What should be the model? Appearance of a person. appearance requirements

Today, every self-respecting person seeks to emphasize and reflect their originality. At the same time, spending most of the time at work, you have to solve another problem - compliance with the dress code. It does not matter whether it is officially introduced or is a set of unspoken rules, no one has yet canceled clothing etiquette.

It is not customary for men to go to work in shorts, short-sleeved shirts or, moreover, T-shirts. All this is considered a sign of bad taste and a manifestation of disrespect for colleagues, manager and business partners. A work shirt must be long-sleeved, if the office is too hot, etiquette is allowed to roll up sleeves, short-sleeved shirts are not perceived as an indicator of well-being and success.

Another detail of a business suit is a tie, which should be related to the suit: thin ties are selected for light fabrics, and from denser materials for heavy ones. The brightness of the tie should also be offset by the severity of the suit. The ideal length of a tie is to the middle of the belt, longer or shorter ties look unpresentable or even comical. Another item of clothing regulated by business etiquette is socks, which are chosen to match shoes or a suit.

With women's business clothing is still more difficult. On the one hand, women need to remain the fair sex even at work, on the other hand, they must adhere to strict standards. So, in business clothes, according to etiquette, it is better to refuse fitted or tight-fitting things - even if this is not prohibited by the company's dress code, etiquette standards do not prescribe such liberties in the wardrobe for a business woman. Another taboo is short skirts and miniskirts. The optimal length is up to the knees, while it is already considered short. Women also have to give up T-shirts, jeans, sneakers, bright and transparent blouses, short dresses and shorts. All of the above things can be as beautiful, practical and comfortable as you like, but they are incompatible with business etiquette, wearing them can cost a woman a business reputation. No less a mistake would be the appearance in the office without pantyhose even in the summer - bare legs are unacceptable. According to etiquette, bright makeup and loose hair are not prescribed for business women; a little mascara, soft lipstick and curls laid in a shell are considered ideal.

In a highly competitive market for goods and services, well-trained staff is half the battle. It is for this reason that such great attention is paid to the training of personnel for your store and their presentable appearance.

The very appearance of the seller characterizes his professional qualities. If he is clean and tidy, smiles at customers, he will probably cope with sales easily. Each employer has certain requirements for the appearance of the seller. As a rule, some uniform is chosen for each retail chain so that numerous buyers can easily navigate and know who to contact for help in the department. Therefore, the requirements for the appearance of the seller in the charter of the organization are not determined by chance. You also need to be able to look good at the workplace, neatly collected hair and clean nails are the main components that adorn the appearance of the seller. Food products require a special hygienic approach to the implementation. And if a person works in the prepared food department, there should be no complaints about his appearance at all.

The appearance of the seller and other groups of goods should be neat. Children's departments, perfumery and cosmetics, bijouterie, clothes and shoes - all goods sold in these departments are in contact with the skin. Therefore, hygienic cleanliness, which determines the appearance of the seller, is a prerequisite for sales.

For the employer at the first meeting, the appearance of the seller applying for a vacancy is decisive in making a hiring decision. Appearance is a visiting card of a person, which largely characterizes his future professional suitability. A clean and neatly dressed candidate can be expected to be equally clean in the department in which he will work.

To rid your store of variegation, and designate the people who need to be contacted to make a purchase, most outlets introduce a uniform of sellers. As a rule, this is a T-shirt in the color corresponding to the company logo, and overalls or trousers. Any workwear, firstly, saves the staff from the daily problem of choosing (what to wear, especially for women), and secondly, it emphasizes the person's involvement in this place of work. In food departments (meat, convenience foods, culinary, etc.), aprons are necessary for work. They get dirty quickly, especially when working with fresh, not frozen meat products, so every worker needs several of them on a working day. After all, the seller is the face of a trading organization.

Summing up, we can highlight a list of standards for the appearance of store employees:

  • 1. General requirements for the appearance of employees of the enterprise:
    • · Uniform dress code (mandatory requirement to wear uniform);
    • Neatly styled curly hair
    • · Easy not bright make-up;
    • A clean-shaven face (for men);
    • Well-groomed clean hands with a neat manicure, soft nail polish, nail length no more than 3 mm;
    • Lack of piercing on visible parts of the body (eyebrow, tongue, nose, neck);
    • Lack of a sharp smell of perfume (toilet water, cologne);
    • Closed comfortable shoes, heel no more than 5 cm (shoes cleaned of dirt and covered with a protective shoe cream;
    • · Clean, ironed clothes, in an ensemble no more than three colors and two types of patterns;
    • It is acceptable to add clothes with various discreet accessories and decorations;
    • · Mandatory presence of a badge with full name. and position of the employee.
  • 2. Violation of the standards of appearance of store employees:
    • · Sportswear, T-shirt shorts;
    • · Sports and beach shoes, sandals;
    • Bright evening make-up;
    • · Long nails with bright catchy varnish and pattern;
    • · Transparent or open clothes (blouses and dresses with straps, sleeveless, tops, deep-necked clothes, short skirts and dresses, longer than 5 cm from the middle of the knee, skirts and dresses with high slits).
  • 3. Uniform of the store manager and deputy store manager, accountant:
    • · Release shirt, white with blue inserts, slightly elongated version (below the hips), with two pockets, with an embroidered logo on the left side (a short-sleeved summer shirt, preferably made of natural fabric, and a long-sleeved winter shirt);
    • · Trousers or a skirt of not bright color, a strict closed dress is allowed;
  • 4. Requirements for appearance - Uniform of the seller-cashier:
    • · Shirt for release, blue, with two pockets, with an embroidered logo on the left side (summer shirt with short sleeves, preferably made of natural fabric and winter shirt with long sleeves);
    • Blue vest with logo
    • · Trousers are not bright in color;
    • · The badge is located on the right side, on the vest (it is more convenient to sew a transparent pocket on the vest, where the sheet with the employee's data will be inserted, since the badge often breaks and is lost).
  • 5. Uniform of the junior receiver of goods and requirements for appearance:
    • · Shirt-jacket, blue, with pockets, made of dense fabric;
    • Black vest
    • Dark trousers (or overalls made of thick fabric);
    • Closed comfortable shoes without a heel;
    • · The badge is located on the right side, on the vest (it is more convenient to sew a transparent pocket on the vest, where the sheet with the employee's data will be inserted, since the badge often breaks and is lost).
  • 6. Requirements for the appearance and clothing of the cleaner:
    • · Shirt for release, blue, with two pockets;
    • · Black vest
    • · Dark trousers;
    • · Closed comfortable shoes;
    • · The badge is located on the right side, on the vest (it is more convenient to sew a transparent pocket on the vest, where the sheet with the employee's data will be inserted, since the badge often breaks and is lost).
  • 7. Clothes for store security staff:
    • · A black shirt with a pocket, long sleeves, with "Protection" embroidery (summer version - a short-sleeved shirt or a strict black T-shirt);
    • · Black pants;
    • · The badge is located on the right side, on the shirt (it is more convenient to sew a transparent pocket on the shirt, where the sheet with the employee's data will be inserted, since the badge often breaks and is lost).

There are professions that are surrounded by a halo of romance. An example is the specialty of a flight attendant. It provides an opportunity to travel a lot, communicate with foreigners, walk in a neat and feminine uniform. But earning the right to work in this area is not so easy. Applicants must meet a range of criteria. If you want to learn how to become a flight attendant, then you will have to take this issue seriously.

Personal qualities

Every girl who dreams of mastering this profession must have certain character traits. If you are a nervous person by nature and tend to take everything to heart, you are unlikely to be allowed on board the aircraft. Here are some other features that are important:

  • fast reaction;
  • sociability;
  • stress tolerance;
  • balanced character;
  • diligence.

During the flight, emergencies often occur, accompanied by panic. Under the circumstances, the flight attendant is obliged to create a favorable psychological environment. Her tone of conversation, as well as facial expressions, should inspire calmness.

If you think you meet the above criteria, you can move on to the next step. You should choose an airline that seems more attractive to work with. In this case, you can be guided by certain conditions, for example, salary. Let's say Aeroflot flight attendants earn $1,600-1,800 a month. But this is possible only if there are a large number of hours worked and solid experience. The average earnings of flight attendants who have just started work vary between 600-800 dollars.


The next step is to be trained as a flight attendant. In large airlines, it is paid by the employer. In smaller organizations, candidates will have to take care of the financial side of the issue. That is why preference should be given to a prestigious company. In addition, work in it in the future will affect the size of your salary.

Specialized schools are present throughout Russia. The largest of them operates at Sheremetyevo Airport. All candidates initially go through a competitive selection process. It consists of several stages. First, the employer will invite you for an interview.

External Features

Appearance is very important. This does not mean that you have to look like a supermodel. It is enough to have pleasant facial features. But that's not the only thing that matters. During the selection, other features will be evaluated. For example, the height of a flight attendant should be 165-175 cm. Sometimes there are exceptions to the rules, but girls above 185 cm are not accepted anywhere. A short candidate also has little chance. She simply won't be able to reach the top bunk to help a passenger put luggage on her.

Potential applicants who are considering becoming a flight attendant should be aware that complete applicants are turned down for a number of reasons. The optimal weight is 54-65 kg. If it is more than these indicators, it will be difficult for a girl to move around the plane. There is little space between the rows, and therefore the flight attendant will face difficulties. Too little body weight is also not welcome, because the girl must cope with not the simplest manipulations without any problems. In particular, it is she who is obliged to open the hatch, and this is not so easy.

How old should the applicant be?

This is another indicator that matters to anyone who wants to figure out how to become a flight attendant. Representatives of the fair sex from 18 to 30 years old are allowed to work on board the aircraft. Some airlines are more strict about this criterion and set the upper bar at 25 years.

Whatever the age of the flight attendant, the maximum period during which a girl can fly is no more than 10 years. Many have time to get additional education, continuing to work in their specialty. One does not interfere with the other at all. This approach is correct, because one day you will have to leave the plane and return to normal life. It is at this point that new work is required.

Before you go to flight attendant courses, you will have to get rid of any tattoos that are on exposed parts of the body. Piercing, permanent makeup, scars and large moles are not allowed.


Before becoming a flight attendant, girls need to be tested not only for compliance with the appearance of the established criteria. Major airlines give preference to candidates with a higher education diploma in medicine, management or psychology.

It is necessary to know foreign languages, at least English. If you manage to complete specialized courses and receive an official certificate, you will have an advantage. But having a certificate of secondary education in a school with in-depth study of the language is also enough. You should prepare well, because the employer will provide you with a text for translation, as well as a special grammar test.

Body check

So, let's imagine that the interview is left behind. So what does it take to become a flight attendant if this stage has already been passed? Now a medical commission awaits you. As a result of the examination carried out by her, 2/3 of the applicants are eliminated. Good health is a must. There are various adverse factors in the air. Not everyone can bear them. These are pressure drops and climate change. In the presence of chronic diseases under their influence of these factors, exacerbations occur.

There will be several visits. Specialists will find out what condition the vital organs, hearing, and vision are in. They will also check how you tolerate turbulence. The flight attendant must stand firmly on her feet. Candidates are seated in special chairs that rotate for several minutes. After that, you are asked to walk in a straight line. You can't step back from it. The flight medical commission will issue a certificate of airworthiness if all these tests are successfully passed.

At the last stage, a psychologist talks to the candidates. Part of his testing will be a special role-playing game. It involves the artificial reproduction of critical situations that arise on board. After that, the expert observes your behavior. Thus, the suitability of employees in emotional terms, the ability to withstand stress is determined. In accordance with the results, a psychological portrait of the candidate will be formed.

Educational process

Are all stages completed? So, the main difficulties are left behind. Ahead of study, which lasts 3 months. If Aeroflot flight attendants pass it for free, then small companies do not have such opportunities. Prestigious organizations cover all financial costs, even if candidates have to travel to other cities for training.

After entering the school, you are divided into groups of 15 people. You will learn:

  1. What types of modern aircraft exist.
  2. How to provide first aid on board.
  3. How to ensure the safety of passengers during the flight.
  4. What are the cultural and political characteristics of foreign countries.

The study will consist of a theoretical part and practice. You will be awarded a scholarship, like all students. All students must be trained in a subject such as psychology. Conflict situations are not uncommon during flights. For this reason, the flight attendant must be able to find a common language with any people.

Practice is necessary in order to reinforce the learned information. For example, you will be taught how to evacuate all passengers from an airliner in 90 seconds. Sometimes the plane is forced to land on the water. Students are prepared for this situation. To do this, they practice in a huge pool.

At the end of the study, a difficult multi-level exam awaits. You will be tested in each discipline. Oral and written forms are available. School management usually independently determines which of them to assign to a particular candidate.

Finally, you can get to work. According to its results, the class of a stewardess is assigned. It depends on flight hours, which must be at least 30 and no more than 77 for the entire month. In certain cases, an International Flight Attendant Certificate is issued. To do this, you need to study abroad. Candidates have the opportunity to do this for free and even receive a scholarship.


The first class corresponds to 3,000 hours. Flight attendants below the rank make more than two years of continuous flights. Thus, an increase can be expected after approximately 2 years of work. During this time, you must earn the required number of hours each month.

Positive points

Flight attendants receive high wages for their work. It grows in accordance with the length of service, as well as the prestige of the airline where you are listed. Another plus is that you will always look good. Otherwise, it is impossible, since the employer makes increased demands on the physical form of their employees. You have to go to the gym regularly. For those who have just left the walls of a school or college, it is difficult to find a more profitable option for building a career.

During a flight to foreign countries, the airline pays for every day spent abroad. Flight attendants spend at least a few days in them before the next flight. You are also provided with free high quality meals. On free days, you can walk along the streets of the city where you are.

Flight attendants can take a vacation of 45 days. In general, the profession is recognized as unhealthy, as it is associated with exposure to electromagnetic radiation, vibration, and so on. For a similar reason, there are age limits.

Flight attendants - women

Hair. Clean, neatly trimmed, styled or gathered into a neat business-style bun or shell. Should not touch the collar, fall on the face when tilted. Hair color should look natural, regrown hair is dyed in a timely manner.

Hairpins and auxiliary hairpins should not be visible. During the flight, it is necessary to control the condition of the hairstyle.

Hairstyle examples

Makeup. Required. Use of tone for the face, powder, blush, shadows, mascara, lipstick.

It is forbidden to use too bright, non-traditional, evening colors and excessive amounts of cosmetics.

During the flight, it is necessary to control the state of makeup, the absence of shine on the face, the presence of lipstick is always required

Makeup examples

Hands and nails. Well-groomed hands, lack of dryness, cracks, open cuts, wounds, abrasions. Nails of the same length (no more than 2-3 mm from the fingertip), covered with non-transparent varnish of natural, pastel, beige, cream shades, red without decor.

When performing a flight, the presence of a manicure is mandatory.

Manicure examples

Jewelry and accessories:

earrings: one pair, corresponding to the business style (like "carnation" with a diameter of up to 0.5 cm, earrings with an English clasp up to 1.5 cm long), without colored stones;

clock: business style, without rhinestones and decorations, with a second hand, a clear graduation of hours: from 1 to 12, having divisions of counting minutes from 1 to 5; strap - metal or leather in black, dark blue, red or white; the dial is round, rectangular, with a diameter of up to 3 cm.

Sunglasses: classic style, carrying on board the aircraft and indoors is prohibited;

chain: no more than one, simple and elegant. It is forbidden to wear chains and bracelets on the wrists and ankles;

rings: small in size, up to 0.5 cm in diameter, one for each hand. Without colored stones;

badges: name badge (badge) is worn on the left side of the chest. The pass (ID-card) is worn on a ribbon with the company's logo around the neck and is readable. Brand name (winglet) - located on the right side of the jacket.

Name badge (badge)

Male flight attendants

Hair. Clean and well-groomed hair. A neat short haircut, the hair does not touch the ears, shirt collar, does not cover most of the face. Sideburns of the same width, not lower than the earlobe. The bangs should not cover the eyes. Flight attendants must always be clean-shaven.

Haircut examples

Hands and nails. Well-groomed hands. Lack of dryness, cracks, open cuts, wounds, abrasions, nails of the same length (short cut, do not protrude beyond the fingertip) and shape on both hands.

Jewelry and accessories:

clock business style, without decorations, with a second hand, a clear graduation of hours: from 1 to 12, having divisions of counting minutes from 1 to 5; strap - metal or leather in black or dark blue, round, rectangular dial, up to 3 cm in diameter.

rings only engagement;

Sunglasses classical style, carrying on board the aircraft and indoors is prohibited;

tie clip fastened with a hairpin to the shirt with a clip between the third and fourth buttons from the top. Material: metal, appearance: single-band hairpin;

badges: name badge (badge) is worn on the left side of the chest. The pass (ID-card) is worn on a ribbon with the company's logo around the neck and is readable. Brand name (winglet) - located on the right side of the jacket.

Company logo

For a long time in our country it was considered indecent to change jobs frequently. A person who was looking for a new place to apply his professional strength was looked at incredulously, suspiciously, with condemnation. Before our very eyes, with the establishment of market relations in society, it began to be considered normal and even necessary to constantly look for and change jobs. Now they look with surprise at those who have been working in the same organization for a long time. Thus, the modern business man is faced with the need often go to various interviews, selection procedures and testing. Job search activities are definitely stressful. You have to talk with different people - interviewers from the personnel service, organizational psychologists, security officers, a future leader, and so on. In all these situations, the applicant presents himself to the employer, sells his time and brains, hoping to receive material compensation in return. This situation is a sale. At a job interview, a job seeker faces the task is to profitably "sell yourself": show your best professional and human sides, present yourself in such a way as to make the best impression, be remembered and stimulate the employer to offer this position to this particular applicant.

A modern applicant, in addition to an excellent education, high qualifications, sufficient experience and professional achievements, must be able to behave with dignity, observe business etiquette and look adequate to the situation and the field of activity of the employing company.

Many rules of business etiquette are associated with the appearance of a business person. The situation of a job interview imposes certain requirements on the appearance of the applicant. He needs to show through his appearance the correspondence of his personality to the culture of this company and the business area as a whole. At the same time, it is important to show individuality in appearance and not get lost in the general mass of other applicants.

The analogy between the design of the appearance of the applicant and the design of the shop window is appropriate. When we walk down the street and see different shop windows, each of them causes us to have certain intentions. When we see a stylishly designed, attractive showcase for us, then most likely we will want to go into such a store - we are interested. If, for example, on the same street we come across an ordinary shop window, such as there are many, perhaps we will go to such a store, or perhaps not. If we notice a nondescript shop window, then the chances that we will want to get to know such an outlet better are minimal. Therefore, when thinking about how to dress for an interview, it makes sense for the applicant pay special attention to the creation of a "correct", that is, working for its purpose, business image with the help of clothes. I will clarify that an adequate appearance in accordance with the requirements of business etiquette will not help in an interview if the applicant lacks education, he cannot connect two words from excitement or scolds his previous company. If he has enough chances in terms of professional merit, then the right image can give additional chances success in getting a new job. As they say, "as you come, so you will be known."

Here is an example from William Sorlby's book Keys to Power:
“The higher the level of the job offer, the more subtle factors become important. I have had numerous conversations over the years with various executives about why they preferred one candidate for a high-ranking position to another. One, I remember, was not satisfied with bad posture The weak-willed handshake was mentioned many times One leading candidate for a high position lost because management did not want to see a bald man as the head of the largest division One man who was a candidate for the president of a serious firm later learned that he lost because wore short black socks and, during an important interview, showed a piece of an open leg between the leg and the sock."

Thus, it can be confidently asserted that a well-thought-out The appearance of the applicant at the interview is the first step to success. The "correct" appearance gives signals: "I am a businesslike, collected, modern business person, I can be trusted." Such an appearance has a positive effect on interviewers, convinces them of the reliability of this applicant, makes them pay special attention to him. Axiom of business communication and etiquette sounds like this: "First trust in the image, then trust in the words."

In other words dress code when hiring:
1. Create the right idea about the identity of the applicant.
2. Adapt the image of the applicant to the specifics of the position for which he is applying.
3. Emphasize professionalism and good business manners
4. Ensure a positive perception by employees with whom you will have to communicate through the selection procedures.

So, what is the dress code in an interview situation?

Dress code It is a code of dress code. This is the accepted way of dressing in a certain situation or in a certain social group.

How the applicant should look in order to be adequate to the interview situation and, as a result, receive an offer from the employer to take the chosen position.

business suit

Undoubtedly, an applicant for a position in a business organization will make the best impression if he adheres to the classics of the business genre - the traditional business suit. It is noteworthy that the word "costume" in literal translation from Latin means "way of life". That is, our costume can tell a lot about us - our income, origin, habits, education, taste, mood and even health.

The classic costume has undergone some modification, enriched with new details and fashionable lines, but as a whole has remained low for almost two centuries. Of course, depending on the specifics of the business, a business suit can be more or less strict. For example, for an interview in the banking sector, an emphatically strict suit is absolutely necessary, and in the field of entertainment, variations on the theme of business attire are appropriate. A business suit for both men and women suggests silhouette, approximating the shape of an elongated rectangle.

Black and white Colour not suitable for everyone, so it makes sense to choose different shades. The applicant will not be mistaken if he prefers gray, which symbolizes stability, conservatism, restraint. After all, these qualities are welcomed in the business sphere. A big mistake is made by women applying for a position in a business organization and emphasizing femininity in dress and manners. Let me remind you that in the business sphere, status matters first, then age, and in third place gender. Specialists in the field of clothing psychology have investigated how business-style clothing affects the perception of the qualities of a woman. It turned out that a woman dressed in a business style is automatically assigned such qualities as: seriousness, confidence, criticality, intelligence, tact, diligence, organization, energy and efficiency. Other qualities are attributed to women who prefer romantic, fantasy, folklore, sports and other styles.

If the applicant wants to add energy to his image, then using contrasts in clothes will help. The optimal basic tone for a business suit- gray, gray gamma, gray-blue, gray-brown, gray-coffee gray-burgundy, gray-olive, gray-beige, gray-green. In a business style, all the colors of ecology are also appropriate - the color of water, sand, stone, clay, beige colors. Of the color shades, red, purple, emerald, peach, pink, and burgundy are allowed in a small amount. In business style matters fabric texture- surface quality of materials. In a business image, matte fabrics are relevant - wool, cashmere, matte silk, cotton. It would be a business etiquette violation for women to combine a shiny blouse with a matte wool jacket and skirt, or for men a combination of a shiny tie and a matte cashmere suit.

It is important to note that business style involves the selection of a jacket and skirt for women or a jacket and trousers for men of the same color. That is, according to the rules of etiquette, you cannot wear a light jacket and dark trousers (skirt).

A business man should consider the rule: the shirt should always be lighter than the suit, and the tie darker than the shirt.

Tie dressed as a business man is an indicator of taste and status. If a man does not rely on his own taste in choosing a pattern, then a plain tie is quite appropriate in a traditional business style. A tie with clear diagonal stripes is the best fit for an interview situation. A tie with polka dots is popular. Polka dots match the color of the shirt. The smaller the polka dots, the more refined the look. "Conservative" ties - with circles, rhombuses, triangles emphasize the authority of their owner. Ties with an abstract pattern are perceived as playful and are not suitable for an important event like a job interview.

When choosing the color of a suit, it makes sense to take into account your color type- a combination of skin color, eyes, hair.

If an applicant for a position doubts which suit - with a skirt or trousers to prefer, going for an interview, then experts in the psychology of clothes are unanimous in their opinion: a skirt increases the rating of a woman's business qualities perception. That is, ceteris paribus, a woman dressed in a suit with a skirt will be perceived as more professional and suitable for the position, compared to a woman in a pantsuit.

Mandatory for women and men is the rule: shoes must match the color of the trousers, skirt. For women, pumps with a stable heel of 4 - 6 cm are absolutely necessary. Toes must be covered. Open heels are allowed. For men, shoes with laces are preferred.

Socks business men are solid, dark and represent a transition from the color of trousers to the color of boots. They should be long enough, without wrinkles, so that when sitting the bare leg is not visible.

Especially for women applicants, we recall that business style implies choice of stockings only flesh-colored, and in any season.

By the way, it is important for the applicant not to suffer from such a phenomenon, which is typical for residents of countries with a cold climate, for example, for most of Russia. This phenomenon is called " summer dope". Business people who are influenced by summer dope, as soon as warm days come, forget about business style and believe that the sun and heat allow business style to be violated. In fact, business style does not depend on the season - this is the rule of business etiquette: silhouette, permissible colors, the style of clothing in general, even in the heat, should remain businesslike.Only the fabrics for suits are changed to lighter ones and the shades of clothes and shoes are changed to lighter ones.

Fashion a set of attitudes and tastes operating in a certain period of time in a certain environment. Fashion in a business environment is not something mandatory. The applicant will make a more respectable impression if he adheres to the classic business style. Being trendy in an interview can fail. After all, choosing trendy clothes, the applicant first of all presents his fashion, and not business qualities. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it with traditional clothing. Elements of modernity and progressiveness should be clearly visible in the appearance. The applicant's clothing should not hint that it was borrowed from the grandmother's chest. Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote: "As the laws of fashion are fickle and ruinous, so the laws of good taste are economical and stable."

Style- this is a manifestation of the individuality of the applicant and his priorities in appearance and manners. In determining the style, the formula of color is important - shades that allow you to look good. The style is also important, emphasizing the advantages and hiding the flaws of the figure. Style is made up of thoughtful accessories.

Accessories in a business image are very restrained and functional. It is classic jewelry that allows you to correctly place accents in your image. Business style watches are an integral part of the dress code. If the applicant does not have a watch or they do not correspond to the business style (too small, large, electronic, overloaded with jewelry, etc.) - this may mean that he has a difficult relationship with time. After all, time is one of the most valuable resources in business.

Accessories for women

Two, three rings

Watch, earrings, wedding ring, pendant or string of beads

Large and small jewelry

Medium jewelry

Bright, eye-catching jewelry

Thundering bracelets, swinging beads, earrings

Functional decorations that do not distract attention

Decorations that do not match each other in style, size, material

Jewelry that creates a single set
(e.g. earrings, ring, chain or earrings, ring, brooch)

Several accents in appearance (brooch and neckerchief at the same time)

One accent

Glasses with tinted lenses

Glasses with light lenses

Accessories for men

Tie above or below belt buckle

Tie to the level of the belt buckle

Old fashioned tie knot

modern knot

Rings, seals

Wedding ring and watch

Disharmonious, randomly selected accessories

Combination of tie clip and watch

Belt with a catchy, frilly buckle

Belt with a small buckle in a classic style

A woman going to a job interview should take into account that moderate makeup absolutely necessary. A clear emphasis - on the eyes or lips - will emphasize the expressiveness of the face and facial expressions. The motto will help: "Suck a little and full enough!"

Hairstyle- it's not just something that has grown on the head. This is a professional haircut and high-quality styling, both for women and for men. In addition, a well-thought-out hairstyle is an opportunity to increase your own attractiveness. Men should keep in mind that a beard and mustache make an ambiguous impression. Researchers in the field of psychology of perception and stylists say: only a clean-shaven face and skin without defects make the best impression.

O smell worth it especially. In the matter of choosing a fragrance, measure is fundamentally important. An error in this matter will cost the applicant dearly. The fact is that the perception of smells is a strictly individual process. And even a fragrance that is magnificent from the point of view of one person can repel, or even cause persistent rejection in another. There is scientific evidence that due to rejection at the odor level, many negotiations are lost.

It is worth paying special attention to arms. A job seeker's hands can say a lot to an experienced interviewer. It is important for both men and women to take care of their manicure. Women are recommended pastel shades of varnish. Bright, eye-catching nails are unacceptable. Peeled varnish - out of etiquette.

And what to take in hand when going for an interview, where to put a resume, letters of recommendation and diplomas? Both women and men applying for significant positions in the business field and a decent salary absolutely need a quality briefcase. This is the second thing after the suit that eloquently represents the applicant - his position, claims, status. Business style involves a leather briefcase without decorations, matching in color with a suit and shoes. Women can use a small handbag for personal items and a business briefcase for documents.

In the design of the appearance, the applicant absolutely needs to emphasize such a parameter as grooming. A slob with greasy hair will look repulsive even in the most expensive suit.
The term "pretty" means:
1. Perfection in every detail of appearance.
2. Neat clothes, neat hair, healthy teeth, manicure (for women and men), a healthy complexion, skin without defects, shoes in perfect order, a clean briefcase.
3. Body hygiene.

In addition to taking into account the requirements of business etiquette, it is important for the applicant to feel comfortable and comfortable in their clothes.

It is important to look at the interview: accordingly, professionally, comfortably, strategically.

For an applicant who expects to be remembered for an interview and make the best impression, it is important to formulate an idea to which the impression of his image would refer. For example, if the applicant is going to get a job at a law firm, then it makes sense to look more serious than when visiting an interview at an advertising agency. The image of a future employee of an art gallery, of course, should be different from the image of a civil servant.

That is why the dress code does not offer one universal solution. At the same time, we can list some of the features that are characteristic of an effective image in different areas.

  • The financial sector involves respectable images.
  • Jurisprudence recommends a conservative image.
  • Medical care dictates neat professional attire.
  • The service sector requires gentleness, goodwill.
  • Advertising favors creative emphasis.
  • In the field of mass media, suits with fashionable elements, loose compliance with business style are appropriate.

Choosing the right clothes for a job interview from the standpoint of the psychology of business communication and etiquette, it means to competently manage the impression of oneself. And thus create an advantage for yourself. A true professional will certainly use the dress code resource. Let clothes help you move towards your professional goals!

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Conquerors of the world's catwalks ... However, before that, more than one casting of girls is carried out. And this is not so simple as it seems at first glance. Those who want to connect their lives with the modeling business must meet certain parameters. Let's consider in more detail.

Appearance model - what should it be?

Where to begin? Of course, the appearance of a model is, first of all, high growth, a thin constitution of the body. In addition, the image must be holistic, universal. That is, the appearance of a model should be accompanied by a certain charisma, zest.

Height and weight are especially important for the girl on the podium. For shooting a photo model in various magazines, catalogs and advertising campaigns, the external parameters of the face are much more important.

In principle, the most important criteria in this regard for almost all girls are well-groomed beautiful hair, an impeccable smile, and natural eyebrows. The future model is obliged to follow her figure from a very early age. Excess body fat is by no means necessary. The skin also needs a lot of care. Even the smallest flaws will be visible under bright spotlights. Naturally, professional image makers, make-up artists, stylists work with models at shows. They are able to transform the appearance of a girl. Because the types of model appearance and have a certain similarity. The face should not distract the viewer from the clothing itself. However, it is necessary, and that it looks with her in a holistic way.


Appearance model has clear requirements regarding the selection of girls. It is on them that their prospects in this area are determined. The standard of beauty has changed regularly since the fifties. To date, there are specific standards of model appearance.

For example, the face should be without any flaws, symmetrical. models are usually complete. The eyes are large and expressive. Cheekbones are high. Nose - neat, straight. Of course, even the most beautiful models cannot be thoroughly ideal. However, the closer to the standard - the greater the chance of success.

Growth, volumes, proportions

The next stage, which meets any casting of girls, is "in numbers". The height of the fashion model should be 174-181 centimeters. Although in Asian countries the requirements are much simpler. Models are enough 170-172 centimeters tall. There are, however, exceptions. For example, Kate Moss is incredibly famous with a height of 168 centimeters. For a photo model, a height of 168-175 centimeters is also suitable.

The slenderness of the girl is also important. The standard is considered to be 90/60/90. That is chest, waist and hips. The key parameter is the last one. For European catwalks, the hips should not exceed 90 centimeters. In Asia, 94 centimeters is acceptable.

If extra pounds do not affect the necessary parameters, then they do not play a special role. However, if a thickened fatty layer is noticeable on the body, some measures must be taken. In addition, it is very important that all parts of the body are proportional to each other, harmoniously combined with each other.


It is best to start a modeling career at the age of 14-17. However, if your parameters match all of the above, you can try yourself in this business at the age of 20-22. Modeling career ends most often at 25-28 years. However, this is not considered the rule. It's just statistical data. The most important thing is how the model looks visually. In order to prolong your career, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. That means taking care of yourself, eating right, exercising. Although many factors also depend on heredity.

Is it really that easy?

And finally. Do not forget that the model appearance of a girl is far from all that is necessary for this profession. Think carefully about how difficult it is to walk this path. Achieving your goals is not easy. You need to go through a lot before you get the status of a famous model that you covet.

In a word, this business is a huge work. It would seem, at first glance, this work is very simple and fun. In fact, these are daily grueling tasks. There are many beginner models, and the competition is very high. Therefore, in order to become famous, so that your name is recognizable, you must regularly take part in various castings, agree even to small fees for contracts, in general, for almost all the work offered to you. And even if during the day you have to go around dozens of studios located in different parts of the city, getting up at 5 in the morning and returning at 2 in the morning, you should never show your fatigue or bad mood.

So, weigh the pros and cons before deciding to become a model. Think about what you need to always look perfect, no matter what the circumstances. If you are ready for this, and your appearance meets all the above criteria - welcome to the modeling business!