Plan-interception: how to recapture a married man from his legal wife? Guaranteed way to get a guy off a girl

Life is so arranged that we cannot agree with the most reasonable arguments. So you, a young, attractive girl who could be loved by good, free from any obligations guys, chose a man who already has a girlfriend as the object of your crazy love.

What if you can't help your feelings? There is nothing left but, having despised all the unwritten laws of decency, to look for ways to recapture the guy from the girl. Let's say right away that not every even the most daring young lady will decide on such a program of action. But, as people say, love is evil, and it's not for us to judge a person, who, perhaps, himself is not happy with such love ... Moreover, these insidious methods have been used by women of love at all times.

So, you move on to decisive action and choose from a list of possibilities the most suitable for you.

  • Collection of information

This is a mandatory first step. You must know your opponent's vulnerabilities in order to influence them at the appropriate moment. Of course, the current passion of your chosen one is not ideal, and something in it, probably, does not suit him. This is the point that you will use in the future.

  • You're the best

This is what you should gradually inspire beloved. You are the woman who has almost no flaws, and you have a lot in common with him in your outlook on life. And it doesn’t matter that all this is absolutely untrue, but in the struggle for a loved one you will have to appear just such an infallible person.
However - attention! - do not overplay, all your efforts should be natural and truthful.

For example, you “accidentally” ended up in the same company with a guy and his girlfriend. You do not show your interest in him in any way, but you notice every mistake of your opponent and unobtrusively comment on it so that the guy likes your words.

  • A cruel way to fight for a loved one is compromising evidence

Yes, this is a risky and not entirely beautiful way, but, as life practice shows, pretty efficient. It is easy to compromise a girl not even with a word, but with an act. Of course, you can find a young man you know, preferably a nonresident, so that in the future his meeting with your chosen one is excluded. The task of this young man is to find an opportunity to meet the current girlfriend of his beloved. He should interest her, establish communication and move on to flirting. You just have to tell the chosen one about it.
This could be an email with a photo or an anonymous call.

How to "beat off a guy from a girl" by correspondence

These are the most sophisticated ways, but what can you do to win the heart of a loved one. So, bring to your game another familiar guy who has the gift of easily seducing girls. It is best if he does not live in your city. But the main thing is that he willingly joins this intrigue.
Required condition: your lover should not know that you know this guy.

So, a dummy "seducer" should establish correspondence with your rival on a social network, chats, on some forum, by e-mail, or even bombard her with SMS. The experienced Casanova will find reasons for himself, and, perhaps, very soon the correspondence acquaintance will turn into fairly innocent meetings. You know perfectly well how any girl likes compliments and attention, it's so hard to refuse them. This will be the bait for the unsuspecting girl. And then the new boyfriend “learns” that the “lady of his heart” is not free, scandals, finds a way to meet with the “rival” and lays everything out to him about correspondence and meetings. Of course, at the same time it exaggerates. Even with the guy's boundless trust in his current girlfriend, he begins to doubt jealousy is born, the relationship will definitely crack.

At that moment, you appear, so pure and sinless. You shouldn't talk bad about his girlfriend, but you shouldn't take her side either. Your role is be an independent expert. Tactfully discuss the situation with the guy, sympathize with him, mention that you cannot even imagine such a betrayal. In other words, in these difficult moments for a guy, you will personify complete understanding and support. Consider that you have won half, and you will be able to "recapture the guy from the girl." But for this you will need the whole arsenal of female capabilities to demonstrate your charm to your beloved and continue the soft attack.

Girl - "eye charm"

This is how you should appear before your chosen one. A charming and sexy girl cannot but conquer a guy who has just been "betrayed" by a girlfriend. You come to meetings in stunning outfits, always well-groomed, beautifully combed. And at the same time - a complete mystery, which makes him even more interested in your person. No matter how your soul sings at such moments, do not try to throw yourself on the sweetheart's neck.

Now you are inaccessibility itself, and at the same time, the guy should see that he is of interest to you, but you, nevertheless, do not intend to overstep your principles. He will gladly accept these conditions of the game.
Your main task is become the perfect woman for your beloved and a pleasant companion.

Don't lose your vigilance

The ex-girlfriend of your loved one will also make attempts to restore the relationship. Do everything so that the guy changes his phone number, persuade him that this is the only way he will protect himself from painful memories. Convince me that reconciliation in this situation is simply impossible, betrayal cannot be forgiven. Inspire his friends in the same way, they must believe that in you is his salvation from suffering and deceit.

Keep in mind that there will definitely be a shrewd person among his friends who will not completely believe you. This means that both you and your loved one need to distance themselves from this friend, stop meeting with him. In the eyes of those around you, the ex-girlfriend should be the culprit of all the experiences of your chosen one, but not you. Perhaps the rival wants to meet with you and the guy to bring you to clean water. Do not shy away from such a conversation, but be extremely polite and calm in communication.
An offended girl will not be able to convince her ex-lover of your unsightly role, on the contrary, this will turn him against her, the relationship will finally go wrong.

You are the dream of his life

You will definitely hear these words if your character was enough to win the fight for your loved one. Show restraint here: do not rush to immediately move on to close relationships. But delay is also dangerous. Take a moment to ask: does the memory of the past live in it? Formulate the question in such a way that there is no answer: yes, he cannot yet forget his first love.

Relations began, but this does not mean that you once and for all managed to recapture the guy from the girl. You should continue to be the best in his mind: beautiful, interesting both in conversations and in sex. He must continue to admire your perfection. And this means - you constantly play along with the chosen one, thereby sometimes infringing on your pride. The effect must be fixed so that he gets used to you and finally gives up thoughts about his ex-lover.

You have achieved your goal, now you are always next to your loved one. However, time will pass, and doubts will begin to torment you: whether a person will appear nearby who will charm your lover with “tales and caresses” and beat you off, as you did.

Therefore, before you decide that you need to recapture the guy from the girl, try imagine yourself in her place. It is dangerous to play with love, dignity, other people's feelings. You managed to find ways and tricks to deprive your opponent of happiness. But it can become a boomerang, and someday you will suffer the same defeat. So don't rush into a decision.

How to get an ex boyfriend off a girl

Such a situation, perhaps, should be called hopeless. Judge for yourself: you met a young man, and he, in the midst of complete prosperity, left you and preferred another, maybe even your best friend. After that, a time of worries, jealousy came for you, a desire to take revenge on your rival, to return your loved one, grew.

Tip one: let it take some time for you to calm down and soberly assess the situation. Do you need to return the past if in the future you will meet reliable and faithful people? In addition, it also happens that the guy himself understands how wrong he was by going over to the girl who simply insidiously seduced him. In such a situation, he will truly appreciate your dignity and will return to you himself with words of repentance. Whether or not to forgive him is up to you.

Of course, the question of how to recapture a guy from a girlfriend is quite immoral. Such an act, especially among the “affected parties”, will cause negative and indignation. On the other hand, every person at least once in his life heard that the struggle for his happiness is never easy.

How to take a guy away from another?

Even such an unseemly act requires thorough preparation. Remember that men, first of all, look at the appearance of a lady. Hairstyle, well-groomed arms and legs, a beautiful toned body - all this in combination creates a beautiful image. Any man will appreciate the impeccable appearance.

Of course, one should not forget about spirituality and self-development. A bright wrapper attracts only the first time, but you need to be able to communicate, especially with members of the opposite sex.

How to get a boyfriend off your best friend?

To begin with, it is worth weighing carefully whether you are ready to exchange a strong friendship with a girlfriend for a relationship that may not end in success. If the girl decided that the game is worth the candle and it is worth fighting for the guy she likes, we recommend the following.

  1. Sudden appearance in those places where there is a selected object. Do not overdo it and bother him. The appearance must be beautiful and desirable. If the guy is in a relationship with your girlfriend, you can come up with an excuse and meet them at the time of their date.
  2. You need to watch their relationship. And draw conclusions. Take a closer look at how they communicate with each other, how they behave after quarrels.
  3. Finally, one of the main stages is how to beat off a guy from an opponent. To do this, try to become his friend. How to do it? Lots of options. First you need to find out about the interests and hobbies of a young person, prepare for conversations on this topic, and most importantly, show interest, sincere, in these activities. Any man likes it when he is unobtrusively asked about, affairs and mood.

Before you decide to take such steps, think carefully about whether it is worth the risk. After all, such behavior is disrespect, first of all, to oneself.

In the article, I will tell you how to recapture a girl from another man (and vice versa, how to prevent this from happening).

For some, this topic may seem selfish, inhuman, to beat off a woman from another or beat off a man from another = this is bad, you can’t do this, you can’t build happiness on someone else’s grief, etc.

I will say that good / bad = everyone decides for themselves. I act as a source of information. But, there is such a thing as: natural selection and no one canceled it. It is a fact!

In order to recapture a girl from another pepper)) - you, my young padawan, need to know what any woman appreciates first of all in a man. What do you think it is? =) Come on, think about it)).

All women evaluate, first of all, the SUCCESS of a MAN (his ADAPTABILITY to the environment (world)).

Accordingly, in order for women to fall for you themselves, want you themselves, fall in love with you, etc. and so on. you must be successful (adapted) to the environment (world).

Accordingly, from here we can already conclude: do not think about the girl you want to beat off)), do not think about that man of hers = in general. Your task is to think only about yourself, and only about yourself.

Your task is to be competitive male.

Be BETTER than other males. And then, women will want you much more than all the other males. This is because women (like us men) have natural selection in which absolutely every female wants herself the very best male (partner) ...

I'll tell you more. In this situation (when you are really successful), you will not need to think about how to recapture some kind of girl from someone)). No offense, but if you are interested in such matters = you are a low ranking male. A high-ranking person does not suffer from such garbage ...

Accordingly, when you pump (if you pump) yourself to a high-ranking personality, you will not need to think about all this, because a bunch of other women themselves will take the initiative towards you. You will literally sit and choose with whom you will be/not be, fuck/don't fuck.

Therefore, friend, if you are zero, you are invisible gray. When you become successful = you become a red light. And on a red light = women will flock like flies to shit. That's all.

And on our topic, the chances that that girl will fight off that man to you are much greater. But, when you are already tired of being truly successful, it is also likely that she will no longer be as interesting to you as before, because there are many other women around you who are no worse, but oh, and better than her ...

Turn on the red light...

In order to be a red light for all women = you need to be successful first. And this is the hardest thing. Here, in this thread, I purposefully will not tell you anything.

And secondly, when you are already successful = you need to demonstrate your success. Your success. Its adaptability to the surrounding reality (the world). Understand?

Otherwise, how will girls / women understand that you are cool (successful)? If you drive a Zhiguli, wear sports shoes and sneakers = females don’t notice you)). But if you were on some kind of Lexus, beautifully, stylishly, expensively dressed = wow, you become a red lamp.

But friend. My advice to you: don't do it specifically for women. Don't show off.

"Show off" is a real sign of self-doubt.

Yes, you can wear expensive clothes, watches, drive a nice car, live in a luxury house, etc. and so on. But, do it all for yourself and not for someone (women). High-ranking men (really worthy peppers) LOVE themselves very much! APPRECIATE! RESPECT! Therefore, they do it not in order to impress someone there, to show off in front of someone there, but for themselves! Only for myself.

It is difficult to visually distinguish, in other words, it can be confused with a show off .. but it's not! And I want you to know and understand this. Well, as a bonus = received a huge number of women)).

Second moment. What works…

You can get (win) almost any woman (even a high-ranking one), but at the same time, you have to be incredibly pumped as a man. You must have a powerful, very strong inner state. You have to be incredibly confident in yourself. To such an extent that a woman freezes next to you. I obeyed. I obeyed. I felt a man next to me.

The formula is, you saw the female = took her = bent over = fucked. Here, somehow, can you?))

It is important that your energy goes off scale, that you charge it like a smartphone in the evenings)). Greyhound, arrogance, insolence, vulgarity, etc. also play to some extent. and so on. the ability to communicate with women, behave correctly, in general, there is a lot of things you need to know and be able to do. It cannot be expressed in two words.

You need to know women, what they are, how they think, think, see, hear, perceive information, what is important to them, what needs they have, what is open / closed - in order to break through the need, this method = few people will apply, because it is a huge daily work.

That's all I started learning in my time (after I failed). I took this issue seriously. Started pumping myself. Develop. Works. Plow. Daily. And now, I only use all this. None of the women know who I really am, what I do, what I have, what I own, etc. and so on. because if you knew = it would make my task easier, and I don't want that.

For so so I have the opportunity to develop as a man (personality). But, in any case, women / girls feel very well who is who, who is in front of her. In principle, not even women, but any person (who is not made with a finger) can understand who is who = by conversation, in a couple of minutes. But, no matter what, you can't know for sure. Okay, it's not about that. Something got carried away...

The bottom line is that if you want to use this method = you need to upgrade yourself to a high rank level. It is very difficult, and in any case, you need to work a lot on yourself. This is a fairly lengthy process, largely depending on how much you want it.

There is a lot to learn and know. Learn the right information. Then invest it in yourself. Download, so to speak. It all needs to be plowed. Works. Every day. Systematically. Upgrade yourself, upgrade yourself and, of course, apply the received downloads (in your system) in practice.

Third moment. What works…

Appearance. Your appearance, cleanliness, neatness also plays a role for women.

Of course, appearance alone = will allow you to recapture (get) only a low-medium rank girl and youngsters. A high-ranking woman = appearance alone is impossible to take.

Appearance for a man is secondary, but this does not mean that it is not important at all. You're a man - you want to see a fucking girl next to you? Beautiful, with a booty, boobs, well-groomed, without cellulite, etc. and so on. all things. So what do you think, the girl does not want to see a well-groomed, clean, neat, handsome man with her? Appearance is not so important, but it has a place to be. Understand.

Take care of yourself. Watch yourself. Love yourself. Do it for yourself first. A high-ranking man takes care of himself. On an ongoing basis. Because he loves, appreciates and respects himself.

For example, I eat right, regularly train in the gym, cut my hair, shave: face, armpits, forehead * to; I take care of my nails, teeth, wash myself regularly, well, in general, etc. and so on.


1) Be a competitive male (most basic)

2) Be a man (2nd most basic)

3) Appearance, although secondary, also plays a role

P.s. Ideally, have everything at once. A high-ranking man (on our topic) has all this that I have described to you. All! All 3 points. But, high-ranking personalities = units. Huge deficit. The vast majority are low-mid-ranking. Therefore, I recommend that you pump through all 3 points at once. That is, to have grandmothers, and a man inside himself and a good appearance. And you will be happy.

Yes, it's a gigantic job. But, it's worth it, and it's not even about women, but in general for life. Believe me. Then you will understand. Now start pumping and it gets better. Good luck to you!

And now infa for those men who have a half 🙂

As you understand, in order to prevent such a situation where your beauty is taken away from you (or she leaves herself) = you must be a high-ranking male. Decent man. But, this concept includes so many things that in this article, you can’t physically consider everything. But, as you understand, at a minimum, you should have everything that I talked about in this article, i.e. 1) Competitiveness. 2) A man. 3) Appearance, physical form, cleanliness, neatness, etc. and so on. (This is minor, but still plays a role).

Be sure to go to this article here: Study it, and all those articles (which I am attaching there at the very end, they are incredibly important for developing high rankings).

In addition, you must (and your woman must) not forget that relationships are daily work from two sides (you must qualitatively and regularly cover the needs of each other, I recommend that you study this part: you must also fulfill your natural roles (functions), constantly work on your relationships, develop mutual understanding, trust, etc., etc.).

In addition to this, your soul mate must also upgrade herself to the level of a high-ranking woman, otherwise, if you level up = and she will remain low-ranked = game over. The rule is that each creature has a pair and they get what they themselves are. High ranking male = cannot be low ranking. And vice versa. High rank m = only with high rank f.

In addition to this 3)) - your soul mate should be \u003d not a girl \u003d but a woman, and what is more important - a worthy woman (and a worthy woman, according to our topic, necessarily has the main female quality - fidelity). And a woman (and not a girl) because a serious relationship (if you don’t know what it is, study here - should be built only between a man and a woman, because only in this way can a union be happy, strong and durable).

Regards, administrator.

How to recapture the guy you like from another girl? Such a problem and ways to solve it are widely presented in psychological literature, novels, TV programs, reality shows. They provide methods that, according to statistics, in most of their cases are not effective. They either turn a girl into Cinderella, or into a beauty with a bitch character. Be sure to read about how to become a bitch, and now: what tips will really be effective and help you beat the guy off the girl? Introducing the TOP 6 options.

Sherry Schneider and Ellen Fein, in their famous bestseller, give simple rules on how to beat a guy from an opponent. The authors of the book praise both modesty and shamelessness. Below are some tips from this book.

TIP #1

According to surveys of young men (up to 30 years old), the most important thing is how a woman looks on the first night of passionate love. On a romantic evening, a man reacts more to the appearance of a woman. So if you're heading out on a date, think carefully about your wardrobe, from underwear to makeup and hair. No wonder the prince noticed the beautiful Cinderella at the ball in an elegant puffy dress, if she were in the clothes of a simple maid, he would not pay attention to her. So, the first advice on how to beat off a guy from another girl is to take a closer look at your image. But to win the heart of a man, a sexy outfit alone will not be enough. It is necessary to follow the figure. In general, look your best.

TIP #2

The main thing is not to rush things and not call the man first on the phone. Even if a young man himself gave you his business card or his mobile phone number, you do not need to contact him yourself. Men like to control the situation and are inherently "getters". You have to wait until he invites you himself. And it doesn't have to be his mom's birthday. Even a walk in the park together can be a sign that he is interested in you and wants to see you.

TIP #3

On the first date, a typical handsome man and "male" will try to make a positive impression on his interlocutor: talk about his new car, 3-room apartment in the city center, frequent trips abroad and plans to buy a boat. To leave your opponent behind, and this guy was yours, play along with him - "feed" him with compliments. So he will think that you are the girl who sees his true potential in him. Very soon, he will begin to compare you with your rival.

TIP #4

If you want to beat off a guy from another and are with the guy you like and your rival at the same party (for example, at the house of a mutual friend), then leave her earlier than this girl. Refuse to continue the "banquet" (for example, going to a club). A young man - a male quickly becomes bored, and the departure of a companion is fraught with a mystery. He will ask himself: "Why did this girl leave the party so suddenly?"

TIP #5

This option, how you can beat off a guy, is to remind you of yourself. Like a real Cinderella, you should leave something behind as a reminder. The shoes option is out of the question. It can be cosmetics, perfume, a scarf, jewelry or a mobile phone (the last two things will certainly not go unnoticed and will remind you of you).

TIP #6

What kind of sex will help you win over your rival - passionate or gentle? Experts say that too passionate women do not give men pleasure, because they are focused only on their feelings. Real "goddesses of love" are often cold towards their partners and hold back their libido. Over time, such control becomes a habit, and it is difficult for a woman to be turned on by foreplay. This is where aggression and violence come from. Of course, many men like such games, but only as a change.

And most importantly, think about whether it's worth hitting the guy off. After all, as you know, you can’t build happiness on someone else’s misfortune. But if you are sure that this is exactly the person you need, then start acting!

Some girls in love are ready for anything for the sake of the object of their feelings. They break other people's relationships, take young people away, trying to make them fall in love with themselves. Whether this idea will be successful depends only on the actions of the woman. It should be understood that all cases are different, and a man may be interested in continuing the relationship with his current passion. It is necessary to understand the current situation and analyze your further actions. A girl in love, trying to take a guy away from another, must behave in such a way as not to push the young man away from herself.

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    How to beat off the guy you like?

    A woman needs to understand the situation in a couple's relationship in order to find out if she has any chances.

    If a man and his current companion have been dating for a long time, live together or have children in common, then one should not get into their relationship. A girl may try to beat off a guy who has been dating someone recently and has no plans for a future together.

    Before you start doing anything, you need to learn more about the union of two people. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    1. 1. You should unobtrusively and gently ask the young man you like about his feelings for the rival. If he does not want to answer, then there is no need to impose a question. It is also important to find out if the lady has any feelings for him.
    2. 2. From the answer of the young man, we can draw conclusions: in the case when the guy does not feel anything more sympathy for the girl, some actions should be taken to interest him.
    3. 3. A woman must find out if she is interesting to her beloved man, if she has a chance for a relationship with him even if he breaks up with his current passion. You can directly ask the young man about whether he would date such a girl, what type he is attracted to, what he likes best. All questions are meant to be theoretical, the young man should not take this as a hint.
    4. 4. The further behavior of the lady in love depends on the results of the conversation. If the guy made it clear that he also wants to start a relationship, then you should directly tell him about your love, affection or sympathy. If he is in love with another woman, wants to meet or live with her, makes plans for their joint future, then there is no need to try to separate them. This will only push the man away, make him change his opinion about the person for the worse.

    A girl who has been in love with a guy for a long time can talk openly about her feelings if she is not afraid of his reaction.

    It should be understood that a young man is able to answer anything: he can be happy with such an attitude towards himself, upset, upset, angry, or he can be confused and stop communicating. If a woman is ready for any outcome of further events, then she should bring the man to a frank conversation. The couple will discuss what to do next, how to be, how to behave.

    At an unknown girl

    It should immediately be said that a woman should not get acquainted with the passion of her beloved in order to find out more about their relationship.

    If a girl is trying to find out something, to find some information, then it is advisable to ask a question to a young man. In cases where a man does not want to answer, he does not need to be imposed. Attempts to talk to a guy will only cause indignation, aggression, a desire to get away from this conversation.

    It is necessary to try to interest the young man in his person: if he flirts, shows sympathy, then he has no serious relationship with his current companion or they are on the verge of a break. And if a man makes it clear that he is not free, then attempts to attract his attention must be stopped.

    At your girlfriend, friend, acquaintance

    It will be possible to clarify the current situation from both sides in the case when a woman is familiar with the companion of the object of her sympathy. If they have a good relationship, you can try to talk to a friend, bring her to a frank conversation. During the conversation, the other girl should not suspect that anyone is in love with her man.

    The situation escalates if the lady wants to take the young man away from her friend. Here you have to make a choice: either try to build a relationship with your beloved guy and lose a friend, or give up feelings and maintain friendship.

    If a friend has already broken up with a man or is going to do it, then such an act should not hurt her much, but the reaction can be anything.

    It is necessary to understand whether a woman loves this man, whether he loves her, or whether their union can or cannot be taken seriously. In the presence of mutual love, it is pointless to try to attract the attention of a young man - this will lead to the loss of both people.

    You can also talk to your girlfriend directly, but she may react aggressively to the recognition of the girl.

    What should not be done?

    In a fit of feelings and attempts to win the object of her love, a woman is ready for a lot. But some actions are still not worth doing, as this will lead to undesirable consequences:

    Example Explanation
    Lie about a girl cheating, wanting to break up, or doing something bad about a boyThis is disgusting, vile and ugly in relation to both people. The truth will still be revealed sooner or later, even if a woman figures out how to prove her lie to a man. And if he finds out about the deception, he will forever stop communicating with the girl who loves him. It is unlikely that a young man will be able to understand and forgive such meanness.
    Provoke a man, threaten him, blackmailMany women, even in their adult, mature age, behave like little girls, trying to provoke and blackmail their lover. With a high probability, a man will look at the girl’s behavior with bewilderment and decide to stop communicating with her, even if they had strong friendships before.
    Trying to find another young man to forget a loved oneSuch an act can harm not only the woman herself, but also the second young man. If, after some time in the relationship, he finds out that he was used in order to forget the other guy, then this will greatly traumatize him. Third parties should not be involved in this situation. A beloved guy is always able to change his mind and decide to leave his current mistress.
    Behaving annoyingly, intrusivelyGirls themselves do not always notice that they are behaving too obsessively towards the subject of their love. This must be controlled by paying attention to words and deeds. If a woman often makes herself felt, and a man responds without initiative or does not respond at all, then it is worth considering. Every day you can’t write, call or come to a person’s home without warning - this will only aggravate an already difficult situation

    You can’t behave in this way, even if the guy directly says that he will not part with his beloved.

    Such behavior of a girl will not only not attract, but also repel a man. A woman should behave with dignity, accept the situation, even if the words of her beloved hurt her very much, piss her off, upset her. Then she will have a chance that in the future her beloved guy will change his position and decide to break the alliance with his rival in favor of the lady in love with him.

    If you behave obsessively, lie to the young man, put pressure on him psychologically or look for a way out of this situation in meetings with another male representative, then he will be disappointed in the girl, he will finally be convinced of his decision not to start any romantic relationship with her.

    What to do if there are feelings in their couple?

    In the case when love and harmony reign in a couple of a man and his current woman, which can be seen without questions about their relationship, you must try to forget this guy.

    It is not always possible to be around someone who is cute or likes. Sometimes a girl's feelings remain non-reciprocal, and this should be reconciled. If desired, she can tell about her love to a young man, not hoping for any kind of relationship, so as not to keep feelings in herself.

    It is not necessary to harm people, provoke them or annoy them with your presence in their lives. You should be glad for the happiness of your beloved man, wish him all the best, and then stop communicating with him. If a woman does not stop communicating with a young man, then it will be more difficult for her to forget him. If before that people communicated closely, were friends, then it is necessary to explain to the guy.

    Regardless of how communication develops between a lady in love and the object of her adoration, it is recommended to visit a psychologist.

    The specialist will help the woman to fully understand the situation, understand the real feelings for this person, and give advice on how to proceed. The advantage of consultations is that with their help, a girl in love will look at the relationship of the parties from the point of view of psychology. Already after the first conversation with a competent specialist, it will become much easier for a person, he will understand how to move on, what actions to take.