Best congratulations on Mother's Day in prose. Good wishes to women on Mother's Day in their own words. Congratulations on When is Mother's Day in prose

Mom, on your holiday I will list who you are. You are beloved, dear, unique, sweet, golden, affectionate, beautiful, dear, impeccable, fair, bright, economic, sunny, wonderful, wonderful, kind, amazing, charming, tender, unique, magical, delightful ... But all these epithets are not and one hundredth of how good you are. Happy holiday, my very best mom!

Mommy, today I want to remember an old parable about travelers who walked for a long time in the desert and finally found a tree under which they sat down to rest. They began to argue about what brought them the desired peace. One said that it was dense foliage, another argued that it was strong branches, the third assured that it was a powerful trunk. And the fourth traveler was silent, and then asked the others if leaves, branches and a trunk could exist without the roots of the tree. And we, too, could not exist without you, the one who became our roots. Happy birthday!

Dear mom, today you can be sentimental. And remember how you patiently fed me semolina from a spoon, how you carefully taught me to take the first steps, holding hands, how meekly sat over me at night during my colds, how you smeared my broken knees with green paint, how you helped me do my homework, and how she gently tied my tie before my first date. All this comes from the great mother's heart! Thank you for him and happy birthday!

Mom, I wish you a happy birthday and I want to tell you today that you are the most important person in my life. Only you know how to love without any conditions and accept me for who I am. Only you don't demand anything in return for your love. Only you support me in all my endeavors. Only you don't judge me when I make mistakes. I am immensely grateful to you for everything you do, and I wish you health for many years to come!

Mom, on your holiday I will tell you that we very much value your sincere great love. We understand that it is impossible to compare with her, but we promise to remember your wise lessons, your affection and care. We promise in the most difficult moments to be equal to your strength and try to be worthy of you. We promise to make you proud of your children, so that we will be your support all the days of your life. Happy birthday!

Beloved mommy, how many kind words have we heard from you over the many years of our growing up! Today, from the very depths of our souls, we wish you strong health, mischievous endless youth, tender love from all your loved ones, radiant smiles and calm wisdom. May your heart bathe in the happiness you deserve, and may your future life be like a never-ending merry song!

Mom, probably, the words of all the poets of the sages of the world are not enough to describe the magnificent qualities that you are generously endowed with. But, if I were a sculptor, I would already erect a monument to you. I would carve a huge heart out of red granite. Because only a mother's heart, like a stone, can withstand all the blows of fate and not break, because only it will continue to love with the strength of granite. Happy birsday, my dear!

Mom, on this day to the existing ones, I would like to give you the craziest gifts. I would like to send you on a round-the-world cruise on a snow-white liner, lay out your name with flowers in the central square, bring you a huge cake in a hot air balloon, order you a walk through the streets on an elephant, bring you the personal hairdresser of the English queen to your house. Perhaps I will realize this someday, but for now I promise to always be an exemplary son. Happy birthday!

Dear Mom, you are a ray of sunshine that illuminates my world, so I want to say thank you and I want to wish you all the best. So that every day you bloom even more, I wish you happiness, mommy, and prosperity in everything!

Dear Mom, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on Mother's Day. May happiness always accompany you. Remain the same kind, wise and understanding, I love you very much. There is no person in the world dearer and closer than mom and I will never tire of thanking you for what you did for me. Happy holiday, darling!

Beloved mommy! You are the kindest, most beautiful, unique, adorable and gentle mother in the whole world! All the best in life is for you. I want to wish that you always remain the most beautiful and brilliant. I want you to always be a queen! My wishes for you are positive thoughts and an optimistic attitude. Happy Mother's Day, Mommy!

On Mother's Day, with all my heart, I wish you fun and interesting time with your child, filling every day with joy and happiness. Let the child love his mother and cherish the wonderful moments spent together. I wish you great pride and unquenchable hope for the mother's heart.

Mommy, beloved, unique, dear and irreplaceable! On this day, I rush to meet you in order to say the words of love that you sometimes miss so much! Happy Mother's Day! Congratulations Mom! Be my happiest mother of all mothers! And for my part, I promise that I will do everything possible and impossible so that you never need anything, never ask anyone from anyone, never overwork and live in abundance and warmth!

Mommy! Please accept my congratulations on Mother's Day. I do not have enough tender words to express all my love for you. You are the closest and dearest person to me, who will always support in difficult times and share the joy. I want to wish you good health, happiness and success in your business!

Mom, I want to congratulate you, trying to find only the warmest and most sincere words that will definitely emphasize the dignity of the world around you. I would like to wish you happiness and inspiration, numerous opportunities for your development, achievement of your goals. You deserve real respect and you can believe that fate will be positive and harmonious from any side. I congratulate you on the best and sweetest holiday!

Mommy dear! There is no person closer and dearer than you. Today is Mother's Day. I would like to wish you a long life, full of understanding and love, sincere joy and support of loved ones! Thank you for your care, years of endless happiness and warmth, wise advice, the desire to always understand and come to the rescue! May everything be perfect for you! Take care of yourself and remember that we all love you very much!

Mommy, congratulations on Mother's Day. You gave me life, warmed me with your love and affection, you are the closest person to me. The kindest, gentlest, caring, beautiful, wise, my mommy! I want to wish you good health and great happiness, I love you very much.

I congratulate you on Mother's Day and sincerely wish with my prayer to protect the child from any ailment and troubles, to surround the child with my love, attention and care. May the mother's heart always keep good hope, may there always be an invisible thread of mutual understanding and trust between you and your child.

Mommy! I congratulate you on Mother's Day and I want to put into the words of congratulations everything that you gave me while raising me! I want your soul to never grow old, I want you not to worry about gray hair on your temples and a thin cobweb of wrinkles! I want your eyes not to know tears of sadness, your soul does not worry and does not know worries about children! Happy holiday, Mom! Live forever!

Dear Mom, Happy Mother's Day to you! Sometimes children are very naughty: they are rude, they do it their own way, and the mother thinks that the child does not love or respect her. But in reality this is far from the case. No matter how we behave, we are still loyal to our mother, we will never stop loving her. And we want mom to be always happy!

On this festive day, we congratulate our only mom, who is worthy of universal admiration. May your whole life be full of sincerity and understanding on the part of others, and the warmth and boundless love of your children fill your soul with joy for many years. Happy holiday, dear mom!

Mommy! My most important and dear person in the universe! Today is Mother's Day, so let me give you the fire of my heart, which will warm you the way your kindness and care warms me throughout my life. Take a piece of my strength, let them support you at the right time. Remember, I will overcome everything for you!

Our dear mothers and grandmothers! With a special tremulous feeling, I congratulate you on the upcoming holiday - Mother's Day in Russia!
From time immemorial, a woman is surrounded by the holy halo of motherhood. From the word "MAMA" we learn to speak and realize our purpose in this world. This word contains love and hope, strength and inspiration, it contains light, warmth and comfort. The person who is supported by caring motherly hands and kind words not only in childhood is immensely happy. Mother's love makes us stronger, helps us to overcome adversity and believe in success.
But mothers also need our attention! Sometimes, it is enough just to ask "how are you?", To tell that we ourselves are all right. And the upcoming holiday is a great occasion to gather in the family circle and fill the house with warmth.
Low bow to you and the most sincere words of gratitude, our dear mothers and grandmothers. Be happy! Peace and goodness to you, family well-being and good health! And may your children, to whom you give the best, only please you.

Happy Mother's Day text:

Dear women! Our lovely mothers and grandmothers!
We sincerely congratulate you on one of the warmest and most sincere holidays - Mother's Day! Among the numerous holidays celebrated in our country, it undoubtedly occupies a special place. It helps to realize the greatness and sacredness of the most important mission of a woman, associated with the birth and upbringing of children. To raise its most important role in preserving and strengthening the spiritual values ​​and moral ideals of society.
We are sure that the upcoming holiday will be held in the family circle, it will be filled with comfort, warmth, words of love and gratitude. And we join in the congratulations!
We wish you health and happiness, our dear mothers! May your children be successful, attentive, loving, and your life will be full of prosperity and harmony!

There is a great feeling in this world, which is called motherly love. This feeling is not like any other. It comes to the expectant mother with the conception of her child. You just need to open your heart for him in time. Mothers always protect their children from birth. They never wish harm to their children, who can offend them with a harsh word. Real mothers know how to forgive and love their children like no one else in the world. Children take care of their mothers, because a mother who can give warmth, affection and comfort in the house, warm you with a kind word - one, the other will no longer be. This is worth remembering and never forget to congratulate her on Mother's Day. May all mothers be happy on this day, and may the children be proud of them. Be happy!

You rocked me in the cradle, gave me love and home comfort, quietly prayed, asked for something, and cried quietly, did not reproach me. Thank you - my mother for everything: for your care, for your support in difficult times, but also simply for your great love. Happy Mother's Day!

Today is Mother's Day! It is very wonderful that such a holiday exists! After all, only thanks to our mother, we were born! Let us wish all mothers of our planet, present and future, peace and kindness, happiness and confidence in the future, fulfillment of all desires, clear sunny days!

Since 1999, this touching holiday has become one of the most adored in every Russian family. On this day, sincere congratulations are poured into the address of beloved mothers and women who carry a baby under their hearts. Children of all ages prepare surprises for the holiday. Kids make gifts with their own hands and draw beautiful postcards. Matured children visit their parents with gifts, flowers and useful gifts.

On this day, festive concerts, contests, festivals, exhibitions dedicated to mothers are held everywhere. Soul films and holiday programs are broadcasted on television. Matinees and themed evenings are held in schools and preschool childcare facilities. In social networks and forums, happy women congratulate each other, and loving children shower them with virtual bouquets, colorful pictures and beautiful poems.

The initiative to create a holiday in the Russian Federation came from the State Duma Committee for Women, Family and Youth Affairs. The chairman of the Committee, Alevtina Viktorovna Aparina, made a useful proposal to establish Mother's Day. The order on the establishment of Mother's Day in Russia was signed on January 30, 1988 by Boris Yeltsin, then the country's president. The date for the celebration was set for the last Sunday in November.

Unfortunately, the UN has not yet established International Mother's Day, so in different countries the celebration of the most beloved women falls on different calendar dates. In China, Japan, USA, Finland, Belgium, Canada, Ukraine and in a number of other countries, Mother's Day falls on the second Sunday of May for many years. On the last Sunday in May, it is celebrated in France and Sweden, in England on March 22, and in Poland they come to mothers with gifts and flowers on May 26.

Motherhood is a great miracle. With the birth of a child, a lot changes in a woman's life, new priorities and tasks appear. Motherhood is not only bathing in love and joy, but also daily work. Let every mother feel loved, needed and protected. Let her know that at any moment she will find support and understanding among her family. Happy Mother's Day!

According to opinion polls, Mother's Day is one of the five most beloved and important holidays in many countries. There is nothing to be surprised at - it is difficult to find a person who would not honor his mother and would not be grateful to her for his birth.

America has its own history of the emergence of a touching holiday. Its founder is Julia Ward Howe, who published the Mother's Day Proclamation in 1870. Unfortunately, her initiative did not receive general support. Most likely, the reason for this was that Julia positioned the role of the mother only as a fighter for peace.

In England, back in the distant 17th century, it was customary to celebrate Mom's Resurrection, proclaimed by King Henry III. On every second Sunday of Great Lent, children fleeing from the family nest and working in wealthy homes had to visit their parents with gifts and gifts bought with their own money. In honor of the maternity holiday, employers provided everyone with a legal day off.

Estonians greet with cloth flags hanging on city streets, and Finns lay flowers at the Worker Mother Monument in Helsinki. It is noteworthy that this monument was also erected on Mother's Day in 1996.

In countries that were once part of the Soviet Union, the dates of one of the most emotional mass holidays also differ. In Belarus, the holiday is marked on the calendar on October 14. The Georgians, who are anxious about their mothers, congratulate their parents on March 3, and in Kazakhstan they do it on September 16 from year to year. In sunny Uzbekistan, Mother's Day is combined with International Women's Day and is celebrated annually on March 8, and in Armenia, the unofficial, but popular among the people, Mother, Beauty and Spring Day is celebrated on the Annunciation holiday - April 7.

Sweetheart, dear mother! Today I congratulate you, and I want you to always be as beautiful, wise and kind! Thank you for everything, and especially for your love! Happiness, health and long life to you! You are the best person for me. Happy Mother's Day!

In many countries, folk traditions and customs of celebrating Mother's Day have been preserved. For example, Americans pin carnations to their clothes, while the white innocent flower is chosen by those whose mothers are no longer alive, thus they honor their bright memory.

Mother's Day is one of those holidays that they are afraid to accidentally miss in the hustle and bustle of everyday worries. This holiday is dedicated to the most beloved and most important woman, who gave the opportunity to live and enjoy life. Officially, Mother's Day in Russia began to be celebrated in 1999, but the very first mentions of the holiday can be found in the history of the ancient world.

The veneration of mothers existed many centuries ago in ancient Greece. On one of the spring days, the inhabitants of this fabulous country worshiped Gaia - the mother of all gods. The ancient Celts honored the goddess Bridget on a holiday, and the Romans had a three-day March holiday, in which they sang the praises of the parent of their patrons, Cybele.

Those who have an amazing hearing are able to see through and make it clear that they are unhappy with one look, and they are always there when it is bad and always know what to say or do. Who are the supermen? No, they are just our mothers. Happy Mother's Day!

How many mothers are there in Russia? Statistics here, of course, are powerless - they say that women in our country become mothers every 18 seconds. Unfortunately, more than twenty million women are officially considered single mothers, and only 7-9% of Russian women have three or more sons and daughters. Among them there are heroine mothers who gave birth and raised five or more children, and foster mothers who selflessly take care of the children they once adopted. On November 27, 2016, they will all celebrate their holiday and accept congratulations on Mother's Day. This date was established precisely in order to convey to society once again: motherhood is the hardest, but most wonderful job. Don't be afraid to become mothers - be careful not to experience the joys of motherhood. It is an honor and a pleasure to be mothers - women, whose children write and read congratulations on Mother's Day in vain, know this for sure. Kind words go to everyone - grandmother, mother-in-law, and mother-in-law. Very young children, adult daughters and sons give mothers postcards with cute pictures and poems about love and fidelity. Congratulatory words to mothers are heard in prose, poetry, short SMS, letters, on radio and TV, on the streets and at home, at work and in the yards. Wonderful and beautiful songs are composed and sung for mothers. We invite you to choose on our website one of the poems offered for mothers, see how to solemnly congratulate mothers-heroines and mothers with many children, which postcards and poems they will like.

Kind congratulations on Mother's Day from loving children. Sincere poems of classics and amateur quatrains

Who, no matter how children congratulate their mothers on Mother's Day? Of course, on this holiday, the closest and beloved women will receive flowers, sweets, jewelry, perfumes, and many pleasant trifles. When handing over to your mom gifts, "decorate" your surprise with good poetry. Choose sincere quatrains, once written by the classics of Russian literature, or dedicate an amateur poem to your mother. Read our selection of poems - you will definitely love the sincere lines of the poets. Use them for congratulations on November 27th. Or maybe you yourself would like to compose a few stanzas in honor of your beloved mother?

Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva

In the old Strauss waltz for the first time
We heard your quiet call
Since then, all living things are alien to us
And the cursory striking of the clock is gladdened.
We, like you, welcome sunsets
Reveling in the nearness of the end
Everything we are rich with on the best evening,
You put it into our hearts for us.
Leaning tirelessly to children's dreams,
(I only looked at them for a month without you!)
You led your little ones by
Bitter life of thoughts and deeds.
From an early age, we are close to who is sad,
Laughter is boring and home shelter is alien ...
Our ship is not desperate in a good moment
And floats by the will of all the winds!
All paler azure island - childhood,
We are alone on the deck.
It can be seen that sadness is a legacy
You, oh mother, to your girls!

Maximilian A. Voloshin

Darkness ... Mother ... Death ... consonant unity ...
Here is the rumble of inner caves,
there is the whistle of the sickle in the breaks of motherhood:
from the darkness - a tornado, the hum of slumbering spheres.
Of all the knots and knots of life - the knot
sonship and motherhood - he
tighter than anyone else and tighter:
the driver of life has narrowed the door to being.
I'm tortured by the bonds of your blood,
and you, oh mother, - will I find a word for feeling?
Every day you give birth to me again
and tormented by my birth.
Who tied us up and threw us into the world blind?
What destinies have we unraveled?
How relentlessly do you demand: "The name
tell me yours! who are you? name yourself ".
I don't remember the name ... but know: not all of me
born by you, and there is another part,
and destinies golden equilibria
oversees the executive power.
Freedom and love are inseparable in the soul,
but there is no love that does not impose bonds ...
The tax of the earth is a union of two mortal bodies ...
We are driven like whirlwinds through eternity.
Who loved another for himself,
Desiring the flesh for the flesh without return,
to that in fulfillment of reckoning:
through us will be born those whom, loving,
we have tied with an unrelenting desire.
You were purified by double fire, mother, -
doing everything that she dared to wish,
you ascended to the merging of the whole
in itself beloved flesh ...
But as the ebb tide gives way
so from now on your every day lord
marked with a fiery burst.
A child grows, and another grows in him,
not a woman born, rebellious,
but bound by your stubborn longing -
your generic ligature.
I know, mother, your every hour is a loss.
As you are in me, so I am crucified in you.
And there is no love for your reward and return,
then, that in itself - a reward and a return!

Mommy, beloved, you are my dear.
The best in the world, I know for sure.
You are the only one, mummy, so kind.
The very presence of my mother.

I feel good with you, comfortable.
You know how to support with the right word.
You will embrace me, the angels will sing to us.
So I love you by the hand.

I will surround you, mommy, with care.
I'll give you all my attention.
I'll take over some of your work.
Take care, children, and take pity on mothers!

Official congratulations on Mother's Day in prose. Kind words from the bottom of my heart

On November 27, 2016, waking up in the morning, many of us will turn on the TV to hear congratulations on Mother's Day. The President of the country, officials, popular artists and celebrities will deliver speeches in honor of all mothers. Mothers-heroines will be marked with awards and valuable gifts, even orders and medals. Labor collectives will prepare surprises for mothers with many children - children's books, things, educational games, postcards and sweets. Concerts will be held in many cities - mothers and their children can attend them for free. Here you can see how you can congratulate mothers at work and what to say to them in honor of the holiday. Memorize or write down the options for congratulations to mothers so that you can later come up with your solemn speech.

Our dear mothers and grandmothers! With a special tremulous feeling, I congratulate you on the upcoming holiday - Mother's Day in Russia!
From time immemorial, a woman is surrounded by the holy halo of motherhood. From the word "MAMA" we learn to speak and realize our purpose in this world. This word contains love and hope, strength and inspiration, it contains light, warmth and comfort. The person who is supported by caring motherly hands and kind words not only in childhood is immensely happy. Mother's love makes us stronger, helps us to overcome adversity and believe in success.
But mothers also need our attention! Sometimes, it is enough just to ask "how are you?", To tell that we ourselves are all right. And the upcoming holiday is a great occasion to gather in the family circle and fill the house with warmth.
Low bow to you and the most sincere words of gratitude, our dear mothers and grandmothers. Be happy! Peace and goodness to you, family well-being and good health! And may your children, to whom you give the best, only please you.

Dear women! Our lovely mothers and grandmothers!
We sincerely congratulate you on one of the warmest and most sincere holidays - Mother's Day! Among the numerous holidays celebrated in our country, it undoubtedly occupies a special place. It helps to realize the greatness and sacredness of the most important mission of a woman, associated with the birth and upbringing of children. To raise its most important role in preserving and strengthening the spiritual values ​​and moral ideals of society.
We are sure that the upcoming holiday will be held in the family circle, it will be filled with comfort, warmth, words of love and gratitude. And we join in the congratulations!
We wish you health and happiness, our dear mothers! May your children be successful, attentive, loving, and your life will be full of prosperity and harmony!

There is a great feeling in this world, which is called motherly love. This feeling is not like any other. It comes to the expectant mother with the conception of her child. You just need to open your heart for him in time. Mothers always protect their children from birth. They never wish harm to their children, who can offend them with a harsh word. Real mothers know how to forgive and love their children like no one else in the world. Children take care of their mothers, because a mother who can give warmth, affection and comfort in the house, warm you with a kind word - one, the other will no longer be. This is worth remembering and never forget to congratulate her on Mother's Day. May all mothers be happy on this day, and may the children be proud of them. Be happy!

Coming from the heart poetic congratulations to the mother-in-law on Mother's Day. Affectionate words in poetry

Personal congratulations to mothers and mothers-in-law should not sound a single note of formality. They don't congratulate you on Mother's Day - every word you say should come from the very heart. If you cannot find the necessary and affectionate words for mom, read her a wonderful verse. The poet's words, spoken from the bottom of her heart, will surely move her. We know that among our selection of poems you will find the best and most congratulatory verses. Copy them and save to your collection.

Congratulate dear mother-in-law -
It would seem, what could be easier!
The second mother became a son-in-law,
Since then - always "on the pedestal".

I wish you good from my heart,
Happy Mother's Day, I congratulate you.
Fate will bestow warmth
Bless your kind home!

Thank you, mother-in-law, for your daughter!
Take my admiration
I am always glad to help you in everything,
You are the best mother, no doubt about it!

Today, on Mother's Day, I
I wish you eternal happiness!
Let the troubles go away forever
And with them all bad weather will go away!

I was very lucky with my mother-in-law,
And that's why I'm on Mom's holiday
I want to tell you a few words,
Backed up by good deeds.

Thank you for the simplicity
For ease and warmth in communication.
May life give you beauty
And a fabulous mood!

The best greeting words in Happy Mother's Day cards. Short poems and aphorisms

When choosing a card for Mom for Mother's Day, think about how you want to sign it. Of course, many ready-made postcards with signed words are available in stores. We invite you to come up with your own version of congratulations - look in our selection of mini-congratulations for mothers, what inscriptions you can make. Of course, your own words will always remain the best option, but if they are not enough, you can always use the ready-made option. Get ready for mom's day in advance and think through everything to the smallest detail.

“Mom” is the name of God on the lips and hearts of babies. (William Thackeray)

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. (William Ross Wallace)

The future of the nation is in the hands of mothers. (O. Balzac)

The first gift a mother gives us is life, the second is love, and the third is understanding. (Donna Brower)

A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness. (O. Balzac)

Heartfelt congratulations from an adult daughter on Mother's Day. Beautiful poems on November 27, 2016

Happy are the mothers whose daughters consider them the best older friends, trust them with their secrets, secrets, share their experiences, come to them for advice. To win the love of a daughter is quite simple - you need to love a person disinterestedly. Mother's love never needs to be won - mothers love us with all our shortcomings, whims, and sometimes arrogance. They forgive their daughters and callousness, and selfishness, and the pain delivered. Ask your mom for forgiveness on Mother's Day - your heartfelt words of repentance will be the best gift for her. If you are embarrassed to say sincere phrases out loud, on November 27, 2016, hand your mom a postcard signed with beautiful verses. Read the versions of such verses that we have proposed - you may like them.

My dear, dear mother!
You are there invariably, constantly.
You surround me with your warmth
And you protect me from everything.

On Mother's Day I wish you happiness
Let the bad weather not touch your shoulders,
And your mother's heart
Sings with joy and pride.

I am your daughter, and you and I are alike:
Both outwardly and in character are so similar.
You always taught me the best
She devoted her whole life to me.

Thank you dear!
There is no better mother in the world, I know.
Take my bow to the ground.
Live as long as possible, mommy.

Mommy beloved, I congratulate you,
And on Mother's Day I wish you joy!
So that kind eyes would shine with happiness,
So that a bitter tear does not touch them!
You are no dearer, mom, and no dearer,
Always be healthy and live for a hundred years!

I want to say thank you mom
That raised me right.
I used to be harmful and stubborn,
And you endured everything day after day.

Today is your holiday, I congratulate you.
I will keep your smile.
Let your eyes shine only with happiness
All troubles - to bypass the long road.

Always be smart, sweet and beautiful.
Your soul shines with kindness,
And you, my dear, be so
But just stay young.

Poetic congratulations to mom on Mother's Day. Stanzas from the works of the classics

As you prepare for Mother's Day, rummage through your library for volumes of classic poetry. Poets of past years often dedicated their works to their mothers - you can easily find the right kind lines addressed to mothers by Sergei Yesenin, Nikolai Nekrasov, Marina Tsvetaeva, Maximilian Voloshin ... Here we have presented a small selection of these great works. It is not difficult to memorize them by heart - the poet's sincere words and pure thoughts are close to the loving hearts of the mother's children.

Mum! look out the window ...

Afanasy Fet

Mum! look out the window -
Know that yesterday was not for nothing that the cat
I washed my nose:
There is no dirt, the whole yard is dressed,
It brightened, turned white -
Apparently there is frost.

Not prickly, light blue
Frost is hung on the branches -
Look at least you!
As if someone is tough
Fresh, white, puffy cotton wool
I removed all the bushes.


She was filled with sorrow
And meanwhile, how noisy and frisky
Three youths played around her,
Her lips whispered thoughtfully:
“Unhappy! why were you born?
You will go straight along the road
And you cannot avoid your fate! "
Do not overshadow the fun with their longing,
Do not weep over them, martyr-mother!
But tell them from an early age:
There are times, there are centuries
In which there is nothing more desirable
More beautiful than a crown of thorns ...

Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov

Talk to me mom

How long have you sung songs to me
Leaning over the cradle.
But time flew by like a bird
And in childhood, the thread broke.
Talk to me mom
Talk about something
Until starry midnight until -
Give me childhood again.
I'm happy with my fate
A long way passed in life.
But sometimes I really want
I will look back into my childhood.
These minutes are fabulous
I will leave it in my heart forever.
More expensive than all awards in the world
Your song is quiet to me.

Victor Gin

Children's pictures with congratulations and verses for Mother's Day. Postcards and drawings from daughter and son

Kind pictures depicting mom are the best children's congratulations. Dad can invite his son or daughter to draw a mom in a beautiful dress, with flowers and gifts given to her for the holiday. Mom will definitely like this original surprise. In addition, children's drawing will be an excellent reason to find out how their own children see their mother. What if in the picture mom will not be holding flowers and sweets, but string bags with potatoes? Consider the meaning of your children's pictures.

Sincere congratulations to the mother-in-law with a verse on Mother's Day. Good poems for my husband's mother

If you love your husband, you will of course treat his mother warmly. The woman who gave life to your “second half” deserves the kindest and most sincere words. Say them in verse for Mother's Day. Select lines from our selection of poems and sign them to your mother-in-law card. Let your husband's mother become “your blood” for you, and not just remain someone else's woman. Kind words addressed to her will help you bond.

Happy Mother's Day, I heartily congratulate you,
I give flowers, I hug you warmly.
Thank you for your help in difficult times,
For helping us out.

I thank you a hundred times for your son,
I respect him very much and love him.
I wish you health for many years,
Smiles and warmth!

You took me like your own daughter,
With tender care and kind words.
Hurry to support, always help,
My mother-in-law, my second mother!

For your warmth, for your understanding
Please accept the words of gratitude.
May dreams and all desires come true
Happy Mother's Day, I want to congratulate you!

I congratulate you on Mother's Day!
I wish you never know adversity.
If you raised such a son,
You can be called the best mom.

May health please you for a long time,
So that there are more joyful events.
And so that the sun shines over your head
And fortunately, the path will always be open!

Short and sincere SMS congratulations on Mother's Day. Small verses for telephone messages

Most children, growing up, "fly away" from under the mother's wing in all directions. Some of us even go to live in other countries. Let thousands of kilometers not become an insurmountable and difficult obstacle for you - take your cell phone and dial a short SMS for your mother with sincere words. Choose a small but capacious poem for your message that speaks of your sincere love. Tell your mom how much you miss her, how you miss the warmth of her hands. Do not hesitate to pronounce beautiful words - usually the distance "washes away" all conventions and removes embarrassment. It is not necessary to choose a lyrical message - do not forget to joke and please your mother with a good mood.

Happy mother's day, I congratulate you
Thank you for what life has given.
I wish you health, bright years.
And remember, I love you very much!

It's not easy to find so many sincere words
To express your tenderness and love.
Happy mother's day, dearest person!
May God grant you happiness for the whole long century!

Congratulations, mommy, it's your day!
May lilac bloom in my soul in honor of the holiday,
The sun is shining brighter, the frost is in no hurry,
Life will be strewn with rose petals!

May your life be full of joy
There will be a sun in my soul, spring in my heart,
Mother's Day gives warmth and love.
Thank you again and again!

Thank you for the tenderness, warmth and comfort,
Thank you for the home where people are always waiting for me,
For sunlight and excess heat.
Happy Mother's Day! Be happy always!

Great congratulations from children on Mother's Day. Poems and funny songs with video

If you find it difficult to choose a gift for your mom on Mother's Day, congratulations can be a funny song sung on November 27, 2016 by the whole family, or poems read by children. Prepare a surprise for your mom in advance, so that in the morning of November 27 you will please her with your wonderful gift. Decorate your home for the holiday and do a spring cleaning for Mom.

Happy holiday, my mom!
Delicate, beautiful, I love you!
May a smile of joy give a kind light
May God let you live a hundred bright years!

Be happy without an edge
And always joyful.
Happy mother's day, dear!
I love you so much!

When choosing congratulations on Mother's Day, stop at poetry or a song in the event that you want to congratulate your mother with the whole family. Small children can draw pictures and sign them with congratulatory words. Grown daughters and sons, presenting their gifts on November 27, 2016, will definitely tell their mother how much they love her. If you find it difficult to say sincere words, do so by reading a pre-recorded poem. Do not forget to congratulate the mothers of your spouses - mothers-in-law and mother-in-law will be waiting for your kind words and warm wishes for simple female happiness and, of course, health. Instruct the head of the family to read greetings before the gala dinner. His “official” prose performance will kick off your mom’s dinner.