How to weave from beads for beginners animals. Beaded animal patterns for beginners: the best ideas for a mini zoo. Materials and tools

August 12th, 2015 Anna Anna

Beading has become one of the most popular hobbies among children and teenagers. Making a beautiful necklace or other accessory with your own hands is not only economical, but also profitable. In children, such a hobby develops fine motor skills, and in adolescents - perseverance. After all, it takes time to weave even the smallest flower. Among adults there are also those who are engaged in beading.


Needlewomen are constantly coming up with new weaving patterns with which you can realize all their ideas. Weaving animals from beads can not only develop and keep children busy for quite a long period of time, but also influence their creative thinking and broaden their horizons. For beading, you will need beads, thread, fishing line or wire, scissors, accessories and, of course, a special pattern. Weaving can be flat or voluminous. The easiest way to start your journey is with flat weaving, even small children can handle it. And teenagers and adults can create whole masterpieces with the help of volumetric weaving.

beaded snake

The scheme of weaving a flat snake from beads is clear even to a child. Beads are strung on a wire or a thick thread in a certain order. Moreover, you can weave both from the tail and from the tongue. Weaving in one plane cannot be compared with voluminous home-made masterpieces, but thanks to a beautiful arrangement - a pattern, it can become a real masterpiece. Volume can be achieved in various ways using different techniques: for example, parallel weaving.

Weave the back and bottom at the same time, connecting them, or weave the snake around the circumference. Each master chooses a weaving method or creates his own. It is easier to weave on a wire; after finishing work, the product can be shaped. And the fishing line for work is chosen by those who have extensive experience, and the line does not hold its shape so well, so it is not very suitable for weaving animals. But whatever the snake is made of, you need to insert a thick cord inside it, then the snake will be more realistic and keep its shape better.

Owl made of wire and beads

You can weave an original owl from wire and beads according to different patterns. From such a product you will get a beautiful decoration or keychain. You can take a closer look at the pattern of weaving an owl with the help of bicone and rivoli. Bicones are long bugles, and rivoli are rhinestones. First, according to one scheme, all three rivoli are woven with beads and thread. Then a flat cone is woven, which joins between rivoli of the same size, playing the role of eyes. Legs and wings are gradually woven around the body. The product requires certain skills and the use of materials. There are also simpler patterns for flat weaving, which even a small child can handle.

Beaded starfish

The nautical theme is always popular, especially in the summer holidays. I want to surprise others with something new, but at the same time invisible. Original earrings made of starfish, woven from beads, can be the final touch of the image. Even the smallest child can weave them. For their manufacture, you will need beads of two colors and one of them should be slightly larger than the second.

First, larger beads are used, and then smaller beads are gradually woven in a circular pattern, which will serve to create volume in a still flat product. After two identical halves are woven, they need to be connected and filled with foam rubber or fabric to give volume and maintain shape. You can decorate the star with beads of the third color, carefully weaving it into the finished product.

Crocodile weaving from beads

The easiest way to make a beaded crocodile is to use a simple weaving technique. To do this, you need wire, beads and green glass beads. You need to weave from the tail, starting with one bead, gradually increasing the number of beads in a row. After the required number of rows has been woven, they proceed to the paws, they are woven to the body, each in a certain place. They must be symmetrical, as well as six beads.

You can use one glass bead instead of two beads to make the paws look neater. After weaving the front paws, the number of beads in the main row decreases again, and when weaving the head, it increases, thereby highlighting it. After weaving is completed, the wire must be tightly twisted and hidden in the craft. There are other patterns for weaving a simple crocodile, it all depends on the length of the product and the amount of material.

dragonfly beaded

Weaving a dragonfly using the simple weaving technique is very simple and fast. To do this, you need two beads for the eyes, black beads for the body, light beads for the wings, wire and black glass beads for the tail. You need to start weaving from the eyes, moving to the body and then weaving the tail out of glass beads. The length depends on the desire of the master, but it is important to remember that the body does not matter to be too big.

Weaving the wings is as easy as shelling pears, you just need to string them on the wire, fixing it in the form of a figure-eight on the body. The dragonfly has two pairs of wings, so the second must be strung directly above the first. For this, it is important that the wire passes freely through the beads, from which the body was woven, several times. Also the second pair is slightly smaller than the first. After finishing work, the wire is fixed and cut.

beaded horse

The horse can be woven using different techniques, but it will be more beautiful and more convenient to use the parallel weaving method. In this case, the top and bottom are woven separately, but at the same time. For the horse, we need beads of three shades, wire and beads for the eyes. Weaving starts from the head, guided by the scheme. To give volume and reliability in some places of the lower part, the number of beads is reduced.

When both parts are woven, they are neatly connected and filled from the inside with fabric to maintain their shape. For beginners or young children, you can suggest weaving a horse in a simple way, using elements of parallel weaving for the legs. Such a horse can serve as a bookmark, decoration of a picture or pendant. And volumetric products decorate not only key chains or keys, but also bags.

Bicone bird

Decorations can also be products made from bicone. For example, in order to make a small bird from this material, you need a bicone and nylon thread. The material is very small, and the thread is not quite obedient material, so it will be difficult for beginners to immediately quickly weave such a bird. But with some training and careful analysis of all the intricacies of the scheme, the work will improve.

The bird is woven in a certain order, starting with a circle of five pieces, to which other parts are gradually woven. The eyes and nose of the bird will be made of beads, and the paws will be made of beads. The tail is also braided separately. The bird turns out to be small, but due to the originality of the material used and the method of weaving, it looks very unusual, attracting all eyes.

Original beaded frog

Making a beaded frog with your own hands is very simple. You can weave it according to several schemes. One of the simplest is the volumetric weaving method, when they start work with weaving the base, to which the paws are gradually braided. First the bottom ones, then the top ones.

For such a frog, you will need beads of several colors and wire. The frog is sitting, its limbs can be bent. This item would make a great gift. A beautiful little frog can serve as an experimental work for those who have just started bead weaving. The work does not take much time.

Beaded dog

There are many different breeds of dogs in the world. Even a child can weave a small figure of an ordinary dog. And experienced needlewomen amaze the imagination with the figures of beaded dogs, which are simply impossible to distinguish from the originals. Usually these are decorative breeds of dogs of small sizes, for example, Yorkies. Making these figures is not difficult, but it takes a lot of time to make them. For beginners, it will be easiest to weave a small dog using the bulk weaving technique, when the top and bottom are woven in parallel. Dogs woven using the flat weaving technique are the easiest to make.

The technique of volumetric Japanese weaving or monastery weaving allows you to make real small masterpieces that will look beautiful and neat. To make such figures, you will need beads, wire, fishing line or thread, various beads or glass beads. Beads can be of various types, the main thing is that it is strong enough, and also freely passes the wire several times. These figurines make great gifts for friends.

Beaded dragon

To make a three-dimensional dragon, a fabulous beast from the legends of the past, in mono in several ways. They will also look different: like a children's cartoon hero or like a mighty great defender of gold. You can weave a dragon using the three-dimensional weaving technique, separately making a long torso, clawed paws and webbed wings. The body is made according to the principle of parallel weaving, and it resembles a snake, only thicker and longer.

The paws are made using the technique of simple weaving and are attached to the body symmetrically on both sides. The wings begin to weave from the membranes, which are then woven with a continuous simple weave. They are not ordinary, on a grand scale, as if the dragon is about to take off. The wings are attached to the dragon's back. Then the figure is given stability and the ends of the wire are hidden inside. Ready dragon will be a great gift. Children's dragon toys are made a little simpler and are woven according to a different pattern.

Volumetric beaded bear

To create such a product, you need to stock up on beads of various sizes, a needle, a strong thread or fishing line, and most importantly, patience. After gaining experience, work will go easily and quickly, but beginners to weave in this technique should stock up on peace of mind. The bear's head consists of five rings attached to the main ring.

Gradually weave the rest of the beads in strict accordance with the scheme. Beady eyes are attached separately, then ears and a muzzle with a nose are woven. The body is also woven in rings of five beads, and at the end it ends with one loop. The paws are woven differently and are attached to the side. As a support for a sitting bear, a tail is used, which is attached at the back. The finished bear turns out to be small, but very cute.

Beaded spider

Anyone can make a spider using the parallel weaving technique. It weaves simply and quickly. And with the right selection of colors, it will become even more spectacular. To make it, you need beads of different sizes, wire, fishing line, wire cutters and scissors. Weaving begins with the head, to which all eight long and thin paws are gradually woven. But the abdomen is done last. It is woven separately. Then all the parts are attached to each other with a fishing line.

The finished spider will be a great decoration. You can weave a spider according to this principle, but a little thinner and making paws from glass beads and beads. For the smallest, there are very simple weaving patterns for flat products. They are very easy to make, and because of the long bending legs, they can change their position.

Bunny from beads

One of the simplest animals that you can weave yourself is a hare. Experienced craftswomen have come up with more than one parallel weaving scheme for bulky products. And beginners have plenty to choose from, there are also quite a lot of simple weaving patterns. Many people want to make a beaded toy, especially children. It will be easy for them to explain the principle of weaving such a bunny. But older children or adults want realism, so that the toy is like a real one. They also have plenty to choose from.

A small sitting bunny with protruding ears or a large bunny with long drooping ears - the choice is wide and not limited to these two options. In any case, to weave a hare, you will need beads, fishing line or wire, threads, filler to give shape.

beaded cow

Making a beaded cow with simple weaving is very easy. First you need to choose a weaving pattern. There are different ones, for example, a very small figure (front view) or a large figure (side view), covered with a wire shape for stability. Beginners will understand such schemes. And for experienced craftsmen, there are more complex ways to make a beaded cow. The more experience, the larger the figure will be and the more complex the pattern of its weaving.

Beaded Lizard

For the smallest, the simplest lizard weaving pattern is suitable. By simply stringing beads of different colors on a wire in a certain sequence, you can create a small masterpiece. Also, a beaded lizard can be made using the parallel weaving method to obtain a three-dimensional figurine. In this case, in addition to wire and beads, you will need a few more beads and fishing line. Wire lizards keep their shape well, and bulky products need to be filled with something so that it retains its shape. Paws to such figures are attached separately.


Everyone can find a weaving pattern for each product in the existing variety. A wide selection of bead colors, an assortment of beads, glass beads and other accessories will allow everyone to create their own work in a unique color that reflects their own taste preferences.

Dear lovers of beading, today we will tell you how to make voluminous animals from beads using the example of master classes on weaving a dachshund, a donkey and a mouse. The master class is accompanied by diagrams and a step-by-step description quite simple - even novice masters will cope with the work.

Tools and materials Time: 1 hour Difficulty: 1/10

For tax:

  • brown and black beads;
  • wire.

For the donkey:

  • blue, white and black beads;
  • wire.

For mouse:

  • white, gray and black beads;
  • wire.

Learning to weave voluminous animals from beads, today we will use the example of 3 crafts:

  1. Dachshund;
  2. Donkey;
  3. Mouse.

These animals in one way or another can be called domestic. Therefore, we suggest you make yourself such cute four-legged friends.

Weaving patterns

Well. Let's move on to the patterns of weaving our voluminous animals from beads! 😉


Let's start with the tax. So, below is a detailed weaving pattern.

Click to enlarge

Weaving is carried out using the parallel weaving technique, ears and tail are made using the “toward” technique.


Now we will weave a donkey.

Click to enlarge

Below is a diagram of weaving a donkey. For weaving the ears, we use the “toward” technique, we weave everything else with parallel weaving. We start weaving from the head, weave the legs and ears according to the scheme.

Click to enlarge


And finally, the mouse.

For its manufacture we also use the technique of parallel weaving. Weaving is carried out according to the scheme proposed below.

Click to enlarge

First we make the tail, then we begin to weave the torso. For the ears, we collect an additional 8 beads each and make a loop. Weave black beads for the eyes and nose. When the mouse is ready, insert pieces of fishing line or wire into the bead of the spout - these will be the mustaches. It is much easier to weave if you use larger beads, then the mouse will turn out larger.

In custody

So, quite simply, you can weave various animals, in the next lessons we will return to this topic. And you will only have to follow our advice and replenish your collection.

Also note that we have a very large section dedicated to where you can choose other animals for weaving.

Everyone who made our voluminous beaded animals - post examples of your work in the comments. For those who don't, ask questions! 😉

Maybe I will repeat with some schemes, but in general, see who is interested
Donkey Eeyore

In the places where the arrows are drawn, add additional wires of 20 cm for the ears and 30 cm for the paws, tuck and cut the ends.
Doggy "basset"



In places where the arrows are drawn, add additional wires of 40 cm for the horns and 30 cm for the paws, tuck and cut the ends.

In the places where the arrows are drawn, add additional wires of 30 cm each for the wings, fill in the ends and cut off.
Penguin with a scarf

In the places where the arrows are drawn, add additional wires of 30 cm for the scarf and 30 for the paws, tuck and cut the ends.

In places where additional stripes are drawn, add additional wires of 30 cm each for the paws, fill in the ends and cut off.

In the places where the arrows are drawn, add additional wires of 30 cm each for the ears and for the paws, tuck and cut the ends.

In the places where the arrows are drawn, add additional wires of 30 cm each for the paws, fill in the ends and cut off.

In the places where the arrows are drawn, add additional wires of 30 cm each for the ears and for the paws, tuck and cut the ends.
Bengal tiger

In the places where the arrows are drawn, add additional wires of 30-35 cm for the paws, tuck and cut the ends.


In the places where the arrows are drawn, add additional wires of 30 cm each for the ears and for the paws, tuck and cut the ends. How to make ears and paws is shown in the diagram.

In the places where the arrows are drawn, add additional wires of 30 cm each for the paws, fill in the ends and cut them off. How to make ears is shown in the diagram.

In the places where the arrows are drawn, add additional wires of 30 cm each for the ears and for the paws, tuck and cut the ends. How to make ears is shown in the diagram.

In the places where the arrows are drawn, add additional wires of 30 cm each for the ears and for the paws, tuck and cut the ends. How to make ears is shown in the diagram.
Source: "Figures from beads" (series "Publishing for leisure", Minsk, "Harvest" 2007. Composer Belov N.V.)

In the places where the arrows are drawn, add additional wires of 40 - 45 cm for the tentacles, fill in the ends and cut off.
Source: "Figures from beads" (series "Publishing for leisure", Minsk, "Harvest" 2007. Composer Belov N.V.)

peacock scheme

In places where the arrows are drawn, add additional wires of 40 cm for the legs, and 35 - 40 cm for the feathers, tuck and cut the ends. How to make a crest is shown in the diagram.
Source: "Figures from beads" (series "Publishing for leisure", Minsk, "Harvest" 2007. Composer Belov N.V.)

In the places where the arrows are drawn, add additional wires of 30 cm each for the paws, fill in the ends and cut them off.

In the places where the arrows are drawn, add additional wires of 30 cm each for the paws, fill in the ends and cut them off.

In the places where the arrows are drawn, add additional wires of 30 cm each for the paws, fill in the ends and cut them off.
a lion

In the places where the arrows are drawn, add additional wires of 30 cm each for the paws, fill in the ends and cut them off.

In the places where the arrows are drawn, add additional wires of 30 cm each for the paws, fill in the ends and cut them off.

In places where arrows are drawn, add additional wires of 30 cm each for fins, fill in the ends and cut off.

In the places where the arrows are drawn, add additional wires of 30 cm each for the paws, fill in the ends and cut them off.

Recently, a trend has come for beaded brooches. And it was animals made of beads, as well as birds and fish, that became no less relevant. Therefore, I wish you inspiration, my dear needlewomen! Beaded animals will help make you individual and unique. Don't be afraid to try. Create beautiful things, and remember: your creations are your inner world. This article will tell you about the symbolism of various animals in jewelry. But the main thing is that master classes on making brooches with your own hands await you. Join us, incredible video tutorials of beaded animals for beginners are waiting for you!

Beaded dog and cat

We are all used to the fact that a cat is a pet, which we all love very much for its warmth, tenderness and devotion. Have you ever thought that, in fact, it has long been a sacred animal among many peoples. The main branch in mythology, in which the cat played almost the most important role, is Egyptian mythology. As the legends say, one of the incarnations of the sun god Ra was just a cat. Every night, Ra went down to swim along the underground Nile, and one day he was met by an evil serpent who wanted to hit him. Ra reincarnated as a red cat, and defeated the serpent by cutting off his head. Since then, the Egyptians have surrounded cats with care and attention, since it was the cat that won the victorious battle. Since that time, Ra considered the cat as his sacred animal.
It also symbolizes the family idyll and the warmth of the hearth, psychological balance and comfort.

panther beaded

Panther- symbolizes greatness, power and strength, fearlessness, power and nobility. She is always ready to defend and attack.
The panther has an acute sensitivity. The hairs on the panther's body allow it to detect the slightest vibrations and understand the nature of the origin of these vibrations. Popular beliefs tell that this predatory cat beckons everyone with its breath. And that is why she does not have to make special efforts when hunting for prey - the animals themselves converged on her scent. But in Chinese culture, it was marked as a "black lion", which was presented as a tribute from Western countries, in which they, in fact, were discovered. The Chinese king was amazed by the aroma that the animal's skin exuded. Her scent could be heard from afar.

Brooch dog beaded master class

beaded puppy

The next representative of the animal world will be a dog. She, as we know, is the symbol of 2018. This brooch would make a great gift. And it may remain for your use. Let this puppy bring a lot of happiness, joy and unforgettable needlework evenings to your home.

Necessary materials:

  • Dog template (can be found on the Internet)
  • Thin felt
  • Eco-leather (for decorating the reverse side of the brooch)
  • Beading thread or monofilament
  • Black glass adhesive rhinestones
  • Chocolate color for outline (0.80)
  • The main color of the dog is two translucent colors (10110 and 81060)
  • The basis for the brooch - cardboard and glue

Well, I suggest you start working.

Draw the outline of the dog

We transfer the outline of the template to felt, and then draw those details that cannot be circled.

First of all, we sew rhinestones (or beads) to the location of the eye and nose.

We embroider with beads along the contour

Now take a thread with a needle and start embroidering. We draw the needle on the contours of the lines. We collect two beads, and, approximately, retreating a distance equal to the same two beads, makes a stitch.

Next, the needle must be brought out between the two sewn beads. And now, we bring the needle through the hole of the last bead, thereby pulling them up and aligning them.

We again collect two beads, make a stitch, retreating along the contour line a distance equal to their size. In the same way, we bring the needle between them and pass the needle into the last one. Your task is to flash all the contours of the dog.

Let's move on to the next circuit.

When you have sewn to the end of the top line of the head , You can see that the eye follows, and the line of the ear is closed here, so the beads will be located on it in a different direction. So, we bring the thread from the inside to a new contour and embroider it in the same way as the head contour line.

Tip: If some beads are knocked out of a common straight line, you can sew them in a circle again. Then they will look much smoother.

The finished embroidered outlines should look like this:

Color Filling Beaded Doggie

Let's move on to color filling. We draw the needle in the right place and fill the space inside the contour with the color that you have in mind. And now we will not embroider in even rows. I suggest placing the beads as randomly as possible, then our puppy will turn out fluffy and even curly. We collect one bead and sew in free places.

Mentally draw the spots for your puppy, embroidering them in orange. This is how it should turn out:

We continue to embroider, filling the space between the contours, picking up 1 bead.
The finished embroidery looks like this

Preparing the basis for the brooch

The embroidered dog needs to be cut out. Be careful not to cut the threads of the stitches on the wrong side where they pass. Then, we translate the contours of the template onto thick paper or cardboard and cut it out, slightly reducing the pattern in size. We coat the cardboard blank with glue, and glue it on the wrong side of the embroidery. Thus, the cardboard will serve as the frame of our future beaded dog brooch.

Now we will decorate the reverse side of the embroidered puppy so that our brooch is neat and beautiful. We fold the embroidery and eco-leather wrong sides. We outline the outline of the future brooch. Next, along the contour and cut out.

We will hide the basis for the brooch under the skin. To do this, mark the exit points of the fastener, fold it in half, combining the points, and make 2 neat cuts.

We open the clasp and thread it through the slots.

On the wrong side, between the base plate, add a drop of glue. We also coat the cardboard frame with glue and glue a leather pattern to it along with a fastener.
Our brooch is almost ready. It remains only to draw the end sides. We thread the needle again and pass between the layers of embroidery. A thin knot at the end should hide between them. Excess tails can be trimmed. Now we pierce all layers of bead embroidery from the side of the skin.

We stretch the thread, and thread the needle through the loop. We should get a knot that will fix the thread of the end of the embroidery.

Now, we collect 2 chocolate-colored beads and again make a puncture of the layers. Try to make them at the same distance, then the stitches on the wrong side will look even and of high quality.

Now we need to deploy the 2nd bead. Let's go through it with a needle and pull it up. We will level the first one when we reach the end.

Fox from beads

And now, quietly furtively, she approaches us, a predatory robber, her majesty the fox. She has good dexterity and observation, which is why defenseless little birds, frogs and tiny animals often find themselves in her paws. With the image of the Fox in fairy tales and mythology, such qualities as cunning, dexterity, sneakiness, quick wit, caution, and patience are usually associated. And remember only Russian fairy tales, in which she is always called "kuma". The fox also has a patronymic Patrikeevna, because it is she who is the symbol of St. Patrick in Ireland.
Brooches with foxes on them are quite popular. A lot of labor and cost will not be required in order to create a wonderful fox. You will need 3 colors of beads: black, orange and white. Be sure to take a template so that the brooch is the correct shape. For a beautiful wrong side, you should use leather, which is also cut according to the fox pattern. A minimum of time, and a do-it-yourself beaded fox brooch will look wonderful on any clothes. Since the beaded fox brooch is in demand now, it can be purchased in online stores or on social networks from experienced needlewomen.

Majestic beaded animals

Lion beaded brooch

The lion, of course, is the personification of courage, power, and power. No wonder he is called the king of beasts. He has all the features of a wise steward. His nobility reflects his manner. In literature and cinema, he is given majestic roles. Actually, which correspond to its nature.

Elephant beaded brooch

We all have an idea of ​​what an elephant looks like: bulky, majestic. The elephant represents wisdom, strength and prudence. It serves in India, China and Africa as the emblem of royal power. It symbolizes the qualities necessary for a good ruler - dignity, intelligence, patience, peacefulness, longevity. In Buddhism, the elephant is given a special place of honor, as it is the sacred animal of the Buddha. In depth psychology, the elephant is the embodiment of wisdom and non-aggressive power. Jewelry with this animal, in this case, a beaded elephant brooch, will go well with everyday looks. If you want to have an exclusive decoration, then I suggest preparing the necessary materials, such as: felt, clasp, beads, elephant pattern and eco-leather.

Brooch beaded giraffe

The giraffe is one of the most ancient symbols of happiness, good character and prosperity. Giraffe pushes the desire to approach something unattainable, distant, and unknown to the human mind. He is a symbol of good character, calmness, fidelity in love. For those who have complexes, it will help to become bright and unique, as they say, to become head and shoulders above the rest.

Fairytale animals and fish from beads

Brooch beaded unicorn

The unicorn is a mythical animal. His hypostasis is a mystery and embodies the original unity, the beginning and the ultimate goal of human existence. In Tibet, the monks consider him a real conductor between heaven and earth, between light and dark forces. But in China, back in ancient times, there was a legend about an emperor who was sitting near the Yellow Sea, and suddenly saw an unearthly creature that was walking on the water, and it turned green. All he could see was an unknown message on the animal's back. Many believe that this is how Chinese characters originated. The unicorn is a symbol of enlightenment, spotless purity and eternity.

If we talk about brooches and jewelry with a picture of a unicorn, then I can say that any little princess will be delighted if her mother makes her or someone gives her such a wonderful brooch. Therefore, I propose to master a very simple technique of beadwork, and as a result, to have a wonderful brooch.

Accessories for work:

First of all, cut out the template and trace it on the felt.

On the cut out template, we apply a drawing on the front side

Now it is very important to lay out the pink crystals on the mane so that it looks aesthetically pleasing and believable. This is how it should look like.

Glue the crystals in the intended order with glue. For reliability, in addition to gluing, I also advise you to flash it. Next, we are engaged in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nose of the unicorn. Try to find a pale pink bead color. Decorate the nostril (small dot) with a black bead.

Fill in the area of ​​the muzzle with white. For the eye, use a black bead.

Empty places in the mane of crystals are filled with pink.

In order to separate the head from the neck of the unicorn, we sew a line with a transparent color. And sew the bottom part with white.

Let's get to the horn. He, like all unicorns, will be multi-colored. Draw stripes and fill it with all the colors of the rainbow.

Basically, he's ready. But to complete the composition, I propose to make a rainbow and a cloud.


  • Sample
  • Scissors
  • Beads (all colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple)
  • Beads for a cloud (white) and 2 beautiful beads

We cut out the template, then apply it to the felt, and cut it out again, making a blank.

Sew 2 beautiful beads to the corner of the cloud

The rest of the area will be occupied by white beads.

Draw stripes of the rainbow and alternately fill with flowers.

This activity, of course, requires painstaking and patience. But here it is, the result. And you can’t distinguish it from store brooches, right?

blue whale brooch beaded

The whale is a symbol of the colossal power of nature, it is also an ancient symbol of rebirth. It is the whale that is the “big fish”, which, in accordance with the biblical legend, swallowed Jonah and vomited him back after three days and three nights. These incredible brooches can be found on the Internet, as well as in online stores.

Beaded brooch Goldfish

The symbolism of the fish is very diverse. This representative of the fauna has been known to mankind for a very long time. Millions of years ago, and even now, however, the fish world occupied a very impressive position in the formation of oceans, seas and lakes. There are even some legends that say that the human race arose through evolution from creatures similar to amphibians. Water is the source of all life and life in general. And it is the fish that is the representative of the water element. Even in Christianity, the fish wins back an important fate, and the monogram of the fish is a kind of symbol. Christians were like fish, safe only in the "water of doctrine." According to Feng Shui, fish is the strongest amulet that brings positive news and joy to its owners during new life stages. So feel free to purchase this brooch. Or, with the help of beads, sequins and beads, start creating. All that is required of you to work is a beautiful template and your own vision of what your fish should be like.

Beaded panda brooch

The country in which the panda is almost a sacred animal is China. Panda Diplomacy, have you heard of one? But China has been presenting pandas as a gift to the rulers and presidents of different countries for a very long time, as a sign of friendship. Thus, these cute animals have come to symbolize compromise and unconditional trust. In both Confucian and Taoist worldviews, the concept of "a hermit from a bamboo grove" is equally recognized as a symbol of the independent existence of an outstanding person.

I propose to plunge into the world of beautiful needlework. Let's work a little, and as a result, we will get a wonderful beaded panda brooch.

Accessories for work

So, we need:

  • Needle
  • Black beads (No. 15)
  • Black sequins
  • Replacement leather
  • Felt for brooch embroidery
  • Clasp

We draw a panda template, apply it to eco-leather or felt (your choice), outline and stitch it with stitches using a black thread and a needle.

We collect a couple of beads and sew them to the template. In order for the beads to stand evenly in a row, you need to pass a needle and thread through the second bead. In this way, repeat until the end of the sheathing of the contours.

This is how the finished embroidered contours look like:

We fill the panda's ears with sequins, sewing them in a circle until the white gaps are visible.

We fill the pandochka's foot with beads. We sew on a couple of pieces. Don't forget to align them in a row. The foot consists of half beads and sequins.

Brooch assembly process

Cut out the finished embroidered panda along the contour. Be careful not to pinch the seams. Otherwise, the contour lines will crumble. Attach it to a solid base of the same shape, and cover with felt. Place the fastener under the felt, make two cuts so that you can pull out the two edges of the fastener. Sew these three layers.

The beaded panda brooch is ready!

Step-by-step master class “Panda beaded brooch”

Brooch beaded lizard

The lizard is a symbol of agility, flexibility and silence. Since ancient times, she has been very fond of jewelry masters, who admired the curves of her body, and how deftly and skillfully she changes color. Therefore, they made jewelry in the form of a lizard so skillfully. It also symbolizes wisdom. Flexible creatures, easily subjugating circumstances, dexterous and elusive - they are able to change color and, in case of danger, drop their tail. They personify the strength to withstand any circumstances.

Brooch beaded lizard:

Beaded tortoise brooch

Turtle - means wisdom, patience and longevity. As we know, she is very stubbornly going to the set. And even if obstacles appear on her way, and she hides her head in a shell, this still does not indicate a cessation of progress towards the goal. She shows her patience, waits out the time of danger, and continues to move on. Albeit slowly, but persistently. Therefore, I advise you to purchase, or to do some handicraft, but still have a turtle brooch. These beaded animals are very cute and cute if you use beads and beads. However, it is up to you to judge and choose!

Hedgehog beaded brooch

The hedgehog is a very fussy animal. It's like he needs to get it done the most. Although it is a tiny animal, it is very wise. If necessary, he is ready to fight even with a snake. Yes, yes, he is distinguished by special courage. Also, the Slavs believed that the hedgehog was the adviser of the Almighty. And he improved the environment with it.

Beaded hare

The hare is a symbol of a happy life. The hare symbolizes dexterity, confidence, vigilance and fertility. The owner of this jewelry will have a long and carefree life.

Snake beaded brooch

The snake is a very cunning, but at the same time, wise creature. In the Bible, Jesus mentions her, saying that we should be wise as snakes, but immediately pops up in our memory and how in the Garden of Eden the serpent tempter persuaded Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. She has two beginnings: good and evil. And it is skillfully combined in it.

Brooch beaded scorpion

Scorpio, as a rule, symbolizes destruction, evil, betrayal and revenge. In the Bible, the scorpion is a demonic creature, but in medieval art it is a sign of deadly betrayal. He is often compared to Judas, who betrayed Jesus.

Seahorses are incredibly mysterious inhabitants of the seabed. These wonderful creatures are present in many myths. The royal nobility of the bottom of the sea moved in wagons, in which, in fact, seahorses were harnessed. The vertical way of his movement is a symbol of absolute fidelity to his principles, ideals, because, despite the terrible inconvenience of this method of movement, he easily adapted to it. In addition, it symbolizes powerful protection. Because when approaching any kind of danger, the seahorse easily mimics.

Beaded dolphin brooch

The dolphin is a mammal, which is characterized by both air space and the aquatic environment. He is a friend of people. In particular, this is evidenced by the legends that the dolphin is the one who saves shipwrecked people. Also, he is the conductor of souls. It symbolizes maritime strength, security and freedom. A brooch with an embroidered dolphin will decorate any summer dress and give it the romance of the sea.

Brooch baby raccoon beaded

The raccoon is perhaps the most curious animal. His strengths are agility and disguise. He is a real expert in the field of wearing masks. Right, an actor. Raccoons are really distinguished by their curiosity, and therefore the theft of things he likes, food. This is the magic of the raccoon. He is a professional in the art of disguise and knows how to pretend that nothing happened. His masks are his key to success.

Cancer beaded brooch

Cancer is a creature about which the Russian people have composed so many sayings. And after all, all of them, whatever one may say, very reliably describe the essence of cancer. Also, cancer appears on the emblems of port cities, as evidenced by coins.

Brooch cute beaded sheep

Sheep are pure creatures. By themselves, these animals personify meekness, humility, innocence and gentleness. Sheep brooches are perfect for tulle clothes and will make your look uniquely tender and sweet.

Deer from beads

The deer is a lucky symbol. The parallel is drawn with the Sun. The features inherent in a deer are aspiration, incredible grace and harmony. That is why the deer is often remembered in music and poetry. Also, the deer is a symbol of rejection from society, piety and purity.

Dear needlewomen! Animals made of beads, and even more so brooches, will be an excellent gift for your beloved or close friends. Well, you must admit that it is much more pleasant to wear jewelry that is made by yourself.

Creation beaded animals- this is usually the stage immediately following the weaving of simple jewelry. Figures created from small multi-colored glass strung on wire or fishing line can be both very simple and extremely complex.

Animal world from beads

Help us create animal world from beads may come special kits for needlework. By purchasing such a useful bag, you get a ready-made weaving pattern, a step-by-step guide and the entire set of necessary materials and tools. But, we must admit that such sets are not cheap, and each small animal will beat on my mother's wallet. But what if the kid wants to create a whole zoo, populate the jungle or a rural farm with beaded animals? Then free master classes with diagrams that can be found on specialized sites will come to your aid.

Another option for extracting instructions for weaving from beads of animals, schemes and patterns - books on needlework, and more specifically, on beadwork. Once you spend money on buying a book, you will receive excellent recommendations for conducting children's classes for a long time.

Well, in our today's article we will see which animals can be mastered by both beginners and more experienced ones in the form of animals. Let's start with the very basics, which are usually mastered by kids in the first beading lessons. To practice, go to a bead store and buy a small bag of several colors. It is better to choose ordinary round beads, they are symmetrical and suitable for all types of crafts. You will also need a spool of fishing line - a strong synthetic thread that is used not only in fishing tackle, but also in the creation of crafts from beads. The fishing line has a small drawback, it tends to stretch over time, so crafts can be slightly deformed. Also, the fishing line is quite thick, it will not work to make it invisible in the craft, so monofilament has become a find for experienced craftsmen - a thin and durable fiber, which, moreover, is available in a wide range of colors. Good also for doing with beaded schemes of voluminous animals thin wire that allows you to give the figure any shape. For professional crafts, a jewelry cable is used - a special wire coated with a layer of polymer.

Beaded Animals for Beginners

One of the first beaded animals for beginners will be such a cute crocodile. Completely fearless, quite funny, after an hour of work he will be able to become a full participant in children's games.

To work, buy a small amount of green, blue and red beads. You will also need a piece of thin, light-colored fishing line. It is always worth cutting off the fishing line from the reel, since it will be very easy to cut off the extra ends, but if there is not enough fishing line, you will have to start all the work done again, dissolve the craft. For such a crocodile, you will need about 60 centimeters of fishing line, fold it in half, we will focus on the middle. We will thread the beads with a figure eight, that is, we thread the threaded bead again on both sides with fishing line. In the first row there is one green bead, in the second - two blue ones, in the third - 2 green ones. From the fourth to the ninth row, we collect two blue and two green beads in turn. Then we proceed according to the scheme: 10 row - 3 blue, 11 row - 3 green, 12 row - 4 blue, 13 row - 4 green, 14 row - 5 blue, 15 row - 5 green, 16 row - 5 blue. The tail of the crocodile is ready, now we string blue beads and make legs. 17 - 24 row - alternately 5 green and 5 blue. Let's do the legs again. 25 row - 5 green, 26 row - 5 blue, 27-28 row - 4 green and 4 blue. 29th row - first green, second - red, third - green, fourth - red, 5 - green. 30 row 5 blue, 31 - 32 row - 4 green and 4 blue, 33 - 34 row - 3 green and 3 blue, 35 - 36 row - 2 green and 2 blue. 37 row - 1 green. We tie the fishing line with a strong knot and cut off the extra ends.

In a similar manner, the next craft is done - a frog. The rows are also closed with eights, alternating colors in each row so that we have a frog body pattern. To do this, we use green beads of several shades: dark green and light green, transparent, we also use dark beads for the eyes of the frog.

The wire frame is needed not only for the finished look of the craft. In many of them, it is the wire that helps to give the animal stability and the necessary shape. This is perfectly illustrated by the next craft - a ladybug. Thick wire forms not only the edges, but also creates a rigid rib in the middle, between the wings, so that the shape of the dome is correct. By bending the wire, you will also form the legs for the ladybug.

Volumetric animals from beads

Volumetric animals from beads not only for children's games, they can also serve as great key rings, because they are lightweight, but their shape makes it easy to pull the keys out of a bag or pocket.

As a keychain, you can offer such a funny cat figurine, which bears the proud name of Kotosharik. It is woven from small beads, and in order to maintain the correct shape, a large bead is inserted inside the body and braided around it. After the body is ready, long legs, tail, ears, eyes and cheeks are woven into it.

The use of the base is generally useful if you want to know how simple it is - add various fillers and frames, because it is very difficult to achieve the correct volume with ordinary weaving, which would not be deformed later.

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