Choosing a moisturizer from the ranking of the best. Nourishing face cream. VICHY ESSENTIELLES nourishing cream

The ability to keep skin fresh and supple depends largely on which nourishing face cream is used by a person. When choosing this necessary cosmetic product, it is important to take into account many subtleties, such as the purpose, the type of cream, the age of the buyer and the characteristics of his skin, as well as the ratio of chemical and natural substances. But when buying any cosmetics, special attention should be paid to its composition, since many substances can accumulate in the body and be unsafe for health.

The main indications for the use of a nourishing cream is the appearance of changes in the condition of the skin of the face, namely, its dryness, which can be determined by various signs. This is usually caused by insufficient function of the sebaceous glands and dehydration. Even normal skin loses its firmness and elasticity with age, and dry or too oily skin undergoes undesirable pathological processes even earlier, undergoing irritation, various rashes or peeling. To prevent premature aging of the skin of the face, get rid of the early appearance of wrinkles and keep it fresh, you need to pay special attention to it and take the necessary care.

The following reasons can cause undesirable changes in the condition of the skin, which will require the use of nourishing creams:

  • non-observance of nutritional rules;
  • antibiotic treatment;
  • disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, such as, for example, a chronic form of inflammation of the gastric mucosa;
  • features of the profession, requiring the application of makeup, long-term stay in a stuffy hot room;
  • adverse weather conditions, prolonged exposure to the sun or at low temperatures.

All these factors inevitably cause undesirable changes in the skin, especially in the skin of the face, since it is this part of the body that always remains open and is most exposed to the adverse effects of the environment. If improper facial care is added to this, then dry skin inevitably occurs, the formation of early wrinkles and other problems appear. Do not use cold hard water, cosmetic care products containing alcohol when washing your face, and do not wash your skin too often. And most importantly, to give a special place in facial care measures to properly selected nourishing creams and use them wisely, without overusing them, but not ignoring them either.

Side effects

Nourishing creams function differently from moisturizers in that they have more complex tasks. Therefore, the choice of a cream designed to nourish the skin of the face should be approached especially carefully and not ignored the basic rules, since otherwise you can get the opposite effect.

It is necessary to select a cream taking into account the type of skin, it should saturate the skin with vitamins, improve its color, increase elasticity, reduce wrinkles and eliminate skin tightness and dryness. The timely change of the nourishing cream is also important, as over time addiction occurs and the effectiveness of the cream decreases.

Among the side effects of nourishing creams, the following are most often observed:

  • there is an allergic reaction to one of the components in the cream;
  • the possibility of influencing the hormonal system (with the hormonal nature of the drug);
  • the development of dermatitis or comedones;
  • premature aging processes;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • the appearance of unwanted facial hair.

When the first symptoms of trouble are found, it is necessary to abandon the skin care product used and consult a specialist.

Mode of application

When using a nourishing cream as a face skin care, certain recommendations should be followed, which are easy to follow, but at the same time they will increase the effectiveness of the product. The cream will be more beneficial when applied to cleansed, damp skin, as this promotes better penetration. It is evenly and in small portions distributed in accordance with the massage lines, usually located from bottom to top, and in the forehead, nose and cheeks, you can gently beat the cream with your fingertips. It is not recommended to use cold cream, as this will invariably cause vascular spasm and make penetration more difficult. If it is stored in the refrigerator, it is best to pre-warm it in the palm of your hand.

The use of the cream largely depends on its type, since the night ones have a more oily consistency, therefore, after holding it for an hour, the excess is removed with special napkins.

If the skin is oily, the cream is applied for no more than thirty minutes, after which it is removed with a napkin with acidified water. If you leave it overnight, the breathing of the skin will be impaired and in the morning you can get quite noticeable swelling of the face.

It is not recommended to apply the nourishing cream just before bedtime or just before going out, it is necessary to keep it on the face for a certain period. Several simple techniques of self-massage of the face, which are easy to learn and apply daily, will speed up the process of absorbing the cream.

An overview of the best tools

Nourishing face creams are very diverse, each of them has its own purpose and composition, which must be indicated on the packaging of each cosmetic product.

Its purpose depends on the set of ingredients that make up the cream, it can have the following actions:

  • be used as a moisturizer;
  • nourish and soften the skin;
  • have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, calming effect;
  • act as a healing, tonic, disinfectant and protective agent;
  • exhibit anti-aging and tonic effects.

Nourishing creams are also distinguished according to their mode of action, they can be day or night, each of them solves various problems, therefore, when choosing a product, it is necessary to take into account all their characteristic features and choose the right one among the variety.

The most popular among nourishing creams are:

  • Libriderm;
  • Vichy;
  • Lumen;
  • Creams of the series "One Hundred Recipes for Beauty";
  • Amway;
  • Nivea;
  • Loreal.

Each of these creams, in addition to nourishing the skin, has a number of additional properties, with the help of which a regenerating and restorative effect is exerted on problem areas of the skin, inflammation is removed and the skin is saturated with moisture. Which face cream should you choose? For this case, it is worth considering the top 15 best nutritional products in this category.

Libriderm aevit

Libriderm Aevit cream is one of the most popular products for nutrition and facial care.

Due to its properties, the following effects are exerted on the skin:

  • restoration and regeneration of tissues occurs;
  • the skin under the action of the active substances of the cream acquires a fresher look;
  • the surface layer of the skin is rejuvenated as a result of cell renewal, aging processes are suspended in it;
  • due to the content of extracts from medicinal plants in the form of rosemary, raspberries, edelweiss and vitamins, processes occur in the deep layers of the skin that help restore skin firmness and elasticity.

This cream can be used with any type of skin, it contains only natural ingredients, including the pleasant smell and color present, it is due only to natural extracts. Apply Libriderm in the usual way, applying to a clean face in the morning and evening, an hour before bedtime. Economical use of the cream with a dispenser contributes to its rational use.


The Macademia cream produced by Oriflame is not yet so popular, although its effectiveness is confirmed by a number of advantages, including:

  • it is perfectly absorbed and does not leave an oily sheen on the skin;
  • possesses nourishing and moisturizing properties, does not cause the feeling of a mask after application;
  • has a pleasant smell and beautiful packaging, easy to use;
  • affordable.

The cream resembles yogurt in appearance, has a pastel shade, contains macadamia oil and a whole range of vitamins useful for the skin. Literally from the first minutes after application, there is a noticeable smoothing of wrinkles, the skin is moisturized, becoming smooth and silky. The product is suitable for all skin types, however, for very dry and irritated skin, you may additionally need a more oily cream.

The name of the Yves Rocher cream "Nutrition and Comfort" speaks for itself, nutrition is carried out at the expense of ash juice, which can increase the activity of the natural processes of the skin, thereby eliminating the external signs of violations of its condition. With the help of this cream, the skin begins to actively produce its own fats, which returns it to a healthy appearance, delicate color and velvety, and this happens constantly and for a long time. The product is well absorbed, does not shine and does not create a film on the skin surface.

The great advantage of the cream is the absence of chemical additives and the rich composition of natural substances, which explains its high price.

In facial skin care, it is important that during sleep, metabolic processes in the skin are especially active, which contributes to rapid recovery. Therefore, a night cream should satisfy all needs and bring the maximum amount of benefit precisely at night with relaxed skin. Vichy cream meets all the requirements for a night cream in its qualities, it provides active nourishment and moisturizing of the skin prone to dryness, and due to the content of unique in its properties, sphingolipid molecules, it increases the production of its own fats, which cannot be replaced by any product. obtained by artificial means.

The cream is recommended to be applied one hour before bedtime, on cleansed skin, using light massaging movements. This product is well absorbed by the skin, and with its regular use, it is guaranteed to increase elasticity and ensure its sufficient moisture and freshness.

One hundred beauty recipes

The entire list of cosmetic products from the series "One Hundred Beauty Recipes" provides care for the face, hair, body with the help of natural ingredients that serve as exclusive substances for the creation of these preparations. All the recipes by which cosmetologists create their cosmetics are approved by specialists and are made according to improved formulas provided by women who care about their appearance.

Today, "One Hundred Recipes for Beauty" has become a well-known brand that has gained great popularity due to the effectiveness of the products created and their wide range. Among the variety of products that provide care in various directions, a special place is occupied by a nourishing face cream, since it is this part of the body that is most susceptible to age-related changes and both mood and general well-being largely depend on the external condition of the skin on the face.

Means for skin nutrition are available in a wide variety of options, and anyone can choose the most suitable for themselves, namely:

  • "Olive nourishing cream";
  • "Lifting and nutrition" in the form of a cream-mask;
  • "Lifting and moisturizing" - daytime remedy;
  • "Polyushko" - nutrition with natural oils;
  • "Tenderness" is a completely natural cream containing milk, honey and lavender oil.

Olive nourishing cream for face skin care is quite popular among buyers, as it has a number of undeniable advantages and has a low cost. It stands out against the background of other cosmetics for its absolutely natural composition and the predominance of a large amount of olive oil in it. With this oil with moisturizing and regenerating properties, Olive Cream is actively used as an anti-aging agent. In addition to its main purpose - to provide the skin with nutrients, the cream is used as a complex care and serves as the basis for applying makeup.

When applied to the skin of the face, the cream delivers a pleasant sensation of comfort, the skin seems to revive, does not shine and does not cause a feeling of tightness. The cream is universal, it can be recommended for any skin type and can be used at any time of the day.


A company such as Natura Siberica specializes in the production of natural cosmetics. In her face and body care products, she strives to minimize the use of artificially created substances, using modern production methods, the strictest control and compliance with European standards. Using environmentally friendly raw materials harvested in the reserves of Siberia, the company manages to create creams that are unique in their effectiveness, helping to restore the lost healthy appearance of the face and preserve its natural beauty.

As nutritious restorative agents for the face, Siberika offers night and day creams, which include the following types of medicinal plants:

  • Japanese sophora;
  • Kuril tea;
  • ginseng and lemongrass;
  • aralia manchu;
  • radiola pink;
  • sea ​​buckthorn and several types of other medicinal plants and herbs.

As a day care for the purpose of nourishing the skin of the face, customers are offered creams in the form of "Nutrition and Moisturizing", "Protection and Moisturizing", "Care and Moisturizing" - each of them is designed for a specific type of skin. For night skin nourishment, creams with other properties are used, namely: "Nutrition and Recovery", "Protection and Recovery", "Rejuvenating". Each of these products can be used both for individual care and as complex methods with other cosmetic creams.


Amway is considered one of the largest in terms of direct sales, and the production of cosmetics is not the main activity. Decorative cosmetics, the production of household chemicals, hygiene products, and all of them are based on the use of natural raw materials, which are processed in accordance with the latest developments of scientists, play an equally important role in its development. One example is ARTISTRY YOUTH XTEND, a premium face cream that effectively regenerates and nourishes skin at night.

Due to the fact that the skin is most relaxed during sleep and it is easier for nutrients to penetrate into its deep layers, the use of the cream brings the following results:

  • the epidermis is restored, which has lost its qualities as a result of the stresses received during the day;
  • normalizes water balance and has a softening effect;
  • increases the processes of protein formation;
  • smoothes fine wrinkles.

The effectiveness of the cream is given by vegetable oils from wild herbs, as well as peptides and proteins that promote regenerative processes in the skin. Upon awakening, the skin looks more toned, rested, refreshed and smoother.

As a nutrient, this company offers Nourishing Gel Cream. Due to its properties to maintain the optimal amount of moisture in the skin, this product continues to work effectively throughout the day. The disadvantages include the high price of this cosmetics.


Nivea also offers a wide variety of facial skin care products, all of which are designed for different skin types, which should be considered when choosing a cream.

Nivea Day Cream has the following effects:

  • nourishes dry and soothes sensitive skin;
  • provides a long-lasting feeling of softness and freshness;
  • nourishes the epidermis layer due to the content of mineral oils;
  • softens rough and chapped skin and saturates it with a sufficient amount of moisture;
  • relieves dryness and tightness.

Each of them contributes to the saturation of the skin with moisture, softens and strengthens it, and also acts as a protection against the effects of adverse environmental conditions.


Bioderma - a cream designed for dry skin and sensitive to adverse effects, belongs to the category of medicinal cosmetics and is able to cope with the most serious disorders in the condition of the skin. Acting on changes in the skin at the cellular level, the cream relieves the feeling of tightness and suppresses inflammation, and is also used as an effective remedy that protects against aggressive environmental influences and unfavorable climatic conditions.

Thanks to the specially developed Toleridine complex, which is one of the main components of Bioderma cream, it has a soothing effect, and penetrating into the deepest layers, it restores their elasticity, nourishes and preserves youth. The cream is applied to the face and neck area in the morning and in the evening, as a complex care it is recommended to supplement the cream with cleansing with a special milk of the same company and the use of a cream-mask.

DOVE cream

Russian buyers have long been familiar with DOVE cosmetic products, since among the various products produced by this company there are creams, lotions, shampoos, that is, everything that is necessary for caring for the skin of the whole body. The effectiveness of the proposed products is achieved with the help of active ingredients with moisturizing, nourishing and smoothing properties.

DOVE nourishing agent has a thick consistency with an unobtrusive odor. After application to the skin, it is instantly absorbed, while delivering the maximum feeling of comfort, and the impression of this does not disappear even after washing. The cream is applied only to clean skin using light massage movements in the form of stroking. As a result of the application of the DOVE nourishing cream, the skin is saturated with moisture, becomes well-groomed and elastic.

Regular use of the cream removes flaking areas, improves its appearance after prolonged exposure to cold. One of the many positive qualities of the cream is the ability to quickly absorb, the absence of oily sheen and the absence of marks on clothes in case of accidental contact.

Green Mama cream has long been of interest to buyers as a representative of natural cosmetics, in the creation of which only natural high-quality raw materials are used. The composition of the creams contains substances that are useful for any skin, even one that undergoes changes as a result of exposure to an allergic reaction or has a tendency to irritation. The products of this series are also attractive for the price, which despite the fact that all cosmetic products are not considered cheap, however, they are quite affordable. The author's design of the design of all products of the Green Mama series favorably distinguishes it against the background of the usual cosmetic preparations, even those included in the extra group.

As the main active ingredient, the Green Mama nourishing cream contains oils obtained from pine nuts and sea buckthorn, as well as from sesame seeds and almond kernels. Thanks to these natural oils, the skin is saturated with essential fats, minerals, proteins, antioxidants and vitamins. Under the influence of these substances, significant changes occur in the skin, recovery processes are activated, water balance and reliable protection from ultraviolet radiation are provided.

It is especially recommended to use the cream for women with aging skin prone to dryness. The method of application is no different from the usual one, the cream is applied to the previously cleansed skin, rubbing in easily using circular massage movements.


The Dekleor company strives to deliver with its cosmetics, not only a visible effect as a rejuvenation of the image, but also an inner satisfaction from the procedures received. Therefore, in addition to the effectiveness of the use of nourishing creams, with their help, sensual pleasure is obtained through the professional use of aromatherapy methods.

The nourishing night cream contains marjoram oil and comes in the form of a balm that nourishes dry skin. After application, it is instantly absorbed by the skin, leaving no oily sheen, while nourishing and saturating dry skin with a sufficient amount of moisture. With regular use in the evenings, a few hours before bedtime, the skin changes for the better, saturated with moisture, the quality of the cream enhances the protective properties of the epidermis, rejuvenating the skin and protecting it from early aging. Cosmetologists advise, before applying the product to the skin, a small amount of it, hold in the palm of your hand and breathe a healing scent.

Himalaya herbals

The cream designed to saturate the skin with nutrients - Himalaya herbals, produced in India, is a truly universal cosmetic product that can return the lost attractiveness to the skin in the shortest possible time. It can be used as a foundation for daytime makeup, as well as a source of hydration and skin nourishment. This tool is recommended for women of mature age, it is very economically consumed and is quite affordable.

Due to its effect on the skin, the following changes occur in it:

  • skin prone to dryness becomes softer and saturated with sufficient moisture;
  • normal - thanks to nutrition and vitamins, it becomes younger and fresher;
  • combination skin evens out areas of peeling and with increased fat content, bringing them back to normal;
  • sensitive - becomes protected from adverse effects.

After application on the face, thanks to the content of the aloe extract, the feeling of comfort remains for a long time, and the hydration is maintained throughout the whole day, even when applied under makeup. Apply Himalaya herbals cream twice a day using light patting movements.


The French nourishing cream from L'Oreal exudes luxury, it can only be appreciated by a woman who loves herself. This day cream, which is also referred to as the Luxury of Nutrition, has a characteristic silky texture, is well absorbed by the skin, leaving no shine, tightness or mask on it.

The French specialists involved in the production of this cosmetics declare several stages of its effect on the skin:

  1. Immediately after application to the skin, its dryness is eliminated, the skin becomes more hydrated and elastic.
  2. In the future, you can observe getting rid of peeling, the skin becomes more radiant and rested.
  3. A month after the beginning of the application of the cream, the changes that have occurred to the skin of the face become more obvious, the complexion becomes evened out, and the skin becomes velvety and soft.

As additional benefits, the cream has a pleasant aroma, and in the form of a day remedy, the cream provides effective protection against stressful influences, external and internal negative influences. The company offers other variants of this line in the form of a daytime transforming cream Luxury and nutrition, containing an extract from jasmine flowers, peony petals, and a neo-calcium complex, with the help of which it prevents the processes of early skin aging.


Several different nourishing creams are produced by this Garnier company, such as:

  • blue - nourishes and moisturizes normal and mixed skin;
  • yellow - causes a radiant complexion and its renewal;
  • pink - nutrition for very dry skin types.

Thanks to these features, everyone can choose the skin care product they need, according to their needs and following the need for its nutrition, hydration or rejuvenation.

Moisturizing nourishing cream

Moisturizing creams are composed of ingredients that have a moisturizing effect and a large amount of water. They contain hyaluronic acid and glycerin as the main substances, and as a supplement a variety of substances in the form of vitamins, fats, extracts of medicinal plants and fruits. The purpose of these funds is to replenish the skin with the required amount of moisture and prevent its loss.

Nourishing creams nourish the skin while moisturizing it, they contain a large number of fat - more than 70%, and only a small part is allocated to the content of water, vitamins, and in the case of anti-aging cosmetics - also hormones.

Therefore, any type of cream is able to moisturize, and nourishing cream additionally supplies the skin with the substances it needs. The harmonious combination of these two qualities is represented by the cream "Vivifying Moisture" by Garnier. This product simultaneously nourishes and protects the skin in the cold season, has a soothing effect, relieves irritation and provides the skin with the necessary amount of moisture.

Cream for combination skin

Combination skin is characterized by different areas of dry and oily skin at the same time. The cream used in such situations must also meet two requirements at once, that is, have universal qualities and provide nutrition with moisture, as well as protect, prevent the development of infections and eliminate increased sweating.

The driest, flaky areas of skin are usually found on the cheeks and temples, while the forehead, nose and chin suffer from oily and enlarged pores. Essential oils and extracts from plants are introduced into creams as the main active substances, and their components in the form of glycerin, panthenol, collagen, minerals and vitamins are supplemented. Even such combination skin requires more oily creams in winter and lighter textures in summer.

In this capacity, creams have proven themselves well:

  • Nivea;
  • cream from the pure line "Cornflower and barberry";
  • "Sophora Japanese" - from the Siberik company.

Some women use two different creams, but more often than not, both problems can be solved with one drug.

Cream for problem skin

Under the guise of problem skin can mean a variety of disorders manifested as a result of insufficient care or be symptoms of any painful conditions. Light changes can be eliminated by a cosmetologist with the help of the right cosmetic preparations; in case of diseases, dermatologists or other specialists will be required. Skin problems can be expressed by acne, vascular enlargements, scars and scars, excessive pigmentation, peeling, dermatoses and areas with eczema.

With minor problematic conditions of the skin on the face, they can be solved with the help of a cream, depending on what shortcomings it can relieve. A well-chosen cosmetic product, along with giving up bad habits, various abuses and with the help of proper nutrition, can get rid of many problem conditions.

Sensitive face cream

To some extent, owners of dry skin benefit, with sufficient care it looks velvety and without shine, it does not develop acne and inflamed pimples. However, it is such skin that is more likely to be irritated, and this can be a reaction to washing, cold weather, wind, and much more. Yes, and such skin ages earlier than oily and quickly becomes wrinkled.

Therefore, when caring for such a particularly sensitive skin, special cosmetic creams are required:

  1. One of these is the cream of the Belarusian company Bielita "Chamomile", and it is produced both as a night and day remedy. Purpose of this cream: nutrition, further hydration with restoration, and elimination of irritations. The cream owes its remarkable properties to the favorable content of natural substances in the form of chamomile extract with arnica oil in the day cream, and allantoin in its night version.
  2. Dzintars' Revitalizing Cream is also designed for sensitive skin, it provides it with softness, elasticity, restores its youth and freshness.

There are other creams for sensitive skin, as well as various nourishing emulsions, milk and much more. Which one to stop at, it is better to consult a specialist.

Day nourishing face cream

The cream differs in its use in relation to the time of day for night and day remedies. Each of them performs its own functions, so the day cream has a lighter texture, must reliably protect against ultraviolet rays, moisturize, smooth fine wrinkles, hide other flaws and eliminate oily skin shine. The daytime type of cream is well absorbed and begins to act immediately, it can be applied under daytime makeup and does not have a strong odor.

Nourishing night face cream

Night creams are designed to nourish the skin, their function is also to moisturize and restore it at the time of sleep. This type of cream should not have protective properties and matte, it contains more nutrients, and they are able to easily reach the deep layers of the skin. You need to apply a night remedy several hours before bedtime, and most often the cream is not able to be absorbed completely, without residue. Therefore, before going to bed, you need to blot your skin with paper napkins, otherwise swelling cannot be avoided in the morning.

Which face cream is better nourishing or moisturizing in winter?

In the winter season, the skin of the face needs particularly careful care, frequent temperature changes, cold harsh wind, frost - all this negatively affects the surface layer of the skin of the face, it flakes, reddens, irritation appears, and the skin becomes dull. The cream at this time must meet special requirements, creating a thin film on the surface of the epidermis that can reliably protect against all adverse weather conditions. Moreover, the skin of the face receives an adverse effect not only from the cold outside, but also from a long stay in rooms with dry air.

You can allow a creamier cream than usual in the winter season, as this will improve skin nutrition and increase its protective properties. During this period, you should not use a daytime moisturizer, especially before going outside. Moisturizers contain a lot of water, and at low temperatures it can turn into microscopic pieces of ice and damage the upper layers of the epidermis.

Overview of creams for the winter

A nourishing type of face cream in winter should protect against low temperatures and wind, from lack of vitamins and dehydration, so it should consist of more than 70% fats and oils. Also, vitamins, plant extracts and various useful additives should be contained in winter skin products as mandatory components.

The following nourishing creams are most popular in winter:

  1. Aevit series - for any skin type.
  2. Avene is a French nourishment cream for dry and especially sensitive skin.
  3. L'Oreal Luxury Nutrition - for dry skin.
  4. Shea Ultra Nourishing Comfort Cream is a completely natural remedy for combination and dry skin.
  5. Doctor Nature Protective Cream - for all skin types.
  6. Oriflame is a protective winter cream that provides nutrition.
  7. Zima from Faberlic, an excellent remedy for the winter season.
  8. Kora anti-stress cream can also be used as a night remedy.
  9. Avon Cold Protection is a universal cream for the whole family.
  10. Nivea cream is an effective remedy with reliable protection against frost.

Regular use of these creams will reliably protect the face from winter troubles, eliminate the disturbances that have arisen and keep the skin soft and velvety.

Nourishing face cream for men

Men's skin also suffers from an unfavorable environment, at any time of the year it is constantly injured from frequent shaving and becomes thinner and more vulnerable. The cream, intended for men, takes into account all these features, and also provides nutrition, hydration and protection from frost, ultraviolet radiation, precipitation and wind.

The Israeli Dead Sea Nourishing Cream for Men from Premier is very popular among men, used for moisturizing. It contains healing substances derived from the salts of the Dead Sea, natural oils and vitamins. Application of Dead Sea Nourishing Cream provides reliable protection, restores the elasticity of the skin of the face, evens out the structure and relief. It is used for any skin in the form of an after-shave cream.

The following nutritional products are most popular with men:

  1. Organics Nourishing Cream For Men by
  2. Excellence ATP Energize from
  3. Sante Cremme.
  4. Freedom F cream.
  5. Line-Control Men from

The nourishing face cream helps to maintain freshness and improve the appearance of men's skin. It saturates with vitamins, essential minerals and prevents the formation of wrinkles and premature aging of the skin.

Children's nourishing face cream

Children's nutritional creams should contain natural ingredients in the form of fats, products obtained from beekeeping, infusions of medicinal plants and other components that exclude a harmful effect on the child's body. Various artificial additives in the form of flavors, preservatives, parabens should not be in them.

The following types of creams are offered as the most popular creams for children:

  • "Casper" with chamomile;
  • "Tick-Tock" production Freedom;
  • "Cream" Alice ";
  • "My Sunshine";
  • "Tiny";
  • "Mom and Kids";
  • "With a succession";
  • "Baby" company Nivea;
  • "Gentle care" manufactured by Johnson Baby.

The nutritional properties of the baby cream allow you to protect the delicate skin of the child not only from adverse weather conditions, but also from external irritations, manifestations of diathesis, diaper rash and redness.

Nourishing face cream after 25 years

The processes occurring in the skin by the age of 25 begin to slow down, and it needs to be restored. Of course, this happens slowly and is not always noticeable, but if you do not begin to intensively care for the face, then the appearance of early wrinkles and the loss of youthful tissue is guaranteed. To preserve the natural state of the skin for a longer time, it is necessary to use a cream that provides nutrition, which can give the skin cells the necessary substances and provide sufficient hydration. The cream intended for this age period must contain components in the form of natural oil, sorbitol, panthenol and fruit acids, it must contain vitamins and hyaluronic acid.

Popular means of this direction include "Clean Line", "Basic Care" by Garnier, Lumene.

Nourishing face creams after 35 years

At the age of 35, there is a more urgent need to compensate for the lack of nutrition in the skin and eliminate damage in it. The main task of cosmetic care in this period is to preserve the youthfulness of the skin, as the skin begins to fade with more obvious signs of aging. Creams that are most effective at this time should nourish, moisturize and protect, if this is not done, then it will be difficult to eliminate signs of age-related changes in the future.

When choosing a cream, it is necessary to take into account the type and characteristics of the skin condition, as well as the presence of the necessary substances in it in the form of hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10, collagen, vitamin E and A.

Nourishing face creams after 50 years

At the age of 50, care provides intensive nourishment for the face, and daily application of the cream becomes a necessity. Many modern cosmetics can delay the approach of changes in the skin for a long time, the main thing is to follow the instructions and apply them correctly. Age creams can be used for day and night purposes, contain extracts of medicinal plants, as well as substances that increase the production of elastin.
Some products designed specifically for this age may contain hormonal supplements; they must be used in strict accordance with the recommendations.

Homemade nourishing cream recipes

Many women use time-tested homemade cosmetics recipes for better facial skin care. There is nothing complicated in this, and if desired, anyone can prepare a nourishing mask and even a cream from handy products. So:

  1. Gelatin cream, contributing to the return of skin elasticity: 0.5 tbsp. l. gelatin is mixed with two tablespoons of honey, 0.5 tablespoons of water and glycerin are added, after which everything is melted using gentle heating. Cool and beat, use as needed.
  2. Olive cream, providing nutrition and intensively moisturizing the skin: take 2 tables. lies. olive oil, 1 box. cocoa, 1 box. apricot oil and beeswax. Everything is brought to homogeneity by heating and removed from the fire. Apply to damp, clean skin.
  3. Sour cream: 0.5 table. l. homemade sour cream mixed with yolk, 1 tsp. lemon juice and cucumber juice, add a tablespoon of any lotion at the end. All are knocked down and used in the form of a cream.

Storage conditions

The nourishing cream must be stored in accordance with the terms indicated on the package. The main thing is not to expose them to high temperatures and keep them away from direct sunlight. The cream can be stored in normal room conditions; it is not placed in the refrigerator.

Shelf life

The shelf life and use of the cream are often indicated on its packaging, those that are packaged in tubes are stored longer than canned versions. Those creams that are made on their own, as a rule, are stored no longer than 14 days and in the refrigerator.

Girls, in today's post EcoTest - rating of moisturizers. Choosing the best face moisturizer.

The topic of intensive moisturizing is especially relevant not only in autumn and winter, but also for skin after 30 (remember, we talked about this recently in the article about).

So, that's why I decided to make it easier for you and help you choose the best intensely moisturizing face cream.

The best - in what sense, you ask? And in this: the quality of the cream is determined not by loud statements on the packaging, beautiful bright advertisements in magazines and TV, seductive models who allegedly use this particular cream, but the composition of this very moisturizing and nourishing cream... As they say - simple, but tasteful. Because in the line-up you will not see any promises, praises, blabblah, blabblah ... Only the naked truth, but the TRUTH!

Girls, you just can't imagine HOW I want you to learn to read the composition of what you put on your skin! Is it so important! And not only - for the condition of your skin and the body as a whole! Do you know why this is most important? So that no manufacturer will take you for a fool! And they, believe me, are holding you for being a fool!

Well, look, let's take a cream, the composition of which I also analyzed in this EcoTest about intensively moisturizing face creams - Clinique Unique Moisturizer... It costs about 1000 rubles for 50 ml.

And we just read the composition (I took the first ingredients of the ingredients, remember, in my video about how to read lists of ingredients in cosmetics, did I mention that only the first 4-7 ingredients are important?):

  • Water
  • Mineral Oil (mineral oil - a by-product of oil production)
  • Glycerin (glycerin)
  • Petrolatum (vazilin)
  • Stearic Acid (lipid that moisturizes the skin)
  • Glyceryl Stearate (lipid, emulsifier, moisturizing skin)
  • Sesamum Indicum (Sesame) Oil (sesame oil)
  • Urea (urea, moisture retention)
  • Lanolin Alcohol (Lanolin, Moisturizes)
  • Triethanolamine (nitrosamine, acceptable in very low concentrations as it can cause cancer)

Now just think, what are you paying 1000 rubles for? For water, vaseline and glycerin, which are in every, even the cheapest, cream? Or lipids, which are in the same L'Oreal? Or maybe for urea and sesame oil (the first, each of you produces for free several times a day, the second costs 400 rubles per half liter)?

You pay for the brand, for the brand! For the beautiful packaging, for the name and most of all - for the advertisement! Therefore, I ask - be careful! Don't be fooled by the brand and manufacturer !!!

Soooo…. Something I got distracted a little))) Let's go directly to rating moisturizing face creams... I will analyze the compositions of famous brands and also give you lists of ALL ingredients that you need to avoid in cosmetics if you want to have beautiful and healthy skin in the long term.

Moisturizers Ranking 2015 - Candidates

  1. Dr. Hauschka * Moisturizing & Revitalizing Rose Cream
  2. Weleda* Moisturizing face cream Iris series
  3. Lavera* Basis Sensitive Moisturizer
  4. Planeta organica Moisturizing face serum
  5. Natura Siberica Face cream with Manchurian aralia extract
  6. Nivea soft An intense moisturizer
  7. Clinique Unique moisturizer
  8. Lancome Hydra Zen Yeux Anti-stress moisturizing day cream
  9. Mary kay timewise Maximum moisturizing cream
  10. Garnier Basic care

* I give my readers a discount on their first order from my partners with a promo code FSB790.

As always, first I post a general analysis and results, followed by a general conclusion.

Rating of moisturizers for the face:

Moisturizers rating: which cream is the best?
Moisturizers rating: Which cream was rated as UNSATISFACTORY?

Moisturizers rating 2015 - summary

What marks did our current candidates receive and why?

  • Evaluation GREAT this time only organic cosmetics brands got in the rating of moisturizers - Dr. Hauschka, Weleda, Logona... And, despite the fact that the creams from Weleda and Lavera contain palm oil (in the cream from Lavera it is organic, with a certificate - read, the production of which does not harm the environment), their composition, as well as the composition of the intensively moisturizing face cream from Dr. Hauschka, very clean, practically - perfect

Moisturizers from Planeta organica and Natura Siberica got an assessment OK... Didn't make it to perfect due to questionable content chemical softener, which is not allowed in the production of organic cosmetics (yes, and Natura Siberica no organic cosmetics certificate on the brand itself, only on some products! If you are interested to know which ones - write in the comments, I will write a separate article on this topic) A separate note to Natura Siberica... After they redesigned their page on the Internet, it became impossible to read the composition this or that product. For this - a minus, for the design of the page - a big plus.

And what about other Russian-made creams? Can creams by Olesya Mustaeva, Organic Shop or Faberlic be considered natural? Do they contain critical ingredients?

  • Evaluation SATISFACTORILY got moisturizers from me from Nivea and Clinique... Per solvents and preservatives in composition, for use oil by-products
  • But the cream from Lancome, Mary Kay and Garnier received only UNSATISFACTORY ... Not only because they contain a lot of things that are generally not recommended to smear on the skin. For example, preservatives, solvents and chemical UV filters(read about UV protection separately here). And above all - for the content parabens that affect the change in hormonal levels in the human body. Considering the prices of Lancome and Mary Kay creams, this is just arrogance, to say the least. Not happy, oh, how unhappy I am!

And what ingredients are not needed at all in cosmetics? I have compiled lists for you, listing all hazardous / controversial / critical ingredients in cosmetics in alphabetical order.

I wish you all a pleasant rest of the week, or rather a good weekend!

What's the best moisturizer for your face? Did you find him - the only one?))) Or are you still in search?

Until next time on the pages I wish you

What woman doesn't dream of a clean and smooth complexion? Unfortunately, poor ecology, changeable weather conditions, exposure to heating appliances and air conditioners, stress, which have become a constant companion of our life, have a harmful effect on the skin, not only polluting and depriving normal nutrition, but also dehydrating it, provoking premature aging.

After all, it is water that is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. In addition, most facial treatments (removing flakes and redness, smoothing wrinkles, etc.) are effective only if it is sufficiently hydrated.

All sorts of achievements of the cosmetic industry come to the rescue, including moisturizing face creams containing whole cocktails of the most useful oils, vitamins, nutrients and rightfully occupy a worthy place in the cosmetic bag of each of us.

Why and how to choose?

How to navigate correctly in the countless offers of the cosmetic market, what should be guided when choosing a product and what requirements should be placed on it?

The first thing you need to know: the difference between good face creams is that they should not only moisturize and nourish the skin at the same time, but also retain moisture in it. Three in one, so to speak.

The most important condition when buying: the product must correspond exactly to your skin type, which is known to almost every girl. And for those who have doubts about this, it is necessary to test it for external stimuli. These can be personal care products or dishwashing products, cosmetics, and so on. After a couple of days of self-observation, you will have accurate information about your skin type.

The second condition is the composition of the product. Keep in mind: not always a resounding brand or beautiful packaging guarantee the quality of the cream, and most importantly - its safety. In order not to make a mistake with the choice and not cause irreparable harm to health, you need to pay attention to its composition. This is not difficult, since the list of contents is indicated on the package.

At the beginning of the list, the dominant ingredient is usually indicated, and the rest are already in descending order of concentration.

For example, if you buy a cream that says it is made from "aloe flowers", and they are mentioned only at the very end of the list, you can be sure - you are simply being fooled! At best, the aloe content will be purely symbolic.

What should not be in the composition

Never buy a cream that contains formalinum - carcinogenic substances that penetrate the skin and destroy it. Some creams contain the carcinogen Triethanolamine, another terrible poison.

Another suspect product is paraben. Having excellent antibacterial and antifungal properties, however, it is a serious allergen, and according to many experts, it is also capable of provoking breast cancer.

If a cosmetic product contains more than 0.3 percent paraben - feel free to refuse to buy, despite the fabulous promises of manufacturers!

Our body should not expect anything good from mineral oils, heavy silicones, ethylene and propylene glucols, phtolates.

Of course, it is impossible to do without emulsifiers and preservatives at all, which help to increase the shelf life of the product and preserve its properties. But they should be located in the last places in the list, which will mean their insignificant content.

Video: how to choose a moisturizer for the face

Healthy Ingredients

Enough of the horror stories, though. Now let's turn to the beneficial substances contained in face creams - water, vitamins, amino acids, biologically active substances.

The presence in the cream of panthenol (pantenol) guarantees your skin softening, rejuvenation, and allantoin (allantoin) will keep moisture for a long time, create a regenerating effect. For good absorption of the vitamins contained in the creams, lecithin is used based on soybean oil or egg yolk.

Actually, vitamins are also added to creams in a synthesized form. For example, tocopheryl acetate is nothing more than the synthesis of vitamin E obtained from vegetable oils.

The presence of herbal azulene in creams has a calming, healing and nourishing effect.

You can find everything about Maybeline lipstick.

In general, the herbal base of facial moisturizers should be appropriate for the type of skin. For example, strawberries are suitable for oily skin, and St. John's wort with lavender is suitable for dry and mixed skin types.

Well, let's not forget about perfectly moisturizing and protecting the skin glycerin with glauric acid, various hydro acids and vegetable oils, which are a guarantee of the high quality of the cream.

Two more important tips

  1. High-quality moisturizers smell like delicate aromas of flowers and fruits. Or they have no smell at all.
  2. The acid-base balance of the cream should be in the range from 5 to 9.

On video: the best moisturizer for the face

Top best

The first three lines are occupied by 100% natural products that do not contain fragrances, dyes and oils of mineral origin.

Day cream "Rose" Dr. Hauschka perfectly moisturizes and protects dry and normal skin. Rosehip and rose extracts will restore mature skin, while avocado extract smoothes and softens it. The cream is also suitable for sensitive skin, strengthening it, absorbing well and having a beneficial effect on water-fat metabolism.

The price of the product is about 1950 rubles.

Find out more about Lierac cosmetics.

Refreshing Day Cream - Weleda Care- reliable and intensive protection against bad ecology, excellent moisturizing of the skin with a velvety shade. Natural oils together with Moroccan iris extract help to maintain the hydrolipidic balance of the epidermis. The cream also has a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Price about 1000 rubles .

LAVERA bio moisturizing cream BASIS SENSITIV. Ideal for those who have skin problems (it fights well with problem skin). Moisturizing natural factors - rose and lemon balm essence. Fatty acids, vitamin E together with shea butter will protect the skin from harmful effects and premature aging.

The cost of packing the cream is 1200 rubles.

Vitamin, intensely acting moisturizing good for all skin types, and most importantly - budget.

200 ml. packaging costs only about 350 rubles.

The ultimate hydrating cream that increases skin elasticity, TimeWise from Marykay will moisturize and saturate the skin on the face for 10 hours, simultaneously preventing its aging process. Additional exposure is UV protection.

Unique moisturizing cream from CLINIQUE, firmly retaining moisture inside, strengthens the protective barrier of the skin. Suitable for dry and combined types.

The price of the product ranges from 1150 to 1200 rubles.

The back massage technique is provided.

How to properly perform a head massage for headaches is described in the article.

Absolutely any skin needs hydration, regardless of dryness, age or season. The rating of the 5 best budget moisturizers for the face and 10 representatives of the premium class will help you choose the right product, because sometimes it is quite difficult to choose the best option. A good product from a trusted manufacturer will help the skin feel better, give it beauty and health, and create a rejuvenating effect. Pay enough attention to protecting your skin and see how she will respond with gratitude!

Before making a purchase, you need to make sure that the cream meets certain criteria. What points you should pay special attention to - read below.

  1. Skin type... Despite the fact that hydration, as mentioned above, is required by absolutely everyone, the best moisturizer for the face must be matched to the type of skin. The content of a certain amount of substances in a particular cream depends on this.
  2. Age level... A good cream is absolutely essential for women in their 20s and 40s. But the composition of the moisturizer also directly depends on the age range. Each age needs its own active ingredients.
  3. Package... Needless to say, the integrity of the packaging must not be compromised. By the way, if you have a choice, then give preference to funds in a tube, since it is much easier to bring unnecessary microbes into a constantly opening jar. In addition to integrity, pay attention to the presence of a barcode, whether the features of the product are indicated (night / day, for what type of skin it is intended), the composition, the sign of Rostest.
  4. Extra features... If necessary, make sure that the package indicates the hypoallergenicity of the product, the presence of protection from ultraviolet radiation and other factors you need.


The high price is not always responsible for the quality of the cream. At the moment, a lot of wonderful products at an affordable price are presented on store shelves. So, pick a good moisturizer from a low price point.

1. Natura Siberica "Nutrition and hydration"

The Nourishment and Moisturizing cream is specially designed for dry skin.

It contains an extract of aralia menchzhurskaya, which gives the skin elasticity and softness, tones, improves blood circulation, and also activates the protective functions of the body, keeping the skin from temperature influences and changes.

Another effective component in the cream is hyaluronic acid, which provides maximum hydration. Plant ceramides retain moisture, SPF 20 protects against UV rays. Vitamin E gives youthfulness by increasing the elasticity of cells.


  • low cost - on average, you can buy a good product for 300 rubles;
  • excellent hydration;
  • absorbs quickly.

Disadvantages: it cannot be called completely natural, since there are several parabens in the composition, but their presence is minimal.

Prices Natura Siberica "Nutrition and hydration":

2. Black Pearl Liquid Collagen "Self-rejuvenation"

The “Self-rejuvenation” line includes creams for different age categories: 36+, 46+ and 56+. Each variety has its own characteristics, but in general, the means have a common principle of action.

The technology is based on the mechanism of skin restoration at the expense of its own potential.

Creams are natural and effective, provide express hydration, UV protection, and reduce deep wrinkles. The tool can be a substitute for foundation, it adapts perfectly to the skin tone, providing an even tone and hiding minor imperfections. The average price fluctuates around 200 rubles.

Positive properties:

  • nice smell;
  • easy to apply and quickly absorbed;
  • smoothes small wrinkles;
  • there is protection from UV rays.


  • lack of lifting effect promised by the manufacturer;
  • rather oily texture.

Prices Black Pearl Liquid Collagen "Self-rejuvenation":

The cream from the Korean manufacturer perfectly moisturizes. The formula is designed for problem skin prone to dehydration, prone to rapid aging. The tool is a gel, when applied, it gives the skin an even tone.

The main component is snail extract, which has a nourishing and moisturizing effect, normalizes lipid balance.

Together with epidermal growth factor EGF, it slows down the aging process and helps smooth expression lines. Working in pairs, these components soothe, cleanse, and have an antibacterial effect. Beta-glucan in the product protects the skin, giving it more elasticity and firmness.

  • light, pleasant texture;
  • lifting effect after repeated use;
  • quickly absorbed;
  • fights wrinkles.

  • uneconomical expense;
  • specific smell.

It should be noted separately that this tool is perfect for those who have oily or combination skin, which does not take nourishing creams well.

The price fluctuates around 700 rubles.

Prices :

4. The Saem baobab collagen

The composition includes baobab extract, it perfectly retains moisture, has a calming effect, and eliminates inflammatory processes.

Marine collagen makes the skin firmer and tighter, which means youthful and healthy skin. The product can also be used as a body moisturizer. This jar attracts with its price - about 450 rubles for 50 ml.


  • the cream eliminates flaking and a feeling of tightness;
  • easy to apply and absorb, leaves no shine or marks;
  • smoothes wrinkles and makes the skin velvety to the touch.

Disadvantages: not suitable for oily skin.

Prices for The Saem baobab collagen:

5. Aasha Herbals Moisturizing with Aloe Vera

This Indian cream has a mark on the box that it is made according to the principles of Ayurveda. Effectively moisturizes and tightens the skin, stimulates collagen production, thus increasing the elasticity of the skin.

Great for use after sunburn, chapped skin or hypothermia, it has a softening effect.

The composition includes ingredients such as aloe vera extract, shea butter and vitamin E.


  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • smoothes fine wrinkles, reduces breakouts and pigmentation;
  • high absorbency;
  • eliminates flaking.


  • has a rather bold texture;
  • the declared clarification does not occur.

The average price is 250 rubles.

Prices Aasha Herbals Aloe Vera Moisturizer:

High price

If you haven't found your best face cream in the rating of cheap enough products, then it's time to pay attention to another price category. Below we have collected more expensive products for you. Often the high price is due not only to the popularity of the brand, but also to the presence of useful components in the composition.

The cream with collagen and elastin has a cooling effect, perfectly moisturizes without imparting an oily sheen. Possesses protective properties, limits exposure to harmful substances, weather conditions and harmful bacteria.

The composition includes clove extract and calendula oil, which have strong bactericidal properties, thanks to which the cream relieves irritation and soothes the skin.

The price for a jar of Christina Elastin Collagen starts from 800 rubles and reaches 3,500 thousand.


  • very quickly absorbed;
  • moisturizes well;
  • does not clog pores;
  • does not cause irritation;
  • economical consumption;
  • many natural ingredients in the composition.


  • lack of SPF factor;
  • there is no matting effect.

Prices :

2. MIZON All In One Snail Repair Cream

Another Korean manufacturer in our rating, the remedy for which will cost a little more.

The cream contains 92% of snail mucus filtrate, provides recovery and healing of the skin.

In addition, it relieves irritation and inflammation, gives elasticity, reduces the number of wrinkles, and reduces flabbiness. Snail mucus filtrate has a strong regenerating effect on skin cells. Stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, smoothes expression lines, eliminates scars and scars.

On average, you can buy a tube for 1400 rubles.


  • lack of parabens;
  • softens well;
  • absorbs quickly and gives an excellent moisturizing effect;
  • reduces redness, removes flaking;
  • does not clog pores.

Disadvantages: After application, the face will shine for a while.

Prices MIZON All In One Snail Repair Cream:

The cream contains hyaluronic acid, vitamins A, C and E, a complex of oils and green tea extract.

Has a softening effect, makes it smooth and radiant, suitable for dry skin.

It has a delicate and light texture, easy to apply. Keeps hydrated for a long time, promotes the production of collagen and elastin, slows down the aging and fading process, tones up. You can buy the product for an average of 2300 rubles.


  • evenly absorbed in just 2-3 minutes, leaves no shine;
  • the product is practically odorless;
  • does not clog pores;
  • softens even the driest skin.

Cons: Despite the manufacturer's statement about the high content of hyaluronic acid, there is no noticeable lifting effect.

Prices :

4. Vichy Aqualia Thermal

Specially formulated for dehydrated skin of all ages. The rich cream contributes to the even distribution of moisture in all areas of the face, eliminates the feeling of tightness, smoothes the lines of dehydration, restores the skin a healthy color and freshness.

Thermal water in the composition of the product has a soothing, revitalizing effect.

It will cost about 1,500 rubles.


  • hypoallergenic;
  • quickly absorbed;
  • has a light texture;
  • intensely moisturizes without creating a film effect.


  • quite high consumption;
  • suitable for the warm season.

Prices for Vichy Aqualia Thermal:

Created taking into account the characteristics of mature skin, it tones, gives radiance and freshness. Soothes and relieves facial redness. It has a delicate texture and pleasant aroma.

The manufacturer promises to increase the level of collagen in the skin by 60% after 10 days of use.

The price varies from 2500 to 3000 rubles.


  • a small consumption of the cream - a small drop is enough on the whole face;
  • delicate texture, easily absorbed.
  • SPF 20.


  • it is best to apply the cream in the winter, for the summer it may be too oily;
  • does not always effectively fight severe redness.

Prices :

6. The Skin House Wrinkle Snail System Cream

Another cream from a Korean manufacturer. The snail secret has a healing and rejuvenating effect. The unique composition of the product, which includes a complex of vitamins, amino acids, collagen and elastin, restores damaged skin and promotes the synthesis of new connective tissues.

Snail mucus has a disinfecting effect, moisturizes, nourishes and tones, smoothes wrinkles, evens out tone.

The average cost is approximately 800 rubles.


  • economical consumption;
  • promotes healing of small wounds;
  • smoothes;
  • intensely nourishes and softens.

A rather peculiar texture of the product can be considered a relative disadvantage, but do not forget which main product is present in its composition.

Prices The Skin House Wrinkle Snail System Cream:

This French brand of pharmacy cosmetics has long won the hearts of problem skin owners. There is an opinion that it is La Roche-Posay that produces the best moisturizers. The cream gives elasticity and restores a feeling of comfort and a healthy glow.

The effectiveness of the product is due to the use of hyaluronic acid, as well as the technology of cellular compounds, which allows you to maintain moisture for a long time.

It also contains shea butter and urea. The cream is available only in a tube, which reduces the penetration of bacteria inside. The price per tube fluctuates around 1,500 rubles.


  • soothes, relieves itching, flaking, redness;
  • gives softness and elasticity;
  • copes with minor dermatological problems.

Disadvantages: Not suitable for oily skin.

Prices :

8. Matis: Correcting Line Moisturizer

This French brand differs markedly from its counterparts in price - an average of 4500 rubles.

The special formula with hyaluronic acid has a triple effect - powerful hydration, strengthening and smoothing.

The cream thickens and regenerates the skin structure. Corrects the first signs of aging.


  • perfectly smoothes the skin;
  • the complexion is noticeably evened out after several applications;
  • fairly economical consumption;
  • intensive nutrition.


  • heavy and dense texture, the cream is not always absorbed quickly;
  • not suitable for excess sebum.

Prices Matis: Correcting Line Moisturizer:

Smart Moisturizer is one of the best moisturizers for a reason. Designed to intensively restore and moisturize the skin, evenly distributes moisture and helps to retain it. Reduces wrinkles, has a firming effect, strengthens the protective barrier of the skin. Protects from ultraviolet radiation.


  • hypoallergenic composition;
  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • contains UV protection;
  • easily absorbed;
  • moisturizes and nourishes well;
  • there is no feeling of dryness and tightness.

Disadvantages: high cost, on average 4000 rubles.

Prices :

The latest moisturizer on the list of the best, created by the Japanese specifically for dry and sensitive skin.

Designed for use as a makeup base.

Restores, softens, accelerates the regeneration process, plumps and smoothes the skin.


  • light texture, practically not felt on the face;
  • perfectly absorbed;
  • does not clog pores;
  • relieves irritation and redness;
  • evens out complexion and smoothes the skin.

The price of the product is quite high, and this is a significant drawback - about 8 thousand rubles.

Prices :

A rating of the 10 best expensive facial moisturizers and five relatively affordable ones will help you make the right choice and give preference to the really highest quality product that will certainly help in the fight against dry skin.

Every modern lady wants to look attractive and stylish. Poor ecology, ambiguous weather conditions, the influence of air conditioners, heating appliances, as well as constant stress that we experience from day to day, lead to the fact that the skin becomes dirty, dehydrated and cannot receive normal nutrition. To neutralize these processes, as well as to protect the dermis from premature aging, it is worth using moisturizers. In this case, you should take care of your face daily. Modern firms produce a wide variety of options.

How to choose?

To ensure that your moisturizing product doesn't disappoint you, it's worth knowing how to choose the right one. It should be remembered that a good cream will immediately nourish the dermis with moisture, and will also help to retain it. The second important condition when purchasing a product is its compliance with your type of dermis. If you do not yet know which subtype your skin belongs to, it is worth conducting special testing. Be sure to find out what is included in the tool. It is worth noting that at the beginning of the composition list those elements are indicated that are most in this product. Accordingly, the ingredients are then written in descending order.

You should not purchase a product that includes formaldehyde. This substance has a detrimental effect on the skin, contributes to its destruction. Paraben is also an unwanted ingredient. It is an allergen, if the content of such an element in cosmetics is more than 0.3%, feel free to refuse to purchase. Mineral oils, silicones, ethylene propylene glucols, phtolates also have a detrimental effect on health.

As for the beneficial ingredients that are required to make up a cosmetic product:

  • Panthenol... This substance will help not only soften the skin, but also rejuvenate it.
  • With help allantoin can reliably retain moisture, help efficient cell regeneration.
  • For vitamins to be well absorbed, it is used lecithin based on soybean oil and egg yolk.
  • Vitamins... Not a single drug with a good composition can do without them. They are added to a cosmetic product in a synthesized form. For example, tocopherol acetate is made by synthesizing vitamin E from vegetable oil.
  • Azulene... This substance is obtained from medicinal herbs. It will help soothe the dermis, create a healing and revitalizing effect.

If a herbal base is used to moisturize the face, then it should be selected based on the type of dermis. Strawberries, for example, are great for oily skin, while lavender and St. John's wort are great for problematic, combination, dry skin. A good remedy is also distinguished by the presence of glycerin and hyaluronic acid. They will keep the skin from the adverse external environment. Experts advise paying attention to the aroma when purchasing creams. Often, moisturizing products either do not have it at all, or they smell like floral and fruity aromas. Look at the acid-base balance. It should be between 5 and 9.

There is a special moisturizing product for children. It is intended for the smallest, takes good care of the epithelium of babies. However, adults should use the right product for their age, and not for young skin.

Let a light moisturizer for the summer be useful and light. In such options, there should be only the most necessary components that will not weigh down the skin. The product should have a delicate consistency so as not to create unnecessary stress on the skin. It is desirable that the agent contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial complexes. You can also pick up a special tool that will help to effectively eliminate acne on the face. In this case, in any case, you will need to understand the causes of the rash.

A special moisturizer for make-up will help to make the perfect make-up. So you will not only keep your makeup on your face longer, but also allow you to take care of your skin at the same time.

Rating of the best

When choosing a moisturizer for the face, every lady wants to purchase an effective effective product. Accordingly, the best options will have all the characteristics described above. It is worth remembering that quality products will be served only in company stores or in a pharmacy. In this case, you should immediately decide what kind of product you need - day or night. There are also special anti-aging options for skin after 50 years, as well as products for the skin around the eyes.

Let's take a look at the top 10 main beauty moisturizers that are popular:

  • "Aurealux Cream Radiance Moisturiser" by Dolce & Gabbana. This tool, rather, belongs to the elite. You can find olive oil in the composition. It is it that is responsible for moisturizing. The product also contains an extract from silkworm cocoons and a vitamin complex. All these substances will contribute to the active moisturizing of the skin, will improve its condition, and will also help to rejuvenate the dermis and tone it.

The result can be seen after four weeks of regular use of the cosmetic product. The skin of the face will become attractive, silky and soft. The product can be applied in the morning and evening.

  • "Liftactiv Supreme" by Vichy. This pharmacy is also effective. The cosmetic product has a complex effect on the dermis, nourishing it. At the same time, metabolic processes are accelerated, the growth of collagen fibers is stimulated, the skin is moisturized and soothed. The advantages of this product include the fact that the product can be used all year round. However, in autumn and winter, cosmetics are applied no later than half an hour before going out.
  • "Smart SPF 15" by Clinique. This product is for skin that loses its elasticity and is prone to dryness. Regular use of the cream will effectively restore the cellular structure of the face. With the help of glucosamine, which is included in the substance, small wrinkles are smoothed. The product is also saturated with hyaluronic acid, which will help moisturize the dermis. Caffeine will keep the face toned, give the skin strength.
  • "Aquasource" from BioTherm. This product will help to level the harmful effects of the external environment on the skin. The light blue jar contains a light airy cream with thermal plankton extract, which helps to moisturize the dermis and make the face look fresh and attractive.

  • Moisturizing cream mask "Hydra Sparkling" by Givenchy. The product moisturizes the skin, filling it with energy and radiance. The product will help you quickly get in shape if you do not get enough sleep. With the help of a special antioxidant, damaged skin is energized, the complexion is improved and wrinkles are smoothed out. The special complex and millet extract contained in the cream effectively affect the cells. It is better to use this remedy at night.
  • "Wildrose" by Weleda. This product is suitable for combination skin. Such a cream will moisturize well both dry and oily areas, while it does not clog the pores, does not irritate the sensitive dermis. The advantages of the product include the fact that the product is absorbed rather quickly. Only a pleasant aroma is felt. The bottle contains almond, peach oil, jojoba, rose seeds, extract from myrrh, which contribute to active hydration of the dermis.
  • Crème "Désaltérante" by Clarins. A feature of the product is a combination of natural elements and high-tech products. Thanks to the extract of cataphray bark, as well as rowan buds, hyaluronic acid and a special complex, the dermis is actively moisturized. Your face will be transformed, rejuvenated and shine with health.

  • Moisturizing two-phase cream "Plantain and coltsfoot" by Green Mama. You will be able to see the result after just a few applications. The substance includes extracts of coltsfoot and plantain. These components are designed to provide deep hydration to each cell. A pleasant aroma will set you in a positive mood.
  • "Botanical Kinetics Intense Hydrating Soft Creme" by Aveda. This cosmetics is organic. This cream consists almost entirely of herbal ingredients. Its daily use will help improve skin condition, not clog pores, and prevent cell aging. This option is also perfect for sensitive dermis prone to allergies and redness. The product is completely safe. It will have a moisturizing effect, help actively nourish and soothe the skin.
  • Day cream "Pure Line. Moisturizing". The very first thing that buyers note is the affordable cost of the product. For some reason, this is alarming to some. Despite all this, most of the product reviews are positive. The product perfectly moisturizes the dermis.
At the same time, there are also special options:
  • Ultra moisturizing "Topicrem". This cream is perfect for women with dry sensitive skin. The cosmetic product will help to effectively moisturize the dermis, protect it, saturate it with nutrients and soothe it. The product includes urea (1%) and glycerin. They are responsible for active hydration and softening of the dermis. Shea butter helps nourish and repair cells. This cream has been dermatologically tested. It can be used by both adults and babies. After regular use, you will see the result on your face.
  • Moisturizing "Tip-top". This option will help you effectively take care of your baby's skin. The cosmetic product includes only natural herbal ingredients. They perfectly nourish the dermis, are designed to moisturize and protect it. There is no irritation or redness in your baby.
  • Efficiency... You can not only moisturize the skin, but also eliminate flaking, redness, get rid of fine wrinkles.
  • Ease of use. The cosmetic composition should be lightly applied to the face. The product is perfectly and evenly distributed. In this case, you should focus on the product that suits your skin type.
  • Extensive assortment of goods. Modern firms offer a variety of options for the fair sex. You will be able to choose the product that will appeal to you.
  • Affordable product price. You will be able to buy a cosmetic product at an attractive price, without spending all your savings. And the effect will be no worse than after going to the beautician.
  • Availability... You can always buy the product you like in a specialty store or pharmacy, so as not to run into a fake.
  • Good mood. Seeing the positive effect, you will radiate a great mood. An attractive appearance contributes to achieving success, increasing self-confidence, and improving well-being.