I often forget everything lately. I keep forgetting what I wanted to do. Forgetfulness, absent-mindedness is normal

Forgetfulness is different. Sometimes you freeze in mid-sentence, having lost the thread of your own thought. In the grocery store, once again pass by the necessary department, not remembering that the house has run out of salt. When you meet an old friend, you start to blush because you forgot his name. To a simple question from the boss about a project that has recently been handed over, they have to go into the computer - because they no longer remember what was there. Different information storage systems in the brain are responsible for different cases of "memory lapses". And in order to understand whether it is normal that you forgot about something, you need to find out what type of memory is responsible for storing this information.

Remember all

All human memory consists of four main systems. AT working, or operational, the memory stores the information you need right now. The working memory expires in seconds. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for its correct work - the very part of the brain that makes a person a person, determines consciousness and behavior.

Episodic memory- these are memories, both about what happened a couple of minutes ago, and about the events of twenty years ago. These memories are stored in a region of the brain called the hippocampus. Semantic memoryis a kind of a set of human knowledge about the world. Here are words and their meanings, names of objects. The temporal lobes of the brain are responsible for semantic memory.

Procedural memory about the ability to do something. If a person remembers how to ride a bicycle, once having learned to do it in childhood, then his procedural memory is working well. The basal ganglia, cerebellum, and the motor cortex are responsible for "body memory".

Still from the movie "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"

What does “forget” mean? This is usually not about the fact that some information has disappeared from the brain. Rather, the difficulty arose to "get" her out of there. For example, a word that literally spins in the language is a problem with accessing semantic memory. A person can remember the right word if you tell him the first letter or give a semantic clue. The forgetfulness of a healthy person is a difficult access to one or several types of memory. If you cannot quickly retrieve from your episodic memory the memory that you ran out of salt at home, you will not go to the appropriate department in the supermarket. Also, forgetfulness can occur due to a small amount of RAM: now you have already come for salt, but were distracted by torment and forgot about your original goal.

The difference between simple forgetfulness and serious memory impairment is that a healthy person, although not immediately, can remember important facts and events from his life. With memory impairments, patients forget the names of objects that they use every day, the names of loved ones, and even forget how to do simple household operations.

You may not immediately remember what you were doing last weekend, but if you have lost your memory of what happened five minutes ago, this is a reason to be wary. If you can't remember the name of a classmate you last saw 15 years ago, that's fine. If you forget your husband's name or the way home, this is a reason to see a doctor - such symptoms can be a sign of amnesia associated with a stroke or, alcohol or drug abuse, infection or dementia.

So why are you forgetting everything?

There are several very common and common reasons that cause "minor" memory problems.

Numerous studies have shown that it negatively affects the functions of the hippocampus - and it is in this area of \u200b\u200bthe brain that episodic memory is concentrated. Under the influence of severe stress, it becomes especially difficult to extract the desired memory from episodic memory.

Scientists have confirmed this in an experiment on rats. The rodents had to complete a simple task - select the one in which the platform is hidden in the pool with several lanes. Before participating in the experiment, the animals were trained so that they memorized the "correct" track. After training, the rats were sent to rest. The control group was returned to their familiar and safe cage - and its members did not feel any anxiety. But the experimental group was forced to experience stress, being in a cage next to a cat.

When at the end of the break, the rodents returned to the task, the calm rats coped with it better. Stress did not affect the animals' memory when the task was simpler, but the harder it got, the worse the agitated rats recalled the correct answer.

Stress also reduces working memory. In this experiment, 35 young men had to read several sentences in a row, memorizing the last word in each of them, and at the end pronounce these words in the correct order. Half of the participants had to go through a stress test before the task, the rest were calm. The presence of anxiety in the first group was confirmed by analysis of saliva for the stress hormone cortisol. The result of the experiment confirmed the hypothesis - the nervous group remembered words worse than the participants from the control group. This means that stress has worsened the work of their RAM, in which they had to retain the necessary information. When you’re under stress, it’s harder to remember complex information and keep different tasks in mind. Do not rely on the hippocampus and working memory - if you have an exciting event ahead, it is better to write down all the most important things in your diary or smartphone notes (and set reminders). And given that many people today are under chronic stress, writing everything down is not such a bad idea.

Still from "Still Alice"

Forgetfulness can be one of the first symptoms.How memory works in depressed people can be figured out with a word test. In the experiment, subjects - healthy volunteers and patients with depression - were required to memorize words after one, three, or five repetitions.

When depressed people were required to recall words after five repetitions, they memorized as many words as participants in the control group, but did so more slowly. After one repetition, patients with depression recognized fewer words and forgot them faster.

Scientists have concluded that depression affects memory in two ways: on the one hand, it makes it difficult to learn and remember new information, on the other hand, it complicates access to existing memories. Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with depression, do not be angry with yourself for the fact that you can remember what you need longer than usual. And you definitely shouldn't start learning new things during a period of illness - knowledge will be poorly retained in your head, which will further ruin your mood and self-esteem.

The first to suffer is RAM. Studies in which people were deprived of sleep for 24-72 hours showed that sleep-deprived participants performed worse on tasks in which they had to keep information in their heads. Episodic memory also suffers from sleep deficit. For this, according to scientists, the prefrontal cortex is responsible - it also, we recall, controls working memory. And although episodic memory is "stored" in the hippocampus, in order to get memories from there, increased work of the prefrontal cortex is required. But this most "conscious" part of the brain works worse with every hour of sleep deprivation - so it becomes more difficult to extract a specific episode from memory.

Forgetfulness persists for some time after a day when you don't get enough sleep: for example, in a study where people were deprived of sleep for two days, participants did not fully recover even after two nights of proper sleep. Interestingly, sleep problems increase the likelihood of false memories. This was confirmed in an experiment on students who were deprived of the opportunity to sleep normally.

The students were shown photographs with scenes from the crime scenes. After a while, they were allowed to read certain statements related to the crimes - and some of them contradicted the images in the photo (but the participants did not know that they were trying to confuse them). At the end, the students had to answer questions about what actually happened.

As a result, young people who were deprived of sleep were more likely to make mistakes - they had already forgotten what was shown in the photo and believed in what was written after. Thus, they formed false memories. So if you regularly get enough sleep, it will not only be difficult for you to keep information in your head and remember the necessary facts - it will also be easier for you to be confused and confused by “planting” fake memories in your head.

impair memory. And intermittent fasting improves the function of the hippocampus, one of the key "memory centers" in the brain.

In any case, if you suffer from forgetfulness, you should pay attention to your diet: perhaps it makes sense to give up fast food and start the day with a plate of oatmeal rich in healthy "complex" carbohydrates. What if you live in chronic stress and regularly experience sleep deprivation, but a good memory would still be useful to you?

There are ways to reverse the process of memory loss, improve concentration and memorization

For example, regular exercise causes blood to flow to areas of the brain that are responsible for good memory. Three months of training is enough to improve your memory.

Meditation can also help cope with memory impairment. In one study, people aged 52 to 77 with memory impairments meditated for 12 minutes daily. This was not an ordinary meditation - the participants did not just sit in the lotus position, but chanted certain sounds and repeated different actions in a given order. After eight weeks of this practice, the subjects showed significantly better performance on tests that require good memory, attentiveness and concentration.

Finally, an express method in order to remember important information after a lecture or important negotiations is to make a coffee break. And it's not about coffee at all - you can drink tea or plain water, the main task is to leave the brain alone for a while. While you are resting, your hippocampus and cerebral cortex are actively working, assimilating the information you just received.

Well, that's all - the relationship has come to an end, there is no more love, or maybe there was no more ... Parting rarely passes without consequences for the emotional and psychological health of a man and a woman. Someone is in a bad mood, while others fall into rage or hysteria. There are frequent cases of immersion in depression: I do not want to see other people, communicate with anyone else. It is not surprising that many people are interested in the question of how to forget the person you love. There is certainly no universal answer, but psychologists offer several effective techniques that can help a suffering person forget about painful experiences and prepare a clean slate. What for? To start a new life. This article describes three simple steps.

A deadlocked relationship or breaking up with a loved one is a very common situation. It is much easier if it happened by mutual agreement, but what to do if the separation happened on the initiative of one of the partners - it does not matter, man or woman.

The unhappy lover is still attached to the object of sighing, has tender feelings, but they are mixed with an unpleasant taste of betrayal. Suffering, tears, depression lead to the inability to work or study normally, to take care of oneself, and in general a painful breakup is fraught with suicidal thoughts.

Of course, there are other situations - for example, a woman falls in love with a man who completely ignores her or makes it clear that romantic infatuation is undesirable or impossible. And it seems that you cannot talk about reciprocity, and the situation does not seem so hopeless, but the girl still finds it difficult to build new relationships and has no strength to move on.

How to forget the person you love?

The question of how to forget a loved one worries many men and women. Unfortunately, most often this problem cannot be dealt with very quickly, and not everyone is able to completely get rid of memories and pleasant thoughts about their former lover from their heads. We know it sounds trite, but ... time heals. If you saturate your days with bright moments and rush in pursuit of new happiness, the trouble will not seem so convex.

Can you find pleasant moments in a breakup? It turns out, yes. Probably, parting is, albeit painful, but still a test for a person, which should be passed with dignity. What if this is just a test on the way to a new happiness? Therefore, you cannot bury yourself in advance, because somewhere your destiny is wandering around.

The period of failures will pass, and very soon you will start a new life, and if old memories will visit you, then less and less, until, at one fine moment, they are replaced by more pleasant experiences. We will definitely tell you more about specific methods that help you quickly forget your former loved one.

Scientists have found out that in order to find true love and find happiness, a man and a woman will have to fall in love with 7 partners. Of course, in such situations it is impossible to do without separation and separation.

Methods to help you forget your loved one

In such an unpleasant and difficult period, psychologists recommend following three simple and effective steps on how to forget your loved one. They look like a certain sequence:

  • let go;
  • change;
  • try to fall in love again.

Many will say that all this looks simple and beautiful in theory, but in practice it is impossible to achieve quick results. It is difficult to disagree with this, but you need to work with your own unpleasant experiences, why not start with just such steps.

Method number 1. Letting go

First of all, accept the breakup situation. What does this mean? Comprehend everything that happened, try to reproduce every minute of the unpleasant moment of separation and, finally, acknowledge the fait accompli. You can (and even in some cases need to) cry and shout.

The specific steps are as follows:

Method number 2. Change

The second advice is to change your present and future for the better and change yourself. For example, letting go of past memories can be done with tricks such as:

Method number 3. Entering a new relationship

The last step, the implementation of which will allow not to think about the former chosen one, is a new love. Does your old friend have no fondness for you? It's time to connect your future with another person, someone who will treat you with due respect and attention.

You should not protect yourself from people around you, friends and narrow your circle of friends. Probably, it is they who will introduce you to a new object for love, or you will find among your acquaintances the person who can save you from painful memories.

We are not given to predict what awaits us in the future. But the problems in the present, caused by painful collision with reality, can knock the ground from under the feet of any person. Emotions are raging, which is fraught with rash actions. Psychologists strongly discourage:

  • amuse yourself with hopes that the beloved will realize everything, understand his mistakes and return;
  • sort things out with a departed person, look for a meeting with him;
  • become a "spy", using various tricks to find out the details of his new life;
  • regularly replay in memory all the bad deeds, the nasty things that he did to you;
  • build intrigues, trying to quarrel a former lover with a new passion;
  • cry over your difficult fate, feeling sorry for yourself;
  • change partners, rushing into the cycle of new love adventures;
  • seek support in smoking, alcoholic beverages and drugs.

Reflecting on the question of how easier and faster to forget a loved one, you should find out the opinions of experts. Psychologists believe that it is much easier for optimists to start new relationships. This type of people is sure that breaking a relationship is a great opportunity to change yourself and start all over again.

If you still haven’t decided how easier it is to forget your loved one and the desired person, try using one universal method - try to love yourself, to increase your own self-esteem. In this case, you will understand that you deserve more and better. And this best awaits you in the future very soon, because life is so multifaceted and unpredictable!

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on raising children. I use the experience gained, including in the creation of articles of a psychological orientation. Of course, in no way do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers to deal with any difficulties.

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120 comments to the article “ How to forget a loved one? Psychologist's advice»

    The main thing here is to understand and accept that you broke up, and then go through it. Find something of your own, get distracted and start a new relationship.

  • This is all bullshit. If there was love, it can no longer be killed. Or, therefore, it was not love. You can get distracted, but not forget. It is like a virus that has stuck inside and will come out under favorable conditions. Both at 50 and at 70. We must take it for granted and try to be distracted. Or try to return if there was reciprocity. Even after many years. It is human nature to make mistakes and change opinions. Years change the outlook on life. You can still fix something. Live not according to someone else's rules and the opinion of society. Live by heart. And then you will not regret anything.

    • Yes, if love for a person "is", then it will not go anywhere. And don't forget her. I will say more - I can't even get distracted. And the most amazing thing is that the soul and heart do not let go of this love. Of course, we are all different and we all have different ways. Therefore, I will say that time does not heal for sure. If you can cope with your love one-on-one, then everything will be fine.

      • This love is destruction. Especially if a person betrayed you a bunch of times and you forgive and forgive him. It is difficult to move into a new relationship due to the fact that love still sits in your soul. From my own experience, I now understand that such relationships are often destroyed. You can go to another city, but you can't run away from yourself.

        Very hard. Nothing else during the day - work is distracting. And at night it is simply unbearable, how painful it is, words cannot convey ... I did not think that after 40 you can fall in love like that.

        • Yes, as I understand you.
          Everything is the same with me. Moreover, I am married, and this is just a man with whom I cannot be together ...

          Yes ... the same. Love was invented.

Each of us at least once asked ourselves the question of how intellect and memory change by old age, is it possible to recognize the first signs of their deterioration in loved ones and what needs to be done to delay their deterioration.

Do you forget where you put the keys, you cannot remember why you came into the room, and the right name suddenly falls out of your memory? Anyone can forget something because of the large amount of information, stress, overwork and exhaustion of the nervous system. In such a situation, distraction of attention and rare "memory lapses" for events and names, titles are possible. But after rest, vacation, the memory of a healthy person is restored. If, after rest, you do not notice any improvement or your symptoms progress, this is a reason to see a doctor.

Most often, this disease manifests itself in the elderly after 60 years, but it also occurs in young people.

Can the risk of Alzheimer's disease be reduced?

The risk of developing Alzheimer's disease is reduced with a healthy lifestyle. You should avoid overwork, stress, do not forget about rest, exercise, spend more time in the fresh air, observe a balanced diet.

Many believe that with retirement and upon reaching old age, the decline in attention and memory in older people is a natural process. In general, this is how it is, especially if no measures are taken to prevent them. Therefore, very often, even noticing the first signs of memory impairment, motor skills and attention in grandparents, their relatives are in no hurry to seek help from specialists, risking missing the symptoms of such a formidable disease as Alzheimer's disease, as a result, getting to the doctor at a later stage. development of the disease.


Signs of Alzheimer's

So, what you need to pay attention to if you have elderly relatives, or, perhaps, you yourself have already changed your sixties:

1. Decrease in short-term memory. People with impaired short-term memory function find it increasingly difficult to remember some current moments. For example, turn off the water, or the light, as well as perform actions that are predominantly automated: the usual rituals of washing hands, dishes, cleaning the bed, etc. Such a person does not remember whether he did it recently or not. But he can guess that he forgot something, for example, when he saw the light on in the hallway or found the soap in the bathroom dry, since the ability to make long logical chains at this stage is not lost.

2. Deterioration in concentration. It becomes more and more difficult to hold attention for a long time, especially if it is an intellectual activity. For example, focus on reading a book, or instructions for a device. In order to grasp the essence, you have to re-read several times in a row /.

Naturally, with the appearance of the first two points, the next ones also come.

3. Difficulty perceiving new information and impairment of learning skills. We have all repeatedly observed how grandparents clumsily try to master modern technology, memorize "fashionable" words. Even the acquisition of new motor skills, for example, when doing physical therapy exercises, is difficult. In the case of Alzheimer's disease, this process becomes even more difficult and time-consuming, and sometimes even impossible. It is very difficult for such patients to teach something new, even simple, for example, using a mobile phone. This happens both due to a decrease in memory and due to a deterioration in concentration.

4. Loss of previously acquired skills. What was previously easy and simple is now turning into a complex and painful process. For example, the patient may painfully remember how to make an omelet for breakfast, or how to load laundry into the washing machine. He can confuse the sequence of actions, and skip some altogether.

5. Depletion of emotions and vocabulary. Speech becomes less rich and emotionally charged. The patient replaces complex concepts and expressions with simple ones, and replaces long sentences with short ones. At the same time, the ability for expressive expression of emotions decreases, facial expressions become poor, and the face can resemble a mask. The speed of speech also decreases, and individual words completely fall out of memory. In this case, the patient may try to describe a concept or object whose name he has forgotten. For example, if we are talking about a tonometer: "Such an object with which pressure is measured." That is, he remembers the purpose of the device, but is not able to remember the word itself.

6. A very important symptom is a violation of motor-spatial skills, namely, a decrease in the ability to navigate the terrain, perform some simple actions that require the participation of fine motor skills, slowing down the pace. Patients can easily get lost even in a well-known place, do not find their floor and apartment, and slowly begin to dress and undress. The process of fastening buttons, zippers is significantly lengthened. Often things turn out to be buttoned up incorrectly, or put on inside out. Having partially lost spatial perception, it is difficult for patients to determine the distance to objects, height, depth. The gait becomes unsteady, slow, and movement stiff.

What to do?

If you notice the above signs in yourself or in your loved ones, do not postpone a visit to the doctor. This can be a neurologist, a therapist, a psychiatrist, or a geriatrician - a specialist who deals with diseases associated with old age. The patient will be asked to undergo cognitive tests, magnetic resonance imaging is also possible. Only then can the doctor make a final diagnosis.

Kirill Arkhangelsky, expert doctor, deputy chief physician for medical affairs, "CM-Clinic"

Forgetfulness can appear in many people due to improper lifestyle. Many experts argue that if people sleep less than 6 hours a day, they may have memory lapses.

The main reasons for the appearance of forgetfulness in people

  • Frequent stress. The brain is overloaded during stress, and our nervous system loses minerals and vitamins too quickly.
  • The body not enough fluid. In this case, the work of the brain will significantly deteriorate, so sometimes it is better to drink a glass of pure water together with a cup of coffee or tea.
  • Frequent diets for weight loss can cause forgetfulness. People who "sit" on diets sharply and quickly reduce the amount of carbohydrates and fats in the body, therefore, the brain will be in shock.
  • Smoking and alcohol provoke the development of forgetfulness. They can cause vasospasm, poison the brain, reduce the speed of perception, slow down the thinking process.
  • Other reasons development of forgetfulness: chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic intoxication, tumors, traumatic brain injury, cerebral atherosclerosis, inflammation and infections.

Absent-mindedness - a thing acquired by a person, to get rid of which, you need to make some effort. Very often, this condition can manifest in the following:

  • boredom;
  • inability to focus on a subject or topic for a long time;
  • relaxation and powerlessness;
  • disinterest;
  • indifference;
  • lack of concentration in thoughts and sensations.

For the treatment of absent-mindedness, you need to know due to what factors it appeared:

  1. External factors - illness or overwork.
  2. Internal factors - brain damage, the need for clinical treatment.

Forgetfulness and absent-mindedness - treatments and methods to improve memory

People who are prone to forgetfulness and absent-mindedness need to understand what is wrong with them need to work:

  • Do not overload your brain, take pauses for a few minutes.
  • Follow the train of thoughts, direct them in one direction.
  • Stop fussing in your head.
  • Exercise your body. Any movement saturates the brain with oxygen, physical exercise is an excellent way to combat stress.
  • You only need to do one thing at a time.
  • Develop observation, look at other people, at the world around you.
  • Train mindfulness. Learn to focus on just one process so you can remember more and focus at the right moment.
  • In any nervous situation - anxiety, stress, haste, it is necessary to consciously say "stop", today is not the time for panic, calm your mind and you will definitely find a way out.

Also, in addition to special training, what you eat affects performance. Below is a list of things that can help improve your memory.


Dehydration is one of the leading causes of brain disorders. Human fluid is the main component for normal functioning. Try to drink 6-7 glasses of clean water a day.

Avoiding fats

Many studies have shown that fat contributes to blockage in arteries. Therefore, oxygen cannot fully saturate the brain. Avoid margarine, baked goods, trans fat butter, cookies, etc. So you can improve your memory and still help the whole body - blood vessels, heart, brain.

A fish

You need to add fish to your diet. It is advisable to use it at least 3-4 times a week. Fish has a beneficial effect on the human body, improves brain activity and cleanses blood vessels.

Vitamin B

The menu should be rich in vitamins B6, B12, niacin, thiamine. such components have a positive effect on human memory, improve brain performance. Bananas, wheat germ and rye contain high levels of these substances.

Forgetfulness. How to deal with it? - video

Forgetfulness, the reasons for which can be very different, today is observed not only in older people, as it happened before, but also in very young women and men. Moreover, doctors are not even surprised that this problem often bothers students and schoolchildren, who, it would seem, should not worry about their memory at all. This article will talk about the name of the disease, when a person forgets everything, and what common causes cause memory problems.

It should be noted right away that a modern person is most susceptible to the disease of forgetfulness, since a large amount of a variety of information coming from radio, television, and especially the Internet is imposed on his brain every day. In this state, the human brain can independently block most of the unnecessary information so as not to completely overload.

Important! Scientists have found that the brain of healthy people can sort out at least a tenth of all incoming information and not perceive it at all. That is why, in a way, forgetfulness is a physiological norm that allows a person to correctly assimilate information and not "clog" his memory with it.

There are the following main reasons that a person's memory is impaired and he claims that he forgets words during a conversation, especially if he carefully tries to remember everything at the right time:

  1. Lack of sleep.
  2. Various diseases of the central nervous system and mental disorders.
  3. Vascular atherosclerosis.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Alzheimer's disease.
  6. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  7. Osteochondrosis.
  8. Depression.
  9. Lack of nutrients.

Let's take a closer look at each of these causes of poor memory.

Sleep disturbance

The problem of lack of sleep (see) is very common today, especially among working people who can work at night. Also, with regular watching TV or spending time on the Internet until late at night, the human brain does not get enough time to rest and fails in the form of memory impairment.

In addition, you should know that disturbed sleep can be negatively reflected on the psychoemotional background of a person, making him scattered, disrupting the reaction rate.

In this state, there is no need to rush to take pills, because the problem is simple to solve - you just need to normalize your sleep, sleep at least eight hours a day. This fully compensates for the time spent on rest, because then the brain will work much better.


Head injuries are a common cause of forgetfulness. Moreover, the more complex the injury, the more serious the consequences can be in the form of memory impairment, nausea, weakness and even deterioration of vision. In order to prevent the development of unwanted complications, immediately after the injury, you should consult a doctor, diagnose and treat.

Mental glitches

Forgetfulness, the causes and treatment of which is considered by a neurologist, often develops due to mental illness and disorders. This can be, for example, Korsakov's syndrome, which involves a violation of remembering current events. This condition is treated for a long time. Sometimes it requires lifelong supportive care. In many ways, treatment depends on the specific cause of the disease.


Many patients forget words when speaking (the reasons, symptoms depend on the neglect of the disease). This may be due to, in which blood circulation and blood flow to different parts of the brain tissue are impaired. This, in turn, can easily impair a person's memory. Treatment of this condition is long-term. It requires the most accurate adherence to all medical prescriptions.


When diabetes occurs in a person, the vessels are severely affected. This leads to disruption of blood flow to the brain. Signs of diabetes can include intense thirst, fatigue, dry mucous membranes, and frequent urination. Also, sometimes there are jumps in blood pressure, impaired appetite. With these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Alzheimer's disease

This disease is just that pathology in which a person's memory and intellect are irreversibly impaired. Most often, it affects older people over the age of 60. At the first suspicion of this disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. With a timely detected pathology, it is easier to treat it and you can achieve a slower progression of forgetfulness.

Diseases of the thyroid gland

With such diseases, a person has an acute shortage of the production of certain hormones, which affect the general deterioration of a person's well-being, as well as a decrease in memory. In this state of affairs, you need to contact an endocrinologist and take tests. Treatment involves taking medications, adhering to a diet with iodine (eating fish, persimmons, nuts, seaweed, and other foods rich in this useful substance).


With this disease, a person's blood circulation in the brain is severely disturbed, which leads to memory failures. Moreover, sometimes osteochondrosis even leads to a stroke, so it must be treated. Symptoms of this condition are headaches, weakness, and numbness in the fingers.


- this is not only a violation of the human psyche, but also a condition that can impair memory. To eliminate it, the patient should take antidepressants that will help normalize his condition and normalize the psycho-emotional background.

Lack of nutrients

With a meager, monotonous diet, a person does not receive even half of the vitamin he needs. The same applies to frequent dieting, which leads to a deficiency of nutrients and memory impairment. To prevent this, it is important to eat properly and in a balanced way. The diet should be rich in vitamins, minerals, calcium and other essential substances.

So forgetfulness is not a "character trait." If you suddenly start to forget words, events or people, it is worth worrying. You can not engage in self-diagnosis and even more self-medication. It is better to immediately contact a neurologist, undergo examination. Only a doctor prescribes medication after establishing the cause.