Alarming symptoms during pregnancy. The severity of the lower abdomen during pregnancy: what does it mean

Such a feeling as a heaviness in the stomach during a seemingly normal pregnancy is known to many expectant mothers. There are many reasons for the development of such a condition in a woman in a position, and they are far from always harmless for the health of a pregnant woman and an unborn baby. Let's talk about the most popular ones and try to figure out why there is a heaviness in the abdomen during pregnancy.

In what cases should this feeling in pregnant women not cause concern?

Sometimes it is not possible for a woman to determine what exactly caused the appearance of a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen during pregnancy. The first thing an expectant mother should do in such a situation is to analyze her diet and the amount of food eaten the day before. Perhaps the reason for this phenomenon is banal overeating.

As for the severity in the abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy, then at a given period of time it may be due to such a phenomenon as toxicosis. At the same time, the expectant mother is constantly tormented by nausea and vomiting.

In addition to the options listed above, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen during current pregnancy can also be observed due to disruption of the digestive system, intestines in particular. In view of the increase in the size of the fetus and the uterus, respectively, the intestinal loops are compressed, as a result of which pregnant women notice the appearance along with a feeling of heaviness.

When is heaviness and abdominal pain during pregnancy a sign of pathology?

If a woman is worried about such phenomena for quite a long time and begins to be permanent, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. After all, this can be, if not a sign of pathology, then a signal for its development.

So, often a similar symptomatology accompanies such violations as an ectopic pregnancy or premature placental abruption, for example. In the latter case, the feeling of heaviness in the abdomen during pregnancy is gradually replaced by pulling pains in its lower part and the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina. In such situations, medical assistance should be provided immediately.

If we talk about late pregnancy, then the heaviness in the abdomen may indicate the possibility of premature birth. In such situations, this feeling does not leave the woman for more than 6 hours in a row, and at the same time, the appearance of blood from the vagina, severe dull pain that occurs periodically (as a result of contraction of the uterine myometrium) can be observed. All this ends with the outpouring of amniotic fluid and the beginning of the birth process.

Thus, if constant severity in the abdomen during pregnancy is not observed after eating, and is not at all associated with food intake, it is necessary to consult a doctor to establish the cause of this phenomenon.

The severity of the lower abdomen during pregnancy is a consequence of indigestion, cystitis or threatened miscarriage, early toxicosis. In any of these cases, qualified medical attention is required. It is necessary to figure out whether there is a danger in each of these cases for a growing baby. Hospitalization and a complex of laboratory examinations may be required.

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    Severity of the lower abdomen during pregnancy: causes

    The most common causes of severity in the lower abdomen are:

    1. 1. threatening abortion (miscarriage);
    2. 2. early toxicosis of pregnant women (nausea and vomiting up to 12 weeks);
    3. 3.cystitis;
    4. 4. ectopic pregnancy;
    5. 5. previous chronic diseases of the digestive tract with characteristic symptoms (constipation, stomach pain, flatulence, diarrhea);
    6. 6. inaccuracies in diet;
    7. 7. psychological distress (suspiciousness of a pregnant woman).

    Threatened miscarriage

    In most cases, discomfort in the lower abdomen, pulling pains are a manifestation of a threatening miscarriage. A pregnant woman can experience both moderate-intensity aching pains and strong, cramping pains (the tone of the uterus increases). These sensations can be accompanied by back pain. If at this stage the expectant mother is not provided with timely assistance, spotting will appear, and the pregnancy will be terminated.

    In stationary conditions, examination and appropriate therapy with antispasmodics and progesterone preparations are carried out.

    Acute cystitis

    Another cause of discomfort in any trimester is acute cystitis. It is manifested by frequent, painful emptying of the bladder. A particularly painful act of urination at the end. These pains are called cuts. A rather unpleasant feeling of heaviness persists between urinations. During pregnancy, a weakening of immunity occurs (the body's reaction aimed at preserving the fetus, preventing its rejection), as a result of which pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora is activated - symptoms of cystitis appear.

    Treatment of such a condition is mandatory, since cystitis itself can cause infection of the fetus and terminate pregnancy. For the treatment of pathology, approved antibacterial drugs are used.

    Toxicosis in the early stages

    The severity of the lower abdomen in the early stages is due to toxicosis. First trimester nausea is a frequent companion of a pregnant woman. It can be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and bloating. This condition is harmless to the fetus and mother and usually resolves by 12 weeks.

    In other cases, nausea is accompanied by vomiting, one or more times. In the latter case, we are talking about severe toxicosis, which requires hospitalization.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    The main signs of an ectopic pregnancy (most often tubal, when the ovum is located in the fallopian tube) is pain syndrome, spotting from the genital tract with delayed menstruation (positive pregnancy test). In clinical practice, with this pathology, only one of the listed symptoms occurs and is manifested by slight pain or heaviness in the lower abdomen. Discomfort and pain in this case are associated with the stretching of the tube walls by the growing fetal egg. This condition is very dangerous, because at any second a rupture of the fallopian tube can occur with the development of painful shock and bleeding.

    Ectopic pregnancy is especially common in women with inflammation of the appendages in the past. Risk factors are past genital infections, abortions, miscarriages.

    Chronic digestive problems

    Pain in the lower abdomen, a feeling of heaviness are a manifestation of constipation that can occur during the period of bearing a child. The reason for their occurrence is the increased synthesis of the hormone progesterone during pregnancy. It weakens the contractile activity of intestinal smooth muscles. Increased gas production is also associated with this.

    Constipation, bloating can be symptoms of existing chronic diseases of the digestive system in a pregnant woman.

The severity of the lower abdomen during pregnancy is a consequence of indigestion, cystitis or threatened miscarriage, early toxicosis. In any of these cases, qualified medical attention is required. It is necessary to figure out whether there is a danger in each of these cases for a growing baby. Hospitalization and a complex of laboratory examinations may be required.

    Show all

    Severity of the lower abdomen during pregnancy: causes

    The most common causes of severity in the lower abdomen are:

    1. 1. threatening abortion (miscarriage);
    2. 2. early toxicosis of pregnant women (nausea and vomiting up to 12 weeks);
    3. 3.cystitis;
    4. 4. ectopic pregnancy;
    5. 5. previous chronic diseases of the digestive tract with characteristic symptoms (constipation, stomach pain, flatulence, diarrhea);
    6. 6. inaccuracies in diet;
    7. 7. psychological distress (suspiciousness of a pregnant woman).

    Threatened miscarriage

    In most cases, discomfort in the lower abdomen, pulling pains are a manifestation of a threatening miscarriage. A pregnant woman can experience both moderate-intensity aching pains and strong, cramping pains (the tone of the uterus increases). These sensations can be accompanied by back pain. If at this stage the expectant mother is not provided with timely assistance, spotting will appear, and the pregnancy will be terminated.

    In stationary conditions, examination and appropriate therapy with antispasmodics and progesterone preparations are carried out.

    Acute cystitis

    Another cause of discomfort in any trimester is acute cystitis. It is manifested by frequent, painful emptying of the bladder. A particularly painful act of urination at the end. These pains are called cuts. A rather unpleasant feeling of heaviness persists between urinations. During pregnancy, a weakening of immunity occurs (the body's reaction aimed at preserving the fetus, preventing its rejection), as a result of which pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora is activated - symptoms of cystitis appear.

    Treatment of such a condition is mandatory, since cystitis itself can cause infection of the fetus and terminate pregnancy. For the treatment of pathology, approved antibacterial drugs are used.

    Toxicosis in the early stages

    The severity of the lower abdomen in the early stages is due to toxicosis. First trimester nausea is a frequent companion of a pregnant woman. It can be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and bloating. This condition is harmless to the fetus and mother and usually resolves by 12 weeks.

    In other cases, nausea is accompanied by vomiting, one or more times. In the latter case, we are talking about severe toxicosis, which requires hospitalization.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    The main signs of an ectopic pregnancy (most often tubal, when the ovum is located in the fallopian tube) is pain syndrome, spotting from the genital tract with delayed menstruation (positive pregnancy test). In clinical practice, with this pathology, only one of the listed symptoms occurs and is manifested by slight pain or heaviness in the lower abdomen. Discomfort and pain in this case are associated with the stretching of the tube walls by the growing fetal egg. This condition is very dangerous, because at any second a rupture of the fallopian tube can occur with the development of painful shock and bleeding.

    Ectopic pregnancy is especially common in women with inflammation of the appendages in the past. Risk factors are past genital infections, abortions, miscarriages.

    Chronic digestive problems

    Pain in the lower abdomen, a feeling of heaviness are a manifestation of constipation that can occur during the period of bearing a child. The reason for their occurrence is the increased synthesis of the hormone progesterone during pregnancy. It weakens the contractile activity of intestinal smooth muscles. Increased gas production is also associated with this.

    Constipation, bloating can be symptoms of existing chronic diseases of the digestive system in a pregnant woman.

During pregnancy, various changes and malfunctions occur in a woman's body. There are changes in the hormonal background, malfunctions in some systems. Pain in the lower abdomen is common and can occur during any trimester of pregnancy. You need to know that this symptomatology can be both a harmless condition caused by harmless provoking factors, and a reason for an urgent visit to doctors.

The heaviness in the stomach during pregnancy is felt by many women. The reasons for these feelings can be very different. Most often, discomfort occurs due to abdominal growth, an enlarged uterus and fetal pressure on the internal organs. If the severity manifests itself in the early stages of pregnancy, in most cases it is provoked by toxicosis. In the later stages, such symptoms occur due to intra-abdominal pressure.

Stomach severity and pain during pregnancy during the entire nine months can occur due to excessive amounts of gas accumulated in the intestines. Symptoms may resemble the urge to urinate resulting from pressure from the uterus on the bladder. Severity can also be observed due to the intake of vitamin complexes. In some cases, discomfort in the lower abdomen is the result of food consumption, which provokes increased gas production.

It is important to know that these provoking factors do not pose a threat to the woman and the unborn baby.

Severity and pain in the lower abdomen may also indicate various pathologies occurring in the body of a pregnant woman, requiring urgent attention from a doctor. This symptomatology can be observed with the threat of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. At risk of spontaneous abortion, a woman has a pulling pain in the abdomen, as well as spotting. In this case, it is very important to seek medical help in a timely manner.

Intense pain, heaviness in the abdomen while carrying a baby is a clear sign of an ectopic pregnancy. Such a pregnancy is pathological, since the fetus is not attached in the uterus, but outside it - in the tube. Such a deviation can be diagnosed using ultrasound. Discomfort, pulling pains indicate that the fallopian tube is ruptured, as the egg grows and increases in size. This phenomenon usually occurs at 5-7 weeks. In this situation, you should urgently call the ambulance. In addition to such a symptom as pain, it can also appear.

Discomfort in the lower abdomen

If the severity occurs at or before the 18th week of pregnancy, but there are no secondary manifestations, there is no need to worry. During this period, the uterus grows, blood flow increases.

However, if there are other alarming symptoms, you should consult a doctor immediately. Painful sensations can be accompanied by spasms, bleeding, and even seizures. As for the late terms of gestation, before the thirty-seventh week, a feeling of heaviness can signal premature birth. If the feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen lasts more than four hours, accompanied by symptoms such as: dull pain in the lumbar region, vaginal bleeding, contraction of the uterus, discharge of amniotic fluid, consult a doctor immediately. Symptoms such as may also occur in non-pregnant women.

How to get rid of panic

If the cause of the severity, pain is not obstetric in nature, you do not need to worry and worry. You can alleviate the condition by adjusting your diet. Frequent, fractional meals in small portions are recommended. Food should be light.

Fermented milk products, especially low-fat kefir, which improves digestion, help to eliminate the symptoms. The diet should include the fiber found in fruits and vegetables. It is advisable to walk more in nature. If symptoms persist over a long period of time, you should consult a gynecologist.

Whatever the reason for this condition, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate. Otherwise, you can harm both your own health and the health of the baby. An observing gynecologist can help stop discomfort, who can find out the cause of the symptoms and prescribe treatment if necessary. In order for the pregnancy to proceed without complications, you should follow all the instructions, instructions of a specialist.

It is considered very important from the point of view of obstetrics, since hormonal, anatomical and physiological changes in the future woman in labor can have a great influence on the course of extragenital diseases. There are three types of signs that can be used to diagnose pregnancy. These are conjectural (more precisely, doubtful), probable and reliable signs that can be based on objective and subjective data.

For every woman, pregnancy from the first days is a very happy, but extremely serious period, since significant changes take place at this time. It is not uncommon for pregnancy to be accompanied by a host of new sensations.

The most eye-catching fact is the heaviness in the abdomen during pregnancy. Many women complain to the doctor about this unpleasant sensation. One way or another, the heaviness in the abdomen during pregnancy manifests itself not only in the later stages. In each case, everything is individual. But, as practice shows, many girls have different pregnancies. 1 trimester may be accompanied by discomfort. This is worrying, but not always a cause for panic. Of course, it's best to see a doctor.

For example, during pregnancy it is caused by very strong blood flow to the uterus when it begins to enlarge. Basically, there are no reasons for worries, but still, if you notice smearing brown or bloody discharge, which is accompanied by severe pain, then you need to see a doctor. Sometimes the heaviness in the abdomen during pregnancy can appear in the second trimester, but this is most likely a sign of tone.

First trimester pregnancy is a great time. But it is at this stage that a large number of problems and difficulties await a woman. For each expectant mother, the early course is different. Menstruation usually stops, but during the first trimester, you may experience a little discharge. It is because of this that a large number of women may not even know about the onset of pregnancy. Also, the expectant mother may begin to urinate more, because the uterus begins to enlarge and presses on the bladder. A large number of women notice changes in their figure, their breasts increase, new sensations appear in it, such as throbbing, tingling or pain. This is due to the fact that the mammary glands begin to develop rapidly.

Pregnancy begins at the 14th week. This is the calmest and most enjoyable period. The woman has not recovered very much yet, so she can afford walks and physical education. In the second trimester, a lot of changes happen in the body of the future woman in labor. The uterus from the pelvic area goes into the area above. Due to the action of hormones, the breast increases greatly, colostrum starts to be released from the nipples a little bit.

The most anticipated period is the third, last trimester of pregnancy. The woman will soon move from the status of a future mother to the status of a present one. In the third trimester, the status of the baby also changes. Until the 28th week, doctors called him a fetus, but now he is a child.

It is advisable to prepare a handbag, which will contain a passport, insurance policy, everything you need for childbirth and the unborn baby, and proceed with all this to the maternity hospital.