The baby doesn't breastfeed that. Why does the baby refuse to breastfeed? Unexpected change in children's behavior

A child refuses to breast and cries - such a problem can arise even in the absence of any apparent reason for this. Let's try to figure out why this can happen and, most importantly, how to find a way out of such a situation, because the lactation period is very important both for a newborn baby and for the health of his mother.

Is the baby crying and refusing to breastfeed? We will find out how to solve the problem

What does breastfeeding look like?

If a baby refuses breast milk, it may look different. Of course, a mother who spends day and night next to her baby will see alarming signs:

  • the child does not want to breastfeed at all;
  • eats from only one breast;
  • agrees to eat only in a half-asleep or drowsy state;
  • takes a breast, but badly - at first he sucks, then cries and stops, then he can eat again, but he freaks out again and ultimately remains hungry.

It is not entirely true to say that the baby is naughty. If at this age the baby roars and does not recognize breastfeeding, then there are objective reasons for this. Either he is sick or he is not comfortable. Talking about the so-called manifestation of character is inappropriate here. The sooner we determine the cause, the more successfully we will solve the problem.

First of all, you need to find out the reasons for the anxiety of the baby.

Causes associated with the anatomical features of the maternal breast

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The refusal of a child from natural feeding can happen due to the fact that the mother's breast has individual anatomical features that complicate the process. It may be too flat or, conversely, the elongated shape of the nipples, as well as too narrow channels through which milk flows.

What is created by nature is difficult, and sometimes impossible to change, so you need to try to adapt to the non-standard features of your body and help your baby do it. It is necessary to develop breasts, massage and express milk with help. Doing so regularly will keep the lactation going and help the baby. You can use special nursing pads available at the pharmacy. The main thing is to tackle the problem right away, since at first the baby is still very weak. After the first month, when he grows up a little and gets stronger, he will cope with tight breasts on his own.

The well-known pediatrician E. Komarovsky advises in such situations to be patient and take active steps. After interrupting feeding for a few minutes, you need to massage the breast, and then attach the baby to it again. The main thing is to do it regularly.

Reasons related to the baby's health

Why does the baby refuse to breastfeed after taking it for some time without any problems? This often happens if the baby is sick. This must be taken very seriously, since the protracted nature of the disease not only badly affects overall health and slows down the healing process, but can also lead to the baby's refusal to breastfeed.

A possible cause of a baby's refusal to breastfeed is tummy problems.

What diseases and painful conditions need to be borne in mind:

  1. Colds and other diseases accompanied by nasal congestion. In addition to the fact that viral diseases weaken the body and reduce appetite, it is difficult for a child to breastfeed simply because he practically cannot breathe through his nose. As a result, he either starts to eat or is interrupted. The problem is solved by instilling a saline solution, massage, humidifying the air in the room and regular ventilation, and in case of a complication in the form of an elevated temperature, compliance with all the recommendations of the attending physician.
  2. Intestinal dysbiosis. This process is necessarily accompanied in the tummy, as a result of which the baby not only screams, but also jerks his legs. It will help to alleviate the baby's condition. In addition, discomfort can be created by air, which the baby inevitably swallows when feeding. Dysbacteriosis is eliminated by special drugs that restore the intestinal microflora, and a light tummy massage will help to relieve the child of gas.
  3. Thrush. To cure inflammation of the oral cavity, you need to consult a doctor for competent recommendations, and while the treatment lasts, breastfeeding can be temporarily replaced by feeding expressed milk from a spoon.
  4. ... Children react differently to this painful process - someone hangs on their chest for whole days, and someone flatly refuses it. Teethers or special gels can be used as sedatives.

If the first signs of any malaise are found, it is imperative to take action and as soon as possible. This will preserve lactation and help avoid complications.

Other common reasons

There are a number of other reasons a baby may refuse to breastfeed. It is easier to eliminate them, since they are all associated with non-observance of elementary rules. Most often these are:

  1. Pungent smell coming from mom. Having a baby in your arms, you should temporarily stop using perfumes and strong-smelling deodorants. The child should be able to smell natural smells.
  2. Misuse of nipples, pacifiers and bottles. Eating milk (or formula) from a bottle is easier than pulling it out of your breast. If you have to temporarily switch to this method of feeding, you should give expressed milk or a mixture from a spoon, pipette or syringe without a needle. To prevent the baby from switching to the bottle at all, you need to apply it to the breast more often. A convenient moment for this is when the baby falls asleep or should wake up.
  3. Haste or sudden change of scenery. If the mother is in a hurry and nervous, the baby will not be able to properly grip the nipple. Unaccustomed surroundings and any excessive excitement around can act in the same way. The feeding process should be quiet, calm and solitary.
  4. Violation of the diet. The taste of breast milk can be influenced by garlic, onions, herbs and spices, as well as medications (we recommend reading :). A nursing mother needs to follow a diet so that her baby does not have digestive problems.
  5. Not enough milk. Hypogalactia can be triggered by rare attachments of the child to the breast, chronic fatigue, lack of a daily regimen. Mom should follow the regimen, get enough sleep and rest, eat right and drink 2-2.5 liters of warm liquid a day. Milk-stimulating foods (such as aniseed or fennel tea) can be used.
  6. Too much milk is also a common reason for refusal. You just need to express a small amount, then the breast will become softer and the baby can grab the nipple.

As you can see, all the problems in this category are not that difficult. Having correctly identified the cause, it can be eliminated simply and quickly.

Try drinking tea to restore lactation

Or is it a lactation crisis?

The so-called lactation crisis is actually a false breastfeeding. This breastfeeding crisis can be encountered when the baby is already 3-4 months old. At this time, the baby begins to show individual character traits. Naturally, he does it in his own way: he can scream and resist, turning away from his chest, cry, that is, refuse to eat by all available means.

Such a lactation crisis should not be a reason for switching from breastfeeding to a bottle. This is a kind of psychological moment, not a digestive problem. Mom needs to be patient and continue to breastfeed the baby, do not stop feeding at night, do not give nipples and pacifiers, as well as water and complementary foods.

It is equally important that the mother is constantly with the child - constant contact will help strengthen the spiritual connection between them. The period of the lactation crisis passes quite quickly, and soon the baby will again be happy to breastfeed.

How to overcome the GW crisis?

The main danger of false breast rejection is that it can become real. Such a risk exists when the mother was not immediately able to understand what was the matter, or if the feeding rules were violated from the very beginning. Physical discomfort in the child can also aggravate the problem.

Always be calm, it will strengthen your bond with your child.

To overcome the lactation crisis, the psychological factor is very important. Establishing contact between mom and baby is the basis for solving the problem. Some tricks will help with this:

  1. Mom needs to stay calm, no matter what, because the child feels her state of mind very well and succumbs to it. You need to constantly talk to him, sing songs, stroke and smile.
  2. In order for the baby to take the breast, it must be comfortable for him (we recommend reading :). You can try different positions, and even if the mother herself is not very comfortable with this. The main thing is that the child should not be bothered by anything.
  3. Breasts need to be offered constantly and it is highly undesirable to use nipples, pacifiers, bottles. Complementary feeding must also be excluded. If there is no alternative, the baby will start breastfeeding again.
  4. Do not give up night feeds. In the first months of life, children need this. The nutritional value of milk can be increased with appropriate foods added to the mother's diet.

If you follow all the rules, you can quickly and relatively easily solve the problem and train your baby to breastfeed again. Lactation will not be disturbed, and the child will develop a sense of security and confidence.

One of the frequent questions regarding breastfeeding, with which mothers turn to a counselor, sounds something like this: “I can't give the baby breast, he loses it all the time”, “Since birth, the baby did not breastfeed, I was told that I flat nipples and need to be fed from a bottle "," We are trying from the hospital, but we still can't breastfeed the baby "... Why is this happening and what can be done?

The first situation. A newborn does not breastfeed immediately after birth.

One of the rules for successful breastfeeding, formulated by the WHO, is to start breastfeeding within the first half hour after birth. That is, the baby should be attached to the breast after birth as early as possible, in fact, still in the delivery room. But sometimes it happens that the mother offers the newborn a breast, but he does not grab it and does not suckle. The reason may be too early breastfeeding, literally in the first 10 minutes after birth. The fact is that the child needs a pause right after giving birth, time for rest, because he has passed such an important and difficult path! And mom needs to wait a little while he comes to his senses, before he shows signs of readiness to suck. After 10-15-20 minutes, the newborn begins to show activity - to twist his head, squeak, wave and push his arms and legs, as if trying to crawl. If you take him in your arms, then he turns his head to his chest and opens his mouth, showing a search reflex. All this says that now the baby can be offered the breast and he will readily begin to grab it. At first attempts at latching are awkward, as the mother and child still need to adjust to each other. The baby may lose breast, or stick too weakly. Mom needs to be patient, and after several attempts everything will definitely work out.

It happens that young mothers mistakenly accept the usual behavior of a newborn as refusing to breastfeed. It is wrong to think that a baby, having just been born, will skillfully breastfeed. Sometimes the mother takes the child and waits for him to do everything himself - he will move to the breast, open his mouth and grab the nipple. But the newborn does not yet have such a skill, there is only a set of reflexes (searching, sucking). He still does not know how to control his body, he can stick to the side of the nipple, or even to clothes, twist his head in search of a breast (mothers may decide that the child is turning away from her), lick his breasts ... The kid has simply never seen her or knows exactly how to handle it. For the first time, the child needs help.

Another reason why a newborn may refuse to breastfeed may be difficult labor. Then the baby may simply not have the strength to suckle. Children born prematurely may have little strength, in which, in the event of severe prematurity, the sucking apparatus may also not yet form. In this case, you will have to wait until the consequences of childbirth have passed, and the child will get strong enough. If this happens pretty soon, after a few hours, then the first feed will just be a little "late." If it takes several days to recover, then the mother will need to express milk and give it to the baby at this time. Colostrum is especially useful in such a situation, as although it is excreted in a small amount, it has many unique health-promoting properties. It is advisable to organize supplementary feeding of the newborn not from the bottle, so that he does not get used to the bottle type of sucking and does not refuse from the breast in the future (read on). It is important not to give up trying to attach the baby to the breast and, as the condition improves, the baby will begin to suck on the mother's milk. Sometimes the lack of desire to breastfeed in a newborn is associated with the use of drugs during childbirth, for example, anesthesia. Then, too, you need to wait a while and offer the breast.

If the mother and the newborn were separated after birth and the first feeding did not take place, the baby was fed from a bottle, then when he meets, he may also refuse to breastfeed. Because he did not have time to get to know her, and was already used to another object - a bottle. The breast differs from the bottle in shape (to take a nipple, you do not need to open your mouth wide), smell, taste (especially if the baby was fed with a mixture). There is also a significant difference in the mechanism of sucking, in which muscles are involved in this. In this case, the mother will have to be patient and spend some time retraining the child back to the breast. The time depends on many factors - the period of bottle feeding, the persistence and calmness of the mother, the condition and character of the child, and so on. Babies begin to breastfeed much faster if they have not been bottle fed before. Therefore, if necessary, it is better to immediately try to feed in other ways - from a pipette, a syringe without a needle, a special or ordinary spoon ... And of course, as soon as the child is with his mother, you need to remove the bottle and start offering the breast. A specialist should determine the need and amount of additional feeding in such cases!

Situation two. The baby cannot hold the breast.

It happens that a child is actively looking for a breast, grabs it, tries to suckle, but constantly releases it. Sometimes this happens simply due to the movements of the baby himself - he can strongly twist his head, turn it to the side of the breast and, of course, lose the nipple. This behavior is usually associated with an active search reflex, and disappears with age. The mom just needs to hold the baby's head after he kisses the breast. It is best not to hold the back of the baby's head, but to hold the head closer to the neck, placing the thumb on one side and the other four fingers on the other.

It can be difficult for a newborn to latch on to the breast if there is a lot of milk in it. Then the breast is tight, dense, the area of ​​the areola is hard and it is inconvenient for the baby to hold it. It helps to soften the breasts by pressing the areola with your fingers for as many seconds as shown in the picture. If milk is flowing strongly from the breast, then the child may also throw it, as it chokes. In this case, the use of feeding positions, in which the milk pressure is not so strong, helps, for example, when the baby is on top of the mother or the lying position.

It is very common for a newborn to lose breast if the mother has small, flat or inverted nipples. In this case, it is more difficult for the baby to keep the breast in the mouth, and the mother needs to learn how to help him grasp the breast well. In principle, the shape of the nipple does not matter, since with correct attachment, the baby should not suck the nipple, but the breast. As practice shows, with correct breastfeeding, the nipples are often pulled out. With a correct grip, the child does not suck in the breast, but grabs it with his open mouth about 2-3 cm. The tongue is from below, as if sucking and holding the breast. The use of breast pads for flat nipples can alleviate the situation a little, as the pad mimics a long nipple and the baby has something to grab onto. But with such sucking, it is more difficult for him to get milk, he may gain little weight, and the mother may have milk stagnation. Therefore, it is important for a mother to learn how to properly breastfeed by asking for help from experienced women - medical staff in the hospital, breastfeeding consultants, or any women who have successfully breastfed their children. Breasts with unexpressed nipples should be fed into a wide open mouth, trying to immediately insert it as deeply as possible. You can create a crease with your thumb and forefinger, placing them parallel to each other at a sufficient distance from the nipple. During feeding, the baby should be turned towards the mother, and at all times pressed tightly against her to avoid slipping off the breast. At first, the mother will have to constantly monitor the attachment and, possibly, feed the baby to the breast several times for feeding. But after a couple of weeks, the child will learn to firmly hold the breast in his mouth.

Situation three. The baby stops breastfeeding.

For example, a baby picks up and sucks, but after a short time, throws and screams. This may be due to improper attachment, which makes it difficult for the baby to suck out the so-called "late" or "hind" milk. It is thicker and more difficult to get from the chest than the "front", which literally pours on its own. As long as the milk runs easily, the child is calm, and when he has to work, he may start to be indignant. It would be completely wrong to offer a second breast in this case, since then the baby will receive only the “front” milk, not getting to the “back” milk, which is rich in fats and many enzymes useful for digestion. And this leads to various problems, from digestive problems to insufficient weight gain. Mom needs to calmly offer the baby the breast again and be sure to monitor the correct attachment. In addition, with improper attachment, the child swallows a lot of air when sucking. The swallowed air begins to bother the baby and he can throw the breast due to discomfort in the abdomen. If, while sucking, the baby smacks or claps, the mother needs to pay special attention to how he takes the breast.

When the baby is experiencing pain of any kind, he may also refuse to suck. It can be colic, inflammation in the ear (otitis media), headaches, and other health problems. For example, if a baby has a stuffy nose, it is difficult for him to suck, he suffocates and drops the breast. Usually, in such cases, the baby begins to abandon the breast suddenly, and at the same time is capricious and screams not only during feeding. It is necessary to try to calm the child down, identify and eliminate the cause of ill health. You can try to find a feeding position that makes it easier for him. For example, in a situation with a sore ear, it is easier for an infant to feed in a position in which the sore ear is facing upward and there is no pressure on it.

Special situations, when the child first took the breast willingly and well, and then stopped, may be associated with an insufficient amount of milk from the mother, when the child is capricious that he does not have enough. Then you need to find out the reasons for the decrease in lactation and take action. Or, the baby's behavior may be a manifestation of the so-called breastfeeding. Moreover, refusal is possible to varying degrees - the child does not take the breast at all, takes only in a dream, takes in only one position, bends, and so on. The reasons for refusal behavior usually lie in the organization of the breastfeeding itself and in the style of caring for the baby. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze in detail the actions of the mother, correct mistakes and establish psychological contact and feeding. And here you do not need to hesitate to seek competent help from breastfeeding specialists or more experienced mothers who have fed their child without problems. If there is a desire to breastfeed and mother's persistence, any difficulties can be surmounted.

Shmakova Elena,
breastfeeding consultant,
IOO participant"Association of Consultants on Natural feeding "(AKEV),
mother of five children

One of the serious problems that young mothers face is the baby's refusal to breastfeed - the baby does not want to breastfeed. This problem is especially acute for those who are determined to breastfeeding and do not plan to stop it. In this article, we will tell you about the reasons why babies do not breastfeed, and we will help you find a way out of this difficult situation.

Baby refuses breast - reasons

Sometimes, immediately after birth, the baby does not want to suck on her mother's breast, turns away, does not react to all attempts to feed him. There may be several reasons:

  • The baby is not properly applied to the breast. In a good maternity hospital, this should be done in the delivery room. Still, it also happens that the woman is not even really explained how to properly attach the baby to the breast. It is important that mother and baby are in comfortable and relaxing positions when feeding. The head of the newborn should be slightly thrown back, and the lower lip should be turned out, the baby should rest his nose and chin on his mother's chest. Make sure that the baby grasps the nipple along with the areola, resting his nose and chin against your chest. We also read:
  • The nipples have a special shape. If they are flat, too large or retracted, it is difficult for the baby to grasp them correctly. Training will help to solve the problem. Apply the baby to the breast more often or put on special nipples.
  • The baby has a weak sucking reflex- this is typical for premature babies born with low weight or as a result of difficult childbirth. In this case, you need to feed the baby often and little by little, so that he gorges, but does not get tired.
  • The kid is used to bottles and pacifiers. If a woman had a difficult birth, she had a cesarean section, then she needs recovery. Therefore, the baby spends the first day of his life without his mother, and is fed from a bottle. Since it is easy to suck from it, later the baby may not want to make an effort to suck on the breast. To solve the problem, you need to fully and as often as possible attach the baby to the breast.
  • Mom's nipples are swollen due to blockage of the mammary gland ducts. This happens when there is a lot of milk, but the baby sucks little. He will not be able to properly capture the swollen nipples. In such a situation, it is recommended to massage the breasts under a warm shower and.
  • Excess milk, due to which the baby chokes when trying to suck on the breast. Mom should express a little before each feed, and give the same breast several times in a row.

If the baby needs to be fed for any reason, give expressed milk using a spoon, pipette or syringe without a needle. This will help maintain the sucking reflex so there is nothing to stop you from continuing to breastfeed.

The grown up baby does not want to breastfeed

Note to moms!

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Some children normally eat mother's milk from birth, but after a few months they suddenly start to be capricious, turn away, and do not want to suckle. Different circumstances can cause this behavior:

  • Child stress- This is the most common reason why babies begin to give up breast. It can be provoked by conflicts in the family, mood swings in the mother, prolonged separation from her, moving, noisy home holidays, guests, trips. So that mom needs to create a quiet, calm environment and constantly be with the baby. The ideal option is to transfer all household chores to relatives, and go to bed with the baby for a couple of days. You can try wearing, thanks to which the baby is constantly at the breast. If he refuses to breastfeed, you need to offer it more often, ignoring all schedules and schedules. It is especially important to feed your baby at night.
  • Feeding takes place in an uncomfortable environment- for example, bright light, loud sound, the presence of strangers in the room interferes. If this is the problem, try to make sure that nothing distracts or bothers the baby. Stay alone with him, close the door, close the curtains and strike a comfortable, relaxed position ().
  • The baby does not like the unusual taste or smell of milk. This happens when mom uses perfume or nipple cream, drinks pills, or becomes pregnant during lactation. If cosmetics or medications have affected breast milk, they should be abandoned, and during pregnancy, the woman has no choice but to be patient and offer the baby to breast more often. You can try feeding the baby when he is napping - at such times, his sensitivity to tastes and smells decreases.
  • Teeth are being cut. This process is accompanied by discomfort, pain in the gums, and therefore often leads to rejection of the breast. To make the child feel better, lubricate his gums with Calgel or a similar anesthetic for 15-20 minutes. before feeding ().
  • The kid got sick. With a runny nose, otitis media, babies become restless and begin to cry at the breast, they cannot properly grasp the nipple and fully suck. You need to contact a pediatrician. He will prescribe competent treatment, and after the child recovers, it will be possible to safely continue breastfeeding.
  • Crumbs were offered bottles and pacifiers- in a grown child, they can also discourage sucking on the breast. If you are going to continue lactating, use a spoon or cup to feed and feed your baby.
  • The lactation crisis has arrived: the mother suddenly runs out of milk, which causes a lot of stress in the baby. After trying to suck on an empty breast several times, he begins to cry, turns away and does not want to try again. At the same time, it is sucking that is the main way to cope with the crisis and resume lactation. To return milk, a woman needs to drink more fluids, including lactogonic teas, take a hot bath, do breast and nipple massages, and express herself (). The baby should stay with the mother at all times. Therefore, feed on demand, wear slings, sleep with a crumb, and avoid stressful situations.

Very often, it is the baby's refusal to breastfeed that leads to the end of breastfeeding. Not wanting to torture the child and herself anymore, the woman sees the only solution in the transition to mixtures. Just be aware that at 99% lactation can be continued. The main thing is to be patient and solve the problem gradually.

Why does a newborn drop a breast and cry (Neonatologist Guzel Usmanova)

All mums these days know that breastfeeding is the best option. It is good for both the baby and the mother. None, even the most expensive and modern formula, repeats the unique composition of human milk.

A very important point is early attachment to the breast, since, receiving the first portions of colostrum (this is the precursor of milk), the child simultaneously acquires protection from various infections, as the mother's immune system "takes it under its wing". Colostrum contains many antibodies to various diseases that protect the baby better than any vaccinations.

However, it is sometimes difficult to establish breastfeeding, and then young mothers ask why the baby does not breastfeed? And it's good if a specialist is next to the young woman who will help you understand the reasons and tell you what to do.

There are many reasons why a baby may refuse to breastfeed. At different ages, these reasons are different.

So, if the baby does not breastfeed immediately after childbirth, then the reason for this may be a banal stress... After all, the process of childbirth is a huge shock for a baby, from a warm, cozy little world, he is rather "unceremoniously" pushed out, and he finds himself in a completely incomprehensible environment.

If the baby was born a little ahead of time, then the reason for the refusal may be insufficiently well developed sucking reflex... Or, most likely, general weakness. A weak baby is simply unable to suck milk, especially if the mother has “tight” breasts and so far little milk.

In this case, assistance should be provided by a breastfeeding specialist who should be in the maternity hospital. He must show his mother how to develop breasts, how to properly attach the baby, so that he is comfortable.

Fortunately, breastfeeding does not always mean that the baby is sick. The reasons can be quite harmless. For example, if mom offers to eat too often, and the baby is not hungry.

Children at the age of six months already have a highly developed curiosity, so if the baby is very interested in something, then he may refuse to start eating, unless, of course, he is too hungry.

It happens that babies refuse breast milk because they liked other food more. This happens especially often with children who have already celebrated their first birthday.

Sometimes the baby will refuse to breastfeed because he does not like the taste of milk. Perhaps mom broke her diet and ate something spicy or with a lot of spices. Such food can alter the taste of the milk, which can make the baby unhappy.

Modern experts say that the longer the process takes, the better. Cases when a child is breastfed up to 3-4 years old, or even more, have become more frequent.

Of course, not all mothers will be able to withstand such long-term breastfeeding. It can be difficult emotionally, mentally, or physically. Therefore, most are limited to a period of 8-10 months.

However, it happens that the baby himself prematurely refuses to breastfeed. Let's try to figure out why this happens and how to behave in such a situation.

The child does not want to breastfeed: the main reasons for refusal

Alas, many breastfeeding mothers are faced with a situation where the baby starts crying, but at the same time stubbornly does not want to breastfeed. Although mom knows for sure that several hours have passed since the last feeding. That is, the baby is hungry.

But then why does he stubbornly turn his head, not wanting to receive food?

There may be several reasons for this behavior:

  • The child is distracted. As a rule, babies 4-5 months and older actively learn about the world around them. They respond to sound, light and movement. Accordingly, if the baby does not cry at the breast, but simply turns his head in all directions, something may distract him.
  • Incorrect position. If the baby is uncomfortable lying down while feeding, he may also try to turn away from the breast.
  • Dummy. The principle of sucking on a breast and a pacifier (or bottle) is very different. In the first case, the child needs to make efforts, in the second, not. That is, the child is simply too lazy to strain and suckle.
  • Stress. Stressful situations can provoke rejection, especially if it is caused by any behavior of the mother. Even the banal burying of a novice or cleaning the ears, that is, procedures that cause discomfort to the child, can cause some resentment towards the mother. Accordingly, the refusal of the breast in this case is a demonstration of your dissatisfaction.
  • Disease. A runny nose, thrush in the mouth, pain in the ear are all extremely unpleasant. A child simply cannot eat with a clogged spout, and thrush is a significant inconvenience.
  • Teeth that are being cut. Any, even the lightest touch to the gums during the period when the teeth are being teething is extremely unpleasant and painful for the baby. Therefore, the feeding process is quite difficult for him. To avoid pain, the child simply turns away from the chest, which is currently a source of trouble for him.


If a child refuses to breastfeed, you should definitely look for the reason for this behavior.

It rarely happens that a child is simply tired of his mother’s milk, and he wants another food. Therefore, the source of the problem should be identified. In particular, if the baby does not pick up the breast due to an uncomfortable position, this is easy to correct. You just need to find a more comfortable feeding position.

If the problem lies in the psychological factor, then the main thing is to make it clear to the child that he is safe with his mother.

Of course, if you need certain procedures that give the child discomfort (cleaning your nose, traveling, staying in the hospital) you can't get away from this. But during this period, you should try to give the baby maximum attention - take him in your arms, stroke him, shake him. He needs to feel love - this will help him cope with stress. The same applies to the situation when a sick child refuses to breast.

In no case is it recommended to introduce complementary foods during this period: mother's milk is an important factor that can accelerate recovery. If the baby is not breastfeeding, you can try giving expressed milk from a bottle.

Maybe stop?

When a child refuses to breastfeed, many mothers begin to ask themselves this question.

Maybe it's actually time to transfer it to another form of nutrition? It is difficult to answer here, since too much depends on the age of the child. If he is 3-4 months old, it is still advisable to try to restore breastfeeding. But if the baby is already 10-11 months old, and he has been eating complementary foods for a long time and with pleasure, then it is really worth thinking.

It is likely that the baby has simply reached the phase when mother's milk does not have such a benefit, and he can easily do without it. But at such a moment, one should remember that breastfeeding is a process of communication between a mother and a child. And if you stop it, even at the initiative of the child, at first he will need a little more attention.


Sometimes it’s natural for a baby to refuse to breastfeed. But if the mother plans to continue breastfeeding, she should make every effort to do so. If the child stubbornly does not want to breastfeed, you can compromise: give milk through a bottle. Thus, he will still receive nutrient fluid. It's just that the "container" will be different.