Emerald is a green gemstone. The magical possibilities of emeralds. Properties: healing and magical

An emerald or emerald is inherently a beautiful and precious green beryl. The main criteria for determining its quality are color and transparency. A completely transparent mineral with an evenly distributed saturated green color is considered to be of high quality. Emeralds weighing more than five carats are more expensive than diamonds.

Physical properties of the mineral

The green color of the emerald is given by oxides of chromium and vanadium, or iron oxide, like in South African emeralds.

The mineral is resistant to acids and other reagents, but loses its rich color when heated to +700 degrees and above.

Natural emerald is most often covered with splits, veins and cracks. A mineral without defects is very rare. Its quality is determined by eye, without a tenfold increase, as is the case with diamonds.

Emerald is a rather fragile mineral, according to the Mohs scale, its hardness is in the range of 7.5-8 units, for example, for a diamond it is 10 units. Considering that the stone contains many defects, we can conclude that it is easily destroyed by mechanical and thermal effects.

In color, emeralds are blue-green, yellow-green, dark green. That is, the green color of any shade for the mineral is mandatory. The color of the crystals is not always uniform; in some, a change in color from bluish-green to yellow-green is observed.

Crystals found in the development have various defects, foreign inclusions, therefore, to give them the proper appearance, they are treated with special mixtures.

Where is it mined?

Mineral deposits are found on almost all continents of the Earth. In South America, these are Brazil and Colombia. In North America - Canada and the United States. In Eurasia - Austria, Ireland, Norway, Spain, China, India, Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Pakistan, Afghanistan. On the African continent, these are Zambia, Egypt, Somalia, South Africa, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Mozambique, Madagascar, Ethiopia. In Russia, stone began to be mined in the middle of the 19th century in the Middle Urals.

The richest are the deposits of Colombia, currently they provide up to 95% of the world's emerald production. Only in this country are there unique trapiche emeralds, the crystals of which resemble spoked wheels.

After processing, emerald crystals get a cabochon shape, in addition, a special emerald cut is used for them, which prevents chipping of the corners of the stone and makes the color more saturated. They set the precious stone in gold, silver or platinum, although silver is still the best metal for it.

A bit of history

The history of green beryl goes back several thousand years. In the markets of Ancient Babylon, the emerald was sold 4 thousand years ago. Slaves of Ancient Egypt mined precious stones for Queen Cleopatra in the mines near Aswan. The Egyptians considered him a gift from the god Thoth.

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote that the ruler of the island of Samos, the tyrant Polycrates, sacrificed a silver ring with an emerald, throwing it into the sea. However, he soon returned to him in the stomach of the fish caught in this place. Subsequently, the ring was kept in Rome in the Temple of Concord.

And the emperor Nero used an emerald instead of binoculars, watching through it the gladiators in the arena.

The rulers of India adorned themselves with emeralds. Contemporaries of Sultan Shah Jahan, who built the famous Taj Mahal, wrote that he wore emerald ornaments with scriptures engraved on them. Since then, the mineral has been considered a stone of love and fidelity.

The first information about the emeralds of South America appeared in 1525, thanks to the expedition of Spanish scientists Diego de Almagro and Francisco Pizarro. However, the Indians of South America have long used the stone for exchange during trade. Most often, the emerald was set in silver, making a variety of items from them.

Where is used

Basically, emerald is used for making jewelry, setting it in gold, platinum and silver. In addition, solid-state lasers are produced from them. Artificial emeralds are used in quantum electronics.

The largest and most beautiful emeralds are kept in museums or in state treasuries. These are such famous crystals as:

Queen Isabella (weight 964 carats or 192.8 grams, oblong shape) is named after the Portuguese queen. It has a second name "The Emerald of God's Punishment". Initially, it was a decoration of the palace of the emperor Montezuma, but at the beginning of the 16th century it was presented to the Spanish military leader. The name Isabella was given to him by Cortez, the conqueror of Mexico. However, the conquistador, returning to his homeland, presented it not to the queen, but to his bride, which greatly offended the queen, who dreamed of an extraordinary emerald. Later, Cortez went bankrupt and died, and the emerald remained with his wife's relatives, where it was kept for about 200 years. In the 18th century, it sank while being transported to Spain, and lay at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Florida for about 240 years. It was lifted from the bottom of the ocean in 1993 by professional divers. After that, the stone was examined at the US Gemological Institute, and recognized as real. It is currently valued at $ 20 million.

Emerald of the Duke of Devonshire weighing 1384.1 carats (304 grams). The crystal is hexagonal, prismatic, dotted with numerous irregularities and cracks. In 1831, the former Emperor of Brazil Don Pedro I presented it to the Duke of Devonshire. The mineral was found in mines in South America.

The Mogul emerald weighing 217.8 carats was found at the end of the 17th century. The crystal has an impressive size of 5.2x4x1.2 cm. On one side, the text of the prayer was engraved, and on the other - a drawing of flowers. In 2001, an unknown collector bought it for $ 2.2 million at Christie's.

Emerald Buddha weighing 3,600 carats. Found it in the mines of Madagascar in 1994. Later, a Buddha figurine was carved on it.

The famous Kokovinsky emerald weighing more than 400 carats was found in the Urals in the spring of 1833, and is named after the local stone cutter Kokovin. The crystal is of high quality, some of its areas have a uniform dark green color and good transparency. The dimensions of the crystal are 11 by 3 centimeters. The Kokovinsky emerald was delivered to St. Petersburg, where it disappeared without a trace. Kokovin was accused of stealing him, who spent more than two years in prison. In 1840, Kokovin died, but the emerald named after him was never found.

Later it was established that his disappearance took place not without the participation of the vice-president of the Department of Appanages, Perovsky, who received it by valuable mail. From the property of the vice-president of the swindler, the mineral came to Count Kochubei, and after the 1917 revolution it was exported abroad. Later it was bought back and returned to Russia; it is currently in the Mineralogical Museum in Moscow.

The emerald "President" has the shortest history, since it was found quite recently, in 1993 at the mine of the Sverdlovsk region. The weight of the mineral is 1200 grams, the price is 150 thousand dollars. It was named after the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin. Now stored in the Diamond Fund in Moscow.

Metaphysical properties of emerald

Modern technologies make it possible to produce diamonds from human ashes, to turn the remains of our dear people into precious stones. Although this service is not available to everyone because of the high cost. And in what laboratories of the Earth, under what conditions, and whose remains were turned into precious stones, for example, into emeralds, for which people are now ready to shell out such substantial sums?

Perhaps, modern natural gemstones are really the remains of people or other living creatures that lived on the planet millions of years ago, and that is why they have such unique properties that the most expertly made artificial stones do not have?

Maybe they really keep in themselves the imprints of the souls of people who lived in time immemorial, and this "animation" is different from synthetic stones? And for this reason, they bring some happiness and good luck, while others, on the contrary, have some problems? It is unlikely that we will be able to find out the answers to these questions, we can only believe or not believe in the magical properties of precious stones.

What is the esoteric meaning of the emerald stone? In ancient times, the emerald, because of its green "grassy" color, was considered a symbol of spring and youth. The ancient Egyptians considered it to be the stone of Isis, capable of transforming dreams into reality. According to them, the owner of the emerald receives, along with the stone, the gift of clairvoyance and the ability to foresee the future.

The emerald brought true mutual love to its owner, and kept it all his life. The mineral was considered the stone of mothers, and was the best gift for pregnant women. Wealthy Egyptians in ancient times did not want to part with the talisman even after death, and asked that the talisman be buried with them.

In ancient times, the mineral was considered a talisman that protects against the bites of poisonous snakes and scorpions; physicians attributed to it the ability to improve vision, for which it was necessary to look at it for several minutes every day.

The magical qualities of the emerald were also attributed to the countries of the East. It was believed there that a person wearing a ring with an emerald would not have bad dreams, get rid of melancholy and anxiety, save himself from evil genies and epilepsy, and his heart would become healthy and filled with joy. Emerald, set in gold, will protect its owner from the spell of love, sleepless nights and even a pestilence.

The Russian poet Alexander Pushkin also had a ring with an emerald, who valued it as a stone of composure and wisdom.

However, in Christianity, the emerald has long been considered a witch's stone, a gift from hell. According to one of the legends, a large emerald fell to the ground, falling off the helmet of Lucifer, at the moment of his expulsion from heaven. Later, the mysterious Grail was made from Lucifer emerald. Among the Christian shrines, you can see the image of St. George killing a snake made from this mineral.

The recipe for a philosopher's stone, capable of transforming simple metals into gold, was also written on an emerald tablet, the legend says.

The magical properties of an emerald are most fully revealed when it is framed in silver. Silver itself has unique properties, and when combined with emerald, the remarkable properties of both components only increase. In addition, silver from emeralds looks very beautiful and sophisticated.

For a person who is trying to develop such abilities as clairvoyance and intuition, trying to learn the innermost secrets of the universe, the best gift will be a natural emerald in a silver frame. It can be any piece of jewelry - a ring, bracelet, earrings, ring, pendant, necklace.

Emerald in the horoscope

Emerald and the signs of the zodiac, who will benefit from the amazing properties of the emerald? Who is the emerald suitable for and bring good luck?

Astrologers claim that the unique properties of the emerald stone will be useful for Sagittarius, Taurus, Leo, Cancer, Aquarius, Pisces. He will help them maintain harmonious family relationships, make the marriage long and happy. Representatives of different signs of the zodiac should wear the stone in different ways - Taurus a ring with an emerald on the middle finger, Cancer and Pisces on the little finger, Leo and Sagittarius on the index finger. Aquarius - on nameless.

Emerald, which has a strong energy, is contraindicated for Aries, Libra, Virgo and Capricorn, they have enough energy without a stone. The emerald will not harm Scorpios and Gemini, it will strengthen their spiritual potential and protect them from ill-wishers.

Of course, we are talking about natural, "animated" stones. Jewelry with artificial emeralds can be worn by representatives of all signs of the zodiac. Most likely, these pebbles, which do not conceal any magic, will not do anyone any benefit or harm.

Emerald is the last of the top grade gemstones (if you count the Mohs scale). In Sanskrit and Persian, the name of this stone sounded like "zamorod" and "zumundi", which meant "green", and in Old Slavonic emeralds were called "smaragd".

But the English word emerald appeared only in the 16th century. There is a version that all minerals with a green color were named so.

Emphasizing the aristocracy of the stone, its "inaccessibility" and transparency, people called the gem green ice.

How did the emerald earn such a reputation?

Mysteries of history

Like many other gems, green minerals have sometimes become the makers of history.

So, at the beginning of the 16th century, the conquistador Fernando Cortez wanted to give his bride five of the rarest emeralds. The minerals were distinguished not only by unsurpassed quality, but also by a special shape in the form of a rose, a bell, a goblet, a horn and a fish. In order to get the stones, a desperate Mexican stole them from the Incas.

Cortez did not know that Queen Isabella of Castile, who had become his mortal enemy, was hunting the stones with him. The story with emeralds only added fuel to the fire of the then raging struggle of the two clans for the Spanish throne. However, none of the jewel hunters won.

In 1541, the unique stones mysteriously disappeared.

Magmatic mineral

Emerald is of magmatic origin and is a type of beryl. However, it is easy to distinguish from other stones of similar color due to its high degree of clarity and transparency, as well as its cool shade of green.

Along with diamond and ruby, it is considered one of the most expensive minerals. According to the law "On currency regulation" in Russia, this stone is equated to a freely convertible currency, that is, it can be exchanged for any foreign currencies, act as payments in international transactions, and also participate in trading on the main currency markets. Unlike many other beryls, emerald is quite soft. Therefore, if products with green minerals are not stored correctly, the stones lose their original shine and become dull.

Colorless oil or oil tinted with green pigment will help to ennoble natural emeralds, to give them a special shine. This method is often used by jewelers from different countries.

Many years ago, the German physicist Goldschmidt, while studying the mineral, discovered that the color of an emerald depends on the amount of chromium or vanadium impurities.

Natural stones, as a rule, have many defects, therefore, it is quite difficult to find gems that are ideal in purity and shade in nature. So, during mining, minerals weighing hundreds of carats are found, but they have no jewelry value. At the same time, rare pure emeralds of bluish-green color can cost more than diamonds.

The most valuable emeralds are called "antique". These stones have a deep dark green color, which is not possessed by samples mined in new deposits.

In nature, there are many minerals similar to emeralds: green garnet, jade, tourmaline, tsavorite, fluorite and other stones of a similar shade. How not to confuse them?

You can distinguish an emerald from other green gems using a refractometer. This special device measures the refraction of light that occurs in a particular stone. The index of the emerald is approximately 1.58 units.

Modern technologies

Most often, gem-quality emeralds are relatively small, but artificially grown or synthetic minerals are often used in modern production. The main cultivation methods are flux and hydrothermal. For this, the crystals are placed in an environment whose temperature is about 600 degrees Celsius, and the atmospheric pressure can reach 1400 atm.

Also, jewelers use the ancient technology of making doublet stones, connecting two small emeralds or an emerald and some other mineral.

Emerald is one of the few stones, after which a certain method of cutting minerals, widely used in jewelry production, was named.

This is a type of stepped cut, in which the stone is endowed with a rectangular shape with beveled corners. Emerald cut protects even the most fragile minerals from damage and chipping, and also advantageously represents the color of the stone and its purity.

Southern stone

An important role in evaluating expensive stones is often played by their deposit. So, for example, Kashmiri rubies are considered the best, Burmese rubies are of the highest quality, but Colombian rubies are recognized as reference emeralds. It is in Colombia that the famous Muso mines are located, where amazing bright green minerals are mined.

The well-known Etbay deposits of Jebel Zubar and Jebel Sikayt are located in a mountain range on the Red Sea coast at an altitude of 550 m.

In addition, precious minerals are mined in East and South Africa, Egypt, India and Pakistan. In Russia, the Urals are famous for their emerald deposits.

Experts can recognize the "citizenship" of each stone by the special inclusions that are characteristic of the minerals of a particular country.

In addition to Colombian gems, gems from Zimbabwe are also especially valued, which are still cheaper than reference stones.

Star image

Having never lost its value, the precious mineral is still very relevant today. In the right frame, even the classics sound new and modern.

Most often, the stone has a gold setting. Complemented with diamonds, emerald jewelry looks sophisticated and sophisticated. Such products will be a great accent to your evening look.

Emerald jewelry may well become a family heirloom. Luxurious gems are favored by style icons such as Sherlize Theron. Sharon Stone, Beyonce, Cameron Diaz, Dita Von Teese and others.

Emerald is a green gemstone. It is a very rare mineral, especially when it comes to quality and purity. It requires high-quality cutting, since the gem obtained has many flaws.

It has a low hardness compared to similar gemstones, which means that it needs to be handled with care.

Important! The stone is of great importance to its owner. But the gem is not suitable for everyone, you need to know the features in the character.

The magical properties of the stone carry a certain energy in accordance with the gender of the person. In ancient times, the qualities of this gem were highly valued by high-ranking people.

In all spheres of life, the mineral has its own effects:

Who is suitable for the sign of the zodiac: compatibility in astrology?

To whom is such an extraordinary stone suitable according to the horoscope? It often turns out that in the astrological sense, not every sign of the zodiac corresponds to a diamond.

In addition, the gem must be chosen in accordance with the meaning of the name.

The gem will be ideal for the following characters and with the following features:

  • The stone is especially suitable for Leo. Makes people born under this constellation more restrained and collected. Determines them with wants and needs.
  • Libra is a sign that is in constant reflection and hesitation. Emerald completely transforms people, making them purposeful and assertive.
  • Aquarians step out of their comfort zone and strive for new achievements and victories. Gives strength and self-confidence.

The stone activates all feelings and emotions, directing in the right direction. But these constellations have such a stormy emotional platform that even such a talisman as an emerald cannot cope with it.

What color and what it looks like: varieties of stone

There are certain varieties of emerald crystals that have the following characteristics:

  • Grassy green diamonds are highly prized in jewelry.
  • Deep green stones that have a Trapiche hue. The peculiarity lies in the fact that six refracted rays can come out of the central face.
  • One of the varieties of diamond that has a light green color.
  • Gems that have a blue tint. They are considered quite rare and unique.
  • Mineral that combines two shades: green and yellow, found in one place - Colombia. They are very expensive and appreciated in the jewelry industry.

The mineral has a generally homogeneous structure without additional inclusions. Microcracks can be seen under a microscope, which are the norm for a given type of gemstone and conditions of origin.

Note! Depending on the presence of microdamages and the color spectrum, the cost of a gem is determined.

The low degree of hardness of any of the presented types of emerald requires accurate and careful work of the jeweler. The work itself is carried out using special equipment.

How much: price

The question arises, how much is a certain unit of goods, that is, 1 carat:

  • Low fineness - $ 300-400.
  • Medium quality - $ 700-2500.
  • Good quality - $ 2,500- $ 7,500.
  • Great quality - $ 5,000- $ 8,500.

With an increase in mass, the value of a gem also increases. The rarest species are already being determined according to a completely different price scale. Some copies are sold for tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Important! In order to purchase only quality material at an appropriate price, it is better to consult with a jeweler.

The price of the stone is determined depending on the variety. Naturally, processed or unprocessed material, color and features of shades, masses are taken into account.

Products and decorations made of stone and its application

Emerald jewelry looks rich and elegant. The application is varied.

Used in the arrangement:

  • Seryozhek.
  • Pendants.
  • Brooches.
  • Rings.
  • Bracelets.
  • Emerald jewelry is expensive and highly prized in jewelry stores. A variety of models will delight any fashionista.

    Note! Emeralds are often paired with diamonds.

    The mineral goes well with gold and silver, as the stone itself sets off the color of precious metal.

    Medicinal properties: are they there?

    The healing properties of the stone have been known for a long time. They are used for the treatment of various diseases and the harmonious development of the individual.

    It is important to determine the main medicinal qualities:

    1. Relieves intestinal problems.
    2. Improves the functioning of the circulatory system.
    3. Increases immunity resistance.
    4. It has a beneficial effect on vision and the nervous system.

    Possesses qualities that emit only positive energy. In Eastern practices, the gem was used and is used in ceremonies and magic rituals.

    How to spot a counterfeit: authentication

    Naturally, everyone knows what an emerald looks like, since the gem has a characteristic green color.

    Authenticity can be determined by the following criteria:

    1. When viewed through a light filter, the stone emits a red color.
    2. Natural stone has extraneous inclusions.
    3. Professionals use the oil impregnation method.

    It is very difficult to independently distinguish a fake from the original, so it is better to seek help from a specialist.

    Mineral deposits

    Gem deposits have a wide regional distribution. A lot of characteristics depend on the place of extraction.

    Depending on the features of the formation of minerals and climatic conditions, the following features are determined:

    1. The oldest deposit is Egypt.
    2. The richest deposits are Colombia and part of South America.
    3. The youngest Ural.
    4. India and Africa are considered popular deposits.

    The fossil is mined in many countries around the world. It's just that these places do not differ in originality or the value of raw materials.

    Care and storage

    Emerald requires careful maintenance. In some cases, even specialized processing is required.

    Wearing rules:

    1. Remove products with a stone while bathing.
    2. Protect from excessive mechanical stress.
    3. Hide from direct sunlight.

    Surface cleaning is carried out in a solution of water with ammonia.

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    In the photo: emeralds from Colombia weighing more than 4 carats each

    Emerald is a gemstone that has been known to people since ancient times. It is a green variety of beryl mineral. Large bright green specimens adorn the royal regalia of great rulers, and are also very popular with modern jewelry lovers. Transparent emeralds, along with rubies, sapphires, alexandrites and diamonds, belong to a special category of precious stones.

    What are emeralds valued for? Consider the factors that affect their beauty, quality and value. Scarcity is an important factor. Gem-quality transparent emeralds are much less common than such well-known gemstones as, for example, amethysts, citrines, red garnets, blue topaz and chrysolites. Natural emeralds, in addition to their rarity, are especially famous for their pleasant green color.

    In this part, we will look at the three main characteristics that affect the value of an emerald: color, clarity, and mass. In the second part, we will look at factors such as cut, its deposits, etc., which also affect pricing. We will also tell you about interesting varieties. In the third part, we will show you the real prices per carat.


    The color of an emerald is the main factor influencing the perception of its beauty. Stones of bright saturated (not light) green colors are appreciated. Jewelry emeralds of the highest quality have an almost pure spectral green color, sometimes with a bluish tint. Greens with a yellowish tinge are less valuable. Light emeralds or emeralds with a grayish tint are valued least of all. Samples that are too dark may be unattractive to some people. In low light, dark emeralds appear dull and play poorly. But keep in mind that the approach to assessing the color is such that dark green, thick emeralds will usually be more expensive than light ones. Untreated clear emeralds can have a zoned or spotted color with different levels of green saturation, so it is important that the cut emerald has an even distribution of color throughout the volume when viewed from the side of the stone platform.

    Above: Beryl green reference standards from Colombia. Museum of the Gemological Institute of Thailand

    Practical advice. When buying an expensive large emerald, first of all, appreciate the color. The most important thing here is that you like it. Some people like light emeralds, others like dark emeralds. Swing the stone in tweezers or in your hands, looking at it from the side of the platform. It is advisable to evaluate the color under different types of lighting: under different lamps, daylight by a window or on the street. Pay attention to how light or dark the chosen emerald is, as well as its saturation, distribution of color throughout the volume and additional color shades. The beauty of a stone depends very much on its color. “


    The next factor is the clarity of the emerald. Jewelry emerald belongs to the type of stones, which are characterized by the content of a large number of inclusions and cracks, therefore, the assessment of purity is not very strict. The inclusions are usually gas-liquid veils, which can add some "liveliness" to a pure cut emerald with their overflows in the light. Absolutely clean large transparent specimens, without inclusions and cracks, practically do not occur in nature, they are extremely rare. Opaque (impure) pieces of raw materials are usually used for making cabochons. They, of course, have a much lower cost.

    Photo: samples of similar quality. However, the specimen on the right has a dark contrasting inclusion that immediately catches the eye. Therefore, a purer emerald on the left looks more advantageous.

    Practical advice. After you have judged the color, evaluate the purity. Make sure the stone is well wiped and free from surface contamination. First check the cleanliness with the naked eye in good lighting. Are large cracks or inclusions striking? It is desirable that they are not in the center of the stone. See if internal discontinuities have a profound effect on the overall attractiveness of the stone. Then, you can check if the emerald is pure with a 10x triplet loupe for a more thorough analysis. At the same time, pay attention to whether there are large cracks in the sample that come out on its surface. The presence of such defects affects the quality, and they can affect the durability of the stone. For example, from a light accidental blow, it can split along these cracks. The number of even barely noticeable cracks extending to the surface of the faces should be minimal. Surface cracks are best seen in reflected light by positioning the emerald in relation to the light source in such a way as to catch glare on the edges. “


    The mass of the stone is the following characteristic. The larger the natural emerald, the higher its cost per carat. Because here rarity is already influencing - large stones are less common than small ones. Unlike rubies, sapphires or diamonds, large emeralds are more common in nature, although they are rare, but, nevertheless, their number on the world market is greater than the above stones.

    Photo on the right: large 11-carat specimen from Colombia

    Practical advice. You can roughly estimate how a cut emerald will look when attached to a product. To do this, you need to put a stone on top of your fingers. Wiggle your palm in different lighting conditions and appreciate all the attractiveness and quality in general. Do you like it or not? Likewise, by placing several samples on your fingers at the same time, you can compare them to choose the best one. "

    On video: large Colombian emerald - 9.46 ct

    In the second part, we will look at factors such as the cut of the emerald, its deposits, the presence of refinement and the certificate. We will also tell you about the varieties.
    - In the third part we will show you the real prices for the emerald per carat.

    Emerald is a class 1 gem. Large emeralds, absolutely defect-free saturated thick tones weighing from 5 carats are more expensive than diamonds. Emerald it is considered ideal in cases where a perfectly transparent stone has an evenly distributed saturated color.

    The main criterion for high emerald quality is its color, but transparency comes second. Stones of natural origin almost always have splits and cracks, and only occasionally do they find ideal specimens in all respects, they are very highly valued.

    Emeralds come in various color shades - from green-yellow to blue-green, but the main color is necessarily green, sometimes even dark green. The color distribution is almost always uneven, very often the base of the emerald is colored darker than its free end.

    The word "emerald" comes from the Persian-Arabic zumurrud, as well as from the Turkish zümrüt. Previously, in Russian, the word emerald was written as emerald.

    Turkish and Arabic words come from the Greek word σμάραγδος, smáragdos, previously used in the languages ​​of the Slavic peoples, which means a green gemstone.

    In Europe, the emerald has the following names: in Spain it is called esmeralda, in Germany this stone is called emerald, and in France it is called emerode.

    Varieties of emerald

    Emerald occurs naturally in various types. Brazilian emerald has a transparent green tint. Quite a rare name for Trapiche, this type has the shape of a wagon wheel with spokes. They are usually found in Colombia.

    Another species is called emerald - malachite or euro hit. The next type of emerald is called Vilyuisk or Vesuvian. Also distinguish copper emerald or dioptase, Ural or demantoid and nickel emeralds.

    Physical properties of emerald

    According to the well-known classification of AE Fersman, the emerald mineral belongs to the first order gemstones. They also include diamond, ruby, euclase, sapphire, alexandrite, chrysoberyl, and noble spinel.

    Emerald is a transparent type of beryl that has a grassy green color. This color shade is given by vanadium oxide or chromium oxide, very rarely there is an admixture of iron oxide, usually these are South African emeralds. Emeralds are characterized by increased fragility, its hardness ranges from 7.5 to 8 units.

    Unlike emerald, it has a hardness of 10.0. Transverse parting, combined with small, thin cracks often found in emeralds, make this mineral very sensitive to pressure and high temperatures. At 700 degrees and above, emeralds easily lose their color, but they are resistant to various reagents and acids.

    Emeralds often have various defects. Precious varieties of emeralds very often characterized by the presence of a rather complex network of thin cracks and veins that cut the stone along and across.

    Often found and zoned emeralds crystals of which have a longitudinal change in color intensity, usually with a lighter and brighter core, as well as with a transverse alternation of dark and light green zones.

    In light emeralds, even without magnifying devices, but by eye, dichroism is clearly visible, that is, a change in the color of the mineral from bluish to yellowish-green, when the crystal rotates.

    The very best emeralds contain about 75% of the tone. In addition, a high-quality emerald should be well saturated with color, its shades should be light and bright. Gray is normal.

    Only emeralds of the highest reference quality, however, they are often clouded with various inclusions of gas, bubbles and liquid, as well as healed cracks, dotted inclusions of other minerals trapped by emerald crystals during their growth. It is by the mineral composition of the inclusions contained in the emerald that it is determined from which deposit this specimen was mined.

    Emerald transparency

    Basically, all emeralds contain a large number of inclusions and surface fracture disturbances. Unlike a diamond, the quality of which is judged at 10x magnification, an emerald is judged by eye.

    Thus, it turns out that if the emerald does not contain cracks and flaws visible to the eye, of course, provided that it has good visual acuity, then it is considered flawless.

    Emerald crystals, which do not have surface disturbances, come across quite rarely, therefore, almost all emeralds are subjected to chemical treatment with various mixtures to give them the most pleasant and beautiful appearance.

    The irregularity and unevenness of the shape of the emerald crystals makes it possible to use the cabochon method, instead of the simple one. Emerald cut, which intensifies the color shades, has been developed to avoid chipping of the corners of the gemstone.

    The origin of the emerald in nature

    Emerald crystals are formed in the process of interaction of acid magma with ultrabasic host rocks; therefore, their deposits are usually caused by zones of greisenization of ultrabasic rocks or phlogopite mica, sometimes emeralds are found in or near pegmatites. However, the best in quality specimens of emeralds found in hydrothermal veins that occur in carbonate shale.

    Alluvial placers of emerald crystals practically not formed, due to the fact that the density of the emerald is close to quartz. Secondary deposits are due only to weathering crusts.

    As a result of greisenization processes, in the presence of feldspars and granites, mica of light colors are formed. Such as muscovite or lepidolite.

    As a result of this process, the original rocks are transformed into greisens, which are complex rocks containing light mica and quartz.

    Greisens are very often saturated with valuable ores and minerals in the form of small inclusions. The choice for the development of the deposit is made, as a rule, in the presence of greisens containing ores of rare colored stones and rare metals.

    The greisening process is essential for formation of emeralds... In a large number of deposits discovered on the ground, the formation of emeralds is confined to the presence of phlogopite mica, they are usually formed as a result of the interaction of ultrabasic rocks and high-temperature water solutions.

    In Colombia, emerald crystals are found in low-temperature carbonate veins that are adjacent to black bituminous limestones. Quite rarely, small emeralds are formed in the exocontacts of various pegmatites.

    Deposits of emeralds

    The biggest and richest deposit of emeralds considered Colombia. In recent years, 95% of all emeralds have been mined there. From 2000 to 2010, emerald mining in Colombia increased by 80%. Also, the deposits of this mineral are located in Zambia in the vicinity of the city of Kitwe.

    In 2004, about 20% of all emeralds in the world were mined from this deposit, such statistics put Zambia in second place after Colombia in the extraction of emeralds. During the first half of 2011, 3.7 tons of emeralds were mined from the Kagem field.

    Emeralds mined in Zambia are considered the best in comparison with Colombian ones, as they are of high and impeccable quality. Deposits of emeralds also available in these countries: Austria, Afghanistan, Australia, Bulgaria, Brazil, China, Cambodia, Canada, Ethiopia, Egypt, Germany, France, Kazakhstan, India, Italy, Namibia, Madagascar, Nigeria, Mozambique, Norway, Russia, Pakistan, Somalia, Spain, South Africa, USA, Switzerland, Zimbabwe and Tanzania.

    High quality emeralds quite a rare occurrence. Most of them are found in several deposits: on the coast of the Red Sea, in the Zabara mountains near the city of Kosseir in Egypt, there is a deposit, which, according to the hieroglyphic inscriptions discovered there, was developed in 1650 BC; a deposit of emeralds called Tunja was discovered in 1555 in Colombia; another well-known deposit, located in the town of Muso, in New Granada, which has been developed since 1537.

    Emeralds of significantly low quality are mined in Norway, near Lake Mieusen and in its vicinity, in Ireland in the town of Mourn, in Habachtal, in Salzburg Austria. In the Russian Federation, emerald crystals are found 90 km away. northeast of Yekaterinburg on the Tokovaya River.

    There is a black mica slate. Also known are emerald deposits at the head of the Bolshaya Refta River. The stones mined in these places are famous for their size. The Bolshaya Refta River is also rich in phenakite and alexandrite.

    Under Pharaoh Sesostris III, who ruled about 37 centuries ago, deposits of emeralds were developed, which gave the world many beautiful specimens. They are located near Aswan, it is 50-65 km. from the Red Sea.

    In the hard rocks, the slaves dug mines, the depth of which reached 200 meters. One such mine could hold about 400 people at a time. They believed that the emerald does not like light, so all the work was done in absolute darkness.

    Emerald-bearing rock dredged to the surface, then pricked into pieces and smeared abundantly with olive oil, this helped to distinguish and select precious minerals, which the ancient Romans and Greeks called the stones of green radiance.

    History of emeralds

    In ancient times, they were highly valued by the rulers of India. It is assumed that the builder of the Taj Mahal, the famous Sultan Shah Yahan, wore emeralds as a talisman, they depicted the scriptures.

    Most likely, it is because of this that the emerald began to be attributed to the effect on love, because the Taj Mahal is one of the greatest symbols of devotion and love.

    The famous report of Juan de Samano, who was the secretary of the great emperor Charles V, testifies that Colombian emeralds were first found in 1525. And this was associated with the first expedition of Diego de Almagro and Francisco Pizarro.

    This mineral was also highly prized by ancient cultures. The inhabitants of Babylon were selling emeralds as far back as 4000 BC. The famous emerald deposits belonging to Cleopatra were located in the vicinity of Aswan in Egypt.

    For many years it was believed that these deposits were just a fictional history or legend, but in 1818 they were rediscovered in these places. And in the old mines, tools were found that, afterwards, were definitely dated 1300 BC.

    By 1530, almost all emerald deposits and mines were known to Europeans. Their number was not large. After the Spanish conquered the territory of Colombia, a large number of emeralds ended up in Europe.

    In ancient Egypt, there was the Book of the Dead, in which it was written that the Egyptians received an emerald as a gift from the great god and ruler Thoth. Green color speaks of spring and therefore the emerald was considered a symbol of eternal youth.

    The peoples of Egypt called this mineral the stone of the goddess Isis. And they endowed him with the ability to turn dreams into reality, see the past, read minds and predict the future.

    It was also assumed that the emerald is able to reward a person with unchanging love and fidelity. He was considered the patron saint of expectant mothers, and the emerald was the best gift for a pregnant woman. In ancient Egyptian jewelry, emeralds were also very popular.

    And a huge number of people wanted jewelry to be placed in their tombs after their death. There is a legend about the great emperor Nero, which says that he had a large emerald, which he used as a monocle when he watched the battles of gladiators.