To do if the nail is half broken. What to do if the natural nail is broken. Approximate execution algorithm

Long nails visually lengthen our well-groomed fingers and make them more feminine and elegant. On long nails, you can create the most complex, most incredible design with monograms, drawings or graceful patterns lined with decor for nail art. Sometimes it takes weeks to grow natural nails, and all this time we keep the plates in perfect condition, carefully care for them. Unfortunately, even a strong nail plate can break at the most inopportune moment, and thin and fragile nails often break even after regular strengthening procedures at home (sea salt baths, pepper masks, wax sealing, smart enamel). Therefore, it is always useful to get acquainted with the information on how to repair a broken nail on your own, so that you do not have to shorten the overgrown natural plates with such difficulty.

Perhaps the most annoying trouble with long nails is the appearance of a crack in the free edge zone, which reaches the “smile line” and can cause damage to the soft tissue of the nail bed, and such an injury can be very painful and heals for a long time.

Many women still shorten the broken nail under the root in the old fashioned way and, accordingly, correct the free edge on the rest of the nails with scissors. In order not to resort to such a radical method of solving the problem, we will use the already proven options for repairing cracked natural plates and chips on the gel polish or on the extended free edge. In addition to the popular methods of restoring the integrity of the nail plates using gel, acrylic powder or silk for nail repair, you can urgently strengthen the broken free edge with a tea bag.


According to manicure and pedicure masters, using an elastic piece of silk can not only securely fix the damaged area of ​​the nail, but also prevent further destruction of the nail plate. For example, if you seal a crack with only manicure glue, then the fragile connecting material will quickly collapse even with a slight mechanical impact. Silk is suitable for repairing any broken nails at home and you can easily repair such damage as a crack on the free edge or on the plate covering the nail bed, a chip on the extended area of ​​the nail or a broken piece of the natural plate, mechanical damage to the hardened gel polish.

Method number 1 (using gel polish):

Tools and materials:

· A set of manicure tools (nippers, scissors, nail files with varying degrees of hardness);

UV lamp for polymerization;

· Silk for repair of nails;

Base and top gel;

Gel polish (the color that was used to perform the manicure);

· Degreasing agent;

· Klinser.

Stages of work:

❶ Preparation.
First, get rid of the coating on the broken nail - grind the top layer with a hard nail file, and then soften the hard coating with gel polish remover and remove the remnants with an orange stick; we correct the cuticle line and treat the nail with an antiseptic;

❷ With the help of wire cutters, carefully cut out the damaged area of ​​the free edge and slightly trim the corners with a nail file. We process the nail with a degreaser;

❸ Now we apply a base layer on the surface of the nail, do not dry it and gently apply a piece of silk to the free edge, “completing” the damaged area;

❹ Place your finger in a UV lamp and after polymerization apply another base layer, overlapping a piece of silk;

❺ We carry out polymerization again, then remove the sticky dispersion layer with a clinser and correct the shape of the free edge with a nail file;

❻ Now we apply several layers of gel polish, each of which is dried in a lamp;

❼ We apply top gel, seal the end of the nail and do polymerization, after which we remove the sticky layer from the finish coat with a clinser.

Method number 2 (using glue):

Tools and materials:

Glue for manicure;

· Silk for repair of nails;

· A set of nail files and buff;

· Scissors and tweezers.

Stages of work:

❶ We remove the decorative layer with a special liquid, correct the cuticle line;

❷ We take silk and cut out a small piece in the shape of a square with scissors;

❸ If there is a chip on the free edge, then remove the extra pieces with tweezers and align the edges with a nail file, and it is not necessary to process an even crack;

❹ Now we apply glue to the damaged area of ​​the nail, then we apply a piece of silk and carefully level the “patch” with an orange stick;

❺ After the glue is completely dry, take a nail file of medium abrasiveness and shape the free edge, at the same time removing excess glue and leveling the surface of the nail;

❻ Now we apply a layer of decorative material on the nail. If the repaired area of ​​the nail is too noticeable, then you can hide the flaw with sparkles or other decor suitable for the overall nail design.


To dry acrylic powder during the repair of the damaged area of ​​the nail, you can use a special liquid (liquid). In addition to acrylic, we need nail files, scissors and a base (preferably rubber).

Before the procedure, we soften and remove the cuticle, treat the nail with an antiseptic, and then remove the gloss from the surface of the nail plate with a soft nail file. We especially carefully process the plate area around the crack (chip) so that it is perfectly even and smooth.

In the photo: repairing a broken nail with acrylic powder


It is very convenient to cover the crack on the nail plate with a tea bag. To repair the nail, we need a small piece of the bag, corresponding to the size of the damaged area of ​​the free edge. The thin and translucent paper of the bag closes the crack very tightly and is almost invisible on the restored nail.

In the photo: repairing a nail with a tea bag, manicure glue and a nail file


If there is not enough time for a complete repair of a broken nail, then you can use the emergency method of strengthening the plate with a strip of adhesive tape so that the crack does not increase in size.

In the photo: temporary strengthening of a broken nail with tape


Neat and moderately long nails in any situation will adorn women. The elongated shape gives the hands sophistication and elegance. But having long nails is a difficult task. Growing to the desired length is half the battle, but maintaining this very length is difficult. After all, it is worth breaking at least one nail, as all the harmony and beauty of the hands is lost.

They often break from the edge, along the line of the so-called “smile” and immediately bring a lot of inconvenience, clinging to all surfaces in the house and bringing pain. Therefore, I want to cut it off as soon as possible and, accordingly, the remaining ones too.

The mood immediately drops and the look at the hands is no longer so elegant, and it is not always possible to embody the desired pattern on short nails. ? Exit found.

Analyzing the situation

Breakage of the nail plate is an unpleasant moment that can happen at any second. The cleavage site causes a lot of inconvenience and does not look aesthetically pleasing. It catches on clothes, especially it's a shame for new nylon tights or stockings, on which large arrows will remain. The mood and the thing is irrevocably spoiled. Sometimes this process is accompanied not only by discomfort, but also by pain.

Before repairing, you need to determine the type of damage, completely torn off or slightly, slightly cracked. Further actions depend on this.

  • Slightly cracked at the edge or along the "smile" line

A common option that is eliminated at home. The problem area must be fixed with a specially designed patch, following the steps of the procedure.

  • Completely broken off or cracked in the middle

In the proposed case, only gluing tips, an artificial material based on acrylic, will help. It is recommended to contact the master.

  • Broke off to "meat"

An unpleasant moment that requires the intervention of a master. The place must be immediately treated with an antiseptic. Suitable chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green, potassium permanganate, furacilin solution. It is recommended that the damaged area be inspected and treated regularly to prevent infection.

Start repair after the wound has healed! Use only a special professional biogel containing proteins to restore the structure of the nail plate, protect the wound site from infections.

  • The extension was damaged

Acrylic tips do not have a natural structure; for repairs, you can use synthetic glue, such as Moment super glue for plastic. Bonding materials and technology are standard, as in the formation of a crack on a natural surface.

The nail broke in half, what to do, how to fix it at home? Start fixing immediately! The repair of a small crack, up to 1/3 of the length of the plate, pleases with a long-term result. Otherwise, the result after the procedure will be short-lived.

Precautionary measures:

  • It is forbidden to glue a natural nail with synthetic superglue. The aggressive chemical composition will corrode and destroy living cells, exacerbating the situation. Synthetics are suitable for artificially extended tips.
  • If a wound is formed, it is not recommended to treat it with nail polish remover. Chemical solutions will negatively affect the healing of abrasions. In such a situation, it is recommended to leave the damaged surface in a state of “rest”, cut off the remaining nails to give an aesthetic appearance and start treatment.
  • It is not recommended to delay the repair. A crack can cause breakage or exacerbate the problem by damaging soft tissue, causing a painful scratch.

Repair materials and tools

First you need to prepare the necessary materials. Often they can be found on sale in the form of professional kits and kits that include everything you need. But it is possible to assemble it yourself.


  • Paint remover (recommended to use without acetone).
  • Degreaser (primer, dehydrator, medical alcohol).
  • A nail file (choose a non-iron one, but always a high-quality one with low abrasiveness, so as not to severely injure a damaged surface or a special grinding “buff”).
  • Special glue (it is sold in specialized stores, but in no case do not use household glue or “moment” for this purpose, as it will only ruin the structure).
  • A piece of fiberglass or silk (these materials can be replaced with plain tea bag paper).
  • Orange stick (you can use a toothpick).

So that this situation does not take you by surprise next time and does not make you fuss about what to do - buy or make a special "repair" kit in advance.

The nail broke in half, what to do, how to fix it at home: "ambulance"

1. Use an acetone-free liquid to remove the decorative lacquer from the damaged plate. In the case of gel polish, if it is impossible to remove it, it is allowed to stick a patch over the coating.

4. After that, the crack must be smeared with special glue and a pre-cut piece of material should be applied. Straighten and press with an orange stick or toothpick.

5. After the material has adhered, repeat the procedure if necessary.

6. The glue must dry well so that the actions are not in vain, so it is better to wait until it dries completely. After that, once again clean and polish the place to the smoothest possible state. This must be done carefully so as not to rip the material.

7. Now you can apply the foundation and do a manicure. The result will remain for 1-2 weeks.

Prevention measures:

  • Do housework strictly in rubber gloves.
  • Protect from mechanical stress, do the work carefully.
  • Strengthen weekly with masks, creams and healing baths.
  • Observe the regime of work and rest, eat right, drink enough clean water.
  • Take a course of vitamins.
  • Pamper your hands every night with a nourishing cream.
  • If you find any health problems, contact your doctor in a timely manner.

Often a broken nail causes a real hysteria in women.

First you need to understand why the tips of your nails are so fragile. After that, it will be possible to start treatment.

As for brittle nails, it can appear for various reasons.

What are these reasons and what to do if the nail breaks?

  • A small amount in the body of vitamins necessary for its development. To reduce brittle nails, you need to eat right. First of all, the diet should be complete. In particular, it should contain vitamins.
  • In the event that the nutrition is established, and the nails still break, you should think about other reasons. In this case, the cause of brittleness may be in violation of the rules of care. When the nails are often in contact with water and all kinds of detergents, certain cosmetics are constantly used, which contain acetone and other harmful substances, the nails become thinner over time. To heal brittle nails and return their tips to normal color and strength, it is worth trying to perform such medical procedures at home as masks or baths. If necessary, you can also use professional varnishes designed for nail care.

You can try to prevent brittle nails with the help of folk remedies, but it happens that the nails are already broken and something needs to be done urgently.

So, what to do if the nail is broken?

Alternatively, trim the damaged nail. You also need to align the nails. It is important that they are the same length. A shortened nail combined with a beautiful manicure will not look very good. You can also try to repair the damaged tip on your own. You don't have to go to the salon to do this. You can do this procedure yourself. And after that you can even perform a shellac manicure, with rhinestones, with drawings.

It is worth noting

Nail repair is possible only when it is broken no more than 1/3. Do not count on getting any kind of long-term result. With a successful attempt to glue the nail, its approximate service life will be a couple of days or a little more (with careful handling).

Sometimes women are faced with a situation where the tips of the nails break very deeply. What to do if the nail broke in this way? In this case, it is not recommended to try to repair the nail, especially if the skin under its edge is damaged. The fact is that in the presence of open wounds, the likelihood of entering various infections increases. So it is best in this case to immediately seek help from a specialist.

How to repair a broken nail with your own hands

How to repair a broken nail? What will you need for this?

  1. Disinfector. It is designed for degreasing. This remedy is able to act gently even on brittle nails. At home, you can always use rubbing alcohol instead.
  2. Special self-adhesive fabric. Take silk to repair the nail. Coarse linen is also used, but it is not very convenient to use.
  3. At glue for nails, a fairly delicate texture, as a result of which it is not able to harm the tips. You should not use ordinary glue, it will only ruin your nails and increase their fragility .. But you can try using medical glue.
  4. Polishing buff or nail file must be soft, otherwise they will scratch the surface of the nail plate.
  5. Powder designed to be able to fix the glue and give it a more natural color. With its help, it will not be possible to eliminate brittleness, but the powder will perfectly mask the crack.

If all this is available, then you do not have to panic about how to restore a broken nail.

Each of these components can be purchased separately.

If you value convenience, it is better to purchase a kit that has all the necessary components.

It will be useful in cases where nail repair is required on a trip. You can use it at home too.

Self-treatment of a cracked tip is performed not in one, but in several stages. In total, the procedure will take about 10 minutes or less.

Step by step instructions on how to repair a broken nail:

Step #1. After breaking the nail, you should first prepare its damaged tip. Its surface should be cleaned with a buff. In this case, the movements should be directed from the cuticle to the free nail edge. Before you glue the broken tip, you will need to degrease it with alcohol. Instead, you can use a disinfectant. You should not replace them with products that, according to their purpose, serve as a nail polish remover. They contain a variety of fragrances and oils that prevent reliable fixation.

Step #2. It will be necessary to cut off a piece of fabric, remove the protective film from it and stick the silk on the nail. It is important that the material completely covers the crack. Then you should drop a little glue on the plate. While it is still wet, you will need to dip the nail into the powder. Wait for the glue to set. Then remove excess powder with a napkin. If such a need arises, the procedure will need to be repeated. If the adhesive gets on the skin, it should be removed with a needle.

Step #3. After the composition is completely dry, the tip should be sanded. But this procedure should be performed carefully, since restoring a broken nail is not very easy. It will be necessary, performing careful movements with a nail file, to completely clean the adhesive layer. At the end of the procedure, you will need to polish the nail using a buff for this. At the same time, do not forget to put a little oil on it first. It will serve to strengthen brittle nails. In addition, in this case, with the help of gloss, you will hide the sealed cracks. For reliable masking of the fracture, two layers of varnish of any color should be applied to it at once. You can additionally decorate your nails with rhinestones or glitter.

How to fix a broken nail with a tea bag

You will need a tea bag, as well as a nail file, super glue, and some clear polish. How to save a broken nail in this way?


Step #1 Before you save a broken nail, you need to pour out the entire contents of the tea bag. Cut a small rectangular strip out of it.

It is important that it be the same size as the crack that appeared on the nail.

Step #2 In order to obtain the best result, you need to polish the plate with a nail file. After the procedure, its surface should be smooth.

Step #3 The next step shows how to patch up a broken nail. A layer of any effective super glue should be applied to the paper strip. In this case, such a layer in any case should be small. Then you will need to carefully press this strip to the damaged nail and apply a little more glue on top. When the glue hardens, apply a third layer of it. At the same time, you can later cut off the excess paper using nail scissors for this purpose.

Step #4 Carefully polish the nail with a nail file, then carefully remove the glue. For this purpose, alcohol or acetone is suitable. And finally, you should apply a layer of transparent varnish.

Most of all, girls are unbalanced by some nonsense that happens to them at the wrong time. So, if a nail breaks at the most inopportune moment, it can not only be painful, but also makes you quit everything and make an appointment with a manicurist. You need to allocate time for this, and the master you need cannot always find time for you immediately. But this problem does not let you forget about it for a minute.

There are ways to help hold out until a visit to a professional and not break the nail further.

Breakage of the natural nail

Of course, such a nuisance can happen with a normal nail, but most often thin or damaged ones break. Too soft nail plates are the result of a lack of vitamins and minerals. In this case, you need to organize good nutrition and take a vitamin-mineral complex.

Nails can also break as a result of too frequent manicure and improper filing, after removing the tips or gel. You need to file them with a sapphire or glass nail file, in one direction.

It happens that during a manicure, the cuticle or nail bed is damaged and the nail plate, growing back, becomes brittle. Procedures for strengthening nails will help you - lubricating them with nourishing almond, grape seed or olive oil. Take baths with lemon juice, sea salt, or a few drops of iodine. Use a strengthening varnish containing beneficial substances.

When such a nail breaks, remove the length with scissors and file its edge. If you can’t immediately contact a specialist, try to repair the breakdown yourself. A paper or non-woven napkin can be found in any home, and a tea bag is also suitable, from which you need to cut a small piece. If you also have professional glue used when gluing tips, great, if not, ordinary superglue will do.

A piece of napkin, slightly larger than the crack itself, attach to it and drip glue on top, carefully straightening and pressing as tightly as possible. Let the glue dry and cut off the protruding edges. Apply varnish on top, preferably to strengthen the nails. Now you can apply varnish in the color of your manicure.

In the salon, if a natural nail breaks, they will treat and disinfect the wound and seal it with silk or acrylic. Then the adhesive will be applied. Although the crack will not grow together, it will gradually grow back, and it will be painless.

Also, a manicure master can apply a biogel and do it. It will glue the breakage and strengthen the nail plate itself. In the event that the nail that you have grown is broken, it can also be repaired at home without spending a lot of time on a visit to the salon.

Broken nail

The reason for the breakage of the extended nail may be too long postponing the correction procedure, when the artificial nail grows back and the stress zone shifts. This should not be allowed, the correction must be done in time. Often the nails of an inexperienced master break, who does the work of poor quality, not observing the appropriate technology. Therefore, a too cheap price for nail extensions should not please you, but alert you. True, well-made marigolds also break when mechanically damaged.

In principle, the procedure for repairing an artificial nail is the same as for a natural one. The crack is treated with an antiseptic and sealed with silk, the excess fabric is cut off. From above it is covered with a colorless varnish with vitamins and proteins. A couple of days, waiting for an appointment with a manicurist, you can be like that.

If you don’t want to go to the salon with every breakdown, you can do it yourself so that you don’t have to disturb your master until the next correction. To do this, purchase some professional tools that are used in nail salons.

An ultraviolet stove can be a single lamp, it costs much less than the more powerful ones used by professionals, but for home use it is quite suitable for you. It just takes a little longer for the gel to harden.

To repair the nail, you will need: a transparent single-phase gel, a tips cutter or a guillotine for cutting tips, a degreaser, a sticky layer remover, a pusher or an orange stick, a hard gel file, a softer file for grinding the top layer, a gel brush.

First, with a tips cutter, completely cut off the length of your nail, almost under the root. Push back the overgrown cuticle with an orange stick or pusher. File the nail with a hard file, removing the top layer of the gel, trying not to disturb the pattern or the French line.

Treat the wound with alcohol or a disinfectant, then with a degreaser so that the gel adheres better to the surface of the nail. Then gently apply a layer of gel without going over the cuticle, otherwise air bubbles will appear.

After placing the nail in the oven for 2-3 minutes, wait for the gel to harden. Apply the next layer, also drying it in the oven. After hardening, a sticky layer appears on the surface of the nail, which is removed with a cotton swab dipped in liquid to remove it.

See how the shape turned out, and cut off the protruding tubercles with a file. Do not be afraid that after sawing a matte surface is obtained. You can either apply a thin layer of gel again and dry it in the oven, or use regular nail polish to add shine to the nail. It will become shiny again, and you can go on like this for 2-3 weeks.

For the fair sex, manicure is another way to emphasize your style and femininity. But, for sure, every girl was faced with a situation where, it would seem, the look of a perfect manicure spoils one nail that broke at the wrong time. For many girls, this means that everyone else will also have to be cut and trimmed. But what if you don't like this way out of the situation? Is it possible to fix a broken nail and make it look as good as before?

If a nail suddenly breaks, do not cut off all the rest! I'll show you how to repair a broken nail.

Broken nail? Nail repair at home

Each of us, if we suddenly broke a nail, wonders what to do? If the breakdown is not so serious, it can be neutralized with a simple nail file. But if there is a more serious problem before your eyes, it is worth taking other measures.

In order to give the manicure a neat look again, you will need special nail glue and a tea bag. Surely, many people know about this method, but repetition is the mother of learning.

It is necessary to pour out the tea leaves from the bag and cut off a strip from it, which, in its area, can cover the damaged area.

Then you need to apply glue and glue the strip. After waiting for the first layer to dry, you need to repeat the procedure and again wait until the glue dries.

Repair of a broken nail in the salon

Unfortunately, experts have not yet found a universal way to fix a broken nail. No wonder that every second of them advises the girl to visit the master, where he, as a professional, will help correct the unpleasant situation.

One of the ways of this correction is considered to be the repair of the nail with the help of special silk and bio-gel coating. This method will allow the girl to forget about the problem.

For an extended nail, the above method can also be suitable, most importantly, remember that the glue that will be used on a natural and artificial nail should be different.

If the second can endure resistant glue, then it can cause irreparable harm to the first. It can even come to the forced removal of the nail plate, since a particularly resistant glue is not intended for natural nails.

However, even if the artificial nail is broken along the edge of the smile, you can forget about using such a tool, as this will also lead to disastrous consequences.

It should be noted that in fact, the tea bag method is a kind of universal first aid formula. It must be understood that this rescue option is rather temporary and it is better not to delay going to the salon.

Fortunately, girls are able to complement their image with such a fashionable accessory as a manicure, but, unfortunately, it requires tremendous care and patience, because it is not easy to grow nails of the desired length, but it is even more difficult to maintain this length!

How to repair a broken nail master class

Read how to do it here.