Light sleep: a breath of silence for a tired ear. Scenario of a holiday for preschoolers in the middle group “Autumn, golden autumn, it's good that you came! Why do I hear all the rustles

Probably, many people by the twenty-first century will no longer be surprised by the words: "Ghost", "Poltergeist", "Astral entities", "Spirits". For many, these are just words ... But not for those in whose apartments something supernatural has settled. For example, like in my apartment. Sometimes it seems to me that I live in a minefield. You never know if it's a cat rustling in the next room, or something else. Opening doors, strange sounds are just a few of the oddities in my life. (If someone is interested, I can make a separate post about my encounters with such phenomena, because now there is not much about it.) So, here are a few signs that uninvited guests have appeared in your house / apartment / room.

1. Perfect realism.

This category includes turning on / off light, opening and closing doors, moving any objects in front of your eyes, or during your absence, as well as the spontaneous movement of children's wind-up toys. By the way, frequent blinking of light can also be attributed to this category.

2. Tactile contact.

Many people feel like someone is touching them either in their sleep or before going to bed. At the same time, touches are light and soothing, and they are quite rough, like a slap in the face. Likewise, "entities" can barely perceptible nudge you.

3. Sound confusion and strange smells.

There are times when people, left alone in an apartment, hear inexplicable rustles, sounds, footsteps, stamping ... Many even hear snatches of phrases and their names. The situation is the same with smells. The smell of perfume, which you never had, etc., appears in the room by itself. At the same time, these smells disappear very quickly, as if they did not exist. For example, I very often smell wet gypsum in an apartment. And when I call someone, this smell is gone.

4. Black shadows

Very often, with peripheral vision, I notice a dark figure seeping past me. At the same time, when I move my gaze to this place, it is already empty ...

5. Loss of things and their subsequent return.

I think many have come across a similar case. Things are constantly borrowed by someone and then politely returns.

6. Unexplained animal behavior

In houses in which various entities are present, animals behave very restlessly. Cats can stare at one point for an hour, hiss into emptiness, fearfully run away from an empty corridor. And dogs can growl and rush into the void, thereby showing their courage.

7. "Inhospitable apartment"

I have had times when it seems the apartment itself refused to let me in home. You insert the key into the keyhole, and you realize that it does not turn. Once, twice. I took out a spare key and tried again. The same result. I walked around, spent about 10 minutes, decided to try it again. And lo and behold, the apartment deigned to let me in ...

Do things happen in your life that terribly scare you, or at least make you wary?

Sensitive sleep: a breath of silence for a tired ear

August 6, 2015 - 6 Comments

I sleep very badly. I wake up from every rustle, even from the faintest noise. To get a good night's sleep, I need perfect silence, but it is simply impossible to provide it in an apartment building. Poor sleep makes me nervous and irritable. I went to doctors, worked with a psychologist for a long time. But the dream is still very sensitive. Medicines don't help. Experts say that these are the features of my nervous system and only recommend earplugs. Is it possible to somehow improve sleep and reduce its sensitivity?

Experts are right - not everyone has an increased sensitivity to sleep. Those who have a sound vector can suffer from it. The erogenous zone of a person with this type of psyche is the ears. The sounds of the outside world have a direct connection with the psyche. They have a much stronger influence on her than on any other person.

The soundman needs silence. He must grow in it, learn to think in it, focus on the quiet rustles outside. The oversensitive ear has a hard time tolerating loud noises, as well as hostile offensive meanings. All this has a very acute effect on the mental. It can be almost physical pain.

People with a sound vector are saved from the annoying sounds of the outside world and behind headphones in their ears, and behind the constant hum of the TV in their own room, and, of course, behind earplugs.

But all these are weak assistants of the sound engineer suffering from a lack of silence. A person does not need silence in itself, but the opportunity that it provides - to listen to the world and focus through quiet external sounds on the thoughts inside himself.

Only this concentration with the right direction of thought can bring a person the necessary fulfillment. Filling your properties brings satisfaction from life. Without it, a house in the thicket of the forest without a single person and a car nearby will not save. Irritability, dissatisfaction with life, bad sleep or, on the contrary, constant hibernation, depressive thoughts - something from this list will definitely be present in life.

A very sensitive sleep is one of the indicators of the stressful state of the sound vector, insufficient realization of its properties. Because of this, all external stimuli are perceived very sensitively.

Thick walls of awareness

Unfortunately, very few people get the ideal conditions, corresponding to each person according to his type of psyche. At one point, changing your place of residence or covering the walls with soundproof materials is also not always possible. And earplugs with pills, as it turned out, do not always help. But there is a way out.

He is always aware of his natural characteristics. What is a sound vector? Why is hearing so sensitive? How to fill your life to make it easier to endure external stimuli? Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology answers all these questions. By answering them, you will receive a powerful charge of filling your desires, which happens at the moment of their recognition. People immediately start to seem nicer, and the sounds are quieter. You just stop noticing them as insignificant. Because the new meaning of your life turns out to be significant.

A train of thought in the right direction will take you so deeply into yourself that you will no longer notice the loudest external stimuli. You will be able to think about important things without feeling the constant pressure from outside. Learn to fall asleep immersed in your thoughts, rather than obsessing over the hum of your neighbor's TV.

You just need to give your ears what they want to hear. And they want to hear the meanings and hide from the sounds behind which they cannot recognize this meaning. Behind the headphones, attempts to remain alone in the room, one thing is hidden - a lack of understanding of oneself and the world around. But understanding himself, his non-verbalized, often hidden from himself, questions, having received an answer, a person no longer feels the need to hide from the world in his headphones.

He quietly gets out into this world and begins to listen. And, perhaps, for the first time begins to enjoy it. After all, he no longer hears just noise, but is able to recognize the meaning in this noise. Here, the analnik says, he is offended. Here the leatherman says, as if he is deceiving, you can hear it in his voice. But two skin-visual girls are sitting, talking about guys, what else is there. You don't even have to turn your head, and so you hear everything about them.

At your disposal are the very vibrations that your ears have been looking for since the moment of birth. Information about the structure of our psyche will fill to the brim with the lack of a person who cannot find comfort in anything, fill it so much that it will abandon all previous attempts to know oneself as unnecessary.


Background sound can be arranged during the day or evening, but what to do at night?

Turn on quieter at night. Background sounds help you fall asleep.
In complete silence, your hearing sharpens and you either cannot fall asleep at all, or if you fall asleep, you will wake up from every rustle.
The best background sound is white noise (pink and brown). It masks extraneous sounds very well. Hearing quickly gets used to it and it does not interfere.

Some of the houses still have clocks, "walkers", mechanical alarm clocks, etc. They tick, and the person does not seem to hear them ... this is how the filtering of sounds works in the perception system. In factories and factories, during the Soviet era, workers slept well and slept well to the noise of machine tools and even the sound of presses and hammers.
(this is what they sleep up to)

Here is the program, the famous Brainframe v2.5, with which you can organize background noise:

Setting to background noise mode:


Our neighbors have a habit of talking loudly at night, somewhere from 12 and, as luck would have it, and until 9 in the morning it may be. How to remove it?

They need to start this very background sound with the help of a vibrating speaker right on the panel behind which they are talking.
First, you create a sound curtain for yourself. Secondly, this very sound will interfere with their conversation, which will force them to either move to another place or yell louder, which is not entirely acceptable for them.

There is another option - to record their night conversation, and then, when they are resting, with the help of the same vibrating column, start them their conversation.

In any case, if they are talking about something at night, then IN THE MORNING AND AFTERNOON - THEY REST.
Here, at this time and need to interfere with them.

By the way, in the main topic of this thread, you write that they are talking, but not loudly:


Neighbors don't speak loudly at night, but I can hear voices

Maybe it will be enough to be limited to just a sound background?


He's inadequate. Therefore, you can probably expect anything.

Is this the one I wrote about as a heroin addict?
Have there been precedents? How does he behave in an inappropriate way?
Buy and gift him 10 doses of heroin and rest in peace to him.

Drop the pills, they can only help for a short time.
If the feeling of anxiety does not leave - move intensively, jump, run, etc. The adrenaline will burn, it will pass. Do this more often, but in moderation.

Pay attention to how you breathe. Surely your breathing is shallow and rapid.
The general condition of the body depends on the type of breathing.
You need to breathe deeper and necessarily with the lower abdomen. Attention must be concentrated on exhalation - exhale completely. The inhalation will happen by itself, automatically. After inhaling, exhale slowly and deeply ... Try breathing like this for at least 5-10 minutes at intervals of 1-2 hours.
After the first session, you will feel how your muscles relax, pleasant fatigue spreads throughout your body, you want to sleep ... you fall asleep ...
And you wake up completely calm.

You don't have organic depression where people turn into vegetables.
You have normal depression due to your current situation. Many people do this. Thoughts visiting you (given the state) are also quite normal. Not good, of course, but you don't need to think about them for a long time. As they came, they will go away unhappily.

Antidepressants work only for a short time, and the side effects outweigh the benefits.

There is only one way out of depression - to do something.
Surely you have a lot of chores around the house. So do it.
No hurry, no fuss ... like something very important. However, do not try to do it quietly. Forget the neighbors. WOULD THEY GO ["to" ... "to" ... "to" ... and so on]
When you do something, turn on music, radio, TV ... Fuck they all nafig.
Moreover, during the day you have the right to chop wood with a chainsaw in your apartment.

By the way, in your state ... in order to somehow start to get out of it, it is very good to watch / listen to something funny. It will be a little annoying at first, but very soon you will feel relieved.
Here, simply, purely, stupidly "neighing" -
or something similar.

The best medicine is healthy indifference.

Get started now!

Zulfiya Kuchkarova
Scenario of a holiday for preschoolers in the middle group "Autumn, golden autumn, it's good that you came!"

Holiday script for preschoolers

Middle group

« Autumn, autumn golden, Okay, What are you came

Music sounds children come in pairs.

Presenter I hear noise and rustling on the doorstep

Oh this autumn wipes feet.

Children recite poetry

Suddenly there was a knock on the window

To us autumn time.

Summer red rushed by

And the kids got dressed:

In jackets, hats and boots,

And the tights are warmer

So that the legs do not freeze

And the walk was more fun.

Bad weather, the sun disappeared

The puddle was covered with thin ice.

Like butterflies flutter

Leaves from the branches are flying around ...

Cold rain pours and pours

Doesn't let us walk.

The road called the birds -

This autumn has come to us ...

The red and yellow wind tears the leaves,

Circling, circling in the air

Motley round dance.

The sun will only look out -

Hide again.

Let's go to the forest soon

Autumn find!

What a beautiful Autumn.

Which golden headdress.

And visit guys today

To us the autumn holiday has come.

Children stand in two rows first row girls behind them boys

The song is being sung « Holiday in autumn in the forest and light and fun "

The girls dance with the leaves the boys sing

Leading (listens).

Someone is running here to us,

Someone is in a hurry to visit us.

This autumn is coming to us

And he leads guests with him

Music sounds, children clap their hands, stomp, and a cloud runs into the hall

I am a cloud autumn, -blue,

Small but strong!

If only I want to -

I will wet you all with rain!

Music sounds, a cloud runs around the guys and "Splashes" their rain-sultan.

Cloud, cloud, wait

Take your rains away!

We know a song about the rain

And we will give it to you!

The song is being sung "Rain"(Cap, cap, knock, knock, there was a knock on the glass

Cloud. What a beautiful, interesting song! Thank you guys!

I am an evil, thundercloud,

I don't like to have fun

Rain autumn and cold

I'll fill in all the guys now.

Host Cloud and we know a funny dance about you Cloud

Dance "An evil cloud was punished"

Cloud: Oh oh oh (the cloud swirled in place)

I can not stop,

I just want to spin.

Stop twisting me, please

Otherwise I'll rain on you.

Leading cloud cloud

Well, where did you hide Autumn?

Tell us, we ask you very much.

Don't want to tell

So you will dance.

Cloud: Oh, I'm tired, I can't,

Now you I will bring autumn.

How it's good to have such friends,

Come out to us Autumn, hurry up.

The cloud deduces Autumn by the hand.

Music input sounds Autumn

Autumn And here I am!

Hello my friends!

I AM came to your holiday

Sing and have fun

I want with everyone here

Make good friends!

I am very glad guys that I met you again. I missed you so much for a whole year.

Poems of children

Spun over me

The rain from the leaves is mischievous.

What is he good!

Where else can you find -

Without end and without beginning?

I began to dance under him,

We danced like friends -

Leaves and me.

Along the track golden

Autumn quietly entered the garden.

Pears and apples are fragrant to us

She brought many, many.

Birds all fly south, where it is always warm around.

This Autumn has come to us, called the birds on the road.

The birds stopped singing, the sun does not warm well.

And it's colder outside now.

Often the rain pours on it it happens in autumn.

Song Autumn,autumn has come to us again

Autumn,autumn,autumn is a wonderful time

Anya How nice autumn garden

Stage"Aruzhan and vegetables"

Aruzhan comes out, holding a basket in her hands. The girl looks around.


Mom sends me to the garden,

And cabbage and carrots grow there.

But what vegetables to pick, I don’t know?

For salad, vinaigrette and cabbage soup?

How can I just figure it out and find out

What do I need to collect for lunch?

Who would help me in this difficult matter?

Where is the carrot, where is the cabbage, where is the onion?

CARROT: Angelina

I am a red girl, a green plait!

I am proud of myself and fit for everything!

And for juice, and for cabbage soup, for salads and borscht,

In pies, and vinaigrette, and. bunnies for lunch!


I am white and juicy, I am healthy and tasty!

I stand on a thick leg, my clothes creak.


They say I'm bitter, they say, unsweetened!

With the green arrow, I grow in the garden.

I am the most useful, in that I give you my word!

Eat green onions - you will be healthy!


You will be very pleased by eating a lightly salted cucumber.

It crunches on your teeth, crunches, I can treat you!

BEET: Sasha

I'm round and strong, crimson sides

The beets are young, so sweet!

I'm good for lunch, and borscht, and vinaigrette!


I, potato, are so modest

She didn't say a word.

Everyone needs me a potato:

Both large and small.

I am a potato, feast for the eyes,

I am a potato, delicious!

Without me - no, no - lunch will not work!

Goat comes out, shakes his beard


I won't give carrots, I won't give cucumbers,

I'm ready to fight for every head of cabbage! Meeee

Aruzhan takes a twig and threatens the Goat

You goat-goat, green eyes,

Go away, go away, don't harm the garden!

Do not knock with your feet, do not twist with your horns!

Leave. go away, don't harm the garden! Here I am for you!

The goat is running away


Sofia Cabbage

Thank you, thank you, thank you very much!

We couldn't drive the goat out without you!

He is ready to eat cabbage and carrots

Everyone is ready to treat you to a vegetable

Angelina (holds out vegetables to Aruzhan)

Here is a head of cabbage!

Here is a bunch of carrots!

Here is a fresh cucumber!

Here is a fresh onion!

Here are the beets!

And here are the potatoes!

We all shared a little with Aruzhan!

Music for the game sounds

The game “Harvest fruits and vegetables for compote and cabbage soup” is being held.

Draws attention to cobwebs

Spider dance

Autumn Today I walked through the forest after me

A mischievous silvery rain rushed,

Took me a little

And all the tracks got wet.

And we will take umbrellas,

Let's go for a walk in the rain!

Music for the game sounds

The game "We save ourselves from the rain"

Children are divided into 2 teams, each team is given an umbrella. The first players with an umbrella in their hands reach the cubes standing at the other end of the hall, run around them and come back, pass the umbrella to the next player. This is how the whole team should run.

Dance: "Dance with umbrellas".

The presenter takes out umbrellas


You, Cloud, do not torment us anymore,

This is the kind of rain we want

Here it is! Playful, kind, sweet delicious naughty.

Cloud: Have you forgotten about this umbrella?

They didn’t dance with him and didn’t even reveal it.

I am with you guys, now I have made friends,

At first she was angry, then she had fun.

Let the rain fall, both delicious and sweet,

And the raindrops will turn into gifts.

You, Autumn, lift your umbrella,

And treat all the guys.

Autumn raises an umbrella with candies hanging inside. She gives one to each child.

Leading: Thank you, Rain cloud,

How Okay that made friends with us.

Now let's go to group of kids,

Eat delicious candy fruits.

Music sounds children exit

It was 2 years ago. You go to bed, you are already asleep. And then it begins ... The apartment seems to come to life: quiet rustles, sounds, knocks, falls. Everything seemed to be quiet, and again something blurted out in the opposite corner. It is impossible to fall asleep, the tension does not abate. Mom, what is this? Fearfully. Our psyche is so arranged that until we understand what is happening, anxiety will not let us go. It is a survival mechanism developed over millions of years of evolution. Even babies have it. We react to incomprehensible sounds in the apartment with our whole body, we cannot wave our hand and ignore it. The worst thing is that not getting enough sleep and not having a rest at night, we accumulate fatigue. This, at first glance, not serious stress can affect the immune system. Mood deteriorates, chronic diseases become aggravated, we get involved in conflicts more often, we make mistakes more often. It's a shame if the reason for the noise is trivial, and fantasy draws hordes of monsters. What makes noise in the apartment at night?

1. Insects

One guy told me. The boy was very inquisitive and intelligent. Despite his young age, he did not believe in mysticism. So he once began to hear strange sounds in his room. I began to study the "phenomenon". And what do you think? Found! Woodworm beetle in the bookshelf.

I was looking for the source of the noise in the bedroom a couple of years ago. Something fluttered and clapped. A strange sound, not like anything else, or a chirp, or a buzzing. And not mechanical, but as if alive. Not all the time, but from time to time, when the room is dark. It is enough for sleep to disappear, and the person began to listen nervously with fear. I found him. It was some kind of large insect, hiding somewhere during the day, and wandering along the ceiling at night. Some kind of creature with its wings byak-byak-byak at night. Moths are very large.

2. Electrical appliances

In my corner, where there is a refrigerator, something was also actively rustling. At first I thought it was a mouse. I tried to somehow get rid of it from there. Then, it turned out that this old refrigerator, when turned on, makes such sounds. He moved it a few centimeters. And that's all - silence).

Either in the bathroom, or in the toilet, the sounds of dripping water began to be heard. I was puzzled for a long time: drops are not visible anywhere, but there is sound. And somehow, at the next moment of an attack of curiosity, he fumbled with his ear along the walls, like the sound from a ceiling lamp on a thin wall in a bathroom, where there can be no pipes. I pressed the plafond, and the sound of the drops became frequent, turning into a creak. This plafond creaked so much from the heating of the lamps.

You will go to sleep, in ten minutes a crackling sound. I did not believe in evil spirits, so I slept peacefully. Then I figured it out, the chandelier was cooling down.

We listened to incomprehensible sounds all summer. It was scary. It turned out that everything is very simple. The walls are cracking from the temperature drop. During the day, in the heat, they heat up, and at night they cool down and begin to crack. Now it also happens, but rarely, the sun almost no longer warms.

We had a strange sound in our apartment. A click in the hallway, as if the neighbors had flipped a switch in a big way. Sometimes quiet, sometimes loud. And it was not possible to catch him in any way. While you stand in the corridor and wait, he is gone. You leave, and after a while - click! Repair began in the corridor, and along the way I decided to figure out what it was. I checked through which channels in the panels the sound from neighbors could go, stuffed rags into them, sealed them with construction foam. There is no sense. Then I realized that the sound was not from the neighbors. As a result, it turned out that it was a lamp. It has a stamped metal base on which a glued wooden rim is glued. When the light in the corridor was turned on, the lamp heated up; when turned off and cooled down, after a while, it made clicks at some intervals. The tree clicked, as I understand it, and the base resonated. When I approached to listen, the light was on (why stand in a dark corridor?). He left, turned off the light, and it began. Years 3 suffered. Now there is silence, the lamp has been changed.

My neighbor at the previous address, a very religious woman, told me that she was influenced by vibration, most likely, this was the work of some special services. Several times a week, after 11 pm, her kitchen window began to vibrate, at first slightly, then gradually, then gradually subsided. And so several times with an interval of 7-10 minutes. Sometimes this was repeated twice with an interval of 2 hours. Some ray or something else was directed at her window. For what, she did not know. She lived in a 1-room apartment, and I was next door in a 3-room apartment. My family did not feel any vibrations or extraneous noise. We sympathized with the woman, realizing that a person has problems with nerves.After a while, my mother died, and my dad and I moved in exactly the same house, exactly the same apartments, that is, a 3-room and 1-room apartment next to it. Once I was sitting in the kitchen of a 1-room apartment at 10 in the morning, drinking coffee, and suddenly it began, that very vibration! Slowly at first, then stronger and stronger. Full feeling that a helicopter is flying through the window. I look out the window in panic, but I don't see anything that looks like a helicopter. And the vibration is growing, the glasses are rattling, they are about to fly out, and horror seized me, my legs are wadded, I can’t move. And only the realization that the windows were now cracked, would fall on me, and chop me on the Olivier, made me jump off my chair and run out into the corridor. The vibration gradually subsided, then subsided. After a while, everything is new again. But for the second time I caught something familiar in the duration of the increase in vibration, in the duration of the climax, I don’t know how to explain, but, in general, something familiar. And I rushed into a 3-room apartment. And there my quiet washing machine rustles, it works almost silently, only from time to time there are light bursts, very pleasant for the ear. I very often washed after 11 at night, she did not interfere with anyone's sleep, I’ll hang my clothes in the morning, and that’s all. And so I ran from apartment to apartment several times: in the 3-room, in which she works, you cannot hear her, and in the 1-room, the helicopter and the glass are barely holding on. The horror began in the spin mode. This is how the ceilings in these houses are made, that this is how the sound spreads ?! I drove the unfortunate woman to madness at least once a night, and when my mother lay paralyzed, there were 2-3 washings! It never occurred to me that with such a quiet typewriter this could be. Now I wash only in the 1st half of the day, suddenly someone else has helicopters flying through the windows. By the way, sometimes I hear my neighbors' washing machines. Where, from what floor, I do not know, but they "sound" very quiet, nothing to do with the nightmare that was happening to me.

My friend comes to work in the morning, all out of her mind, angry and not getting enough sleep ... All night long some hum did not let her sleep. She built the entire entrance, went to each of them with a check, did not sleep for three nights, but still got to the cause of the strange hum! The neighbors (either above or below) had a refrigerator leaning against a pipe. They rearranged and my friend listened to the work of the refrigerator all night. But during the day it was not heard (at 6 o'clock in the morning this disgrace stopped), no one except her heard this. She was already beginning to worry that her entire entrance to the 9-storey building would be considered insane ...

3. Mice

We stayed with my mother for 5 months this year. Several times I heard a strange noise at night, and so did my husband! One night I got up to the children and I hear: something is scraping. I went into the room where the washer and dryer are standing, I see the mouse is out! I told my parents, they put the mousetraps. In a couple of weeks, 3 pieces came across! It turned out that somewhere there was a hole, dad then repaired it.

4. Birds

Last year, my husband took a new shift job. And for the first time he went into the night. At about 12 o'clock I was going to go to bed, turned off the TV set, turned off the light, and then it began! In the kitchen I hear some incomprehensible noise: either the wall is being hammered, or the ceiling ... And the house is private, except for hooligans there is no one to hammer. Fearfully. I don't turn on the light. Under the bed, I remember, there is a tool in a box, I take an ax from there, and head into the kitchen. Noise from the ceiling, scary to the point! I didn't even think about why they were pounding through the roof, after all, it's easier to break the window and climb in. Well, there were no thoughts from fear at all. I squeeze the ax. "Something" is already bursting in the chimney ... Noise, some strange echo ... And then suddenly "Kar! Kar! ”, some clap and silence. Then it dawned on me that only a crow had gotten into the chimney (out of curiosity, I guess), but had already got out. I laughed and went to bed.

4. Sounds from the street

Some time ago, we heard sounds in the room at night, as if water were dripping. And the water is nowhere to be seen. After some time, it turned out that this roof began to leak after repairs (we live on the top floor). It became noticeable in the spring, when the snow began to melt. In the room, the linoleum on the floor was already swollen, and the wallpaper moved away from the wall along which this very water flowed. And during the day they did not hear any sounds.

My friend also climbed the whole house in search of the source of the noise. In general, you need to go to the roof and look at the wires. In the case of my friend, the wires of an ordinary radio (which plugs into an outlet) were stretched to a neighboring house about a hundred meters away. According to his assurances: it hummed like a string, and it depended on everything - wind, temperature. It probably resonated with passing cars. He called radio communication, they loosened the wires. And everything became quiet.

I had this, the constant sound of dripping water. I listened to all the walls. It turned out that the sound is most audible in one of them. We already wanted to call a plumber, since the wall is hollow inside. But it turned out to be trite - the wall transmitted the sound of the visor from the neighbors)))) it was not raining on him. That is the air conditioner.

I had this in one of the rooms, for several days I wondered that it could make noise. And I heard the sounds only when I was alone at home. Probably due to the fact that it becomes quiet. And then I figured it out: the sound was coming from the window. The door was ajar.One night I woke up from a clear and strange sound in the stairwell. The impression that a heavy bag is being pulled up the steps. There was an idea to get up and look through the peephole, you never know? Maybe someone is being dragged out of the entrance, and the cops should be called on fresh tracks. The sound lasted too long, no ladder would be enough, and fell asleep under this sound. In the morning I heard him again. I went to the window in another room and found out that it was the rain making such a noise, falling on the new visor of the neighbors.

5. Neighbors

We often woke up at night from someone hissing. It was terribly scary. In the end, it turned out that deep night is the perfect time for a neighbor to vacuum.

And I once lived in a very large house. And one night I was left alone. I lie to myself, read, very late. Some sounds, rustles. Then I turned off the light, fell asleep and listened: ding-ding, shork-shork ... I think, wow, how evil spirits are walking in the house. And in the morning it turned out that they had robbed us. And it wasn't ghosts that ran around the house, but thieves!

Sounds are better heard at night. Everyone is asleep, and the creak can be heard even through more than one wall. For example, in our room (and only in this one, in others there is no such thing) something like a sound well. For example, I can hear the neighbors upstairs talking on the phone, and it’s very good. But just no conversations can be heard, almost no walking, TV, etc. can be heard. Apparently, in some "good" place there is a telephone, they have a stationary device, and besides, it seems, they have a fax. And when I was younger, my girlfriend's mother (she lived through the wall, but on the 1st floor, and we are on the 3rd!) Often wondered where I took the notes of a particular melody that I played on the piano during the day. The fact that she heard me was beyond doubt: the “repertoire”, the timing, the manner (mostly with one hand), and other subtleties coincided.

I'll tell you what happened in our house recently. There are only 9 apartments in the entrance. Each apartment occupies one and a half floors. Our bedroom is on a level corresponding to half the wall of the room next door. For almost a year, every night we heard strange conversations of people that did not stop for a minute. The words could not be made out, but there was such a buzz! And you can hear that the speech of people. Another neighbor heard it too. All sorts of thoughts climbed into my head. And I somehow go out onto the terrace-balcony at night and what do I see and hear? The neighbor, which is half of our wall, has a hall ... The TV is working at full power, and the light is on in the hall. I go out into the staircase, go up to the apartment and call! But she doesn't hear.We wrote a letter to her, as we could not find it. About a miracle! The nighttime conversations ceased for a while. After a while again. Then the husband went down to the keller and turned off the electricity. Our sleep improved, but the craftsmen began to run to the neighbor to fix it. When everything became clear, it turned out that this lady was afraid to fall asleep in silence. She turned on the TV and the light at full power and went into the bedroom. She could hear something muffled. And we were tormented by the unknown.

My story with strange sounds also ended very prosaically. The husband put down a mousetrap and caught a mouse and two mice within a week. We gnawed a hole from the basement and ran at night. Since then, the apartment has become quiet.