Phorum is a cool DIY gift for mom. The order of the work. To make original candles you will need

Have you always dreamed of making a birthday present for your mother with your own hands, but were afraid that nothing would come of it, and just bought another standard postcard? From now on you will give gifts in a new way and they will be bright, memorable and very sincere. In this article, we will tell you how to give your mom the best gift in the world, spending very little time and money on it. In addition, our gifts will be useful and will be able to bring joyful memories every day.

It doesn't matter how old you are, 6 or 60, there is always time in life to make a DIY gift for your mother's birthday. For mothers we remain children, and everything we do for them, they appreciate a million times more. Any gift - be it a drawing, a song, a poem or a frame for a family photo - will evoke the most pleasant emotions in mom and she will remember it for a lifetime. Read more about gifts for mom and the occasions for which they are intended.

A birthday present for mom is often a real puzzle, which is not so easy to solve. And if it is also anniversary, for example, 55 years old, then a son or daughter can run around the whole city the day before in search of something suitable, and so this one cannot be found. And mom will be pleased, even if you are just write a couple of lines, tell about your love and gratitude, and it will be sincere and wholeheartedly. However, it is much better if you make a wonderful postcard out of paper, decorate it with beautiful flowers, and only then write your congratulations. This card can be made using the popular quilling technique. Mom will be just happy to get so original gift.

If you already have a postcard ready, and you want to give some more surprise, then this one will be a real discovery. casket. It is so refined and so simple in execution that anyone, even a novice master, can handle it. In addition, such a thing is suitable as a gift for 50 years, and 30, and not at all for a birthday, but for any other holiday, on March 8 or Valentine's Day. Delicate execution and pink tones indicate that such a gift is intended mother from daughter So, girls, learn.

Gift Ideas for Mom

You can make a gift to your mother with your own hands and just like that, and she will remember this day as the best in her life. If your mommy is fond of needlework, make a pillow for her. Such a bright accessory will delight the eye and remind you of you.

For a young and energetic mother, it will fit incredibly colorful photo frame. And if she is also interested in photography, then you can put one of her works there, and she will be very happy.

Mom for 65 years can be presented joint gift from grandchildren and children- Decorated apron. Moreover, the decoration will be very original. Prepare paints, paper, scissors, as well as an ordinary white apron and with the help of these simple items you will turn it into a real family amulet.

Here are some fresh ideas we have prepared for you and for your moms.

Gift for mom from son

Sons also love to give gifts to their mothers. useful gifts. And they will be no less original and useful. For example, if there are a lot of floppy disks lying around at home, you can use them to make colorful flower pots.

Prepare everything you need. For one pot you will need:

  • 5 diskettes;
  • Super glue;
  • hot glue from a gun;
  • the flowers themselves (or the earth with seeds);
  • scissors.

Each of the diskettes gently lubricate with glue in the place where it will be attached to other elements. We apply glue on the bottom floppy disk from all sides, on the side disks - only on the right and left.

Prepare your plants. It's better to take them right away. in small pots, and if necessary, trim the height. You can also plant seeds in a cup and place it in the middle of your pot.

Your mom deserves surprises! If she raised you right, most likely, you want to somehow express your gratitude to her. No one invests in us as much effort, time and love as mothers, although we often take this for granted. Whether you're looking to give mom a treat for the holidays or just because, a little planning doesn't hurt. We will give you some ideas for great surprises, both cheap or even free, and more expensive.


Cheap or free surprises

  1. Spend time together. If you're looking for a surprise for a birthday, March 8, or any other holiday, you'll most likely think about buying a gift right away, but an intangible gift can be far more valuable. Even if the invitation to go somewhere together is not the greatest surprise in the world, it may turn out to be the most pleasant. Put away your phone and other gadgets to give your mom your time and attention. Talk to her. Listen to her. Stay together.

    • Spend a quiet day together, drink tea and talk. You can go for a walk in the park or spend the evening watching family comedies or your mom's favorite movies. Look through old albums. Check out old videos from the holidays. You can even collect photo or video materials on your computer, make a presentation or edit a movie and invite your mom to the premiere!
    • Find beautiful places in your city where mom rarely visits. Show them to mom: take your own tour! If you have an athletic mom, you can go for long walks, bike rides, or runs with her.
    • If your mother is a believer, go to church with her. If she rarely gets to see any of her relatives, visit them together. Just arrange a joint day of rest.
  2. Do the cleaning without being reminded. A great way to surprise your mom is to do some cleaning, especially if you don't volunteer to do it often. Even a little help around the house will show mom that you care about her.

    • Start with your room, especially if you're not sure you'll have time to clean the entire apartment. Put all things in their places, hang clean clothes in a closet, take dirty clothes in a laundry basket. Then clean up the living room and other rooms. Try to finish before mom gets back. If you don’t have time for real serious cleaning, you can simply arrange books, remove things that were lying around, straighten pillows and dust at least where it is most noticeable (usually a table and a TV or monitor).
    • Additionally, you can wash the dishes and take out the trash. Tidy up the kitchen, wipe the work surfaces and the table. If you have time, go over the floor with a vacuum cleaner. You will become an example for your brothers and sisters!
  3. If you live in a private house, tidy up the yard. First of all, remove unnecessary items and put them in their places. Sometimes it’s worth starting with cleaning the house.

    • Mow the lawn if you are an adult and know how to do it. Perhaps this is more like a surprise for dad, although it all depends on whose duties this activity usually includes. Depending on the season and weather, remove leaves, snow, or just debris from your yard. Water the garden and vegetable garden. If necessary (and if your parents trust you to do this), prune the bushes.
  4. Organize a family dinner by inviting guests secretly from mom. The preparation may take some time. Invite mom's closest friends and relatives she likes to hang out with. This is a great way to pleasantly surprise her, especially if you cook dinner yourself and free her from the hassle. If the weather is fine, organize a picnic. Think about what products you need to buy, ask the guests to gather at the agreed place and bring your mother. It will be an unforgettable surprise!

    • Keep dinner simple: the main thing is that you have enough time to prepare everything in advance. Set the table and be ready for the arrival of guests so that mom does not have to worry about anything. When the guests arrive (unexpectedly for her!), let her rest and communicate with them, and you will take care of all the chores.
    • Before dinner, come up with a toast that you will say in honor of your mother. Just do not look for ready-made template toasts on the Internet: let the toast be not quite perfect, but your!
    • If a party with friends and family is too stressful for a mom who is already feeling tired, order a pizza, buy a beer and put on a good movie. Arrange yourself a cozy home evening for two.
  5. Write her a letter. This is one of the cheapest and most sincere ways to tell your mom how much she means to you. If you want to do something meaningful for her, you don't have to be a writer, just write from your heart. In a letter, share warm memories with her, remind her of various funny cases and tell her why you are grateful to her. Let mom know how you feel.

    • Take a sheet of thick paper or cardboard and make a postcard. Decorate it with your own drawings, stick funny or cute pictures. Mom will definitely love it!
    • Another option is to hang notes around the house where she will definitely notice them. In each, write a separate “thank you” for some of those seemingly inconspicuous things that she does day after day.
  6. Serve your mom breakfast in bed. This is undoubtedly a classic way to pleasantly surprise mom. Just don't burn the toast and don't rattle the frying pan all over the house! Set an alarm to get up at least an hour before mom and get everything ready.

    • Simplicity is the key to success. You should not make dishes for breakfast that are long or difficult to prepare and not so easy to eat neatly. Run in the evening to the store for buns or croissants and hide them, and serve them with coffee in the morning. Cinnamon toast or fruit salad is also a good idea.

    Serious surprises

    1. Try to figure out what your mom will never ask you for. Mothers are always stubborn and disinterested. Find out what kind of gift mom would like to receive, although it will not be so easy. Maybe she always dreamed of seeing Greece, but she never said a word about it.

      • Try talking to her old school or college friends. Find out what she was like before, what she dreamed about, where she would like to visit. Try to fulfill her dream!
      • Ask dad. Most likely, he knows exactly his mother's cherished desires, or at least guesses about them. Ask her what she dreams about and tell him it's a secret!
    2. Give your mom a day at the spa. Professional spa treatments, relaxation and bliss - this is a gift that will definitely be a success! Check with dad or other family members to make sure mom is free on the day you choose. Find out which salons are nearby, what services they offer and what reviews they have.

      • If you don’t have a lot of money at your disposal, sign your mom up for one procedure. For example, if she is very tired, a relaxing massage session would be a great choice. If she pays a lot of attention to her nails or hair, sign her up for a manicure or a hairdresser.
    3. Give her flowers. Order a bouquet in a flower shop with delivery to your home or work. Just in case, find out if any of the stores have discounts or special offers (this rarely happens, but what if you get lucky?). Keep in mind that before Valentine's Day, March 8 and September 1, flowers usually go up in price. If you know what kind of flowers your mom likes, your task is much easier.

      • Mom doesn't like flowers at all? Give her what she loves! For example, buy hand cream, body lotion, other care products in small packages and collect a gift basket.
    4. Try to arrange a surprise evening with a trip to a restaurant and theater. If your mom loves plays, musicals, or concerts, buy tickets for her and for yourself. Find a restaurant close to the theater for cocktails and light early dinners, and reserve a table just long enough to eat before the show starts. Book a taxi in advance so you don't have to worry about transportation.

      • If an elegant meal and stage performance makes mom sad, lower the degree of pathos! Dine at an inexpensive pizzeria or even a fast food restaurant if your mom has a crush on him, and then go to the movies to see a horror or comedy movie. Let mom feel young again!
    5. Make a scrapbook. If your mother likes to be nostalgic, you can make a beautiful scrapbook for her with photos, pictures, memorabilia. Collect old family photos; perhaps my mother's childhood photos or drawings can be found with grandparents. Pictures taken yesterday on a smartphone will not surprise anyone, but a photo from a school graduation, summer holidays at sea or a matinee in kindergarten is a completely different matter! Tip: It's best to scan and print single copy photos for a project, and return the originals to a family album.

      • If your mom likes to make things herself, organize a scrapbook project for her. Give her an empty album, beautiful paper, design materials, pick up photos, postcards, pages from magazines, and let mom create by herself or with you!
    6. If you have a garden, bring in a landscape designer or gardener. Surely gardening chores tire mom. Even if she is a passionate gardener, she is unlikely to be enthusiastic about routine tasks like mowing the lawn and cleaning the leaves. If your mom has always wanted a garden but just doesn't have the energy or time, talk to a landscape architect and arrange it yourself. However, even if you just invite an assistant to cut the bushes and clean the yard, mom will be very pleased.

      • Make sure the design is in line with Mom's wishes and matches the look of the house. Perhaps you should do all the preparatory work - invite a specialist for a consultation, evaluate the scale and cost, discuss design options - and let your mother make the final decision. What if you spend money on an expensive project and she doesn't like it!
      • You can team up with dad and siblings and organize a trip just for mom. Let her go where she always wanted to, and rest at her pleasure.

Mom is the only person in the whole wide world who loves you not for something, but just like that, simply because you are. He always loves, even when he is angry with you, offended or swears. Mom forgives you everything and does not remember the insults that you sometimes cause her. Mom is proud of your successes in a way that you yourself are not proud of them.

Moms don’t expect gifts, it’s enough for them if you just say “Congratulations!” on their birthday. A gift, and even made with your own hands, will become a real priceless treasure for your mother. She will cherish and keep it, brag to her friends and show it to all relatives. Such a gift will tell without words that you also love your mother and appreciate her attention and care for you.

Let's do something for mom with our own hands and make her happy on her birthday. We will make all gifts from the materials that are in every home, they will not have to be bought.

Original greeting card for mom

The most common gift is a greeting card. It can be given both as an independent gift and as an addition to the main one. The great thing is that anyone can do it.

What you will need:

  • two sheets of thick paper;
  • paints;
  • small plastic bottle;
  • glue;
  • thin beautiful ribbon or lace.

So let's go!

  1. We take black or brown paint and draw a twig on a piece of paper.
  2. In a plate or saucer, we dilute paint of a bright color, for example, pink. The paint must be thick.
  3. Dip the bottom of the bottle into the paint.
  4. We take out the bottle of paint.
  5. We print a flower on paper.
  6. We repeat the whole process and "draw" as many flowers as we want.
  7. We are waiting for the paint to dry. At this time, we write congratulations on another sheet.
  8. We fasten both sheets along the short side either with glue, or with a ribbon or cord. In order to fasten two sheets with a ribbon, you need to make two neat holes on the top of both sheets. Then thread the ribbon through the holes and tie it into a bow.

The postcard is ready.

Such a beautiful apple can be put on a tray, plate or in a basket. It looks very beautiful in the kitchen, and on the festive table, and on my mother's dressing table.

In order to make such an apple, you will need:

  • two identical transparent plastic bottles;
  • acrylic paints;
  • tassel;
  • scissors;
  • a branch for a cutting or wire;
  • some green crepe paper;
  • plastic adhesive.

How to make a beautiful apple?

  1. We cut off the bottom of the bottles so that one is a couple of centimeters higher than the other.
  2. On the high bottom we will make notches. This is necessary so that one part of the apple freely enters the other.
  3. Glue the notched edge with glue and insert one half of the apple into the other.
  4. Color the apple yellow or red.
  5. When the glue and paint are dry, drill a hole in one of the halves of the apple and insert a twig into it.
  6. A piece of corrugated paper can be glued to a branch.

The apple is ready!

What to do if there are no acrylic paints?

  1. Take colored plastic bottles: green, yellow or silver.
  2. Put crumpled colored paper inside a transparent apple.

If desired, the place of gluing the two halves of the apple can be masked with a thin ribbon.

If you are not too lazy and make several apples of different colors and sizes, and then put them on a plate, then they will decorate any holiday table.

DIY button gifts

At home, there will certainly be different buttons, especially where mom or grandmother is engaged in needlework. You can make beautiful gifts from them, and at the same time collect all unnecessary buttons together.

In order to make a gift, you need the buttons themselves, strong threads and thin wire.

  1. Collecting buttons.
  2. We take a thread and string different buttons on it.
  3. If there is a lock from old beads or a bracelet, then we tie it to the ends of the thread.

If at home there is a thin elastic band for needlework, then the buttons for the bracelet can be strung on it. In this case, a lock is not required.

You can make a funny caterpillar out of buttons and plant it on an apple from a plastic bottle.

We will need:

  • buttons with two holes;
  • wire;
  • multi-colored pieces of felt or felt (coat fabric);
  • paints, brush, felt-tip pen;
  • needle, scissors;
  • glue.

We make a caterpillar.

  1. From the wire you need to make a loop. The head of the caterpillar will be attached to it.
  2. Cut out circles from felt and string alternately with buttons.
  3. We fix the wire on the tail of the caterpillar.
  4. We make a head from a cotton ball: we paint cotton wool, glue the antennae and button eyes. We draw a mouth and cheeks.
  5. We connect the head with the body.

The caterpillar is ready!

And now we will make flowers from buttons.

Button flowers

You will need:

  • different spools of thread;
  • all kinds of buttons;
  • wire;
  • green corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Making flowers from buttons is very simple, and spools of thread will serve as vases.

  1. We take the wire and fasten it to the button.
  2. We wrap the wire with green paper.
  3. Cut out the leaves in the form of a triangle and glue them to the stem.
  4. We tie the coils with beautiful ribbons.
  5. We put flowers in vases.

If you have pieces of felt, coat fabric or sheets of velvet paper at home, then you can make a large bouquet out of buttons.

  1. From felt or velvet paper, you need to cut out flowers with petals of arbitrary shape.
  2. Put buttons on the petals.
  3. Attach the wire to the petals and buttons.
  4. Instead of leaves, you can tie green ribbons.
  5. Collect the bouquet at the bottom and tie with a ribbon.

Bouquet of buttons is ready!

If you do not find the wire, then do not be upset, because the stems can be made from a green plastic bottle, and from an old plastic folder for papers, and just find thin twigs on the street. For a small bouquet in a vase-coil, you can use toothpicks.

And with the help of buttons, you can decorate your mother's flower. To do this, stems with button flowers need to be stuck into the ground with my mother's favorite houseplant. May it bloom on her birthday!

Paper birthday gift for mom: workshops and ideas will help you find something special and original. As a rule, paper products for someone's holiday are referred to as origami art. But we will consider several options for gifts that are appropriate to give for such celebrations.

You can buy a birthday gift for mom from paper or make it yourself. There are special boutiques in shopping centers where you can find various kinds of packaging, thematic presents and origami crafts.

The simplest and most beautiful will be boxes made of cardboard and paper, made without glue according to a special addition scheme.

It is a wrapper for a gift, but can also serve as an occasion for permanent use. There, from the same cardboard, you can paste cubes for storing small things.

These sweets are not harmful to anyone, and they will stand forever - you can decorate your own gift with them, or you can collect a whole bowl of such colored gizmos. Let them become a piece of furniture in my mother's bedroom.

Play a game with mom - wrap riddles or wishes in paper “chupa-chups”. Have her pull one out and read it out loud. A good gift for a birthday, and the price allows you to buy a lot of such crafts.

Another addition to sweets. Diamonds or crystals would be nice to decorate with sparkles. If you don’t find the same ones made of phosphorus, feel free to glue them with sparkles and rhinestones.

In the finished pink heart, you can put memories from which mom will cry with happiness. Do not forget about your first drawings in kindergarten, notes and small crafts from childhood.

A box with a surprise - inside each insert with pages you can find a place under the photo. Paste the brightest photographs there, make beautiful signatures and present them to your mother.

Similar crafts can be made with your own hands from paper or thin cardboard. Today, stores offer a lot of different types of paper for a particular creativity.


The best gift is the one that is made by hand, because everyone has tried to make some craft at least once. We offer one of the origami options that can be presented as a birthday present for mom.


Draw a blank vase for a future application.

Cut out the outline of the vase.

Cut out the "triangles" to make the applique more voluminous and original.

The cut out vase will need to be decorated with flowers and leaves.

Before that, bend the vase in half lengthwise and carefully make a "herringbone".

Do not squeeze the edges too much to make it easier to straighten the picture.

All corners must be crossed with the previous ones.

Lift each corner up.

Glue the corners together.

The upper corner on the triangle must be cut and glued.

Here's what should happen. On a different background color it will look nice and bright.

Take a piece of paper to create flowers.

Fold the sheet "accordion" to cut out several parts at once.

Draw a flower so that you can multiply them later without changing the shape and size.

Cut out the flowers along the outline.

Carefully align the edges of the flowers.

Make as many flowers as you like. If one piece of paper is not enough, repeat the process again.

Use a pencil to evenly bend the flower petals.

Glue the centers to the finished flowers to complete the picture.

Cut out one center to fit it to the base of the flower.

If it fits in size, make a blank on the edge of the strip.

Bend the sheet along the edge of the circle, then make an accordion.

Cut out all the details in one go.

Here are the circles you get.

We collect several details in one flower.

Glue the center.

We make the finished sheet in several versions - you can make them the same, you can make them different in size.

We glue the outline of the vase.

Attach the vase to the base. Background paper can be any other color. It is important to choose bright and rich colors.

Let the application dry a little.

Next, glue the flowers to the top of the vase.

We supplement the finished application with green leaves. And the result is a beautiful gift for mom.

Tip: The structure of the vase can be made in a different shape, with different fold options. You can do without them. Also, the flowers and their shape depend on what types of plants the mother likes.

Also, several types of flowers can be made from multi-colored paper to make one composition. After all, not always in the bouquet should be the same types of plants.

Here are some ideas on this topic:

  • Craft flower arrangement in the form of roses- a great reason to create a paper bouquet. It is not necessary to take red or yellow as the basis.

  • Perhaps one of the traditional alternatives for creating a paper bouquet. Decorate it with sweets, they also have paper packaging.

  • This type of roses are ideal for decorating a gift. You can beautifully decorate the decoration of a candlestick or any other gift.

  • : The newspaper is now very fashionable in the creation of decor and wrapping packages. Flowers, crafts, wreaths, packaging and other elements are well made from it. If you add a little greenery or wood, you get a good wreath to stand the same piece of furniture.

  • Another paper way to decorate a gift. The water lily is considered a symbol of tenderness, well-being. Peony is a symbol of luxury and wealth. Bring a little meaning to the creation of this or that flower.

It is not necessary to make an independent gift from paper, it will be good to give old things a new round of appearance. Make roses out of thick paper, starch them and decorate a mirror or picture.

A picture from a paper panel will look beautiful in any room. Place some flowers on the photo frame. They can also be added to the vase from the previous master class.

The pots can also be decorated with paper flowers, or added to real plants for a pop of color.

Thin paper (corrugated) is perfect for creating delicate flowers - carnations, tea roses and more.

To create these colors, you can use special techniques. The video in this article will help you step by step to understand the sequence of actions:

The same roses can be made not for a bouquet, but for decorating an album with photos or valuable wishes.

It is better to time such crafts immediately to the creation of an interior item. Beautiful flowers will look great in a vase made of thick paper and pile filler.

Additionally, make a larger craft, or buy something from the category of decor. Suitable vases, pots, flowerpots for indoor plants and decor items.

massive crafts

By the way, a vase from paper products can also be made at home, it is not necessary to buy ceramic or iron.

Instructions for its creation are provided:

Take the finished tube or model it from cardboard and paper.

Cut a lot of blanks for gluing and creating side parts. They will play the main role - the shape of the vase.

Glue the four main pieces to form the outline of the vase.

Glue the remaining parts evenly on a round surface.

Cover the vase with newspaper or magazines.

The neck must be glued horizontally so that the paper does not fall between the joints.

To give a smooth shape, take the putty and add PVA glue to it. When the material dries, sand it with sandpaper - this way you will achieve a flat and smooth surface.

The vase can be painted in any color except translucent. For decor, you can use the decoupage technique, drink-moche, and so on. Highlight the decor with a different color so that the drawing is not blurred.

Tip: such a cardboard-paper vase is suitable for light objects (the same colors from paper). If you want to place more massive bouquets in it, make a weighting agent - a stone at the bottom of the vase or a metal stand.

Origami for a present

If creativity is not for you, then you can prepare a simple picture made using the origami technique. This is a broad segment of art that offers a variety of options for creating crafts.

Origami is the art of making some interesting figure out of a sheet of paper without the use of glue and means of fixation. Surely in kindergarten all the children tried to make frogs, airplanes and napkins of beautiful unusual shapes.

The Kusudama technique allows you to create unusual round-shaped flowers for decorating your home. In Japan, such crafts are considered symbolic gifts. They are usually hung at the entrance to the house or placed at the head of the bed.

Unusual but simple crafts will make mother's day. Cover the paper rabbit with glitter paint or acrylic varnish. You will get a gilded figurine - beauty and simplicity in one form.

Recently, 3D postcards have been popular. If you yourself prepare a small congratulation and do such a luxury, this will be enough.

You can choose several shades of the same color to create the illusion of a cycle. In Japan, many people give away several hours of free time just to enjoy this feeling of pleasure.

Moms will love the unusual look of eggs that would look good in the kitchen - on the table as a decor in a salad bowl or bread box.

A good start to the day with such a set of dishes. Moms will appreciate the creations of their children when they receive a copy of the table service as a gift.

A basket woven using the origami technique will not leave indifferent any mother. How nice it is to receive gifts from a child that he made himself, tried and worried.

In addition to typical paper flower sets, there are many other varieties of paper weaving techniques. Almost everyone can fold or glue something unusual, but then we will present such presents that not every master of his craft can create.

Options for paper surprises

Paper jewelry has always been in fashion, as the manufacturing process, like craftsmanship, requires perseverance and care.

Cute angels on a hanger will delight every day when mom wakes up and reads again all the wishes written on each robe of angels.

Paper mug crafts can also decorate a kitchen or tabletop tableware. It is enough to add colored sugar, fill the containers and delight everyone at home with the beauty.

Nowhere to put old magazines? Use old newspapers or magazines that you don’t want to throw away and don’t want to sell. From them you can create a real decoration for a wall clock - breathe a new breath of life into objects.

If it is not possible to buy flowerpots for the earth and plants, make them yourself out of paper. Thick paper impregnated with a waterproof liquid will be an excellent tool for planting plants and a gift for mom.

St. Basil's Cathedral - used modular origami to create walls and roofs. As a gift, you can make a small house, decorate with congratulatory inscriptions and warm words (using the origami technique).

As you already understood, a paper birthday present for mom can be made on any topic - for decor, for home, for comfort and more.

These gifts can be used in everyday life or just admire them. Even if you give the simplest cube, but make it yourself, mom will be happy about this. Not everyone can make masterpieces.

What to give to the most important person in our destiny - mom? DIY Mother's Day gifts with detailed master classes and step by step photos. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to create masterpiece works of art - even the simplest crafts for Mother's Day, made with soul, will melt a mother's heart.

So, what to get mom for Mother's Day?

We bring to your attention a real gallery of interesting and simple gifts.

Paper Flowers for Mother's Day

Paper flowers are a versatile decoration for any Mother's Day craft. How to learn how to make simple paper flowers? From pale pink paper, cut out three blanks with five petals.

The first blank will be the outer layer of the petals. We make small cuts between the petals. We put glue on them.

We glue the petals to each other, stacking them one on top of the other.

We twist the ends a little.

The second blank will be the middle layer of the petals. We cut off one of the petals from her.

We glue the workpiece in the place of the cut petal. Again we make small cuts between the petals and glue them, stacking on top of each other.

We twist the petals of the middle layer.

We connect the outer and middle layers of the flower together.

The last blank is the inside of the flower. Cut it into petals.

We twist the first petal into a tube.

We bend the other two petals.

With bent petals we wrap the petal folded into a tube.

We insert the inner part of the flower into its rightful place. The paper flower is ready!

This flower can serve as a wonderful decoration for any craft.

For example, they can decorate a photo frame, making it an amazing Mother's Day gift.

Quilling card for Mother's Day "Mom and baby"

On Mother's Day, you can make a beautiful quilling card. This card will show a mother holding a small child in her arms - the most touching story for a Mother's Day gift. For crafts, you will need a drawn or printed template.

We begin to lay out mom's hair from paper strips. We put each strip on glue.

We lay out the contour of the face and the silhouette of the mother.

We lay out the outline of the baby.

We fill the hair space with paper ribbons. Let's move on to the bottom of the image.

We roll tight rolls from red stripes and squeeze them from one side. We get red droplets.

We glue and twist three small green strips.

We place green curls and red droplets on our composition.

We continue to decorate the composition with curls and droplets. Greenery and flowers begin to fill the space of the postcard.

A quilling Mother's Day card is ready! Charming mother and baby are sure to please the hero of the occasion.

Postcard "mom and baby"

A handmade card for your beloved mother is a great gift. From thick paper we make the basis of the postcard. In the front part we make a hole in the shape of a heart.

We decorate the edges of the hole with green "waves" of paper.

We decorate the front side of the card with balls of paper and thread. Glue the word "mom" on the balls. We supplement the card with paper butterflies.

We write a holiday greeting on the inside of the card. Opposite the hole we draw a symbol of mother's day - a mother with a baby.

We got a very beautiful card for Mother's Day! Please your beloved mother - she will be very pleased!

Mother's Day card with palms, heart and flowers

This amazing and simple postcard will make your beloved Mom very happy. First, draw a palm on paper and cut it out. According to this template, we draw the counters of the palms on the fold of the white paper. Cut out palms from white paper.

We make another layer of purple paper with palms. It should be slightly larger in size. Glue two layers together.

We cut out a heart from paper and fold it with an accordion. Glue the heart on the palms.

We decorate the card with delicate spring flowers. A card as a gift for Mother's Day - ready.

Card with flowers as a gift for Mother's Day

As a gift for mom on Mother's Day, you can make a very spectacular postcard with foamiran flowers. Foamiran is a foam rubber that is now easy to find in any craft store. For this craft, we need yellow and green foamiran. First, we make out the front side of the postcard. We glue blue cardboard, a ribbon and a heart of sequins onto the base.

Cut out leaves from yellow foamiran. We color them by rubbing crushed pastel chalk into the edges. We heat the leaves on the iron and, until they have cooled down, roll them into a tube and straighten them, trying to give a natural look.

We turn the first petal into a tube, and wrap the rest around it. We fix the petals with glue. We will get a flower bud.

We wrap the wire with green adhesive tape - this is the future flower stem. Glue the bud to the stem.

We cut out a bowl from green foamiran. We make a hole in it and insert the stem into it. We fix the bowl with glue.

From green foamiran we cut out green leaves. We heat them on the iron and apply to a real sheet. We should have a pattern with veins. We make the edges of the leaves with notches.

We glue our flowers with leaves on the front side of the postcard.

We collect three large roses from the leaves.

Glue them to the postcard. A wonderful gift for Mother's Day - ready!

Drawing "beloved mother"

For those who love and know how to draw, you can make a portrait of your mother. To make the portrait look like, use your mother's photo. Try to emphasize the dignity, because you want to please, not upset your mother. First, make a sketch with a pencil.

We paint the face. We emphasize the main lines with a black felt-tip pen.

Coloring mom's dress, hands, hair and flowers. The picture for mom is ready!

Drawing Tulips for Mother's Day

If you know how and love to draw, then try drawing a bouquet of colorful tulips for Mother's Day. This drawing is done in pencil and watercolor. First, make a sketch with a red pencil according to the sample.

Fill the flower with soft pink. Give expression to the flower by making its base darker. The leaves and stems of the pattern look interesting if they are not made in the classic green color, but played with shades of green, purple and beige.

We continue to fill the leaves with color. The inside of the sheet should be darker than the outside.

Drawing "tulips" for Mother's Day

A bouquet of tulips for mom is ready! You can make a congratulatory inscription in the free space and place the picture in a frame.

Foamiran flower as a gift for Mother's Day

Increasingly popular is a wonderful material for creativity - foamiran. How to make a gift out of it for Mother's Day? We need foamiran white and green. Cut out petals from white foamiran. We color the edges of the petals a little. You can just rub some paint or crumbled pastel crayon into them.

Foamiran becomes malleable when heated. We take a petal and heat it a little on the iron. While it has not cooled, we twist it at the edges and bend it in the middle, trying to give it a natural shape.

We heat the last petal and leave it twisted - this is the middle of the flower.

We paste over the middle of the flower with our petals. Straighten the petals.

Cut out green squares from the green foamiran. We heat them on the iron and leave a pattern on them, applying a real leaf.

We give the blank the shape of a leaf and color it.

We got a wonderful gift for Mother's Day - a delicate rose.

Bouquet of sweets as a gift for Mother's Day

A very beautiful and pleasant gift is a bouquet of sweets and corrugated paper. To begin with, we make the base - we insert long thin sticks into the sweets. They will be the stems of future flowers.

Cut out a strip of corrugated paper. In size, it should be slightly larger than the candy.

We wrap the strip around the candy - this will be the first layer of the flower. In the lower part, we twist the paper around the stick and fix it with a thread or elastic band.

On the next tape, cut out the contours of the petals.

We twist them with a stick.

We wrap a layer with petals around our workpiece. The more layers, the more magnificent our rosette will turn out.

We make several flowers and decorate the bouquet with green petals. A bouquet of sweets as a gift for mom is ready!

On Mother's Day, you can make a very beautiful and tasty craft "Heart with Candies". The most difficult thing in this craft is to cut a regular-shaped heart out of foam. Using double-sided tape, we fix red corrugated paper around the heart on both sides.

We glue a red ribbon folded with an accordion around the heart. Glue white on top of it.

We tie the heart with a yellow ribbon. Glue the candy to the heart. A great and inexpensive gift for Mother's Day - ready!

Salt Dough Flowers for Mother's Day

On Mother's Day, you can make a picture with flowers from salt dough. We knead the salt dough with the addition of a small amount of PVA glue - this will give the craft strength. Add paint while kneading the dough. Preparing the canvas for the painting. Glue the cardboard base behind the frame. We lay out the leaves from the green dough.

From the red dough we make a strip, which we then twist. We should get a rosebud.

Glue the buds to the base. Three buds are supplemented with petals to make voluminous flowers. Salt dough picture - ready!

Bouquet of candy on a stick and paper

In the form of a bouquet, you can arrange lollipops. To do this, cut out flower petals from paper or cardboard. We pierce the candy in the center of the paper flower. From green paper, cut out and glue the petal.

On the outside of the flower we make a congratulatory inscription.

If you take a small pot and fill it with foam rubber. We stick a plastic stick into the foam rubber. We get a whole bunch of candy flowers.

Bouquet of foamiran flowers in a pot

From foamiran and wooden ice cream sticks, you can make a wonderful gift for Mother's Day - a bouquet of flowers in a pot.

Cut out flowers from pink and purple foamiran. From the yellow foamiran we cut out the hearts. From green - leaves. Cooking wooden ice cream sticks and good glue.

Glue the flower and leaves to the wooden stick. To make the craft look good, you can close the stick with foamiran on both sides. We take a small plastic pot and put foam rubber, polystyrene or plasticine on the bottom. We need a base in which we insert the stems of our flowers.

We place our flowers in a pot. Crafts for Mother's Day from foamiran - ready!

DIY Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Another great Mother's Day gift idea is a pot of tulips. We decorate the pot itself with bright photographs.

Mother's Day gift - a pot of tulips

You can give mom a beautiful homemade jewelry box.

As a gift to a mother who is fond of sewing, you can make a tender one.

Each craft will acquire its own charm when a loving baby takes it. Check out more ideas in our Mother's Day Crafts section.

Congratulations on Mother's Day (video):

Watch the video greeting "Happy Mother's Day".