Abstract of GCD using modern educational technologies (middle group). Summary of GCD in the senior group. The use of new educational technologies in the classroom in mathematics


Teaching children to tell a fairy tale using models.


  • (size, color)

Integration of educational areas:

social and communicative development, cognitive and speech, artistic and aesthetic, physical culture development.

Forms of activity - joint activity of an adult and children

Types of children's activities:

play, communicative, cognitive, physical

Form of conduct: situation - game

Methods and methodological techniques:

verbal, visual, playful; organizational moment, imaginary situation, problem situations, surprise moments.

Vocabulary work:

teach children to form words with diminutive suffixes (hare - hare, hare).

Equipment and materials:

Envelopes with models for each child, mouse, dog, fox, mask bear, magic backpack., Health paths.


Organizing time.

Children stand in a circle.

Guys, today we will go to the magical world of fairy tales.

Do you like fairy tales? I also love fairy tales, because this is where the real ones take place.

There are many fairy tales in the world

Children love fairy tales.

Everyone wants to visit them

And play a little!

Do you want to? You are ready? But how can we get to the land of fairy tales? Let's prepare your fingers and say the magic words. (Children say magic words)

Finger game "Castle"

We begin to conjure, open the doors to the fairy tale. (We clench and unclench our fists with force.)

Although the lock is very strong - (put your palms in the lock)

Metallic and tenacious (open palms and pull the lock)

We'll twirl it (twist the "lock")

And then we'll blow three times, (inhale through the nose 3 times)

Let's swing - one, two, three.

Door, lock, unlock! (Elbows at chest level, palms firmly pressed together, turning the "lock" away from you.)

The doors open, the tale begins.

2. Surprising moment.

A magic backpack appears, in which there is a hare's toy.

Guys, look, what is this?

That's right, someone forgot the magic backpack, but there is something inside. Let's try with you to guess what's there, but not with the eyes, but with the hands. Now I will give a few guys a touch, and they have to name what is inside the backpack.

Children feel the contents and try to guess who is inside.

How did you guess that there was a bunny hiding in the bag? (He has a short tail, long ears)

That's right guys! This is a bunny, he came running to us from a fairy tale.

What can you say about the nature of the hare, what is it like in fairy tales? (cowardly, timid.)

And what is the name of the hare in fairy tales? (bunny, bunny - runaway, bunny, bunny-coward).

Well done boys. The bunny came running to us from a fairy tale, and what do you think from which? In what fairy tales do we meet a hare? ("Bastard hare" , "Kolobok" , "Teremok" , "Mitten" .)

Yes, indeed, in these fairy tales we meet a hare, but our guest came running from a fairy tale where a fox offended him and kicked him out of the house. (Zayushkin's hut.)

4. Game with riddles.

That's right guys, the tale is called "Zayushkina hut" and the bunny brought us riddles with him. Let's listen to them carefully and guess. First, we listen to the riddle and then we say the answer.

Itself is reddish,

The muzzle is cheating,

She has no time for a pie

Would she eat a cockerel? (Fox)

Guys, how can you call a fox affectionately? (fox, fox, fox)

Who, big and clubfoot,

Did you get the honey out of the barrel with your paw?

I ate the sweetness and roar.

And his name? (Bear.)

Name the bear affectionately (bear, bear, bear cub)

"Ku-ka-re-ku" he shouts loudly,

Flaps its wings loudly.

Little chickens are a faithful shepherd,

What's his name? (Rooster.)

Nastya, name the rooster affectionately (cockerel, petitka)

I have great hearing

Sharp eyes and subtle scent.

Immediately I climb into a fight with the cat,

Because I ... (Dog.)

Let's call the dog affectionately (dog, dog)

Lives in a mink

Gnaws on the crusts.

Short legs,

Afraid of a cat. (mouse)

Guys, look at which animals we guessed. Are they all heroes of a fairy tale "Zayushkina hut" ? (No, the mouse is from another fairy tale.)

5. Physical education.

That's right, guys, the bunny sees that you are tired and wants to play with you. Want to play with him? Then we stand in a circle.

  • Hey guys what are you sleeping

Show us the animals.

The chanterelle has a sharp nose

She has a fluffy tail.

Red fox fur coat

Untold beauty.

The fox walks through the forest,

She strokes her red fur coat.

  • Hare galloped through the forest

The hare was looking for food.

Suddenly at the hare on the top of the head,

The ears went up like arrows.

The bunny jumped, turned,

And bent under the tree.

The bear got out of the den,

Misha kneads his legs,

He walked on tiptoes,

And on the heels later.

6. Simulation of a fairy tale.

So we had a little rest, and the bunny invites you to the tables.

You have envelopes on your tables, open them. What geometric shapes lie in front of you? (circles)... What is the difference? (color, size)... Name the colors (white, gray, orange, red, brown).

Fairy tale "Zayushkina hut" we will compose and tell you according to the substitute models. For each hero of the tale - a circle of a certain color. For a bunny, what do you think? (White)... Why? Orange circle for ... (foxes)... Why? (red fox)... What color corresponds to the hero "Zayushkina hut" - a dog? (grey)... Bear, what color is the circle, why? (children explain why the circles are of different sizes, each color is associated with the heroes of the fairy tale)... And what else do you have on your tables - huts. They are different colors, why? (bast - brown, and ice - blue).

That's right guys.

And now we are going to tell a fairy tale using colored circles. I am telling a fairy tale, and you lay out the circles one after another. Be careful. (I'm telling a fairy tale, the children arrange circles)

Once upon a time there was a fox and a hare. The fox had an ice hut, and the bunny had a bast. (children put models of huts) Spring came, and the fox's hut melted away. And the fox asked the bunny to warm up in the hut, and drove the bunny out. A bunny walks along the path and cries, and a dog meets him:

- Bow-wow! What, bunny, are you crying?

- How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and a fox had an ice one. Spring came, she asked to see me, and she kicked me out.

- Don't cry, bunny! I'll kick her out!

The dog went to the hut, and says:

Woof-woof go fox out!

-And the fox from the stove answers:

- As I jump out, as I jump out, scraps will go through the back streets! The dog got scared and ran away. The bunny goes and cries again. Guys, show how the bunny is crying (children show how a hare cries)... A bear meets him:

- What are you crying about, bunny?

- How can I not cry? I had a hut, what kind of guys? - bast, and the fox - ice. Spring has come, the fox's hut has melted. So she kicked me out of my own hut.

- Don't cry, bunny! I'll help your grief, we'll drive her out of the hut!

- No, you can't help! The dog drove, did not drive out. And you, clubfoot, will not expel.

They approached the hut, the Bear growls like:

- Go away, Lisa, get out of the hut!

And the Fox will shout from the stove:

- As I jump out, as I jump out, scraps will go through the back streets!

The bear got scared and ran away. And how scared the bear? (children show)

- Kukareku! What are you crying about, bunny?

- How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and a fox had an ice one. Spring has come, the fox's hut has melted. So she kicked me out of my own hut.

- Come on, bunny, I will help you, I will expel the fox!

- No, rooster, you can't help!

Who guys helped the bunny drive out the fox? (dog, bear) The dog drove - did not drive out, the bear drove - did not drive away.

They went to the hut,

- Kukareku! I carry a scythe on my shoulders, I want to cut a fox! Go, fox out!

The fox heard, got scared and said:

- I'm getting dressed.

The rooster cried louder, guys help me:

And the fox:

I put on a fur coat.

The cockerel shouted even louder, the guys are helping the cockerel:

- Kukareku! I carry a scythe on my shoulders, I want to cut a fox! Go, fox, get out!

The fox got scared and ran away, and the rooster and the bunny began to live and get good.

During the story, the children depict: how the bunny is crying, how the dog is frightened by the fox, how the cockerel sings a song: at first quietly, then louder and louder.

Guys. Tell me, did the fox do well with the hare? (Not).

What kind of fox is in this tale? (The fox is cunning, smart, heartless, insidious, a liar, a cheat)- What bunny? (Bunny - kind, weak, defenseless, gullible, unfortunate).

Why didn't the wolf and the bear help the hare? (The wolf and the bear got cold feet and ran away).

Who turned out to be a real hero - an assistant who was not afraid of the fox? Who is he? (The cockerel is brave, brave, good, beautiful).

What won in the tale, good or evil? (Good).

Exercise for the eyes "We close our eyes tightly"

We close our eyes tightly

Together we count until five

We open, blink,

And we continue to work.

Well done boys. You made everything right and helped me tell the tale. What is it called? ("Zayushkina hut" ) ... Did you enjoy composing a fairy tale using models?

Children leave the tables and stand on the rug.

There is one more task to complete. There are three roads ahead of us.

Let's go along the first - we'll get to the frogs in the swamp.

We'll follow the second - we'll come to Baba Yaga.

Let's go along the third - we will find a fabulous chest.

Which road do we choose? Then go ahead!

Breathing exercise

We step one after another

Forest and spring meadow. Breathe deeply with your nose, keep your backs evenly! (Inhale-exhale)

And here is the magic chest! What's inside? treat for children)

7. Reflection.

Well, it's time for us to say goodbye.

And part with the fairy tale.

We saw a fairy tale, played a fairy tale,

And of course we were a little tired.

Our big deeds are over

And it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Today you and I played a game "A magic backpack, they guessed riddles, depicted animals and took a trip to the fairy tale" Zayushkin's hut " which was compiled and told by models to deputies.



Communication using the visual modeling method.

Purpose: Teaching children to tell by the method of modeling a fairy tale.


  • teach children to independently retell and understand a fairy tale based on the construction of a visual model
  • develop in children thinking and imagination, emotional responsiveness, speech, memory when selecting conditional substitutes for fairy tale characters, selecting them according to a given criterion (size, color)
  • foster responsiveness in children, empathize and understand the heroes of the fairy tale

Integration of educational areas: social and communicative development - communication with adults and children, speech - development of oral speech, cognitive - through play, physical - through finger play, eye gymnastics, health paths, musical exercise.

Forms of activity - joint activity of the educator and children

Types of children's activities: play, communication, cognitive, physical

Form of conduct: game - situation

Material and equipment: - envelopes with models for each child, mouse, dog, fox, bear-mask, magic backpack., Health paths.

Preliminary work: reading a fairy tale "Zayushkina hut" ; finger play "Lock" ; solving riddles about animals, playing "Wonderful bag" with a description and comparison of objects;

Technical support: TCO funds

Vocabulary work: teach children to form words with diminutive suffixes (hare - hare, hare).

Methods and methodological techniques: verbal, visual, play; organizational moment, imaginary situation, problem situations, surprise moments.

OD- contributed to the formation in children to develop thinking and imagination, emotional responsiveness, speech, memory when selecting conditional substitutes for fairy tale characters, selecting them according to a given criterion

Throughout the entire play situation, the interest of children was maintained, mental processes were formed: attention, speech, thinking, imagination, the interest of children and the desire to participate in a particular situation.

Conclusion: the goal has been achieved, the tasks have been completed.

GCD summary using multimedia presentation in the 2nd junior group
Topic: "Mushrooms on a tree stump"
Purpose: Acquaintance of children with mushrooms - mushrooms, milk mushrooms.
1. To form an idea of ​​children about mushrooms, about the peculiarities of their growth.
1. To develop an aesthetic perception of nature and its objects in the autumn period.
1. To educate the ecological culture of younger preschoolers, love of the surrounding nature .. Vocabulary work: Autumn, forest, leaves, fallen, mushrooms, hat, leg, mycelium, honey mushrooms, mushrooms .. Preliminary work: examining the illustration "Autumn forest", didactic game "Mushrooms in a basket", examining dummies of mushrooms.
Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Speech", "Artistic creation".
Forms of work with children:
Viewing a multimedia presentation: "Autumn", "Mushrooms", conversation - reasoning, listening to the audio recording "Sounds of the Forest".
Material (equipment):
Dummies of mushrooms in a basket, a large sheet of Whatman paper for a collective composition, mushrooms of various sizes and shapes (cut from paper of the appropriate color), dried leaves, glue stick (according to the number of children), paper napkins (wet).
The course of educational activities directly:
Surprise moment
The teacher invites children to close their eyes and listen to music.
(children close their eyes, the audio recording "Sounds of the forest" is played)
The teacher says:
- Guys, I will now count to three and we will go on a trip.
- One two Three!
- Tell me, what do you hear?
Children's answers.
- That's right - the birds are singing, you can hear the rustle of leaves, a breath of wind.
Open your eyes, we are in the autumn forest.
Presentation "Autumn"
The resounding summer is over.
- What time of year do you think is now?
- That's right, Autumn!
- How did you guess?
Children's answers.
- What good fellows you are, you said everything right.
The sun is increasingly hiding behind clouds, the sky has become gray, cloudy. Fog appears in the morning. The trees are beautiful, colorful, because autumn has painted the leaves yellow, orange, red. Gusts of wind tear off the foliage from the trees and it, whirling, falls to the ground. It became cool outside, children and adults began to dress warmer - jackets, hats, scarves, boots, boots.
"A cap and a leg,
that's all Antoshka "
Guess guys what this riddle is about?
- Mushroom! Well done!
The teacher reminds the children that in the fall many different mushrooms appear in the forest, which adults and children collect in baskets.
Presentation "Mushrooms"
The teacher, together with the children, examines dummies of mushrooms.
Mushrooms have a stem and a cap. The legs of mushrooms are different: short, long, thick, thin. And their hats are also different: large, small, round, wavy, of different colors. Mushrooms grow near trees (aspen, boletus), on stumps (honey agarics), in the grass, hiding under fallen leaves (milk mushrooms).
Mushrooms should not be picked by hand, as it is possible to disrupt the mycelium (root plexus) and the next year the mushrooms will no longer grow in this place. You need to cut the mushrooms with an adult knife, carefully, under the root, or unscrew it from the ground.
Dynamic pause
“Hands raised and shook - these are trees in the forest.
Elbows bent, brushes shook - the wind knocks down the foliage.
To the side of the hand, gently wave - these are birds flying towards us.
We will also show you how they sit down - the wings are folded back. "
The teacher draws the attention of the children to the easel, on which a sheet with a painted stump and grass near it is fixed. Invites children to decorate the stump with honey agarics, and hide the family of milk mushrooms in the grass under fallen leaves.
Distributes mushrooms of various shapes and sizes to children (honey mushrooms and milk mushrooms). Reminds that big and small mushrooms grow on stumps, and it is best to look for milk mushrooms in the grass under the foliage. Children apply glue using glue - a pencil, then one by one they stick their mushrooms on the collective composition, saying where its fungus grows.
At the end of the work, wipe their hands with napkins.
The teacher tells the children:
- What are you guys! That's how many mushrooms have appeared on the stump and in the grass under the fallen leaves!
Let's remember with you:
- What time of year has come?
- What is collected in baskets in the autumn in the forest?
- What mushrooms grow on stumps, in the grass?
- Why can't you pick mushrooms with your hands?
We will hang our beautiful composition in a group so that everyone can admire it!

Attached files

Abstract of GCD "Cognitive development" in the middle group

Lesson topic:"Help the bunny"
Material description: I offer you a synopsis of directly educational activities on cognitive development, using health-saving technologies, for children of middle preschool age. This material will be useful for teachers of younger and middle preschool age. This synopsis of a teaching and cognitive nature, aimed at fostering valeological culture, for the formation of a conscious attitude to health.
Direction: Speech cognitive, physical education, social and communicative development.
Integration of areas: cognitive development, speech development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development.
Target: teach children to take care of their health, avoid situations that are harmful to health.
1. To develop the processes of generalization and classification according to a certain criterion;
2. To activate and expand vocabulary;
3. To preserve and stimulate the health of children with the help of technologies: therapeutic and health-improving massage "Neboleika".
4. To educate valeological culture for the formation of a conscious attitude to health;
5. To foster in children a sense of compassion, the desire to help a sick person.
Material for the lesson: Soft toy - a hare, a flat house, trees, small cardboard boxes, napkins, cotton swabs, balloons, fruits, vegetables, a basket.
Preliminary work: Learning a complex of health-improving exercises for the throat, guessing riddles about natural phenomena, memorizing poems; Conversation "How to be healthy"; reading artwork by K. Chukovsky "Aibolit", conducting experiments with snow.

Children in our kindergarten have many guests today. I just want to wish them all, all: "Good morning!" Therefore, let us wish good morning to our guests with a cheerful song.

Good morning, smile quickly And today the whole day will be more fun We will stroke the forehead, nose and cheeks We will be beautiful like flowers We will rub our palms harder, harder, And then we will pat them bolder, bolder, We will rub our ears and save our health
Let's smile again - Good luck, everyone!
The sound of the wind: The breeze, meeting late autumn, threw a snowflake into our window. Knocked softly on the frame to receive a telegram.

(The teacher reads a telegram on a snowflake: Little hare Kuzka has eaten snow and has a sore throat and a fever. Urgent help is required. Doctor Aibolit.
Guys, doctor Aibolit was urgently summoned to Africa, animals fell ill there. What do we do? (children's answers)
Of course, we have to help our friend the bunny. Let's collect everything we need for the trip. (children sit on high chairs).
Game: "Choose the one you want."

Description of the game: from each pair of objects, children are invited to choose one that is necessary for the treatment of a hare (a thermometer and a typewriter, medicine and candy, honey and ice cream, a scarf and a book). Children put the selected items in a basket.
To get better faster, not only medications help. What else helps a person recover faster? (children's answers) For a speedy recovery, you need to eat vitamins that nature gives us - these are vegetables and fruits. They are not only healthy, but also very tasty.
What foods contain vitamins? (children's answers)
-I will guess riddles, and you will guess and put the answers in the basket.
1. Round, ruddy I grow on a branch!
Adults and little children love me (Apple)

2. The red nose has grown into the ground, and the green tail is outside,
We don't need a green tail, we only need a red nose. (carrot)
3. He never offended anyone in the world, but why are both adults and children crying from him (bow).

4. This fruit is yellow,
It tastes very sour
And if I add that it is beneficial,
Then I will not be mistaken. (lemon.)

5. I was ugly well-born, my head is white and curly.
Look for me who loves the cabbage soup. (cabbage).

6. Delicious - close your fingers -
Orange balls.
But I don’t play them,
And I always eat them. (oranges).
(children come to the table with lemon, apple, carrot, onion, chips, crackers, lemonade, chewing gum).
Children, we have collected all the essentials and now it's time to go to the hare in the forest. Let's stand in a circle. To get into a fairy tale, you need to close your eyes tightly and want to strongly. Then everything will surely happen (breathing exercise)
Music sounds. Children close their eyes.
We carefully enter the fairy tale with you
The road to the forest has been familiar to us for a long time.
Everything here lives and breathes miracles
Full of riddles and secrets.
(Children open their eyes)
-But where should we go? Look - footprints. Whose tracks are these?
They will definitely lead us to the forest. They stood on the path in unison, walked one after another. (Children follow in the footsteps). There is a narrow bridge in front, we need to go through it (on toes, hands overhead)

We will go through the snake near the bushes and we will not hug the snow. So we came to find Kuzkin's hut.

Guys, what happened in the forest? (the trees are bare, no birds are heard, snow has fallen). Yes, guys, late autumn came and the first snow fell, so the bunny was delighted with it.
Look how much snow the hut has. What snow? (white, shiny). And to the touch? (cold) Can I eat this kind of snow? Children knock on the door, walk in, greet the bunny, sit on the bench.
Playing with the situation "We are treating the bunny" (children put a thermometer on the bunny, give a mixture, drink tea with honey, tie a neck with a scarf).

1st child:(strokes the hare on the head and reads a poem)
Oh, you bunny is a bunny,
Naughty playful.
You will remember forever
You can't eat cold snow! (puts a thermometer).
2nd child:
Snow is not at all for food!
The snowball is just for play. (gives potion)
You bunny, get well
And come to visit us. (Serves tea with honey)
The teacher puts the hare in bed and suddenly notices a microbe under the blanket - a small balloon.

Guys, do you know why the bunny is so hard? When he ate the cold snow, he did not notice how he swallowed a microbe - a spit. When the hare sneezes, the number of microbes increases (the teacher throws balls - microbes). We need to save the hare as soon as possible, and for this we need to destroy all microbes. I know there are foods that are very afraid of germs. What do you think? (children's answers).
Most of all, microbes are afraid of garlic. We need to quickly collect the germs before there are even more of them.
Game "Destroy the germs" Children collect balls and put them in a large basket with funny music. The teacher leads a large head of garlic over the basket, in the middle of which a toothpick is stuck, and says the magic words: "You germs disappear and don't come back" and bursts the balls unnoticed by the children.
Guys, we did it! We have destroyed the germs and Kuzya is healthy again!
The teacher puts the hare on a chair and wraps it with a blanket.
Now Kuzya will remember that you cannot eat snow!
Guys, now we are going to show Kuza the Neboleika therapeutic massage.

1. So that the throat does not hurt,
We will stroke him boldly. (stroke your neck from top to bottom)

2. So as not to cough, not to sneeze,
You need to rub the nose (rub the wings of the nose with your index fingers)

3. We will rub the forehead too-
We hold the palm with a visor (rub from the center to the edge).

4. We will also use our ears and save our health

5. We know, we know - yes, yes, yes,
We are not afraid of colds. Rub their palms together. The teacher praises the children.
Game "Yes, no". (with snowball)

I ask you to give an answer:
Is it true or not?
1.So not to know about microbes,
It is necessary, children, to be tempered? Yes!

2.Never, so as not to be ill,
Need to sleep all day? Not!

3.If you want to be strong,
Should you be friends with sports? Yes!

4. So as not to get sick in winter,
Should you sing while walking? No.

5.And for flu and sore throats
Are vitamins saving us? Yes.

6. Will you eat onions, garlic-
Can't find you a cold? Yes.

7. Do you want to become the strongest-
Icicles need to be licked? No.

8. If we become tempered,
We will not get sick and sick,
Will we become sportsmen?
Children thank the hare and wish him good health. (Be healthy, be healthy, forget about the doctors)
Children, today we did a good deed: we cured the hare, taught us to take good care of our health.

Doctor Aibolit gave you vitamins and an envelope with a letter, I will read something important here and may be useful to us.
1. To preserve health,
Strengthen your body,
2. Health has enemies,
Do not lead friendship with them!
Among them are quiet laziness,
You fight her every day.
3. So that not a single microbe
Didn't accidentally hit the mouth,
My hands before eating
with soap and water.
4. Eat vegetables and fruits,
Fish, dairy products-
Here's a healthy meal
Full of vitamins!
5. Go out for a walk,
Breathe fresh air.
Just remember when leaving:
Dress for the weather!
6. Well, if it happened:
It turned out to be ill,
Know, you have to go to the doctor.
He will always help us!
Question to the children: What do you remember the most important thing about snow today? (children's answers)
That's right, you can't eat snow, you can only play with it.
Now it's time to go back to kindergarten. Let's stand in a circle, turn around and say the familiar magic words: 12345 here we are in the kindergarten again! (music sounds)
Guys, did you enjoy our trip? What do you remember the most? You can tell your friends and mothers about it. Thank you.

Marina Biganova
Abstract of GCD with the use of modern pedagogical technologies in the senior group "Winter Sorceress!"

Target: To systematize children's ideas about winter, winter natural phenomena. Expand your understanding of the properties of snow.

Tasks: Educational: To summarize the children's idea of ​​winter; Continue to develop the ability to establish connections and patterns in nature, encourage children to compare, generalize, draw conclusions; Develop the logic of reasoning by solving problem situations; To form the ability of children to perceive the poetic image of winter by means of artistic and musical expression; Fix the name of the winter months; Clarify and expand the stock of specific ideas about the properties of snow.

Developing: To educate children about the correct winter: winter is a sorceress, winter artist; Develop memory, attention, imagination; To improve dialogical and monologic forms of speech, evidence-based speech.

Educational: To foster a respect for nature, interest in cognitive activity; Foster a culture of communication.

Integration of areas: cognition, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, social and communicative development.

Equipment and materials: multimedia, puzzle pictures, writing, equipment for the experiment with snow - buckets of snow and water, paper snowflakes, cups of clean water.

Preliminary work: Talking about winter, observing the phenomena of inanimate nature (snow, snowflakes, ice, icicles); experimenting with snow, water, ice; viewing reproductions (winter landscapes, photographs, painting landscapes, reading fiction of different genres about winter; listening to musical works (P. Tchaikovsky, A. Vivaldi "Seasons")

GCD move: Organizational moment - "Warm circle"

V: Guys, today I received a letter, but I don’t know from whom. Let's open and read it together. (reading letter)

“I haven't been to you for a long time.

Friends, it's time for us to meet

See you soon, kids! " Snow Woman.

V: Guys, what do you think, why did you decide to come to visit us right now?

Snow Woman? (Because winter)

V: Guys, do you like winter? (Yes, we love)

V: Why do you love winter? (you can go ice skating, sledding, etc.) V: Many poets also love winter. Listen to a poem by A.S. Pushkin « Sorceress winter (Reading a poem) V: Guys, why did the poet compare winter with a sorceress? (children's answers)- What natural phenomena occur in winter? (snow, frost, frost, blizzard, snowfall, etc.)- Winter has three sons, three winter months. What are their names? (December January February)

What is the weather like in winter?

What happens in water bodies in winter?

Sad music sounds and the Snow Woman appears on the screen. S. B .: Hello guys!

V: Hello, we are very glad to see you. Oh, why are you so sad?

S. B .: A crow flew in, sat on my shoulder, pecked and said that I was not tasty. I got angry and flew away. And I felt very sad. Why am I not an apple or a strawberry ...

V: Guys, why did the crow say that? (children's answers).

Snow experience (the teacher puts a plate of snow on the table)

Clarify what is in the dish. - What kind of snow is there? (light, white, cold, fluffy, etc.) V: Let us guys take a break from the snow and play. Stand in a circle. Dynamic pause "On a walk"

We went for a walk in the yard

We came to the yard for a walk

They sculpted the snow woman.

The birds were fed with crumbs

Then we rode down the hill

And also lay in the snow.

Everyone came home in the snow

We ate the soup and went to bed. Educator: Now, let's see what happened to our snow.

S. B .: Oh, where is the snow, there is only water.

V: Snezhnaya Baba, snow is so loose and fluffy only in the cold. And in warmth it turns into water. And now I will pour this melt water into a glass. And we'll see if the snow is clear? See how much mud there is in the snow, so there is no snow at all. Guys, look, I have clean water in this glass and you can drink this water. Try this water? What does it taste like? (Water has no

V: Children, so why did the crow say that Snow Woman is tasteless. (snow is frozen water, and water has no taste)... That's right guys.

V: Don't worry, Snow Woman, we will show you and tell you that snow is good and winter time is a wonderful and fun time. And first, I will ask you riddles (riddles about snow and snowflake) V: Guys, what is snow? (Snow is made up of snowflakes)

The game "Snowflakes"

Children are divided into two teams. They are given paper snowflakes. Children must find the same snowflake in the opposite team.

V: Snow Woman, you are also molded from snow, which means that you are also beautiful, like these snowflakes!

S. B .: Guys, Zimushka gave you riddle pictures. Look at the picture and tell me what is superfluous on it, which does not happen in winter? (pictures appear on the screen)

V: Well done, you managed to find errors and now the pictures look correct.

S. B .: What smart guys! Everybody knows.

S. B .: Guys, do you think snow and ice are good or bad? (children's answers). V: Let's take a look at screen:

1. Small sprouts of wheat, they are not frozen. Why? (snow keeps you warm)

2. Where does ice form? (on the surface of water bodies)

3. What do fishermen do on the river in winter? (fish)

4. Why does all life not freeze under the ice? (ice also keeps you warm)

S. B .: Guys, it means that snow and ice are very good.

V: Now Snezhnaya Baba knows that it happens to us in winter, not only cold, but also good and fun. What holidays do we celebrate in winter? (New Year Christmas)... On these holidays, people give each other gifts, go to visit, etc.

S. B: Thank you guys! I realized. I may not be tasty, but beautiful and healthy. Now I have to go. I will be waiting for you on the street. Goodbye!


V: Guys, tell me why Snow Woman was upset? Is snow good or bad? What tasks were difficult for you?

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Image library:

Julia Maslova
GCD in the senior group based on the use of modern educational technologies

Target: Prove that water is shapeless, odorless, tasteless and colorless.


To acquaint children with the properties of water; to clarify the knowledge of children about the purpose of water in human life

Develop the ability to draw conclusions and inferences on basis practical activities.

Develop the ability to plan your activities and anticipate the result of your actions.

Learn to apply the knowledge gained in life.

To foster independence, initiative, curiosity, help to Capa.

Vocabulary task:

To activate and enrich the active vocabulary of children

nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic of the lesson.

Materials and equipment:

Electronic board Panasonic



Elite Panaboard Software Assignments: Work Plan, Task Schemes

Experiment equipment:

Transparent vessels of various shapes.

5 glasses of clean drinking water for each child.

Gouache of different colors (white - required, transparent glasses, 1 more than the number of prepared gouache flowers.

Salt, sugar, grapefruit, lemon.

Large tray.

A container with enough clean water.

Teaspoons according to the number of children.

Preliminary work: watching water, guessing riddles, reading poetry about water, rain, dew, frost: "Ice" G. Ladonshchikova, "Clouds" J. Akim, "Grad" E. Serova, "Rain" A. Barto, "Soap" Yu Tuvim, "Have you heard of water?" N. Ryzhova, "The Tale of Water" A. A. Vakhrushev, experiments with water and molds on the street.

GCD move:

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. Another unusual guest came to us. I want you to guess for yourself. To do this, I will ask you riddles.

1. People are waiting for me, calling me, and when I come to them, they run away (rain)

2. Flows, flows - does not flow out, runs, runs - does not run out (river)

3.From the sky - a star, in the palm - water (Snowflake)

Guys, you guessed what kind of guest this is. This is, of course, water.

Today, when I came to kindergarten, I saw a drop at our door. She said her name was "Mouth guard" and wants to get to know you better.

Have you heard of water?

They say she is everywhere!

You will find her in the pond

And in a damp forest swamp.

Like an icicle freezes

Your stove is boiling

The kettle's ferry hiss

We can't wash our face without her

Do not gorge yourself, do not get drunk!

You agree that you and I simply cannot be without water

Capa has a big request to to you: she can't prove to her friend Snow (Snowflake) properties of water and from this she is very offended and sad. Are you ready to help Capa? Children's answers.

And now, guys, Capa and I invite you to our laboratory to get to know more about water.

Are you ready to become scientists (Answers of children).

What scientists do. What do you think? (Answers of children).

Yes, scientists are engaged in science, science is knowledge, it is the study of various objects and phenomena. How do you think scientists find answers to their questions? (Answers of children).

That's right, scientists conduct experiments, set up experiments. What are experiments? (Answers of children).

Experiments and experiments are the kind of work that scientists do to make sure their assumptions are correct. When conducting experiments and experiments, scientists use different instruments: glass, sharp. Therefore, you need to follow the rules. In order not to get hurt. Let's repeat these rules. (Answers of children).

Well, scientists, let's get to work? What are we going to study today, you guessed it? (Answers of children).

Yes, indeed, today we will try to explore water. But for our work to bring results, what do you think should be done? (Answers of children).

We must draw up a plan for our work, our actions. It all depends on what properties of water we would like to study. (Answers of children).

Let's prove that water has no shape, smell, taste or color. Let's outline our action plan together. How can we define shape, smell, taste and color. (Children offer a schematic designation of the properties of water, and the teacher on the blackboard Panasonic depicts the plan in diagrams offered by children. The plan is ready).

Go to the laboratory (to the tables, we have equipment there that will be useful for our work. What do we have according to plan? (Answers of children).

Let's study the shape of the water. Look at the different jars on your tables. note... What shape are they? Children's answers (high, low, narrow, wide, pot-bellied, etc.).

We pour the same water into transparent vessels of different shapes. Water takes the form of vessels. We pour water from the last vessel onto a tray, it spreads out in a shapeless puddle. Why is this happening?

That's right, this all happens because water does not have its own form.

Now let's try to pour water from one vessel into other vessels and see. Does water change its shape and why? What form does the water become? " Children's answers.

Yes indeed. The water became the same shape as the vessel. What conclusion can we draw about the shape of water? (Answers of children).

Water has no form of its own. A has the shape of a vessel. What can we mark on our diagram? Children's answers.

The teacher on the board draws an arrow from the symbol of the form under the arrow, the droplet is crossed out. The teacher comments on his actions on the board.

Children's answers.

I suggest you sniff the water in five prepared glasses of clean drinking water. Does she smell? Let's remember the smells of lemon, fried potatoes, eau de toilette, flowers. Does it all really smell, and does the water smell? (Answers of children).

That's right, it has no smell of its own. Let's mark on our diagram. The teacher comments on his actions on the board

Let's taste the water. How does it taste? (We listen to different options for answers)... Then we suggest adding sugar to one of the cups, stirring and trying.

What kind of water has become? Sweet! Further, in the same way, add to the cups with water: salt (salt water, grapefruit (bitter water, lemon (acidic water)... - Let's compare with water in the very first glass and draw a conclusion. (Answers of children)

Pure water has no taste. Let's mark on our diagram.

Take a look at our plan. Who will name the next item in our study? Children's answers.

As we continue to familiarize ourselves with the properties of water, let's pour the water into transparent glasses.

What is the color of the water? (We listen to different answers, then we tint the water in all glasses, except one, with grains of gouache, stirring thoroughly. use white paint to exclude children's answers that the water is white).

What conclusion can be drawn? We conclude that pure water has no color, it is colorless. Let's mark on our diagram. The teacher comments on his actions on the board.

Conclusion: Water has no shape, smell, taste or color.

Physical education:

Guys, Capa can turn into steam and fly high into the sky. Let's fly with her.

- I will be a cloud mom, and you are my little children. It's time for you to hit the road. The droplets are jumping, dancing. They flew to the ground. We jumped and played. It became boring for them to jump one by one, gathered they flowed together in small rivulets. Brooks met and became a big river, droplets float in a big river, travel. Tekla-flowed and fell into the big ocean, swam, swam and remembered that my mother told me to return home. And then the sun warmed up. The droplets became light, stretched upward, evaporated under the rays of the sun, and then the droplets returned to the mother's cloud.

This is what a wonderful laboratory has earned in our group, and what hardworking and intelligent scientists work in it.

Guys, did you like working in our laboratory, being scientists? What have we learned about water today? " Children look at diagrams and talk about the properties of water.

Have you forgotten about our Capa?

Kapv would like to thank the children for helping to prove to the snowflake that water has no shape, smell, taste or color.

All scientists are great. Our knowledge was useful to us to help Cape. All are awarded medals of water explorers! Thanks to all!". The teacher presents medals to the children.