Small village holiday scenario. He started as a tractor driver, then studied a lot. And the birth, growing up of children

Targets and goals:
- develop creative and communication skills;
- moral and aesthetic education by means of attraction to active creative activity;
- to show the uniqueness and significance of autumn gifts for a person.
The holiday takes place on the territory of the House of Culture. The venue is decorated in a folk style. Above the entrance to the meadow - "Welcome to the holiday!" On the glade there is an exhibition of folk art of the village craftsmen, tables are decorated according to the names of the streets; hanging towels, ribbons, balls, bagel cuts
Samovars are on the tables. The women are dressed in folk costumes and treat those who have come to the holiday with kvass and pancakes. On the improvised stage - the name of the holiday.
The buffoons are inviting to the holiday. Trade in food products has been developed.
Dear readers and readers, I would like to bring to your attention an online store where you can always buy gifts for girls with delivery throughout Russia.
Before the start of the holiday, a phonogram of songs about the village, Russian folk songs, songs about Russia sounds. The splash screen sounds: cuckoo, cow, cheerful folk music enters
Against the background of music

First: Listen, listen, listen, good people! People who live in our village, come to visit us! Today we will have a holiday of the village!
Second: Everyone gather on the lawn, come, do not hesitate!
Dear friends!
You can't frown now!
Come, come!
Take all your friends with you!
Come both old and young
Throw your worries off your shoulders!
After all, everyone is happy to rest
After days of work!
First: Let the village walk on this day,
Let it have fun, rest!

Second: Everyone has a surprisingly funny performance here!

First: So come in, take a look at the holiday!

Second: You are welcome, dear villagers!

Together: On the holiday of the native village !!!

First: I think that today you and I will get a lot of positive emotions, a big boost of vivacity
Second: And just have a good time.

Music is playing. Buffoons appear: They shoot from crackers.
1 buffoon appears at the microphone with a large ball
1st: Get a present! (Swings the ball at the audience)
2nd: Who do you want to give the ball to?
1st: How anyone, beloved village, of course!
2nd: You see, your favorite village is you, and me, and our audience, and in total _______ lives in the village, and there are only 1 balls
1st: So let them play it!
2nd: 1200! How will they play?
1st: I didn’t think about it ... Ah, then we will give smaller balls! (Takes a lollipop out of his pocket). This is for you! And the rest of the village! (Lollipops are distributed).
2nd: Dear friends, today on our holiday there will be many congratulations, gifts, and contests.
1st: We are lucky today-
The whole village has gathered here!
2nd: Shubenka, meet your holiday
You really deserve it!
Always in business, always in worries,
She lived to be 264 years old!
1st: But, so that everything was smooth,
We will hasten to open the holiday!
And for this we need
To the head of the administration of our village

S.I. we ask you to speak.
2nd: Approach honest people
To our presentation!
A naughty holiday awaits you
To everyone's surprise:
Games, contests, wonders from wonders.
Hurry up! Time is running out!
1st: Our holiday will be successful.
If we are not gloomy.
Move forward all the time
Don't crowd at the gate!
Get out your phones and call all your friends
There is no need for them to sit at home, let them hurry to our holiday.

2nd: For a start, for order
Let's do some comic exercises.
So as not to stand still,
Let's dance together.
Whose company will dance more friendly,
She will receive a reward!
(Buffoons show movements. Everyone repeats)

1st: The dance turned out to be merry! The reward will be for you now!
As a reward, clap your hands, good gentlemen!
2nd: I offer you a game.
Measure strength, as it was in the old days.
Come on. Stand up, strong man, in a funny row.
Who will be glad to compete with me?
(Two-team tug of war)
Yes, that's how strong they are!
Get the rolls!

1st: Listen, Timokha,
Looks like you're not living badly !?
2nd: (eating gingerbread) We live nothing! Delicious, we chew gingerbread!
And how are you?
1st: Yesterday I went hunting in the forest,
I look, someone is tossing and turning in the bushes,
The bear thought, but it turned out not.
2nd: Oh well?
1st: So much for you!
I go to him, and he will howl: Moo-oo-oo!
2nd: Well, there was a cow, apparently, not milked.
1st: Let's milk her.
2nd: Come on, milkers come,
Milking our cows
(Competition "Milkers", preferably men5. Kerchiefs, buckets, gloves with water. Who will free the glove from water faster, who will have more water in the bucket)
1st: Just like that and for fun
There is still fun for you
Look around - how many people have gathered.
Your task is to make them drink kvass.
(Two contestants, two bags, 2 bottles of kvass, disposable glasses. You need to put the bags on your feet, run around the guests and give some kvass to drink. The winner is the one who can handle it earlier)
P.2: And now a surprise for you, listen, all the people, be amazed.
An important lady came to our holiday,
Either from Paris, or from Amsterdam!
C.1. And heals, and divines, and sobering drunkards,
And he will crush the stones, and increase everything that is necessary.
C.2. For a gold piece he will wink, for a ruble he will send it to the devil.
You don’t skimp on money if you turn to a lady.
C.1. Conducts sessions of weight loss, rejuvenation and general hypnosis.
C.2. Hereditary sorceress and clairvoyant seer Rose on garden problems!
C.1. Anticipating the past, present and future seasons!
C.2. Eliminate planting and harvesting failures.
C.1. Removing the crown of crop failure!
Together: So, welcome! Seer Rose!
Rose: I have a session only once.
Fatties and fat men, give me the nickels!
Instant weight loss will come
Salt deposits will disappear.
Invites you to a session, gives the session participant a hoop.
The subject is foreign, the effect is excellent.
I checked it personally!
If you want to lose weight, then rather twist the hoop! (twists)
Madame had only a kilogram of salt in you!
What's good to be wasted, it's food to sprinkle for you.
(hands over a pack of table salt). Agrafena enters the stage.
Agrafena. Hello, my name is…
The Rose. Hey Agrafena!
Agrafena. How do you know?
The Rose. I'm a hereditary clairvoyant (aside) As if she doesn't know me! We live in the same village!
Agrafena. I have such a problem ...
The Rose. There is no water pressure, and aphids spoil vegetables.
Agrafena. You really know everything!
The Rose. This is a gift from God! (aside) There is no pressure - because the whole village is watered, and everybody has aphids this year.
Agrafena. Help! There is no way to live from these problems!
The Rose. There is one remedy for aphids. Dig up the larva of the May beetle in your garden, put it on your forehead and go around the garden three times, saying: "I walk with the larva, I take away trouble." Then at midnight take it to the intersection, put it on the road and shout 40 times: "I have the best tomatoes!" And be calm: there will be no trace of aphids.
Agrafena. Thanks! (Leaves)
The Rose. I must go to spray Agrafena's garden at night while she screams about her tomatoes. Well, what else can help our villagers if not magic !?
Well, now attention! Sensation! The whole spectacle is the culmination!
Who among your entourage agrees to rejuvenation?
A decoy woman comes out in age.
This girl wants to be rejuvenated!
Did you kiss your husband? Did you write your will?
Are you ready? Come behind the screen! Sleep with an old duck
And fly up like a white swan!
The child is hidden behind the screen in advance. Swap places.
I got what I asked for! Well, go to your place.
And now I will treat everyone at once, both from damage and from the evil eye,
From cystitis and acne, and from kidney stones! Making installation ...
How do we feel? I see ... I see ... You are already laughing to tears!
That your skull is without hair, and eels have passed on to your neighbor?
I am no longer needed here and, I must leave you.
There will be money - do not hesitate! I will help everyone! Contact us!

(Nastasya and Anisya appear)
Nastasya (1st): Hello, honest people!
Anisya (2nd): Hello, good people!
1st: Great godfather! Why are you standing alone?
Dressed up, undressed ...
And where did you soap yourself?
Really getting married again?
Or was the cow milked?
Or maybe she decided to become an artist?
To act in a movie about vampires without makeup?
Well, why are you silent, as you ate your tongue,
Speak, Anisya, what's the matter?
2nd: Talk to you, Nastasya
To harm your reputation.
Say a word to you - you two will answer
There is no woman more harmful than you in our village.
Nastasya will never confess to you
That I am going to receive guests here.
1st: Guests? Where did it come from? From abroad?
Why were you silent? And I would get dressed!
2nd: Look, she wanted a prince from overseas!
I forgot that it’s a holiday today - I sat down
That's why I came here.
(Sings.) We live in our native village,
Here we both dance and sing.
And to make it more fun
We'll call the buffoons.
1 buffoon:
Laughter is fun, like peas,
I came to you - Skomorokh.
Here is my cheerful brother
Today he came with me.
2 buffoons:
Meet us all merry!
Send a kiss.
We will sing ditties to you,
And then we'll call you.
1 buffoon:
Here the cow flew
Straight to hot lands
And who cares
After all, the cow is not mine!
2 buffoons:
Our village guys
Very curly,
Put on new shirts
The rich think.
1 buffoon:
And now it's your turn
Who will sing ditties here?
Competition "Chastushki-Veselushki"
2 buffoons:
The holiday continues
Business time, fun - an hour!
I invite you to the exhibition!
1 buffoon:
Dear people!
The exhibition has been waiting for you for a long time.
Follow me all
And take your friends with you.
(Music sounds. The buffoon escorts the guests to the tables, where they are met by Marya the artisan with her retinue, children with bread and salt.)
Marya the artisan:
Hello good people,
Guests are invited and welcome!
I, Marya the artisan, the patroness of all artisans, welcome you to the exhibition Carousel of Masters.
We, guests, welcome you all
With a white, lush loaf.
He's on a painted platter
With a snow-white towel.
And we also bring salt,
Bowing down, we ask you to taste.
Our dear guest and friend,
Take the bread out of your hands.
Anisya: Good people!
Dear guests! Various competitions were announced for the day of the village. (List)
Thanks to those people who took part. I think you all had time to look at the work of our craftsmen, at their creativity, talent, invention, at everything that the Shubyans have prepared. And now let's move on to even more pleasant moments of summing up and rewarding.
Nastasya: Well, work is a feast for the eyes,
Straight to everyone's surprise.
(They bring a large painted box with gifts)
Anisya: (Looking into the chest) And what have you got there, Nastasya?
Nastasya: I was also preparing for the holiday,
I bought all sorts of gifts.
People then responded, took part
The whole exhibition came out on the day of the village.
We must also reward what they deserve. For this, our commission worked as follows:
The order in the village begins from every house, from every personal plot. Only we ourselves can decorate and maintain our house, our estate.
2 buffoons:
Throughout the village passed
And they found the owners there,
Where everything is clean, neat
It's nice to come to the house!

Marya the artisan: Glory to the good master!
Glory to the hostess, comely!
Today here with all the people
We praise the best farmsteads!
The best owners of their farmstead are:
Nastasya: They live in our village and the miracle of the master. Everyone could show here the creations of their own hands. And I think they did it. We ask you to come to us for rewarding for participation in the competition: "Man-made miracle"
1 buffoon:
Well, work is a feast for the eyes,
Straight to everyone's surprise.
This exhibition is the beginning,
After all, we have a lot of work.
Anisya: There is nothing more beautiful than flowers.
They came from time immemorial,
To make life sublime and purer.
Moving on to rewarding
the winners of the "Flower Carousel" competition
(Nominations "Best Bouquet", "Best Composition", "Best Flower Garden"
Marya the artisan: There are only ___ streets in our village. ______ responded and took part in the competition. And now you have to present your table, present

Nastasya: Even in ancient times in Russia, people, gathering for the holidays, organized feasts on the occasion of the celebration. And for this day a special festive cake was baked. And the hostesses did their best for our holiday. And how much, to judge the jury.

Photo contest "Moments of Life"

Anisya: The awarding ceremony is over. I sincerely congratulate all the winners of the awards, and I say to the participants: “Thank you very much” for taking the time and participation.
We sincerely congratulate you
We wish you peace on earth
And bread - salt on the table
Health to be strong
And it never failed.
To knock joy at the house:
In the morning, evening and afternoon.

Marya the artisan: Today we are in a hurry to express words of gratitude and gratitude to the sponsors of our holiday
(Presentation of sponsors.) Let's thank these people with a round of applause! (Applause.)

Nastasya: Thanks again to our participants in the competition. Your products decorated our holiday and everyone liked them very much. And we are starting an auction called "Buying a pig in a poke". Whoever dares will not regret it! Trust me!
So we have three black bags. We are playing the first lot.
The starting price of this "pig in a poke" ... (names the amount). This is something symbolic, connected with our holiday. Looking at this, I want to work more and more, so that everything comes and comes to the house ... (A souvenir from the fair is a hard worker ant with a hammer.)
This is the emblem and symbol of our fair. Our village is alive, because we do not give up and work day after day. We have a lot of talented people, and our fair is proof of that.
2 buffoons:
We are playing the second lot. Starting price ... This is a big deficit at this time. You will not find this in the afternoon with fire. Those who we take care of, water, cherish every day in the summer are very happy about this ... Now the whole village will envy the owner of this lot. Three bags of manure, three bags of deficit, three bags of happiness for a real gardener! And how many useful things will grow in your garden thanks to him! Your harvest and, accordingly, your mood depends on it!
1 buffoon:
We are playing the third lot. Starting price ... This is a very good thing that creates the right mood at the right time. This is especially appreciated in winter. (A jar of pickles.)
What could be better than boiled potatoes with a pickled cucumber and a glass after the bath ?! We already envy you!
So, all lots are raffled off. All "cats in poke" found their owners.
(Anisya comes out with bath brooms and a basin, hums).
2nd: (sings) The sauna is heated, heated in the garden ...
1st: Anisya, what are you talking about ?!
2nd: But what a village, but without a Russian bath ...
1st: And what kind of bath, but without a broom, and what other bath accessories do you, dear guests, know? (Those present enumerate the bath accessories of the Russian bath, the presenters call them in. They ask a few leading questions, and then invite them to take a steam bath)
2nd: Eh, guests, dear, let's take a steam bath. You are given brooms, to the music you whip each other with brooms. Whoever has the thinnest broom is the winner. You need to take a good steam bath. We started. (A game is played. The winner is awarded a bath bucket)
1st: Eh, Anisya, but after the bath I want some tea.
2nd: (Anisya brings out the samovar) Come on, Nastasya, have some tea. The boiling water is boiling, the samovar is boiling!
(They sit down by the samovar with cups in their hands).

1st: Why are we, godfather, drinking tea with you, and the guests are looking at us, they want tea for her! Let's offer them some tea and bagels.
2nd: (They give the bagels from the box) Now you will have the following task: Guess how many bagels are in this bundle? Who guesses the steering wheel gets. (Guess. Who guesses the exact number gets the steering wheel)
1st: (Looks into the box) Our box is empty.
This is the end of the holiday.
2nd: Our program is coming to an end, but we do not say goodbye to you, music sounds, tea with pancakes and a kebab with an onion awaits!

1 buffoon: I’m standing, I’m looking at the native village
I measure open spaces, beauty with my eyes
And I understand, there is no more beautiful in the world
The village in which I now live.

2 buffoon: And let them say that there are other places
The bread is tastier there, the grass is greener there,
And I love the village, all my relatives are here
And the head is spinning from love.

Marya the Artisan: Here everyone should do and dream,
To preserve beauty and the sky is blue.
And every person could say with pride.
This is my dear village!
1st: May your path be not thorny,
And the horizon is clear everywhere.
2nd: So that your village is famous
Health, so as not to let you down.
1 buffoon: So that friends are faithful,
I wish you today,
2 buffoon: I was proud of you, so that the people
You led Russia forward!
Together: Thank you, Shubyane.
Low bow!

Leading: Good afternoon, dear fellow villagers! Today we have a big holiday with you - the Day of the Village! Our New Zaimka is the most dear and dear place for us, and therefore we are looking forward to this holiday all year long! And now, finally, they waited! Happy holiday, friends!

A musical number is played.
Leading: The word for congratulations is given to the head of the village administration.

(word of the head of administration)
Leading: I know there are big cities
Where life goes round and round.
But wherever I am, I always give
I sat down forever to my native preference.

Leading: My village, which is sweet and discreet,

I don’t forget where I’m not going.
Years are running, like drops of wax from a candle -
All this is life, my story.

Leading: There is a revival in the square today,
And the glances radiate a kind light.
The villagers celebrate their birthday,
So happiness to you friends, and many years to come!

A musical number is played.

Leading: We have been preparing for this holiday for a long time, and our amateur artists have prepared a whole concert. Let us, dear friends, greet them with applause!

The old woman Shapoklyak comes out.

Shapoklyak: Everyone, dear, thank you, you can be free.

Leading: How is it free? I still have a concert.
Shapoklyak: Don't you read the newspapers? Today I am conducting a concert and from tomorrow I am in charge of the House of Culture.

Leading: Here's some more nonsense. They don't even perform at the Philharmonic without a rehearsal, but here such a thing is the Day of the Village! Just look at how many people have gathered! Is it possible from the street, but directly to the stage ?!

Shapoklyak: Oh, priests, and really. They boo, after all, they throw rotten eggs ... Okay, lead it yourself, and I'll stand here, it hurts me to show off the hunt!
Leading: Okay, stay quiet. Now there will be a song about the village, our vocal group is singing. Please welcome!
A musical number is played.

Leading: Our village is beautiful, the people are good, the families are wonderful! And among them there are those who celebrate the silver anniversary this year! Let's look at them, at the happy ones! Families ______________________ and ___________________________, please go on stage!
Tell us, are you really together for 25 years? (families answer). How did you find each other? (they do not have time to answer, Shapoklyak intervenes)
Shapoklyak: And now I'll tell you, I know everything about them! I then worked as the head of the registry office. True, I forgot something, but good people will remind me. Remind me, eh? (Addressing the audience). Well, that's good. So it was like this ...

The old woman Shapoklyak reads the text without completing the words in brackets. The audience prompts them.

Shapoklyak: Over the mountains, beyond the valleys,
Over wide seas.
Not in heaven - on earth,
Yes, in the Novozaimskoye village.
________________ has a young woman,
The girl was born.
She began to grow up quickly
Lush color ... (blossom).
Shapoklyak pauses, listening to all possible answers, then says the correct word.

She blossomed a little.

Here I was sitting at the window,

One evening she.
Alone - ... (one).
Shapoklyak approaches the "bride" and casually asks her to take her heart.
My heart ached very much,
She quietly opened the shutters,
To calm your melancholy,
The mood ... (to raise).
"I'll wait a little bit!"
Suddenly it slammed ... (window).
The wind played violently
He burst into the room like a whirlwind.
Picked up, picked up the girl.
I quickly took it out of ... (the room),
Do you understand the conversation,
It was, of course, ... (thief)!
In the course of the story, Shapoklyak. asks a man from among the audience to play the role of a thief and carry away (take away) the bride from the stage.
The thief turned out to be a dragon,
He became attached to the girl,
I didn't want to let her in,
Visit my mom.
And mummy at that time
I won't hide it from you,
That's really into tears, that's really into crying.
Shapoklyak seats the presenter at the table and asks her to portray a crying mother.
“Where are you, dragon - the executioner!
Who will save my daughter.
From dragon claws
Who will deliver it to me,
Do not feel sorry for ... (bast shoes)? "
Shapoklyak, asks the "groom" to get up from the table and depict riding a car or a horse.
A brave guy was driving by
The handsome man is great.
"Mother! I’ll take it - I’ll get down to business!
And we will go down the aisle! "
The "groom" stands proudly in front of the "mother", hands on hips.
Yes, is your daughter beautiful?
"Mother" waves her head and arms.
“Oh, sonny, everybody marvels!
And beautiful and smart
Not a girl, but ... (princess).
The month under the scythe shines
And in the forehead ... (the star is burning).
And she herself is majestic,
Performs ……. (Like a pava).
And how the speech speaks,
As if ... (the river gurgles).
Shapoklyak asks the "Groom" to raise his fist up with a belligerent look.
“Well, mother, then get down to business!
I can handle it skillfully! "
Sitting on a good horse,
On the way - equipping the path,
He set off on a long journey,
So that the beauty ... (return).
I drove for a long time or far,
Suddenly in front of him is a tall oak.
Shapoklyak, brings a big man out of the audience, asks him to raise his hands up and hangs a box on a string (a matchbox) on his finger.
A casket hangs on an oak tree,
There is a dragon ... (end).
How events developed
You guessed it yourself.
And while the groom was galloping,
That dragon gave up the ends.
Shapoklyak, expressively looks at the "kidnapper of the bride», until he guesses to "make ends".
And the bride was surprised
That she was free.
Then the groom approached her, (the groom approaches)
And he made such a speech:
"Have I hacked the villain?"
Spectators: I hacked it! (the bride nods).
Groom: "Did I free you?"
Spectators: Liberated! (the bride nods)
Groom: And now the soul is a girl,
I want to ... (marry) you!
Shapoklyak. asks the groom to extend his hand to the bride, and the bride to be a little shy, covering herself with a handkerchief.
Passport, quickly, I am!
Ready to live like a king and a god!
Bride:" What do you! How so! I ... yes I ...
I'm not quite ready! .. "
For the sake of order, I was ashamed.
Shapoklyak asks the "bride" to hug the "groom".
"I'm yours!" - and burst into tears.
Then they joined hands,
Instantly in the registry office and ... (signed).
Shapoklyak escorts the couple to the table and asks: I told you correctly, was it really so?
The spouses answer: right, it was.
Shapoklyak: And they also didn't want to let me go on stage ...
Leading: Yes, you have talent! Now listen to what, I'll tell you:
When the whiskey is silvered with gray
A special love is given to us:
There is more tenderness in her than in the old years,
When she was blind and young.
Everything in life was, after all, it's been 25,
But you are celebrating your wedding again.
All people call her silver -
After all, the common path in life glitters with silver.
Health. Joy, good luck, happiness light,
We wish you to stay young for many years!
Anniversaries are presented with gifts. They are about to leave, but Shapoklyak stops them.
Shapoklyak: And we also have a present for you! The gift is called "all night pleasure!" (takes out a pacifier). This is, apparently, for the grandchildren.
Anniversaries leave.
Host: 25 years is great. But there are two and three times 25. I ask the diamond jubilees - the family _____________________________ to come out to us!
Shapoklyak: And now I will make riddles!
Presenter: What do you mean, what riddles there can be!
Shapoklyak: Riddles are just right here. Don't bother, you'll see! (to the audience) Now I’m going to ask you riddles, and whoever guesses will get a prize! Do you agree? So, the first riddle: How many _____________________ children are in the family? Right! Get a prize - a soup set (takes out a bottle of water and a pack of salt). Riddle two: How many grandchildren are there in the family of ___________________? Right. Get a prize - a carpet runner (Toilet roll). Riddle three: what is the total age of all children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren in the family __________________. Get a prize - a home telephone station for two subscribers! (two matchboxes connected by a string) Well done, all the riddles have been solved!
Presenter: (addressing the heroes of the day)
Slowly, as you once dreamed,
You have lived to see the diamond wedding.
There must be such a date in the calendar,
Not to be considered memorable, but a saint.
May there be joy, tenderness, affection in the house,
And in the windows there is a kind, unquenchable light.
So many years together - it's just a fairy tale,
Let it be so for another fifty years!
Shapoklyak: (gives his gift) You have three times 25, so you have a pleasure for ten nights (gives 10 mosquito plates and a fumigator).

Host: They sing for you ____________________________________.

Grandma Ezhki enters without an announcement. They talk on the go.
Grandma Ezhki: Friend, are you married? Not? Me neither. Who are we to marry? And people - then, I saw, they live together for 75 years. I wish I had some, though overwhelming. Eh-eh !!!
Singing ditties: Stretch the furs, accordion!
Eh, play, play it! Etc.

Shapoklyak: thanks, girls! (Presenter): Did you see it? This is my amateur performance.
Host: Yes, impressive. But it would be nice to stick to the plan.
Shapoklyak: What is according to plan now?
Host: And now we invite the oldest resident of our village _________________________ to the stage! Take a seat, please.
A short interview is conducted (where he was born, where he worked, how many children.)
Host: The years have flown by as a white flock,
But the soul, as before, is young.
The nightingales have not all sung yet,
Not all of the water has flowed away.
Today is a festive and bright day,
And it's not the time to be sad, it's not the time.
Long years to you, apple trees in white.
Joy and happiness and goodness.
Shapoklyak: (gives his gift, compasses)

A useful thing in the household,
Though it looks like nothing at all.
If you bake pancakes -
You can't do without a compass!
Host: They sing for you ________________________________________________.

After seeing off the oldest resident, Shapoklyak continues: Eh, I also lived in the world, and what I have not seen! For a life that long just look. Even those fairy tales, I can correct them. After all, I saw how it really was, but invented - folk art!
Presenter: How did it actually happen? What, and about the Turnip did not come up with?
Shapoklyak: A reliable case! Only embellished beyond recognition. The case was quite different. I know that at that time I was the chairman of the village council. Once upon a time - there was a grandmother (Grandma comes out - a member of the artist himself, sits down at the table). Good grandmother, economic. And she had Ryaba chicken. A chicken put eggs, a full pot (Shapoklyak puts a pot full of shells on the table). Granny collected the testicles and put them on the table. And he calls his grandfather to admire.
Grandma: (calling) “Grandfather! Come on, look, what a beauty! " The grandfather does not respond.
Shapoklyak: Oh. Fathers! And the grandfather didn't show up! They lost him at work yesterday. Who will play with our grandfather? Man, help out. I'll tell you! (takes the man out of the audience, puts on his hat). And the grandmother is glad that the grandfather came. And so, with joy, let's treat.
The grandmother carries a bottle of moonshine, puts it on the table, pours it into glasses.
Shapoklyak: Grandma, have you forgotten the appetizer? (The grandmother throws up her hands, runs backstage). And here, out of nowhere, a mouse came running.
A painted girl in a short skirt runs out onto the stage. This is Babkin's neighbor, and twirl your tail! (the girl starts courting her grandfather: she pats the head, then sits on her knees, in the end, knocks over a pot of eggs with her hand.)
Shapoklyak: And to what end she twisted her tail, that she broke her testicles! Oh, and now the grandmother will be back! Oh, what will happen! Hide, mouse!
The mouse runs back and forth - finally grabs the grandfather, and they hide under the table with him.
Shapoklyak: And then the grandmother came back, brought a snack. He sees, but his grandfather is not! And let's look for him.
The grandmother looks for and pulls out the mouse by the clothes. There is a skirmish between them.
Shapoklyak: What are you, grandfather, scared? Get out and separate them!
The grandfather gets out, tries to separate them.
Shapoklyak: I somehow got it apart, but the neighbors heard that there was a noise in the house, and made up no one knows what. Here it is, how it was - it was! Scratched, of course, each other, not without it. I know, I was the head physician at that time. (Shapoklyak thanks the man for his help, hands over the candy and escorts him to the hall)
Presenter: So they say the truth: a fairy tale is a lie. And young parents still tell their children. And our children are visible - invisible! You don't know who the youngest is. While one is considered the smallest, lo and behold, another has already been born, even less. It is absolutely impossible to keep statistics! Today we have the smallest one in the village - __________________________. We invite young parents to the stage, who have presented the village with one more new citizen!
Young parents enter with a child.
Presenter: Hairy, soft crown,
Eye color is impossible to understand.
And you sleep for a long time
To see the first dreams.
You look, not knowing what it means.
To look so serious at the light.
In it - you, only you, but otherwise.
And there is no light for the parents.
Everything is clear in you and easy -
Smile, movement of the eyelids. ...
And it's impossible to guess everything,
What kind of person is sleeping in you.
Grow, lala, brighter than a flower,
Like a star on a summer night
Daddy's beautiful daughter
Happy mother's daughter!

Option 2. Grow up, get smart,
And silushki, like a spikelet.
Good, handsome boy,
Dear, long-awaited son.
Gifts are given. Shapoklyak detains young parents.
Shapoklyak: Wait, dear, I want to ask you. The child will soon begin to talk, ask different questions, do you even read books on pedagogy? But I'll check it out now. Is Winnie the Pooh a pig or a boar? (bear cub)
It happens in the river, in the lake, in the ear, but it does not exist in the compote. What's this? (a fish)
What do little children call a nasty, nasty thing? (cocoa)
Okay, you can say, got ready. Here is a present from us so that there is no coca in the house - babies do not like this (pack of OMO powder). And you, mistress, do you know why this powder is called that? Not? Listen here, "My Shoes Separately", do you understand? Well, go with God.

Shapoklyak: Well, who is the most respected, most honored in our village?
Host: And this is _______________________________________. Please, we ask you to go up on stage (conducts an interview: how long have you lived in the village, where you work, what kind of family, etc.).
Presenter: We wish you both happiness and love,
So that all dreams and aspirations come true,
In a good mood to welcome you.
Nowhere and never parted.
I wish you health for a hundred good years,
And this, really, is worth a lot.
In work - production victories,
In family life - peace and quiet.
Shapoklyak: I also have a gift. We, deserved, what they just don’t give. After all, I was an honored artist, by the way. She starred in the videos. Long ago, before the war. Sometimes this will be presented, just a cat in a poke, some kind. Here is the same for you (gives "a pig in a poke").
Host: Well, they will sing for you ___________________________________________.

Host: We also invited children to our holiday, who will go to school for the first time this year - first grade. Let's all have a look and say hello to them. Please welcome!

Children come out and read poems, sing songs.

Shapoklyak: Oh, what smart, what smart kids! Learned poems, sang songs! Do you even know what a school is like ?! You may not be taken there.
Presenter: How can they not take it? What are you talking about?
Shapoklyak: I know what I'm talking about. I was the headmaster of the school. Listen here: What do you think is taught in school? I give options for answers: walk, talk, ask for a pot, read. Answer me!
The second question: with what complaint did Barbos come to Aibolit? Answer options:
"A chicken pecked me in the nose"
"I froze my tail in the frost"
"I am a poor sick old dog"
"The cough tortured me to tears."
Third question: Which diary entry will please your parents the most?
"Late again"
"I'm not ready for a lesson"
"Urgently hand over 100 rubles",
"Reading technique - 5".
Shapoklyak: Yes, it looks like you will all be millionaires. I'll give you computers. Not modern, primitive. I was in charge of the museum, so we stayed. Primitive people believed on them. (Gives children sets of counting sticks).
Host: Shine like suns,
And grow healthy
Kind, happy
Smart, beautiful!
Learn on fives,
In the mood for school, rush
Clean, sweet,
Rural, beloved!
Children are given gifts, they leave.
Shapoklyak: This is what I remembered. When I was a designer, I took part in various competitions: well, there is a beautifully decorated house or a courtyard. I have prizes visibly - invisibly. And in your village, I see, there is a courtyard on ____________________________ street, there is a straight picture. Whose is this?
Host: And this is the yard _______________________________. We invite them to the stage. So that everyone would look at them, what great fellows they are!
The owners of the most beautiful courtyard come out, the host asks them questions (how do you manage to maintain order in the courtyard, what flowers were planted, how often the flowers are watered). They do not have time to answer the last question, Shapoklyak intervenes.
Shapoklyak: Why water them there ?! What's the rain for?
Host: Why, he doesn't always come when you need to!
Shapoklyak: What nonsense! When I worked as the head of the Hydrometeorological Center, we made this rain out of the water at any time.
Host: While you are up there, pouring water from empty to empty, then all the greens will dry out. Our owners are doing the right thing by watering, not hoping for rain.
Shapoklyak: Well, since they are so quick-witted, let the questions be answered.
Host: What are these questions?
Shapoklyak: Ordinary: about the garden, about the economy ...
Question one: How many people pulled the turnip? (three, the rest are animals)
How many kids did the wolf eat in the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" (Six)?
What did the old man ask of the goldfish when he caught it the first time (nothing)?
Malvina - brunette or blonde? (girl with blue hair)
Polar bears catch penguins on ice or in water (they don't catch them, they live
at different poles)?
Host: Well, I won't test you, but I just wish you: ...
So that always under a lucky star
Fate led you along the road,
In the house so that a full-flowing river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully!
Let only friends visit your yard,
Bad weather bypasses
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you well
Long life, health and happiness.
Gifts are handed over, Shapoklyak is delaying the guests:
Shapoklyak: Is it just your yard that is so beautiful, or is the house also good? I would like to take a look. By the way, I was in charge of the building materials store, I kept here for you a lot of - what ... (hands over several grates for eggs). This is the newest ceiling covering, the squeak of the season. I saved it especially for you, otherwise, I think, disorder is the best courtyard, but it’s not known what is in the hut. Use it.

Host: They sing for you ____________________________________________.

Host: Our holiday does not end on this, but we say goodbye to you, goodbye, friends, until we meet again!
Shapoklyak: What are you doing, who is saying goodbye ?!
Host: How?
Shapoklyak: And like that! In honor of the holiday, friends today, shall we have fun? We swear?
Spectators: We swear!
Shapoklyak: But will we return to work tomorrow morning? We swear?
Spectators: We swear!
Shapoklyak: Will we smile at friends and acquaintances? We swear?
Spectators: We swear!
Shapoklyak: Will we get drunk for a good reason today? We swear?
Spectators: We swear!
Shapoklyak: Let's disperse to the great joy without fights? We swear?
Spectators: We swear!
Shapoklyak: This oath should not be forgotten!
For our village - raise cups!
Now that's it! Happy Holidays!

It has become a good tradition to celebrate the Village Day every year. This holiday takes place at different times in different villages. In our farm, it coincides with the end of field work, with the Day of Agriculture and Processing Industry. I think that my script will help organize such a holiday for those who are not indifferent to their village, to their small homeland.

Scenario of the holiday "Village Day"

Good afternoon, dear farmers!

Hello dear guests of the village!

We are glad to welcome you to our holiday "Village Day"

And at this hour - in the Indy's animation

And the glances radiate a kind light.

Celebrating the village - its birthday

Many happy and good years to him!

As any birthday is always noticed by guests, ours is no exception.

We are glad to see our friends and relatives in the hall. May this holiday bring you joy, smiles, good mood! And we give you our songs!

Allow the festive evening to open with the song "Indychan girls"

There are places like this in vast Russia,

What you will not find on large maps.

The sky there seems to be blue in a special way,

There is a special smell of cherries.

This is where you were born

They are often called a province.

Only there is no more beautiful edge -

He will always be the only one for us!

I love you at any time of the year

My dear ugly little farm.

And on a warm day, in any bad weather

With you it is always light in my soul.

A familiar birch nods to me

And I answered her "Hello!" I say

How good it is for me, how simple it is in Russian

Live in my bright, gentle land.

And I want to believe that our little farm was born under a happy constellation that protects us for many years. And each star in this constellation is each of us, the inhabitants of the farm! Today we will name these stars after you!

And we rightfully dedicate the first star to the head of our settlement, V.I. Miroshnikov.

Vladimir Ivanovich, you have the floor!

Song "Rowan's Land", translated by N. Kadysheva. Performed by the ensemble.

Yes, there are different bosses,

But we can say frankly:

Without them, all work will turn sour b

And I would get into a stupor instantly.

She's not going to get better

Without their business spirit.

And if the bosses try-

That will triple profits!

We name the star "Glory to the grain growers" in honor of the workers of arable lands and fields. Congratulations and invite to the stage the most important star in this beautiful constellation - Semisinova A.A.

Dear grain growers!

You can handle all the secrets of the craft,

You serve your land all honestly -

Guardians of the Russian village,

our congratulations and songs to you.

Dance "Kalinka"

The old legend says

When a person is born

The star in the sky will light up

To shine for him the whole century.

This year - in our friendly family - replenishment! A wonderful baby was born, which means that a new star lit up in our constellation: and her name is Kirill I. Krivonosov

On this stage, we invite the parents of a newborn with a baby.

Dear baby!

Let your star shine

At least up to a hundred years old,

May happiness surround your house,

May there always be joy in him!

Song "I love him too" Words and music by Irina Dubtsova.

World Day of Older Persons was celebrated on October 2. Our sincere congratulations to all our fellow villagers who already have a rich life experience, have gone through many life trials. Long years to you, dear and respected our senior comrades. May the sky above you be peaceful, and health remain strong. We address special words and heartfelt congratulations to Tatiana Vasilievna Bondareva, as she sets us an example of longevity.

The floor for congratulations is given to M.P. Ovsyannikov.

Happy Holidays, and take as a gift

The song "Curtains" from the movie "Matchmakers", author Maksimov Mikhail

Most recently, the whole country celebrated the professional holiday of educators. As long as there is a school in the countryside, it means living in the countryside! Despite the fact that our school is small, people have emerged from its walls who have become professionals in education, medicine, science, are valiantly serving in the Russian army, working in ministries and departments.

There is only one school in the village,

Like the moon in the night.

School is a golden ray

School is our home.

School is a star

To always shine for us.

Today, we light the star "Learning - light" in honor of the teaching staff of the Kuibyshev secondary school

Dear colleagues! Without your love, filled with radiant light, without your faith in your work, the school would not have risen so high in its achievements. It is you who, with the fire of your soul, kindle a spark of knowledge in our children, teach patience, kindness, curiosity.

For diligent service

Before, now, again and again

Honor and respect to you,

Thanks and love!

A musical gift for you!

Song "City of Big Lights", lyrics by I. Sekachev, music by D. Koldun. Performed by D. Kalanchin

Since ancient times, as legends say -

Love was sacred

But the more sacred is millions of times,

Kohl managed to save her as a family!

Of all human relationships, the family is the oldest and greatest. Loyalty, love, raising children - serve as the strongest laws of all human welfare!

Round dance with scarves.

The song "What lady is missing", author Katerina Galitsyna - performed by A. Semisinova

Family life is not only love, but also complete mutual understanding and mutual assistance. On this day, I would like to congratulate the couples who have been walking hand in hand for many years in sorrow and joy, in illness and health.

We sincerely congratulate the silver jubilees. It is fitting to call our today's autumn not golden, but silver, because 4 married couples celebrated this glorious anniversary this autumn. We congratulate from the bottom of our hearts and invite you to the stage:

A married couple - Miroshnikovs Vladimir Ivanovich and Margarita Vasilievna, who got married on August 26, 1989,

Chernukhin Alexander Sergeevich and Lyubov Vasilievna, who were married on September 2, 1989,

On September 18, 1989, the Kalyuzhny family of Nikolai Vasilyevich and Anna Nikolaevna was born,

And the wedding season of 1989 was completed by the Bondarevs Sergey Mikhailovich and Svetlana Vasilievna, to whom they shouted GORKO on September 30.

We invite you to the stage ...

We wish you happiness and health!

We wish you vigor and strength!

So that every day of ordinary life

I only brought you joy.

We name the star "Devotion" in your honor, silver jubilees, and we present you with a song!

The song "Silver Weddings", music by Pavel Aedonitsky, poems by Ekaterina Sheveleva

Dance "Modern Rhythms"

This year our fellow villagers have formed new families. Miroshnikova Tanya changed her last name to Gladush, Tsvirkunova Liza became Rubleva.

Today, Vladimir Babichev and his chosen one Julia were legally married.

Plucking the petals of daisies

When I so wanted at least a sip of happiness,

The girl was expecting to say

"Loves!" her last petal ...

And wandering the deserted streets,

Looking at the moon with bated breath,

The guy thought with the bitterness of wormwood,

If he says no, I’ll lose my mind ...

Only the cunning stars blinked

The Universe told them a secret:

Loves! Loves! Loves! - they knew.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Is the only answer.

And today, dear ones, all desires

Of your ardent quivering hearts

Shone instantly with a diamond facet

Wedding gold rings.

So kiss the same under the sun of happiness!

Even if sadness falls like rain

I wish you to kiss too!

Kissing in the morning, at night, in the afternoon ...

We wish you everything from the bottom of our hearts

So that your share is enviable,

So that there are no problems and hardships in life,

Let your eyes forever laugh

May always be above you, and not a day or a year

These angels are light curling.

Song "I met a rose", Russian folk song.

I looked out the open door -

There the candle was quietly burning out,

The icon hung over her -

The prayer sounded softly.

Mother bent over the candle,

Anxiety was read in my eyes,

And the lips are tired of whispering

Asking God for forgiveness.

So that the son returns home

And the bullets didn't hit him.

So that the days of the coming spring

Both the soul and the heart were warmed.

Mothers! Your feat is rarely rewarded! But you deserve the highest honors! You are doing your duty to the Motherland by escorting your sons to the army.

We are proud to pronounce the names of the guys who serve in the ranks of the Russian Army today. This:

Pohozhaev Victor Eduardovich

Litvinov Maxim Yurievich

Today we thank the parents of our defenders "for the excellent upbringing of their sons."

And we dedicate the "Valor" star to the soldiers and their mothers.

Thank you guys for being,

What is the main thing in the life of a soldier's honor

Because you save the world and sleep

For the ancient cathedrals the crimson ringing!

Thank you guys for the joy of the children,

We wish to have only reliable friends

We sincerely love and wait for you home

Defender of the Fatherland is a warrior, a hero!

Elena Vladimirovna Bondareva and Tatyana Grigorievna Mukha are vigilantly watching the health of our "big family", who do their best to ensure that the citizens of our settlement undergo medical examinations, receive vaccinations on time, and rush to help in difficult times. In your honor, dear physicians, who recently celebrated their professional holiday, we light the star "Health"

You are like a fairy - modest and airy.

You bring peace and love to the world

And you will not remain indifferent,

Quickly ease your anxiety and pain.

In your gentle, caring palms

Everyone is getting better faster.

There is less pain and grief.

It's not for nothing that they call you a nurse!

Letter to my daughter ...

Something is very tired, the pressure jumps,

And on the street it began to rain.

The doctor will come soon, maybe he will prescribe drops,

Well, in general, everything is fine ...

How are you daughter, now,

You rarely write something to me

Apparently, you have no time ...

It started to rain more heavily.

Drumming on the roof.

Forgive me, if anything, I'm loving ...

Do not scold for calls and ridiculous letters,

There is simply no one else to write to.

I understand it myself, it sometimes makes no sense

But I miss you again ...

According to forecasts, it will rain ...

There is nothing to be done, autumn ...

As always, you won't go anywhere….

If anything, forgive me, I missed you very much ...

All with time, daughter, you will understand….

In any weather, people with heavy bags over their shoulders are in a hurry to hand over such letters and the most different ones. They will deliver newspapers on time, happily hand over pensions to those who have earned them over a long life, and for some reason they always try to leave as soon as possible ... probably because in many courtyards they are eagerly awaited. Dear employees of the post office! Please accept my most sincere congratulations and wishes for good weather. Happy letters and telegrams that bring joy to your customers. I wish you happiness, health, welcome guests in every home.

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts today

All of you, our dear postmen.

You get pennies for your work,

We wish you to receive millions!

Let the blizzard burst with frost

Let the thunder rumble outside the window with rains -

But the postman hurries to the house with the news,

To please you with good news.

Let orders be hung on your chest,

They will celebrate all of you with the highest standard!

Thank you postal country,

Your work is worthy of special praise!

Dance "Flashmob"

The level of well-being of our people can be judged by how wide the range of goods on the shelves of our stores. And he is huge! And this is the greatest merit of those behind the counter. And people who work for us are not indifferent, attentive, who love their work. They will offer you goods, and they will listen to your wishes, and they will fulfill the orders, and they will bring you beauty near the outlets!

Dear girls!

You fully deserve words of sincere gratitude for your hard work. For working with people is the most responsible and difficult. And I know firsthand how your feet are buzzing by the end of the working day.

Happy Holidays. Please accept my most sincere congratulations and wishes for good earnings, fewer revisions, understanding commissions, health to you and family well-being!

Trade and sell -

Not an easy task

May in all your affairs

Good luck to you!

May health be for you

For another two hundred years,

So that with loved ones always

We lived together together!

To go online,

Happiness is over the roof

And hello our dear

you will hear now!

Friends! There are a huge number of holidays in our life, and not one of them can do without cultural workers.

Odes and sonnets are not written about you,

And they don't compose songs in your honor.

Maybe the poets have not heard

That there is a cultural worker in the world.

Artists do not get up on kotura,

To sing great things

A modest cultural worker,

An important worker of the village.

However, not for a line in the verse,

Not for gratitude from the "face".

Just know exactly what's in the answer

For human souls and hearts.

We dedicate the Inspiration Star to the employees of the House of Culture

and to all participants in amateur performances.

In the land where the nightingales, without stopping,

They play their trills in the moonlight

In the spring from bird cherry it boils

Indychiy is my dear little farm.

In a quiet corner of my neighborhood

Cherished dreams will come true.

After the white poplar blizzard

Favorite flowers will bloom.

A round dance of birches at the edge,

Lush pine trees in orderly rows.

As in childhood, I will ask the cuckoo:

"Don't cuckoo, cuckoo, I'm in trouble."

Such a stately river,

Its waves are streaming blue.

The scent of honey is braided

Meadow herbs in lace.

The echoes of centuries are deaf and strange

I gaze into the expanse of the river:

Belyany are swimming along the river again,

And the chorus is heard of old songs.

And I don't need a more beautiful fate,

I saw the distant lands.

You are my hope and joy

My little homeland.

Dear friends! See what bright constellations shine over our beloved village, illuminating the stellar path of the creation of our beloved hinterland.

Every year our little farm becomes more beautiful and more comfortable. The streets are buried in flowers, the windows of well-kept houses smile at passers-by. To sum up the results of the competition for the best farmstead, the floor is given to V.I. Miroshnikov.

The star "Improvement" is lit in honor of the family courtyard of the Radchenkovs Ivan Ivanovich and Tamara Ivanovna.

From a pure heart with an open soul

Today we wish you a great life

So that there is health, and happiness, and joy!

So that the years fly by and are not a burden!

Song "And in the village ...", Ukrainian folk song

In the steppe, covered with mortal dust,

A man sat and cried,

And the creator of the universe walked by

Stopping, he said:

I am a friend of the humiliated and the poor

I am all the wretched shore,

I know many cherished words

I am your God - I can do anything

Your sad look saddens me

What kind of misfortune are you driving?

And the man said:

I am Russian!

And God wept with him.

YES! We are Russians. We are villagers. And this is not an easy fate. We have a special status, we have a responsible mission on the earth - to feed people, love the earth….

Kind, wonderful people

He lives here in his small homeland.

No, God did not offend us by fate,

for everything that is and will be, answering.

The holy attraction of the earth

We feel it with every cell of our heart.

Who else knows how to work like this,

How is a Russian rural person?

Someone will say: up to the seventh sweat.

Or rather, the whole earthly age.

Who else knows how to live so amicably

A community, a big family?

I don't need to explain:

Our man is rural and simple.

Song "To the meadow lands", folk song

The joy of today was shared with you by the KFOR workers, members of amateur art activities, students of the Kuibyshev school.

Bow to you, kind, bright people - workers!

Peace and happiness on earth!

In the modern world, for many, life in villages or townships is associated with an old rickety fence near an old house with a fallen roof or on a narrow village street. But what if, instead, you just imagine a cozy mansion, which is buried in bright colors in spring and summer, and lulls with the lukewarm sound of firewood crackling in the fireplace in winter?

The modern village today has all the possibilities for a cozy and comfortable stay. Such living does not differ at all from the urban one, and often exceeds it. Own huge, modern house with a spacious terrace is fully equipped with all the advances in technology, a backyard, a garden with a territory for pleasant relaxation and entertainment - this is an absolute guarantee of a life in peace, which is not in the bustle of the city.

Life in the countryside is completely different from the urban way, its own rules and habits. That is why the scenario of the day of the village in should be signed mainly taking into account these features.

Since the Old Russian period, a lot of attention has always been paid to the holidays. They personified the preparation for the new, attracting prosperity and security in every home, as well as a rich harvest and good weather. Currently, the holiday has acquired an additional meaning: an excuse to relax, get positive and take part in festivities.

However, Village Day is a special kind of event. It is celebrated as a tribute to the place of residence, acceptance of its peculiarities, as well as gratitude for a calm and peaceful life. That is why it is especially worth celebrating.

What parts should the event consist of?

The village's birthday will be successful if all conditions are met, and the peculiarities of such an event are taken into account. So, it implies the execution of three main parts:

  1. Preliminary. It includes:
  2. The name of the topic, an indication of the main goals, as well as a description of the participants.
  3. Schedule of the main events.
  4. A detailed description of all parts of the holiday with a short listing of spectators, guests and actors.
  5. Working with literary sources.
  6. Drawing up a scenario plan.
  7. Manufacturing and purchasing of improvised means, additional materials.
  8. Selection of the main participants.
  9. Purchase and preparation of awards for the winners.
  10. Preparing a place for the celebration, calculating the start and end times.
  11. Discussion of agreements on the part of the head of the village - this should include the entire village administration.

Correction part. It includes the following additional elements:

  1. Checking the performance of all equipment and technical supplies.
  2. Distribution and playing of roles with the main participants.
  3. Reproduction of announcements of the event through all types of media.
  4. Sending invitations and bypassing all villagers.

Main part. It already includes, directly, preparation for the event:

  1. Decoration of the place for the holiday of the village.
  2. Arrangement of technical support.
  3. The event itself according to the plan, written in the script of the concert program for the day of the village.
  4. Summing up the results of the event.
  5. Drawing up manuals.
  6. Implementation of the results of the event to the masses.

Completing all of the above parts will help make the event memorable!

Basic requirements for the name, main idea and script:

These three components are the foundation of any holiday. Their correct distribution, drawing up and playing around is the result of the correct conduct of an effective and long-term memorable event.

The name is a reflection of the main idea of ​​the celebration. The scenario of a day of a village in a rural settlement should fully correspond to this idea. In addition, it should be reflected in the invitations, which, later, will be sent between the guests. Thus, the title should reflect:

  1. Place of the celebration. For example, the title may say: "A day of the village on such and such a street" or in such and such a building.
  2. The purpose of the event. For example, it can be such a phrase as: "The birth of our Motherland" or "The birthday of the village."
  3. How would this happen. The title states: "Party" or "Festive concert".

The main idea of ​​the holiday is the name itself and a summary of the entire course of the holiday: preparation, the use of additional details, and so on. It can be very diverse - depending on the wishes of the organizers themselves, or on what the village administration wants to see.

After the main idea is drawn up and approved by the authorities from above, you can start writing the scenario for the day of the village in a rural settlement. It should include everything from meeting guests to holding competitions, festivities and concerts. Here such details as:

  1. Leading outfit. A full description is a guarantee of one hundred percent transmission of the main idea to the organizers.
  2. Service personnel clothing. It is ideal if it fully matches the spirit of the event.
  3. Decoration of the hall and the territory surrounding the building. All invitees should see the venue from afar.
  4. Preparing packaging and gifts for guests.
  5. Drawing up the sequence of the concert performances.
  6. Drawing up the names of dishes and drinks. It is recommended that you prepare enough of them in advance - to avoid hectic shopping searches on the eve of the event.

Script writing work

When it is necessary to draw up a script for a village holiday, preliminary activities should be performed with the material. However, in order for it to turn out in accordance with the rules and at the same time interesting, it is necessary to withstand a number of conditions:

Elaboration of sources. The following set of conditions must be met here:

  1. Literature should not be small. The optimal number is 4, as this will allow you to maximize the topic.
  2. The material must be carefully processed. You should select only what is one hundred percent consistent with the idea of ​​the event.
  3. It is required to carefully work with the literature of the Soviet period. The presence of the leaders of the proletariat with the mention of Marx and Engels is hardly appreciated by the guests of the holiday.

The main idea of ​​the script. As the basis for the whole holiday, it should help in the complete writing of the event plan. This is a kind of skeleton on which the rest of the facts and pictures are built up.

When the scenario of a village day in a rural settlement has found its concept, you can proceed to compiling a short list of the stages of the entire event. It consists of content, which includes the following items:

  1. General plan of the event.
  2. A summary of the entire course of action.
  3. List of sources used.

Along with drawing up the content, you should also take a responsible attitude to the design of the script on paper. The title page says:

  1. Name of the organizing company.
  2. The name of the script. Not only the name itself should be indicated, but also the type of holiday: a festive concert or festivities.
  3. Author's initials. Full data is written: surname, name and patronymic.
  4. Date of preparation of the event plan.

When compiling the main part, the following sequence should be present:

  1. The name of the event.
  2. What form does it refer to.
  3. Name.
  4. What category of persons it is designed for.
  5. Organizers.
  6. Used materials and equipment.
  7. The main plan of the event.

Script writing correctness

  1. Lack of specifics. Generalized suggestions should be used more often: a village holiday script should be designed in such a way that, in the future, it could be applied in other rural areas.
  2. The use of literary techniques is allowed. As they can be used phraseological units and additional words.

As for the stylistic requirements, they should be as follows:

  1. Consistency and brevity. If poems are written about a village, then they should not be too long so that the guests do not get bored. If there is some kind of scene, then without numerous descriptions and dialogues.
  2. The presence of logic, coherence and consistency. You cannot write a script in which, for example, first it is about congratulations, and then - abruptly - a scene and fireworks. The original plan of the event should be carefully followed.
  3. Lack of clichés and complete retelling. No matter how interesting the scene in the manual is, you should add something of your own to it. Otherwise, there may be such unpleasant situations as filing for copyright infringement. It is also not recommended to use stamps.
  4. The presence of meaningfulness and rational grain. Each spectator present at the event must learn something for himself and take something new from him.

Requirements for style, decoration and gifts

The presence of style is an indispensable attribute of all events. It is she who often turns out to be the main component of the general line of the holiday. It is important that the style is present in everything: in the clothes of the guests, staff and presenters, as well as in the design of the site where the festive concert and all other action will take place.

In addition, the style should be reflected in memorable presentations for guests. Thus, two tasks are solved at once:

  1. Guests get a lot of positive and joy from owning a gift.
  2. The organizers inform the whole village about themselves and beyond.

As for the design, it must fully comply with the main idea of ​​the event. To make congratulations on the day of the village as effective as possible, it is recommended to arrange some kind of photo collage describing the main milestones in history, or arrange something in accordance with the customs or signs of the countryside. In addition, there must be balls at the entrance.

Preparing for the meeting of the invitees

All festive celebrations begin with a meeting of the invitees. This, of course, is the shortest part of the whole event, however, it depends on it how well the whole holiday will go.

It is recommended that you pay attention to the receptions for the meeting. It could be a clown at the entrance, presenting some funny trinket. Or you can think of a person in national dress who distributes funny or stylistic ribbons to everyone. All this is necessary to create the appropriate mood for everyone and the general atmosphere of the holiday - in general. In addition, you should select such greeters who are skillfully guided in the approach to each person: all people are different, and what one likes may not be liked by another.

Conducting the main part of the holiday

To make the scenario of the village day interesting, you need to pay attention to absolutely all parts of the holiday. One of them is the main part of the holiday. There, usually, the host of the event introduces the participants, and also conducts the awards ceremony.

The course of this part should be carefully considered. It is recommended to avoid the length of speeches and to schedule the timing in advance. So, if the head of the district administration goes first and is used to talking a lot, then it is recommended to make a funny pause after him. Thus, the guests will remain in a good mood and relaxed.

An important element is the attraction of children or animals. So, when introducing the next member of the administration, you can use the presence of the baby, who will announce the exit of the participant. Or, when opening a building during the holiday period, you can use the cat who enters the door first or the dog, which gnaws at the ribbon.

The correctness of the selection of the leading

No holiday can be complete without an experienced presenter who is able to adapt to any mood of the audience. It is desirable if it is a person from the same village, who is well acquainted not only with the customs and peculiarities of his homeland, but also with its inhabitants. Along with this, the host of the event must have the following advantages:

  1. Excellent diction. The holiday will be much more fun and interesting if the presenter speaks not only fervently, but also understandable for everyone.
  2. The ability to find a way out of any situation. In the event of a breakdown of the scenery or technical equipment, this person must in time switch the public's attention to something else - until the moment of repair and troubleshooting. Likewise, he must be able to maintain constant interest and intrigue among guests and invitees.
  3. Nice appearance. So that the same head of the village council does not blush because of the presenter's appearance, one should be selected who knows how to dress beautifully and has cute facial features.

In general, the ability to find a way out of any situation is an important advantage of every professional presenter. And the cases are different: the guest's drunken state, the absence of an important person, the loss of valuable prizes or awards, and much more.

But what if there is no such talent in the village? In this case, you should hire a TV presenter or radio station. They have extensive experience in large-scale celebrations: they brilliantly recite poems about the village, and also tell many funny stories that will certainly make the audience laugh. And besides, such professionals can easily find a way out of any incident.

Preparing for a feast

After the administration expresses congratulations on the day of the village, and all guests and invitees arrive, a massive feast begins. Usually these are huge tables, filled with various delicious dishes, fruits and sweets. And here the most important thing is to choose the right menu.

It should have a general style of the holiday, as well as ease of preparation: not all guests can go to this or that product. Therefore, it is better to cook the dishes that the residents are accustomed to. And, of course, the menu should contain holiday elements: it can be an image of a village in a cake or earth in a salad. By applying these simple tips, you can always make your holiday a memorable one.

Photographer Invitation

Absolutely every holiday consists of three blocks: a solemn part, festivities and photographing. The first two parts have already been discussed above. As for the third block, there are also peculiarities and nuances here.

An experienced photographer should be invited to the village day holiday. He must have the following skills:

  1. Find the best shots. It is not necessary to arrange a photo at the table. You can use various places and situations: during a dance, near trees, and so on.
  2. Be able to adapt to the wishes of the public. If she wants to take a picture of herself in front of the lake, then such a picture should be taken.
  3. Be able to navigate in any situation. If a tipsy guest does not want to fit into the frame, then he should be carefully excluded or, if this is an important guest, prepared for imprinting on film.

This person will have to be present throughout the holiday, regularly capturing the main milestones of the historical event. In this regard, the photographer must be hardy, alcohol-resistant and good-looking.

The final part of the event

Along with holding the solemn part, walking, feasting and photographing, the event should include the implementation of fireworks or any memorable action.

When deciding to organize a fireworks, preliminary work should be done. It includes:

  1. Preparation of props. It should be purchased in bulk - it is both cheaper and completely eliminates the presence of defects. However, it will be useful to conduct a preliminary check of fireworks.
  2. Site preparation. Special conditions must be imposed on it: complete fencing off from the place of walking; compliance with safety regulations.
  3. Involvement of pyrotechnics. They should be specially trained people with experience in working with fireworks.
  4. Involvement of ambulances and firefighters. Despite the preliminary work, it is impossible to completely exclude situations such as fire. He, in turn, entails sacrifices. The presence of services will help them, if not completely exclude, then minimize them as much as possible.

At the end of the fireworks, the end of the event and the safe departure of the public should be properly organized. It would be useful to involve law enforcement agencies to remove troublemakers from the site or from the building.

Scenario for the Day of the Village

"With love for people and the land."

Fanfare sounds.

The phonogram of the song "Ah, this evening" sounds, a dance group with balloons appears on the stage. (dancing to the music)

Song: A village is like a village.

And people are like people around.

He comes to a holiday, and everything changes suddenly

There are smiles on their faces, and they shine

Happy eyes

And hundreds of colored balls fly into the heavens.

Chorus: The native village, where we live,

Here is our heart, our ancestral home.

The stars will go out, the dawn will come

There is no more beautiful place in the world

Glory to our native village

And we give honor

We work, study, love

And we live together.

And the holiday will come

And we'll all gather here again

To say together:

"Happy birthday, my side!"

Chorus: the same.

The presenters appear.

Led. 1 Good afternoon, dear fellow villagers and visiting guests, invited guests, but welcome!

Vedas 2. We celebrate the Day of the village today and we heartily congratulate everyone who lives in it.

Vedas 1 And we glorify people according to their merits, for whom the village, their home, family are in fact more important than everyone else!

Vedas 2 Let songs and jokes live with us, our birthdays, our fathers and grandfathers, our children and grandchildren, and hence the birthdays of our village, where we were born, where we live, where we live and work.

Vedas 1. Our small homeland is alive, which means we are together with it ...

Vedas 2. May there be peace, harmony and happiness. Long live our Kozlovka, long live our residents and guests.

Vedas 1 And how glad we are to the guests! Well, what a holiday without them. We transfer the right to introduce our guests to the head of the administration of the Kozlovsky rural settlement I.A. Shcherbina

(congratulations from guests)


Veda 1 Kozlovka village ... You will not see it on the world map, but it means so much to us. We live here, work, celebrate weddings, hold our first-borns in our arms, then take them by the hand to school, and there are grandchildren, great-grandchildren. That is life.

Vedas 2 Years, centuries pass, and we are making the history of our small homeland. And how nice. That the history of our village, its formation, development, its main wealth are people. Found reflection in our annual holidays.

Against the background of music:

Veda 1 Where a person was born - there it fit.

This is how our people interpret it.

Where you grew up, studied and worked,

Where was, and will continue the race.

Where the sun shines more welcoming and brighter,

Where is the sweetest and warmest rain in the world-

All this is called a small homeland,

The one you can't live without.

Vedas 2 Today's holiday is significant also by the fact that for the first time in many years our village was awarded the coat of arms and the flag of the village of Kozlovka.

Explanation of Shcherbin I.A.


Scrolls through the memory of page times

Among them, incorruptible, we see faces

The soldier who fell in hard battles

We will remember all of them in our prayers.

May the memory of the heart be like our conscience,

Keeps that story forever.

Bows to the lowest living heroes

And on a day like this, we will not hide our feelings:

“Live long. Our relatives!

Only with you is the pride of Russia older "

Even if those hands are wrinkled for a long time,

But their grandchildren give them glory.

For the fact that we are, that there is Russia,

And there is no fascism, and there is no violence

Veda 2 The 65th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War is approaching. Fewer and fewer are left of those who participated in the worst of the wars.

In our village there are participants in those great battles, these are:

Sorokin Alexey Filippovich

Vasily Kvasov

Voronin Petr Yakovlevich

Dear veterans!

Throughout the years, without contradicting,

We wish you with all our heart

Health and health again

And life is kind and big.

Veda 1 It is impossible not to say about those who have been in dungeons

Conc. camps.

And our fellow villager was a prisoner of one of them

KVASOVA ANTONINA IVANOVNA - happiness to you, health, love of loved ones and relatives.

And I want to say the same good wishes to widows



All of whom we have just talked about are long-livers of our village, and we are proud of that. Once again, Happy Holidays! Be healthy.

Sounds for you: "Vienna Waltz" performed by I.I.


Music sounds.

Veda1 Without the day of yesterday, there will be no day of the future. And the future is our children.

This year, our Kozlovka has been replenished with small residents. And we are very happy to invite to the stage:


The name LEONID means "like a lion."

We wish you health and success

And so that our LENYA was respected by everyone!

We invite HAYN IGOR to the stage

The name Igor means - "warlike" - to be a soldier to him

Be easy with people in communication

Lucky - surprising everyone

So that your belligerence

In trouble it served as armor.

(Giving gifts)

We wish the kids and their parents health, goodness and happiness.

Let the kids bathe in the sunshine

And watch the stars twinkle in the distance.

Children are always the same in the world

The children of the earth need a joyful peace.

Let the little citizens laugh

Let it be a life anthem for everyone.

The song sounds: "Princess" performed by Maksimova Masha.


Music sounds.

Vedas 1 A beautiful wedding - at least some,

She is the result of great love.

Silver, gold

Name any wedding

The splendor of the rite

Beauty of lovers' hearts

For the eyes, for everyone there is one joy,

For fellow countrymen - holy purity.

This year they celebrated their golden anniversary of living together


We invite you to the stage. (Plays a waltz)

Ved 1 Hello dove with dove!

Veda 2 King and Queen!

Veda 1 Bride and Groom!

Ved2 We have been waiting for you for a long time. finally waited.

(a loaf is carried out on a towel)

Veda 1 Eat sweet bread,

Which they carried through their lives

And treat your dear guests,

That they came to our holiday.

(The girl spreads a loaf)

Veda 2 We are approaching you, hands with a tray

Heart with submission, tongue with judgment

You are welcome - we are offering gifts.

Take it for little - honor it for the good.

(giving gifts)


Veda 1 And now we are inviting silver jubilees.





Sage From the Council of Sages, I have been instructed to ask you several questions on the silver line of your common path, for only having received the correct answers, I have the right to let you go further along the road of life together.

Are you ready for the challenge?

Sage and so, the first question (to the wife)

Does the word "LOVE" appear every time you look at your spouse?

Sage A question to the husband.

Does your heart still skip a beat when your spouse leans her head on your shoulder?

Sage A question to his wife.

How do you feel when you hear your husband's footsteps on his way home from work?

Sage A question to the husband.

How do you feel when your spouse breaks your favorite cup?

Sage Question to everyone. What can you put on the altar of love?

Sage You have passed the test and are declared a silver pair. (PRESENTS)


Veda 1 Creating a family is the beginning of a good union of two loving hearts.

This year we have two young families.

This is family:


Vasily and SVETLANA Zakolovorotnykh

We invite you to the stage.

Led. 1 Roads and newlyweds! Take a look at this beautiful Russian shawl.

We wish you your life to be as beautiful, warm and bright as he is. But there are knots on the scarf.

However, in life everything is never sweet and smooth. There will be such knots-obstacles on the way and you will have to overcome them together.

I suggest you find out right now. What tasks and in what sequence will you solve in the short term. And for this you need to choose which knot you will untie in the first place.

The song "KNOTS" sounds

Nipple You found a pacifier,

The task is now known to you

You are a member of the family.

KEY Key in this bundle

You will have to decide urgently

What to open with this key-

A car, a Dacha, or a house?

COIN Here is a perennial problem:

How to feed a family?

Make a lot of money

To live and not grieve?

Need for a family guys

Earn some money!

BUTTON Well, the button is new,

What does a family and home need

Furniture, equipment, renewal

Buy you into your home,

So that it is beautiful and cozy

And they lived comfortably in it.

VED 1 You have untied the knots

No problem and no effort

We wish that together

You have always decided everything.

We wish the young people peace and harmony

And then you are not afraid of different obstacles.











Let it never go out

Happy LIFE Dawn,




Veda 1 It's time to congratulate some more heroes of the day. We invite you to the stage:





They went on a well-deserved rest this year.

Veda 2 Well, what a pensioner without a pension book! Real books have already been handed over to you or are about to receive, but we will hand over the symbolic ones to you now.


Veda 1 And to all that has been said I would like to add

Let it come to your house

Happiness is pure light

May it always be in it

Peace joy and advice.


Veda 1 Life cannot escape anniversaries

They will overtake everyone like birds

But the main thing is to carry through the years

Warmth of the soul, a particle of cordiality.

Everyone, of course, guessed that it would be about the heroes of the day. This year, many residents of our village have celebrated their anniversaries, and we follow a good tradition, on the birthday of the village we celebrate our dear birthday people. We invite to the stage those who have marked their

80th anniversary is



Celebrated the 75th anniversary





70th anniversary celebrated





60th anniversary celebrated






SEMI-CENTURY anniversary was celebrated by:







VED 1 We are glad to congratulate you on your anniversary1

May happiness, good luck be your reward.

We wish you success, we wish you attention,

We wish that all wishes come true.

VED 2 We also want to wish just a little,

So that the salary is given a day for a lemon

And so that you own two garages

One with "MERCEDES" the other with "Zhiguli"

VED1 May your refrigerator always be full,

May you find everything you need easily

Caviar, cervelat, mayonnaise and sausages,

Wine, boiled pork, IRISKI sweets

We want health to always improve,

Nowhere itching, nowhere biting,

Beloved people, let them guard

And your whims always fulfill

VED 1 I would also like to wish today

So that everyone sang with joy on this holiday

Joke, dance. Raise your glass.

Drink the anniversary glass to the bottom.

Veda 2 A musical gift sounds for you


Vedas 1 Life gives each of us an invaluable gift - youth.

This is a time when aspirations are high, dreams seem available, forces are endless, and joys and sorrows seem immeasurable.

Veda 2 Time for beauty, health and thirst for knowledge, choice of the path, gaining friendship and love.

Vedas 1 We want to remind you that the youth of the spirit is eternal, and eternity is youth!

Lead 2 2009 is declared the year of YOUTH.

This year, the Molodezhny park was set up near the Barsky pond, and they are actively involved in amateur performances.

Ved. 1 Youth is a magnificent, most mobile squad of humanity.

They are the ones who will have to live in a new society.

Youth come out

Being young is stylish!

It's trendy!

To be young means to dare, it means to burn, to keep up, to achieve.

But do not sigh, do not mope, do not get bored. Do not delve into the past days and sins.

To be young is to burn. So - forward. Without hesitation, doubt. To be high - above the thought to fly up. To see the whole world enlightened.

After all, for us young - this whole life is a delight.

The joy of discoveries, events, aspirations,

The proud flame is a bright bonfire.

Ringing laughter, love, obsessions.

To be young is to believe in goodness

To believe that everything that was dreamed will come true.

VED 1 And we wish you - to be lucky

So that everything works out for you and comes true!

Veda 1 Welcome to CBT

Our settlement:

"YOUTH - 2009" - coming out

"MAYSKOE-2009" - coming out

CBTs Our CBTs are the best

We do not sit still

Success awaits us in our work

If we are all together

CBT We have been operating for the third year already. Caring for a person, revival of spiritual, health and cultural heritage

Local customs and traditions are the main directions in the CBT program

Every resident: adults, youth, children try to make their own contribution to the development and prosperity of our village.

The steps of the TOS movement are yielding visible results, but we are not going to stop there.

Veda 1 Our TOS members are not only hardworking, but also creative people, they create holidays, good mood and this is confirmed by the program prepared by them: TOS "Mayskoye-2009" - reenactment of the fairy tale "Kolobok" in a new way, TOS "Molodyozhnoe-2009" - reenactment the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant" in a new way.

After the performance of the TPSGs, a lottery is held.

Vedas 2 With love!

Vedas 1 And we, friends, praised you ...

Ved. 2 With love!

Ved. 1 For doing everything….

Vedas 2 With love!

Ved. 1 And henceforth you live always….

Vedas 2 With love!

Ved. 1 May there be peace and harmony in families ...

Ved. 2 With love!

Ved. 1 And if all our hearts are filled ... ..

Ved. 2 Love!

Vedas 1 We will always be happy….

Ved. 2 With love!

Vedas 1 and 2 Happy Holidays, dear friends!