How children should be restrained. New rules for transporting children in a car

Question Answer
* group 0 - designed for a child weighing 0-10 kg;

* group 0+ - suitable for a child weighing less than 13 kg;

* group I - suitable for children weighing 9-18 kg;

* group II - suitable for a child weighing 15-25 kg;

* group III - chairs are designed for children weighing 22-36 kg.

According to traffic regulations, it is prohibited to use a car seat that does not correspond to the weight parameters of the child.

Traveling in a car for a child under 12 years of age is permitted only when using a car seat that matches the weight and height of the child. Instead of a seat, you can use other means to help secure the child and appropriate vehicle designs. If a child under 12 years of age is placed in the front seat of a car, he must be secured only with a child car seat.
* according to traffic regulations, a child must be transported in a car seat appropriate for his weight and height;

* transporting a child in a restraint system is permitted both in the rear and front seats of the car;

* if a child is under 12 years old, he can only be placed in the front seat of the car in a car seat (pillows, boosters, and adapters are prohibited).

* 25 thousand rubles. for officials;

* 3 thousand rubles. for the driver;

* 100 thousand rubles. for legal entities.

Yes, if you pay the fine within 20 days after the decision is issued.

The rules for transporting children determine what requirements the technical equipment of the car must meet. Their implementation can save the baby’s life in the event of a traffic accident.

According to statistics, the highest rates of child mortality in road accidents occur in cases where minor passengers were in the car in the arms of adults.

What do traffic rules 22.9 say about transporting a child in a car?

Transportation of children

Article 22-9 of the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation defines a list of requirements for the transportation of minors. On June 28, 2017, the Government of the Russian Federation, by resolution N-761, made some amendments to it.

Up to 7 years

According to the changes, for children under seven years of age, it is mandatory to use restraint devices in accordance with their weight and height, without the possibility of replacing them with any alternative. This condition applies to passenger cars and truck cabins, the design of which includes seat belts and the European standard Isofix restraint system.

From 7 to 12 years

Passengers between seven and eleven years of age, inclusive, must either wear a seat belt or be seated in a vehicle-designed restraint system. That is, for a child at this age there is a choice - either a special chair or a standard belt.

For safety reasons, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation recommends that passengers be transported in a child restraint system even after they reach the age of seven.

In some cases, using a regular seat belt rather than a car seat can actually be justified.

Examples are the following situations:

  • The design features of the vehicle do not make it possible to accommodate the required number of specialized seats.
  • The physical parameters of the height and weight of the minor passenger exceeded the standard indicators by which the dimensions of the restraint are calculated.
  • Transportation by rideshare vehicles in rural or remote areas or in extremely difficult weather conditions.
  • A sick or disabled child is transported in a car to an institution for medical care.

It is strictly prohibited to transport children under 12 years of age on the back seat of a motorcycle.

Over 12 years old

The Russian Federation Traffic Regulations do not establish any special requirements for the transportation of children over twelve years of age. In this case, the rules for adult passengers apply.

Fine for violating the rules for transporting children

In accordance with paragraph No. 3 of Article 12-23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, failure to comply with the requirements for the safe transportation of children in a car entails punishment in the form of a fine. For individuals, its value will be three thousand rubles. For legal entities, the amount of recovery is 100 thousand rubles, for officials - 25 thousand rubles.

Improper transportation of minors in a car is either the actual absence of a special restraint device or its installation in violation of the installation instructions. The absence of a child seat mount in the car is not a mitigating circumstance for the driver.

He must worry about the availability of a chair. The requirement for mandatory installation of the device is due to the design features of the vehicle. The safety system provided by standard seat belts is only effective for passengers with a height of 1 meter 50 centimeters. If you use them for a person with smaller parameters, then the fastenings will simply pinch his neck area.

In the event of a traffic accident, even at low speed, the baby’s weight increases tens of times. It is very difficult to hold it in such a situation, which exposes the small passenger to unreasonable danger, since he can fly forward through the windshield.

It is no coincidence that the age of twelve years is indicated in the requirements for the transportation of minors. Usually by this time they grow to 150 centimeters. For a passenger with such parameters, it is already allowed to use standard car belts.

Special cases

Transportation by taxi

Traffic rules apply to all vehicles, including taxis. In addition to administrative liability, the driver may also face criminal liability. According to Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, violation of the rules for transporting minors in this case is the provision of services that do not meet the requirements for the safety of health or life of the consumer. This legal norm establishes punishment in the form of:

  • Fine up to 300,000 rubles.
  • Compulsory work for up to 360 hours.
  • Restrictions or imprisonment, or forced labor for up to two years.

If the offense resulted in the death of two or more people due to negligence, then the punishment is established in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to 10 years.

If the car is not equipped with seat belts or they are two-point

Transporting minor children in a car, in which, according to the technical design, special restraint devices are not provided, is interpreted by Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses as driving a vehicle in the presence of unresolved faults. Punishment in this case is provided in the form of a warning or an administrative fine of five hundred rubles.

The regulations do not specifically state that children cannot be transported in seats with two-point belts. The required number of belt attachment points is also not specified anywhere.

However, in order to ensure safety, it must be remembered that the technical features of each restraint device are aimed at the correct placement and fixation of the chest branch of a 3-point seat belt, the use of which is not provided for on a two-point belt.

Features of transportation in the front seat

Children under 12 years of age must be transported in the front seat of a car only using restraint systems. Devices in a passenger car or truck cab must be installed in accordance with their operating instructions.

When transporting children in the front seat, the following safety requirements must be observed:

  1. The passenger must be securely restrained by a specially installed restraint device.
  2. Holding a baby while sitting in the front using only a standard seat belt is strictly prohibited.
  3. Typically, all modern cars are equipped with airbags in the passenger seat, which is located next to the driver. When carrying a small passenger, they must be turned off.
  4. To ensure maximum safety, the chair must be pushed back all the way.
  5. The infant should be seated so that he is facing towards the passenger compartment and with his back to the movement of the car. In this case, in the event of a sharp impact, braking or an accident, the small passenger will move in the direction of traffic. This will prevent injuries to the neck area and will not lead to more dangerous consequences.

Otherwise, if he sits facing forward, his head will fall back during sudden braking, which is fraught with very serious injuries.

How to transport a newborn from the hospital

There are no exceptions for infants in the rules for transporting children. They also need to be transported in special devices. There are three options for devices that are suitable for a newborn baby:

  • Car seats of group 0-0+/I-II are suitable from birth to eighteen, twenty-five or thirty-six kilograms, depending on the model.
  • The 0+ car seat is designed for children from birth up to ten to thirteen kilograms.
  • Car seats 0+ are used from birth until the age of seven to eight months.

Choosing a suitable restraint device is not easy, because on the one hand you want to provide your baby with safety and convenience, and on the other hand, you want to buy something that is truly practical and durable.

To finally decide, you need to analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of each option. The main thing to remember is that the life and health of children is not an issue worth saving on.

Is it possible to leave children in the car?

Paragraph 12.8 of the Road Traffic Regulations states that children under seven years of age are prohibited from being left in a car unless an adult is present with them.

The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for liability for this in the form of a fine of 500 rubles (Article 12.19).

The driver will receive a penalty of 2 thousand 500 rubles for violating the rules for transporting children in the federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

However, if children are found in a closed car, police can also initiate a criminal case under Article 125 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Leaving in danger.” In this case, the age limit is set to 18 years. If the parents are found guilty, they face one of the following penalties:

  • A fine of up to 80,000 rubles.
  • Mandatory work up to 360 hours.
  • Arrest up to three months.
  • Correctional or forced labor for a period of up to 1 year.
  • Imprisonment for up to 1 year.

You shouldn't leave children unattended just for fear of punishment, but for safety reasons.

A driver who leaves a child alone in a car will be fined 500 rubles, and children over 7 years old will be allowed to be transported in the back seat without a car seat.

On July 3, a Decree on amendments to the Traffic Rules was published on the website of the Russian government. The most important innovations are those related to the rules for transporting children in a car. On the one hand, they became tougher, and on the other, on the contrary, they became more liberal. The new rules were planned to be introduced on January 1, 2017, and many media outlets announced this, but then it turned out to be a false start - the draft resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was not signed by Dmitry Medvedev. Experts interviewed by Realnoe Vremya support the amendments, but clarify that they could be finalized. More details in the material.

“Other means” were excluded from the rules: only restraint devices

The first change in traffic rules concerns the requirements for transporting children.

In particular, paragraph 22.9 is stated as follows: “Transportation of children under the age of 7 years in a passenger car and the cab of a truck, the design of which includes seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) corresponding to the child’s weight and height.”

Previously, this paragraph sounded like this: “Transportation of children is permitted provided that their safety is ensured, taking into account the design features of the vehicle. Transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using special child restraint devices corresponding to the height and weight of the child, or other means allowing the child to be fastened using seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle, and on the front passenger car seat - only with the use of special child restraint devices.”

Currently, children can only be transported in a child restraint system. The type of device depends on the weight and age of the child and ranges from infant carriers to so-called boosters. Photo

There will be no more reasons to sue

The concept of “other means” that allows you to fasten a child with a regular seat belt has been excluded from the rules. This concept of “other means” was interpreted too broadly by parents: it meant both an adapter strap or frameless car seats, and just a pillow under the butt.

Currently, children can only be transported in a child restraint system. The type of device depends on the weight and age of the child and ranges from infant carriers to so-called boosters.

Let us recall that the most popular “other means” in Russia were the “FEST” adapters from the Kostroma enterprise of the same name. Rosstandart stated in December 2016 that restraint devices of this type do not comply with technical regulations and are dangerous for children. Disputes regarding whether it is possible to fasten a child with various straps and adapters for a standard belt were constantly waged between drivers and representatives of the traffic police. In an attempt to defend the case, a resident of Yekaterinburg reached the Supreme Court of Russia; in February 2017, the highest court ruled in favor of the driver. The new rules dotted all the i's.

The fine for violating the rules regarding the transportation of children has not changed and is 3,000 rubles.

Accelerated children will be able to ride like adults

On the one hand, the exception to the “other means” rules makes them more stringent, on the other hand, more liberal, because now only children under 6 years old need to be placed in a chair. Children from 7 to 11 years old can ride in a car or truck without a child restraint, but only in the back seat.

Children from 7 to 11 years old can ride in a car or truck without a child restraint, but only in the back seat. Photo

This is how this paragraph reads in the new rules: “Transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years (inclusive) in a passenger car and truck cab, which are designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraints systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child, or using seat belts, and in the front seat of a passenger car - only with the use of child restraint systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child.”

Here parents of large children, who could not be squeezed not only into a car seat, but also into a booster, can breathe freely.

Regarding car seats, there is no gap in the legislation in the form of “other means” that drivers used, and a limitation of up to 12 years. Large children were not entirely comfortable in the chairs - 11-12 years old, taller than dad, and he was forced to sit in the chair. Another thing is that they left the link to age - this is not entirely logical. It must be tied to height - highlight the maximum age and minimum height, after which the seat can no longer be used,” says Ramil Khairullin, representative of the Federation of Russian Car Owners in Tatarstan.

Mother of four children and chairman of the National Parents Committee Irina Volynets agrees with him.

This is a healthy decision because the use of car seats led to restrictions. For example, in my car, only two children can fit in the seats in the back seat, and three without seats. And then the age - 7 years - is no longer such a small child, a car seat belt is enough. But, of course, you need to look at the build - some are large at 7 years old, and small at 10 years old. I would also introduce a dependence on the height and weight of the child,” says Volynets.

“I would also introduce a dependence on the height and weight of the child,” says Volynets. Photo

Alone in the car: under 7 years old is not allowed

The next important change concerns drivers who like to leave their child alone in the car for a couple of minutes to run to the store or pharmacy. Similar cases are happening more and more often in Russia: either the car and the child are taken away by a tow truck, or children left in the cabin suffer from heatstroke. In 2013, in Ulyanovsk, a child left in a car leaned out of the window and pressed the power window button. The girl died from suffocation - her neck was pinched by glass.

Now clause 12.8 of the traffic rules has been supplemented with the following paragraph: “It is prohibited to leave a child under the age of 7 years in the vehicle while it is parked in the absence of an adult.”

Previously, the clause stipulated only the behavior of the driver and sounded like this: “The driver may leave his place or leave the vehicle if he has taken the necessary measures to prevent the vehicle from moving spontaneously or using it in the absence of the driver.”

I fully support the changes regarding leaving children alone in the car - I do not approve when parents do this, and the point is not only that it is hot in the car, but also that a small child may be afraid of a closed space and the fact that he is not can call anyone for help,” says Ramil Khairullin.

Ramil Khairullin fully supports the changes regarding leaving children alone in the car. Photo

They changed the rules, they forgot about the fine

“We have consistently pushed for these important changes. It took more than two years for the corresponding amendments to the traffic rules to be adopted. This is a very correct, timely measure that will prevent many childhood tragedies. Dozens of children have died after being trapped in cars in the heat or because they became entangled in seat belts. Every parent should know that under no circumstances should a child be left alone in a car!” - former children's ombudsman Pavel Astakhov responded on Instagram.

Now, for a child left alone in a car, you can be held accountable not only under Art. 125 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Leaving in danger”) and under Art. 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (“Failure of parents or other legal representatives to fulfill obligations for the maintenance and upbringing of minors”), but also under Art. 12.19. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which regulates stopping and parking of vehicles.

True, this article, as well as the one concerning failure to fulfill educational obligations, provides for a meager fine - up to five hundred rubles. Lawmakers who have repeatedly supported the idea of ​​tougher penalties for parents have asked for harsher measures. For example, the same Pavel Astakhov once proposed a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles, “Spravorosska” Olga Krasilnikova announced an amount equivalent to that for violating the rules for transporting children, and proposed a fine of 3 thousand rubles, Eldepeer member Vitaly Zolochevsky spoke about deprivation of rights for a period 1-2 years and a fine of 100 thousand rubles. It is possible that changes will also be made to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, following the traffic rules, and the punishment for drivers who left a child alone in the car will be more serious.

“We have consistently achieved these important changes,” responded Pavel Astakhov. Photo by Maria Zvereva

They did not impose large fines so as not to cause social tension in society. Fines are not the goal, the goal is to let drivers know that such behavior - leaving a child alone - is not welcome, this ban has more of a psychological meaning. But I think that legislators will observe, and if there are no fewer such cases, they will increase the fine,” says Irina Volynets.

Daria Turtseva

How to pay a fine for a child seat and not get it again?

⚡️What is a child seat? In what cases is there a fine for its absence? How to pay a fine for not having a child restraint system (child restraint). Why doesn't it make sense to buy cheap child seats, especially in 2019 (changes)?

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3000 rub.

Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.23 part 3

Amendments to the law on child seats dated July 12, 2017 (approved by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 3, 2017).

In the summer of 2017, significant changes were made to the rules for transporting children in road transport. Significant innovations for 2019 include:

  1. The ban on leaving children under 7 years of age in a car (fine 2.5 rubles for Moscow and St. Petersburg and 500 rubles for the rest of Russia) is enshrined in clause 12.8 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations, and liability for non-compliance with the rule is in clause 1 Art. 12.19 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
  2. Children aged 7 to 11 years are now allowed to be transported without a child seat, but only in the back row of seats and with belts fastened (changes in paragraph 22.9 of the Russian Traffic Regulations),
  3. The concept of “other devices”, which was used by parents who placed a pillow under the child’s belt, has been abolished.
  4. Children under 12 years of age are officially prohibited from becoming passengers in motor vehicles.

As reported by the Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, in particular, clause 22.9 of the traffic rules is now stated in the following wording: “Transportation of children under the age of 7 years in a passenger car, the design of which includes seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraints systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child.

Transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years (inclusive) in a passenger car that is designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) that are appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or using seat belts , and in the front seat of a passenger car - only with the use of child restraint systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child.” Violation here, as before, is assessed at 3,000 rubles.

The traffic police fine for a child seat is one of the offenses for which police officers have not yet expelled. Although this idea is being discussed.

The following is a basic article about child seats in the Russian Federation

A child car seat is the main element of protecting the life and health of a child in cases of accidents, sudden maneuvering and braking. The presence of a child car seat protects the child from serious injury and the driver from fines from the traffic police. And it doesn’t matter if we’re talking about Moscow or any other region.

Child car seat in Russia: statistics

Our state began to show active attention to the problems of children who are maimed and die in road accidents only in 2007. Despite the fact that by that time the child car seat was already 72 years old.

It was at this time (in 2007) that the legislator coined the term child seat and child restraint system. However, initially the traffic police fine for the absence of “children’s assistants” turned out to be purely symbolic and was equal to ordinary unfastened seat belts, amounting to 500 rubles.

The measure was not very effective, small sanctions did not frighten drivers, the market for devices was poorly developed, and due to the small size of the fine for checks for the presence of child seats, traffic police officers were also cold.

Everything changed on September 1, 2013, when the amount fine for not having a child seat overnight it increased 6 times, to 3,000 rubles for each child caught in a car without a child seat.

A special article of the Code of Administrative Offenses 12.23 part 3 has appeared. Traffic police fine for a child was raised to the price level of the average restraint device. Such a ball, in the opinion of the legislator, should have encouraged even those drivers who carry children in cars to purchase a seat, but do not see any incentive for themselves to purchase a child seat.

To say that the company is against transporting children without seats by 2013 is the same as not saying anything. Until now, Russia annually loses 500 children and schoolchildren killed and about 9,000 wounded in road accidents. At the time the seats were introduced, the numbers were several times higher.

As a result of illiteracy or pseudo-economy, motorists in Russia consider the presence of a child seat to be a trick of officials designed to squeeze the last money out of a citizen.

Behind the belief in conspiracy theories, the topic of children's health and their survival rate in road accidents in cars not equipped with special protective equipment is lost.

The main problem of a modern car from a safety point of view is not versatility. The machines are adapted to fight for the life and health of adults exclusively. Children, due to their weight and height, do not fit into existing standards. A car without special restraints is not designed to protect their safety in the event of an accident. Toddlers slip out of regular seat belts, have poor interactions with airbags, and have body parts in contact with improper vehicle trim.

Be that as it may, in 80% of cases, deaths could have been avoided using even the simplest child seats. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, car seats reduce the risk of fatal crashes for infants under one year of age by 71%, and for children from 1 to 4 years of age by 50%.

The fine for a child without a seat (special child restraint device) is 3,000 rubles (with a discount of 1,500 rubles if paid in the first 20 days)

The fine for a child in a car without a seat is clearly built into the legal mechanism of the Russian Federation. There are references to it in

  • Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 196-FZ “On Road Safety”
  • Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses" dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ
  • Federal Law of 02/07/2011 N 3-FZ “On Police”
  • Criminal Code of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 1996 N 63-FZ
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part one) dated November 30, 1994 N 51-FZ
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part two) dated January 26, 1996 N 14-FZ
  • Traffic rules of the Russian Federation.

The transportation of children in a car is now regulated by Clause. 22.9 Traffic rules of the Russian Federation:

Transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle, and in the front seat passenger car - only with the use of child restraints.

However, the Code of Administrative Offenses is a handbook for a motorist. It is in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation that there is Article 12.23, which describes cases of “Violation of the rules for transporting people.” As mentioned earlier, in 2013, Part 3 appeared in it, regulating the issue of transporting a child in a car - “Violation of the requirements for transporting children established by the Traffic Rules.”

Incurs the imposition of an administrative fine for the chair:

  • for an ordinary driver in the amount of three thousand rubles (3000₽);
  • for officials - twenty-five thousand rubles (25,000₽);
  • for legal entities - one hundred thousand rubles (100,000₽).

(as amended by Federal Law dated May 1, 2016 N 138-FZ)

Due to distortions in the existing rules for transporting children, fines for not having child seats It is planned to correct it in the near future. Boosters and adapters (belt covers) will most likely sooner or later be banned. At a minimum, their use will be limited in the case of very young children. At the same time, the amendments will make it possible to transport tall children under 12 years of age and disabled children without a seat, whose legal status in connection with movement in a car is currently not taken into account in any way.

You can pay the traffic police fine for a child seat.

If a police officer notices a child without a seat in a car, he will definitely stop your car. The list of required documents includes an MTPL policy. If it is not there or the document is expired, the driver will be issued a .

Fine for a child in a car in human language

If we move away from dry clerical formulations, we get the following. A fine for a child in a car is issued if the child is under 12 years of age and the car is not equipped with any LEE (Child Restraint Devices), including seats.

A fine can be issued by any traffic police officer who finds a child in a car separately from special restraints. In other words, if you have the most expensive and advanced child seat in your car, but the children do not travel in it, a traffic police fine cannot be avoided.

The best way to organize the movement of a child in a car lies in the use of expensive child seats made of high-quality materials that have passed all possible certifications and crash tests. Such a device will not only significantly reduce the risk of death and injury in an accident, but will also add comfort to the child. In some cases, good child seats can even have a beneficial effect on the baby’s spine and posture.

However, a relatively acceptable level of protection can be provided by an inexpensive domestic chair, provided that basic certificates are available. The main thing is that the child uses it on an ongoing basis.

Another option for a special product is child restraint devices of limited functionality - various boosters, seat belt anchors and “cradles”. Most testers consider the use of such ersatz devices to be at least useless in terms of improving safety during the transportation of children. However, if such a thing falls under GOST R 41.44-2005, it can be used to protect against fines for not having a chair. These decoy devices do not save children in road accidents, but they are inexpensive and at the same time protect them from fines, thereby bribing many irresponsible domestic drivers.

Correct positioning in the chair is very important. Still don't believe me? Then check out excerpts from our material about.

History of car fines for transporting children without a seat

The car and its safety systems have always been designed and calculated for an average accident involving adults. Things, animals and children do not fit into the basic scenario. In order to maximize the safety of road accidents in alternative situations, it is necessary to seek the help of special devices. There are stretchers and nets for large items; when transporting pets over long distances, they try to place them in a fenced-off space, and special car seats have been developed for children. A small person should use a child seat in cases where his age does not exceed 12 years, height 150 cm and weight less than 36 kilograms.

Initially, the issue of creating a child car seat did not intersect with safety or any fines. The task was simply to secure the baby so that he would not interfere with the driver’s control of the vehicle.

The first serious developments in this direction began to appear in the mid-30s of the 20th century. Information about one of them was preserved in the form of a note on the pages of the popular magazine Modern Mechanix at that time. True, it would be hard for a modern person to call the device a full-fledged child seat - the device presented to the world was rather a set of metal brackets and pipes held together by leather straps and ropes. None fines for seats Of course, it didn’t exist in those days either. It’s worth mentioning that at the dawn of the automobile era, cars were not equipped with seat belts, and the very idea of ​​holding a child’s body in a fixed position was considered quite revolutionary. Unfortunately, history has not preserved the name of the inventor who laid the foundations for the fight for the health of children in vehicles.

In the late 30s, the idea of ​​a car restraint for children was finalized by an American, whose name has been preserved. Lester Bresson laid down the basic conceptual ideas for the now widespread standard for securing child seats - Isofix. It was his child seat that had the ability to be rigidly fixed to the car body using a pin mounted in the floor of the vehicle.

The so-called Geneva Agreement, adopted in 1958 under the auspices of the UN, made a decisive contribution to the fight for the overall safety of child passengers. The addition to the international document defined the general basic rules for ensuring child safety in the car. Certain clauses of the convention were changed and supplemented several times. The latest version, reflecting the current state of affairs, dates back to October 16, 1995.

The definition of a global legal framework has spurred governments of developed countries to adopt amendments to national legislation. Like mushrooms after rain, state standards began to form, and individual companies were born, entirely engaged in the development and production of child restraint devices and seats on an industrial scale.

The latest mass innovation in the field of child car seats was the introduction by the International Institute of ISO, in 1982, of the new ISOFIX fastening system, which significantly reduces the risk of incorrect installation of a child seat in cars and increases the rigidity (integrity) of the entire structure.

The idea of ​​the ISOFIX system was taken from Lester Bresson, who at the beginning of the 20th century proposed fully attaching a child restraint system to the car body, and ultimately getting away from dubious belts, straps and ribbons.

ISOFIX is a child seat installation system that provides a rigid coupling (fastening) between the lower part of the child restraint system (seat) and special mating hinges located at the base of conventional car seats.

At the moment, such a layout solution allows the user to achieve the easiest and most correct installation of a child seat. Child seats with the ISOFIX system are widely represented in Russian stores, but it is important to remember that in order to use the system, your vehicle must have mating hinges, that is, it must also comply with the standard ISOFIX.

Today, the fight for child safety on the road has led to the creation of a single European standard for the certification of child car seats. ECE R 44/01. The last digit of the standard changes to reflect the use of new technologies and materials. For 2019, the fourth edition of the standard is relevant ECE R 44 - ECE R 44/04(exactly this inscription along with GOST R 41.44-2005 should be looked for on child seats and restraints when purchasing them in Russian stores).

How to choose a child car seat manufacturer?

A few words about manufacturers of special equipment (children's car seats). Of the large, reputable companies that have existed on the market for decades, it is worth highlighting

  • German concern Romer(the first plastic child seat - Romer Peggy 1971 / The first seat with ISOFIX 1997);
  • company Recaro, specializing in the production of sports and orthopedic car seats, which is currently actively promoting children's car seats (the company's first product aimed at child safety in cars, Recaro Start, is very famous. In its children's developments, the manufacturer actively uses the experience of rescuing pilots and navigators, accumulated over decades production of rally seats);
  • Company Sparco an honored Italian company leading in the development of equipment for motorsports. Since 1978, the brand's engineers have been developing fireproof overalls, safety helmets, seat belts, gloves, handlebars and shoes. One of the important areas of the company is the design and production of children's car seats. As with Recaro, our child safety products benefit from a wealth of racing experience.

When it comes to child restraints, the fancy phrase about “racing experience” has a basis in reality. Who, if not the manufacturers of seats for the most dangerous rally raids on the planet, knows how the human body moves around the car in the event of an accident.

It is important that all of the listed companies have a rich engineering tradition, experience in similar market segments with high demands (auto racing) and their own testing laboratories. As a rule, the products of these companies earn the highest ratings in independent crash tests. For results we recommend contacting ADAC.

Good Western chairs include: Maxi-Cosi, Cybex. Just beware of fakes - the Chinese have learned to make good copies of branded child car seats that kill children in road accidents.

From the products of domestic manufacturers, based on a detailed analysis of reviews on the Internet, you can try to recommend the companies' products Siger And Vixen, however, 90% of the so-called Russian products on the market are disguised China - expensive as a protection against fines and useless in an accident.

In addition to their behavior in an accident, child car seats have many other characteristics. Categories differ in height and weight, materials used, and fasteners. It is desirable that the surface with which the baby’s body comes into contact does not cause skin irritation, is breathable and can be easily removed for washing. Some good-quality chairs are too large in size and hardly fit in cars - this is also important to take into account.

If you really want to save money on a child seat, including protecting yourself from traffic police fines, pay attention to used options. Children grow quickly and outgrow their chairs at lightning speed. For this reason, the market for used child restraints is flooded with great deals.

Group Age (years) Weight, kg) Description
0 0-1 0-10 Car “cradle” (or carrying). It can be installed in one of two positions: horizontal - the baby is sleeping and is secured using a belt across the stomach, folded - the baby is active and is held by a three-point internal belt.
0+ 0-1,5 0-13 The child is placed in a reclining chair (he cannot yet sit), and the child seat itself is installed in one of two positions: either facing or with its back in the direction of travel.
1 1-4 9-18 The child seat is installed in the direction of travel of the car and is equipped with internal five-point seat belts.
2 3-7 15-25 The chair has a backrest, the height of which is adjustable depending on the needs of the owner. Secure with a standard seat belt.
3 7-12 22-36 The so-called “booster” (or in common parlance “seat”) is a “chair from group 2 without a backrest.” Additionally limits the top strap of a standard vehicle seat belt.

If you are fined for a child seat

As noted earlier, traffic police fine for a child seat issued by a traffic police officer based on the absence of a child seat in the car if there is a child, or if there is no child in a child seat. A child is defined as a person under 12 years of age, less than 150 cm tall and weighing less than 36 kilograms.

Since the law does not oblige a person to carry documents for a child, as a rule, the child’s age is determined “by eye.”

The traffic police fine for a child seat is now 3,000 rubles. To pay the fine you are given 70 days from the date of drawing up the protocol. Contrary to popular belief, the traffic police fine for the absence of a child restraint device (seat, booster seat or belt pad) is subject to a 50% discount. The discount is valid if the fine is paid within the first 20 days.

Instantly pay any traffic fine, including fine for not having a child seat, you can use the convenient online service “”.

Traffic police fine for a child seat: legal inconsistencies

The current fine for child seats in Russia is often criticized by parent motorists. There are a lot of problematic issues that he does not take into account:

  • Transportation of disabled children is complicated
  • The fined driver continues to drive without a seat with a child
  • Tall accelerated children are required to use chairs
  • The law does not stipulate the use of child seats in older cars (without belts)


Traffic police fine for not having a child seat appeared out of nowhere and caused a wave of indignation among motorists.

“All our lives we carried children in our arms and everything was fine, and then there are some fines to strip us completely” is a common position among car enthusiasts.

People can understand that Russians, taught by bitter experience, perceive any restrictions as a personal insult. Meanwhile, fines for transporting children in cars not equipped with restraint devices are a global standard that has emerged over the past 30 years.

Children have an extremely negative reaction to sudden braking and acceleration, and standard safety equipment is not designed for their small height and weight. Even a minor accident without a restraint can leave a lasting imprint on a child’s health.

The traffic rules state that transporting children in a car must follow certain rules and in accordance with safety precautions. When a baby sits in a car, he cannot control his position. Therefore, parents should supervise their children. This year they are going to change some points in the transportation rules, including increasing fines.

There are a number of rules for transporting children in cars

Any car owner is obliged to take care of his safety and the safety of his passengers during the trip. How to transport a baby correctly is an important question. Therefore, the driver must be extremely careful while driving and follow all traffic rules.

Transporting children in a car is allowed only if certain requirements are met. They read:

  1. Can only be transported inside a passenger car.
  2. It is prohibited to transport a baby in a box or trailer.
  3. Be sure to follow all safety precautions.
  4. It is prohibited to transport a baby on the back seat of a motorcycle.
  5. Transportation of more than 8 children is permitted only on a bus.
  6. Children under 12 years of age can be transported in the front seat only if there is a cradle or car seat.
  7. Children over 7 years old and at least 150 centimeters tall can sit in the back seat of a car without a seat. That is, wearing a seat belt.

How to transport an infant in a car? There are special transportation rules for infants. Such a baby can only be transported in a car seat, which is attached to the car seat using seat belts. The cradle must be in a perpendicular position relative to the movement of the machine. The cradle itself also has seat belts that need to be used to fasten the baby. You can transport your baby in a car seat only until he reaches the age of 6 months.

Transporting children in a car under 12 years of age

Children under 12 years of age must be transported in a special seat

Most motorists have difficulty answering the question of how to transport children in a car. They believe that children can only be transported in the rear seats. However, the rules say nothing about this. Each age category of children has slightly different requirements.

The rules do not specify a minimum age at which children can be transported in the front seat. However, if the child is under 12 years old, he can only be transported in a special seat.

When installing a car seat in the front seat, be sure to turn off the airbag to prevent injury during an accident.

How to transport a newborn baby in a car

With the arrival of a baby, many activities can change dramatically. For example, it will be more difficult to ride in a car with a small passenger.

How to transport a baby correctly?

Parents try not to transport their child in a car, but sometimes there are cases when this is simply necessary. For example, when a newborn is taken from the hospital. The driver must know and follow all transportation rules.

Traveling by car is a big risk for adults, but no less dangerous for children. In babies under one year old, the bones and muscles are very weak and fragile.

The bones are not strong enough to protect the baby. Therefore, transportation must be treated with utmost care.

Any stressful situation in the future may change the baby’s health and behavior. He may be afraid of sudden braking or pushing. And fear is often the source of illness or physical disability. The baby will remain vulnerable even if he is held in his hands and well wrapped in a thick blanket. Following special transportation rules, as well as having a car seat, will help ensure maximum safety during the trip.

Car cradle

You can transport a newborn in a car in a special cradle. It can carry a baby weighing up to 10 kg. This device is ideal for transporting a baby from the hospital. The cradle is comfortable. You can also attach an additional belt to it. A huge advantage is the almost complete closeness of the cradle. This eliminates the risk of the baby accidentally falling onto foreign objects.

For newborns you can use a car cradle

The cradle can only be placed on the rear seats. First, it needs to be secured with seat belts, and only then can the child be seated. The cradle itself also has seat belts that fasten the baby. A plus is the ability to carry the cradle on special carrying handles. More expensive versions of the carrycot even have wheels that allow you to use the carrycot as a stroller.

The car cradle will not last long. The baby can only be in the lying position. And when he is 6 months old, he can already be seated and will have to buy a car seat.

Stroller box

In some cases, instead of a cradle, a removable stroller basket is used. However, it cannot guarantee the complete safety of the baby, since it is not intended for this. Carrying is very unreliable and should only be used as a last resort. It must be secured sideways to the direction of travel with seat belts. There should be a person sitting nearby who will look after the baby.

Travel chair

Use a special chair

Another device for transporting babies is a chair. It is created taking into account all the anatomical features of children. You can also attach retaining bolsters to it to better support your baby's head. It is strictly forbidden to use a rolled-up cloth or towel as a pillow, since then the baby’s head will constantly fall.

The chair is secured in the same way as other devices, with seat belts. It is recommended to place the seat in the rear seat behind the driver. Infants can also be transported in a chair in the front seat. But in this case, you must turn off the airbag.

How to choose the right car seat?

When choosing a car seat, you need to consider the weight of the child. This will help you transport your baby safely. Manufacturers offer models that have several designs. This chair can be used for more than one year. Buying a device is cheaper than choosing a model for each age separately.

Children under 12 years old can only be transported using a seat. They differ in type and size.

Are you bringing babies under 1 year old? You will need a car seat. It can be placed in a horizontal position. The cradle is installed in the back seat.

Starting from one and a half years old, you can buy a cocoon chair. It is installed against traffic. The car seat is designed for children weighing up to 13 kg.

Car seat for child

The next model is a chair for children up to four years old. It is used to carry babies weighing from 9 to 18 kg. He is fastened to the seat using the seat belts of the car itself.

Starting from 6 years old, when the child weighs 22 kg, you can buy a car seat that can also be fastened with car seat belts.

How to choose a convenient model

It is important how much time the child will spend in the chair. Some children fall asleep during the trip, others like to look around. For short trips, choose 0+ models. For a long and safe trip, choose models that are located against the traffic. This will help in case of emergency and will not injure the cervical vertebrae. You need to choose:

  1. A chair with a deep seat to make it convenient to transport children in winter in clothes.
  2. The device must have armrests and an orthopedic back.
  3. It’s good if the model is equipped with a footrest and a protective table.
  4. The covers must be removable so they can be removed for cleaning.
  5. The material of the products should not fade, it should not have an unpleasant odor.

Rules for transporting children in cars

It is important to know the rules for transporting children

By law, a driver transporting children is required to ensure safety. According to traffic rules, the seat must be installed inside the car; transporting children on a motorcycle is prohibited. Before the trip, you need to check how strong and good the car seat fastenings are. It is better to check this when purchasing, when the baby is nearby.

You cannot hold babies in your arms. This creates a dangerous situation and the driver may be fined. This applies to both the absence of a seat and its incorrect location in the car.

According to the 2017 rules, a chair is not required for children whose height is above 150 cm. The use of boosters and adapters is prohibited. Violation of the rules for transporting children results in a fine. He can also be discharged for leaving a preschool child alone in a parked car.

We can conclude that when going on the road, children become participants in traffic. Therefore, you should follow the rules to avoid an emergency. A car seat will help save your baby's life. The number of motorists is increasing every day. Proper transportation in compliance with safety requirements will help your child become a good road user in the future. Therefore, you need to buy it in a timely manner.

New rules for transporting children in a car

Transporting children in a car in 2019 is carried out according to stricter rules aimed at increasing the safety of life and health of young passengers.

They, first of all, relate to the position of the child in transport and the equipment of a seat for him. In addition, how old your son or daughter is will also be important.

In this article we will pay close attention to changes in traffic regulations regarding the rules for transporting children in a car. You will learn how to transport a child in a car according to the new requirements, as well as the responsibility and amount of the fine for violating them.

In this article:

Features and requirements of traffic regulations when transporting children in a car

So, the rules for transporting minors in a car have undergone major changes. And they happened thanks to Government Decree number 761 of June 28, 2017. All innovations have been in effect since July 12.

Amendments to the traffic rules apply not only to traffic involving children. There are some important points, but this is a topic for another discussion.

Innovations are aimed at equipping a seat for a child depending not only on his age, but also on his actual weight. In addition, in some cases it is now not allowed to leave a child alone in a locked car.

Important for young and novice drivers to know! Carrying small passengers simply in your arms is prohibited by the rules. And also not all restraint devices are allowed for use.

According to the new requirements, the car in which children will be transported must be equipped with special devices (retaining devices) - they are called car seats or infant carriers.

Devices are selected and attached based on the child’s age and weight. There are special standards regarding the presence of additional seat belts, the position of children (sitting or lying down), and the location of the device in the car (GOST R 41.44-2005)

A child seat can be placed in both the front and one of the rear seats. Naturally, you should follow the manufacturer's installation instructions.

Note that infant carriers and other similar devices are installed in the cabin sideways in relation to the direction of movement, facing the movement or against it. It all depends on the type of restraint, weight and age of the child.

Traffic regulations on transporting children in a car

This block contains the fundamental features of transporting children by road depending on their age. Moreover, changes in the rules for transporting children affected all types of vehicles.

Therefore, below we will analyze in detail the new rules for transporting children in a car, depending on their age groups and where the child is placed in the car.

Let's say right away that children can be in both the front and rear seats. But there are some peculiarities here.

Transporting children in the car in the front seat

The law on transporting children in the front seat of a car states that it is necessary to use special restraint devices, such as the car seats we mentioned, infant carriers, and boosters.

You can place a child in the front seat without seats if he is already 12 years old. But with this option, the child must be fastened, although this also applies to adult passengers.

Also, transportation in the front seat is allowed without a seat for children under 12 years of age in the case where the child’s parameters (height or weight) simply do not fit into a car seat of the required standards.

Transportation of children under 7 years old

By law, even infants can be carried in the car. Therefore, the main requirements for transporting children under 7 years of age are as follows.

The child should be transported in a special chair. It is available in several types depending on both the age and body weight of the child.

Currently on the market:

  1. Car seats are used, as a rule, if the child is under the age of one year, and provide for his placement in a supine position.
  2. Car seats Suitable for children over one year old.
  3. Boosters can be used when transporting a child aged 3 years and older.

However, traffic regulations emphasize that the restraint device (that is, special equipment for transporting a child) must comply with the standards in force in all states that are members of the Customs Union.

The rules for transporting children under 7 years of age in a car do not prohibit placing a special seat in the front seat. However, in this case, you will have to disable the option for the airbag (after all, its operation can injure the child).

Transportation of children from 7 to 12 years old

The rules for transporting children under 12 years of age in a car suggest several options.

So, if you plan to place the child in the front seat, then a car seat is still necessary (except for situations where, due to his physical characteristics, he simply does not fit in a car seat).

When the child is located in the rear group of seats, it will be enough for him to fasten the car seat belts provided by the factory design of the vehicle. Let us remind you that previously a car seat was required for this case as well.

And also you cannot transport a child under 12 years old in the rear (passenger) seat of a motorcycle (traffic regulations clearly prohibit this).

Transportation of children over 12 years of age

Here, the rules for transporting children in a car over 12 years of age indicate that the use of car seats and other devices for similar purposes is a purely voluntary matter for the driver.

That is, there is no need to install restraint devices in the car. However, in any case, the child should be fastened with equipped car seat belts.

Leaving a child in the car

According to the amendments made to the traffic rules (clause 12.8), the ban on leaving a child in a car applies to children under 7 years of age.

Thus, they should always be in the car under the supervision of one or more adults.

A few words should definitely be said about what the fine may be for leaving a child in the car.

Judicial practice on this matter has not yet been formed, since legislative amendments have been in force for less than a month. However, the car owner needs to be prepared for two scenarios.

The minimum penalty is five hundred rubles and is imposed for violating the procedure for moving passengers (clause 1 of Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

At the same time, locking a child in a car alone can easily be interpreted as a violation of the rules for transporting children. And in this case, the price of the issue is already 3 thousand rubles (clause 3 of article 12.23).

Therefore, we will have to wait for clarification on this matter from the traffic police or the courts. We are sure that they will definitely appear in the very near future.

What the traffic rules say

So, here are the main provisions of paragraph 22.9 of Chapter. 22 Traffic rules of the Russian Federation:

  1. A child under the age of seven can only be transported using special devices. This applies to both trucks and passenger cars. It doesn't matter where the child will be located.
  2. Children aged 7 to 12 years old must now be transported using car seats or other similar equipment only in the front seat of the car. In the back row of seats, it is enough to simply fasten the child with the existing seat belts. Until the age of 12, a child is prohibited from sitting in the passenger seat of a motorcycle.
  3. A passenger who is 12 years of age or older must only wear a seat belt.

When choosing a car seat, you should make allowances for the child’s physical characteristics. Make sure the device is certified as required by law.

Moreover, it is useful to carry documents about the seat with you in order to avoid unnecessary disputes with the traffic police inspector.

We have come to the question of what the traffic police fine will be for violating the rules for transporting children?

Responsibility is spelled out in paragraph 3 of Art. already mentioned above. 12.23 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

  1. If the violator is an ordinary individual, then the liability will be 3 thousand rubles.
  2. When a violation was committed by an enterprise, the sanctions for it will amount to 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Company officials will be held liable in the amount of 25 thousand rubles.

However, when punishment is not particularly discussed, there is an opportunity to reduce financial expenses.

For the fines prescribed in Art. 12.23 of the Administrative Code, a fifty percent discount on their payment applies. It is only important to have time to complete it within 20 days from the date of adoption of the decision on the fine - (importantly, not its receipt).

Please note that the above liability may arise not only for the absence of a child seat as such, but also for its incorrect placement. Therefore, it is recommended to study the manufacturer's manual in all details.

You should also bring a copy of your child's birth certificate with you. After all, his age will be decisive in a dispute with a traffic police inspector.

It may also happen that you will have to challenge the fine further in court. Therefore, the driver should stock up on evidence. In particular, it is useful to photograph the interior of the car with the chair in the frame, and also provide all the necessary documents for it.

What kind of restraint devices are we actually talking about?

Now there are several types of so-called anchorages for children in stationary car seats, which in the official language in the traffic rules are called restraint devices. So.

Car seat

In simple terms, this is a small stroller that is designed to transport a newborn. The happy father of the family must install it even when he solemnly takes the child from the maternity hospital.

In practice, such a device is used when a child reaches one year of age. Depending on the design, the infant carrier is equipped both in the rear seat and at the end of the front passenger seat.

Car seat

This is an additional device that is designed to be attached to the main seat of the car. It is equipped with additional orthopedic surfaces and belts that firmly hold the child during movement.

In addition, armrests may be installed in some designs to facilitate the child’s physical activity.


This restraint device is designed for transporting older children. In general, a booster is an intermediate system in which the child has already outgrown the standard seat, but the design of the belts installed on the car does not yet provide him with proper safety.

The booster also has some design differences from car seats. The booster does not have a back, as well as armrests. Therefore, some consider it a child support for the purpose of properly attaching car safety systems.

Follow traffic rules, take care of children

For a mother or father who is a car enthusiast, the life of her own child is above all else. Then you need to pay special attention to the issue of how to transport children in a car. Decision-making is influenced by the distance of transportation, its route, and other factors.

You need to choose a car seat or restraint device in advance. In addition, you should determine in advance where the device will be installed. The best option is to mount the child seat in the back row of seats.

Before purchasing, you should ask whether the car seat or booster has been tested under conditions close to real ones. After all, having certificates is one thing, but protecting a child in the event of an accident is quite another.

Above we talked about how to properly transport a child in a car. Knowledge of traffic rules will protect the driver from financial sanctions. But the main thing is that the life of a small family member will not be in danger.

Typical questions and answers to them

In conclusion, we will try to give answers to the most typical questions about existing innovations.

My wife and I have two children of different ages. Is it necessary to install both devices in the car when transporting them?

Yes. Only when choosing a chair, make allowances for the child’s age and weight. Unfortunately, the new standards do not say anything about the growth parameters of children. Meanwhile, this indicator also plays an important role.

For example, when a certain point in time is reached, the car seat simply becomes too small for the child. Therefore, before purchasing, all details of the purchase should be discussed with its manufacturer or seller.

Do I have to provide the traffic police with documents regarding the restraint?

Due to traffic regulations and other legislation, the driver does not have such an obligation. But it is better to carry copies of documents regarding the car seat with you. Then you can save personal nerves and money for dialogue with the traffic inspector.

If there are no seat belts in the back seat, can I carry my own child in the car?

Indeed, in the design of many models of the old generation of the automobile industry, the presence of seat belts was simply not provided for. Then the child, regardless of his age, should be transported in a restraint device of a certain type.

Who draws up the decision on a fine if facts are revealed?

Both the protocol and the decision on the fine are drawn up on the spot by the traffic police officer. However, the fine can be appealed in the future.

There are two legal ways to do this: either file a complaint addressed to the inspector’s chief, or file an application to challenge the decision in court. You just need to comply with the ten-day period allotted by the Code of Administrative Offenses.