Pungent sour smell of feces in infants. The smell of feces in a baby, as one of the indicators of a child's health

How many different questions a young mother has every day with the birth of a child, especially if he is the firstborn. One of the reasons for excitement, and sometimes panic, is the baby's stool, its color and smell, the amount of stool and the frequency of stool, the consistency and the presence of impurities. The article will discuss the norm and pathology of stool in an infant of infancy.

Most often, mothers judge the norm and pathology by the color of feces, and when it changes, they do not always panic reasonably. Changes in stool color in newborns, as well as in the degree of density or consistency of stool, is the norm.

In the first 1-2 days after the birth of the baby, the stool is viscous, liquid, practically odorless, almost black in color, or with. This original stool is the absolute norm and is called meconium.

The nature of the original stool in a newborn is associated with the fact that the child swallowed along with the amniotic fluid while in the womb. The appearance of meconium is very important, it indicates the normal functioning of the intestines.

After birth, the baby's stool will depend on the type of feeding (artificial or mixed), the volume and frequency of feedings. This is due not only to the color of the feces, but also to its consistency, and the frequency of bowel movements, and even the smell.

From 3 to 6 days of life, the stool gradually acquires a gray-green color or grayish, becomes thicker. It reflects the adaptation of the newborn to a new diet and indicates a sufficient amount of breast milk received. If meconium continues to be secreted for 3-5 days, the child should be urgently examined by a doctor.

From 2 weeks, the color of the baby's feces becomes yellow or mustard, the consistency remains liquidish. The stool may resemble mashed peas or mustard in consistency and color. Feces have a faint, sour-milk smell. The presence of small white grains, a small amount of mucus in the stool is acceptable. It is important that the feces are not watery or, conversely, very dense.

Stool frequency in infants

The frequency of bowel movements in an infant on HB varies widely from 12 times a day in the first month of life to 1 time in 5 days - from 2-3 months.

Up to one and a half months, a baby receiving breastfeeding can empty the intestines 4 to 12 times a day. Subsequently, the frequency of bowel movements gradually decreases. The transition from colostrum, with its laxative properties, to mature milk in the mother leads to a decrease in stool frequency in the baby.

From 2-3 months of life, a child can recover with different frequencies: one baby - up to 4-5 times a day, another - only 1-2 times in 5 days.

It is important for parents to understand that both options are the norm. Deviations are possible, and this is not a pathology. Some babies recover after each feed. It is important that the consistency, color and smell of stool are normal, and the child gains weight.

The amount of stool also depends on the frequency of the stool: the child can recover 1-2 times a day, but abundantly. The concern should be caused by watery stools more than 12 times a day.

If the baby recovers every 4-5 days, but the consistency of the stool is normal, the child is calm, then there is absolutely no need to give the child cleansing enemas, give laxatives or irritate the anus with a piece of soap or the tip of a thermometer to speed up bowel movement.

Such manipulations can lead to a decrease in the reflex normal movement of feces through the intestines. Irritation of the anus can cause inflammation of the rectal mucosa and atrophic changes in it under the influence of soap alkali.

The frequency and volume of bowel movements indirectly indicate whether the baby has enough breast milk. They are counted along with.

Stool character changes upon insertion. The color may turn brown or have green flecks. The smell becomes more pungent. Undigested lumps may appear in the stool.

Normal or pathological?

The contents of the diapers should be carefully examined in order to identify pathology in time. There are many options for the rate and consistency of stools in babies when breastfeeding, but the nature of the stool is an important indicator of the baby's health.

If during the first 3 weeks of life the baby did not have sufficient stool volume and consistency, you should consult a doctor. This may be due to not having enough breast milk. The control weighing carried out will easily allow you to confirm this assumption.

The absence of daily bowel movements with the child's well-being and normal developmental indicators is not considered if the stool is yellow and soft in texture. This is not a pathology and does not need any treatment.

Mother's milk is divided into front and back milk, differing in taste and composition. So, hind milk is more high-calorie, albeit less sweet, and it contains enzymes necessary for the breakdown of lactose (milk sugar).

The following signs may indicate a lack of hind milk in a child:

  • stools are of normal color, but liquid consistency, foam somewhat and have a pungent odor;
  • irritation appeared in the anus;
  • the baby is restless both during and after feeding;
  • the child is underweight.

In such cases, the mother should change the breast less often when feeding the baby.

If the amount of mucus has increased, and the stool is yellow, green or brown, but the child's state of health and behavior has not changed, then this may be due to the rapid teething. If greens and mucus are noted for several days in a row, you should consult a pediatrician.

Urgent medical attention is needed for copious, watery, fetid stools. Most likely, there is an intestinal infection and the threat of dehydration of the baby's body is brewing.

Thick or soft stools may appear black if the child has been receiving iron supplements for treatment. If there was no such treatment, then you need to immediately seek medical help. In such cases, an examination is carried out to exclude internal bleeding.

Liquid scarlet blood in the stool or streaks of it in the mucus can appear with an intestinal infection, be a manifestation or cracks in the anus. In any case, such a symptom indicates the severity of the process and requires immediate medical attention.

The manifestation of lactase deficiency in a child can be:

  • green stools;
  • a pungent sour smell of stool;
  • redness in the anal area;
  • anxiety of the child;

Allocation of hard feces in small pieces with strong straining of the child, tension of the tummy, accompanying the act of defecation with crying are noted with constipation. The reason may lie in the wrong diet of a nursing mother or in a product that is unsuitable for the baby, introduced in the form of complementary foods. The pediatrician will help you understand the cause of constipation and give advice on how to eliminate it.

Changes in the color and consistency of feces, an unpleasant odor appear in infants when complementary foods are introduced. There may be discernible pieces of vegetables, but this is because vegetables (even boiled) are difficult to digest as the digestive system is not yet fully formed.

Resume for parents

The nature of the stool and its frequency in infants vary depending on the age of the child, the composition and amount of milk from the mother, and complementary foods. Feces also change with some diseases of the baby. In case of any doubt about the health of the crumbs, if the consistency and frequency of the stool changes, if there is mucus or other pathological impurities in the feces, you should contact the pediatrician, and not self-medicate.

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An upset stomach is a sign of an abnormality in the digestive tract. A concomitant smell or discoloration of feces, the presence of other phenomena - may indicate serious pathological diseases. When an adult and a child have diarrhea with the smell of rotten eggs, this is a signal for immediate treatment.

Causes of rotten egg-smelling diarrhea

If there is a feces with the smell of rotten eggs, the reasons can be very different. The most common provoking factors for diarrhea with the smell of a rotten egg are intestinal dysbiosis, the appearance of intestinal-type infections, and various inflammations. Also, insufficient hand hygiene, the use of stale products, individual intolerance to food or its individual components (food allergy) can lead to this.

In children, diarrhea with the smell of rotten eggs also manifests itself in the case of an imbalance in the diet with insufficient intake of fiber and protein foods.

Important! When a child has diarrhea with the smell of rotten eggs, this should be the reason for an urgent visit to the doctor (especially if the newborn has this condition), it is necessary to determine the cause as soon as possible and prescribe the correct treatment!

By the color and smell of feces, you can diagnose the problem, prevent serious complications.

Rotten egg smell

When diarrhea with the smell of rotten eggs appears, it is necessary to look for the problem in the malfunctioning of the large intestine, for example, colitis can cause this condition.

Diarrhea in a child is observed with the development of rotavirus pathogenic microorganisms. In adults, similar disorders with a putrid odor can be observed in cases of food poisoning, inflammation of the large and small intestines, and a bacterial infection.


An important criterion in determining the disease and the causes of indigestion is the color of the feces:

  1. The yellow tint of feces, which smells like rotten eggs, signals an intolerance to the foods consumed or experienced severe stress.
  2. Green color can be a sign of the development of dysbiosis, salmonellosis or dysentery. Also, a greenish tint is a consequence of the introduction of new products into the diet, especially for children.
  3. Feces, which is white, a sign of food oversaturation with carbon, calcium, can manifest itself with excessive consumption of dairy products.
  4. Red, almost burgundy feces smelling of rotten eggs appear at the onset of inflammatory processes in the intestines, the appearance of malignant neoplasms.
  5. The black tint of feces in a baby or an adult is caused by the presence of Escherichia coli, helminths.

Additional Features of Rotten Egg Smell

In each specific case of the development of the disease, in addition to smell and color, it is accompanied by the appearance of additional elements in the feces. If the bowel movements include foam and mucus, the causes of this are inflammation of the colon, which has been progressing for a long time and turned into an acute form.

  1. If the stool stinks of rotten eggs and has blood clots, this indicates an acute intestinal infection. In this case, it is imperative to consult a doctor.
  2. Mucus is a signal of intestinal damage by pathogenic rods, the development of infection and the presence of an inflammatory process.
  3. White foam in the stool indicates an infection of the colon.

With diarrhea, an adult or a baby may also have a fever, severe thirst. It is recommended to consult a doctor to determine the diagnosis, prescribe a treatment regimen.


For the most complete clinical picture and effective therapy, it is necessary to undergo a series of tests:

  1. Analysis of feces.
  2. Ultrasound examination.
  3. Laboratory fence for dysbiosis.
  4. General blood analysis.
  5. Blood tests for hepatitis.

These tests will help determine the disease and the degree of its development in the body in order to prescribe the correct treatment.

Drug treatment

Therapy for children

If a child has diarrhea, complex treatment is necessary, this will quickly and effectively eliminate the problem and symptoms of indigestion.

Initially, drugs are prescribed to reduce intoxication, such as Enterosgel or Smecta, the most available drug is activated carbon. To restore fluid balance in case of diarrhea in an infant, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids.

Diarrhea washes out a huge amount of minerals from the body of a one-year-old baby or an older child, in order to replenish them, they take drugs such as Trisol or Regidron.

For the most effective treatment of a condition in which stool smells like rotten eggs, it is recommended to limit food, adhere to a diet. For children and babies, exclude new complementary foods and foods in the diet, replace water with chamomile decoction.

To cope with diarrhea in the pharmacy, you can find many modern remedies, one of the most popular antidiarrheal drugs are Nifuroxazine, Loperamide, if the child is under 2 years old, then a suspension is used.

When colic and gas appear, they use the drug Espumisan, Papaverine or No-Shpa will help relieve painful sensations.

If, after diagnostic measures, an infection was detected in the analyzes, a more complex complex treatment is prescribed. This therapy is best done in a hospital, and medications should be used under medical supervision to prevent side effects.

Treatment for adults

Therapy for adults is similar to that for young patients. The main thing is to identify the cause of diarrhea with the smell of a rotten egg, and on the basis of this, the correct drug treatment is selected.

Sorbents (Enterosgel, Smecta), antidiarrheal antimicrobial drugs (Levomycetin, Stopdiar, Phtalazol) will become an ambulance. It is important to take a break of at least two hours between these drugs.

Traditional medicine

To eliminate diarrhea that smells like it might be rotten, you can use the following effective alternative medicine recipes:

  1. A starchy drink will help normalize your bowel movements. For this, 1 tsp. dissolve starch in warm boiled water (250 ml). Take a drink of 100 ml three times a day.
  2. Rice water will help quickly eliminate diarrhea. Boil the rice with water in a ratio of 1: 7, drain the water and take it in 1 tbsp. l. every hour, for babies it is recommended to consume 3-4 drops of rice water every hour. The product has excellent enveloping properties, relieves painful symptoms, and normalizes stool.
  3. Mix fresh berries of blueberries and bird cherry in a ratio of 4: 6, pour boiled water (500 ml), cook for no more than half an hour, use a decoction of 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day.


To prevent diarrhea, there are a few simple rules to follow:

  • Thorough hand hygiene before every meal;
  • Products must be of high quality, with an active shelf life;
  • Drink only clean water, dirty water is a source of infections that cause diarrhea.

It is also worth knowing that drinking 1 cup of strong brewed black tea a day can prevent diarrhea.

Diarrhea with the smell of rotten eggs in an adult can be caused by various reasons, it is important to know how to treat the problem at home and what first aid measures are needed for diarrhea.

The first 12 months from the moment of birth are responsible for the life of a newborn baby. During this period, the formation of vital organs and systems is completed. The kid is actively growing and gaining weight. If the baby is breastfed, young parents may encounter a phenomenon when a newborn's feces acquire a sour odor. Is this a variant of the norm or does this condition require specialized correction?

Normal indicators

Based on the consistency, color and smell of stool, medical specialists judge the state of the child's digestive system and the whole body as a whole. These indicators can provide the following information:

  • Is there adequate nutrition for the newborn baby and the nursing mother;
  • Does the development of the digestive system take place in accordance with age norms;
  • Are there any phenomena in the intestines of the baby.

The first few days from the moment of birth, the feces of a newborn have a dark green color and a viscous consistency. During the first 7 days after birth, non-uniform inclusions that do not have a smell are observed in the baby's feces. After 1 month, the bowel movements take on a yellowish brown hue.

When a baby is 3 months old, his stool turns brown with a mustard tint. During this period, the frequency of bowel movements reaches 5 times a day. From the moment of the introduction of complementary foods, the feces of the newborn are modified. The feces become shaped and take on a characteristic color.

Causes of a sour smell

If parents who practice breastfeeding a newborn have discovered a sour smell of the baby's feces, then this can be either a variant of the physiological norm or a symptom of a pathological condition. If the sour smell is not very pronounced, this is considered the norm. The cause is the milk sugar found in breast milk. In the process of splitting this substance, components are formed that endow the stool with a sour smell.

If the stool has a pronounced sour smell, reminiscent of the smell of vinegar, then the following factors can provoke it:

  1. Violation of the act of digesting breast milk. This process develops as a result of the lack of a sufficient amount of digestive enzymes responsible for the breakdown of components of breast milk. As the child grows up and his digestive tract matures, this problem will be eliminated;
  2. Fermentative dyspepsia. If a nursing mother violated dietary recommendations and allowed herself to consume products such as confectionery (in excess), carbonated and sweet waters, baked goods, then such a process will lead to the formation of fermentative phenomena in the intestines of the newborn;
  3. Inflammation of the walls of the large intestine. This condition is triggered by both infectious and non-infectious factors. In the presence of an inflammatory process, the child's feces acquire a pronounced sour smell. Fragments of mucus also appear in the child's stool, indicating an active inflammatory process;
  4. Hereditary metabolic diseases. Often, this symptom makes itself felt in children suffering from hereditary metabolic diseases, accompanied by enzymatic deficiency.

The sour smell of feces in a newborn child often occurs with lactase deficiency. We are talking about a deficiency in the production of a special digestive enzyme that breaks down milk sugar. In this condition, the child develops such digestive disorders as loose stools with a sour odor, decreased or lack of appetite, pallor of the skin, loss of body weight, anxiety and frequent moods. Another characteristic feature of lactase deficiency is the foaming of feces.

A sharp change in color, the consistency of the smell of feces of a newborn is often associated with the intake of antibacterial drugs. Against the background of the use of this group of drugs in the child's body, dysbiosis develops, leading to a violation of the digestive function.

The development of infectious pathology in the baby's body is evidenced not only by the sour smell of feces, but also by the following symptoms:

  • The appearance in the stool of particles of undigested food, fragments of blood or mucus;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Pallor of the skin;
  • Vomit;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Complete or partial lack of appetite;
  • Refusal to attach a breast;
  • Tearfulness and whims.

Another common cause of a sour smell from a baby's bowel movements is a violation of breastfeeding techniques. If an insufficient amount of rear milk enters the baby's body, an excess of milk sugar supplied with the front milk leads to the development of fermentative dyspepsia.

In order to prevent such changes, a nursing woman does not need to change her mammary glands during one feeding. In addition, the duration of one breast attachment should not be less than 15-20 minutes. After the lapse of time, the baby begins to receive the back portions of breast milk, rich in fatty elements and immune cells.

When one of the pathological signs appears, parents need to urgently seek the advice of a medical specialist.

Sour breath in a newborn

In addition, some parents may experience sour breath from a breastfed baby. If this smell is not too pronounced, then this indicates a normal reaction of the child's body to the intake of dairy products.

If the smell has become intense, you need to think about the development of stomach diseases in the baby. This is possible when gastric acidity increases. As additional signs of this disease, frequent regurgitation, belching, and decreased appetite are distinguished.

When the acidity of gastric juice is outside the normal range, each feeding may end with regurgitation of acidic contents. In this case, the child must be shown to a medical specialist in order to undergo a comprehensive examination and prescribe treatment.

How to help a child

Before thinking about measures to help a newborn baby, you need to determine the cause of the sour smell. To do this, visit a medical specialist to examine the baby's digestive system. If the reason was non-compliance with the breastfeeding technique, then the duration of feeding is increased to 30-35 minutes.

In addition, it is important for a woman to reconsider hers. Foods rich in carbohydrates and sugars are excluded from the diet. These products include all types of confectionery, carbonated sweet water, baked goods.

If the cause of the sour smell was dysbiosis, then the baby is prescribed a course of treatment with drugs containing beneficial microorganisms. To stimulate the growth and reproduction of these bacteria, the so-called prebiotics, which are a breeding ground for bifidum and lactobacilli, are included in the course of therapy.

In the presence of an infectious and inflammatory process in the body of a newborn, he will need specialized treatment, including taking anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antihistamines. Such conditions are treated in a hospital under the supervision of a medical specialist.

Correction of hereditary metabolic diseases is carried out taking into account the nature of these disorders, the severity of the pathological process, as well as the individual characteristics of the child's body.

A timely approach to eliminating this problem guarantees a return to normal living conditions and nutrition for the newborn baby. In order to avoid the development of negative consequences, parents should not resort to self-correction of functional disorders of the newborn's digestive system.

In this article:

Immediately after giving birth, young parents face a host of problems. It is necessary to teach the baby to breast, constantly change his diapers, do massages, bathe, monitor the temperature regime. This is superimposed on the struggle against sleepiness and despair caused by a lack of understanding of the reasons for the crying of the child.

Any discoloration of stool causes panic, but often it is not justified. Stool in newborns can change in appearance, degree of mass density, smell almost every day, you should not get upset right away, because this can be a variant of the norm.

You should know how the stool of a baby is different, which is breastfed and mixed or artificial. The first weeks of life are characterized by a gradual change in color, consistency of feces, which continues to change depending on the type of feeding, its frequency, and duration. The introduction of juices or mashed potatoes into the baby's diet also has a direct effect on the baby's bowel movements.

Stool color and odor: what it should be

Image from the site http://ponos-x.com/

In a newborn, feces do not have any specific odor; they are black or greenish in color. At the same time, the stool is liquid and viscous. The child often defecates, but you can only notice this by looking into the diaper. That is why doctors recommend the first months when the baby is crying, first check the cleanliness of the diaper, only then start feeding. The original feces (it is also called meconium) consists of everything that the child swallowed along with the amniotic fluid during the months in the mother's womb. The appearance of meconium in a newborn indicates the normal functioning of the newborn's intestines.

In the period from 2 to 6 days from the date of birth in a child, the stool may change its color to grayish or gray-green, become thicker (the consistency of a semi-liquid ointment). This is true for all healthy children as they adapt to a new way of getting food. From the second week, the feces become a yellowish-mustard hue, sometimes brown with a faint sour-milk smell. The consistency of the bulk is watery, there are small white grains. Such a chair indicates the normal functioning of the child's gastrointestinal tract. A slight presence of mucus or a green tint with a stable weight gain is considered normal.

A variant of the norm is the case when the child's feces are light brown or very dark brown. Small greenish blotches are allowed. According to the consistency, two requirements are imposed on the contents of the diaper - it should not be liquid, like water, too dense feces are unacceptable. The smell can be harsh and unpleasant. This situation is typical in relation to children who are on mixed feeding. Similar indicators appear with the introduction of complementary foods.

It happens that pieces of undigested food are clearly visible in the diaper. If this is rarely observed, then you should not worry. Depending on the food, the feces can turn orange or burgundy. This is typical after eating carrots or beets.

Bowel Emptying Frequency

At the age of up to 6 weeks with breastfeeding, the baby is emptied 4-12 times during the day. Stool frequency will decrease significantly with age. By the age of two months, a child can delight parents with a smelly stool both 4 times a day and 1-2 times in a five-day period. These are reference indicators, a slight deviation in one direction or the other, provided that the color, odor and consistency is correct, is considered acceptable.

Young parents sometimes confuse normal loose stools with diarrhea. Even if the child empties once a day, but very abundantly (up to the leakage of feces from the diaper), do not sound the alarm. In some children, the intestines work in such a way that bowel movements rarely appear, but in large volumes. This is not a pathological change. You should be concerned if emptying occurs more than 12 times a day. In this case, the feces will not only be liquid, but watery, they will flow out from the top, bottom and sides of the diaper.

The absence of a chair in a child for 4-5 days in a row, followed by a successful bowel movement and with a normal consistency of the mass, should not cause a change in the daily menu. This is a variant of the norm, and therefore the possibility of any mechanical effect on the child in order to accelerate emptying is excluded. In no case should an enema be given to the baby, as this can cause a weakening of the normal reflex activity of the corresponding muscles. It is not recommended to try to help the child by irritating the anus with a thermometer or a bar of soap (although grandmothers will insist on using these methods).

What feces indicate pathology?

Cases when the baby's bowel movements are of normal color, but they are too liquid or slightly frothy, and a strong fermented milk smell emanates from them, require increased attention from the parents, especially when breastfeeding. If, to the listed signs, the presence of irritation in the anal area is added, and the baby himself began to behave very restlessly, is capricious during and after eating, and is losing weight, then this indicates a lack of hind milk in the diet. It is more nutritious, less sweet, and contains the enzymes needed to break down milk sugars. All this is not in the front milk, so you just need to change breasts less often.

If there is a large amount of mucus in the stool, and the feces are green, yellow or brown, then you need to focus on the behavior and well-being of the baby. If this fact does not bother him, then medical help is hardly needed. Most likely this is a consequence of a recent cold illness or a harbinger of teething. Medical advice should be sought if these symptoms persist for several days in a row.

Soft and very thick brown feces can be both a normal variant and a pathology. If recently the child has been taking iron-containing drugs, then there is no need to worry. A doctor should be consulted if there was no additional intake of iron. Then an examination is necessary to exclude internal bleeding.

Urgent medical attention is needed if the stool is excessively watery and has an unpleasant odor, and the child is not gaining weight well or is losing it altogether. The reason may lie in allergies, poisoning or an infectious disease. Hard feces that come out in small parts with constant strong tension of the abdomen, accompanied by the cry and cry of the baby, indicates constipation. This could be due to complementary foods, an ingredient that is not suitable for the baby, or the mother’s diet is inappropriate.

Foamed green feces, which appears together with a specific "cotton", which has a pungent sour odor, indicates pathology. If irritation and redness appear around the anus, plus everything else, then you should immediately go for a consultation with a doctor. Usually, with such symptoms, children stop gaining weight and are constantly naughty, behave extremely anxiously. The reason is lactose deficiency, both primary and secondary.

The appearance in the feces of blood, both liquid scarlet and black blood clots, should lead to an urgent visit to the hospital. Most often, this is provoked by an allergic reaction to a protein contained in cow's milk, and it can also be one of the symptoms of the development of bacterial infections. According to the results of the examination, hemorrhoids or intestinal bleeding can be diagnosed. Both problems require immediate treatment. A case of digested blood clots may indicate that the mother's nipples are damaged, and the baby is swallowing blood oozing from the cracks in the breast with milk. For a newborn, this option is safe, although it is better not to allow such a scenario.

In case of identified violations of the intestines, you should seek medical help. This will help in time to diagnose pathological changes in the child's body, accelerate the subsequent normalization of the stool and restore the rate of weight gain. The fundamental recommendations of doctors often boil down to changes in breastfeeding techniques.

Among them:

  • feeding should take place in a position that is comfortable for the mother and the newborn;
  • it is important that the baby correctly grips the breast and does not suck only the nipple;
  • in some cases, it is necessary to increase milk production by more frequent attachments to the baby's breast, expressing after each feeding;
  • special attention should be paid to ensure that the baby receives enough hind milk;
  • the duration of feeding sessions cannot be artificially limited;
  • in the first months of life, you should not try to feed the crumbs according to the regime, it is much better to do this on demand.

Always carefully examine the contents of the baby's diaper - this will make it possible to respond in a timely manner to any pathological change. But you shouldn't panic at the slightest inconsistency with the norm either.

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Most modern parents care about the baby chair. With what frequency it appears, what consistency and what color it was - these questions are very urgent. It is difficult to understand what is the norm and what is outside the scope. Quite often, anxious parents give pediatricians a lot of anxiety. Even one day of delayed bowel movements seems unbearable for many. But, after all, the baby adapts to the outside world and he knows how to react to it. And for caring and overly zealous parents, it remains to observe their child and help him if necessary.

What kind of stool does a baby have?

So, first of all, you need to figure out what kind of chair the baby should have. The exact numbers and norms are not given in this case. Everything is purely individual and the baby's stool is formed based on the portion eaten and the quality of the food consumed. It is quite normal for your baby to clear his stomach after each breastfeeding. In the first weeks, this happens regularly. If there is no emptying, then you should not panic. It may appear in 2-3 days. And this is also natural.

As soon as the baby is born, then his bowel movements may have a dark green color. Such a baby stool due to the release of the contents of the intestine. At that time, its food was slightly different, so when it goes outside, it takes on a green color. Do not be afraid. When all the food processed by the developing intestines is released, the feces will acquire a normal yellowish tinge. This will happen on the 3-4th day, the field of the baby's birth.

In some children, stool retention occurs due to a change in diet. They just get used to mother's milk, so adaptation can take several days. If the baby's stool does not appear after 3 days, then it is recommended to contact the pediatrician. In most cases, it will be enough to massage your tummy or give an enema with cold water. Everything will recover and the baby will feel better.

Constipation can be triggered by complementary foods. Some mothers think that the child is not eating enough. After all, it is simply impossible to explain his cry to others. Introducing complementary foods in the first days, they provoke the colonization of the intestinal tract with new bacteria, resulting in constipation. If there is an opportunity to feed yourself, then you should not take risks with complementary foods. It is better to introduce it a little later. And if there is no milk at all, then it is worth getting ready for the initial constipation and slight pain in the intestines of the child. Although, it all depends on the complementary foods.

What kind of stool does the baby have, in relation to color? If he is breastfed, then yellow without impurities, liquidish, of various volumes. For bottle-fed babies, yellow stools are also characteristic, of a denser consistency, which comes at regular intervals.

It is quite normal to empty both 3-8 times a day and once every 3 days. It all depends on the colonization of the child's body with beneficial bacteria and the ability of enzymes to break down food eaten.

In the first days of life, the color of the baby's stool is dark green, close to black. The consistency resembles tar. Very viscous and sticky. The residual intestinal contents consumed in the womb are released.

A gray-green or slightly yellowish stool usually appears on the fourth to sixth days. It all depends on the amount of milk and its quality. The more the baby eats, the more likely it is that the stool will take on a normal shade. Baby's stool at least 4 times a day, although there are deviations.

Yellow stools appear in babies already in the second week of life. It stays the same shade for a long time if the baby is breastfed.

With age, a change in the color of the baby's stool may indicate the introduction of complementary foods. After all, it is he who has a greater effect on the color of the stool. If you started giving a few drops of apple juice or even 50 milligrams each, then you should not be surprised when the baby's stool has acquired a black tint. This is due to the fact that the lack of enzymes aimed at digesting exclusively breast milk can not yet cope with the new complementary foods. As a result, the stool oxidizes and comes out in an unsightly black color. The color of the baby's stool, when introduced into the diet of carrots or pears, may acquire a more yellow tint. After broccoli and zucchini, it's common to see a slightly greenish stool.

The color of the stool in babies depends on many indicators. It can change depending on the nutrition of his mother, complementary foods, and the composition of the mixture used.

Normal baby stool

Depending on the age, it is possible to recognize normal bowel movements in babies. If in the first days of life the appearance of green feces is quite normal, due to absorbed amniotic fluid, then by the end of the first week, this is not permissible.

At the age of 3-7 days, the color of the stool acquires a gray-yellow tint and a denser consistency. Emptyings are up to 7-8 times a day, but 1 time in a couple of days is quite normal.

From a week to one and a half months, the consistency of the baby's stool resembles a yellow or brownish semolina porridge. In this case, emptying is observed up to 6 times a day.

From one and a half months, normal stool in infants is quite changeable. It can be either mushy or more liquid. The color range is from yellowish to green. The frequency of emptying is from 1 to 4-6 times a day. Much depends on the food consumed by the nursing mother.

With the introduction of complementary foods, the baby's normal stool is greatly modified. His intestines adapt to new foods, resulting in bright yellow, reddish, greenish and brown stools. Its consistency is quite variable. It all depends on how the eaten product affects the baby's body.

Frequent stools in babies

Most parents find it difficult to understand that frequent bowel movements in babies, of normal consistency, yellow or brownish, are the norm. If the child is active, eats well, gains weight, goes to the toilet no more than 7 times a day, then this is not a cause for concern. Here the reason lies not in diarrhea, but in the specifics of bowel movements. Thus, he better assimilates the resulting foods.

If the baby's stool has undergone changes, has become liquid, there are impurities of foam, an unpleasant sour smell and mucus in it - it is worth contacting a pediatrician. Perhaps the child has an intestinal infection and it is worth taking action immediately. Either the reason lies in the incorrectly selected complementary foods or dry mix. You need to act very quickly, since dehydration, due to regular loose stools, is inevitable.

Rare stools in babies

For most parents, infantile bowel movements are cause for panic. Many mothers, and especially fathers, find it quite difficult to explain that this is the norm. In the first days of life, a child may experience delays in bowel movements and in no case should his intestines be stimulated. Even if the baby does not have a chair for 2 days, then on the third day he can empty himself without any problems. Do not assume that every child in the first days of life is obliged to go to the toilet at least 4 times a day. The body is individual. Rare stool in infants, if it is observed once every 3-4 days. And then, for some, this is the norm.

Rushing to help the baby, in this case, can only aggravate the situation. Frequent enemas can flush out the nascent intestinal flora and then further digestion of food can become even more problematic. If you want to help your baby in the first days of life, you should massage his tummy clockwise. In most cases, it helps not only to improve digestion, but also to prevent colic.

If there is a significant stool retention in the baby against the background of poor health, fever and excessive agitation, it is advisable to put a cool enema to empty the contents of the intestines.

Blood in the stool of a baby

As soon as blood is found in the stool of a baby, it is worthwhile to be wary. Even if the reason lies in the cracked nipples and it got into the esophagus along with the mother's milk, you need to check everything well. Some babies, especially in the period up to three months, do not have enough vitamin K. Surprisingly, it is practically absent in the mother's milk and it is very difficult to accumulate. As a result of its lack, the blood loses its tendency to clotting and hemorrhage into internal organs can occur. Blood in the stool of a baby, even in small quantities in the form of streaks, may indicate hemorrhagic disease of newborns. Timely intake of the vitamin can improve the situation and prevent the progression of the disease.

Another reason why blood may appear in the stool of a baby is a small crack in the anus. If the child does not often go to the toilet or he has constipation, then a crack can appear quite simply. Even a simple fart.

Sometimes, for blood in the stool of a baby, they take the introduced complementary foods: beets, tomatoes, watermelons.

Loose stools in babies

Wanting to find out the reason why loose stools are observed in infants, it is worthwhile to understand his diet. Often, the culprit of such torment of the child is his caring mother. Even banal cucumbers can provoke loose stools. An abundance of vegetables, in the early months, can lead to regular loose stools. When introducing complementary foods, you should not worry about a liquid consistency. Infections can be a cause for concern. Against the background of loose stools, a high temperature may rise, the child becomes irritable, refuses to breast. Emptyings occur more often 8 times a day. It is worth calling an ambulance immediately, as dehydration can be fatal.

Foamy stools in babies

Carefully understanding the problem, we can say that frothy stool in a baby has several reasons, which depend not only on the characteristics of his body, but also on his mother.

  • Lack of nutrition. When a baby is in need of food, but does not get enough of it, then frothy stools in a baby can become a regular pattern. If the mother does not have enough milk, then the problem can be solved with the addition of the formula.
  • Lack of lactase. Foamy stools in babies are often associated with a lack of lactase, an enzyme responsible for the processing of breast milk. In this case, there are two options for solving the problem: add this enzyme to your diet or refuse breastfeeding.
  • Allergy to complementary foods. When introducing complementary foods, you should be very careful. The baby's body can react ambiguously and foamy stools in the baby will appear with noticeable frequency. If, after the first sample of complementary foods, the baby has foamy stools, then its introduction should be postponed for one or two months until there are more enzymes in the baby's body that are responsible for the correct processing of food.

It is very easy to correct frothy stools in babies if you make a minimum of effort and carefully monitor the changes taking place in the child's body.

Stool with mucus in a baby

In cases where there is a stool with mucus in infants, one cannot do without resolving the problem with enzyme deficiency. The baby's body simply cannot cope with the volume of food, as a result of which not only mucus appears, but also loose stools. In some cases, it is advisable to introduce complementary foods in the form of rice porridge, and for others, kefir is useful. It all depends on the age of the child, the way of feeding the regularity of the stool with mucus.