Flirting and seduction. The art of flirting and seducing men. Flirting with a man: on the phone, at work, in correspondence, SMS. Examples of SMS correspondence. Do not send banal phrases and expressions. SMS flirting with men. Message examples

Flirting on the phone is not a bad opportunity to please the representative of the stronger sex. Phone flirting for a long time and often is the start for an interesting acquaintance and communication. The task of such flirting is to create in his imagination a seductive image that he wants to meet and communicate with in reality. Faith in your dream and hope is very strong, for this reason, telephone flirting can turn any man's head. But how to flirt with a man on the phone?

In order for communication on the phone to turn into something more, at least to start with a real meeting, you need to remember some rules.

You need to be polite and friendly, smile during the conversation. You can talk in front of a mirror - flirt with yourself, make eyes. Remember that intonation, the timbre of the voice is the main flirting tool when talking on the phone, it is with their help that you can increase the desire of a man to meet you.

If you yourself are the initiator of a telephone acquaintance, you should be active and energetic. Many representatives of the stronger sex like proactive girls who are able to infect others with their activity and energy.

But in the case when you hear that your interlocutor on the other end of the wire is lethargic, dull and not inclined to flirt, then you should not be too active, trying to arouse his enthusiasm for acquaintance. Try to adjust to his intonation and pace of speech - it will be easier to like your interlocutor.

If a man called you himself to get to know you, you should address him by name, this will reduce the distance between you and put your interlocutor to you. A proper name is the best that caresses the ear. Flirting without a name will not be as effective. Calling the interlocutor by name, you establish the most intimate contact, it becomes much easier to communicate further.

When talking on the phone, say the name correctly. If, when meeting a young man, he introduced himself, say, “Anatoly”, this means that he wants to be addressed in this way. You should not call him "Tolik" - this can annoy or even annoy your interlocutor. And of course, you should not repeat the name of the interlocutor through every word, if it sounds so often, then it will not be so pleasant.

One of the most important parts of flirting is the intonation of the voice. For the representatives of the stronger sex, the smoothness of the female voice is extremely important, it attracts, relaxes and enhances the desire for acquaintance and further communication.

Different intonation should be used: neutral intonation can be used when talking about trifles, events in the city, about the weather; a more gentle, exciting intonation can be used for sexy flirting, seduction and seduction.
If you are the initiator of the call, then you must definitely find out if your interlocutor is comfortable talking at the moment.

It would be much better if you call back than try to flirt with a man when he has absolutely no time or opportunity for this. Since your goal is acquaintance, flirting, it is best to call in the evening hours.

In order to win over the interlocutor you are interested in, you need to talk to him kindly. Here it is worth remembering D. Carnegie: anyone would prefer to talk about himself. This means that when talking with a young man, you need to demonstrate your sincere sympathy and enthusiasm. To do this, you can ask the interlocutor various questions: about work, his hobbies, habits, with all this, do not forget about tact and correctness.

Remember that subtle flattery is always appropriate. There is a fearful and timid baby somewhere deep inside all of us. And if the representative of the stronger sex is told that he is an interesting conversationalist, he has expressive eyes or a very beautiful tie (suit, haircut, etc.), and in general he is charming and handsome - this will be a balm for the soul for any man.

When flirting on the phone, be playful, but remember that men appreciate naturalness in women.

Let's sum up all of the above:

1. If you feel like it and the person is interesting to you, feel free to flirt with him on the phone. The days when this could seem outrageous and indecent are long gone.

2. Choose a convenient time for calls, do not disturb a man while he is at work.

3. If you have something to tell your interlocutor - feel free to do it, try to tell something interesting. If a man himself talks about something very enthusiastically, in no case do not interrupt him.

4. When the object you are interested in calls you himself, greet him warmly, be sure to call him by name. Let him know that you are glad to hear his voice.

Good luck and fruitful flirting!

A girl and a woman should be able to flirt with a man correctly. Inconspicuous light coquetry can be the beginning of a serious relationship. You may not set this goal, but the final result will be worth it.

Many people think that all representatives of the weaker sex know how to flirt from birth, this property is automatically laid in them by nature.

This is a myth, and it takes a long time to learn this. But here are some useful tips on how to flirt with a man.

How to flirt with a guy or girl on VK?

It is not difficult to learn how to flirt with a girl or a pen pal in VK, the main thing is to tune in to this process.

Of course, it is more difficult to do this on the Internet, the interlocutor does not see the face, emotions and important components that can be shown in real life.

It is worth noting! Most girls start flirting from early childhood.

And with age, they master this science to perfection, for this reason they do not need much work to seduce the man they like.

But it is more difficult for men to flirt, they are difficult to make contact first.

Online dating in Lately have become quite popular, many often choose this method to find new friends.

You definitely need to know the principles that will help you quickly learn how to flirt in VK.

It is worth remembering what not to do when flirting with a girl or guy on VK:

  • First of all, avoid redundant and well-known phrases, clichés, boring texts.

    When communicating with a stranger, it is worthwhile to interest him, and phrases such as “Hello!”, “How are you?”, “What are you doing?” will not arouse interest in the interlocutor and he may simply not answer.

  • Don't be impersonal It is desirable to remove the pronoun "You" from communication. When communicating with a man or a girl, it is better to call the interlocutor by name.

    If you wish, you can come up with some funny and cute nickname, but he should like it.

  • If the interlocutor does not answer for a long time, you should not overwhelm him with messages, perhaps he went to the shower or is doing some business. It is worth creating an image of mystery.
  • It is not necessary to describe the past day in detail. The interlocutor is not interested in knowing how your time goes.

    This will cause him boredom, and he will soon quickly lose interest in communication.

  • No need frankly and describe in detail plans for the coming weekend.

Important points:

  1. When communicating try to use the pronoun "we" more often. This will speed up the convergence process.
  2. tease stands above the interlocutor after visual acquaintance.
  3. Be sure to take the initiative. When communicating, you can use meaningful hints, innocent remarks.

Features of flirting by correspondence and at school

By correspondence, teenagers who study at school often flirt. Adults prefer to get acquainted in reality.

And here are the students as a way to filter, they use regular SMS via phone or communication on the Internet.

flirt on the internet flirt by sms
It is recommended to write correctly without errors (punctuation, grammatical and stylistic typos must not be allowed) When communicating via SMS, do not forget about literacy. Write correctly without mistakes
It is worth avoiding the use of informal slang - in short, like, this is the most When communicating on the phone, you must be frank, do not deceive.

If the interlocutor does not see you, this does not mean that he can not write the truth. If he finds out the truth, then the matter will not do without consequences.

It is advisable to use humor with caution, especially black or vulgar To save money, you do not need to write the words to the interlocutor together, in Latin. If you want to please him, then write all the phrases clearly
Ask everything in detail - where he works, how much he earns, with whom he lives The message can be beautifully written, for example, in the form of a compliment, praise of the interlocutor
Tell about yourself in detail, advertise yourself Do not send consecutive messages
If you want to make the interlocutor pleasant, then you can make a compliment, girls will especially like it Write too long messages. It should be small and meaningful.

Many girls at school looking for guys older than themselves, they believe that the older the guy, the smarter and more serious he is.

For this reason, they begin to flirt with a young gym teacher or show attention to guys from high school.

How do you know if someone is flirting with you?

You need to know how to flirt with a girl or a man older than you. But you need to know the main signs of flirting. How can you understand that a person is flirting with you, flirting?

Of course, you can look at examples on the Internet that can tell you in detail about flirting.

The main criteria that will help you recognize that they are flirting with you and want to start communication:

  1. Prolonged eye contact. If a person looks intently and for a long time, then he likes you.

    He can look away and return, he can squint his eyes or wink slightly.

  2. Smile. If a girl or a guy smiles at the sight, then the person definitely likes you.
  3. Touch. Light touches to the hand, faces can say that you are interested in a man or girl.
  4. When talking, pay attention to the voice of the interlocutor. If he likes you, then he may tremble, there may be a slight excitement.

How to behave in a conversation?

The main condition for successful flirting and communication is the correct behavior in conversation. And not necessarily with whom this communication takes place.

For example, with a married man, with a husband or ex-wife, with a boss, with a colleague at work or with a stranger, you must follow the rules.

Many pay attention to the horoscope- for example, how to communicate with Cancer, Aquarius, Taurus, Capricorn, Sagittarius and others.

When talking, it does not matter if a person belongs to a horoscope, the rules are the same for everyone.

The rules are:

  • You don't have to talk too much about yourself give the interlocutor a chance to speak.
  • Don't forget diplomacy. If a person does not like a certain topic, then you need to stop asking about it. He should like everything in a conversation with you.
  • Don't hide your emotions. But do not constantly react too emotionally, everything should be appropriate.
  • Remember the last phrase of the interlocutor in order to give useful advice in time.
  • Necessarily give sincere compliments.
  • Learn to listen.
  • Don't speak slang harsh words, curses. It is better to wean yourself from unpleasant phrases in advance.
  • Don't talk about yourself all at once. there must be a mystery, a riddle.

How to learn to flirt?

Coquetry and flirting is an entertaining process and a way of getting to know each other. But you need to be able to present yourself correctly so that the opponent understands that you are interested in him and show reciprocal actions.

Important! Coquetry has been used by many women for hundreds of years. Usually this is a strong weapon that bitches use against men.

With it, they lure their attention and attract them into their networks.

You don't have to be a bitch to learn how to flirt. The main thing is to follow the recommendations:

  • Be natural. There is no need to chat and talk endlessly.
  • Don't take action that don't match the looks.
  • Flirt need with the chosen person.
  • The look should be playful enticing. With the help of the eyes, you can show feelings - passion, interest, desire. Smile more often and make non-verbal hints, you can flirt beautifully with your eyes.
  • Self confidence.
  • Keep the image mysterious.

These are just tips to help you flirt with men the right way. Of course, much depends on the character, one's own character and desire.

You can really love a person stay awake at night and think about him, and show no action. It is important to overcome fear and show attention first.

All this will allow you not to miss your person and establish further love relationships with him.

Useful video





Flirting with a man correctly is a stage at the beginning of a romantic relationship, awakens feelings, feelings of pleasant excitement, light adrenaline, strong attraction. The time allotted for mutual flirting brings joy and awakens nostalgic memories.

Differences in flirting with a man and a boy

When flirting, consider the age and life experience of the person you are interested in. There is a huge difference in views, preferences, interests and life values ​​between a fledgling young man and an accomplished man.

  • If young men are more susceptible to frank flirting, in a more or less hidden form, signaling their readiness for physical intimacy, then men are more picky and are unlikely to appreciate such a frank offer to continue communication in an intimate setting.
  • In flirting with a young man, you can give free rein to sensuality, provoking, jokingly or seriously, topics related to the open manifestation of the sexual principle. And men are more prone to intellectual flirting, they are more impressed by mystery, light mystery, understatement.
  • In dealing with an adult male, defenselessness can be a huge advantage. He will be happy to help with problems that are easily solved by him, thanks to financial independence or the presence of connections. A young man, on the contrary, can be frightened by the prospect of taking responsibility for a relationship, problems that need to be solved can be disheartening, while the guy’s options are limited.

Phone and correspondence will help you

How to flirt with a man by correspondence? Flirting through texting is nothing new in the art of communication. Love letters - the oldest epistolary genre - are now carried out using the Internet everywhere. Everyone loves to receive letters of love content, finding charm and intrigue in this.

Like any game, flirting through letters has its own rules.

  • Letters should be short, light and elegant.
  • Do not put off answering a letter on the back burner, a break in letters will cool you down and reduce interest.
  • You should try to avoid mistakes and typos. Illiteracy or slovenliness in love correspondence is not acceptable!
  • You should not regale your interlocutor with reflections on the meaning of life, the global problems of mankind, the details of your previous novels, the details of conversations with friends, complaints about your own problems, or vulgar anecdotes that have set your teeth on edge. Talk on the phone so that, remembering your call, the man smiled, thought of you with warmth.
  • Starting to write, you should set yourself up as positively as possible. Love letters should bring joy, excitement, and a little flatter the vanity of the reader.
  • Do not overdo it in compliments if they are not justified, a fake compliment will not be appreciated by a stupid interlocutor, and in the eyes of a smart one it may look humiliating.
  • Do not demand answers to direct questions if the interlocutor answers evasively. Intrusiveness and excessive curiosity will only repel, delicacy will attract.

Phone flirting is an equally effective way to establish an emotional connection and stir up interest in exciting communication. The rules of telephone flirting are simple, but if they are not followed, communication will no longer be comfortable.

  • Pay attention to diction and literacy of speech. An illiterate speech contaminated with slang and obscene words will not arouse either interest or respect.
  • You should not call too often, so that the man does not have the feeling that he is being controlled.
  • The call should please, you should not call after hours, so as not to put the man in an awkward position, not to distract the interlocutor from work. Intrusion into work time or personal space can cause irritation and kill all the charm of communication.
  • Try to choose topics that are interesting to the interlocutor so that the conversation does not turn into chatter about things that the man does not understand.
  • Pause in conversation, do not crackle incessantly, do not turn a telephone conversation into an endless monologue, because flirting is a mutual activity.

Hidden flirting to get attention

Flirting so that the man you are interested in does not suspect that he is being “hunted” is a real art. Usually such "hidden" flirting is needed in communication with timid, distrustful or reserved men, if the goal is to "get through to the heart." It should be remembered what should not be allowed so that flirting does not become obvious and does not scare the man away.

What should be excluded from flirting if you do not want your interest in a man to be a secret to him?

  • Direct questions on frank topics can be repulsive, especially if they are repeated, insisting on an answer and accented, demonstrating curiosity, persistence.
  • To be interested in personal life, to be curious about who the man is in a pair with, by the way, casually, without getting hung up on getting an answer.
  • Try to please a man with the help of little things so that he feels unobtrusive care, a warm attitude.
  • Radiate positive emotions. To feel warm next to you - feel your own warmth, psychological comfort.
  • Make it clear that you are ready to support his ideas, to take his side in case of any confrontation with anyone.
  • Tell a little about yourself, gently irony at yourself, but do not share frank dramas from your personal life.
  • Be restrained in expressing feelings, but easily emphasize your interest in everything related to the interlocutor outside his personal life. A slight indifference in everything related to the personal life of your interlocutor will only warm up his interest in you.
  • Shy men are afraid of excessive initiative, therefore, when flirting with such a man, you need to act carefully, using exciting hints, avoiding direct questions.
  • Try to build relationships in such a way that the man feels the need for your presence nearby or nearby. Sometimes it is useful to disappear from his field of vision so that your absence becomes a sensitive “prick”.
  • You can make it clear that your personal life is intense, but don't go into details. This will surely intrigue, arouse interest and provoke curiosity, which means that you have taken significant steps towards seducing an impregnable counterpart.

The attractiveness and dangers of flirting at work

Work is a place where people spend a huge amount of time. Here, the abundance of flirting sometimes rolls over, this is especially noticeable at corporate events. What are the pros and cons of such flirting?

  • In moderate doses, “working” flirting helps relieve emotional stress, increases activity and keeps you “in good shape”.
  • A light romantic atmosphere in the relationship between superiors and subordinates sometimes serves as an excellent motivation for effective work.
  • Thanks to flirting and "industrial romances", excellent married couples often arise with common interests and aspirations. If you are not afraid to be with your “half” around the clock in the same space, then you can safely look for personal happiness at your work.

The significant disadvantages of "informal relationships" make you look at flirting and the thrills associated with it more rationally, less romantically.

  • Flirting at work can lead to undesirable consequences in the family, and only single people have nothing to lose.
  • Flirting can end badly for a family man, so you should carefully weigh the reasons why "interest on the side" became possible or even necessary. Maybe instead of frivolous flirting, you should think about what is wrong in the family?
  • Too obvious flirting and even more so an affair can provoke an unhealthy atmosphere at work. And if the “public” often turns a blind eye to the love tricks of a man, then women are not forgiven for “immoral acts”. Starting a love affair, a woman causes unconscious irritation among employees, and at the slightest mistake, she risks losing both her authority and her position.

Flirting as a style and culture of communication

The goal of any flirting is ultimately to attract attention and possibly seduce a man. You need to theoretically master the skills and techniques of seduction before you try out your feminine charms in practice.

There are rules and regulations here.

  • A well-groomed appearance, a pleasant smell and neat stylish clothes will facilitate emotional contact with any men who, due to natural reasons, pay attention to a woman’s appearance in the first place.
  • Good mood, positivity, optimism - this is what you should give in the process of flirting so that communication is joyful and desirable. Gloomy women complaining about life evoke sympathy, but not attraction.
  • Do your job with pleasure, be easy, open - and you will be admired.
  • The eye is the most powerful weapon. Every woman must learn to “make eyes” and “shoot with her eyes” if she wants to please a man.
  • It only takes a couple of seconds to catch an eye. Do not hold your gaze longer than decency allows. Long glances are appropriate where close relationships exist and there are no ambiguities.
  • You should not “stare” at the person you like, pursue, “drill” him with your eyes, this can cause hostility. An interested look should not be embarrassing. On the contrary, a soft, caressing fleeting glance, askance or frowning, is able to excite a man and interest him in earnest.
  • Watch your speech, beautiful speech attracts men more than skillful makeup.
  • Try not to use dirty words, rude slang or outright foul language. A vulgar woman will cause disgust. And even if you manage to carry out an affair and bring the matter to a solitary date, the romance will not last long.
  • The atmosphere of flirting, permeated with joy, wit, irony, jokes - will make a man look for a new contact with you. Just try not to go beyond the boundaries of decency, do not overdo it - greasy jokes, clumsy jokes “with a beard”, unkind irony, sarcasm with a mocking tinge - all this will cool the romantic ardor and instill in a man a sense of danger and insecurity with you next to you.
  • The most powerful weapon is touch. They say that you can express sympathy, attraction and love most eloquently by touching a person. Here, too, has its own characteristics.
  • Touches at an early stage of flirting should be light, you need to touch as if by chance. With a more trusting relationship, you can not only touch, but take a man by the hand, straighten his tie or shake off an imaginary speck of dust.
  • Save frank, too sensual touches “for later”, otherwise you risk scaring the object of your sympathy with excessive indiscretion.

When flirting with a man, you should not strive too hard for the result - the establishment of a "guaranteed" romantic relationship. Flirt on health, do it with pleasure from this easy, sensual and exciting process. And remember: the most attractive thing in the romantic game of sexes is uncertainty, understatement.

How to flirt with a man

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Flirting is a whole art, which is quite difficult to learn. It is twice as difficult if it is necessary to communicate with a guy on the Internet or via SMS. But do not be upset, we have prepared for you detailed instructions on how to properly conduct correspondence. Also, we will not let you write nonsense, you will find out what absolutely should not be done with a virtual interlocutor and what phrases will be relevant. But most importantly, you will learn how to flirt like a true woman and be able to win over a man.

Choosing the right words, you need to consider where you communicate - on the Internet or via SMS. In the first case, you can use various pictures, videos, files, emoticons. In the case of mobile, it will be much more difficult to convey emotions.

To flirt, you need to follow the following tips:

  • Write correctly - avoid punctuation, grammatical, stylistic errors and typos.
  • Avoid informal slang (in short, this is the same, etc.).
  • Carefully use humor, especially black and vulgar. A guy may not understand most of the jokes at all or take them literally.
  • Do not behave like you are under interrogation: do not ask about the guy’s personal life and his income.
  • Do not advertise yourself by listing your own merits in each sentence. The girl should become a mystery for the young guy, which is interesting to solve.
  • Use emoticons to express feelings for your interlocutor, but no more than 2-3 per answer.
  • Give compliments to a young man, because the fair sex loves praise. But even here you should know the measure.
  • If you follow these 7 rules, flirting will be easy and effective.

    By phone via SMS

    If a guy calls back on the phone, you should not immediately answer him. Write an SMS and say that you are busy. Invite him to talk later.

    If a man "pecked on the bait" and entered the game, then you will need to interest the guy by correspondence. Here it is written what you can ask him and how to do it correctly.

    Did you fall into his web? Then take the time to send message after message, read what to write to the guy you like.

    If you do not know how the interlocutor treats you, we offer to figure it out. A few of our tips on how to understand if a guy likes you will help you do this. You will find out how and what he writes, how often, etc.

    And what can you ask a guy in correspondence? Here are the hottest questions!

    What compliments can be written to men

    Guys, like girls, love compliments. Your task is to surprise the guy, and for this you need to please with unusual phrases. Here is a list of the most successful ones:

  • "I would never do that." You need to show that your boyfriend is the best in the world. He must understand that he has unique skills.
  • "You have a good taste". When it comes to clothing or eating habits, don't forget to ask what clothes he likes to wear, what he likes to eat the most. After his answer, say that he has good taste.
  • "You will make a great father." No man can say with certainty that he can easily cope with the role of a father. And this phrase will cheer him up.
  • "How would I live without you?" This compliment will show your lover that he is the meaning of your life. After reading such a phrase in the message, the young man will feel the happiest in this world. As an example, you can offer the phrase "What would I do without you."
  • Do you want to get detailed step-by-step instructions on how to get acquainted with men on the Internet? We recommend reading free checklist Alexey Chernozem "How to build relationships on the Internet and translate them into happy real ones." You will learn how to create an attractive image on the network, where to start dating and how to transfer them from the Internet to the real plane.

    The book is free. To download, click here on this link, leave your e-mail and an email will be sent to the mail with a link to the pdf-file.

    What absolutely should not be done

    Certain messages can derail your conversation with a guy. He can easily lose interest in you and go about his daily business. In correspondence, do not do the following:

  • Ask how you are. This phrase means nothing. Using it, you will never intrigue a young man.
  • send long sms. A good message should consist of a maximum of 2-3 sentences.
  • blame the guy. You should never make claims about the fact that he did not call you yesterday or disappeared somewhere. Such messages will put you in a negative light, and after several attempts to justify yourself, your boyfriend will simply start avoiding you, and then he will find another completely.
  • Do not show explicit photos. So the guy may soon lose all interest in you and think that you are frivolous.
  • No matter how strong your desire to seduce a man is, you should not flirt frankly, everything should be natural. Only such a girl can become interesting!

    Flirting by SMS: 8 rules of the love game

    Innocent or, on the contrary, perky and even depraved flirting with her husband via SMS? Why not. After all, how wonderful it is to refresh relationships, flirt with your loved one and make a few hints.

    And if your relationship is just beginning, the ability to flirt will help attract a young man, intrigue and take communication to a more serious level. In addition, flirting on the phone is a very exciting activity that can restore confidence in your female attractiveness.

    Flirting with your husband is a good idea!

    Psychologists say that partners talk about their feelings only a few times a year: on Valentine's Day, birthdays and, for example, on March 8th. On the rest of the days, the spouses remain deprived of attention, although, perhaps, they simply are not told about love.

    This needs to be fixed urgently! Not every woman knows how to flirt by correspondence, however, in some situations, one SMS message can affect the mood of a guy and his behavior. In correspondence with a beloved man, two ways of expressing feelings are possible.

    Method number 1. Regular SMS, without sexual overtones

    Not all men like to flirt on the phone, considering such behavior not entirely decent.

    However, in the case of communication with a beloved woman, even the average poems sent from her number begin to seem really sweet and spontaneous.

    Regular SMS can express simple words, such as "love", "look forward to", etc. Some girls look for inspiration in classical works or let their own imagination run wild, which, of course, looks more touching.

    Method number 2. Sexual SMS

    A special category of flirting is messages with sexual overtones. However, psychologists recommend following important rules so as not to turn a slight shade of eroticism into ordinary vulgarity. Here are examples of win-win erotic sms:

  • while waiting for your loved one from work, send him a message in which you hint that you are waiting for his arrival, since you have come up with a few ideas for the upcoming evening;
  • hint to your husband that you are naked in a bubble bath, or make a subtle hint that you are not wearing underwear right now.
  • Some married couples prefer to flirt over text while they're at a party or at a dinner party. And they don’t care that others look at them with incomprehension, because very soon they will be able to translate their fantasies into reality.

    Benefits of flirting with a guy over text

    If you are just preparing for a serious relationship, then your goal is to interest the young man so that he begins to dream about you, constantly scrolling through all your phrases in his memory. Flirting on the phone with a guy is great for this.

    The advantages of such a correspondence are as follows:

  • it doesn't take too long;
  • you can flirt in parallel with several young people at once;
  • you are not embarrassed to say something that you would not say to a man in person.
  • If you have firmly decided to flirt with a guy via SMS, let's see if there are any rules that regulate what you can write to your interlocutor and what you need to refuse. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing the attention of the chosen one.

    8 rules for text flirting

    Corresponding love games can be difficult if you have not practiced this activity before. Naturally, you need to practice, so we offer the following examples and rules that will show you how to communicate with a guy via SMS.

    1. Write smartly. It would seem a hackneyed topic, but the sexual game does not tolerate trifles. Any spelling mistake can cross out a good impression of you if a young person reads “pretty” instead of “cute”, etc. Agree that it is much more pleasant to enjoy reading, and not to “stumble” over mistakes in words.
    2. Reduce the number of text messages. Carefully analyze the number of messages that you sent to a man. Experts are sure that they should not be more than five per day. If there is too much SMS, the likelihood that the young man will lose interest very soon increases, as your correspondence begins to turn into empty chatter.
    3. Reduce message length. The meaning of this rule is not that brevity is a close relative of talent. It's just that the length of the message shows the interlocutor's interest in his correspondence partner. If his SMS is much longer than your messages, then you are doing everything right. In addition, psychologists consider the option of telephone communication to be optimal when the correspondence begins and ends with a guy.
    4. Bide your time. This rule looks like this - do not rush to answer the young man immediately. After receiving the first message, wait 30 minutes. In general, half an hour is considered the optimal time interval between SMS. Firstly, the guy will begin to worry and wait, and secondly, you will gain a few minutes to think about what to write about in the next playful message. In addition, after receiving the next message from the interlocutor, wait twice as long as he waited.
    5. Determine the purpose of the messages. Psychologists assure that each telephone message should have its own purpose, which is understandable only to you. Here are examples of what task you can attach to each message:
      • make jealous;
      • intrigue;
      • make him want to call you;
      • force him to make an appointment;
      • increase his self-esteem;
      • compliment him.
    6. Always write about him. Flirting on the phone should leave a man with a sense of his exclusivity. That is, the SMS message should be associated with a guy, even if you are talking about yourself at this moment. Examples:
      • “I watched such an interesting movie” is the wrong option. It would be more correct to say: “In the movie that I watched yesterday, the hero looked so much like you”;
      • “I bought a cool blouse” is the wrong wording. Correct: “You will be crazy about the blouse that I bought yesterday!”
      • Don't overuse emoticons. Excessive emotions spoil the picture of mystery and uncertainty. On the contrary, the absence of brackets and emoticons makes a man look for hidden meaning in messages. The more a guy thinks about your messages, the more often his thoughts are directed towards you. What are you actually trying to achieve.
      • Do not allow excessive frankness. Flirting is always a game, sometimes on the verge between eroticism and overt sexuality. However, you should not go over it in communication with an unfamiliar guy. Therefore, the phrases must be with a hint of sex, and the photos that you send to him must be “dressed”. In addition, this way you eliminate the likelihood of candid shots falling into the wrong hands.
      • Experienced girls who know how and love to flirt with men identify several telephone correspondence strategies. You can take any into service, depending on who you want to appear in front of your partner - a cute cat or a dangerous predator.

        Strategy #1: Self-confidence

        You show that you are confident in your charms and the success of the first date. You also convey your confidence to the guy, let him also “understand” that he liked you. Message examples:

        • “And you are cute, you can repeat the meeting ...”;
        • “What clothes did you dream about today?”;
        • “Are you drooling? Soon you will be able to see me again;)”.
        • Confidence is confidence, however, you should not make any proposals yourself and make an appointment for the next date. Let the guy take the initiative in this matter.

          Strategy #2: Teasing

          Another way to interest a man by correspondence is to tease him with an ambiguous message or a not entirely innocent photo (remember the lack of nudity).

          His rich imagination will finish everything for you, all that remains is to reap the benefits. For example, send an SMS with the following text: “Oh, it’s a pity that you are not around right now.” If the matter is approaching the evening, the guy will definitely connect and write something very bold. You may be a little “amazed”: “Wow! I already decided that we remain friends!”

          Accumulate experience and save your strength for a real "hunt" tete-a-tete, when, in addition to charm, wit and playfulness, you will need a whole arsenal of female tricks - from look to touch.

          Examples of SMS flirting with a man

          Hi everyone again!

          We read examples, memorize messages and use SMS flirting. But! I must warn! You should be a little bolder and then flirting with a man will be something natural for you. Look closely at his reaction in response to your messages and remember. And this will lead to the fact that you will see how easy it is to control male emotions. This knowledge will definitely come in handy in your life.

          SMS flirting with men. Message examples.

          The following examples of flirting are real correspondence with a man, brazenly asked by me from a very nice person who is a master of SMS messages, as well as SMS flirting with men. And in general, this article (everything below) is written by a female hand.

          Example of flirting with a man #1

          - Think about work, not about me)

          - Yes, I'm thinking about work.

          - Strange ... but it's time to be tormented by thoughts about me)

          - Deal! Starting tomorrow)

          “And today you won’t even see me in a new dress?”

          - I'll be busy until late.

          “Sorry, so I’ll have to look for someone for the last movie session…

          — I don’t remember the name, but the main character on the poster somehow reminds you of you)

          "Then where shall we meet?"

          - Kissing spots

          -Your smile is so wide...almost like my bed)

          — Good choice of bed!

          - Do you like to sleep diagonally?

          - I like to sleep soundly

          - After a hard day at work.

          Do you have work nights?

          - How do you usually love?

          An example of SMS messages with a man No. 3

          - You can give me a ride home today, otherwise I rubbed my legs with new shoes ((

          - When can I pick you up?

          When the heart tells

          He has a day off today

          - Still would! Apparently, yesterday it beat hard when she saw me)

          — How can you see it?)

          - I left my eye on you when we met)

          - The one to which the heart is closer.

          - No, burning with desire ...

          And another example of flirting with a man

          - It's a pity, because my pussy is bored ..

          - I'm talking about the fact that the nights have become cold now ..

          - What does the colon mean?

          It's my eyes that are looking at you..

          - Where exactly are they looking?

          - Well, except for the lips, alas, I can’t see anything else (

    In our world, people are more likely to text people they like than to meet them. This means that you must be able to not only flirt when meeting, but also be able to write to the object of your passion. If you want to learn how to flirt through messages, you need to fit playfulness, wit, and charm into just one or two sentences. Here's how to do it.


    start flirting

    1. Be creative. It is difficult to be an original person in correspondence, so your passion should appreciate that you can do it. When you take out your phone to write how much the other person means to you, you have to come up with something else. This will increase the interest of the interlocutor, and the likelihood of his answer will be higher.

      • Make the object of your affection laugh. Start with a small but funny sentence about something you recently saw together or think of a recent conversation.
      • Make a smart observation. You will definitely get an answer. Flirting with your mind is a great tactic.
      • Write something original that no one but you would write.
    2. Ask a question. Questions are good way impress and win the sympathy of another person. This will show that you not only want to write something, but also continue the conversation, and that you care what the other person thinks. Here are some important tips to keep in mind:

      • Be simple. Just ask what happened the other day or the week. For example, a birthday he or she attended, a recent vacation, etc.
      • Ask questions that can be answered in more than one way. Don't ask something that can be answered "yes" or "no". Give the person a chance to respond and ask you something.
      • Don't ask too deep questions. Do not burden the person with philosophical questions or questions to which she or he does not know the answer. It can just be confusing, and you will stop responding.
      • Don't be boring. Questions such as "How are you?" do not always entail a response from the interlocutor. Be original even in such matters.
      • Be thoughtful. If you know that the object of your sympathy had an important event yesterday, ask about it. This will show your interest and concern.
    3. Watch for text style and errors. It may seem silly and unimportant, but if you communicate in real life, you will also monitor your appearance. You also need to keep an eye on your text style. Pay attention to punctuation and grammatical errors.

      • If you send messages that are hastily written, then your interlocutor will have the feeling that you do not attach importance to this, that you cannot even check your text.
      • Your text doesn't have to be perfect, but it's worth checking each sentence once.
    4. Don't overdo it. A bit of mystery is the key to successful flirting through messages. Your passion should not understand that you are trying too hard. Just relax, choose the right time and write. You should not think too long about what you are writing.

      • See that you are not always the first person to write. If so, you may not be very interested. You must give the other person the opportunity to take steps in return.
      • Don't try too hard to be funny. If it takes you hours to come up with an original greeting, it's best not to start.
      • Remember that flirting through messages is different from flirting in real life. The main thing is to relax if you want to be successful in flirting.

      Hold the other person's attention

      1. Tease. This is a great way to flirt with someone you care about. You can be playful and throw in some jokes, but give yourself a chance to make fun of yourself as well. This will show that you don't take yourself too seriously.

        • Don't complicate. Lightly joke about what movie she recently watched or how long he sits with his guitar.
        • Make sure the person understands that you are joking. You should not offend with your words, but just make them laugh a little.
        • If your crush has a funny nickname, use it when writing.
        • Send a winking emoji to show you are joking.
      2. Show that you care about him/her. If you want to flirt with messages, you have to make it clear that you care about the person. Therefore, it is important to ask about how the day went or how the person is feeling.

        • If your hobby is feeling bad, ask about your health.
        • Use the person's name from time to time. This will pleasantly surprise the person you are writing to.
        • Ask for an opinion on a new movie or restaurant. This can smoothly lead you to spend time together.
        • Give compliments. Find a nifty way to let her know that you like the way she looks or how good the new hairstyle is.
      3. Be a little playful. Find the right approach, do not write "What are you wearing right now?" To demonstrate your interest. Here are some tricks:

        • Casually mention that you just got out of the shower.
        • Be direct. For example: "I can't stop thinking about you in that dress."
        • Say: "I have a bottle of wine, she feels lonely without you." Invite a person to your place to drink wine, and there it can grow into something more.
      4. Don't be intrusive. Remember that you need to keep at ease when communicating with your interlocutor. So don't be the kind of person who asks a hundred questions at a time and puts ten question marks. If you are too excited, it will only turn away the object of desire from you.

        • Make sure you both write about the same amount of messages. If you write five messages in response to one, you have a problem.
        • Emotions are good, don't abuse them. This applies to question and exclamation marks too.
        • Don't reply the second you receive the message. Wait a couple of minutes, and sometimes even hours, unless your answer is urgent. If you do not receive a response during the day, do not bombard the person with messages, it looks pathetic.
      5. Do not use text to establish a serious relationship. Not a single normal serious relationship was built only on correspondence. Remember that texting is a great opportunity to flirt, plan an evening, or make friends. But this method is not suitable for getting to know each other well.

        • Remember that you should not complicate anything. All this is started to have fun and smile, and not to start arguing about something.
        • If you really like someone, try talking to him or her more than texting.

      Finish right

      1. Understand when to finish writing messages. You don't want to be someone who doesn't know what to say after a while of texting. If you meet someone at a bar, you sit there for as long as the flirting and interesting conversation lasts, and then you leave. The same should be true for messages.

        • If you're doing most of your conversations in text form, it's time to stop writing.
        • If you're writing long messages and getting a sentence or two in return, it's time to stop writing.
        • If you both realize that you have nothing to talk about, it's time to end the conversation.
        • If you find that you are not getting any return for your efforts and messages, it may be better to stop communicating altogether.
      2. Say goodbye on a good note. If you end the conversation because you are in a hurry somewhere or you are going to a meeting, you need to leave behind pleasant thoughts. You should not write "Bye", otherwise no one will think about you after.

        • If you have planned a meeting together, feel free to write "I'm looking forward to our date."
        • If you have to go, let them know where you are going or what you will be doing. This will show that you have a busy life on the other side of the correspondence, and your interlocutor will be intrigued.
        • Leave open the opportunity to communicate again. Write that you do not mind writing off later or another time.
      3. Use your messages to ask someone out on a date. If your correspondence continues successfully for a while, it's time to take a chance and move on to the next level.

        • Say it easy. For example, in the middle of a conversation, toss in, “Shouldn’t we discuss this over dinner?”
        • If you've been texting for a really long time, say, "I really enjoy texting you, but I think I want to chat with you more. How about meeting in person?
        • You can also invite the person to a meeting with friends or to a party.
      • Write what they remember. Then they will think about you all day long.
      • Don't pressure the other person.
      • Don't correct his or her grammar mistakes!
      • Try to get the other person interested in you only through messages.
      • Please wait 1-6 minutes to reply. Don't respond quickly.
      • Don't text all the time. Sometimes we need to meet and walk together.
      • Be consistent. It will be stupid if you flirt only on messages, but not live.
      • Don't assume that someone is pissed over messages without asking about it.
      • If you are told that she or he needs to go away for a while, do not ask when you should expect to return. It's intrusive and annoying.
      • Don't be too intrusive and don't write "I like you" in messages. It can scare a person away.
      • Call him or her affectionate words, such as sunshine or darling.
      • Don't go overboard with flirting. Your interlocutor should not think that you have only one thing in mind.
      • Be sometimes in a playful mood, but don't get depressed.
      • Don't be afraid to ask questions. You can learn more, that's good.
      • Don't use too many emojis, it might not be very nice.
      • Say things that make him or her laugh. This will make the conversation more interesting.
      • Don't be the one who always writes first. Let your interlocutor sometimes write before you.
      • Do not forward messages. No one will like getting 8 identical messages.
      • Make sure you send the message to the right person.
      • Do not show your correspondence to other people. The exception may be those whom you especially trust.
      • Boredom is the enemy of flirting.
      • Check punctuation and grammar. You don't want to be misunderstood or not understood at all.
      • Don't write like you're already dating. Perhaps someone will read your correspondence.
      • Do not write what you could not say in person. If you are too frank at a distance, then the meeting can be awkward.
      • If you like a guy, but he is already talking to someone, just text him. The more you talk, the more you will get to know each other. But don't be flirtatious all the time, it looks desperate. If you really like it, be patient. He needs to understand that you are open to something more.
      • Never ask questions that you yourself would not want to answer.
      • Don't be afraid to share your feelings. Maybe it's embarrassing for you to say it to your face, but it's easier to write it.