Reading not for the faint of heart about the fate of a woman from the east. Arab woman: lifestyle, clothes, appearance

The woman of the East has always been an attractive mystery for our men. She beckoned with her natural beauty, generously emphasized by natural cosmetics, lush and well-groomed body, and ... patience and humility. It is humility that distinguishes our business and sometimes overly active contemporaries from moon-faced beauties. It is the ability to tacitly agree in everything with your husband that causes our soulmates to quietly envy the padishahs and sheikhs. What is she, a woman of the East?

In order to become a real Scheherazade, it turns out that it is important not only to have luxurious long hair, beautiful and delicate skin, but also to have other advantages that are far from being as easily accessible as external beauty. Internal qualities, often hidden from prying eyes, are what we, women of the XXI century, lack.


An oriental woman willingly and joyfully fulfills all the wishes of her husband. And it should be noted that the husband's whims are not limited only to access to his wife's body 24 hours a day. The spouse wants a foot massage - please, dear! Demands to talk at 3 o'clock in the morning about something uninteresting to every normal woman - yes, dear, all night long she dreamed about this. What is amazing is that the women of the East rejoice at such attention, and their husbands do not demand too much.

If you offer a European woman to behave this way, then she will most likely look at you with eyes wide open in surprise. It is not customary for us to dissolve a husband. Our women have fought too long for equality with men to become servants again. Almost every young lady will say that you would not wish such a fate even for a slave.


An oriental woman herself does all the housework, the husband should not participate in this in any way. The husband is the breadwinner and maintainer of the whole family. Therefore, he gets very tired - whether he is a shepherd or a sheikh - and in no case should you pester him with stupid requests, for example, to take out the trash or vacuum. There is a rational grain in this rule - women do not work in the East, therefore, to devote oneself to home and family is the most logical thing that can be done.

A modern woman in Europe cannot afford to engage exclusively in household chores. We work exactly the same amount of time per day as our halves, and we earn the same (sometimes more). This order of things is no longer new. I personally know many families where the husband is engaged in the household, and the wife is the “breadwinner”. At the same time, neither he nor she feels any discomfort.


The most important destiny of an oriental woman is to give birth to a son. It is for the sake of the birth of a male successor that marriages are made. The mother takes care of the baby until the age of three, after which the father decides what the boy's upbringing will be like in the future. Girls are not interested in the head of the family, and they remain with their mother until they are married off. In any case, demanding that the husband feed the child, change his diaper, or simply rock him in the cradle is the height of impudence and ignorance.

Alas, many of our men, following the traditions of the eastern padishahs, have no idea what their newborn offspring looks like. For them, the kid will become interesting when it will be possible to play football with him, or at least he will be able to say something “human”. But, fortunately, there are daddies who are not scared to leave with a child for a couple of hours. They say that there are unique fathers who even stay with their children, letting a tired mom go to her friends, or to a beauty salon.


An oriental woman, going out into the street, carefully hides her beauty so as not to seduce other men. She belongs exclusively to her husband, so she is afraid of the attention of others like fire. At home, the wife dresses in beautiful outfits, puts on jewelry, and greets her husband with a joyful smile.

Alas, we forget about this rule. No, of course, I'm not advocating going to work in a burqa! But let's think about it, do we always look as beautiful at home as at work? As one oriental woman said: "Why should I seduce other people's men if I have a husband at home?" Perhaps we get tired of heels all day, we get bored with office suits and dresses, and our face demands to remove a layer of makeup and give it a little air. But this is not a reason to go around the house in curlers, a dressing gown, or, even worse, in an old tracksuit!


Every self-respecting oriental man leaves a little time for his favorite pastime. His wife should admire his lover, praise his horse riding, playing football, or shooting monsters on the computer. To hint that four hours in a row to spend on a hobby, and not on a beloved wife, is too much. Such comments will most likely lead to divorce. And divorce in the East is a delicate matter. It is enough for a husband to shout three times in the square "You are not my wife anymore" and the beauty can walk in all four directions, and in what she is wearing.

I don’t know how other wives cope, but personally I am unable to endure the eternal nirvana of the Internet, which my husband periodically plunges into. Although I myself have a hobby in addition to my favorite work, and more than one. No matter how I try to watch without irritation how the only one turns off for several hours, forgetting about sleep, food and other needs, nothing sensible comes of it. I repent, yell and swear.

What's the bottom line? Probably to each his own. If your chosen one has an initiative, domineering character, then it will not be difficult to become an oriental meek beauty. But, if your loved one is soft, driven and requires constant guidance, then most likely Scheherazade will not suit him.

The enchanting and outlandish East hides many secrets, but, alas, many of them would never be included in the book "A Thousand and One Nights". A series of books about oriental princesses came as a shock to most, as it exposed the ugly truth about the humiliating position of women in Arab countries. We have collected seven different stories - funny, mysterious, motivating, difficult, but they all have one thing in common - the main characters did not give up and went to their goal.

"Princess of Spices"

Chitra Divakaruni

None of the visitors to the spice shop in the California city of Oakland realize that its owner, Indian Tilo, is actually the Spice Princess with magical powers. By purchasing spices, her customers are buying something more valuable - helping them fulfill their desires. For everyone, Tilo has wise advice and a suitable spice ready: to free from prejudice, to protect from the evil eye, to help overcome loneliness.

But when one day a Lonely American enters the store, Tilo is surprised to realize that he cannot find the right spice for him, because her vision obscures a forbidden feeling that has arisen in her heart, to follow which means for her to lose her magical power forever ...

What will the Spice Princess choose - duty or love?

"I am 10 years old and I am divorced"

Nujut Ali

The story of a Nudjut girl from Yemen who, at the age of eight, was forcibly married to a man three times her age. Under the terms of the contract, the husband had to wait for Nujut to come of age, but he beat and raped her for two years.

At the age of 10, the girl ran away from him and went to court. A story based on true events that has touched millions of hearts around the world.

"Kinglet is a songbird"

Reshad Nuri Gyuntekin

This book became classics of the genre along with "Jane Eyre" and "Gone with the Wind." For several generations, she has been worrying about the mischievous and fragile Feride.

After the death of her parents, young Feride is brought up in the house of her aunt along with Kamran. Growing up, Feride falls in love with his cousin, but carefully hides his feelings. Pretty soon it turns out that Kamran is also not indifferent to the girl. The young people set a date for the wedding. But suddenly Feride finds out that Kamran has another. In desperation, the girl runs out of the house, never to return there. She still has no idea what shocks lie ahead and what intrigues will play out behind her.

"Girl from the Golden Horn"

The second novel by Kurban Said after Ali and Nino, written in German. The author managed to live both in Asia and in Europe, and the collision of two worlds was reflected in his books.

In the story, the 17-year-old daughter of a pasha goes to study in Berlin, where she leads a European way of life. At the same time, the narration is conducted on her behalf, and sometimes many things accepted in Europe seem barbaric. An excellent book that will help you understand the peculiarities of two worlds.

"Thousand Splendid Suns"

The story of the fate of two women who, by the will of fate, witnessed the upheavals that destroyed Afghanistan.

Mariam is the illegitimate daughter of a wealthy man, whom he forcibly married off to a stranger. Leila is a girl from an intelligent family, for whom her father predicted a great future, but forced to become a second wife. By chance, two women ended up in the same house, went from hatred to love and mutual support, because only by uniting, they can survive.

"Night of calligraphers"

"Night of the Calligraphers" is a fictionalized biography of Rikkat Kunt, a woman calligrapher.

In 1932, the Turkish government abandoned the Arabic script and introduced a new writing system based on the Latin alphabet. Scribes are being closed down and calligraphers are out of work.

An amazingly beautiful oriental novel, telling about the fate of a woman who became disillusioned with men and devoted herself to the noble art of depicting the Divine Word.


Khyurrem Sultan is one of the most beautiful, powerful and intelligent rulers of the world. Her story inspired the creators of the famous TV series The Magnificent Century.

The book tells the story of the amazing fate of a Slavic girl who was stolen in the 16th century and sold into slavery in the Istanbul slave market. Possessing a brilliant mind, extraordinary willpower and attractive appearance, from a powerless slave she became the wife of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (the Conqueror), the most powerful sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Having mastered the heights of Eastern and European culture, this famous woman went down in history and played a significant role in the political life of her time.

"I am a girl, and a girl must walk quickly, her head bowed low, as if she is counting steps. Her eyes should neither rise, nor go to the right and left of the road, because if they suddenly meet the eyes of a man, the whole village will consider that she Sharmut ... "This is the beginning of the story of an Arab woman named Suad. Until a certain stage in her life, she knew only what she should and should not do. But over time, the heroine learns other verbs - "I can" and "I have the right", only it will be a different life ...

Suad was born and spent the first 19 years of her life in a Palestinian village on the western side of the Jordan River, where men are allowed everything and women nothing. A woman there is valued much lower than a ram or a cow. Suad's childhood years were filled with one insane fear - of his father, mother, of his neighbors. The girl came from a family where, in addition to her, 13 sisters were born and only one boy. But Suad grew up with three sisters and a brother. It took years for the girl to ask the question: where are the other children? The answer was not long in coming - soon Suad saw how her mother, once again giving birth to a girl, not a boy, strangled her with sheep's clothing. Later, by the verdict of the family council, her adult sister was also killed. For what - Suad never found out. More precisely, she did not dare to ask a single question to find out.

A house, beyond which one cannot go alone, a village, a field - that is the whole world of Suad. The girl has homework and nothing else. Her highest dream is to get married. According to local customs, married women acquire relative freedom: they can paint, go to the store alone. On the other hand, you understand that after marriage some fears will be replaced by others - the beatings of the father replace the beatings of the husband. But Suad had no right to marry before her older sister. And the girl took a desperate step, she began to secretly meet with the man who wooed her. When Suad became pregnant, her boyfriend fled, and her parents sentenced her to a terrible death - burning alive. The sister's husband doused the pregnant girl with gasoline and set it on fire. By some miracle, she survived. Then her own mother tried to poison the girl to the hospital, because "a crime against the honor of the family" should be punished with death. But this time Souad survived, she was rescued by a Frenchwoman - an employee of the humanitarian organization "Land of People" named Jacqueline. The girl was taken to Europe, she underwent a dozen operations, learned to live anew, overcoming fear, horror, despair, and a sense of shame in herself. Suad was able to defend her right to life and told the story of her fate so that the world knew about this horror. She wrote the book to help millions of women like her - the lost, humiliated. Several years ago, this book of confession spread all over the world and became a real bestseller. Of course, not without the help of the French journalist Marie-Thérèse Cuny, who participated in its writing. The story of Suad is real, according to its publishers and activists of the Swiss humanitarian foundation "Emergence", whose forces managed to save Suad from death. Her face was practically not hurt, but she is photographed only in a mask, fearing that her relatives will see her alive and want to kill her a second time. After all, there are such cases when relatives found their victims even in Europe. But which of this story is actually true, and which the French journalist embellished, is a difficult question. Many believe that "Burnt Alive" is another falsification, which is an instrument of Western propaganda against Muslims. Others believe that Suad's story is true, but heavily embellished to make it more impressionable. Still others believe that "Burned Alive" is a real autobiographical novel and everything that is described in it actually happened.

Be that as it may, this sentimental story would hardly have surprised and shocked the reader so much if it had happened in the XIV-XV century, when savagery and ignorance reigned. But we can say with confidence that these days it will be a real shock for any European, and especially for a woman. Although, every day reading the news in the newspapers and watching them on TV, we see that children are being killed, women are being bullied and violence is being committed not only in the eastern, but also in the western world. But the case of Suad is something out of the ordinary for Europeans - it is shock, horror.

A book can evoke different feelings in readers, but it will not leave anyone indifferent. The novel is easy to read, the heroine expresses all her feelings and emotions very accurately, clearly, and without any complicated verbal expressions.

Designed to turn the world around, Souad's documentary novel Burnt Alive has been translated into 27 languages. In France alone, the book went through 25 reprints with a total circulation of more than 800 thousand copies. The translation of the novel into Russian, which was published in the Russian publishing house "Ripol Classic" in 2007, can now be purchased in Baku - in the book house "Ali & Nino", located at Z. Tagiyev str., 19 (phone: 493- 04-12).

Burnt Alive, Souad

Genre: Documentary novel

Publisher: "Ripol Classic", Russia

Publication date: 2007

Binding: hard

Pages: 288


"Since the time I can remember, I have not had any games or pleasures. To be born as a girl in our village is a curse. The dream of freedom is associated with marriage. if the husband beats you. If a married woman returns to her father's house, it is a shame. She should not seek protection anywhere but her husband's house, and otherwise it is her family's duty to return her to her husband's house. "

"My father kept repeating how worthless we are:" The cow gives milk and brings calves. What can you do with milk and calves? Sell. Bring money into the house. A cow or a ram is much better than a daughter. "We girls were convinced of this. However, they treated the cow, the sheep, and the goat better than us. Neither the cow nor the sheep was ever beaten!"

"A brother, a sister's husband, an uncle, no matter who, has a duty - to protect the honor of the family. They have the right to decide whether their women live or die. If a father or mother tells his son:" Your sister has sinned, you must kill her ... ", - he does it for the honor of the family, this is the law. "

"A curious thing is the fate of an Arab woman, at least in my village. We take her for granted. No thought of insubordination even comes to mind. We don't even know what insubordination is. We know how to cry, hide, deceive. , to avoid the stick, but to rebel - never! It's just that there is no other place to live - either with the father or with the husband. Living alone is unthinkable. "

"She grimaced, began to bite her lips and cried more than ever:" Listen to me, my daughter, listen. I would really like you to die, it will be better if you die. Your brother is young, if you don't die he will have problems. "

“Skin grafts continued for many months. A total of twenty-four surgeries. The skin for grafting was taken from my unburned legs. After each intervention, I had to wait until the wounds healed and started again. Until I had no skin left suitable for transplant ".

“I used to smile at people endlessly, which surprised them a lot, and thank them for everything. Smiling was my answer to their politeness and kindness, my only way of communicating for a long time. Smiling is a symbol of another life. I wanted to smile as much as possible. Thank you is such a small thing. Nobody used to say “thank you” to me. I'm used to beatings, not gratitude. "

Readers' opinions:

I read the novel in one breath. I will not say that this book is scary in itself. The scary thing is that, in principle, all this is happening today and somewhere near us. It is scary that human life is so lowly valued. After reading the book, you immediately want to fight all evil on earth.

Aziza, 24 years old

After reading the title of the book, I first took it in a figurative sense. After learning what really happened to the unfortunate woman, I was shocked and understood the true meaning of the phrase "hair stood on end." The story of Souad is truly eye-catching. She is scary because she is real. The sediment in the soul will remain for a long time ...

Afag, 27 years old

As a Muslim, I know the truth of our religion, and the fact that not all Muslim families are doing as described in this book. But how to explain this to people of another nation and religion after they read this book, which completely distorts the world of Islam ?!

Anar, 20 years old

This book is a lie. This is an anti-Muslim action, an operation of political military propaganda of the West. Many will read it with horror, and then they will talk about Islam, knowing absolutely nothing about this religion.

Vusal, 31 years old

Ashamed to admit it, but reading this book did not leave me feeling of joy. Joy that I was born in Azerbaijan, and not in a Palestinian village. I am glad that I have the right to choose, that I can study and work, I have the right to love and be loved. All my problems instantly seemed so petty and insignificant to me. On the other hand, it became very sad for the fate of women from some other Muslim countries.

Here is a typical article from the forum. I'll tell you that I am a convinced Slav. BUT now I'm talking about something else!

I share the thoughts of this article, because I saw it myself, when I was in eastern countries. Chatting with locals and expats there. Moreover, she devoted one of her books to the study of this particular culture. So, we take the best from life and other cultures!

Arab husbands are despots ?!

"Arabs beat their wives and do not allow them to leave the house"; "Arabs do not give their wives an education"; "Arabs have several wives"; "Arabs are dirty and smelly"; "all Arabs are terrorists"; "Arabs do not like their children"; "Arabs are crazy Islamic fanatics"; "all women in Arab countries are unfortunate creatures with no rights," and so on. etc.
The list is endless.

Particularly vehement supporters of the "protection of women's rights" attack the countries of the Persian Gulf. In fact, in my opinion, the reason for this unreasonable reasoning was largely the fact that women wear abaya and niqab (cover their face). And no one can even imagine that a woman can wear it herself, of her own free will, and even with great pleasure - well, what are you! How is this possible? Give miniskirts and tank tops to oppressed Arab women!

Meanwhile, ask any resident of the Persian Gulf: if she were given a choice - to wear ordinary European clothes or abaya? 99% will answer in favor of the latter. At the same time, there will be no angry father / brother / husband who follows her answer.

I'll try to put everything on the shelves. To debunk myths, so to speak (Shl. Saudi Arabia is a separate case and does not characterize ALL Arabs and ALL Gulf countries. Besides, I am talking about men, and not about all sorts of hybrids a la Bedouin to the bone marrow with some distorted admixture of Islamic moralizing - mutawva, that is).

1. "Arabs beat their wives and do not allow them to leave the house" - oh yes, they just beat them up. With sticks and to death. Well, okay, fists, what is really there! And to leave the house, you need a special permit, certified by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Yes. And everyone believed. Then they took out their handkerchiefs, shed tears, took pity on the humiliated Arab women and went to argue and prove in foaming mouth how cruel Islam is and how wild these Arab animals are!

But they will believe! They will believe this much more readily than what it really is. And the reality is this (I will cite all examples against the background of an average Emirati family): if a husband tries to raise his hand at his wife at least once, slapping her lightly or, worse, beating her, then the outcome of such a willful case will cost him fraught. First, the wife the next day (if not the same!) Will run to all her numerous male relatives, screaming: "He beat me !!!" (even if it is - I repeat - a slight slap in the face). Secondly, relatives will come back in response and frankly poke him with the whole friendly crowd. And then, if the negligent hubby does not improve - divorce and maiden name.

Another option is also possible. Instead of running around among relatives, the wife will show up at the nearest department of the court and stupidly ask for a divorce. And if there are bruises and abrasions on the body as proof that he really beat her, then a divorce will be given almost immediately and immediately.

Now tell me: how many husbands beat their wives in our country, and wives also endure, they forgive everyone and are afraid to go and complain to the court?

Oh yes. I almost forgot. The wife can leave the house whenever she wants, just like in the rest of the world (let's not take the backward remote villages - in all countries of such kindness in bulk). At about 6-7 pm in Dubai, you can see the following picture: a huge Infiniti (Range Rover, BMW X6 - as you like) drives up to the shopping mall, from there local ladies come out with dignity and proud bearing, sparkling with all kinds of colors of diamonds and touching up their satin abayas as they go. Note, some ladies, often unaccompanied by men.

2. "Arabs do not give their wives an education" - sheer nonsense. In the same Saudi Arabia, now the percentage of uneducated (without higher education) women is about 10% of the total number of young people. I am generally silent about the Emirates - Emirates study both in the United States and in England - in general, in the best universities in the world, or in the UAE itself - fortunately, there are more than enough universities here, and education is decent. By the way, no matter how much I talked to Arabs - well, no one wants to marry a girl without a high school student. Among my Emirati friends at the age of 18-20, there is not one who has not studied at the university.

3. "Arabs have several wives" - let there be truth and lie perish! :) So, let's take dry statistics: in the Persian Gulf, only 5% of men are married to two or more women. And about 30 million Arabs live in the Gulf, of which 15 million are men. In general, the percentage is negligible, even among the sheikhs, few are married to two or more. And the current young generation in general, from their youth, insists that they want to marry only one. And preferably for love.

I recalled an incident that happened a couple of years ago in Abu Dhabi. One man married the second - well, everything was as it should be: he settled his wives at different ends of the city, each in a separate villa, each with a luxurious car, and so on and so forth. But no! All is wrong with these Emirates. Once the first wife, crossing the road, saw her faithful and his second passion. In a fit of rage, she attacked both right in the middle of the road, screamed, scratched and behaved extremely obscene :) naturally, the police didn't just leave it - they were all taken to the police station. During interrogation, the first wife was asked about the motives for her strange behavior, to which she replied: "He is unfair to me, he spends 4 days a week with her, and 3 with me." The husband was dumbfounded and mumbled: "But there are 7 days in a week ..." However, this did not pity the judge. After the court proceedings, the woman was recognized as right, she was given a divorce + a villa + a car and something from the condition of her ex-spouse.

Now tell me again: what percentage of our men have mistresses? It happens, and not one at a time ... In every way, more than the notorious 5%. Surely our judges would give their wife half of their husband's property only because he spends more time, effort and money on his mistress than on his wife (and this happens all the time)?

4. "Arabs are dirty and smelly." Know comments. I have never seen such cleanliness as in the UAE. As I wrote in a previous post, even the smallest speck is a reason to change. In addition, one and the same gandura is not worn for two days in a row (the husband puts on a new one every day - freshly washed and ironed, and throws off all the "old" ones in the laundry - "old" means "put on once"). Add also the fact that Muslims wash 5 times a day, and take a shower after each sexual contact with their wife - that is, every day. I'm already silent about their perfume ... :)

5. "All Arabs are terrorists." And again know the comments. In my entire life in the UAE, I have not yet met a single Arab who supports terror. Yes, in general, they somehow don't give a damn about all this, they sit themselves lazily drinking coffee in Starbucks ... :)
I only know that in Saudi Arabia there are such organizations at some universities, but again, this is such a minority and such a shame that it is not even customary to talk about these people.
The statement "all Arabs are terrorists" is at least an indicator of the speaker's ignorance and ignorance.

6. "All women in Arab countries are unfortunate creatures with no rights" - yeah, and "Arabs rejoice only at the birth of boys."
Eh, you should have seen how Arabs walk with their children in parks and shopping centers! How they squeeze and kiss their daughters, drag them in their arms and ride with them on children's attractions!

I constantly observe the following picture: at the entrance to the store in the mall there is a man in gandur, a child on his neck, a child in a stroller, a child on the side ... While his wife, at the speed of light, sweeps away all possible and impossible clothes, bags, shoes, accessories, jewelry. It was here that I saw a clear example of genuine nepotism. For them, family is everything. They are not ashamed to go shopping with their wife and children, to a restaurant, they will not whine that "shopping is a purely woman's business, why would I give up there ?!" Families, couples, with and without children walk everywhere, holding hands, arm in arm - in general, they express their pleasure in every possible way that the whole family is assembled.

Wives are not oppressed by absolutely anything! On the contrary, during our traditionally Friday women's gatherings, my Emirati friends never cease to be amazed at our Russian women - and at home, cook-wash-clean (while all Emirates have housekeepers, but not one), and for the children always keep an eye on (and the Emirates do not even have problems with children - there are nannies), and the husband will come home unhappy, tired, and make him work (not a single Arab would dream of telling his wife: "Hey, why are you Have you sat on your neck? So go and earn money! "). I am not here at all urging everyone to start housekeepers and nannies - rather, this serves only as a response to the hackneyed stereotype about a Muslim wife;)
In general, they feel sorry for the advanced and free European women.

  • < О восточных длинных нарядах
  • Features of marriage relations>

First of all, it should be noted that life and society in Eastern countries are very diverse. The ideal image and women in Muslim countries, Japan, China, India are different. However, they also have common features, as even the most modernized societies retain some of their traditional elements.

An Eastern woman is habitually perceived by a European as a wife, a keeper of the family hearth. Indeed, even in highly developed Japan, women try to be family-oriented and leave work after marriage. However, the situation is gradually changing. Women are starting to build their careers, becoming more and more independent of men. Women's education is developing. Even ultra-conservative Saudi Arabia has universities. Women are increasingly playing a prominent role in politics. The whole world knows the names of Indira Gandhi and Benazir Bhutto, who headed the governments of India and Pakistan, respectively.

A woman already needs to spend less time in the family, because the family itself is changing. The number of children per woman is decreasing - for example, in Muslim Iran, the birth rate has become lower than in Catholic Ireland.

One of the images of a family and a woman in the East, in the West, is associated with polygamy. However, it is not widespread even in those countries where it is legalized. And this is due, among other things, to the fact that the majority of modern Muslim women, as well as residents of Europe, are not ready to share their spouse with other women. This violates the image of the submissive Eastern wife that exists in the West. In fact, this obedience is explained not by some national characteristics, but by the economic dependence of women and religious education. When both are a thing of the past, the relationship between the sexes also changes.

An example of the changing role of women can also be seen in modern Japanese society. Rather free behavior of a man, infidelity has long been considered, if not the norm, then something inevitable and acceptable. But modern young Japanese women perceive the situation differently and are more likely than their mothers to part with unfaithful husbands.

In general, the difference between cultures in modern societies turns out to be surmountable. This is proved by the numerous emigrants who, if desired, adapt to countries with a culture and customs different from those to which they are accustomed at home. And for women, due to their flexible psyche, such adaptation can be even easier. This debunks another European stereotype, which says that it is the women of the East who are distinguished by their special conservatism.