Turquoise wedding style. Pink and turquoise wedding decoration or a breath of freshness. Wedding decoration in turquoise colors

A turquoise wedding is tenderness, romance, inspiration and hope for happiness. After all, turquoise is the color of the sea wave with all sorts of shades of blue and green, and it means love, tenderness, calmness, harmony, spiritual purity and faith. Agree that this is perhaps one of the ideal color options for a wedding celebration.

A turquoise wedding is often associated with a nautical or heavenly celebration. According to the chosen theme, decor and accessories are also chosen ... However, a wedding can be simply in a turquoise style without additional thematic clarifications.

The celebration begins with the invitations, so they need to be done in accordance with the style of the wedding. In their design, a turquoise color must be present, they can also be decorated with flowers, ribbons, lace and beads.

Images of the bride and groom
The good thing about turquoise is that it matches any skin color. As for the bride's dress, it can be completely turquoise in color - it looks very beautiful and original. Or just a belt of this shade and the same shoes, earrings, necklace, bracelet.

The groom can also have a completely turquoise suit or accessories to it: tie, boutonniere ...

The bride's bouquet
A bridal bouquet for a turquoise wedding is not an easy task. The fact is that there are very few flowers of this shade in nature, so florists often simply paint flower bouquets in the required color.

There is another very common option - a brooch bouquet. Here it can be decorated as soon as your heart desires! These are very beautiful and expensive looking bouquets.

Bridesmaids Looks:
Everything is simple here: short or long turquoise dresses and accessories of the same shade.

Basically, a turquoise wedding venue doesn't matter. However, if there is a refinement to the style, for example, a heavenly theme, then it is better to hold the celebration in a restaurant located somewhere on the top of a hill or mountain. This will allow you to be closer to the sky, to admire its beauty. Well, if a marine theme is declared, then, of course, it is more appropriate to hold an event in a restaurant near the water.

There is a rule: at such a wedding, the ratio of shades of turquoise to white should be 40 to 60. At the same time, anything can be turquoise in the decor: tablecloths, curtains on the windows, dishes on tables, lighting in the hall ...

Turquoise is popular with non-standard people with creative thinking. If you consider yourself one of them, then a bridal bouquet in turquoise colors will be an excellent choice. To determine the design, we advise you to view the photos in this section.

Turquoise bridal bouquet

The turquoise bridal bouquet looks very bright and unusual, the photos in this section clearly show this. This color is very popular in the shade "Tiffany", which is used not only for bouquets, but also for entire wedding celebrations. It is not easy to find turquoise flowers in nature. Therefore, most likely, the bouquet will be created from colored flowers, for example, roses or chrysanthemums. In addition, you can create a turquoise mood using a decor in the form of a satin ribbon, which is tied to the stems of plants.

The image of the bride and groom

Since turquoise can be of different shades, it is important to choose the right one for your color type. Otherwise, it will not look so impressive. For girls with warm skin and hair tones, turquoise with a green tint will suit, and those who have been awarded a cold shade of hair and skin by nature, bluish turquoise will suit the face.

If you are looking for a turquoise bridal bouquet, then in the Photo Ideas section you will definitely find something to your taste. Here you can find a large number of photos of bouquets of various designs. In addition, in the Photo Ideas section there is a convenient filter that allows you to find many interesting ideas, for example,

Greetings, my dear regular readers and guests who have just dropped in. Nice to meet you! Want to add a vibrant touch to your wedding decor? Then I suggest you breathe in the fresh sea air, feel the cool drops of spray and plunge headlong into the design of the wedding hall in turquoise color!

The color of happiness

I don't think I will open America if I say that turquoise is a stone, the color of which can be from pale blue to greenish. With its color, turquoise resonates with the colors of a clear clear sky, which bewitches and enchants. And the name of the stone "turquoise" comes from the Persian word "firuza" and is translated as "stone of happiness", which brings peace to the owners of the family and harmony. So why don't you start your story with the color of happiness?

Ideal companions

Before moving on to the subtleties, let's find out which color the turquoise hue is best combined with. Here are just a few friends of sweet couples for a unique combination of this delicate and airy color with other colors:

  • Black
  • Chocolate
  • Apricot
  • Peach
  • Dark purple
  • Carmine

Well, is there where to roam? Have you already found the perfect combination for yourself? Share in the comments. Perhaps your option will be the most unusual.

Turquoise wedding styles

  1. Summer maritime-themed ceremony. If you are, for example, from Odessa or Sochi, then we choose a restaurant on the seashore. Well, the rest will have to look for other reservoirs of pure azure shades and country yacht clubs.
  2. The heavenly theme is perfect for a celebration in a restaurant located on top of a hill or mountain. Closer to the sky and with gorgeous, mesmerizing views below, just like in the picture.
  3. A sophisticated retro wedding where turquoise meets silver. In this case, turquoise will turn into a wonderful color for a wedding in winter.
  4. Rustic wedding. We focus on muted turquoise and light pastel shades. In spring and summer we are considering organizing a banquet as an option.
    If there is a garden with flowering fruit trees nearby, then a gorgeous photo session is guaranteed to you!
  5. A stylish urban wedding is a trendy combination of turquoise and chocolate. A banquet hall decorated in these shades is perfect for a celebration.
  6. Luxurious wedding in peacock style. Sophistication in a combination of dominant turquoise and this print. For a banquet, a place in the garden with walking peacocks and accessories in the form of feathers is suitable.
  7. Tiffany style wedding. The venue is a picturesque city park or a beautiful meadow in the forest. In the decor of the wedding hall, we add a touch of modernity to the modesty and elegance of the middle of the last century.

    Do not organize a turquoise wedding surrounded by forest in the fall. Especially if you are planning a combination with orange and red. An overabundance of bright colors will turn out.

Holiday decoration

To create a complete, beautiful and harmonious picture, you need to think through all the moments of decorating the hall, interior design and small details, which together will make your holiday bright and unforgettable.

Restaurant hall

Use the classic design option: we complement the white tablecloths with turquoise napkins and decorative elements in the tone with which you plan to combine turquoise. We decorate the chairs with white covers, bows and flowers. Here are some options. Take a look! Did you like any of this?

Turquoise does not have to be the main color. In order not to overdo it with color, we add turquoise as the main accent.

We use light turquoise fabrics for window drapery. Otherwise, the hall will make a depressing impression. You don't want that, do you?

For budgetary decoration of the hall, you can use paper pom-poms. It looks fresh and very organic. Here's how in these photos.

For tables, in addition to floral arrangements of fresh flowers, you can use decoration with balls. It will look airy and come out at an affordable cost.

The Bureau

Deserves a special sign of attention, because the attention of all guests of the holiday will be riveted to the wedding table of the newlyweds, photography and video filming will be made from all angles. Therefore, it should be designed appropriately to emphasize the beauty of a couple in love.

For the background of the table, arches or pictures of flowers are ideal.

The table will definitely need to be decorated with delicate turquoise bouquets and floral compositions of the selected shades. It will look fresh and romantic.


The photo zone is an important and necessary place for memorable photographs with invited guests. There are a lot of design options. Here are some ideas. Choose what you like best! By the way, the price of the issue can be completely different. It's one thing if you trust. What if you want to create your own masterpiece from what is. Then the cost will be much lower. Get inspired and give it a try!

Arch for registration

You will need it not only in the event of a banquet in nature, but also if you have one. In the banquet hall, you can also beautifully beat this wedding attribute. What did you like the most about these photos? Or maybe you want to repeat something? Share your ideas!

Important little things

Therefore, they are important, because without them the perfect wedding will not work. Therefore, we remember everything that needs to be taken care of.

  • Invitation
  • Table signs for guests
  • Bonbonnieres - small surprise gifts
  • Glasses of the young
  • and candlesticks
  • Bottles and flower vases decorated with ribbons
  • Napkin rings
  • Bead jewelry

It is not necessary that the color of these parts is only turquoise. Use a delicate pastel palette and add turquoise satin ribbons, lace, bows, and more. For a winter wedding, you can put blue Christmas balls and beads in clear vases. It will turn out original and in the subject.

You can buy everything for your wedding in one place. For example, in online store... Well, or do it yourself! And to calculate how much such accessories, made by yourself, cost, watch these video tutorials. Hope you find them useful!

Summing up, I want to say that no matter where you live: in large cities of Russia - Moscow or St. Petersburg, in cities of the near abroad - Minsk or Kiev, get ready for your wedding creatively and approach every issue with heart, whether it is the choice of a bride's bouquet or search for a banquet hall. And let your life be shrouded in the color of happiness and love.

Thank you very much for your attention! If you liked my advice, please share with your friends on social networks, don't be greedy. Well, to keep abreast of the latest wedding news, subscribe to my blog. See you soon and interesting articles. Bye Bye!

Summer paints our life with bright colors and rich colors. A wedding in turquoise color will perfectly fit into a sunny day and will give you a fiery and cheerful party. Turquoise has an attractive power - it is a magical, deep color, and when combined with other shades, an even wider spectrum is obtained.

Turquoise combines blue and green colors, if you look at it, you recall the surface of the sea or the blue of the sky illuminated by the rays of the sun. The meaning of color can be expressed in a few words - faith, poise, truth.

Many peoples had turquoise in their protective amulets. Grooms in Asia gave rings, earrings, a bracelet with turquoise to brides, and the image of the newlywed must have been in turquoise. The groom had to have one thing: cufflinks, keychain, tie clip.

The turquoise color is so unique that it looks harmonious with many colors. The most popular are combinations with white, gold, silver. In recent years, couples have often chosen turquoise for a festive day. Tiffany's wedding is especially popular, in which this color is also present as the main one. He, like a mischievous chameleon, has dozens of shades and each of them smells of freshness and goodness.

Wedding decoration in turquoise color

It all starts with invitations. In what form you make them, so the guests will perceive the celebration. Take original postcards in a delicate turquoise color and glue seashells, you can take the theme of the azure sky and add lace, white ribbons, fresh flowers, beads. All decor elements need to be thought out in order to make it clear to the guests what kind of wedding they will come to. Can be decorated in different ways turquoise wedding invitations , but it is undesirable to make them in one color.

Turquoise dress looks spectacular on both blondes and brunettes. For blondes, they choose lighter colors, of course, the most daring can be catchy, it all depends on the character and mood of the girl.

What should be flowers in a bridal bouquet ? But don't worry, modern dyes can do this. Designers will paint white chrysanthemums or lilies in a spectacular turquoise. It will match your dress if necessary. White, yellow or red flowers are perfect for a turquoise wedding. Feel free to use an additional color not only in the bride's bouquet, but also in the decoration details.

The groom does not have to wear the same color of the suit as the bride will wear the dress. You can complement it with a turquoise-colored shirt or a tie on a white shirt, a boutonniere.

The celebration hall, decorated in sky blue colors, will show the mood and create a light, airy atmosphere. The combination can be enhanced by taking contrasting options. For example, drape walls, stairs, tablecloths with soft turquoise. The decor should be done exclusively in naughty dark turquoise shades.

Wedding in white and turquoise

Crystal purity, combined with innocence and freshness, simplicity, intelligence and grace - these are the first associations from the combination of white and turquoise colors in the palette at a wedding.

Turquoise with pure white color suits winter weddings and weddings. You can add snowflakes, original frosty patterns, a snowman, New Year's toys to the design, all this will create a unique entourage.

A traditional white dress, decorated with a turquoise belt, with the addition of earrings and a necklace with turquoise stones will look original. You can put on shoes and pin a flower in your hair of the same color, then the image will be complete.

Invitations in traditional white with turquoise monograms, small bonbonnieres tied with snow-white satin ribbons, celestial turquoise cushions for rings with white decorations. Think over everything to the smallest detail, so that it is harmonious and beautiful.

If the newlyweds want to celebrate the wedding on the liner or near the water, then the walls, tables, stairs and columns in the party room can be decorated with shells, pebbles and stars painted in shades of turquoise.

Wedding cake in turquoise color

Don't forget about the sweets! A beautiful turquoise wedding cake will complement the wedding flavor. Combined with a beautiful gradient, white pearls and gold patterns, this dessert will impress guests.

Wedding ideas in turquoise

Consider a few ideas for a turquoise wedding:

  1. If you combine turquoise with white or silver, you get a winter fairy tale. Toys, snowflakes, frosty patterns on glass and room decor are added to it.
  2. Romantic style. It is a pleasure for every exalted nature to celebrate their wedding day in nature. For an event, a combination of turquoise and purple is suitable. Especially if the event is held in late spring, when nature is blooming with all kinds of colors.
  3. Vintage style, country, Provence. Refined natures who do not like bright colors will suit dull shades of turquoise, all bed tones.
  4. Imperial wedding. If you decide to celebrate such a wedding, then you simply cannot do without gold. Bright turquoise and all shades of gold look great in old-style rooms, preferably a manor house or a small castle.
  5. And, of course, do not forget about the marine theme. It matches this color perfectly, and the playful striped print will enhance the perception. The outfits of the guests and heroes of the occasion should correspond to the theme. Do not forget about the treats - they must be mostly seafood.
  6. If your wedding takes place in the middle of summer, then turquoise can be diluted with yellow. These two bright contrasts saturated with sea romance and bright sun will be a hit at the holiday.
  7. Retro wedding. The combination of turquoise and scarlet red is a great option for a retro wedding.

Wedding in turquoise color photo:

Each couple of future newlyweds indulges in joyful dreams of what their first family celebration should be like. Often, in their ideas about the ideal holiday, a wedding in turquoise colors arises. How to organize this bright memorable event, what the outfits of the newlyweds and guests should be, how to decorate the interior - find out the details!

The image of the bride and groom in turquoise color

The question of choosing outfits for a wedding is one of the most important in organizing a celebration, because the photos and videos taken at the celebration will be viewed more than once later, and it is so important to get only pleasant memories! For this reason, if you are planning a wedding in turquoise color, pay due attention to the wedding dress and the groom's suit.

Turquoise wedding dress and shoes for the bride

The color theme does not mean at all that the bride's attire must be a colored dress. If a girl prefers a white wedding dress, thoughtfully selected turquoise accessories will look very harmonious with her. A spectacular belt, a necklace and earrings in navy blue, bright shoes and an elaborate handbag will add advantageous color accents to the girl's image and make her truly unique. If you can't find shoes of the right shade, it doesn't matter, show your imagination and decorate the white pair with satin ribbon bows or colored beads.

If the bride decides to put on a turquoise dress for a wedding, then choosing such a colored outfit will not be difficult either, because this shade is perfect for both cold and warm color types. The variety of possible shades: from deep azure to pale blue - will help a girl choose the dress she has dreamed of for so long.

Be sure to do a test makeup before the wedding, especially if you want to experiment with turquoise shades of shadows - then on the day of the holiday, the make-up will be done quickly and will look spectacular. Do not forget about manicure - today in stores there is a wide selection of coatings for nails in various colors. The look will be completed by a hairstyle with a flower pinned in the hair in a shade in harmony with the dress or voluminous curls entwined with a colored ribbon or decorated with pearls.

Groom's outfit

A wedding in turquoise color implies a number of requirements for a man's suit. Men are often more conservative in the choice of their clothes, so it is hardly necessary to look for an outfit in such a bright color. If a suit made of dark or light fabric is combined with a colored shirt or with a turquoise vest, tie, or a spectacular handkerchief put in a breast pocket, this outfit will look very stylish. A bold solution would be to use blue shoes, a belt or a hat in a bright or calm muted shade.

Dress code for bridesmaids and guests

In order for a turquoise wedding to go as beautifully and brightly as intended, it is important to negotiate with the invited guests so that they support the color theme of the celebration with their outfits. It is necessary to carefully choose the attire of the bridesmaids so that it is in harmony with the bride's dress. Turquoise shades of outfits will be appropriate if the newlywed is dressed in classic white clothes. If the girl herself decided to wear an azure dress, then for her girlfriends it will be necessary to choose clothes of a harmonious shade - for example, cream, pink, yellow, red.

When choosing the style of dresses for bridesmaids, you must adhere to this rule: outfits of the same tailoring will look harmonious, but in different shades of color (bright and more subdued), or you can use the material of the same color, but the dresses will differ in cut. With suits for the groom's friends, things are easier: they can simply wear a turquoise shirt, vest or tie to the wedding.

The guests must be notified in advance of the special dress code for the celebration in the invitations so that they have time to purchase appropriate clothing for the occasion. Turquoise color implies many shades, so the invitees will definitely be able to choose their favorite outfits of this color scheme, thereby respecting the request of the newlyweds.

Wedding decoration in turquoise colors

What you need to know about the preparation of the celebration for which such a coloristic theme has been chosen? The most important thing is to take into account what color turquoise is combined with, because a beautiful bright design of a wedding will only work if the details are successfully connected. There is a lot of room for creativity, because this shade suits most other tones very well: red, green, orange, yellow, blue. A wedding in a white and turquoise color will be very elegant, and if the newlyweds want shine and luxury, then they need to choose silver and gold decor elements.

Guests should understand that an unusual celebration with a thought-out theme awaits them, having just received invitations to the wedding, so the bride and groom need to fantasize about their design. These cards must have drawings or patterns of turquoise color, or you can arrange them as scrolls tied with a satin ribbon of a rich azure hue.

What should be the decoration of the banquet hall? For decoration, you can use different shades of turquoise: from a bright, saturated tones of sea green to delicate blue. An interesting and original combination of an azure shade with a fuchsia color is obtained. Decorate the turquoise wedding hall with balloons, fun stuffed toys, and a flower arrangement. Don't forget to decorate items such as ring cushions and gift baskets.

Don't forget that turquoise is also the color of the sunny sky. The ceiling of the hall, draped with a weightless fabric of this shade, will carry guests for a while on a summer day under the endless sky. When decorating a festive table, you also need to experiment. The combination of materials of different textures looks beautiful - for example, you can put wide satin ribbons on top of linen tablecloths. It is worth placing small bouquets, decorated candles on the tables and delighting guests with bright bonbonnieres.

What should the bride's wedding bouquet and groom's boutonniere look like? Florists can paint the flowers they like in the desired rich shade and combine them, for example, with white or beige, or make such accessories in delicate colors, decorating them with azure decor. Quite often, bouquets of artificial fabric flowers are also used, and the boutonniere for the groom is replaced with a bright pocket square.

A wedding cake is one of the main elements with the help of which the magic of this celebration is created, so you need to discuss in detail with the pastry chef the decoration of such a dessert. With the help of mastic and glaze, you can achieve the desired appearance of this sweet product. Decorate the cake with flowers, figurines of young people, and other decor. Alternatively, you can make a wedding dessert in the form of many cupcakes with colored cream.

Decoration of the wedding cortege

What ideas can be used to decorate a solemn procession in turquoise color? Nowadays, aqua cars are rare, so the theme of the wedding will need to be supported by decoration elements. Here come in handy sky blue balloons, satin ribbons, brightly colored car bonnet decorations and a variety of colored decals.

Video: wedding in turquoise style