Painting. “Who lives in the autumn forest? Outline of a drawing lesson (middle group) on the topic: Outline and analysis of a drawing lesson "Who lives in the autumn forest!" (middle group)

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten number 7" Buratino " city ​​of Gaya, Orenburg region Completed by: Tagirova R.R. educator of the 1st qualification category 2015-2016 academic year

Integration of educational areas:

  1. Cognitive development (FTSKM)
  2. Social and communicative development
  3. Speech development
  4. Artistic and aesthetic development
  5. Physical development

Program tasks:

Educational area "Cognitive development"

  • "lot" , one"

Educational area :

Educational area "Speech development" :

  • cultivate goodwill in communication.

Educational area (modeling)

  • generate interest in modeling
  • cause joy from the perception of the result of common work.

Educational area "Physical development" :

  • develop fine motor skills of the fingers

Planned result:

  • takes a lively, interested participation in the educational process
  • actively, kindly interacts with the teacher and peers in solving game problems
  • actively participates in productive activities

Methodological techniques:

Verbal - when creating game motivation, reading a poem, making riddles, question and answers.

Gaming - games "Collect mushrooms" , "Bunnies and Breeze" , "Hedgehog - we are friends" .

Visual - toys (squirrel, bear, hare, hedgehog).

Preliminary work: examining illustrations of wild animals, guessing riddles, reading the Belarusian fairy tale in N. Myalik's processing "Puff" , "The Tale of the Brave Hare - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail" Mamina-Sibiryak; poems about animals: "Hedgehog" B. Zakhodera, "Bunny" A. Blok; memorizing a poem by A. Usachev "Clubfoot bear" didactic exercise "One-many" , didactic game "Expand by color" .

Materials and equipment:

  • balloon
  • toys (hedgehog, bear, squirrel, bunny)
  • salty dough
  • planks for modeling
  • decoration "Forest"
  • mushrooms
  • baskets (big and small)
  • wet wipes
  • phonogram: "The noise of the forest" , "Rustle of foliage" , "Bunny long ears" .

The course of direct educational activities.

Children are included in the group

Educator: Guys, look how many guests we have. Let's say hello to our guests.

Children greet guests.

Educator: Oh, guys, look what a beautiful balloon we have in the group. What color is it?

Children's answer.

Educator: Guys, we will fly with you to the forest in a balloon. Hold on to the rope, fly!

Educator: Guys, here we are in the forest.

“Hello, forest!

Magical forest,

Full of fairy tales and wonders! "

Educator: Listen to how the birds are singing, is the stream bubbling?

Soundtrack sounds "The noise of the forest"

Educator: And who is it that meets us?

The teacher draws the attention of children to the squirrel

He lives in a hollow
Yes, it gnaws nuts.
Who is this?

Children's answer.

Educator: And what squirrel?

Children's answer.

Educator: Right. The squirrel is small, fast, and has a fluffy tail.

And what does the squirrel like to eat?

Children's answer.

Educator: Look guys, how many mushrooms are growing in the meadow, and let us help the squirrel, collect mushrooms for her.

The game "Collect mushrooms"

Educator: Well done, guys! How many mushrooms have we collected?

Children's answer.

Educator: That's right, a lot.

The squirrel thanks and says goodbye

Soundtrack sounds "Rustle of Leaves"

Educator: Do you hear who is rustling there?

It rolls like a ball
It will hide under a bush,
Needles on the back - watch out for wolves!

Children's answer.

Educator: That's right, it's a hedgehog! Do not be afraid of the hedgehog, we will not offend you. Do you guys want to play with the hedgehog?

Children's answer.

Educator: Get up around the hedgehog.

The game "Hedgehog - we are friends"

We walked through the forest without haste,
Suddenly they saw a hedgehog
Hedgehog, hedgehog - we are friends
Let us pet you!

Educator: Guys, what kind of hedgehog do we have?

Children's answer.

Educator: Right. Guys, the hedgehog wants to sleep, let's cover it with leaves. Sleep the hedgehog. And we will hurry further, look at what a beautiful house, who lives in it?

Someone clumsy,
Walking through the forest
And with a furry paw
He tears up the bark

Children's answer.

Educator: Right! (The teacher takes the bear out of the house)

Educator: And what kind of Bear do we have?

Children's answer.

Educator: What does the bear like to eat?

Children's answer.

Educator: That's right, guys, honey, berries. Bear, Dasha wants to tell a poem about you. Dasha, tell me, please!

A clubfoot bear walks through the forest,
He collects cones and puts them in his pocket,
Suddenly a bump fell right on the bear's forehead,
The bear got angry and kicked the top!
I will no longer collect cones,
I'll sit in the car and go to sleep

The bear thanks the children

The teacher draws the attention of children to the stump

Educator: Who is hiding there behind the hemp?

Long ears,
Quick paws,
Gray, but not a mouse
Who is this?

Children's answer.

Educator: Here he is, a coward, hiding behind a stump.

Educator: Children, and which bunny?

Children's answer.

Educator: Right. Guys, what does the bunny like to eat?

Children's answer.

Educator: That's right, carrots, cabbage. Guys, let's play with the bunny!

Music game "Bunnies and Breeze"

Educator: Well done, Bunny played with us, we liked it! And we want to treat you! Guys, will we treat a bunny with a carrot?

Children's answer.

Productive activities of children (modeling "Carrot for a bunny" )

Educator: Well done guys, what beautiful carrots you got!

Bunny thanks children

Educator: Guys, it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Where is our balloon? All hold on to the rope, let's fly.

Educator: Here we are! Guys, did you like flying in a hot air balloon?

Children's answer.

Educator: Where have we been with you today? Whom did you meet in the forest? What did we collect for the squirrel? What did we treat to the bunny?

Children's answer.

Educator: Now let's say goodbye to the guests.

Children say goodbye to the guests and leave the group.

Self-analysis of the direct educational activities of the educational field "Cognitive development" (FTSKM)

Topic: "Who lives in the forest?"

In this direct educational activity, the following educational areas are implemented: the main one is cognitive development (FTSKM), social and communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

I set the following program objectives:

Educational area "Cognition" :

  • continue to introduce children to wild animals and their habitat
  • broaden children's understanding of wildlife
  • reinforce children's knowledge of color and distinguish between concepts "lot" , one"
  • cultivate love for animals, kindness, a desire to help.

Educational area "Social and communicative development"

  • creation of game situations that contribute to the formation of an attentive, caring attitude towards others
  • to form the ability to accept a game task, to perform actions in a certain sequence.

Educational area "Speech development" :

  • to form the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher: listen and understand the question asked, answer it, speak at a normal pace
  • learn to pronounce words and short phrases clearly, speak calmly, with natural intonations
  • cultivate goodwill in communication

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" (modeling):

  • generate interest in modeling
  • learn to roll lumps of salt dough in straight and circular motions
  • reinforce the ability to carefully use salt dough
  • cause joy from the perception of the result of common work

Educational area "Physical development" :

  • development of fine motor skills of the fingers
  • to consolidate the ability to line up in a circle, walk in a circle.

In the course of direct educational activities, the unity of educational, developmental and educational tasks was traced.

All tasks were implemented through a combination of the following methods and techniques:

Verbal - when creating game motivation, reading a poem, guessing

riddles, question and answers.

Gaming - games "Collect mushrooms" , "Bunnies and Breeze" , "Hedgehog - we are friends" .

Visual - toys (squirrel, bear, hare, hedgehog).

The method of control and stimulation is approval and praise.

The entire educational process is structured as a game activity. While in the forest, the children performed various tasks. Such play activity created a positive, emotional background for the learning process, increased cognitive and speech activity. All stages of direct educational activity are interconnected and interdependent, subordinate to a given topic and program objectives. Changing the type of activity at each stage of educational activity made it possible to prevent fatigue with any one type of activity. To obtain better results in the activities of children, a variety of materials were used:

  • balloon
  • toys (squirrel, hedgehog, bear, bunny)
  • dummies of mushrooms
  • baskets (big and small)
  • decoration "Forest"
  • salty dough (color)
  • planks for modeling
  • wet wipes
  • phonogram "The noise of the forest" , "Rustle of foliage" , "Bunny and Breeze" .

At all stages, cognitive, play, speech, and motor activity became more active.

When planning direct educational activities, the following were taken into account:

  • individual and age characteristics of children
  • variety of activities for children
  • creating an atmosphere of benevolent attitude towards all pupils
  • respect for the results of children's creativity.

I believe that the planned results were achieved in the course of direct educational activities. Children took a lively, interested part in the educational process. We actively, kindly interacted with the teacher and peers in solving game problems. We actively participated in productive activities. The tasks set by me, in this direct educational activity, were realized.

Larisa Khotsina
Lesson about speech development "Who lives in the autumn forest"

Software content: Continue teaching children how to write a descriptive story about animals using diagrams. Improve the ability to coordinate words in a sentence. To consolidate the ability to form the names of baby animals in the nominative singular and plural. Develop the ability to select a definition for animated nouns to activate the use of adjectives in speech. Strengthen with children the ability to depict animals using different drawing techniques. Develop imagination, cultivate love for animals.

Individual work: Activate on lessons Vick E... Kostya T.

Prior work: Viewing illustrations, pictures of animals, reading Russian folk tales "The Fox and the Pitcher", "Tails" other. Painting « Autumn forest» , modeling on the topic "Who lives in autumn forest» .

Plan classes:

1 part. Didactic game "Tell me which one"? Didactic game "Who has whom"?

Part 2. Drawing up a descriptive story based on diagrams.

Part 3. Painting

Material for classes:

Riddles about animals. Pictures with animals. Schemes for composing a descriptive story. Drawings "Forest in the fall» stencils, templates, wax crayons, gouache, a simple pencil.

Stroke classes: Educator: Children today we will go to autumn forest, close your eyes (music sounds)

Educator: Forest, as if we are looking at painted

Purple, gold, crimson

Cheerful motley wall

Stands over a bright glade.

Birches with yellow carvings,

Shine in azure blue.

Open your eyes so we are in autumn forest on a bright glade.

Tell me what animals can be found in forest in autumn?

Children: Wolf, fox, hare, bear, hedgehog, deer, squirrel.

Educator: That's right, well done, these animals live in forest... Here they are all sitting in the clearing. Oh, what is it worth there? Lukoshko let's see what

there inside! Here is an envelope for us (opens envelope) and in it are riddles about animals. Let's guess them now.

This redhead cheat

All in forest deceives cleverly

Even a brave gingerbread man

She fell for the tooth.

Children: Fox.


He sleeps in a den in winter

Under a huge pine tree

And when spring comes

He will wake up from a dream.

Children: bear.


He understands in the hunt

He is in knows all the paths in the forest

He is big and bold

And everyone calls them gray.

Children: Wolf.


Who gnawed the cones on the branch

And threw the leftovers down?

Who deftly jumps around the tree

And flies up to the oak trees

Who hides nuts in the hollow

Dries mushrooms for the winter?

Children: Squirrel.

Educator: this squirrel guessed all the riddles well done. We'll play a game now "Tell me which one?" you will pass the piece of paper to each other and

To say what the animal I named could be. What fox?

Children - Red-haired, fluffy, dexterous, cunning, fast.

Educator - What hare?

Children - Small, grayish, long-eared, cross-eyed, fluffy, fast.

Educator - What wolf?

Children are gray, angry, fast, brave, toothy, hungry.

Educator - what kind of squirrel?

Children are red-haired, dexterous, fast, thrifty.

Educator - what kind of bear?

Children are big, strong, clubfoot, brown, shaggy.

The educator is great! Let's play another game, it's called

"Who has who?" You will call the cubs of animals and pass

and pass the piece of paper to each other.

Educator - Who is the fox?

Children: fox cubs, fox cub.

Educator: Who is the she-wolf?

Children: cubs, cub

Educator: Who is the hare?

Children: hare, bunny?

Educator: Who is the squirrel?

Children: squirrel, squirrel.

Educator: Who is the bear?

Children: cubs, teddy bear.

Educator - Well done, we played well with you. Sit on the chairs.

We will now compose descriptive stories about animals.

To make it easier for you to tell, diagrams will help you.

(Exposes scheme # 1)

Educator - Look at this diagram for a question mark. Should be called as

The animal is called.

(Exposes scheme # 2)

Educator - Then we say which one - is it a wild or domestic animal.

(Exposes scheme number 3)

Educator - Then we say what color the animal is.

(Exposes scheme No. 4)

Educator: - This diagram will help you tell which parts of the body have


(Exposes scheme No. 5)

Educator: - Each animal has its own home, you need to say how it is


(Exposes scheme number 6)

Educator - This diagram indicates what the animal eats.

(Exposes scheme No. 7)

Educator: This diagram will help you tell the name of the baby of this


Let's review what these diagrams mean. What should be said with this diagram?

Children: the name of the animal.

Educator: According to this scheme, what will you say?

Children: Which animal is wild or domestic.

Educator: Then you will say what?

Children: What color is the animal.

Educator: What needs to be told according to this scheme?

Children: What body parts does the animal have?

Educator: What does this diagram mean?

Children: What is the name of the animal house.

Educator: What will you tell using this diagram?

Children: What the animal eats.

Educator: Well, what does the last diagram mean?

Children: What is the name of the animal's cub.

Educator: That's right, everyone remembered what each diagram means.

Think about who will talk about which animal. Who wants

tell about the animal. Choose a picture with an animal.

Children: I will talk about the fox. This is a fox, she is a wild animal. Red fox

color, the tip of her tail is white. The feet are black. She has a head, torso, four legs, a tail on the head, ears, eyes, nose, mouth. The fox lives in a hole she loves: there are mice, birds, hares, foxes give birth to foxes.

(Children tell 3-4 descriptive stories)... The teacher gives an assessment after each story)

Educator: Children, whose story did you like more and why?

Children: I liked Nikita's story, because he said that the fox is a wild animal, he said what color it has. Correctly named the parts of the body, as the fox's house is called. What does she eat and what the cubs of foxes are called. Nikita's story was interesting.

Educator. Let the children warm up a little, show the fox's habits.


The fox has a sharp nose

She has a fluffy tail

Red fox fur coat

Untold beauty

The fox walks importantly.

I'm a bird hunter

I am a skilled worker to catch chickens

As I see - I will sneak up

And I will hide myself on the sly

Then I will jump and grab

I'll take the kids to the mink.

(Repeat 2 times.)

Educator: Children, let's draw wild animals in autumn forest.

(Children go to places for visual activities)

Educator: Children we are with you lessons painted autumn forest... And now you will finish drawing on these drawings using animal stencils and templates.

This stencil must be put on the drawing and, with the help of a poke, paint over the stencil with gouache. And if you want to draw with a template, then from the beginning you need to circle it with a simple pencil, and then carefully paint over with crayons. Choose which animal you will draw and with what help.

(Independent work with music)

Educator: Let's give our drawings to animals.

(Children go out into the clearing. Educator asks: who drew whom and with the help of what, notes the best drawings, children give drawings to animals)

Educator: Here we are with you and traveled, what you most

liked it in autumn forest?

Children: Guess riddles, draw, play, compose a story according to diagrams.

Educator: The children really liked how you all solved riddles, played games, made good descriptive stories, and drew. A

now you need to go back to kindergarten, close your eyes.

(Music sounds, children circle around them with closed eyes)

Educator: Children open your eyes here we are in kindergarten, this is our

the journey is over.

Synopsis of organized educational activities in the II younger group

Topic: "Journey to the Autumn Forest"

Priority educational area
"Cognitive development"
Integration of educational areas
"Social and communicative development"
"Speech development"
"Artistic and aesthetic development"
Target: To consolidate ideas about autumn, about the signs and signs of autumn.
1. To teach carefully, listen to the teacher's speech, expand and activate the vocabulary of pupils ("autumn", "season", "rustles");
2. Improve the grammatical structure of speech;
3. Formation of elementary ecological ideas in children.
1. Develop interest in the world around us in the process of the game-travel;
2. Expand elementary ideas about changes in nature
autumn, wild animals, their lives.
1. To cultivate a caring attitude towards animals, love and respect for nature.
Tasks by educational areas in integration
Educational activity "Cognitive development":
1. To enrich the sensory experience of children, to develop imaginative representations, by means of consolidating the knowledge of children about seasonal changes (autumn).
2. Expand ideas about wild animals living in the forest, teach to reflect the received impressions in speech and productive activities.
3. To consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature, to educate children to respect nature and animals.
Educational activity "Speech development":
1. To develop initiative, choral speech of children, to enrich and clarify children's ideas about seasonal changes in autumn.
2. Expand and activate the vocabulary of children
3. Form the need to share his impressions with the people around him.
Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development":
1. To improve the technique of drawing with a lump of paper for the image of autumn leaves.
2. To foster interest in reflecting their impressions and ideas about nature, through the ability to create an artistic image.
3. To bring up accuracy and independence
Educational area "Social and communicative development":

1. Develop social skills: the ability to work in a group, take into account the opinion of a partner.
Types of children's activities
Cognitive, communicative, playful.
Methodical techniques
1. Organizational moment: The appearance of the fabulous Gnome.
2. Children's answers to the teacher's questions.
3. Choral reading of a poem with children.
4. Viewing the video.
5. Chatting with children after watching the video.
6. Musical-rhythmic composition "Leaf, leaf-falling leaf".
7. Didactic game: "Pick by color".
8. Productive activity "Golden Leaves"
9. Analysis of the activities of children, summing up.
Planned results
Shows a steady interest in various types of children's activities: travel play, listening and discussion, artistic creation. Emotionally responds to the main character - Gnome. It is elementary to orientate in the group space. Actively participates in productive activities.
Knows the sequence of movements of the musical and dance composition "Leaf, leaf-leaf fall".
Materials and equipment
multimedia projector, screen
computer presentation
tree layout
colorful autumn paper leaves
sheets of paper
hypoallergenic wet wipes for children
basket with gifts for children (nuts)

Progress of organized educational activities

Educator: Children, listen, who is rustling there? You hear?

Oh, yes, this is a gnome, a forest man. Let's say hello to the gnome.
Gnome: Hello guys.
Educator: What gnome? (little). What do you think is the gnome's mood? (good) Of course, good, the gnome smiles at us, let's also smile at him.
Educator: Look, the gnome brought us something, what is it? (leaves)
What are the leaves? (beautiful, colorful, red, yellow, green). What time of the year do they have multi-colored leaves? (in autumn) Which leaves, then? (autumn) That's right kids, these are autumn leaves. All of them are multi-colored, golden, that's why they say about autumn: “Golden Autumn”.
Educator: And let's, guys, tell the Gnome a poem about autumn:
“Golden autumn walks along the paths.
She has yellow boots on her legs.
She has colored leaves on her dress,
And in her basket there are forest mushrooms! "
Gnome: Thanks guys, I liked your poem. I also really love this beautiful time of the year. Do you want to visit the autumn forest?
Educator: To get into the fairy forest, you need to close your eyes and say the magic words:
“I'll clap, stomp, turn around.
And I will immediately find myself in the forest. "
Children, open your eyes, look how beautiful it is.
(there is an autumn forest on the screen).
Educator: Let's sit down quietly and see what happens in the fall. (Movie show)

Educator: Guys, what did you see? What are the trees in the fall? (colorful, beautiful). What do you think, what kind of animals live in the forest? (enumerate) In a word, how can you call them, what kind of animals? (wild). Clever girls, why are they called wild? (because wild animals get their own food, humans don't help them) Guys, what are the animals doing in the fall? (preparing for winter). Do you think you need to behave in the forest? (quietly, do not make noise, do not shout, so as not to scare the animals).
Let's take a walk in the woods with you.
"Leaf fall, leaf fall, yellow leaves are flying, under the feet of the children, multi-colored rustling." (sound - rustle of foliage).
Educator: Oh guys, look the breeze blew and scattered all our leaves, let us try to collect them by color.
D / And "By color"
Children carry out the task.

Well done guys have collected all the leaves. Beautiful, carved, and let's dance with them. (Dance with leaves - Leaf, leaf fall).

Educator: It became good in the forest, quiet, calm. But soon all the leaves from the trees will fall off, and we will not see the trees so beautiful for a long time. Let us decorate this tree in memory of autumn and give it to our gnome. We have a tree already drawn on our tables, let's arrange leaf fall, draw leaves. But today we will not draw with brushes or pencils, but with crumpled paper. To do this, take a sheet of paper, crumple it so that you get a paper ball (the teacher accompanies his words with actions),

then dip the paper lump in the yellow paint. We draw the leaves by wetting the paper.

Well done boys. The fall of leaves turned out very beautiful.

Gnome: For your excellent work, beautiful leaf fall, I want to present you with a basket of gifts.
Educator: Well, our journey has come to an end. Guys, did you like the forest? Whom did we meet? What did we see in the forest?
Educator: Children, let's say "Thank you" to our wizard gnome for the gifts and such a wonderful trip! But it's time for us to say goodbye and return to kindergarten.
Gnome: Goodbye, guys!
Educator: Turn around yourself - find yourself in the kindergarten again. This was the end of our journey ...
"Thank you all for your attention, we say - goodbye!"

Summary of a modeling lesson on the topic: "Autumn tree"

Software content:
1. Teach children to tear off small pieces of plasticine, roll them between their palms, and flatten them with a finger on top, attaching them to a sheet of paper.

2. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the color, size of autumn leaves.
3. To consolidate the concept of "leaf fall", to teach how to move around the site, following the instructions given in a playful way; accompany the words of the poem with appropriate movements.
4. To educate independence, accuracy.
Material: red, brown, white and yellow plasticine, sheets of paper.
Preliminary work: examining autumn trees, talking about autumn.
Vocabulary work: autumn, leaf fall, forest, autumn.
Course of the lesson:
- Guys, what time of year is it? (autumn)
-Why do you think so? (it got cold, people put on warm clothes, etc.)
-What color are the leaves on the trees? (yellow, red)
-Yes, in the fall, the leaves on the trees first turn yellow or turn red, and then they begin to fall off, that is, fall to the ground.
-What is the name of the phenomenon when leaves fall from trees?
-This phenomenon is called leaf fall. Leaves, falling to the ground, whirl merrily in the air.
- Let's turn into yellow leaves with you.
The game "Falling Leaves" is held.
Game progress:
All children are given leaves from an autumn bouquet.
- Guys! All of you will be leaves, choose a leaf that you like: some yellow, some red, some big, some small.
Each child shows and names which leaf he chose in color and size.
- The leaves are light, they slowly fly through the air. (Children run and wave their arms.)
Leaf fall! Leaf fall!
The yellow leaves are flying!
As if the umbrellas are circling!
- Beautiful yellow leaves are spinning. (Actions are performed by children with yellow leaves.)
- Beautiful red leaves are spinning. (Actions are performed by children with red leaves.)
- Spun around and sat down on the ground. (Children squat.)
- We sat down! They sat down and froze. (The children don't move.)
- The wind blew: one-two-three,
We got off the ground, (an adult blows, followed by children.)
- And flew high,
But the sky is far away.
-The leaves rose, scattered in different directions. (Children scatter around the playground.)
- Spun, spun, spun! (children are spinning)
- Leaf fall! Leaf fall!
- Leaves fly in the wind (children run, spin with leaves in their hands).
- Spun around and again.
Sank to the ground to sleep.
“The breeze has died down, and the leaves are slowly sinking to the ground” (children slowly squat).
The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Then the children sit down at the tables.
- Guys, look, there are sheets of paper on the table?

What does a tree have? (trunk)

Let's make a barrel, tear off a piece of plasticine and roll it out between our palms, put it on a piece of paper, press on top of it with our fingers.

What else is missing? (branches)

We tear off a small piece of plasticine, roll it out between the palms, then apply it to the trunk and press it on top with your finger.
- What else is missing from our tree? (leaflets)
- Come on, we blind plasticine leaves for our tree.
- And what color will we take plasticine to make the tree fall? (yellow, red, orange)
- Look how we will sculpt the leaves.
- We tear off a small piece of plasticine, roll it out between the palms, then apply it to the branches, press it on top with your finger.
- Pieces need to be attached to tree branches
I show the children how to tear off small pieces from plasticine, roll them between the palms and, pressing on the balls, attach them to the branches of a tree.
- The tree became autumnal, because we blinded yellow leaves for it.
- How can you name a lot of trees in one word? (Forest)
Let's all say "forest" together.
- Yes, we got an autumn forest.
- Look, in some trees the leaves are attached to twigs, and in other works - the leaves are spinning in the air, falling to the ground.
- What is the name of the phenomenon when leaves fall to the ground? (leaf fall)
- Let's all together say "fox-to-pad".
- The yellow leaves are dancing,
They fall from the branches, they fly,
This fairy tale is golden
They call it "leaf fall".
- All the children tried very hard. This is what a beautiful autumn forest we have.
- Now let's take our works to the exhibition of creativity, we will please our mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers.

Tasks. To acquaint children with changes in the surrounding nature, the inhabitants of the forest. Paint fallen leaves, gray clouds in the sky, rain, animal tracks on the ground.

Material. Sheets of paper painted in light gray tones, with applicative silhouettes of trees; brushes; paints - dark gray, brown, yellow; cans for water; napkins.

Preliminary work. Observing changes in nature during walks. Examining illustrations depicting late autumn (trees without leaves; gray clouds; it is raining), depicting the inhabitants of the autumn forest (bunny, fox, wolf, hedgehog, bear). Reading poetry, nursery rhymes, singing songs.

The content of the lesson. The teacher reminds the children of the changes in nature: “It is raining more and more often, there are very few leaves on the trees, they lie on the ground. In the autumn forest, animals are preparing for winter: squirrels, hedgehogs store mushrooms, apples. Let's paint how the bunny jumps and the bear walks through the forest. " The teacher shows the traces of a bunny with the end of the brush, and then draws large strokes with the entire nap of the brush. “The bunny ran and hid behind a tree from the gray wolf,” says the teacher and places the strokes near the tree. And this wolf ran through the forest, - the teacher continues and draws the tracks larger: - I didn't catch the bunny. There is a gray cloud in the sky, and it started to rain. Gloomy, rainy autumn has come. " Draws streaks of rain.

After the story and demonstration of drawing techniques for "animal footprints on the ground," the teacher invites the children to draw on their own "their own" forest, in which "a bunny gallops, a fox runs, a wolf walks, a bear walks." Children complement the composition begun by the teacher (they paint trees, bushes, leaves, animal tracks). At the end of the lesson, the drawings completed by the children with the applicative images of trees form the overall composition of the autumn forest. Recollect

The tatel asks the children to find the tracks of a bunny, a fox, a bear, a wolf. “This is the kind of autumn forest the children drew, and animals live in it,” the teacher finishes examining the overall composition. He encourages the desire of children not only to return to the process of examination, finding their drawings with animal tracks, but also to the story of what each drew. Children's stories can still be monosyllabic, such as: "Here is a bunny jump-jump", "My wolf", etc.

Actions with objects. "Find the same one"

Tasks. Learn to find identical objects, develop visual memory, imagination. Improve the ability not to be distracted when completing a task.

Materials. Toys (cars, dolls, pyramids, balls, balls, cubes, rings, ribbons, fungi, etc.).

The content of the lesson. The teacher selects pairs of absolutely identical toys (objects) - "twins". The toys are divided in half. One half is put on the children's table, the other is put into a “wonderful bag” (a bright, beautiful case, 40x40 cm in size). Before putting some of the toys in the bag, the teacher and the children examine each object, name it, note its features. Then the children begin to alternately lower the pens into the bag, taking out the objects they come across, and name them. The teacher invites each child to choose exactly the same toy from all the toys on the table. While the baby is picking up an identical toy, the adult hides his object, prompting him to act according to visual memory.

If the child finds it difficult, the teacher shows the toy from a distance, calls it, thereby encouraging action. When a child brings a toy, an adult says: "Look, did you bring such a toy?" Items are located side by side. In the same way, pairs of all other toys are selected in turn. The teacher teaches them to compare according to vivid signs (color, shape). At the end of the lesson, children can play with the objects they like according to their plan. (In the future, an adult can offer the child a more complicated choice, depending on his individual development. So, for example, you can choose objects that are not identical, but similar, but different in size and color, etc.).

Speech. "I am a goat Me-ke-ke"

Tasks. Involve children in communication. Enrich the vocabulary of names for body parts. Correlate the word and expressive movements. Raise interest in folk nursery rhymes. To develop speech hearing, articulatory apparatus of children.

Materials. Goat toy.

Who came to us? Horned goat, butted goat. Not boo
dem afraid of the goat. Let's say: “Hello, goat! We are glad to see you! "

(Proactive statements of children.)

The goat brought milk. Substitute the mugs. Drink mo
lochko (conditional actions that the teacher himself does).

Who wants to pet a goat. Thank her for the delicious

Where is the goat's eyes? Where is the goat's ears? - Educator
enables children to show their horns on their own.

I am a goat Me-ke-ke I walk on the meadow, Sharp horns, Thin legs At the very top of the head - Velvet ears.

(A. Prokofiev) 1

What is this with a goat? - Shows horns, ears, eyes, nose.
The goat gives a voice: "mee, mee" (together with the children).

Now I'm like your mom is a goat, and you are little goats
Ki. Show me which horns the goats have? (Conditional actions.)
zochki walk along the puddle, nibble the grass, they give a voice: mee, mee.
(Repeat 2-3 times.)

The teacher addresses the children with the words: “The legs, the legs of the goat are top-top. With eyes, eyes goat - clap-clap! ". These words are accompanied by expressive movements and onomatopoeia and are repeated 2-3 times.

Reader for little and older / Comp. L.N. Eliseeva. - M .: Knowledge, 1996.S. 13.

Mom-goat brought the kids milk. Substitute, kids
ki, mugs. Drink milk! (Conditional actions.)

The kids-goats ate, drank and went for a walk.