Was the betrayal of fortune-telling online. Fortune telling with a comb. Ancient magical divination

Fortune telling on the betrayal of his wife

Fortune-telling for the betrayal of his wife

All fortune telling about her husband's betrayal is also suitable for testing your wife, so you can safely use them. There is another way especially for the stronger sex. Just take your wedding ring off your finger and watch your woman's reaction. If the spouse is offended, then she is faithful. If her reaction is violent, she is hiding something. And if the wife does not notice anything, her thoughts are very far from you and the likelihood of betrayal is high.

Fortune-telling for treason, on the Tarot

"Hidden Pocket" is the most popular tarot card reading. With it, you can find out about the betrayal and the attitude of your object of love towards you. You will need thirteen tarot cards. Sit in silence for a few minutes, relax and mentally ask questions of interest about your spouse. Next, shuffle the deck and draw 13 cards. You can see their meaning on the Internet. The first card is responsible for his relationship goal. The second, third, fourth and fifth tell about his inner attitude towards you. The sixth, seventh and eighth will tell about his actions. Cards nine through eleven will tell you what the spouse is going to do in the near future. The twelfth card will answer the question of what your half is hiding. And the thirteenth card will make it clear why the spouse is hiding something.

Perhaps, we can say with confidence that suspicions of treason very often arise even between two loving partners. Although fortune-telling is traditionally considered a female occupation, men often began to use this method. With its help, it is much more reliable to check the loyalty of a spouse than to search for lipstick on his shirt or examine his pockets. As for men, they can just tell fortunes, and not try to convict their wife of treason due to the presence of suspicious phones or calls.

Free fortune telling is very easy to do at home. For this, there are a huge number of simple rituals. The main condition for obtaining reliable information is to conduct the ceremony in absolute solitude. The most favorable time of day is considered to be midnight during the full moon.

To a loved one or husband

The simplest divination for the loyalty of a loved one or husband is a ritual with candles. It is better to spend it on a full moon night on a calendar coupled day. For the ritual, you will need to use two thin white candles.

Having retired in a separate room, you need to do the following:

  • Place cooked candles approximately 10 centimeters apart.
  • Light candles from one match, be sure to take from a new box.
  • Mentally call one candle by your name, and the other by the name of the person on whom the fortune-telling is being carried out.

Conclusions need to be done as follows:

  • If the candle, which is assigned the name of a loved one, suddenly went out, then this indicates the extinction of the person's feelings towards you. That is, in this case, treason may be the reason.
  • If your candle has gone out, then ask yourself and answer sincerely if you have stopped loving the person on whom the fortune-telling is being carried out. Most likely, you are kept together only by some life circumstances.
  • If the candles burn evenly, then this means that all your suspicions are in vain. You and your partner sincerely love each other, so you should not doubt the loyalty of your half. In this case, the size of the candle flame is indicative. If the candle, which is given your name, has a larger flame, then this means that your love is stronger and vice versa.
  • If the candles or one of them began to crackle or sparkle, this means that there is a rival in your environment who may make attempts to take your beloved boyfriend or husband away.

There is another simple fortune-telling with a candle, which will allow you to confirm or deny the loyalty of a loved one. For the ceremony, you will need to use a plate filled with clean water and any wax candle. It is noteworthy that you can use any water, just not mineral water.

Having retired in a separate room, you need to take a candle prepared for the ceremony and hold it in your palms. This will transfer your energy to the attribute being used. After that, it must be set at the table and set on fire.

In the process of action, the following magic words should be pronounced:

“Drop by drop pour the wax into the water, and don't laugh at me. Wax candle, melt it, my rival, show yourself. "

After pronouncing the words, you need to close your eyes and perform 12 circular movements over a container of water. During this, drops of molten wax will surely fall into the water.

It is they who will need to subsequently be counted and interpreted by fortune-telling:

  • An even number indicates the loyalty of a loved one.
  • An odd number indicates treason.

On the fidelity of his wife

Any man, when doubts arose in his soul about the loyalty of his beloved woman, can clarify this issue with the help of fortune-telling. For a simple ceremony, you will need her hair, a red candle, a joint photo and your own wedding ring.

Having retired in a separate room, you must perform the following steps:

  • Tie the hair of your beloved wife around your own wedding ring.
  • Tie a red simple thread to the ring, the length of which must be at least 15 centimeters.
  • Light a red candle.
  • Hold the ring over the flame for a certain time. In the process of such a procedure, the attribute will be charged not only with the energy of the wife, but also with the natural power of fire.
  • Lightly touch the ring on the images in the joint photograph, and then raise the ring a certain distance above the picture.
  • If the ring sways from side to side parallel to your images in the picture, then this indicates that there is no betrayal. In addition, it indicates that your wife loves you so much that she does not even think about infidelity.
  • If the ring sways from side to side, as if crossing out the images in the picture, then this indicates the spouse's infidelity. Moreover, the betrayal has either already happened, or will surely happen in the future.
  • If the ring makes circular movements, then this indicates that the spouse will be faithful to you all your life. Therefore, in the future, one should not even allow thoughts of her betrayal.

On the loyalty of a partner

To conduct fortune-telling on the loyalty of a partner, you can also use rituals involving the implementation of card layouts. It is believed that in this way you can get the most complete information on the issue of interest.

There is a very simple layout, which is formed from nine cards laid out in rows of three cards:

  • The first card describes your present. She talks about your thoughts and experiences, focuses on what is most important to you in a relationship.
  • The second card characterizes the personality of your partner.
  • The third card describes how the partner generally feels about infidelity. She also focuses on how much he trusts you. This all allows us to draw conclusions about whether the partner is faithful.
  • The fourth card may indicate physical treason, if any. Moreover, a positive answer to this question hardly indicates a man's desire to leave you.
  • The fifth card describes the fact of emotional betrayal, if any. A positive answer indicates that the partner has feelings for the other woman. It should also be borne in mind that with a positive answer, there is a high probability that your loved one will simply be taken away.
  • The sixth card indicates events that can lead to intellectual treason. If the answer is yes, you need to understand that your partner will never consult with you when making decisions.
  • The seventh card tells about the reasons for infidelity. In case there were negative answers from the previous three cards, then this card should not even be considered.
  • The eighth card describes the prospects for relationships in the future.
  • The ninth card shows whether you should expect infidelity from your partner in the future.

Carrying out any fortune-telling for fidelity, it is necessary to remember that it is absolutely impossible to perform the ceremony in a bad mood or immediately after a quarrel. If it so happens that, according to the results of fortune-telling, it turns out that there was no betrayal and your beloved is faithful to you, then you must unobtrusively ask for forgiveness from the person, expressing this with the manifestation of the most tender feelings. But you should never admit to your loved one in the future that you were guessing at his loyalty.

Do you suspect that your husband / wife is cheating on you? Want to know the whole truth about your relationship? In this article, the reader will learn about the peculiarities of the Tarot layout for betraying a loved one in the past, and also learn how to correctly apply the knowledge gained in fortune-telling.

What tarot cards speak of treason?

Before choosing a fortune-telling on the betrayal of a husband / wife on the Tarot cards, we propose to briefly understand the meaning of the cards, directly or indirectly indicating the infidelity of the second half. You can get more detailed information regarding this issue at Tarot courses, about which you can learn from the specialists of the Russian Tarot School.

Any problems associated with the "love triangle" can be easily identified by the presence of the following arcana in the layout:

  • Moon: You are being deceived
  • Priestess: Indicates some mystery
  • Devil: Addiction, temptation, desire
  • 7 of Swords: Hiding the Truth from the Fortuneteller
  • 5 of Swords: Insincerity, Betrayal

Note. When divining the Tarot, you can use it to break a relationship, taking into account the presence in the layout of triples, twos of the Younger Arcana, Lovers (SA). They symbolize the partner's ambivalent behavior. The list can be continued with the Tower, 9, 10 Swords, other cards with an ambiguous interpretation

Consider a detailed interpretation of Tarot cards when divining for treason.

Major Arcana

  • Jester: Indicates flirting, intrigue, frivolity. Resort romances are possible
  • Mage: Secret Romance
  • Priestess: Mystery (can be interpreted as a secret relationship)
  • Empress, Emperor, Priest: Displays the fortuneteller's marital status, hinting at treason
  • Priest (inverted): Relationship of two people who are not legally married or living separately
  • Lovers: Hidden relationships are going through a candy-bouquet period, periodic, cyclical. In the reverse position, the meaning is similar, more aggravated
  • Chariot: Secret Relationship Active
  • Strength: Sexual motive, subtext in relation to the lover / mistress from the side of the second half
  • Wheel of Fortune: The Inconsistency of Hidden Relationships
  • Devil: Addiction, temptation, desire (as stated above). Hints at the likelihood of a hidden connection with another person
  • Tower: Quarrels, squabbles, conflicts, a high probability of divorce. Another interpretation is passionate, stormy relationships.
  • Star: Secret Romance
  • Moon: Lies, hiding the truth, deceit

Minor Arcana


  • Deuce: Ambiguous attitude towards the fortuneteller on the part of the second half
  • Three: Indicates treason, the presence of a love triangle
  • Five: Lack of stability, betrayal
  • Six: Cyclicity, periodicity of hidden relationships
  • Seven: Indecision, doubt, betrayal is possible. Sign confirming treason
  • Nine, Ten: Destructive relationship with current partner


  • Ace: Having a lover / mistress, active phase of cheating
  • Deuce: Ambivalence towards the querent
  • Troika: Is an independent indicator of treason. Talking about a love triangle
  • Four: Confirms marital status. Is indirect evidence of the partner's infidelity
  • Page, Knight, King,: Secret romantic relationship "on the side"


  • Ace: The presence of an opponent / opponent
  • Deuce: The ambiguous attitude of a loved one
  • Troika: Confirms the presence of a "triangle", being a direct / indirect confirmation
  • Four: Destruction of stability, habitual foundations of life
  • Seven: Indecision, forced reassessment of values, betrayal by a partner
  • Ten: Confirms treason, indicates marital status
  • Page,: Symbolizes a romantic, secret connection, a man's love, slickness, etc.
  • Queen, King: Secret connection, omissions, insincerity of the partner


  • Deuce: Hidden, ambiguous behavior regarding the fortuneteller
  • Three: Having a love triangle
  • Five, Seven: Confirms treason, is its accompanying sign or direct indicator
  • Ten: Confirmation of marital status, indicates love betrayal

Tarot spread "Fidelity check"

Consider several popular Tarot layouts for treason. One of them is the "Check of Fidelity" fortune-telling. Before starting work, concentrate and relax, discarding all extraneous thoughts.

The interpretation of the obtained values ​​depends on the position of the dropped card.

  • 1 - The state of the second half at the present time
  • 2 - Actions hidden from you as a querent
  • 3 - In what matters is the partner open to the fortuneteller
  • 4 - Thoughts of a loved one / beloved
  • 5 - Sexual state
  • 6 - Feelings on a subconscious level
  • 7 - Conscious feelings, emotions
  • 8, 9, 10, 11 - indicate relationships with others (if any)
  • 12 - True attitude towards the fortuneteller
  • 13 - Presence / absence of treason
  • 14 - Prospects for the development of further relations

Layout "For treason"

Consider another version of fortune telling, allowing you to catch your soul mate in lies, betrayal, treason.

The interpretation of the alignment is as follows:

  • 1 - Feelings, intentions experienced by the second half to the fortuneteller
  • 2 - The degree of monogamy in the current union, a tendency to cheat
  • 3 - What can push a loved one to infidelity to the questioner
  • 4 - Presence / absence of betrayal. If the answer is no, the card tells about the current state of affairs in the relationship.
  • 5 - How best to deal with this situation

The video of the Tarot "For Betrayal" will help you to get acquainted in more detail with the above fortune telling technique.

Fortune telling "Secret pocket"

This fortune-telling technique allows you to find out the fact of treason, whether a loved one is in a marriage bond, which can be hidden from you.

Let's consider the values ​​of the dropped positions of the cards.

  • 1 - What is the goal of a partner in a relationship with you
  • 2, 3, 4, 5 - The subconscious attitude of the second half to the querent
  • 6, 7, 8 - Features of the manifestation of external actions of the partner with regards to the questioner
  • 9, 10, 11 - What to expect from a loved one / loved one in the near future
  • 12 - What is hiding from the fortuneteller
  • 13 - Reasons for withholding information from the questioner

Tarot layout "Treason"

Fortune-telling allows you to confirm or dispel doubts about possible betrayal. Lay out the cards in the sequence shown in the picture. The interpretation of the dropped positions is described below.

  • S1 - querent card
  • S2 - card of the one who is fortune-telling
  • 1 - The relationship of the querent to the second half at the current time
  • 2 - Indicates the attitude of the partner towards the questioner
  • 3 - Presence / absence of treason
  • 4, 5, 6 - The main reasons for suspicion of treason
  • 7 - How a querent should behave
  • 8 - What to expect in the near future

Let the above information help you to convict your partner of cheating or get rid of unfounded suspicions about it. Stay tuned, leave comments, share our materials with your friends. Good luck!

One way or another, but almost every girl in her life is faced with a situation when she begins to doubt the loyalty of her lover. This period of life cannot be called simple, and even more so - pleasant. Probably, few things can be worse than treason, few things can be worse than doubts of loyalty. And here the most important thing is not to break the wood, not to do something in the heat of the moment, so as not to regret later.

But how do you know if your chosen one is faithful to you? Is it really possible to hire a private detective who will monitor his every step? Mercy, but this is ridiculous! After all, there are methods that are much less costly, but from this they are no less accurate. For example, you can make the Fidelity layout using the cards of Maria Lenormand. This deck of cards will be able to orient you as accurately as possible in the current situation.

Fortune-telling for fidelity is one of those fortune-telling that cannot be used too often. Firstly, the deck is quite informative and, if I may say so, “serious”, therefore it is not recommended to “pull” it over trifles. Secondly, this fortune-telling sanctifies the situation quite well, therefore, the information received is enough for you to draw the right conclusions.

Components of the alignment

So, let's take a closer look at fortune-telling, consisting of ten cards:

  1. Card number 1. Speaks about whether your partner is happy today, being next to you.
  2. Card number 2. Indicates that your partner is not satisfied with your relationship, however, he hides it from you (for example, he does not like something in you or in your relationship, but for some reason, he he prefers to be silent about this).
  3. Card number 3. Speaks about the state of your partner, which he demonstrates openly.
  4. Card number 4. Reveals the planned actions and thoughts that are in his head.
  5. Card number 5. Shows what emotions your partner experiences, being with you in the same bed.
  6. Card number 6. This is his subconscious. (Through this card, you can understand what he really wants, what kind of partner, what kind of relationship).
  7. Card number 7. Speaks about those his feelings for you, which he himself realized.
  8. Card number 8. This card indicates how your partner really treats you.
  9. Card number 9. It is the ninth card that answers the question: "Was there really adultery?" (So, if at number nine you got at least one of the following cards: Lily, Snake, Fox, Pisces, - you know, treason took place).
  10. Map number 10. The final map, which predicts how further events will develop.


Before you undertake to make an alignment for treason, the Tarot must be set aside and reflect on your ethical principles. Imagine such a situation, a woman, after you told her that her husband has a parallel love affair, will find out how her chosen one treats her rival rival.

With a greater degree of probability, in order to hear from you supposedly comforting words about "masculine nature", about the fact that he has love with her (lawful wife), and then the demon beguiled him. She needs this so that the blow to her already shattered self-esteem, already shaken by suspicions of betrayal, is not so painful.

But with a greater degree of probability (you are an objective tarot reader), you will say, after spreading the cards, that there are feelings for a mistress, especially if she is constant, that they are even more reverent than those that a man feels for a woman who is now sitting opposite you and nervously waits for you to reassure her. But you have not yet laid out the cards for your relationship to your mistress, you know that you have a choice - to do this alignment or not.

Alignment for treason Tarot. Basic ethical principle

Of course, it is not difficult for you to see, after you make the Tarot alignment for the betrayal of your husband in the past, how he treats his mistress, and she treats him. But why? How will this information help your client? She does not directly relate to him, and a woman cannot influence the relationship of a husband to his mistress (I do not consider black magic, you, I hope, too). The only mechanism of her influence on the situation is herself and her own changes.

Therefore, I offer you the principle that I use - you can consider questions that relate directly to the client who came to you. And you give recommendations to the person who is currently in your consultation. You can consider her relationship with her husband, her relationship with her husband's mistress (if any), recommendations for her on how to change the situation in relations with these people for the better. Or worse.

It all depends on what request the person came with. The relationship of a husband to his mistress, as well as a mistress to her husband, whether the rival has any other relationship besides the relationship with the client's husband, as well as her motives are taboo for you.

This is done in part because it is unethical to enter someone else's life when there is no request for it. But to a greater extent so that the person who came to you, after the consultation (on which he will catch on to the slightest troubles in the relationship between husband and mistress and will wait for the breakdown of relations for this reason), does not bathe in illusions and waits with an unhappy look when the cheater will stop loving that bitch, and with the help of your recommendations, he took responsibility for his life and tried to change something in it.

Once I succumbed to the persuasion of a client and saw how her beloved man treats the one with whom he cheated on her. And I heard a thousand additional questions from the girl (by the way, it was a mistress, not a wife), who wanted to find at least some loophole to confirm her illusions about her own high significance for this man. You can repeat my sad experience if you like.

"Treason" layout. Interpretation example

Tarot layout "Treason"

In order to make the Tarot layout for betrayal of a loved one, many cards are not required. This alignment is notable for giving advice on how to improve the situation. And also, if there is no fact of treason, you will have something to say to the client without making additional layouts.

The layout for treason is very simple:

  1. Feelings that the partner has for the client at the moment.
  2. Is there treason. And if it is, it indicates its quality.
  3. The future of the querent-partner relationship
  4. The reason that prompted the betrayal. And if there is no betrayal, then the characteristics of the relationship between the querent and the partner at the moment
  5. Map advice. What actions should the querent take to improve relations with a partner or to maintain a relationship.

I will give a short example when there is no betrayal. But there is a tense relationship. The layout was done for a woman. Please note that in the layout, almost all arcana are senior.

  1. Wheel of Fortune, inverted. At the moment, the spouse thinks that their relationship is repeated according to the same scenario. The inverted position suggests that the situation is rather depressing for the partner. However, the Wheel of Fortune - whichever side you look at it, looks about the same, you cannot call a man's attitude negative, rather, he thinks that further these relations can improve, they are not hopeless.
  2. Moderation, inverted. Archangel Michael, lying upside down, says that there is no betrayal (after all, it is an ethereal angel), but perhaps there is some kind of partnership that the man is overly keen on, so the woman suspected treason.
  3. Strength, straight. The situation can be brought under control in the future.
  4. Moon. The relationship is currently tense, as the client said before the alignment. Fear, uncertainty, inability to take a sober look at the situation because of this.
  5. 4 pentacles. The advice for improving the relationship for the client is to distance herself from her husband for a while. Go about your business, devote less time to him and feeding your fears, under the specious excuse of being busy. I believe that the implementation of these recommendations will lead to the Force from the third position, and the emergence of a renewed love passion in this relationship.

Cards That Tell You About Cheating

But what we could notice in the second position, if fortune-telling about her husband's betrayal would confirm the client's suspicions. They would be:

  • All Queens
  • The empress
  • Lovers
  • Devil
  • High Priestess (in rare cases, rather, speaks of platonic love)
  • 4 of wands inverted (as a new bond for a variety of family routines)
  • 2 cups (romantic acquaintance)

It should be noted that these cards only mean the fact of betrayal in this scenario, so do not rush to puzzle the client with a question during any other tarot divination, whether he is going to break off relations after seeing the Queen flashed by. And also it should be remembered that each tarot reader may have his own list of cards that speak of treason.

What you need to do before and after guessing for treason

Dr. House meticulously checks ...

The alignment that I gave above is good, but for the sake of completeness, before guessing on the Tarot about the betrayal of a wife or husband, it is recommended to clarify the situation that is developing in relations between partners at the moment. After all, you should not believe all the information that came from the client, you should pay attention to it, and then on the Tarot meticulously, like Dr. House, check what was said.

For example, to make a layout "Partnership", it is also sometimes called "Station for two" or some other layout that you know. Very often, the reasons that prompted a husband to cheat on his wife (if this is not a lonely tramp of love who suddenly finds himself in marriage for himself) can be seen in the behavior of his wife. For example, she is a hysterical woman or a drinking woman, from whom the husband runs to his mistress to seek consolation. This is not a rare case, alas.

And after the alignment, if you still want to save the family, give detailed practical recommendations on how to do it in the best way. For example, the "Five" layout can help you with this, which is not positional, but will definitely give a full recommendation for action.

As a conclusion to this not a fun topic, I want to wish you to receive joy from mutual love and healthy relationships. And I want to ask those who have read to the end and are already making layouts for treason, which cards symbolize treason in your layouts?

Video about the deal for treason

And now, in order to somehow dilute this sad topic about treason and spreads on the Tarot on this topic, we suggest you watch a funny video with Faina Ranevskaya