Marriage swindlers blacklist. Marriage swindlers - how to protect yourself

When asked why you didn’t come earlier and figured out the rapidly developing relationship that you were not able to reasonably control, the answer is one: “I thought that I myself was smart enough to understand everything and figure out the rogue.” The result is the loss of tens, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of rubles, and often an apartment.

I understand that not everyone is ready to go for a consultation with a specialist. There are many reasons for this, so I want to give some advice on how to avoid the terrible fate of the victim of a marriage swindler.

Especially often the victims of marriage swindlers are people looking for a partner on the Internet. Communication through and social networks greatly facilitates the task of a marriage swindler - to please the future victim already in absentia and often fall in love with himself, without risking being exposed when communicating face to face. When such a meeting takes place, the victim no longer perceives critically those signs that can betray a marriage swindler at the beginning of communication.

It should be said right away that I deliberately say "marriage swindler", since 99% of women who are "lucky" to get into the network of "love bandits" turn to psychologists for advice. Men are embarrassed to ask for help and expect that they themselves will be able to understand everything, and having become a victim of a marriage swindler, they are afraid to confess. Therefore, my advice is directed more towards women.

So, first: how to recognize a marriage swindler?

Often he seems to be a person of a profession covered with an aura of romance and mystery - an intelligence officer, a major lawyer, an employee of a serious government agency, a sea captain, etc. on the other hand, it gives additional charm. Another option is a big businessman who does not want publicity when looking for a life partner. And only to you he will reveal the secret, as he is sure of your joint future. But - it does not open!

They never introduce the prospective victim to friends and family. The reasons can be incredibly many - an orphan, everyone is in exile, he is depressed and does not want to see anyone, and so on. Interestingly, the more absurd the reason, the easier it is for future victims to believe in it.

Avoids being photographed, or does everything to be different from himself in the photo.

Almost at the very beginning of yours, he quietly finds out your financial situation.

Strives to get into your house as soon as possible and gain a foothold there. If you don’t want to let it go, demonstrative resentment and misunderstanding of how you can not trust HIM, so correct and calling for family life, are used. You want to marry him, then why don't you take this step forward?

In the next meeting, he begins to "forget" the credit card, phone, receives an unexpected fine in the absence of a wallet. Thus, figuring out your willingness to part with your own money for him.

Very often he sends you an expensive gift through the delivery service, "forgetting" to pay for the delivery itself. In this case, you need to pay for delivery in advance.

Of course, these are not all signs. There are many more specific behavioral traits that signal danger. But these are the most common.

Now the second: how not to get hooked?

Always be critical of success stories and secret work. who is really interested in you will always find a way to confirm all his posts and regalia.

Never, under any circumstances, a real fan of yours will forget his money, phone and will not lose all cash before entering the restaurant. Do not agree to pay for it, never, under any circumstances!

Wishing to visit you is not a problem. But first, honey, show me your nest. We are in no hurry, we will wait and still be the first to see your accommodation.

The most important thing is that never, under any circumstances, borrow, donate, don’t give money to unfamiliar men for free. And he is precisely unfamiliar. A couple of months of communication is not a period. And do not forget that he has relatives, friends, partners, etc. Think about why he is asking you? No real man will stoop to such a request!

Listen to feedback from your family and friends about your new companion, especially if many are negative. From the side it is more visible, and you are now hovering in the clouds and mentally listening to Mendelssohn's march. Probably, people close to you still care more about you than a recent acquaintance.

This special psychological type of people, skillfully arranging networks of seduction, is very dangerous for others. Marriage swindlers are not fictional heroes of Western jokes, they confidently charm their victims, leaving them penniless and without a roof over their heads.

The arsenal of their means is so wide that any gullible person can fall for the bait of a marriage swindler. How to protect yourself from the tricks of a marriage swindler?

Who are they, marriage swindlers?

Both men and women can be swindlers in the marriage market. Their feature is an excellent knowledge of the psychology of the opposite sex. If the swindler is a man, he worships women, skillfully charms them, achieving his goal. A woman swindler is the best seductress who has mastered the techniques of manipulating men.

Marriage swindlers are subtle psychologists who know how to listen carefully, possess impeccable manners, sincerity and respect for their victim. They are endowed with a special charm that makes them visible and desirable. Marriage swindlers have the most powerful "hook" of attention, a key to the heart: they so skillfully make their victims understand that they are irresistible, loved and in demand that the victim herself is ready to give up her hard-earned benefits for this "love".

The legal term "marriage swindler" does not exist in any Russian law. This term is used in everyday life to designate people who take possession of other people's property by fraud, entering into a fictitious or actual marriage. These swindlers, in the case of being caught, are usually judged by several articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation at once: fraud, seizure of other people's property, theft, and the like. However, the most skillful marriage swindler will never joke with the law: the victim herself, will voluntarily give him the money.

What is their purpose?

The ultimate goal of any marriage swindler is to obtain mercantile benefits. Sex and temporary cohabitation with the victim is seen as a pleasant addition to the main and main object of achieving the goal - money, jewelry, antiques, real estate and the like.

Where do they live?

Most often, marriage swindlers can be found on dating sites on the Internet, in places of mass recreation of people, where the situation itself is conducive to establishing new romantic relationships. The habitats of these scammers can be absolutely any: a supermarket, a disco, public transport, a playground, a gym and even a cemetery.

Marriage swindlers find their victims in the most unexpected places. Not so long ago, the media covered a curious fact: the swindler met his "lady of the heart" ... in the women's toilet. The "candy-bouquet" period is usually minimized by scammers, their main goal is to get into the victim's home and estimate the amount of profit.

Who are their victims?

Most often, the victims of scammers are kind and naive people, gullible, thirsty for warmth and looking for their soul mate. When meeting a marriage swindler, it seems to them that happiness has knocked on the house, since scammers have amazing acting skills. However, it makes no sense to lay all the blame on the swindler: in a relationship between two, one is never to blame.

“Ah, it's not difficult to deceive me! / I'm glad to be deceived myself!” We read from the great genius A.S. Pushkin. Any victim of a scammer herself provokes such behavior, allows himself to be manipulated.

The tricks of the marriage swindlers

The schemes of seduction and seizure of property are very diverse, selected for each victim individually. Those who play for high stakes can even register a relationship with a registry office, their goal is an apartment and an inheritance. After the wedding, scammers start talking about improving housing conditions, offering to take out a large loan or sell an old apartment. Fraud schemes can be as follows: either the newly-minted swindler is hiding with the entire amount of money, or he takes a loan in his own name, with his spouse as a guarantor.

It is worth seriously thinking if a new fan does not want to leave his phone number or often changes it, hides his place of residence, categorically does not want to be photographed, appear in popular public places, introduce his friends and family.

Another important alarming trick is that from the very first days of their acquaintance, the swindler starts serious conversations about marriage, children and a wonderful joint future. Soulful stories about debts, dishonest business partners, greedy ex-wives and sick relatives should also be alerted. A request to borrow money is the loudest bell, it's time to sound the alarm and part with the swindler, until he himself gets into the victim's pocket.

How to protect yourself from the tricks of marriage swindlers?

Undoubtedly, you need to trust people, but it is not in vain that the Russian proverb says: "Trust, but verify." Losing your head from love is not worth it, wearing rose-colored glasses, not noticing the obvious things, too. Even in childhood, mothers teach that it is indecent to meet anyone on the street, trusting the first person they meet is dangerous.

Taking responsibility for his life upon himself, a person becomes more resilient, realistic, adaptive, better survives in an aggressive environment. "I don't want to be a victim!" - the first step in confronting any kind of fraudsters. If the meeting nevertheless took place, and the victim had a difficult life test - to resist the swindler, it is not bad to learn how to "separate the wheat from the chaff": asks for money - gives a receipt and a copy of the passport. This will make it easier to prove the fact of fraud in court and bring the swindler to justice, putting an end to his numerous episodes of "charm".

When entering into a legal marriage, it is imperative to sign a prenuptial agreement, according to which all property issues are correctly regulated.

It's amazing

Most often, the victims of marriage swindlers suffer not so much from the loss of material resources, but from the destruction of their dreams of a Real Prince or Princess. The victims even file applications to the police not in order to return their savings, but in order to return the beloved. As statistics show, half of the victims are ready to forgive and forget all their suffering if the fraudster agrees to live with them again. Miracles do not happen: marriage swindlers cannot be re-educated and made noble family men out of them.

An amazing fact: many women believe that the best man in their life was exactly the one who, for some reason, is called a marriage swindler. Based on this fact, the scammers believe that they do not rob the unfortunate victims, but only take payment for the warmth and affection, for the attention that women were awarded, for the feelings they experienced, for what they have never experienced before.

Materials with information about marriage swindlers coming to the editorial office through.

Svetlana (sent on 06/26/2013):

The swindler's name is David

Hello! I went to your site for a reason. I, too, had to come across swindlers on a dating site with grooms. And on that day, letters of familiar content come. And how I guessed that my imaginary fiance is a swindler.

In his correspondence, he wrote so much about love, my fiance was so blinded by his love for me that he forgot to answer my questions to him or did not want to. And one day my fiancé named David decided to send me a parcel, he started asking me about my home address and phone number and a notification about the parcel also came to my website, supposedly upon receiving it I have to pay 1800 dollars for the parcel, and I still I thought what else was there for the package so that I had to pay for it. Then I realized that it was a scam. Field of this stopped communicating with him.

Olya (sent 09/05/2014):

The swindler's name is David wood

I also ran into Davidom Wood. He says that he goes to Malaysia on business, flies to you on the way back. And then he says that his bank card is blocked, he is at the airport, he needs help. Asks to transfer money. If not you, he has no one to help!

Zarina (sent on 01/16/2014):

The swindler's name is Bernard Kurt(birthplace London, writes from Malaysia)

Hello. I also received a message from Malaysia to pay the costs associated with the legalization of the parcel. sent to me by a citizen from London, Bernard Curt, in a parcel. which I did not ask, he allegedly put valuables (flowers, laptop, iPhone and watch) and 11,150 British pounds. I certainly didn't. I immediately understood his fraudulent intentions. but I want to protect other women from naive actions. how to shield their crook and catch their gang? These crimes must be prevented and the perpetrators must be punished.

Elena from Kiev (sent on 04/18/2014):

The swindler's name is Sergei(Italian citizen)

I will tell you a story not from the Internet, but from life, although he found me on the Internet and we met.

I am a masseuse and he came to me for a massage. Tall, strong, like in the photo that he dropped on my email. Such an alluring, charismatic, he said that he was working as a bodyguard in my city under a contract, supposedly an international company, and he himself was an Italian citizen, had two daughters, a widower, his name was Sergei, 46 years old.
We began to meet occasionally, he came to me. He categorically did not want to meet anywhere in a cafe and once invited him to A., he allegedly lives there with his cousin. Then he gave me a performance on the phone with an attack and injury, after which a bandaged wounded man arrived and pressed for pity. He spoke of love, that he was happy with me, that he would soon take me to him, take me away from my poor and unhappy country, that I deserve the best and that he would not give me to anyone. Then he said that his daughter had arranged a trip to Egypt and he was leaving for a couple of weeks, that supposedly he could not take me with him, but we would definitely go with him later. Then he began to complain about his health, severe back pain after the injury, and about an expensive medicine that can only help relieve pain.

In general, he vytsiganil from me $ 300 and went to Egypt. At the same time, I several times gave him gifts (albeit not large ones), he never even once brought me for my birthday, a couple of times he brought flowers. After his return, he and his sister set up for me a story about an accident where he allegedly crashed badly in Moldova and is in Tiraspol in a military hospital. His sister contacts me, with tears in her eyes she tells how she collected the last money and she lacks 2,000 euros to transport him home. By that time, I had already understood everything, I was simply bribed for money, but I was in love and until the very last wanted to believe in him. I told the truth that I have no such money and I can do nothing to help except my participation in the role of a nurse, etc. For several months they still tried to pity me and download money, but then they just disappeared. In general, I got off with a slight fright and bitter disappointment. And it was not about P. or some money that he allegedly had, I just liked a specific and real person, but he turned out to be a fraud. I have his photo, if anyone is interested, write to the post office and I will send it, I don’t want any of the women to suffer.

Maria (sent on 04/26/2014):

The swindler's name is Ray Ord(US citizen - Rockaway, New Jersey, US Army officer)

Thank God, it didn’t come to deception)) Apparently, your site got caught in time, thank you very much! My story is banal, led to the beautiful words of an American military officer (handsome, hefty)) That's not the point. Girls, if you meet a certain Ray Ord on the "Open 24" dating site, you should know that this is a setup. This is a photo of the famous American General Ray Odierno. Ray Odierno is happily married and has three children))).

At first I corresponded, was conducted on all these "pink drooling", then I realized that everything is too vanilla for a military man, and his face is too media, and then thanks to search engines on the Internet I found a real person))) Here is such entertainment)) ).

As the words in the song "My misfortune, not guilt, that I am an example of naivety ...")) In general, we, Russian women, lack beautiful words and tenderness from our men, so we believe in a fairy tale))) Ehh, not let's talk about sad things! I wish everyone to meet a loving man in real life! Be happy and loved!)) And love yourself)))

Ladi (sent on 05/14/2014)

The swindler's name is Mark(Finland)

Girls, here's another "handsome" for you - I figured it out the other day Mark from Finland was on the website 24 open, works according to the scheme of 4-5 letters and in the last letter about the gift that his daughter allegedly chose for me.

In letters he writes that he is divorced and has a daughter, Alice. On 5, he writes that he bought me a gift and asks to send me the address, full details and phone number. I figured it out right away and waited until I started asking for a phone number.

The questionnaire may contain the city of Tempere, but in the return address he put another city. Sorry to send the photo, I can’t delete it, his mailing address [email protected]

Girls, this is 100 percent a swindler, don't get caught!

Additions to the story pro Brand from Finland

Luda (sent on 06/02/2014)

I almost also almost fell for this "seeker of happiness and love" Mark from Finland ..

The photos that he constantly sent, I'm sure, not his ...

It is a pity, of course, for those who are not involved in this scam, and even more so for the photo of a little girl, supposedly his daughter ...

Natalia (sent on 06/05/2014)

I have tons of photos of Mark from Finland. The whole process of acquaintance took place as Lady wrote (05/14/2014).

I fell for his bait a little and lost some money, but not much.

Lada (sent on 07/06/2014)


The data has been deleted in accordance with article 128.1. Libel (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) (introduced by Federal Law of 28.07.2012 N 141-FZ)

Svetlana (sent 10.07.2014)

The swindler's name is Valery(Yoshkar-Ola)

Svetlana (sent on 07/17/2014)

The swindler's name is Sidonie (aka Michelle)(Toulouse)

I just want to warn all naive girls who believe in sweet letters from scammers from dating sites on the Internet .. on the Fdating site, the profile number is 832627 Sidoni is a Frenchman from Toulouse .. no, he does not ask for money, he throws love letters and then asks to come that they say everything is serious .. I started another page on this site to find out better about his election, surprisingly he wrote and there all the letters like a carbon copy I love waiting for everything seriously .. somehow it felt uncomfortable .. I opened another page .. and he did not calm down .. he writes to become my wife! I seriously love to madness and so on in a circle! then I noticed that he was sitting on this site like at work from 9-40 to 19-00 with a break for lunch. and every day he throws fishing rods to new victims .. he doesn't ask for money on the site! he is like a spider waiting for the victim in love, wishing to find a family, love herself will come at his own expense to him and bring credit cards .. the scheme of his scam is unknown to me, but that he is a swindler proves that he is not looking for one but processes psychodogic tests to make him fall in love and come! how can you beat such scammers? I was traveling of my own free will, and where? to whom? so I hope someone can pay attention to such swindlers! I was of course thrown out of the site and sat down that I opened several pages, but I don’t regret not dkmayu that it’s great happiness to entertain such idiots as this Sidoni (aka Michel) from France .. his profile number is 832627 his e-mail: [email protected] his phone. + 330624052859 ... if you want to make sure that he is a scam, talk in person or at your own expense you can go to visit him in Toulouse.

Elena (sent on 07/19/2014)


The information was removed at the request of the FEDERAL SERVICE FOR SUPERVISION IN THE SPHERE OF COMMUNICATIONS, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND MASS COMMUNICATIONS IN THE NORTH-WEST FEDERAL DISTRICT (Roskomnadzor Administration for the North-West Federal District No. 8084) dated 05/09/2014 Law of 27.07.2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data".

A prosecutor's check is carried out on this offense.

Vitalina (Sent 08/03/2014)

The swindler's name is Vitaly(Ukraine)

I want to tell you about one swindler. His real name is Vitaly. A native of the city of Znamenka, Kirovograd region. Marriage swindler and financial fraudster. Favorite cities of work Kiev, Kirovograd, Krivoy Rog, Nikolaev, Odessa, Kherson, Chernivtsi. As a marriage swindler, he has one scheme. He believes in his life story and easily convinces women. Correspondence-calls-cohabitation. Gigolo.

His legend is that he works in Kiev as an advisor to the minister for construction, has his own construction business in such and such a city. He's so sweet and miserable in love. Ex-wife (Victoria Karlash) At one time took everything he had from him. Home, cars, business. But he got to his feet! Surprises the woman for her visit. Rubs into the confidence of her parents and children. Angel in the flesh! Then, under various pretexts, he forces him to take loans (either for business, or for a terminally ill mother). By the way, according to legend, there was a military brother. His wounded friend carried him out of the battlefield, and he died. And the brother hanged himself on the grave of the savior. Vitalik shows everyone a fake ID of the ministry office. By the way, my brother committed suicide-alcoholism and did not fight anywhere. Mom is alive and well. His wife barely got rid of him. A lot of credits only on him personally. Conviction for fraud.

His second scheme is small business. Offers mergers. Be vigilant online!

Elena (Sent on 08/18/2014)

The swindler's name is Jimmy hein(Sweden)

I want to blacklist Jimmy Hein 55 years old. He is a Dane but he has been living and working in Sweden for over 15 years. This man is a real marriage swindler! We met for more than two years, he came to Ukraine many times and I also went to see him in Sweden twice. He beautifully enters into family and trust. I know that before me he also met with women from Ukraine. And I think he did the same with them. Now I understand why he was never married, it's just his hobby to gain confidence and he enjoys it. He very nicely brings the matter to the wedding, sends a photo of the new house that he allegedly bought and harshly at the last moment did not even explain or write anything. At the same time, his phone works and I also know that he is alive and well. I checked this information. This is a real moral freak! It’s a pity to spend time on this person.

Elena (Sent 09.09.2014)

The swindler's name is Saakov Kirill(Russia, Pyatigorsk)

My story is sad, as are the stories of his previous victims. We met when we were young, met a little. he didn't make a bad impression. after that I met him in the city, I knew that I got married, divorced, my wife took my daughter away ... and then, after 12 years, he found me on a dating site, immediately began to actively look after him, he just clung, knowing about my addiction to gold jewelry. .. we began to live together. during his life he sat on my shoulders, but my great love and faith in his fairy tales saved the situation. My gold jewelry began to disappear, under stupid excuses ... in the end, I went to the police, and there was another statement against him about the theft of gold. Living with me, he traded on dating sites and robbed women. Courts are coming soon. Before me, he lived the same way with women. robbed them, and their mothers' houses. His name is Kirill Saakov. 28 years. Pyatigorsk. under recognizance not to leave. under article 158 2-3 h.

It is very scary to live with a person, pull him out of problems, help, try to protect him from drugs, cook for him, sleep with him and end up without money and gold. women, before you start living with a man, find out everything about him, where he worked, works, why his wife left and so on ... do not believe the words and beautiful eyes. While now he is under investigation, he is actively looking for women in the internet, promises love and children, although he is already sterile. And women want to believe so much ... and after me he managed to sulk a few, even while under investigation, rode their cars, borrowed money, and they also became victims of deception. I am very afraid of the court, because my brain still does not accept reality. Police confrontations are hell. when a native (like) person sits in front of you and says that he took your jewelry without asking and handed it over to a pawnshop, because the family did not have enough money, that he did not steal it ... in our country it is very difficult to prove that a person is a thief, even if you have records of conversations and SMS. But if you really try, you can. do not feel sorry for them, go to the Police.

Lilia Viktorovna (sent on 09/19/2014):

The swindler's name is Smith abent(London)

Hello! I met a UK marriage swindler on topface. He is registered as Smith Abent, 47 years old from London. We began to communicate with him on Facebook. He told about himself that he is from Dublin, his wife died 5 years ago from cancer, and he has no children. Works in port, constantly at sea.

In subsequent letters, he wrote about his great love for me, answered my questions reluctantly or simply ignored. Then he wrote that he was at sea off the coast of Nigeria and that he had a huge amount of money with him, and he was afraid of pirates. He asked me to save his money in Russia before his arrival. He sent them to me by diplomatic mail, upon receipt of the parcel, it was necessary to pay 2,000 pounds sterling for cargo insurance. He sent me an invoice for the shipped package. The next day I received a letter from a shipping company. I initially suspected him of fraud, although this was the first time I encountered it. I began to read about it on the Internet and my fears were confirmed. After he sent me the invoice, I deleted it everywhere and blocked it. He tried to call me for 2 days, but then calmed down.

Dear women, be careful, we are a fraudulent business for them. At the moment I am trying to expose another swindler from the United States. We have been in contact with him for 1 month. But he behaves strangely, I laid out all the cards for him, and he does not even hide, but continues to communicate. I informed my new friends to be more careful, some of them answered me.

Elena (Sent on 09/21/2014)

The swindler's name is Algaev Oleg(Milan)

Hello! Here's another story. His name is Oleg Algayev, he is 39 living in Milan, divorced, has a restaurant business. He writes a lot about himself, opens another restaurant in Palermo. Then he says that he sent a gift, but the courier has to pay about 2500 tr ., the money will be returned in a week. I did not bite for a divorce. Be careful.

Nelly (Sent on 09/28/2014)

The swindler's name is Peter Brian(England)

Girls, it looks like I also fell for this English Malaysian. Name is Peter Brian, that's how he introduced himself. 46 years old. He has a 5-year-old daughter and a 70-year-old mother who is sick with said diabetes, and she brings up his little daughter with her nanny in turn because his wife died immediately after giving birth in his arms. And so tearfully he described all this at me as much as goosebumps. Lives in Portsmouth, England, works for Petronas Gas and Oil. At work, I got a big contract and flies first to Zurich and then to Malaysia and then straight to me :) the numbers are really first from England and then from Malaysia. I don’t know where I typed. I am also madly in love and happy because I met such a caring woman. All women wanted only his money and did not like his daughter, and I have no children, I am 38 well, it happened so. Well, of course, for me, he is no longer even with his England, but a baby photo of which he also regularly sent. In general, I called ten times a day. It's true through Viber, but his phone did not support Skype :) In general, I could not even imagine that this was a scam. And we will have a house and I want you to immediately come to England to see your daughter Laura and he is so sure that Laura will be happy to have a mother like me excursions. And from the presentation of his project in Zurich. And with the signing of an agreement in Malaysia. I even sent a copy of the contract in the amount of 8,000,000 British pounds .. But I'm sure this is not his photo because there was one case where he could not send the photo that I asked for and he made such a scene ... I now understand why ..

In general, everything was fine until my beloved asked for help, and this is important for our family. What would he open an account there in Malaysia and receive a prepayment from the customer's company in the amount of 30%. It is necessary to put a lot of 4600 Brit. Pounds :))))) as soon as I said that I could not help this is a huge amount, he asked how much I could :)))) but when here I said that there wasn’t even 1000 $, he was at first silent and then ...

This is finally kapets. And who I just did not become ... Damn a woman and is not worthy of raising his daughter. What he read about Russians and they are sadists. The fact that I'm a sex freak :)))) and he understands why my husband left me and in the end I curse the daughter of a witch :))) and all this because as he wrote I conveyed his love because of a small situation :)) in size 4,600 British lbs. In general, like this. It all happened just a week ago. He found me on the Tango website. And now, apparently, another hero is writing to me :))) from Germany. His name is Konstantin, his mother is Russian. And he writes in broken Russian. But unfortunately, he does not like all social services. networks and he only loves to write letters :)))) God, life has become so scary. These foreigners will still say that Russia is a country of crime ... Girls look both ways :)))

Unfortunately, there are only those photos on which he remains. But he sent all this photo with a certain sequence :) Also, those messages where he asked for the amount of money were not saved, because he wrote these messages in Viber. But I'm sure 99% of the photo is not his. I am also sending his English number. +44 7598 836005. Unfortunately, I also deleted two numbers from Malaysia out of emotion :)

I also attach screenshots of those messages that he began to send after he did not receive money :)

I really hope that this will somehow help someone else not to fall for this scam. But although he did not receive the money, he very much battered my feelings and emotions at the expense of the child ... And I feel sorry for this man in the photo that this scum uses ...

Natalia (Sent on 09/29/2014)

The swindler's name is Oleg(France)

My story is very similar to the previous ones. We met on the 24Open website. He introduced himself as Oleg, 35 years old. He works in France under a contract, after 3 months the contract ends and he returns to Russia. The correspondence lasted less than a week. At the very beginning of our friendship, it seemed to me that the letters were formulaic. Because there was no dialogue. Only his stories. No attention to the request to answer my questions.

As a result, he sends me a gift. At first it was about a chocolate bar, then it turned out that he also put a chain with a pendant there. But here's the trouble ... After he issued the delivery, he was upset that the duty must be paid. And he cannot do it, because the duty must be paid by a citizen of the Russian Federation. He threw off the details (which he was told by the tax office), with a detailed description of how to put money on an electronic wallet or pay through Euroset. At the end there was a postscript that he put 5,000 Russian rubles in the parcel, so I am not losing anything. She laughed all day. Already at 35 years old, you can invent something more believable. I see people become sophisticated, take root in the trust of relatives, invest their money ... And I have some kind of sucker))) Email address of my French friend [email protected]


Vitalina (sent on 10/02/2014):

The swindler's name is Andrey(last registration Germany, Hamburg)

A swindler under the nickname Andrey, 42 years old (the last city of registration is Germany, Hamburg). Acquainted on the network of dating sites "Mamba" After a couple of letters of content like hello, for the first time I meet on the Internet, I liked you, delete the profile. And everything is in the same spirit. A little story about myself. She leaves and waits for the pecked ladies. Correspondence goes exclusively to e-mail.

1.Hello Vitalina. I'm glad you answered me. By the way, it seems to me that we got to know each other a little and can go to "you". Tell us about yourself. I am 42 (06/20/1972) and my name is Andrey. I have neither brother nor sister. Was born in Dnepropetrovsk. I finished 10 classes and after school I left for Moscow. Graduated from the Medical University. IM Sechenov, Faculty of Dentistry. For some time he worked in Moscow and then moved to Germany. Relatives in Germany helped me a lot with this. I have been living here for almost 11 years, but I still miss my homeland. I have no one left in Dnepropetrovsk, my parents are no longer alive. Here I have an apartment and a good job. I am a dentist, I am not married and I have no children. I tried to meet local women but nothing came of it. There was no understanding. Therefore, I decided to get acquainted with the "countrywoman" through a dating site. Ask why do I need this? I want to find a penpal who would understand me and maybe something more. If we want to meet, then this is not a problem. I often visit other countries and cities as a tourist. I love reading, listening to music or watching movies. I am fond of water skiing, in the next letter I will send a photo. I respect any work and can do a lot myself. I know several dances. I wanted to know more about you and your character.

2. Hello Vita. I am pleased to receive your answer. Tell me what music do you like, what are your favorite films? I love to watch movies, but that make sense. I also love romantic films. For example Sweet November. Which ones do you like? By the way, I'm registered with Skype. Do you have a webcam? With my little problem. I have a Russian version of Windows and because of this, some programs were not installed on my laptop, including the webcam. Soon I will solve this problem and we could see each other. Speaking of dancing. In the past I took dance classes but I still remember a lot. I can dance waltz, posadoble, rumba and tango. Do you know these dances? If not, then I can teach you. Favorite dance is tango. By the way, can you describe the ideal man? I can not. But I can say that I want a woman to be not only a wife but also as a good friend. I think this is important in a joint relationship. I like talking to you and I hope you will too. I would like to continue our acquaintance. Now I am finishing and I will very much wait for your answer. Andrey

3. Hello Vita. Frankly, I often thought about you. Of course, in letters you can embellish and generally write anything you like, but I think that this is not right. I'm honest with you. I do not like lies and always prefer to tell the truth. Truth is always better whatever it is. Intimacy and trust develops regardless of the situation. I do not like flattery and people who try to please for the sake of profit. Such people are repulsive. Maybe that's why I have few real friends. I am romantic and I like to bring joy to good people. I rarely talk about such things, but I wanted to go with you. You dispose to yourself. What do you think about it? By the way, tomorrow I'm going to my friend's wife's birthday party. I always find it difficult to choose a gift for a girl. She turns 35. Can you give me some advice? What can you give her? What gifts do you like and what is your favorite holiday? My favorite holidays are Christmas and New Years. People prepare for them long before the holiday itself. There are queues in stores, everyone is happy and buys gifts for family and friends. These holidays bring together and unite many people. This is probably what I like the most about them. I would really like to meet you. What do you think about it? I can’t say exactly when I’ll come to Ukraine, I think in a month or two. I will very much wait for your early reply. Andrey

A strange man Likes to call himself Chisaina (i.e. Goblin)

I'll start in order. In the "Mamba" network I met a man from Israel, Haifa, nickname David. There was a long correspondence, Skype, calls from him to his mobile from his real number, SMS messages every day. At that time, I started to hurt a lot. He became a tremendous moral support. Quite real! We were from the same city of Krivoy Rog, Dnepropetrovsk region. He and his family emigrated to Israel. And so it went on for many years! Due to circumstances, I met his godfather. Everything that man said turned out to be true. We talked for some time on Skype, the three of us. And here is the situation. I put a virtual gift on his page. And several women from his city in Israel, as well as from Ukraine, began to write to me. And, as I understand it, he chooses women who are psychologically weak and unprotected. With family problems or health problems. Consoles, morally supports (I don’t know, maybe he has some kind of mental abnormalities). The communication script was played like clockwork. When other women intervened, he disappeared from his page and stopped communicating. Then he deleted it. Of course, such support is very important for women in a critical situation. But he is not a psychologist. Support, playing on emotions ... After communicating with him, the women (I communicated with them) were simply broken and crushed. They were deprived of the "drug" This is probably worse than marriage swindlers.

Due to circumstances, I cannot post his real data. I can tell you that he has three children. He really lives in Israel. Has a tattoo parlor. Sends everyone a photo of his work. Sends a lot of pictures with children, the interior of his apartment. Loves his balcony very much. Can calmly communicate on Skype (probably there is no wife). Likes to call himself Chisaina (ie Goblin). Former military. The age is now about 45 years old.

If you have something to tell, send your stories to us through.

Marriage swindler. How not to fall for his bait?

Author: Rufina Ugryumova

You can exclaim as much as you like, looking at the TV screen: “Well, how can you trust marriage swindlers and take their tricks and words at face value ?! So I am well versed in people, and I would definitely distinguish a marriage swindler from a normal man on occasion! " and ... immediately fall into the spider webs of the so-called ... marriage swindler cleverly placed on you.

What kind of position is this - a marriage swindler? Or is it a vocation, or a certain degree of psychological education? Whoever the marriage swindler is and whoever he considers himself to be - his activities are closely related to crime and fraud, and with the operation of such "tools" to achieve his goal as a woman's soul, her feelings, fear of loneliness, desire to love and be loved … Our female task is to identify such a person in time, to know his psychological portrait and ways of counteracting and resisting his charms.

Meeting place can not be Changed…

You can meet a marriage swindler anywhere and anytime, although law enforcement agencies assure that usually marriage swindlers are activated in the spring, partly in summer and during the warm period of autumn, but in our opinion, such subjects "hunt" all year round, since earnings and money are in demand not only in off-season. As for the "habitats" of marriage swindlers - here their territory of capture is huge. A marriage swindler can approach you in the nearest cafe, in a nightclub, and in public transport, and even contact you virtually on social networks and World Wide Web forums ...

Victims of the marriage swindler

First of all, single and wealthy ladies can confidently rank themselves among the victims of marriage swindlers. (If you have "not a penny for your soul," then you are unlikely to be interested in such a man.) But not only women who have achieved good career growth or excellent results in running their own business can become an interesting target for marriage swindlers, but any another woman who has a little bit of a "dowry" for a swindler: an apartment, a country house, a decent cash account in the bank, inheritance from relatives, and so on. It all depends on the appetites of your new fan, who is aiming to deprive you in any way of what you have or have earned by this time.

Possible "masks" and portraits of marriage swindlers

Honest but unlucky "hard worker". A sweet face, kind eyes that openly and truthfully look at you and the world around you. Kindness shines in everything: in concepts, appearance, statements, touches ... Usually he has a mournful story “in his bosom” about a sick mother or other difficulties that he, of course, will cope with himself, since he is used to everything and always decide on his own and on their own. He "cannot and does not want to once again disturb a woman who is already tired of life's difficulties" to contact you. The stories can be different, in any case, encouraging you to get money and still pay for the pressing problem of this proud man in a difficult situation.

Romantic hero. This type can speak perfectly. Words of seduction, rave reviews, kneeling before his lady are his main weapons. He is usually pleasant in appearance, knows how to look a woman in the eyes with love and passion. Does not consider the time spent on long intimate conversations as wasted. He can talk with you for hours about how gorgeous you are, the one and only, how he was waiting for this meeting and for a long time walked to it on difficult roads. He achieves a complete feeling of love and selflessness in a partner, and only then he carefully “bends his line” and goes to the goal that he set for himself from the beginning.

A businessman, a foreigner or "prince on a white horse". This type looks expensive. Dressed "with a needle", sleek, respectable, generous. During the period of seduction of his victim, he pours not compliments, but figures from successful transactions (if he introduces himself as a foreigner, he talks about the untold wealth that he possesses in his homeland). Such a story is presented about himself that it may seem to you that such men simply do not exist in nature, especially the lonely ones. His career is complicated (which is very useful at the time of your meeting), and everything is fine with his business, but his personal life “for worries and excessive employment” still does not work out. As soon as you "swallow the bait" and believe that you have finally waited for your "prince on a white horse", then the man will act according to the plan.

A real "colonel". Honest, open, truthful, frank, broad in the shoulders, pleasant on the face, a kind of 40-year-old mentally and physically developed brutal superman. Usually appears in the form of romantic professions: sea captain, pilot, military man, that is, in those guises from which the heart of women nervously flutters and worries beforehand. He promises to make your life a "fairy tale", "an amazing adventure", which is partly true, since he will really suit you with an "adventure" and it will happen pretty soon.

Why is it difficult to recognize them at once?

After all, it’s true, it would seem, to check the words, position, personality of a new acquaintance is not difficult. But marriage swindlers are unusually charming, they know how to win over their victim as soon as possible, they know how not only to look after, but literally amaze a woman with the pressure of emotions, words, actions, without giving her time to come to her senses and succumb to doubts.

Moreover, many of these men have hypnotic and even psychic abilities and use them safely, conquering another object. Your relatives and friends, noticing something amiss from the outside, can tell you about the suspicion of such a person, but you will be as if blinded by him, remain deaf to the advice of friends, and also stand up to defend the "agreed".

By the way, it has been noticed that the experience and age of a woman, on the contrary, play a cruel joke with her when meeting with a marriage swindler. Over the years, women become more sentimental, the reaction dulls, the healthy cynicism of youth goes away, and it is replaced by the desire for "stability, love and understanding", which plays into the hands of a swindler and a swindler.

How to find a marriage swindler?

You should be wary if your new acquaintance:

He is very energetic and persistent, from the very first meeting he tries to get closer to you as soon as possible;

Even after several meetings, he does not tell you his home phone number, address, tells almost nothing about his life;

Doesn't introduce you to his relatives, friends, doesn't show you his house;

From time to time disappears "from sight" for several days under strange pretexts;

After a short period of time after meeting, she begins to ask for money on credit (to sell an apartment in order to buy a shared home for two; to pledge grandmother's jewelry for literally a week, and so on).

In general, any encroachment on your real estate, money, things, even if all this is requested at a "favorable interest", "for a short time", "until the situation stabilizes", consider it as an increased danger from your friend.

How to avoid becoming a victim of a marriage swindler?

Vigilance and more vigilance! Do not rely in any way on your life experience. In this case, your emotions and the skill of the "groom" - a swindler can prevail over experience and reason, and therefore, even after the conclusion of a marriage with such a person (a stamp in your passport does not save you from the encroachments of fraudsters) or the beginning of living together, at least the first time, beware give large sums of money for any needs to the newly-minted husband, do not rush to sell real estate and mortgage jewelry. Let us turn to the opinion of a psychologist on this issue. Here's what he recommends ...

Psychologist's advice!

Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, St. Mechnikova, professor, doctor of psychological sciences Svetlana Leonidovna Solovyova: “People need and can be trusted, but again, always be on guard, and remember that human nature is imperfect, subjective, rational, biased ... Just in case, you need to check your feelings with reality and logic. You need to think about what you are doing, to understand who you are dealing with, to look at things more soberly. Especially if the other side (man) depicts excessive passion, pressure, and even more so if all this happens too quickly, too brightly, too strong, too convincing, too beautiful ... All rights reserved.