Types of theaters in kindergarten and attributes for theatrical games. Material on the topic: Theatrical activities in kindergarten

All theatrical games can be divided into two main groups: dramatization and directing. In games - dramatizations, a child, playing a role as an "artist", independently creates an image using a complex of means of expression.

The types of dramatization are: games - imitation of images of animals, people, literary characters. Games - Dramatizations are text-based role-based dialogues. But in the director's game, the "artists" are toys or their deputies, and the child, organizing activities as a "scriptwriter and director", controls the "artists". While “voicing” the characters and commenting on the plot, he uses different means of expression.

The types of director's games are determined in accordance with the variety of theaters used in kindergarten: tabletop, plane and volumetric, shadow puppet, finger, etc. In order to develop the independence and creativity of children in the process of theatrical activity, it is necessary to highlight several conditions:

Enrichment of the environment with the attributes of theatrical activity and the free development of this environment by children (mini theater, which is periodically replenished with new attributes and decorations);

  • the content of the games must correspond to the interests and capabilities of children;
  • meaningful communication between the teacher and children;
  • the theatrical and play environment should be dynamically changing, and children take part in its creation;
  • teaching children expressive means of theatrical activity:

Facial expressions- speaks to us without words about certain feelings and moods of a person, that is, when a person expresses any emotions.

Gestures- dynamic movement of the body: arms, legs, head, etc., as well as posture.

Pantomime- facial expressions combined with gestures.

V early preschool age the teacher creates conditions for individual director's games by saturating the subject-playing environment with small figurative toys (dolls, nesting dolls, animals, technical toys, designers, furniture, etc.). The teacher's participation in individual director's games is manifested in playing out everyday and fairy-tale situations (from nursery rhymes, works by V. Berestov, E. Blaginina, etc.), showing the use of role speech, onomatopoeia, drawing the child into the game, prompting replicas, explaining actions.

V middle group the teacher creates conditions for collective directorial games. In a subject-playing environment, in addition to figurative toys, there should be a variety of waste material (boards, coils, unbreakable bubbles, etc.), which contributes to the development of imagination, the ability to act with substitute objects. Organizing directorial games, the teacher takes the position of an assistant: asks the child to explain the meaning of actions, encourages role-playing speech (“What did you say?”, “Where did you go?), Sometimes acting as a bearer of play skills, showing fantastic stories with the help helps the child to engage in such activities.

Senior Preschool Age - the heyday of the director's game, which becomes a full-fledged joint activity. The content of the games is fantastic plots in which reality is intertwined with events from cartoons and books. The object-game environment for director's games is constructed on the basis of a multifunctional game material (a map-layout of the game space). Its use helps the child to come up with and act out the events that make up the plot outline, to imagine the plot situation even before it is played out, and then to concretize in the process of the director's game, filling it with game events. The closeness of the structure of the game and the fairytale plot makes it possible to use a literary tale as a basis for the development of the plot structure.

In each age group, it is desirable to have a corner for theatrical performances, performances. There is a place for director's games with finger, table, poster theater, theater of balls and cubes, costumes, mittens. In the corner are located:

  • various types of theaters: bibabo, tabletop, puppet theater, flannel-count theater, etc .;
  • props for acting out scenes and performances: a set of puppets, screens for a puppet theater, costumes, elements of costumes, masks;
  • attributes for various playing positions: theatrical props, make-up, scenery, director's chair, scripts, books, samples of music, seats for spectators, posters, box office, tickets, pencils, paints, glue, types of paper, natural materials.

Classification of theatrical games

In children younger preschool age the primary development of the director's theatrical play is noted through:

  • tabletop toy theater;
  • tabletop plane theater;
  • flat theater on flannelgraph;
  • finger theater.

Aged 4-5 years old the child masters different types of table theater:

  • soft toys;
  • wooden theater;
  • cone theater;
  • theater of folk toys;
  • plane figures;
  • theater of spoons;
  • riding puppet theater (without a screen, and by the end of the academic year - with a screen), etc.

V senior and preparatory age groups , children can be introduced to puppets, the theater of the "living hand", the kerchief theater, people - dolls.

Galina Shinaeva

The main goal of our work is to create an atmosphere of goodwill, mutual understanding, psychological security and self-realization in the group. Plays an important role in this theatrical activity- games - dramatizations, performances.

It allows you to solve many pedagogical problems and allows you to form the experience of social behavior skills of preschoolers. The indirect solution of problem situations on behalf of a character helps a preschooler to overcome shyness, timidity, self-doubt.

Theatrical activities with children we spend in two forms:

Specially organized;

Self activities of children.

Organization of the game - dramatization:

The choice of the plot of the game - fairy tales, poems, fables.

Expressive reading of the work, retelling and discussion.

Distribution of roles.

Arrangement of the play space.

Direct play of children

In choosing a plot, in the first place, of course, fairy tales familiar and beloved by children. We encourage children's performing arts. We give children the right to free choice and voluntary participation in theatrical games.

Children change roles, this allows them to feel characters with different qualities, characters and behavior, allows them to better understand and appreciate the problem posed in the work.

Children are attracted by the fables of Ivan Andreevich Krylov, short in size, but capacious in content. They are like a fairy tale, the animals in them talk, think, are surprised.

Fable by I. A. Krylov "The Crow and the Fox"

Fable by I. A. Krylov "The Fox and the Grapes"

Our children are very fond of games - dramatization of poems.

"Shtrannaya istoria". Pyotr Sinyavsky.

In progress theatrical activities preschoolers master the skills of mimic, pantomimic, speech expressiveness.

Playing the role, the child emotionally experiences the actions of his character. This, of course, affects the development of the sphere of children's feelings, contributes to the development of creative abilities and an increase in the level of their social adaptation.

Related publications:

Theatrical art is close and understandable to both children and adults, and, above all, because it is based on play. Theatrical.

Most young children entering kindergarten are not ready for fairy tales. Special engagement work required.

At the present time, when the tasks of upbringing and education are being solved in a different way, the idea of ​​involving children from early childhood remains unshakable.

Consultation for parents "Theatrical activities in kindergarten". In recent years, unfortunately, there has been an increase in the number.

Of all types of artistic activity, it is the theatrical activity that is closest to the child, since it is based on play - an inexhaustible source.

Through theatrical activity, you can solve many pedagogical tasks, such as improving expressive speech, cognitive.

Theatrical activity is the most common type of children's creativity. Theatrical activities in kindergarten have their own.

Master Class

"The use of theatrical activities in kindergarten"

Elena I. Grigorieva,

educator MADOU number 49,

Nizhny Tagil

Relevance of my master class is that theatrical activity is one of the most popular and exciting areas in preschool education. From the point of view of pedagogical attractiveness, we can talk about universality, playful nature and social orientation, as well as about the correctional possibilities of the theater.

Practical significance of my master class is that I will present to the audience not only the educational possibilities of using theatrical activities in kindergarten, but also provide the opportunity to make visual material for the theater from scrap materials.

Innovative focus the master class is about a creative approach to theatricalization. I will present to your attention new types of theaters.

The purpose of the master class: increasing the competence of teachers in the use of theatrical activities in kindergarten, the development of imagination and creativity.


  1. To acquaint educators with different types of theaters.
  2. Encourage the widespread use of theatrical activities in kindergarten.
  3. To enable educators and parents to independently make characters from improvised material.
  4. Attract the parents' attention to the dramatized play.

Participants: educators, parents.

Result: mastering by listeners of the methods of using theatrical activities in kindergarten, the formation of the ability to make theatrical characters from improvised material.

Master class presentation

Target, which I set, while studying with children - to make the life of our pupils interesting, meaningful, filled with the joy of creativity.

How to make each lesson with the child interesting and exciting, simply and unobtrusively tell him about the most important thing - about the beauty and diversity of this world, how interesting can you live in it? How to teach a child everything that is useful to him in this complex modern life? How to educate and develop his basic abilities: to hear, see, feel, understand, fantasize and invent?

Large and varied the impact of theatrical activities on the personality of the child allows you to use them as a strong, but unobtrusive pedagogical tool, since the child himself experiences pleasure and joy. The educational possibilities of theatrical activities are enhanced by the fact that their themes are practically unlimited. She can meet the versatile interests of children.

By participating in theatrical games, children become participants in various events in the life of people, animals, plants, which gives them the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. At the same time, the theatrical play instills in the child a steady interest in his native culture, literature, and theater. Children get to know the world around them in all its diversity - through images, colors, sounds, music.

Theatrical activity - inexhaustible source of development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries, a way to join spiritual wealth. As a result, the child learns the world with his mind and heart, expressing his attitude to good and evil; learns the joy associated with overcoming the difficulties of communication, self-doubt.

Closely connected with theatrical activities and improving speech, since in the process of working on the expressiveness of the characters' replicas, their own statements, the child's vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of his speech, its intonation structure, improves, dialogical speech, its grammatical structure.

The greatest value of children's theatrical activities is that dramatization is directly related to the game(L. S. Vygotsky N. Ya. Mikhailenko), therefore it is the most syncretic, that is, it contains elements of the most diverse types of creativity. Children themselves compose, improvise roles, stage nursery rhymes, poems, songs and fairy tales.

Under theatrical games scientists understand “theater games”, “the plots of which are well-known fairy tales or theatrical performances based on ready-made scenarios” [Bochkareva L. P.].

Theatrical games differ from plot-based role-playing games not only in the plot, but also in the nature of the game activity. Theatrical games are performance games that have a fixed content in the form of a literary work played by children in their faces. In them, as in real theatrical art, with the help of such expressive means as intonation, facial expressions, gesture, posture and gait, concrete images are created. Theatrical games of preschoolers can be divided into two main groups: director's games and games-dramatization.

To director's games table, shadow theater and theater on flannelegraph can be attributed: a child or an adult is not an actor, but creates scenes, plays the role of a toy character, acts for him, depicts him with intonation, facial expressions.

Dramatizations based on the performer's own actions, using dolls or characters worn on fingers. In this case, the child plays himself, using his own means of expression - intonation, facial expressions, pantomime.

L.V. Artemova suggests the following classification of directorial games:

Tabletop toy theater... A wide variety of toys and crafts are used. The main thing is that they stand firmly on the table and do not interfere with movement.

Desktop picture theater. Characters and decorations - pictures. Their actions are limited. The state of the character, his mood is conveyed by the intonation of the player. Characters appear in the course of the action, which creates an element of surprise, arouses the interest of children.

Stand-book... The dynamics, the sequence of events are depicted using illustrations that replace each other. Turning over the pages of the book stand, the presenter demonstrates personal stories depicting events and meetings.

Flanelegraph. Pictures or characters are displayed on the screen. They are held by a flannel, which tightens the screen and the reverse side of the picture. Instead of flannel, you can glue pieces of velvet or sandpaper to the pictures. Drawings are selected together by children from old books, magazines are created independently.

Shadow theater... It requires a translucent paper screen, black plane characters and a bright light source behind them, thanks to which the characters are thrown onto the screen. The image can also be obtained using the fingers. The display is accompanied by a corresponding sound.

L.V. Artemova also distinguishes several types of games-dramatizations of preschoolers:

Finger drama games... Attributes the child puts on the fingers. He "plays" for the character whose image is on his hand. As the plot unfolds, he acts with one or more fingers while pronouncing the text. You can depict actions, being behind a screen or freely moving around the room.

Dramatization games with bibabo dolls. In these games, bibabo dolls are put on the fingers. They usually act on a screen behind which the driver is standing. You can make such dolls yourself using old toys.

Improvisation. This is playing out the plot without prior preparation.

Also, dramatization includes simulation games images of animals, people, literary characters; role dialogues based on text; staging works; staging performances one or more works.

Basic requirements for the organization of theatrical games:

  • Content and variety of topics.
  • The constant, daily inclusion of theatrical games in all forms of the pedagogical process, which makes them as necessary for children as role-playing games.
  • Maximum activity of children at the stages of both preparation and games.
  • Cooperation of children with each other and with adults at all stages of the organization of theatrical play.

The sequence and complication of the content of the themes and plots chosen for the games correspond to the age and skills of the children.

Theatrical play is universal - it can be used in joint activities with children, in any regime moments and in the classroom.

In my classes, I use theatrical play as a game technique and a form of teaching children. Characters are introduced into the lesson to help children learn certain knowledge, skills and abilities. The playful form of the lesson helps to liberate the child, create an atmosphere of freedom and play. In the hands of adults, the doll is an assistant in solving many pedagogical problems. With the help of the doll, you can create a playful motivation for the productive activity of children, give an adequate assessment of the product of the child's activity on behalf of the doll without the risk of causing resentment or resistance.

Undoubtedly, the elements of theatrical activity can be effectively used in classes with children. But, of course, in combination with other didactic means.

I invite you to gather together with your children "Palm of Fairy Tales" - finger theater. In front of you is the silhouette of a palm:

  1. Children are encouraged to remember the name of each finger. Compare with yours. Perform finger gymnastics.
  2. Then pictures with fairy-tale characters are offered. We have a fairy tale "Turnip".
  1. We give the task to arrange the characters in order, remember and tell the whole tale.
  1. We glue fairy-tale characters on the palm.

In a modern kindergarten, as you have seen, there are many types of theaters. It is necessary to create and constantly update a developing environment in the theater corners of the kindergarten.

To organize a children's theater, you yourself can create characters from improvised and waste material, which form certain skills in children that stimulate children's creativity.

I wish you to create new and interesting types of theaters. Involve children and their parents in character making.

Consultation for parents

"Theatrical activities in kindergarten"

The educational possibilities of theatrical activity are wide. By participating in it, children get to know the world around them in all its diversity through images, colors, sounds, and skillfully posed questions make them think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. The improvement of speech is also closely related to mental development. In the process of working on the expressiveness of the characters' remarks, their own statements, the child's vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of speech and its intonation structure are being improved.

We can say that theatrical activity is a source of the development of feelings, deep experiences and discoveries of the child, introduces him to spiritual values. But it is no less important that theatrical activities develop the child's emotional sphere, make him sympathize with the characters, empathize with the events being played out.

Thus, theatrical activity is the most important means of developing empathy in children, that is, the ability to recognize the emotional state of a person by facial expressions, gestures, intonation, the ability to put oneself in his place in various situations, and find adequate ways of assistance.

"To have fun with someone else's fun and sympathize with someone else's grief, you need to be able, with the help of your imagination, to be transferred to the position of another person, mentally to take his place."

Of course, the educator plays a huge role in theatrical activities. It should be emphasized that theatrical activities should simultaneously perform cognitive, educational and developmental functions and in no case should be reduced to the preparation of performances.

  1. Watching puppet shows and talking about them;
  2. Playing a variety of fairy tales and performances;
  3. Exercises to form the expressiveness of performance (verbal and non-verbal);
  4. Exercises for the social and emotional development of preschool children;

Therefore, the content of such classes is not only familiarity with the text of a literary work or fairy tale, but also gestures, facial expressions, movement, costumes.

Building an environment for theatrical performance.

The environment is one of the main means of development of the child's personality, the source of his individual knowledge and social experience. The subject-spatial environment should not only ensure the joint theatrical activity of children, but also be the basis of the independent creativity of each child, a kind of form of his self-education. Therefore, when designing a subject-spatial environment that provides theatrical activity of children, one should take into account.

  1. Individual socio-psychological characteristics of the child;
  2. Features of his emotional and personal development;
  3. Interests, inclinations, preferences and needs;
  4. Curiosity, research interest and creativity;
  5. Age and gender-role features;

Theater and parents ?!

The development of theatrical activity in preschool educational institutions and the accumulation of emotional and sensory experience in children is a long-term work that requires the participation of parents. It is important for parents to participate in themed evenings in which parents and children are equal participants.

It is important for parents to participate in such evenings as role performers, authors of the text, makers of sets, costumes, etc. In any case, the joint work of teachers and parents contributes to the intellectual, emotional and aesthetic development of children.

The participation of parents in theatrical activities is necessary. This causes a lot of emotions in children, sharpens feelings of pride in the parents who are participating in theatrical performances.

Parents' meeting: "Theater is our friend and helper"

Goals : to contribute to the improvement of the pedagogical culture of parents, to replenish their knowledge of the theatrical activities of the child in the family and kindergarten; to promote the rallying of the parental team, the involvement of dads and mothers in the life of the group community; development of creative abilities of parents.

Form of carrying out: round table.

Carrying out plan:

1. Development of children in theatrical activities.

2. Questioning parents.

3. We play like children.

A) Magic means of understanding.

B) Games with tongue twisters

C) Finger games with words.

D) Pantomimic studies and exercises.

4.Our theater corner.

5. Summing up the results of the meeting. Decision-making.

Preparatory stage:

1. Development of the script.

2. Preparation of the necessary equipment and material for the round table.

3.Decoration of a group room.

4. Prepare a memo for parents.

5.Forming quotes:

Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky "Theater begins with a hanger."

Nikolai Gogol "Theater is such a department from which you can say a lot of good to the world."

Voltaire. "The theater teaches how a thick book cannot do it."

Alexander Herzen. "Theater is the highest authority for solving life questions."

Development of children in theatrical activities

From time immemorial, the theater has always fascinated the audience. Theatrical play is a historically established social phenomenon, an independent type of activity inherent in a person.

Theatrical activity in kindergarten has its own characteristics. "This is a magical land in which the child rejoices while playing, and in the game he learns the world."

At first, the teacher takes on the main role in theatrical activity, telling and showing various fairy tales and nursery rhymes. But already starting from 3-4 years of age, children, imitating adults, independently play out fragments of literary works in free activity.

Theatrical activity is the most common type of children's creativity.

During the spectacle, the imagination allows the child to endow the heroes of the play with human properties, perceive what is happening as reality, sympathize, worry and rejoice for the heroes of the play. Children learn to notice good and bad deeds, to show curiosity, they become more relaxed and sociable, learn to clearly formulate their thoughts and express them in public, to feel and cognize the world around them more subtly.

The importance of theatrical activities cannot be overestimated. Theatrical games contribute to the all-round development of children: speech, memory, purposefulness, perseverance are developed, physical skills are practiced (imitation of the movements of various animals). In addition, theatrical activities require determination, hard work, ingenuity. Today, when the emotional underdevelopment of children is acutely felt against the background of redundant information, abundant various impressions, the significance of the theatrical genre also lies in the fact that it emotionally develops a personality. Indeed, often parents have no time to read a book to their child. And how the kid's eyes light up when an adult reads aloud, intonationally highlighting the character of each hero of the work!

A questionnaire was previously conducted among the parents. The results of the survey were announced at the parent meeting.

Parents questionnaire

1.How old is your child?

2. How long does he attend preschool?

3. In what forms does the child manifest creativity?

4. Does he share his impressions of theatrical performances, classes, holidays held in kindergarten?

5. Do puppet shows elicit an emotional response?

6. Are there children's cassettes, discs with recordings of fairy tales in the house?

7.Do you put on theatrical performances at home?

8. Have you been to the theater with your child?

9. Your wishes and suggestions for theatrical activities in our garden.

Many thanks!

Dear Parents! Now we will play with you the way we play with children in theatrical activities. But first, answer the questions.

* If all people could not speak, but knew the words, how would they understand each other? (With the help of gestures, facial expressions, body postures).

* Can we find out about a person's mood without seeing his face? How? (By posture, gestures.)

* Can we call intonation, facial expressions, pantomime (gestures, human posture) "magic" means of understanding?

* Remember what gestures you know and use when communicating? (Greetings, goodbyes, etc.)

Driving in the center of the circle with closed eyes. Everyone moves in a circle with the words:

We played a little

And now we have stood in a circle.

Guess the riddle.

Who called you - find out!

The driver calls by the name of the person who told him: "Find out who I am?"

Game "Foreigner"

You are in another country, the language of which you do not know. Ask with gestures how to find a cinema, cafe, post office.


1. With the help of facial expressions, express grief, joy, pain, fear, surprise.

2. Show how you are sitting in front of the TV (exciting movie), at the chessboard, fishing (biting).

Tongue twister games

The tongue twister must be practiced through very slow, exaggeratedly clear speech. Tongue twisters are first pronounced silently with active lip articulation; then in a whisper, then out loud and quickly (several times). Phrases help children learn to pronounce difficult words and phrases quickly and cleanly.

Options for tongue twisters:

Mom Romashe gave her yogurt serum.

The king is the eagle, the eagle is the king.

Senya and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets.

Broken phone

The first player receives a card with a tongue twister, passes it along the chain, and the last participant says it aloud. (Two teams are playing)

Finger games with words

Finger games help prepare the hand for writing by developing fine motor skills, attention, imagination and memory.

Two puppies, Fists of the right and left hands alternately stand on the table with an edge

Cheek to cheek, Fists rub against each other.

Pinching the brush The right palm wraps around the fingertips of the left, and vice versa.

In the corner.

Pantomimic studies and exercises

Give the children assignments at home: observe, remember, repeat the behavior of people and animals, household items in the simplest situations. It is better to start with objects, because children visually remember them well and this does not require special observation.

Show how:

The goalkeeper catches the ball;

The zoologist catches a butterfly;

The fisherman is catching a big fish;

The child is catching a fly.

Try to portray:





Our theater corner


Many thanks to all the parents who responded to our request and helped to materially replenish the base of the theatrical activity corner!

Now we have several types of theater: picture theater, tabletop theater, mask theater, tactile theater, finger theater, mitten theater, magnetic theater, origami theater, yoghurt theater, pompom theater, string theater, stick theater. And what beautiful riding dolls we have on the hapita, cardboard and sewn, from soft toys, and of different sizes. We also have screens and various houses. In addition to the types of theater made with your own hands, there is also a factory-made theater, which is also in demand by children. All this contributes to the theatrical activity of children, the ability to transform, the ability to improvise, communication and vocabulary expansion.

Place a memo for parents in the parent's corner.

Home theater

Theater and theatrical activities are of great importance for a child. Family theater is a special environment for the development of children's creative abilities.

This is the key to the moral development of the child, which opens a new facet of activity, introduces not only to the art of facial expressions and gesture, but also to the culture of communication. The value of theatrical activity is that it helps children to visually see the content of a literary work, develops imagination, without which a full-fledged perception of fiction is impossible. After all, the ability to vividly imagine what you read or hear about is developed on the basis of external vision, from the experience of real ideas. Theatrical activity is actively used in kindergarten, but how much joy a child gets when his dad suddenly becomes a wolf, mom - a fox, and grandfather - a bear!

Dramatization serves as a means for the child to manifest artistic abilities, the development of speech, moral experience. Playing theater is very close to a child who strives to express all his experiences and impressions in action.

Parent meeting solution option:

1.Use the information received at the parent meeting in the development of children in theatrical activities.

2. Maintain children's interest in theatrical activities in kindergarten and at home.

3.Take care of the parents about technical means (discs, cassettes) that contribute to the development of the creative potential of children.

4. Pay serious attention to the choice of fiction for reading to children.

Kindergarten theater

Theatrical play
Theatrical play is a historically developed social phenomenon, an independent type of activity inherent in a person.
Tasks. Teach children to navigate in space, evenly place themselves on the site, build a dialogue with a partner on a given topic; develop the ability to voluntarily strain and relax individual muscle groups; memorize the words of the heroes of the performances; develop visual, auditory attention, memory, observation, imaginative thinking, fantasy, imagination, as well as interest in performing arts. Exercise in clear pronunciation of words, practice diction. To foster moral and ethical qualities, culture of behavior in the theater and in life, benevolence, contact with peers, love of folklore.
Rhythmoplasty includes complex rhythmic, musical, plastic games and exercises designed to ensure the development of natural psychomotor abilities of preschoolers, their acquisition of sensations of harmony of their body with the world around them, the development of freedom and expressiveness of body movements.
Tasks. To develop the ability to arbitrarily respond to a command or a musical signal, the readiness to act in concert, turning on simultaneously or sequentially. Develop coordination of movements; to learn to memorize the given poses and to convey them figuratively. Develop the ability to truly believe in any imaginary situation. To achieve the creation of the image of animals with the help of expressive plastic movements. Foster humane feelings.
Culture and technique of speech
This section combines games and exercises aimed at developing breathing and freedom of the speech apparatus.
Tasks... Develop speech breathing and correct articulation, clear diction, varied intonation, speech logic; develop coherent figurative speech, creative imagination, the ability to compose short stories and fairy tales, select the simplest rhymes. Learn to pronounce tongue twisters and poems, train the clear pronunciation of consonants at the end of a word. Learn to use intonations that express basic feelings. Replenish the vocabulary of the child.
Fundamentals of theatrical culture
This section is intended to provide conditions for preschoolers to possess elementary knowledge and concepts, professional terminology of theatrical art. The section includes the following main topics: features of theatrical art; types of theatrical art, the basics of acting. The culture of the spectator.
Tasks... To acquaint children with theatrical terminology; with the main types of theatrical art; foster a culture of behavior in the theater.
Work on the play
Work on the play is based on the author's plays and includes acquaintance with the play, fairy tale, as well as work on the play - from sketches to the birth of the play.
Tasks. Learn to compose sketches based on fairy tales, fables; develop skills of action with imaginary objects; learn to find keywords in individual phrases and sentences and highlight them with a voice; develop the ability to use intonations expressing various emotional states (sad, joyful, angry, surprising, admiring, mournful, contemptuous, condemning, mysterious, etc.); replenish vocabulary, figurative structure of speech.

General programming tasks
To form and activate the cognitive interest of children.
Relieve stiffness and stiffness.
Develop visual and auditory attention, memory, observation, resourcefulness, fantasy, imagination, imaginative thinking.
Develop an ear for music.
Develop the ability to coordinate your actions with other children.
Develop the ability to communicate with people in different situations.
Develop an interest in performing arts.
Develop the ability to believe in any imaginary situation (transform and transform).
Develop skills in action with imaginary objects.
Learn to compose sketches based on fairy tales.
Learn to improvise dramatization games based on familiar fairy tales.
Develop a sense of rhythm and coordination of movements.
Develop plastic expressiveness and musicality.
Develop motor abilities, agility, mobility.
Learn to create images of living creatures using expressive plastic movements.
Develop the ability to use a variety of gestures.
Develop speech breathing and correct articulation.
Develop diction based on reading tongue twisters and poetry.
Train clear pronunciation of consonants at the end of a word.
Enrich your vocabulary.
Learn to build a dialogue.
Learn to use intonations that express basic feelings.
To acquaint with theatrical terminology, types of theatrical art.
To acquaint with the creators of the play.
To acquaint with the arrangement of the auditorium and stage.
To foster a culture of behavior in the theater.
Estimated skills of children
They know how to act in concert, being involved in the action simultaneously or sequentially.
They know how to relieve tension from certain muscle groups.
They remember the given poses.
They remember and describe the appearance of any child.
Know 5-8 articulation exercises.
They know how to make a long exhalation with an imperceptible short sigh, do not interrupt their breathing in the middle of a phrase and soundlessly.
They know how to pronounce tongue twisters at different rates, in a whisper.
They know how to pronounce the same phrase or tongue twister with different intonations.
They are able to expressively read a dialogical poetic text, correctly and clearly pronouncing words with the necessary intonations.
They know how to make sentences with given words.
They know how to compose sketches based on fairy tales.
They know how to build the simplest dialogue.
Lesson notes
Game program "While the curtain is closed"
Target... Develop children's interest in performing arts. Foster goodwill, sociability in relationships with peers. Improve attention, memory, observation.
Course of the lesson
1. Introductory conversation.
2. Game program.
The hall is festively decorated with flags, balloons, music sounds - songs from cartoons. The teacher takes the children around the hall and puts them in a creative semicircle. After the greeting, he says: “Why is it so beautiful in the hall today? (Because today is a holiday!) Right! Today is a holiday - the beginning of the theater studio. And we must spend this holiday very merrily, as it is always interesting to play. "
The game "Me too!" The teacher says what he is doing, and the children, on a signal, loudly answer: “Me too!”: In the morning I get up ... (And so do I!) I wash my face ... I brush my teeth ... I put on clean clothes ... I have breakfast ... I go out into the street ... I sit in a dirty puddle ... "
P eda g about Mr. Who is this piglet in our country, who likes to roll in puddles? You can only feel sorry for his mom. Let's try again! I love to watch the play. (And neither do I!) I don’t speak in the hall ... I am the tidiest ... I walk in the street ... I offend all the guys ...
Who is so brave here - who offends the guys? It's not good to offend guys! But I think that now no one will be wrong. I love funny music ... (Me too!) I dance with my friends ... (Me too!) Now show how you can dance.
Music sounds. Children are dancing.
Then a game on the knowledge of theatrical terminology is carried out.
Pedagogy. What is the name of the building where the actors play the performance? (Theater.) What is the name of the fabric that separates the stage from the auditorium? (Curtain.) What are the names of things, genuine or fake, that are necessary during the course of the performance? (Props.) Who gives out the roles, directs the actors and directs the performance? (Director.) What is the name of the position of the actors on the stage at a certain moment? (Mise-en-scène.) Today we remembered the words "theater", "curtain", "props", "director", "mise-en-scène". Let's repeat them one more time.
Game "Birds, to the nests!"
Children stand in a circle; they are "birds." The driver (teacher) is in the middle of the circle. He walks past the players and, addressing one of the guys, says: "The bird flies away!" The child to whom he said these words follows the driver. This is how a whole string of "birds" is formed. The driver performs different movements on the move, and the “birds” repeat them after him. Suddenly the driver shouts: "Birds, to the nests!" and quickly takes someone's place in the circle. The rest of the players take any empty seats. The one who is late becomes the driver.
The game is played to musical accompaniment: the "birds" follow the leading dance step, and the children standing still clap and stomp. You, my friend, listen to a fairy tale and play
Target. Develop speech breathing, correct articulation, diction. Improve memory, attention, imagination, communication of children.
Course of the lesson
1. Exercises "Soap Bubbles", "Cheerful Piglet".
2. Patter "Six mice rustling in the reeds."
3. Fairy tale "Bunny and Hedgehog".
The lesson begins with breathing exercises "Bubbles" and "Cheerful Piglet".
Then the teacher slowly says a tongue twister: "Six mice rustling in the reeds." Children repeat it. In this case, you need to monitor the exact articulation of the letter w. The pace is gradually increasing.
Fairy tale "Bunny and Hedgehog".
PEDAGO Mr. Why don't we see some interesting fairy tale now? Are you all ready to compose a fairy tale together? (Ready.) Let's start! The sun shines brightly.
The teacher invites the performer of the role of the Sun. The sun begins to “shine brightly” with all its might - it spreads its arms to the sides, puffs out its cheeks, opens its eyes wide, and whirls in place.
P e d g o g. Suddenly the wind blew.
Two or three children play the role of the Wind - they run out and blow hard on the Sun.
P eda g about g. A small cloud came across the sun.
A girl runs out and blocks the sun.
The wind blew harder, and leaves began to fly from the trees. (Children represent trees.) A bunny ran up to the tree. (The Bunny appears.) He stood on his hind legs and waved his ears cheerfully. A hedgehog came up to the bunny. A pretty apple sat on its thorns. (Hedgehog comes out, he is holding a fake apple.) The hedgehog treated the bunny. At this time, the first snow fell on the ground. (Snowflake girls perform a dance.) Cheerful snowflakes swirled in the air and sat on the ground. Soon the snow was falling asleep with the hare and the hedgehog. (The Snowflake Girls close the circle around the Hare and the Hedgehog.) But then the sun came out again. (Cloud Girl runs away from the Sun). It shone brightly brightly. (The sun "directs rays" to Snowflakes.) And the snowflakes melted. And the friends, freed from the snow, shook themselves off, rejoiced in the sun, jumped and ran each in his own way.
The Hare and the Hedgehog go off to the music, waving their paws to the guys goodbye.
P eda g about Mr. Guys, we played a fairy tale. The heroes of the tale did not say a word, they all performed in silence. Such play on stage is called pantomime - it is a game without words, in which only gestures, facial expressions and body plastic are used. We will play this tale again in the next lesson.

Actions with imaginary objects
Target. Promote the development of a sense of truth and belief in fiction; teach to act in concert on stage.
Course of the lesson
1. Conversation on the topic "Actions with imaginary objects."
2. Game "What we do, we will not tell, but we will show."
Conversation about actions with imaginary objects.
Guys, on stage, actors often act with imaginary objects. They imagine how this happens in life and perform the necessary physical actions. So, playing with an imaginary ball, you need to imagine what it is: big or small, light or heavy, clean or dirty. We experience different sensations when we pick up a crystal vase or a bucket of water, pick chamomile or rose hips. First, we will perform actions with objects, and then we will repeat the same actions without objects.
The teacher invites the child to the stage (optional). There is a jar on the table with water in it. You need to take a jar and pour water into a glass. The child consistently performs actions. The teacher draws the attention of children to the volume of the jar and the glass. Having performed actions with objects several times, the child performs the same actions without objects. The teacher invites a few more who wish to do this exercise.
Game "What we do, we will not tell, but we will show."
The room is divided in half by a cord. On one side there are 6 children, chosen with the help of a counting machine - “grandfather and five grandchildren”. On the other hand, the rest of the children and the teacher; they will make riddles. Having agreed on what the riddle will be, the children go to the "grandfather" and "grandchildren".
Children. Hello grandfather, gray-haired with a long, long beard!
Grandfather. Hello grandchildren! Hello guys! Where have you been? What have you seen?
Children. We visited the forest and saw a fox there. We will not tell you what we did, but we will show you!
Children show a fictitious riddle. If the "grandfather" and "grandchildren" give the correct answer, the children return to their half and come up with a new riddle. If the answer is given incorrectly, the children call the correct answer and after the teacher's words: "One, two, three - catch up!" they run by the cord, to their own half of the room, and the "grandfather" and "grandchildren" are trying to catch up with them until the guys have crossed the line.
After two riddles, new "grandfather" and "grandchildren" are chosen. In riddles, children show how they, for example, wash their hands, wash handkerchiefs, gnaw nuts, pick flowers, mushrooms or berries, play ball, sweep the floor with a broom, chop wood with an ax, etc. objects that they showed in riddles.
Action game with imaginary objects
Target. Promote a sense of truth and belief in fiction. Learn to act in concert on stage.
Course of the lesson
1. Exercise with a barbell.
2. Game "Birthday".
Children in a creative semicircle. The teacher sets them a task: to perform an exercise on actions with imaginary objects, since in the play the heroes act with imaginary objects (picking flowers, berries, chopping wood, brushing their teeth, etc.). He invites the guys to the stage, brings out a props barbell from behind the curtains. The child should go to the bar and lift it. First, the teacher shows how to do this. All children do this exercise. The children then do this exercise with an imaginary barbell.
Birthday game.
With the help of a counting room, a child is selected who invites the children to a “birthday”. Guests take turns and bring imaginary gifts. With the help of expressive movements, conditioned play actions, children must show what exactly they are giving.
It is better if there are few guests, and the rest of the guys will first visit the role of spectators, assessing the reliability of the show. Then the children can switch roles. Gifts can be very diverse: a box of chocolates, chocolates, a scarf, a hat, a book, felt-tip pens and even a live kitten.
Playing sketches
Target. To acquaint children with the concept of "study"; develop the ability to convey an emotional state using facial expressions and gestures.
Course of the lesson
1. Conversation on the topic "What is an etude?"
2. Work on sketches "Buying a theater ticket", "Consolation".
Children in a creative semicircle. The teacher introduces them to the new word “etude”: “This word is of French origin and is translated as“ teaching ”. The concept of "etude" is used in painting, music, chess and serves as a preliminary, training work. In the theatrical art, an etude is a small performance in which a certain event should take place in the proposed circumstances, conditions, situations. "
The teacher invites the children to compose a sketch on the theme “Collective going to the theater”, asks: “What needs to be done before going to the theater? Where are the theater tickets sold? (At the box office.) Who sells the tickets? (Cashier.) "
A table and a chair are required for the sketch. Children set up props on the stage. The teacher places a sign on the table with the words "Theater box office".
We have a box office. We need a performer of the role of a cashier. (The willing child sits down at the table.) Before you go to the ticket office for tickets, you must answer questions. Who are you, where did you come from, how many tickets do you want to buy and for whom?
All children queue up at the cashier's desk.
PEDAGO Mr. Guys, have you ever watched how a queue is created? This happens when the cashier does not have time to serve customers. What can you think of so that there is no queue at the checkout? (Add cashiers.) This is how we will do - we will increase the number of cashiers. Not all of them will come to the checkout at once, but gradually 2-3 people.
The etude is rehearsed two or three times.
Etude "Consolation". The boy accidentally broke the girl's toy, she is crying, the rest of the guys must calm the girl down, comfort her. The performer of the role of the girl "cries". Children surround her, and each offers his own version of consolation (gives a new toy, tries to repair a broken one, etc.).
Theatrical game "Guess what I'm doing?"
Target. Develop memory, imagination of children.
Course of the lesson
1. Conversation about theatrical play.
2. Game "Guess what I'm doing?"
Children in a creative semicircle. The teacher talks to them about the theatrical play: “You must have noticed that we play a lot. Games develop imagination and fantasy, prepare for action in a stage setting, where everything is fiction. Imagination and belief in fiction are the main features of theatrical activity. You easily believe that a chair can turn into an imaginary horse that you can sit on; you can crawl under the table, pretending to crawl under the horse's belly. In order to act naturally and purposefully, it is necessary to find, come up with answers to the questions: “Why? For what? Why am I doing this? "Exercises and sketches for stage justification will help to develop this ability, that is, the ability to explain, justify any of your postures or actions with fantasized (invented) reasons (suggested circumstances)."
Game "Guess what I'm doing?"
Children stand in a circle. Each child takes a certain position and justifies it:
- stands with a raised hand (I put a book on the shelf, take out a candy from a vase in a cabinet, hang up a jacket, decorate a Christmas tree, etc.);
- kneels, arms and body are directed forward (looking for a spoon under the table, watching the caterpillar, feeding the kitten, rubbing the floor, etc.);
- squatting (looking at a broken cup, drawing with chalk, etc.);
- I leaned forward (tying my laces, raising a scarf, picking a flower, etc.).
The teacher invites the children to repeat the game "Guess what I am doing?" in move.
Children walk freely around the hall to the music. As soon as the music ends, the guys stop, take certain poses, then justify them (picking flowers, bent over for a mushroom, etc.).
Theatrical play
Target. Develop visual and auditory memory, attention, coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm.
Course of the lesson
1. Conversation about the play "Little Red Riding Hood".
2. Work on the technique of speech: exercises for breathing and diction, the game "Japanese machine".
Children in a creative semicircle.
The teacher in a short conversation analyzes the play "Little Red Riding Hood" shown to parents and children from other groups; then reminds of breathing: “Remember that breathing should always be nasal. Inhalation and exhalation occur only through the nose. In the proposed exercises and speaking, inhalation is carried out through the nose, and exhalation through the mouth, and the exhalation is many times longer than the inhalation. "
Breathing exercise.
Starting position - stand up straight, arms down, back straight, look in front of you. Inhale and make a sound with. The exercise should be performed slowly, strictly following the shallow inhalation and exhalation. Repeat 5-10 times.
Then the teacher tells the children about diction: “Before you start training the correct pronunciation of vowels and consonants, their combinations in words and phrases, you need to train the vocal apparatus. You already know that the speech apparatus includes lips, tongue, teeth, hard and soft palate, small uvula, larynx, back wall of the pharynx (pharynx), vocal cords. "
Exercise for opening the mouth with the pronunciation of sounds and-e-a-o-o-s.
Exercise for the upper and lower lip.
Exercise for stretching the lips "Proboscis".
Repeat exercises 5-6 times.
The game "Japanese car".
Children sit in a circle and simultaneously perform a series of movements: clap their hands in front of them; clap both hands on the knees (right - on the right, left - on the left); without straightening the elbow, throw out the right hand to the right - up, while snapping fingers; do the same with the left hand.
Theatrical game "Amateur Fisherman"
Target. Develop imagination, ear for music, memory, communication, the ability to act with imaginary objects.
Course of the lesson
1. Study "Amateur-fisherman".
2. Learning the text and melody of the song "Amateur-fisherman", music. N. Starokadomsky, lyrics A. Barto.
Children sit in a creative semicircle. The teacher asks: “Who is a fisherman? (A person who likes to spend his free time on the lake, on the river for a fishing rod.) Poetess Agnia Barto wrote the poem "Amateur-fisherman", and the composer? Starokadomsky composed music for these words. Listen to this song. "
The teacher sings the song "Amateur Fisherman":
Sits on the lake in the morning
Amateur fisherman,
Sits, hums a song,
And a song without words:
Wonderful song -
And the joy in her, and the sadness,
And he knows this song
All fish by heart.
How the song begins
All the fish are blurred.
The lake is deep
The fishing will be successful.
Will catch a perch now
Amateur fisherman.
Study "Amateur-fisherman".
Children depict how they are going fishing and take with them a fishing rod, a can for worms, a bucket for the caught fish. They walk along an imaginary meadow, stop, put their fishing rods, a bucket, dig worms and put them in a jar.
Then the children get on the ship and sing the song "Amateur-Fisherman". The teacher sings the song "Amateur-fisherman" again.

Theatrical game "One and the same in different ways"
Target. Develop imagination, fantasy of children.

Course of the lesson
1. The game "The same thing in different ways."
2. Game "Object transformation".
Children in a creative semicircle. One child comes up with his own version of behavior, and the children must guess what he is doing and where he is (a person walks, sits, runs, raises his hand, listens, etc.).
The same action looks different under different conditions. Children are divided into creative groups, and each receives a specific task.
Group I receives the task to sit. Possible options:
- sit in front of the TV;
- sit in the circus;
- sit in the doctor's office;
- sit at the chessboard;
- sit with a fishing rod on the river bank, etc.
Group II receives an assignment to go. Possible options:
- to go on the road;
- walk on the hot sand;
- walk along the deck of the ship;
- walk along a log or a narrow bridge;
- walk along a narrow mountain path, etc.
Group III receives the task to run. Possible options:
- to run late for the theater;
- run away from an angry dog;
- to run when caught in the rain;
- to run, playing blind man's buff, etc.
Group IV is given the task of waving their arms. Possible options:
- drive away mosquitoes;
- give a signal to the ship to be noticed;
- dry wet hands, etc.
Group V receives the task to catch the animal. Possible options:
- to catch a cat;
- catch a parrot;
- catch grasshoppers, etc.
The teacher and the audience mark who completed the task correctly.
Game "Object transformation".
First, the teacher explains to the children: “In the theater, the audience believes in what the actor believes in. Stage attitude is the ability, with the help of faith, imagination and fantasy, to change your attitude to an object, place of action or partners, changing your behavior accordingly, justifying a conditional transformation. "
The teacher takes an object and puts it on the table or passes it in a circle from one child to another. Each child must act with the object in his own way, justifying its new purpose, so that the essence of the transformation is understood. Options for transforming different items:
pencil or stick: wrench, screwdriver, fork, spoon, thermometer, toothbrush, paint brush, pipe, comb, etc .;
small ball: apple, shell, snowball, potato, stone, hedgehog, gingerbread man, chicken, etc.;
notebook: mirror, flashlight, soap, chocolate bar, shoe brush, game, etc.
You can turn the chair into a stump; in this case, the children must justify the conventional name of the object. For example, a large chair can be turned into a royal throne, monument, etc.
Theatrical game "Travel around the World"
Target. Develop imagination, the ability to justify their behavior.
Course of the lesson
1. Game "Travel around the world".
Children in a creative semicircle. The teacher invites them to go on a trip around the world: “Guys, your task is to figure out where your path will go - through the desert, along a mountain path, through a swamp; through the forest, jungle, across the ocean on a ship. "
Children propose a route around the world using the scenery of the ship, huts. So, the route around the world trip is drawn up, and the children begin to play. The game uses the music of the peoples of the world, sound effects - thunder, rain, storm noise, storm, costumes and masks.
At the end of the lesson, sitting by an imaginary bonfire, the children sing the song "Amateur Fisherman".

Theatrical play

Target. Teach children to move freely in space, coordinate their actions with friends.
1. Exercise with objects.
2. Exercise with chairs.
3. The game "Hands and feet".
Children in a creative semicircle. The teacher sets them tasks for the upcoming game program.
Exercises with objects.
The heroes of the play "Teremok" perform actions with imaginary objects. There is a table on the stage with several objects (pencils, notebook, clock, matches, coins, etc.). The teacher invites the child to the table, offers to carefully look and remember the location of all objects, then turn away. The teacher removes one object or changes something in the arrangement of objects. The child must name the missing object or arrange everything as it was. The exercise is repeated 3-4 times.
Exercise with chairs.
Children should move freely in space, holding chairs in their hands, coordinate their actions with comrades (at the same time sit on chairs, build a given figure). The teacher invites them to build a circle (sun) out of chairs, a house for a doll, armchairs on an airplane, a bus, etc. Children move around with chairs in their hands to music. Music stops, children sit on chairs. The exercise is repeated several times.
Game "Hands and feet".
The game develops attention and responsiveness. Clap - children raise their hands, two claps - get up. If the children’s hands are raised, then they lower their hands on one clap, and sit down on two claps. The game repeats itself, the pace changes.

Culture and technique of speech

Target. Improve the clarity of pronunciation (breathing, articulation, diction, intonation).
Course of the lesson
1. Exercise on the support of breathing "Echo".
2. Game "Poultry yard".
3. Exercise "Beep".
Exercise "Echo".
Children run freely around the room.
The teacher says the phrase, and the guys repeat its end.
P e d a g about g. Get ready, kids!
Children. Ra! Ra!
P e d a g about g. The game begins!
Children. Ra! Ra!
Don't be sorry for your palms!
Children. Lei! Lei!
Bey in your palms is more fun!
Children. Lei! Lei!
P e d a g about g. What time is it now?
Children. Hour! Hour!
P e d a g about g. How much will it be in an hour?
Children. Hour! Hour!
And it’s not true: there will be two!
Children. Two! Two!
Your head is dormant!
Children. Wha! Wha!
How does the rooster sing in the village?
Children. Wow! Wow!
Not an owl, but a rooster?
Children. Wow! Wow!
P eda g about Mr. Are you sure so?
Children. So! So!
P e d a g about Mr. And in fact, how?
Children. How! How!
If one of the guys cried out, he gives a fant, and the game starts over.
Game "Poultry yard".
Children must imagine that they are in a poultry yard; call and feed all the inhabitants. One by one or all together, the children call the ducks (ut-ut-ut-ut), the cockerel (sing-sing-sing-sing), chickens (chick-chick-chick-chick), geese (techa-techa-techa-techa) , pigeons (gul-gul-gul-gul); suddenly a cat appeared (kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty), she tried to catch a chicken (scatter! scatter!).
After the game, the teacher invites the children to sit on the chairs and says: “Sit up straight, the head is straight, the lower jaw is free, slightly lowered. Continuously, like a beep, pull the vowel y: oo-oo-oo-oo. "Beep" is not loud, without tension, lips in the proboscis position. And now add about to the vowel y: oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo, now with the vowel a: oo-oo-oo -u-ah-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo -u-e, then with and - oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo. The lips are stretched out all the time, collected in a horn, and all sounds are directed, as it were, to one point. Justify the beep. You sail past the old ship in your ship and greet it with honks. Buzz one by one! Merge into one continuous line of sound! Each has its own beep, its own tone. Ooooooooooooooooooooo ... At the same time, calmly, gently, rhythmically make a familiar movement with your hand: pull down the “handle of the steamer whistle”. "
You can continue this exercise and switch to the speech way of pronouncing vowels: yo! ya! uh! ui! wow!
Theatrical game "Sea voyage"
Target. Give children the opportunity to imagine themselves as sailors. Develop imagination and imagination, attention, memory, communication.
Course of the lesson
1. Conversation about the profession of a seaman.
2. Learning the song "White capless".
3. The game "Sea voyage".
Children in a creative semicircle.
The teacher asks them: “Who is a sailor? Do you want to play on the ship today? " Tells about the profession of a seaman, about where future seamen study; explains the terms: give up mooring lines, raise anchors, small forward, stern, peakless cap, sailor's collar, stranded, waterfall. Then the teacher reads the text of the song "White Capless":
White peakless cap,
Striped collar,
We guys are brave
They asked me bluntly.
From what year, guy,
What steamer
And on what seas
You've been a sailor.
Ribbons over the shoulders
Like flags aft.
Bravely answers
Young comrade.
We, friends from the navy,
Recently out of a hike!
Eleven weeks
We stayed on the water.
They fell from the waterfall
Were running aground
And how many comrades we are
They brought in good ones.
And how many songs have we sung
And how many fish did you eat
One spotted pike
Caught forty of them.
Children are lined up and at the command of the teacher: "Whistle all up" go up to the ship, where they distribute the duties of the captain, mate, helmsman, minder.
The captain gives the command: "Give up the mooring lines!"
Sailors. There is! Give up the mooring lines! (They raise the ropes.)
Captain. Raise anchors!
Sailors. There is! Raise anchors!
Captain. Submit a bottle!
Mate. There is! Bottle! (He hits the bell.)
Captain. Small forward!
Sailors (sticking their heads out of the window). There is! Small forward!
Captain. Full speed ahead!
Sailor. There is! Full speed ahead!
Captain. Song for-pe-wai!
The sailors sing along with the teacher the song "White Capless Cap."
Captain. Car, stop!
Engineer. There is! Stop!
Captain. Give up the mooring lines!
Sailors. There is! Give up the mooring lines! (They drop the rope.)
Captain. Give up anchors!
Sailors. There is! Give up anchors!
Captain. Comrades sailors, to attention! Alignment in the middle! Comrade teacher, the ship has arrived safely at its destination.
The captain says his first and last name.
Educator. At ease! Thanks for the trip.
Together. We serve theatrical activities. The teacher invites everyone to get off the ship.

Culture and technique of speech

Target. Develop clear, correct pronunciation of vowels and consonants; teach children to quietly take and take breath, use intonation.
Course of the lesson
1. Work on breathing.
2. Work on the pronunciation of the poetic text.
Children in a creative semicircle. Work on breathing and pronunciation of the poem "Merry Siskins".
The teacher assigns the roles: which siskin is responsible for what, what instruments he plays, what transport the siskins took to see their aunt, what they slept on, who whistled how. The words from the author are read all together, and the children read the list of cases one by one.
In order for the lesson to be more interesting and exciting, the teacher distributes children to the theater studio - who is on the ship, who is in the hut, who is in the forest, etc. While memorizing the text, the teacher constantly monitors the logic and consistency in verbal action, the clarity of pronunciation vowels and consonants, behind the intonation in the phrase; behind the tempo and rhythm of the performance.
Rhythmoplasty. Musical and plastic improvisations
Target. To teach children to convey in plastic free images the character and mood of musical works.
Course of the lesson
1. Exercise "Autumn Leaves".
2. Exercise "Butterflies".
3. Exercise "Morning".
Children stand in the center of the hall. The waltz-fantasy of M. Glinka sounds.
Exercise "Autumn Leaves".
P e d g o d. Imagine that you are autumn leaves. The wind plays with leaves, they whirl in a bizarre dance, constantly sinking to the ground.
Exercise "Butterflies".
The music of D. Kabalevsky "Moth" is played.
P eda g about Mr. Imagine that you are butterflies flying in a summer meadow. Some butterflies collect nectar, others admire their colorful wings. Light and airy, butterflies flutter and whirl in their joyful dance.
Exercise "Morning".
Children sit on chairs and listen to music (E. Grieg. "Morning" or M. Mussorgsky. "Dawn on the Moscow River"). The teacher gives the task: “You are sitting, your heads are down. You doze, you sleep; suddenly you feel like a sunbeam slid across your face, slowly open your eyes, stretch, rise, go to the window and, opening it, admire the early morning. "
The lesson ends with a collective dance to the melody "The month is shining".

Culture and technique of speech. Tongue Twisters

Target. Form the correct pronunciation, articulation; teach children to pronounce difficult-to-pronounce words and phrases quickly and clearly.
Course of the lesson
1. The game "Amateur-fisherman".
2. Working with tongue twisters.
Children are sitting on a decoration-ship with imaginary fishing rods in their hands - they are fishing. One child depicts a fisherman, holding a fishing rod on a fishing line - a magnet, and on the floor there are fish cut out of paper. A metal washer is attached to the back of each fish and a tongue twister is written. The introduction to the song "Amateur-fisherman" sounds, muses. N. Starokadomsky.
Children sing:
Sits on the lake in the morning
Amateur fisherman,
Sits, hums a song,
And a song without words:
The ship was carrying caramel,
The ship ran aground.
And the sailors for two weeks
Eaten caramel aground.
Children repeat the tongue twister, the rod goes to the next fisherman. Children sing:
The lake is deep
Fishing will be successful.
Will catch a perch now
Amateur fisherman.
The fisherman "catches" fish, the teacher reads a tongue twister:
Prokop came - dill was boiling,
Prokop is gone - dill is boiling,
As under Prokop dill boiled,
Dill boils without Prokop.
Children repeat the tongue twister, the fisherman passes the rod to another child. Children sing:
Wonderful song -
And the joy in her, and the sadness,
And he knows this song
All fish by heart.
The fisherman "catches" fish, the teacher reads a tongue twister:
From the trampling of hooves
Dust flies across the field.
The guys repeat the tongue twister, the fisherman passes the rod to the next child. Children sing:
How the song begins
All the fish are blurred.
The fisherman caught nothing.
Children get off the ship, sit in a creative semicircle and learn dialogical tongue twisters:
Tell us about your purchases.
About what purchases?
About purchases, about purchases,
About your purchases.
Children slowly repeat the tongue twister several times, then count on the first or second.
First. Tell us about your purchases.
Second (surprised). About what purchases?
First. About purchases (convincingly), about purchases (shaking a finger), about (slowly) my own little things.
Then the second numbers speak the words of the first ones.
The teacher achieves a variety of intonations, gestures; monitors diction, clarity and correct pronunciation of tongue twisters.
Theatrical game "Carousel"
Target. To cultivate musicality, attention, the ability to measure their actions with those of their comrades. Work on diction and voice.
Course of the lesson
1. Theatrical game "Carousel".
Children in a creative semicircle. The teacher invites them to pay for the first or second. The first and second numbers form two circles facing the center. The second numbers in the inner circle are taken by the hands, the first - in the outer circle they take a half step to the left so that each of them stands opposite the joined hands of the player in the inner circle. All sing in chorus (to the tune of the Russian folk song "Whether in the garden or in the garden"): "There is fun in the square ..."
At the same time, children from the inner circle raise their joined hands up and step back 4 steps, and the players of the outer circle walk under their arms to the center, making 4 steps. Then, with the words: "The merry-go-rounds are in full swing ...", taking 4 steps, they return to their places, and the children, who have formed an inner circle, hold hands and lift them up, letting the players outside under the arms.
Then the children sing:
And the people are buzzing like a bumblebee,
Oh, what a carousel!
Children repeat previous movements.
After that, the guys standing in the outer circle turn to the right, extend their right hand to the sides, and put their left hand on the joined hands of the players standing in the inner circle. Children from the inner circle hold hands tightly. Both circles go to the right slowly at first, and then faster and faster, saying in chorus:
Barely, barely
The carousels spun.
And then around, around,
All running, running, running.
Children run, moving in a circle without a song (recitative). The music repeats itself.
P e d a g about g.
Hush, hush, take your time
Stop the carousel.
Children slow down and switch to walking with the words:
One and two, one and two -
So the game is over.
The carousel stops. Children rest on chairs, then change places: the players in the outer circle stand in the inner circle and join hands, the players in the inner circle stand outside and lower their hands.
You can play without musical accompaniment or to the melody "Like at our gate" or "Whether in the garden or in the garden."
When performing the first verse, you can simplify the movement: one circle moves in one direction, the other in the other, and then vice versa. Children should hold hands tightly.
Theatrical play
Target. Develop imagination, fantasy of children; to learn to select rhymes for words.
Course of the lesson
1. Entertainment program “You can do it”.
Children sit on high chairs in the center of the room, forming a circle. The teacher reads riddle poems, and the guys guess them in chorus:
Soft, lush, round-cheeked,
He has a rosy side
Runs away along the path
And it is called ... (Kolobok).
The fox took him away
Already for the dark forests.
A thin voice is heard.
Who is this? .. (Cockerel.)
Sly cheat
Red-haired thief
The forest is the first beauty.
Guess who? .. (Fox.)
Grinds his teeth, leads his nose
And the Russian spirit cannot stand it.
Old woman with a bone leg
It is called ... (Baba Yaga.)
He is a hero we all know
And with the magic word together
Maybe a whole week
Lay on the stove ... (Emelya.)
It rattles its bones strangely
Spiteful, greedy and terrible
He walks in a black cloak
And the king is called ... (Koschey.)
Koshchei bewitched
Ivan is fascinated.
Green girlfriend ... (The frog princess.)
The teacher praises children for their good knowledge of fairy tales.
Attention game "The Last Hero".
Children stand upright, holding their hands on the backs of the chairs. At the command of the teacher: "Start!" they run around the chairs to the music.
The rules of the game: you cannot pause, grab the backs of chairs, run across the circle. As soon as the music stops, you need to quickly sit on the chair. The one who did not have time to sit down is eliminated from the game and removes one chair. The game continues until the last chair.
Theatrical game "Sea voyage"
Target. To create a fun and relaxed atmosphere in the classroom, to cheer up the squeezed and shackled children.
Course of the lesson
For the method of performing this theatrical play, see lesson 51.
Theatrical game "A director for himself"
Target. Create conditions for improvisation of a mini-performance.
Course of the lesson
Children are divided into groups and independently compose the plots of mini-performances; assign roles, clarify, together with the teacher, the development of the plot and fantasize the proposed circumstances.
The teacher awakens the creative imagination and imagination of the organizers (directors) of mini-performances, asks the questions: "What kind of hero is this?" (Lazy or hardworking, good or evil, hungry or well-fed, stupid or smart.)

Game "Guess who I am"
The game is more fun when a lot of guys take part in it. With the help of a rhyme, the driver is selected. He is blindfolded. Children join hands and stand in a circle around the driver. The driver claps his hands, and the children move in a circle.
The driver claps again - and the circle freezes. Now the driver must point to a player and try to guess who he is. If he manages to do this on the first try, then the player guessed by him becomes the driver. If the driver did not guess who is in front of him on the first try, he has the right to touch this player and try to guess the second time.
In the case of a correct guess, the child who has been identified becomes the driver. If the driver could not guess correctly, he drives in the second circle.
A variant of the game. You can enter a rule according to which the driver can ask the player to say something, for example, to depict an animal: to bellow or meow. If the driver does not recognize the player, he drives again.
Game "Chain of words from A to Z"
The players sit in a circle and call them clockwise: the first names a word with the letter a, for example, watermelon, the second for the last letter of this word, z - a hare, the third - for c, heron, the fourth - an apple, etc.
Hot potato game
Traditionally, the game uses real potatoes, but it can be replaced with a tennis ball or volleyball.
Children sit in a circle, the driver is in the center. He throws a "potato" to one of the players and immediately closes his eyes. Children toss "potatoes" to each other, wanting to get rid of it as soon as possible (as if it were a real hot potato). Suddenly the presenter says: "Hot potatoes!" The player who has the "hot potato" in his hands is eliminated from the game. When there is only one child left in the circle, the game is over and that player is the winner.
Game "Musical chair"

Memory Check game
The teacher places several different objects on the tray and covers them with a towel. Children sit in a circle, the teacher opens the tray in front of them for a few seconds, then covers it again with a towel and takes it away. Children are given the task to draw as many objects as they can remember.
Game "Musical chair"
Several chairs are placed in a circle, with their backs inward; there should be one fewer chairs than the players. Music sounds, children walk slowly around the chairs. When the music stops, players should try to take chairs. Anyone who does not get a chair is eliminated from the game. One chair is removed, since there are one fewer players, and the game continues.
The one who is left alone and sits in the last chair wins.
Game "Guess who's in charge!"
Children use a reading room to choose a driver. He leaves the room for one minute, and at this time the children appoint the "chief". When the leader returns, at his command, the “chief” begins to make various movements, for example, shaking his head, stamping his feet, clapping his hands, and the children must repeat these movements after the “chief”. They must do this so that the driver does not guess who is inventing these actions.
The driver's task is to try to quickly guess who is the “boss”, and if he succeeds, then the “chief” becomes the driver in the next round.
Game "Paints"
Children choose by lot the "owner" and the "buyer". The rest of the players are "paints". Each paint comes up with a color and quietly calls it "owner", he invites a "buyer". "Buyer knocks":
- Knock Knock!
- Who's there?
- Customer!
- What did you come for?
- For paint.
- For what?
- For the blue.
If there is no blue paint, the "owner" says: "Go along the blue path, find blue boots, diarrhea and bring them back!" or "Ride on one leg on the blue track, bring me blue boots!" If the “buyer” guessed the color of the paint, then the player-“paint” he takes for himself.
When the “buyer” guesses several colors, he becomes the “master”, and the “owner” chooses from among the guessed colors. If the number of participants is large, you can choose two buyers. First, one “buyer” talks to the “owner”, then another. They take turns coming up and choosing colors. The winner is the "buyer" who guessed the most colors.
The game can be complicated by the fact that the buyer is asked to "catch" the guessed "paint". At the same time, the boundaries are determined in the room, up to which the players can be caught.
Let's go game
Children stand in a circle, the driver stands in the middle. Children should listen to him carefully, follow him, but think and show the necessary movements on their own. The task of the driver is to say one thing and show another. He walks in a circle and pats his knees with his hands, saying "Let's go, let's go." The guys repeat the movements behind him. Unexpectedly for the players, he shouts "Airplane!", And points to the floor, while the children must point upward, since airplanes fly in the sky. The driver can shout “Leg!” And grab his nose. Children should show what the presenter calls and does not show. Words can be different: rocket, helicopter, dog, seagull, train, horse, eye, forehead, nose, hand, lion. At some point, showing movements must become deceiving. The one who made a mistake is out of the game. Thus, the most attentive child is revealed.
Game "Which of us is the most observant?"
This game is loved by all children and willingly play it. They choose a driver who carefully examines the players: their clothes, shoes, who is sitting or standing where, remembers the players' poses. The driver leaves the room. The guys change places; change positions, change shoes; exchange blouses, handbags, ribbons, handkerchiefs, scarves. The driver enters and looks for changes. The more changes he finds, the better, the more observant he is.
Game "Tell me a word"
The presenter expressively reads a simple text, the children should suggest a word that is suitable in meaning and rhyme.
You can come up with a simple melody if you prepare in advance, or pick something up during the game. Music always brings the atmosphere to life, everyone can clap their hands to the beat of the music.
Tongue Twisters
Tongue twisters are useful and entertaining. They help form the correct speech and are liked by people of all ages. Try to pronounce tongue twisters 3 times - quickly, without mistakes.
Goat rides with a scythe.
Pakhom rode on horseback on a goat.
The weaver weaves fabrics on Tanya's shawl.
All beavers are kind to their beavers.
Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying.
I drag the pike, I drag, I will not miss the pike.
They gave Klasha porridge with yogurt.
Mila didn’t like soap, Mila’s mother didn’t like soap.
Karl stole corals from Klara, and Klara stole a clarinet from Karl.
Masha gave Romasha whey from curdled milk.
Granny bought beads for Marusya.
Senya carries hay in the canopy, Senya will sleep in the hay.
With a hat Teddy bear knocked bumps.
The little chatterbox babbled milk, she didn’t.
If only, beans would grow in the mouth, and there would be not a mouth, but a whole vegetable garden.
Osip is hoarse, Arkhip Osip.
Swans flew with swans.
The cuckoo bought a cuckoo hood.
He put on the cuckoo's hood.
As in the hood, he was ridiculous.
Recommended reading
The alphabet of communication: development of the child's personality, communication skills with adults and peers. - SPb., 1998.
Bazanov V.V. Technique and technology of the stage. - L., 1976.
Berezkin V.I.The art of performance design. - M. 1986.
Buyeva L.P. Personality and environment. A child in the system of collective relations. - M., 1972.
Byleeva L.V. Russian folk games. - M., 1986.
Vygotsky L. S. Imagination and creativity in childhood. - M., 1991.
Gorbachev I. A. Theatrical seasons at school. - M., 2003.
Games, contests, entertainment. - Volgograd, 2001.
Knebel M.O. Poetry of Pedagogy. - M., 1984.
Kolcheev Yu. V., Kolcheeva NI Theatrical games at school. - M., 2000.
Kuzina N. Clockwork Games. - M., 2001.
Kulikovskaya T.A. 40 new tongue twisters. Workshop to improve diction. - M., 2003.
Materials and equipment for kindergarten. A guide for educators and managers. Annotated catalog. - M., 2004.
Ponsov A.D. Constructions and technology for the production of theatrical scenery. - M., 1988.
Pankeev I. Russian folk games. - M., 1998.
Pobedinskaya L.A. A holiday for children. - M., 2000.
Ryndin V.F. - M., 1962.
Savkova 3. V. Technique of the sounding word. - M., 1998.
Stanislavsky K. S. My life in art. - M., 1954.
Churilova E.T. - M., 2001.

My country "Teatralandiya"