How to clean fabric shoes quickly and efficiently? How to clean nubuck boots at home

A few decades ago, nubuck shoes were a rarity and were considered a sign of wealth. Today, almost everyone has boots, sandals or sneakers made of this material. However, not everyone knows how to clean nubuck shoes to make them last much longer. In fact, leaving is not difficult, but it requires some knowledge and effort. We will find out how to extend the service life of such shoes, how to properly clean and store them, as well as what tools and means are needed for this.

Material features

Before you figure out how to clean nubuck shoes at home, you should understand what kind of material it is and why it is special. It is made of genuine leather with a fine-flecked surface. For this, the skin of cattle is usually used, which is then subjected to grinding and chrome tanning. Such material is unstable to moisture, but breathable.

There are also more unpretentious materials. This is an artificial nubuck of synthetic origin, that is, a leatherette. It does not absorb water, but it does not allow air to pass through either. The most wear-resistant and non-capricious is natural nubuck, which has undergone an additional moisture-proof treatment. It is slightly wet to the touch. In the store it can be found under such a name as "nubuck-oil".

Cleaning tools

Traditional sprays and brushes are completely unsuitable for maintenance. Therefore, before cleaning nubuck shoes from dirt, it is worth purchasing special products.

  • Double-sided brush with "rubber papillae" and metal villi. It effectively removes dirt from nubuck without any consequences. It is better to buy two brushes at once: one can be stored at home, and the other, just in case, can be carried with you.

  • Eraser is a great alternative to bristle tools. Copes well with minor stains and dirt on light-colored shoes . It is sometimes advised to use a regular stationery eraser, but it is not suitable for nubuck.
  • Shampoo. They will have to be used infrequently, but it is better to purchase it in advance. As a rule, a thorough cleansing with a special shampoo is carried out a couple of times a year.
  • Impregnation. Essential to protect your shoes from the effects of snow and rain. They do not apply it before going out, but in advance, so that it has time to be absorbed.

Also on sale you can find various sprays, aerosols, creams and paints. It is worth choosing funds only those on which there is a mark that they are suitable for nubuck.

How to clean nubuck shoes with special products?

Many shoe manufacturers produce products specifically designed for a particular material. For nubuck care, the products of such brands as Ol Combi, Colonil, Kiwi, Cityil, Sapphire, Salton and Shtrikh have proven themselves well. It is highly advisable to acquire sponges and brushes of the same brand as yourself.

How to clean nubuck? Shoes at home are very easy to tidy up if you use special means. First, go over the surface of the material with a special brush. It will delicately remove dirt even in the seams and will not damage the lint. After such dry cleaning, a nubuck spray is evenly applied to the shoes, which must necessarily match the color. It will not only protect against moisture, but also restore an attractive appearance.

Primary processing

As strange as it may sound, new nubuck shoes must be cleaned before going outside, even if there is not a speck of dust on them. First, a special brush is passed over the surface, then impregnation is applied. Initial treatment should always be abundant. It must be performed three times with breaks for absorption. And it happens twenty minutes later. The next day, the shoes can already be worn. It is recommended to repeat the same treatment during a thaw or in rainy weather.

How to clean suede and nubuck shoes?

Now you have purchased beautiful boots from a combined material, but do not know how to care for them. Suede is also a capricious material that requires delicate care. Daily cleaning should be extremely dry using abrasive erasers, rubber or foam brushes. In case of stubborn dirt, shampoo powder can be applied to the surface and rubbed well, but gently. After the nubuck and suede are brushed, the pile will rise again. If necessary, you can use a water-repellent impregnation.

Cleaning wet shoes

Damp or wet nubuck is highly undesirable to clean. First, the shoes must be allowed to dry naturally or in a special dryer. But not about heating appliances or batteries. It will be more correct to dry your shoes by putting newspapers or paper in them. This will allow the entire product to dry evenly and protect it from surface deformation. After the treatment is carried out in the usual way with a special brush. That is, the main rule is: before cleaning nubuck shoes, you need to make sure that they are completely dry.

The exception is made of artificial leather. Of course, they cannot be placed in the washing machine, but it is allowed to gently clean them with a dampened sponge. You can additionally use nubuck shampoos that do not leave marks.

We remove heavy pollution

Sometimes even cleaners get into dirty alleys, after which any shoe loses its attractiveness. Here, even a special brush will not correct the situation - powerful artillery is required. In exceptional cases, you still have to use a sponge and water with the addition of a few drops of ammonia. Salt stains, which often appear in winter, can be treated in the same way. A wet sponge perfectly absorbs dirt and cleans shoes. In order to straighten the nubuck pile after these merciless procedures, you need to hold it over the steam. Then you need to apply spray paint.

Traditional methods

If you do not have special means, and you need to clean your shoes urgently, then “grandmother's” methods will come to the rescue. There are several proven methods for cleaning nubuck shoes.

9% vinegar(a tablespoon) must be diluted with a liter of water, then moisten a cotton swab in it and wipe the shoes in the direction of the pile. You can also make a solution ammonia(one to four). After processing, the nubuck is dried, held over steam, combed with a brush and sprayed with an impregnation spray, if available.

Black bread, perhaps, almost everyone has at home. It will save you from dirt or scuffs, especially from salt stains. You need to take dry crusts of brown bread and wipe the dirt. After the crumbs are removed, and the pile is put in order.

Coffee grounds just perfect for dark nubuck. It will not only cleanse, but also renew the color. Leftovers of strongly brewed natural coffee will do. The gruel is applied to the required areas and kept for several minutes. The mixture should be absorbed and dry. It is easy to remove with a metal-toothed brush.


In order for your favorite boots to serve you for a long time, you need to remember how to properly clean nubuck shoes, as well as some storage features.

  • Do not remove dirt from wet surfaces.
  • Avoid soap and water, only a damp sponge is allowed.
  • Do not dry on battery or heaters.
  • Don't use skin cleansing creams - they'll ruin the velvety pile.
  • Do not store your shoes in plastic bags, but rather put them in boxes.

Do not give up nubuck shoes - they are beautiful and comfortable. Simple tips will help to significantly extend her life, so they should not be neglected.

Do you refuse to purchase nubuck shoes, considering them capricious in care? The advantages of this type of genuine leather completely cover the many difficulties that arise when wearing nubuck shoes. It is very practical and comfortable, it is never cold in winter and hot in summer, so do not doubt the wisdom of purchasing it.

In shoe stores, all kinds of nubuck products are widely represented, you just need to learn how to properly care for it and keep it clean.

Today you will learn how to clean nubuck at home, how to care for it so that your favorite pair of shoes looks practically new for as long as possible.

How to prepare shoes for wearing

You often hear negative reviews about the poor quality of shoes: nubuck gets wet, its chic appearance is quickly lost. In fact, the purchased item did not have any flaws, but was simply misused. The main feature is that you need to start caring for nubuck shoes immediately after purchase. Leather is afraid of moisture, so the main task of every owner of boots and boots made of this material is to protect them from water.

It is a pity that many sellers, when selling, do not explain the rules for caring for nubuck shoes, do not prompt to immediately purchase both impregnation, and a special brush, and much more. The tools at hand will not work here; you will need to purchase special water-repellent impregnations.

A good impregnation for nubuck is not cheap and, alas, there is no alternative. Colorless impregnation Combi Care Salamander Professional will cost 293 rubles. Aerosol Renovateur Medaille from the French company Saphir, along with water-repellent properties, has a tinting effect and will cost more, its price is about 650 rubles.

The first treatment of nubuck with impregnation should be especially careful; one should not rely on the manufacturer to have already done this. Before wearing, the shoes are covered with a moisture-repellent compound, preferably in three layers. After each application, it is necessary to maintain a pause so that the aerosol is well absorbed deep into the skin.

The impregnation will protect the boots not only from the effects of water, but also from the penetration of dirt and dust. The same regular and abundant treatment should be carried out during rain and snow melting.

How to take care of your shoes at home

You can start cleaning nubuck only after making sure that the boots are dry. Removing dirt from wet surfaces will lead to the fact that stains and dust will penetrate even deeper into the structure of nubuck and it will become almost impossible to clean it of them.

Therefore, before starting cleaning, you should dry your shoes naturally or using special dryers. It is strictly forbidden to dry it near heating radiators and on radiators.

Wipe the heels and sides of the sole with a damp cloth. The nubuck upper must never be cleaned with a wet cloth. Only in exceptional cases with heavy dirt is wiping with a damp cloth allowed.

There are times when, even after processing with special sponges and brushes, glazed spots remain on the nubuck, and the pile looks stuck together. You can cope with this at home by holding the problem areas over the steam, and then brushing again.

Nubuck cleaners

For cleaning dry shoes from dust, it is best to use special nubuck sponges and brushes. They are produced by different companies (Saphir, Collonol, Twist Fashion, Niki Line, Salamander, Salton). Prices for sponges, depending on the manufacturer, range from 60 to 530 rubles.

Brushes are one, two and three-sided. Versatile are those that combine a rubber work surface with a metal pile. The use of such brushes allows not only to clean from dirt, but also to improve the appearance of nubuck, to smooth out the pile.

Their prices vary greatly, starting at around 100 rubles. Some of the most expensive brushes are products produced under the Saphir Medalle D'Or 1925 Paris trademark, their prices reach 600 rubles.

  • Erasers are also suitable for dry cleaning of nubuck shoes. Collonil brand erasers Nubuk Box (for 270 rubles) and Gommadin Nubuck Medaille (for 380 rubles) have proven themselves well.
  • For deep cleaning of nubuck shoes, shampoos and foam cleaners are used. Processing with their help is enough to carry out 1-2 times a year. They are usually sold in the form of bottles, the volume of which is enough for cleaning a pair of high winter boots.

The Omni Nettoyant Medaille Cleaner, which comes in glass bottles and comes with a velvety brush for fluffy leathers, does the job just fine. The tool is not cheap, its cost is 580 rubles with a volume of 100 ml. Another option is the Omnidaim purifier, produced by Saphir in a 500 ml flask, and will cost 1,350 rubles. The cheaper products include the universal foam Combi Cleaner from Salamander Professional, which is available in the form of an aerosol and costs 260 rubles for a 125 ml can.

  • After cleaning, to restore the color of the nubuck, the shoes are treated with paint in the form of aerosols. A good remedy for restoring color is Bamboo Lotion for nubuck from Collonil (its price is about 600 rubles). The final stage of care is the application of a moisture-repellent spray. This procedure is done at least once a week.

How to remove stains from nubuck

In winter, white salt stains often appear on the shoes, which make the appearance of boots and boots unattractive. They can be removed by wiping the nubuck with a damp cloth. In case of severe dirt, the upper surface of the shoe can be treated with a damp sponge soaked in a solution of water (4 parts) and ammonia (1 part), and then dried, treated with paint and impregnation if necessary.

You can also try removing stains with chalk, talcum powder, aviation gasoline, and mild thinner. Before use, these products should be tested on an internal inconspicuous area, since there is a high probability of discoloration of the shoes under their influence.

In order not to put your favorite boots and boots at risk, it is better to use special stain removers for nubuck.

The Hussard Detacheur Curis Textiles brand Avel is an excellent solution for fresh and old greasy and oily stains. An aerosol balloon with a volume of 200 ml will cost 630 rubles. Strong dirt can be removed with Velours Cleaner Collonil at the price of 340 rubles and Cleaner Block Nubuck for 200 rubles, and for this you can use the Nubuck Velours Cleaner grinding cube at the price of 285 rubles.

Summing up the results. Cleaning nubuck at home, as you can see, is not difficult if you have the necessary arsenal of tools at hand. Despite the relative high cost of some of them, it is better not to skimp on their purchase. Favorite shoes will never get wet if their surfaces are regularly treated with water-repellent sprays.

Nubuck is a material that is made from cattle leather by tanning with mineral salts. The result is strong, fine-fleecy leather that is not prone to stretching (unlike suede), so it is used for the manufacture of boots and boots. But still, this is a capricious material that needs careful care. How to clean nubuck at home from dirt, dust and white streaks?


Nubuck is quite capricious to care for. Water is his main enemy. If you go out in nubuck boots without water-repellent impregnation in the rain or snow, the material will become rough, and its fibers will stick together. And if natural suede can be washed with water and washing powder, then a nubuck so similar to it will be correctly cleaned only with special means and only after thorough drying. It is permissible to wash only the lower part of the sole with water. The sidewall and heel can be cleaned of dirt with a damp cloth. The nubuck itself should not come into contact with water.

If you start work when the boots are still damp, you will not only not get rid of the dirt, on the contrary, it will be absorbed into the depths, and the pile will become glazed. Therefore, if nubuck shoes get wet while walking, first let them dry at home and only then clean them. Nubuck must not be dried on a radiator, heater or under a hairdryer. The only way to speed up the process is to fill your shoes with a desiccant such as crumpled newspapers. They can be changed as they are moistened.

Cleaning dirt

Before cleaning nubuck, it is advisable to purchase the following products:

  • 2-in-1 brush with metal bristles on one side and rubber insert on the other.
  • Shampoo or foam cleaner for shoes, it is used 2-3 times a year for general cleaning of stubborn dirt. Shampoo Collonil, Twist, Tarrago, Saphir, Sitil brands are suitable.
  • Color-restoring aerosol is used as needed. You can buy Waterstop, Twist, Salamander, etc.

All this is applied depending on the degree and type of pollution. Dust and road dirt can be brushed off with a 2-in-1 brush, but this must be done correctly. First, walk the rubber side of the nubuck. Hold the brush at an angle to the material and brush in one direction - this way you can get rid of dirt, grease, and refresh the appearance of the product. You can clean the joint of nubuck and sole with the side surface of the brush. Finish with the bristled side of the boots. Nylon fibers will lift the lint and brush away dust. Dry clean after every use of your shoes.

Stubborn stains and white streaks on the surface require the use of a shoe shampoo or foam cleaner. Apply the product to the flannel fabric and treat the problem area with it. It usually takes 2-3 minutes for the composition to take effect. Then remove the residue with a flannel cloth or other absorbent material. Then you can dry your shoes and comb the nap with the rubber side of the brush.

Dry clean after every use of your shoes.

Greasy stains can be removed with talcum powder. The product will absorb grease and can be removed with a brush. At home, you can also try gentle methods - an aqueous solution of ammonia (1: 4) or vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). Dip a cotton swab into the composition and rub it on the soiled area. But remember that it is harmful for nubuk to come into contact with moisture for a long time, so after cleaning the shoes must be dried.

Old stains require a solvent, but at home you are more likely to ruin your nubuck. Therefore, such a stain is easier to mask than to remove. Brush the boots thoroughly with nylon bristles to lift the bristles, then spray paint over the area. After that, the shoes should dry.

Create a protective coating

To create a protective coating, a water-repellent impregnation is required. For the first time, apply it immediately after purchasing the shoe. As soon as you take the boots out of the box, apply the first coat of impregnation, after a few hours, when it is completely dry, apply the second coat, and then the third. In the future, the water-repellent composition is applied after each cleaning (in dry weather, it is enough to do this a couple of times a week).

Leather treated in a special way requires special care: you should not wear it in heavy slush and in a downpour, for this material such harsh weather conditions are contraindicated. But even with the most careful wear, there will come a moment when your favorite boots or boots will need to be tidied up. If you know how to clean nubuck shoes correctly, it is easy to extend their service life, to keep their color and shape for a long time.

Express technology for fast cleaning

To clean nubuck shoes at home as efficiently as possible, it is better to use specially designed sponges, brushes and erasers. They help to restore a velvety surface much more effectively than a damp cloth. Be sure to dry your shoes (just not near the battery) before wiping off dirt, salt streaks, and greasy areas.

Dry wet nubuck at room temperature; to speed up the process and avoid deformation, you can use special dryers or crumpled newspapers.

How to clean nubuck shoes properly

Even knowing that leather shoes should not be washed with water and soap, in conditions where there is neither time nor a special brush or sponge at hand, a person seriously thinks whether it is possible to wash nubuck products with water. This material does not like moisture, it is better to clean it dry. In extreme cases, you can wipe off the dirt adhering to the sole with a damp cloth, but do not rub it into the nubuck itself, because then it will no longer be possible to clean it.

This should be done three times, each time waiting for complete drying. The water-repellent layer protects the nubuck from the harmful effects of moisture and prevents dirt from penetrating into the material. Properly processed nubuck is enough to wipe with a dry cloth to restore cleanliness.

Folk remedies

Shoe cosmetics are expensive and can run out at the most inopportune moment. To clean nubuck shoes at home, it is recommended to use not only store products intended for nubuck, but you can also use folk methods.

In winter, white stains often appear on nubuck boots, and you have to think about how to clean the ingrained salt if neither a brush nor an eraser helps.

It is best to use ammonia to remove salt from your shoes. After diluting ammonia with water in a ratio of 1: 3, treat the surface with a damp cloth, dry the shoes naturally or using a special dryer.

Any cleanser should not be applied to the stain itself, but to a sponge or rag. Keep in mind that it is best not to use ammonia on dark shoes so as not to accidentally lighten the contaminated area.

In addition to ammonia, you can use solutions of vinegar or gasoline, which are no less effective at cleaning stains. But before you start experimenting, it is worth checking the tool used on a small inconspicuous area. Absorbent agents, such as talcum, also well clean fluffy material from grease, and their grains are easy to comb out with a special brush. How to use these folk remedies, you can watch the video below.

In summer nubuck shoes - shoes, sneakers - comfortable even in the heat. In winter shoes, feet do not sweat and do not freeze. A classic brand in the unisex style - timberlands made of nubuck or oil-nubuck, the material is less capricious. But even oil-nubuck cannot be washed under the tap, although this type is impregnated with a special fatty composition. After a gentle damp cleaning, the shoes should dry at room temperature, and only after that the villi can be brushed again.

High-toed nubuck boots are the hardest to care for. Manufacturers recommend cleaning nubuck shoes from dirt every day so that it retains its original appearance as long as possible. This applies to sandals, and to mid-season boots and boots.

Not everyone knows how to clean nubuck shoes on their own. Therefore, many people dry clean it to remove dirt and stains. However, cleaning nubuck products at home is quite a feasible task. For these purposes, it is enough to use different substances that are available in every home.

Not everyone knows how to clean nubuck shoes on their own.

What you need to know to clean nubuck products

The rules for cleaning nubuck products must be followed thoroughly, otherwise stains will remain on it. But if you apply all the recommendations and tips, you can get the desired result with self-cleaning. Boots or nubuck boots should be cleaned according to the following tips:

  1. Clean only well-dried shoes.
  2. It is forbidden to wash them in running water.
  3. Before cleaning nubuck products with shampoo or stain remover, you need to treat it with a dry brush.
  4. It is recommended to use only chemicals specially designed for cleaning this type of material. They are collected on a sponge, which removes stains from the surface of the shoe.
  5. Products made from this material must not be dried with heaters. It is strictly forbidden to put boots or boots on the central heating radiators.
  6. After finishing wet cleaning, you need to dry your shoes at a temperature of + 18 ... + 20 ° C, and then brush the entire surface with a brush to restore the lint.
  7. After finishing cleaning, it is recommended to treat the shoes with a special impregnation that does not allow water to pass through.

Since nubuck products will need to be cleaned several times a month, it is best to purchase a special set with it. It consists of a cleaning agent, a nubuck tinting spray, an impregnating compound that repels water. It also includes a cleaning eraser and a double brush.

The rules for cleaning nubuck products must be followed thoroughly, otherwise stains will remain on it.

Many people are interested in how to care for the described type of shoe. For this, it is best to purchase a variety of cleaning products. They usually come in the form of shampoos or foams. Restoring mixtures are available in aerosol cans, liquid bottles, and in the form of creams. They help to paint over the problem area, soften the skin of the product well. Protective coatings help prevent moisture from entering your boots or boots. Caring for nubuck shoes consists in weekly cleaning and processing of its surface with the specified means or the substances described below, which are available in every home.

How to choose paint for suede shoes

How to clean nubuck shoes (video)

How to clean products made from the specified material

The shoe cleaning process consists of specific stages. First you need to carry out the preparatory drying of the shoes. For this, spacers are installed inside each product. This is to ensure that the shoes are not deformed. Then she is placed in a well-ventilated dry room. In the event that the shoes are wet, you can dry them with soft paper napkins. They are applied outside and inside each sample, but it is not recommended to fill the paper tightly. After the napkins have absorbed some of the moisture, they must be replaced with dry sheets of paper. After drying, you might consider how to remove various types of dirt from your shoes.

If road dirt has accumulated on the surface of the boots or boots, then use the brush included in the set. The upper part is covered with rubber teeth, and the lower part is made of wire bristles.

First, the contamination is treated with rubber. In this case, the brush must be held at an angle, moving it in any one direction. Dust and dirt must be “driven out” outside. Thereafter, the adhering pile is lifted up with wire bristles.

If there are white stains on the boot or boot to be cleaned, then they are wiped with a sponge that is soaked in shampoo. It is necessary to carefully moisten the dirt, and then a blotter is used to remove the soap suds. If necessary, you can return the color to the problem area by spraying a dye from the kit spray.

How to remove shoe odor

If you need to clean the surface of a boot or boot from greasy stains, then use talcum powder. It will absorb all the grease and then comb it out with a wire bristle brush. Stubborn stains cannot be removed without the use of a cleaning solvent. But they can ruin the product. Therefore, it is recommended to mask the spot area with paint from the kit. But before that, you need to wipe this place with a wire bristle, and then restore the pile.

If the dirt on the boot or boot is very strong, and it cannot be removed by any of the methods described above, then fine emery can be used. They lightly rub the soiled surface with it, and then process this area with the wire side of the brush. If you use the eraser from the kit, you can try to erase all dirt from the surface of the boots.

How to apply a protective coating to your product and what you can use for cleaning

This is done by waterproofing the boot or boot. According to the instructions, it is applied to a dry, cleaned surface of the product, spraying the mixture from a certain distance. Then it is imperative to dry the shoes so that the coating is fixed, forming a protective film.

It is recommended to apply the impregnation after the next cleaning. If the weather is dry, it is recommended to apply it to the surface of the product 2-3 times in 7 days. Impregnation must also be applied to the newly purchased product. This will protect it from moisture and dirt penetration.