Indoor Children's Day contests. Competition program for the Children's Day “A small heart is a part of a big one. Presentation of prizes and certificates to the winners

Children's Day is a bright, sunny, joyful holiday. And all festive events must comply with it. And what can give more fun and laughter than unusual contests and competitions? After all, this is excitement, energy, laughter. This means that everyone will be delighted - both adults and children.


The competition is held on the street. Participants are divided into teams. The presenter draws two large ovals on the asphalt - the torso of a centipede. At the Start command, the participants take turns running up to their centipede and drawing one leg at a time, and then returning and passing the chalk to the next player. The team that draws the most legs in a given time wins.

Fast tale

The participants of the competition compose a fairy tale. Each one in turn says one sentence. The first word of a sentence must begin with the letter that ended the last word of the previous sentence. The main condition is that in order to continue participating in the game, the participant must think about a new proposal for no longer than 10 seconds.

Laughter for everyone

The host invites the contestants to laugh. He gives out cards. Each of them has one of the words written: sly, ominous, arrogant, quietly, loudly, or other words indicating what kind of emotions and intonation you need to give your laughter. Participants take turns going out to the audience and laughing in accordance with the condition. The player is considered the winner if the audience was able to guess the word from the card in one minute.


Blindfolded team members stand in a circle and hold hands. From time to time, the presenter says phrases: "The sun has risen" or "The sun has gone down", this is a signal to raise or lower your hands. In the center of the circle are the players of the other team - "rays". The rays are trying to quietly slip out of the circle at the moment when the hands of those standing in the circle are raised up. The more agile team wins.

Figure in a minute

Participants are divided into teams. Each team receives a large package of disposable plastic cups. From these glasses, it is necessary to build what the presenter says in one minute. You can build towers from them, lay out short words or simple shapes. The team that completed the task better and faster becomes the winner.

Gnomes and giants

Participants are divided into two teams - gnomes and giants. The presenter voices the task: go from start to finish without exceeding the provided limit of steps per team. For example, for a team of giants, this is 30 large steps for all participants, and for a team of gnomes - 80 small steps. The team that does the best job wins.

Adult children

Children's Day is a holiday not only for children, so you should definitely hold such a competition for adults. Each participant takes one of their children's photographs and tries to recreate everything that is depicted on it - the interior, clothes, posture, facial expressions. The presenter takes pictures of what happened in the end. And then the jury chooses a photo that most closely resembles the original from the past, and presents the winner with a prize - a certificate for a photo session, for example.

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school with. Kutino "

Novoburassky district of the Saratov region

"Day of Defense

Children "

Educator of the GPA: Belyakova Taisiya Anatolyevna


Objectives: To form in children the concepts of “The Right to Rest”, “The Right to Education”;

To give children basic knowledge and ideas about the international holiday “Children's Day”;

Foster a desire to be creative by providing equal opportunities for all children.

Equipment: cubes, slippers, balls, tails, apple, crayons, prizes.

Moderator 1: Good afternoon, dear friends! All radiant smiles and good mood! June 1 is a holiday - Children's Day!

After all, childhood is like summer: warm, affectionate, filled with the aromas of flowers and the singing of birds! Happy holiday to all of you.
Competition "One, two, three"

2 people are called to the stage. A prize is placed on a chair in front of them. Assignment to participants: take a prize after hearing the word "three".

Competition "Who is Bigger"

Cubes are scattered on the stage, the participants are blindfolded. They pick up the baskets and, upon a signal, begin to pick up the cubes by touch. At the command "stop!" the players stop. The one with the most dice wins.

Competition "Puss in a poke"

Exercise. There are several items in the bag. Participants must guess how many items are in the bag.

Competition "My Slippers".

Any number of children can play. Rules: All players form a circle, with each player taking off one foot and placing it in the middle of the circle. The players turn away, the leader shuffles the shoes. On command, each player must find their shoes, put on and get into place

Competition "The most artistic".

Everyone is playing, standing in a circle. The players pass the basket from each other to the music. As soon as the music ends, the player holding the basket must complete the task.


Walk in front of the audience as ...

Gorilla in the cage ..

Ballerina on stage.

A baby just learning to walk.

Stork in the swamp

Show a face.

Cull 5 times.

Grunt 5 times.

Competition "Air Combat"

Exercise. Participants are 2 people. Two balloons are tied to each participant's hands. Assignment: In 3 seconds, the more hits you land, the better. The ball must not burst and you must not go outside the ring.

Competition "Petushki"

Exercise. Tails from strips of a plastic bag are attached to the back of two cockerels. The task of each player is to rip the tail off the other. The winner is the one who first rips off the opponent's tail.

Contest "Feed your neighbor"

Exercise. Participants sit down opposite each other. They are blindfolded. At the signal, they must feed the neighbor.

Contest "As easy as shelling pears"

Exercise. At the signal, you need to put the ball on the floor and sit on it. It is necessary not only to sit down, but to make it burst. The first to pop the ball wins.

Leading. Our holiday ends

But we will not be sad.

May the sky be peaceful

To the delight of good people,

Let the children on the planet

They live, not knowing worries,

To the delight of moms, dads,

Rather growing up!

Now take the crayons

And on the asphalt draw, write,

What is needed for happiness.

Let your drawings be:

Happiness, sun, friendship.

Sources of information:

Magazine "Pedsovet" No. 4, 2009

Magazine "Pedsovet" No. 3, 2011

Competitive - game program "Hello Summer" dedicated to June 1 - Children's Day



1. To give children basic knowledge and understanding of international

holiday "Children's Day";

2. To form the skill of play actions in children.


1) Foster a desire to be creative by providing

for this, equal opportunities for all children.

2. Formation of skills of correct behavior during the holiday.


Peppy - Long Stocking,

Holiday progress

Music sounds. Children gather on the playground.

Toffee: Welcome dear guys! (Appeals to everyone)

My name is Toffee! (Goes up to the children and shakes hands)

How are you? ... (grabs his head)

Oh, how many of you are there!

Let's do it this way.

I will raise my hand, and as soon as I lower it, you together, in chorus, together, loudly shout your name.


Why are you all gathered here?

Here, what candy will be handing out?

We celebrate the summer holiday

Sun Festival.

Celebration of light!

Toffee: What is summer?

Leading: What is summer?

It's a lot of light

This field, this forest

This is a thousand wonders!

There are clouds in the sky

It's a fast river

These are bright flowers

This is the blue of the height.

There are 100 roads in the world

For childish feet.

We have invited you to our festive site.

The holiday of the sun, the holiday of summer begins now!

Toffee: Oh guys, someone is in a hurry to visit us,

The phonogram sounds:

Leading: Hello Pepi dear,

We are glad to meet you!

Pepi: I'm always glad to come back

To my friends, are you glad to see me?

Then sing and dance with me!

Pepi sings and dances with the children (Funny little man)

Leading: Let more songs be heard!

Let the sun pour down from above!

And your circle of friends will be small

In the rhythm of dance and dreams!

Toffee: If the song is spinning in the sky

The foliage rings more cheerfully.

If everyone around makes friends

There will be more magic!

Leading: And we are very friendly!

And we have a lot of friends!

Guys, let's join hands and show how friendly we are.

Pepi: I wonder if your friendship is strong?

Toffee, let's check their friendship!

Leading: Guys, hold on tightly to the hands and do not let Pepi and Toffee out of the circle. (Game. Music to the dance "Sun Bunny" is played)

Leading: And we also know a song about friendship, which we will sing now.

Attention, you must hold on tightly, you must sing loudly.

Well, Peppy and Toffee will see which group is the best to cope with this tricky task.

(Children sing a song about friendship and walk around the playground in three snakes. At the end of the music, the guides form a circle again.).

Song "Song of Friendship" M. Partskhaladze

Toffee: Sing, dance, well done!

Leading: Yes, and we also have a lot of fun!

Guys, let's tell Carlson and Iriska how we live!

We answer my questions together and loudly ... "That's it!"

How do you live? - That's it! (Showing thumb)

How are you going? - That's it! (Marching on the spot)

How do you run? - That's it! (Run in place)

Do you sleep at night? (Fold their palms and put them under the head)

How are you sailing? - That's it! (Hands imitate a swimming person)

How do you take- Like this! (Hands out in the air)

How are you silent? - Like this! (Put a finger to their lips)

How do you scream? - That's it! (Loudly say "That's it")

Toffee: Carlson, they can do everything!

Pepi: Well done, no doubt, but it's time for us to fly. (Whispering) Are you ready to make a big, fun trip with us? ...

Leading: Dear Pepi, look how many guys gathered at our holiday, and so that no one gets lost, let's split into 2 teams.

Well, I'll check your readiness.

So, I see all the teams are ready.

The doors were closed

Brakes checked

The motors started

Wings spread ...

Let's fly!

Music sounds.

Leading: Have arrived.

Guys, the first station "Fairy-Mysterious"

And what is so fabulous on her?

(Flowers bloomed in the trees)

And on these flowers there are riddles!

I'm happy, guys,

I ask you riddles.

To guess the riddle

You need a word to suggest.

(The leading characters take turns taking out a flower and reading riddles).

Leading: Our path lies to the next station.

Music sounds.

Leading: I am glad to see you at the Igrovaya station.

I have great strength and secret in my hands.

Kohl I raise my hand up

Shout out Mama

The other is “Daddy”.

If I put them on my shoulders, shout - "I"

And if there are two hands at the top - "My family".

Toffee: And I also know one very interesting game.

I propose to check if the guys have forgotten their captains.

While the music is playing, all the same fun, and at the end of the music, each team must find and stand behind their captain in the hoop.

(Game hoops in colors Same flowers, only the color of the flowers is different: white, red, blue).

Toffee: Well done. The guys have not forgotten their captains.

Leading: I see that you are ready for your next journey. We leave for the station "Musical and dance".

The doors were closed

Brakes checked

The motors started

Wings spread ...

Let's fly!

Obstacle course.

Music sounds.

Leading: The path - the road was long

And now you people too

Become a round dance

Let's play a fun game

"If you have fun."

The game "If you have fun".

Leading: Someone granted

The song "Summer" sounds in the recording.

Summer comes out.

Summer: Hey kids!

Here, rascals!

Set aside toys and books for a while!

Come on, kids!

Get together everyone here!

It's time to continue the best holiday in the world!

Did you recognize me?

Let's get acquainted.

Now I will ask you a riddle, and you will tell me who I am.

Long-awaited! Desired!

With mosquitoes and rain!

Tanned! Rosy!

With strawberries and load!

With a warm river, copses and potatoes from a campfire

What a wonderful time? What a wonderful time?

Children: Summer.

Summer: Right! I am Summer. My time has come.

And I begin my arrival with the happiest holiday, the holiday of all children. Today is a big holiday - International Children's Day.

Children: Yes!

Summer: And now I want to know who came to the holiday today.

I will ask, and you will answer “Yes” or “No”.

Let's start! Did the guys come to us friendly? Strong? Brave?

Are elders respected? Are kids being bullied? Love nature? Are the trees being destroyed?

Are they shooting with slingshots? Do they drag cats by their tails? Are they shouting in class?

Are they silent on holidays? So we met.

Are you in a great holiday mood today?

Children answer. Summer:

Children, do you know poems about summer?

Children We know!

Leading: Listen to what verses the children know about you.

1 child:

We waited a long time for summer, it seemed a whole year.

Everyone was waiting, everyone was counting, when will it come?

And now summer laughs through the open window.

And the sun and light are again full.

2 child:

Early morning sunshine

Looked at me in the window:

Wake up kids!

And then he said: “It's time!

Jump, run, sunbathe

And, of course, play!

3 child:

Summer is a glorious time!

The kids are so happy with her.

Sun, river, bird trills,

Ball, sandbox, swing,

Meadow, grasshoppers, flowers ...

What else will you add?

All the miracles are countless.

It's good that there is summer!

4 child:

We celebrate the summer holiday

A holiday of the sun, a holiday of light.

Come visit us,

We are always glad to guests!

Summer: Well done boys! Do you know flowers?


We will weave wreaths in the summer

For Oksana, Masha, Sveta,

For Alyonka, two Natasha.

All wreaths are from ... (daisies)

In May - yellow, and in June -

He's a fluffy ball.

We blew a little on him -

Soared ... (dandelion)

Look at the fence

The queen of the garden blossomed.

Not a tulip and not a mimosa,

And the beauty in thorns ... (rose)

We paint in the summer

Flower beds, parks, flower beds

We are our carrot color.

And we are called ... (marigolds)

Hedgehog in the grove, by the hummock

Says to the bear:

“See, blue flowers?

This is ... (forget-me-nots)


What good fellows you are, and you know summer riddles!

What do you know about the International Children's Day?

5 child:

International Day of Defense

Not adults at all, but children!

So that our children are fed

So as not to be afraid of evil people!

6 child:

So that everything goes well for them,

To live in a hallway and warmth ...

We also dream about the main thing:

May there be peace on the whole Earth!

The song "The World is Childhood"


What a good childhood song, I really liked it.

Do you know what you can do in the summer?

Children's answers

The song "Possible in the Summer" is being performed

Children repeat only the words `It is possible in the summer, it is possible in the summer, it is possible in the summer` (the motive is` Learn at school`)

1. Do not wear a warm scarf and walk until dark!


Gather all your friends in the morning and rush out of the yard!

Children: It is possible in the summer, it is possible in the summer, it is possible in the summer!

2. Drive east, south and return in a circle!


Help mom and dad: water the garden in the country!

Children: It is possible in the summer! It is possible in the summer! It is possible in the summer!

3. Open a good book so that you don't forget the letters!

Children: It is possible in the summer! It is possible in the summer! It is possible in the summer!

Meet all your friends and miss the kindergarten!

Children: It is possible in the summer! It is possible in the summer! It is possible in the summer!

Leading: Well done guys in the song you told about the summer, what you can do in the summer.

Summer may be good, but only mosquitoes….

The game "Do you know?"

Do you know how mosquitoes ring?

How do flies buzz?

How do birds sing in the forest?

Does the cuckoo shout at the bitch?

How do frogs croak?

How do puppies bark?

How do small children cry?

And how do funny hares jump?

Leading: Well done, guys, you coped with all the tasks.

Here is a holiday, a summer fairy tale,

It's time for us to finish.

But summer is the beginning

Don't be sad kids.

Pepi: We wish you success this summer,

Po - more cheerful ringing laughter,

Toffee: Po - more good friends and girlfriends,

Great finds and fairy tales chest.

Summer: I congratulate all the guys

And now I invite

You rather get up here

And dance cheerfully!


Now take the crayons

And draw on the asphalt

What children need to be happy.

Let your drawings be:

Happiness, sun, friendship!

Scenario of a children's competitive game program for Children's Day


children's game program for Children's Day

"Hello, children!"

Ved .: Hello, hello, hello, children! Hello all those who have a hundred freckles on their nose, and those who have none. Hello everyone with pigtails sticking out in different directions, everyone with curly forelocks and cute bangs. Hello smart, cheerful, happy. Today I can congratulate you all - it's time for vacation, and vacation is great!

Guys! When we meet, I remember

First things first, you need to get to know each other!

And now your help guys need:

Tell me your names! (children call)

Oh oh oh! Understood nothing! Louder! Louder! No, that will not do. We won't succeed that way. Let's make So: I say the name, and those who own it, respond. Deal? Let's start! Sasha! Oli! Natasha! If! Vani! Petit! Oksana, Tanya, who I have not named? Guys, you can help me get to know each other. etc.

Well, we have met! Now, in order to become completely friends, we need to start some kind of common cause.

Well, for example, I will ask you riddles, and you will solve them all together. Do you agree?

Heals the little ones children,

Heals small beasts.

He looks at everyone through his glasses

Good doctor.


The man is not young

With a short beard.

He is a notorious villain -



With a primer walks to school

Wooden boy.

Hits instead of school

Into a linen booth.

What is the name of this book?

What is the name of that boy?


He goes to visit a little light:

Trouble for the owner!

AND "Puffs" like a poet

Sometimes he composes.

And he has a nose for honey,

It is called.

(Winnie the Pooh)

Mom found her daughter

In a blossoming flower.

Who read such a book

Knows the baby girl.


The man is not young

In-oh-from with such a beard.

Offends Pinocchio,

Artemon and Malvina.

And, in general, for all people

He is a notorious villain.

Does any of you know

Who is he?


Mixed with sour cream,

It's cold on the window

I did not tremble in front of the wolf,

I ran away from the bear

And the fox's teeth

All are caught.

(Gingerbread man)

He plays a little

For passers-by on an accordion.

He strives to build a house,

To live in it with friends,

A mischievous old woman

Doesn't want to be friends with him.

You surely know

Crocodile green.


Girl sitting in a basket

Behind the bear

He, without knowing it,

Carries her home.

And the road is not easy

And the basket is high.

I would sit on a tree stump and eat a pie.

(Masha and the Bear)

He's crooked and lame

Commander of all washcloths.

He, of course, will wash everyone,

Wash basin.


Now, be especially careful. I am reading, and you must finish correctly. Clear?

Above the forest of the sun, the ray is extinguished -

The king of beasts steals ... (a lion)

Here's a riddle for kids:

Who is the cat afraid of? (dog)

Curled up in a ball, come on touch,

Thorny on all sides ... (hedgehog)

He has a big ears.

He loves to eat brooms.

He is powerful and full of strength -

Insatiable… (elephant)

Singing songs under the moon

Sat on a twig ... (nightingale)

Who loves running around the branches?

Of course, the redhead ... (squirrel)

He knocks like a drum.

Sitting on a pine tree ... (woodpecker)

He understands a lot about raspberries,

Master of the forest, terrible ... (bear)

I found beauty in the tail

The bird is proud ... (peacock)

He is a large and large bird.

He has a nest in the mountains.

Among the birds, he is the strongest.

This is a bird ... (Eagle)

Look at your friend -

How many eyes does a friend have ... (two)

If the head is full of knowledge,

So, at school you will receive ... (five)

So, at school you will receive ... (two)

The tail between his legs and went into the forest

Not a lamb, but ... (Wolf)

He was a thundercloud.

I went to fight with Piglet!

He loved honey most of all.

Little baby ... (Winnie the Pooh)

Everyone should know this:

The cat's paws are exactly ... (four)

Well, we did some exercises for the mind, but our arms and legs also need to be stretched.

The game "Fun exercise"

Repeat movements after me

Hands to heels and ears

On your knees and shoulders

To the side, to the belt, up,

And now a funny laugh (the game is played 3 times)

Ved .: Great we did it! You have guessed all the riddles! We did some exercises! Now we are real friends! There is nothing better than a party with friends! Really guys!

But, now I suggest you break down into teams. And for this we have prepared tokens of two colors. Everyone will draw for himself, and, according to the received color, 2 teams are formed. (break into teams with funny music)

Now your task is to come up with a name for yourself.

Competition"Puss in Boots"

Performance: The first child from each team puts on a hat, runs to the first landmark - takes off his hat near him, turns to his team and makes a nice bow, puts the hat on his head and runs to the next landmark - bows, puts on his hat and runs to the third landmark - does bow, bends around the landmark and runs back to his team, passes the hat to the next child.

Competition "Relay Malvina"

The two teams line up in two columns one at a time. At the signal, the first player turns around and ties a long hairband over the next player's head. Then, the second player unties the bow, turns and ties the headband of the next player. So, until the last player unties the tape.

Spectator competition"The most beautiful"

V competition two boys are taking part. For everyone, there is a sundress and a kerchief on the chair. You need to run to a chair, put on a sundress, tie kerchief: who will complete the task faster. Then a melody sounds Kalinka and the nesting dolls have to dance. Can be repeated several times as desired children.

Ved.: And now, with the help of a riddle, we will find out what task our commands will perform

Housewife hostess,

Flew over the lawn

Will bother over a flower

And he will share the medkom! (Bee.)

Come on, bees, fly out,

And collect your honey!

Relay game "Bees".

(Who will collect the nectar from the flowers faster.)

Bright disposable plates are laid out on the chairs, in the middle of which there are caramels (nectar)... It is necessary for the bees to transfer one caramel to their hive house (box with slot)... Each team has its own "hive".

A violinist lives in the meadow

Wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop,

He is green like a cucumber,

It is called.

Everything. Grasshopper!

Relay game "Grasshoppers".

A team of 5 people takes part in the relay. At the command of the leader, each participant must ride on two legs from start to finish and back.

Spectator competition

Guys, it's summer today, but I'm sure there are those among you who love winter. There are such?

Now let's remember one of our favorite winter activities. This requires four participants.

Use toilet paper to make a snowman, wrap it.

It's time for a new riddle

Dear children!

In the forest by the stump

Hustle and bustle.

Working people

He's busy all day!

Children. Ants!

Relay game "Ants".

2 teams of 10 people are selected. Teams need to build houses from blocks - "anthills". Each team member takes 1 cube and runs to the construction site. The last participant installs the roof. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Playing with the audience

-The bunny went out for a walk, the hare's paws are exactly (four)

- I have a dog, it has tails already…. (one)

- There is a funny omen, snow has fallen, meet…. (winter)

-The blizzard howls like a drill, stands in the yard…. (February)

- Birthday is on the nose, we baked…. (cake)

- Irinka and Oksanka have tricycles…. (a bike)

Hard workers - ants -

Real heroes

the house was built to glory ...

Again guys

Fun riddle:

Crawling centipede

On a narrow path

It feeds on leaves,

Turns into a butterfly!

Everything. Caterpillar.

Competition "Funny caterpillars".

The first participant runs to the finish line and back, the second joins him, holding his waist, and now they run together. Then a third joins in, and so on.

Game for spectators "Merry relay"

Two participants needed (prizes for two participants)

Well done all the participants! Coped with the task. And we continue! I want to know if you watch cartoons? Remember the blind and lame from the Russian cartoon! (Fox Alice and cat Basilio from "The Adventure of Pinocchio") Right! And now you have to visit the role of the fox Alice and the cat Basilio. This is the next task.

Competition"Basilio's cat"

Team members are divided into pairs. In each pair, one participant is blindfolded, and he puts his hand on the shoulder of his partner, who in turn bends one leg at the knee and holds it with his hand. In such a position (one is blind, the other is lame) they must reach the turning mark and return to the start, passing the baton to the next pair. Whichever team does it faster will win. FOX ALICE AND CAT BASILIO (funny music)

Competition"Pass to another"

(the jury sums up the results)

I know you are good at drawing

You can show your talents now.

And for this you need colored crayons.

I expect from you beautiful, bright drawings about the summer.

Competition"Drawing on the pavement"

Dance game "How beautiful I am".

Everyone is playing, standing in a circle. From each other to the music, the players pass a basket with things. As soon as the music ends, the player with the basket in his hands must take out one item and put it on himself. The funnier the objects are, the more interesting.

The game "A train"

"A train"... In this game, everyone becomes a string one after another, holding on to the belt or shoulders of the person in front. The head of the train "locomotive"- runs fast, often and unexpectedly changes direction. You and I must keep an eye on him and at the same time not leave the train. I will call that part of the body that you must grab onto while moving. (head, ears, shoulders, abdomen, knees, heels, etc.)... Ready? Answer - "Yes!" Let's go then!

(Cheerful children`s music is playing. Children gather in the yard.
Phonogram "I, you, she, she ...")
Host 1: Hello friends! Hello all those who have a hundred freckles on their nose, and those who have none. Hello everyone with pigtails sticking out in different directions, everyone with curly forelocks and cute bangs.
Host 2: Hello, smart, cheerful, happy. Today I can congratulate you all - it's time for vacation, and vacation is great!
Host 1: Dear friends, the long-awaited holiday of the sun has come for us, the longest holiday - the Holiday of Sunny Summer! Every day of the summer calendar is red, because every day of summer is joy, relaxation, fun! And the most important thing is the peaceful sky above us!
Lead 2:
Peace in every home, in every Country!
Peace is May on the planet! Peace is the sun in our land. Peace is needed for adults and children. Host 1: The sun will go out again in the evening, And the sun of friendship never! Let mankind walk the Road of peace and labor.
Host 2: Let's join hands And we will cherish friendship Under the flag of a multi-colored rainbow Our memory should live forever!
Host 2: Today is the first day of summer. This day is dedicated to the International Children's Day and the preservation of peace in the world. This day is dedicated to you, dear guys. And here's the first congratulations. For you, the group of Yulia Seregin and Anastasia Suvorov is performing with the song "Summer time has come."
Host 1: We are glad to see you in our summer camps. The floor is given to the director of the WOC and the head of the camp, Antonova Yu.A.
(Director's speech)
Lead 2:
Guys! When we meet, I remember
First things first, you need to get to know each other!
Lead 1:
And now your help guys are needed:
Say your names in chorus! (children call)
Host 2: Well, now we met! We have prepared for you an interesting festive program called "Let's join hands!" Now, in order to become completely friends, we need to start some kind of common cause. Well, for example, I will ask you riddles, and you will solve them all together. Agree? (Yes)
1. What kind of baby is born with a mustache? (kitten) 2. Where are the cities without houses, rivers without water, forests without trees? (on the map) 3. They beat him, but he does not cry, only jumps up and down? (ball) 4. Meows, not a cat, who is it? (cat) 5. From what ladle do they not drink, do not eat, but only look at it? (constellation Ursa Major) 6. Why do cats like to eat raw meat? (do not know how to cook)
Presenter 1: Now, be especially careful. I am reading, and you must finish correctly. Clear? Above the forest, the sun's ray has gone out - The king of animals is creeping ... (lion) Here's a riddle for kids: Who is the cat afraid of? .. (the dog) Curled up in a ball, well, touch it, Thorny on all sides ... (hedgehog) He has big ears. He loves to eat brooms. He is powerful and full of strength - Insatiable ... (elephant) Singing songs under the moon Sat on a twig ... (nightingale) Who loves to rush along the branches? Of course, raging ... (squirrel) He knocks like a drum. Sitting on a pine tree ... (woodpecker) He understands a lot about raspberries, The owner of the forest, terrible ... (bear) The proud bird found in the tail ... (peacock) He is a big and large bird. He has a nest in the mountains. Among the birds, he is the strongest. This is a bird ... (eagle) Look at your friend - How many eyes does a friend have ... (two)
The tail between his legs and went into the forest Not a lamb, but ... (wolf) He was a thundercloud. I went to fight with Piglet! He loved honey most of all. Little baby ... (Winnie the Pooh) I could find myself a friend Who watched “Well, wait a minute!”. He knows a lot about tricks, Our good friend is gray ... (hare) Everyone should know this: The cat's paws are exactly ... (four) If the head is full of knowledge, So you will get at school ... (five)
You don't know how to count and write,
So, at school you will receive ... (two)
Host 1: Great we did it! You have guessed all the riddles! Now we are real friends! There is nothing better than a party with friends! Really guys! But, now I suggest you break down into teams. And for this we have prepared tokens of three colors. Everyone will draw for himself, and, according to the received color, 3 teams are formed.
(break into teams with funny music)
Lead 2: Now you have a task to come up with a name for yourself. 1 minute to complete.
Lead 1: Loudly, in unison in chorus, one by one, it is necessary to voice it. So here we go!
(Teams are performing)
Presenter 2: Today you have to take part in various competitions, where interesting tests await you, and the highly respected jury will evaluate the performance of the tasks, consisting of: Director of the DOC Antonova Yu.A., Deputy for Internal Affairs Yanova N.V.
Lead 1: Attention, let's start. The first competition to test your physical fitness is the Kangaroo relay. All teams are playing. Rules: hold the ball between your knees and jump to the line and back, pass the ball to another player. Which team fully completes the task faster than everyone else is the winner.
KENGURU (fun music)
Host 2: The next competition is called "Tricky Quiz". Each team in turn is asked a question, for the correct answer the team gets 1 point.
1. How long do you need to boil a hard-boiled egg: two, three or five minutes? (Not at all, it's already cooked.)
2. How to correctly read the word "humor"? (From left to right.)
3. The staircase of the house consists of five flights, each of which consists of twenty steps. How many steps do you need to go to get to the top floor? (Everything.)
4. When it is needed, they give it away, and when it is not needed, they pick it up. What's this? (Anchor.)
5. How many gs do you need to make a big pile of hay? (One hundred - g.)
6. How does it all end? (The letter "e".)
7. What is in front of Boris and in the back of Gleb? (The letter "b".)
8. The grandmother was carrying 100 eggs to the market, and the bottom (one) fell. How many eggs are left in the basket? (No one.)
9. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)
10. What tree does the crow sit on after the rain? (On wet)
11. Which month is shorter than the others? (May is only three letters.)
12. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, she cannot speak.)
13. What fabric cannot be used to sew a shirt? (Railway.)
14. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream.)
Lead 1: Well done, all participants! Coped with the task. And we continue! I want to know if you watch cartoons? Remember the blind and lame from the Russian cartoon! (Fox Alice and Basilio the cat from "The Adventure of Pinocchio")
Right! And now you have to visit the role of the fox Alice and the cat Basilio. This is the next task.
Lead 2: Team members are divided into pairs. In each pair, one participant is blindfolded, and he puts his hand on his partner's shoulder,
which in turn bends one leg at the knee and supports it with his hand. In such a position (one is blind, the other is lame) they must reach the turning mark and return to the start, passing the baton to the next pair. Whichever team does it faster will win.
Host 1: Now let's have some fun! Do you guys know this game - aram-zam-zam? Who does not know, we will teach him now. The rules are simple: now music will play, and all of you together repeat the movements after me. I suggest you play it.
ARAM-ZAM-ZAM (music)
Moderator 2: And now we will test your intelligence in the "Changes" competition. We distribute to each team a piece of paper with "inverted" lines from poems. Try to remember and unravel the lines of the poems. Lead time 3 minutes.
1. You hate my cow (I love my horse ..)
2. Your Danya laughs quietly (Our Tanya is crying out loud ..)
3. One granny was weaving over the door early in the morning (Three girls were spinning under the window late in the evening ..)
4. Black poplar over your door (White birch under my window ...)
SWEATS (funny music)
Host 1: You need to warm up a little and the next task for you will again be the sports "Pass the ball over the top". Teams line up in three columns, at a short distance from each other. The legs are slightly wider than the shoulders. Hands up. The team captains have the ball. At the command of the presenter, the participants pass the ball over the top. As soon as the ball hits the last competitor, the task is changed. Now you need to pass the ball from hand to hand from the bottom. Rolling the ball on the floor is prohibited by the rules. The winner is the team whose captain has the ball first.
PASS THE BALL ON TOP (fun music)
Host 2: But now take a break! Julia Seryogina has prepared a gift for you. Solo gymnastic number. We meet!
Host 1: And now a competition called "Night Driver". Teams are split by two. The first two participants: driver and navigator. The driver will have to drive at night without lighting, so the player
blindfold. But first, the driver is introduced to the motorway made of sports pins. Having handed the steering wheel to the driver, the presenter offers to practice and drive so that not a single column is knocked down. The player is then blindfolded and brought to the steering wheel. The participant - the navigator gives a command - a hint where to turn to the driver, warns about the dangers. When the path is passed, the driver's eyes are untied. And the participants return to the start. Then the next 2 team members "go". The first team to complete the task is the winner.
Host 2: And now a very difficult test awaits you - there is a river in front of you, and you need to cross it. To do this, you have a ferry (a hoop that lies at a distance from the teams). The first participant runs up to him, takes and puts on, then runs to the team, takes one participant with this hoop, and they run to the finish line, return, take the next participant and so on, until the whole team is at the finish line.
CROSSING (funny music)
Host 1: What wonderful boys and girls we have! Everyone knows, everyone can. I have a proposal: while the members of the jury are summing up the results, let's all sing together the old well-known song "They teach at school", but in a new way. Children are encouraged to sing along only the chorus, which consists of one phrase "It is possible in the summer!".
The song "It is possible in the summer!"
(Song to the melody "They teach at school")
Do not wear a warm scarf
And walk until dark!

Gather all friends in the morning
And rush out of the yard!
Children: It is possible in the summer, it is possible in the summer, it is possible in the summer!
Everyone to wander around the city!
Well, don't go to school!

Send Esmeski,
Play on the computer!
Children: It is possible in the summer! It is possible in the summer! It is possible in the summer!
Open a good book,
In order not to forget the letters!
Children: It is possible in the summer! It is possible in the summer! It is possible in the summer!
To meet classmates
And get bored of school!
Children: It is possible in the summer! It is possible in the summer! It is possible in the summer!
Host 2: And our program has come to an end. All-all radiant smiles and good mood! Because today is a really good day - Children's Day! We wish you a good time at the camp, a wonderful summer vacation, guys! And now the floor is given to the jury members.
Completion of the event summing up the awarding