefully drawn. For these purposes, simple tools are suitable: a pencil and a brush.

Initially, it is necessary to outline the points of beginning, end and break of the eyebrows.

Once the shape is defined, it needs to be carefully drawn.

Drawing instructions:

  1. With a sharpened pencil, draw the top line from the beginning to the bend point, while taking into account the selected shape.
  2. Then you need to connect the bend point to the end of the form. The upper part of the eyebrow is drawn. It is necessary to ensure that the lines are plastic and accurate.
  3. In the same way, draw the bottom line of the arc.

After the drawn shape of the eyebrow is ready, it must be stroked with a pencil. You need to apply strokes from the end of the eyebrow, gently moving towards the beginning. Drawing with a pencil should not be too clear, do not put pressure on it, as the brow arches will look artificial.

The end of the eyebrow does not need to be shaded too much, it is better to make the middle of the shape more pronounced, and the beginning should be slightly underlined. Using a hard brush, blend the strokes of the pencil.

This will help to create naturalness and remove clear drawing boundaries. The final step is to apply powder around the arcs with a soft brush.

The traced forms of different types of faces make the eyebrows natural and pronounced. Beautiful eyebrows relieve the application of excess cosmetics on the face.

The traced forms of different types of faces make the eyebrows natural and pronounced.

Drawing eyebrows can be done with the help of shadows. Shadows for this case should match the color of the eyebrow hairs, have a solid texture and a brush with an oblique edge. This will help for a clear drawing of the form. The arc is drawn with shadows in the same way as with a pencil.

According to the rules of professional makeup, the color and shade of the eyebrows should be combined with the hair.

After practicing with a pencil and shadows, you can color your eyebrows in the chosen way. It can be paint or henna.

Then you do not have to spend time on makeup every day, dyes will fix the shape and color for a long time. One has only to remember to correct the growing hairs.

Not all women manage to independently choose and make a suitable form, however, salon masters will come to the rescue. With their rich experience and full hand, there will be no difficulties in work. After the salon procedure, you can independently care for the existing form.

The main points of the eyebrow and their definition

Before determining the main points of the future shape of the eyebrow, you need to remove makeup, remove the hair back, fixing it. After carefully examining yourself in the mirror, visually pick up the shape. Eyebrow shapes are chosen according to the type of face.

The wing of the nose will serve as the basis for determining the main points.

The wing of the nose will serve as the basis for determining the main points. By applying a pencil from the wing point through the inner corner of the eye to the arc, you will get a mark for the beginning of the future shape. Hair that extends beyond the point towards the bridge of the nose needs to be removed.

To mark the highest point of the eyebrow, you need to attach a pencil from the nostril to the eyebrow through the outer border of the pupil. The intersection of the pencil with the arc defines the second point. To this mark, you need to raise an eyebrow, do not change the width. After this point, the shape will narrow towards the temple.

Separate hairs above the eyebrow must be removed. From the middle to the end and the edge of the beginning of the eyebrow should be the same distance.

The gap between both eyebrows should not be less than two centimeters. If the eyes are set close to the bridge of the nose, then the distance can be reduced.

The width of the eyebrows should not change from the beginning to the break point. Hair is removed along the lower contour. The hairs should look in one direction, not stick out on different sides. There is a special gel for this.

Regular grooming of eyebrows and eyelashes is done with castor oil. The result will exceed all expectations.

At the marked points, the arc is drawn with the selected suitable shape. Eyebrow shapes are chosen based on different face types.

To remove excess hair, various methods are used. A reliable and proven method is removal with tweezers.

To remove excess hair, various methods are used. A reliable and proven method is removal with tweezers. The fashion for the shape of the eyebrows is changing, however, do not forget about the type of face, age, hairstyle, density of the eyebrow arches.

Before plucking hair, you need to steam your face well and moisturize with cream. These procedures will help to anesthetize and facilitate the process.

After removing excess hair, you need to treat the injured skin with a disinfectant. There is a wax removal method that allows you to remove even colorless and invisible hairs.

Beautiful eyebrows are an important element in female beauty. With well-groomed eyebrows, a woman looks confident even without makeup. It is enough to slightly highlight the look with mascara, add a little color and gloss to the lips, the image is 100%.

Properly selected shape of the eyebrows will hide all the flaws, focusing on the features of appearance.

In this video, you can see how to properly correct your brow arches, hear tips on this.

This video will introduce you to different types of eyebrows, help you choose them for certain face shapes.

In this video, the girl shares useful information on how to make yourself beautiful and correct eyebrows.