How to properly store a fur collar in the summer. How to store fur products

Outerwear made of fur: fur coats, hats, collars - needs special care. These things are bought out of season, carefully selected and are very expensive. Therefore, with the advent of spring, you need to responsibly approach the process of storing fur products during the summer.

Fur coat refrigerator

Fur products require special attention. In order for the fur coat not to lose its appearance and not deteriorate, certain “climatic conditions” are necessary. The optimal solution is to store fur products in special fur coat refrigerators. Such a refrigerator can be installed at home or use the services of specialized companies. In a fur coat refrigerator, the fur is protected from tarnishing, drying out and from moths. Ideal storage conditions are created. The temperature in the refrigerator is 4-7 degrees. In addition, companies that accept furs for storage offer insurance in case of damage to the fur.

Fur storage at home

Fur coats, hats and collars must be put away for a warm period in a separate closet. Before this, the products must be carefully prepared. Firstly, you can’t fold the fur coat into a plastic bag and put it in the mezzanine when folded. In this case, next winter, the fur coat will have to be given for restoration, which will require considerable financial costs. And the appearance of the product will certainly not change for the better. At the first stage, it is necessary to carefully examine the fur coat: are there any spots on it, accumulated dust, rolled up areas of fur. The lower edge of the product is especially prone to contamination. If there is one, you must resort to dry cleaning services or clean the fur yourself. Professional dry cleaning of fur is definitely better than home remedies. But the choice of dry cleaning must be taken seriously. Try to use the services of trusted professionals. Poor-quality products can hopelessly ruin the fur or skin, which you will not notice right away. Under the influence of snow and sunlight, chemicals can behave unpredictably. The structure, shade of fur may be damaged. There are ateliers who can restore the fur, but this is not guaranteed. If you do not trust dry cleaners, then you need to clean the fur yourself.

Fur cleaning

For short, long, light or dark fur, there are homemade "recipes" for cleaning fur.

To remove stains of grease or sweat: for 1.5 lira of water, three teaspoons of alcohol and the same amount of salt, or mix the same proportions of alcohol and ammonia. In addition, the pile must be wiped with a cloth moistened with gasoline. A short pile is rubbed "against the wool", a long pile - in the direction of the wool. Next, be sure to wash off the gasoline with a damp, clean sponge and dry the product. As a cleaning agent, you can use semolina, flour or bran. The mixture must be heated in a pan and rubbed into the product. It is most effective to rub the grits against the pile. In this way, you will remove accumulated particles of dust, dirt and grease. After this procedure, the fur coat must be shaken and brushed. Next, in the direction of the pile, wipe the fur coat with a damp cotton cloth soaked in alcohol. The product must dry, and in the end it is necessary to comb the fur. Such cleaning of the product can be carried out several times a season, and at the end of winter it is simply necessary. First of all, it is necessary to process the areas most prone to contamination - the lower edge of the product, cuffs and collar. Fur products can be refreshed with sawdust. Sawdust is mixed with gasoline and scattered on the surface of the fur coat. It is necessary to clean all parts of the fur coat with a brush, and then shake and comb through with a comb. Sawdust should not be used from softwood (because of the resin). Alternatively, you can use foam rubber or wheat bran. Products made of expensive natural fur are not recommended to be brushed. Fur with a long pile is cleaned with a composition of talc and gasoline. Faux fur is treated with a solution of lemon juice and water.

Product drying

It is necessary to dry fur products after processing and cleaning in a free and ventilated room at a temperature not higher than +10 degrees and in a suspended position. Try to avoid the proximity of the battery or radiator. Do not rush to dry your fur coat quickly. It is especially not recommended to hang the product in the sun, even turned inside out. The fur will lose its brightness, become stiff and brittle, and begin to fall out.

Fur coat storage case

The ideal option is a bag made of natural fiber. You can buy it at a hardware store or make your own. For this, a regular sheet or duvet cover is suitable. In no case do not pack a fur coat or any other fur product in polyethylene. Sooner or later, moisture will accumulate there, which harms the fur. There are special cases with zippers for storing outerwear. The material from which the covers are made is breathable. Ventilation is also provided. Dark-colored covers will better preserve the shade and shine of the product.

Rules for storing a fur coat in the closet

Shake the fur coat, check the pockets, fasten all the buttons. Comb the felted areas of fur with a sparse comb, starting from the ends of the pile. The fur coat should hang on separate coat hangers. The size of the coat hanger should match the size of the coat. Too wide will contribute to deformation, if too narrow - the sleeves will sag. There should be enough space in the closet. Clothing should not be too closely adjacent to each other, otherwise the fur will crumble. Several times during the summer, the fur coat must be taken out of the closet so that the fur is ventilated, “rested”. Products made of light or white fur require special conditions. To prevent the fur from turning yellow, it is necessary to wrap the product with gauze soaked in blue. An alternative option is special blue-blue covers.

How to deal with moths The main enemy of a fur coat is a moth. The fur coat becomes a victim of this insect when it is placed in storage dirty, uncleaned, untreated. Moth is a lover of dust that accumulates in natural fibers or pile. Thus, in order to avoid damage to the fur, it is necessary to take into account all the recommendations for cleaning fur products. No moth remedies, covers, temperature will save a fur coat if it is dirty. The coat should be kept clean even when worn. Keep the product away from dirty clothing. After the fur coat is put in order, packed in a case, use moth remedies. In hardware stores there is a huge variety of such tools. Various records, bags, powders, aromatic figurines and pendants, hangers, sprays. The most affordable and popular remedy is naphthalene. But a few years ago, this substance was banned from being used as a remedy for moths, as it contains carcinogens that are dangerous to human health. Modern moth remedies are of two types: contact and fumigation. Contacts are applied directly to the product. Fumigants work on the basis of gradual evaporation and repelling. It is better if the antimol is placed in the inner and outer pockets of the product, in the collar area. In order for the product to acquire a pleasant smell, you can put a sachet in the case - a bag with flavored filler. There are also folk remedies: soap, tobacco, lavender, orange peels. Sew lavender or tobacco into a fabric bag and hang it on a hanger with the product.

Thus, for a fur coat to have a good summer, it must be clean. Special means will not allow moths to settle in a fur product.

A fur hat is not a knitted cockerel for you, so we will approach its storage with all seriousness. Of course, you don’t need to go to extremes, but there are a number of rules, following which, next season, you will get a beautiful fur hat from the closet, and not a skin of unknown origin and dubious beauty.

So, how to store hats, rules!

Prepare your hat for storage

Talk to her put it in order. Dry, clean from dust and dirt. If you can’t look at the lining without tears, change it. Be sure to remove the stains, because dirty fur is the best delicacy for moths. He eats so that only champing comes from the cupboard. Don't know how to clean fur? Dry cleaning is here to help. It is better to pay once than to burst into tears once from the results of self-cleaning.

Storage conditions

Fur hats just like the Eskimos. They love cold and air, but they do not tolerate heat, the sun and chemicals. Free dark dry space is a paradise for a hat. Batteries, heating elements and even electric lamps are a real hat hell. Fur reacts extremely negatively to such torture. It will definitely lose its luster, and the mezdra will become tough.

Philological moment

See how suddenly your vocabulary has increased by a scary word. mezdra. Directly not an article, but a solid benefit. This is how you live, you live all your life and you can’t even imagine that you are wearing a mezdra on your head. But this is exactly what you are doing, because the mezdra is, in fact, the wrong side of the fur. Roughly speaking, the leather component of the fur hat.

Therefore, when we say that the mezdra will become tough, we mean that the hat will become a stake. A sort of fur helmet. And do we need it? It’s not necessary at all, so we don’t dry the hat on batteries, we don’t torture it with a hairdryer!

Hats also do not like damp rooms very much. The fur will become stiff, and if the hat is white, terrible yellow spots may appear on it. And all why? Because mold fungi love to live in humidity.

By the way, light hats, for obvious reasons, are best stored separately from dark ones!

And in general, any fur loves freedom and space. Therefore, it is not necessary to tamp hats into a clogged closet or stack them in piles. Closed suitcases and boxes are also prohibited, because it is stuffy and there is no air circulation.

Polyethylene is another hat nightmare. Do not store hats in bags and plastic cases! Over time, moisture accumulates in them, and fur and skin are very afraid of water.

So where do you store it?

... an impatient reader will ask us. And there are four options:

· Put the hat in a cardboard box.

· Wrap the hat in paper.

· Wrap the hat in cotton.

· Put the hat in a special cotton breathable bag (not a vacuum bag!).

And you need to put a dense lump of newspapers into the hat cap or use a more civilized method - insert a cardboard ring insert into it. As a last resort - put on a jar.

And do not forget about the moth, which does not hibernate in summer! Tablets "antimol" to help you.

Preparing for the season after storage

Even if your hat was stored in ideal conditions, it still needs to recover a little after a long hibernation.

Comb the fur with a special brush or comb and put the hat in a dark, cool, ventilated area. If the fur is wrinkled, straighten and steam it. In modern dry cleaners, for example, this is done with a steam generator.

If the hat was conceived as lush and fluffy, and after storage it became smooth like a beaver, then just lightly sprinkle it with water, shake it and, voila, the fur will fluff up, as if there was no long summer hibernation.

How to wear a fur hat

Yes, yes, even in this matter there are rules and subtleties.


It is advisable to wear a fur hat only at sub-zero temperatures, because any fur loves the cold very much. Plus, it’s very undesirable to sweat in a hat (the mezdra will become tough), so, again, put it on for the season, that is, at a minus. And shoot indoors!

The sun

With the first spring sun, it is better to take off the fur hat. Even if it's still freezing! Because the spring sun literally eats up the color of the fur and all sorts of metamorphoses begin to occur with it (it turns yellow, gray, burns out).


It is ideal to wear a hat in dry weather. But if you are caught in snow or rain, then be sure to dry the fur and then comb it. Never use a hair dryer! Otherwise, the mezdra will become coarse and at the exit you will get a fur helmet, and not a hat.

This concludes the informative educational program about hats. Now you know exactly how to store a fur hat. :) If you follow these simple tips, your hat will thank you very much!

Every woman dreams of a fur coat, especially a mink product. It looks luxurious, however, and is also worth it. For this reason, you need to know how to store a mink coat properly at home. It will have to be worn only in winter. Accordingly, in autumn, spring and summer, it will hang peacefully in the closet. The question automatically arises - how to save a mink coat from moths and other pests so that it lasts for many seasons?

Product price

It was said above that a mink coat is an expensive product. The price for it may vary and depends on who is its manufacturer, what breeds of fur was involved and on other parameters.

The cost of a short fur coat from the fur of this animal starts from a thousand dollars. Prices for models from the premium segment, for example, or can reach up to 50 thousand dollars or more. Of course, they are not designed for the mass consumer. For such expensive products, appropriate care is also needed.

Who wears mink coats?

This fur product can be safely called universal. They are short, long, with and without a hood, as well as in other modifications. It is worn mainly by the fair sex of all ages. By the way, some are also not averse to having this product in their wardrobe. It not only emphasizes its own respectability, but also warms in the cold winter, which, in our country, are not uncommon.

Preparing for storage

There are owners of fur products who simply place the product in the closet, completely forgetting that this should never be done. Mink does not tolerate neglect.

On a note: Due to adverse conditions, which are represented by poor ventilation, high humidity and others, the fur may turn yellow or begin to fall out.

After a couple of seasons of storage, it will be possible to detect large bald spots on the surface of the fur product. As a result of this, the fur coat can no longer be worn, as external defects will be evident to others. The owner of the fur product will no longer be a queen, but will look like a circus worker who left the arena a few minutes ago, forgetting to take off her costume.

Preparation for storage includes the following steps:

  • Buy. It can be bought both in the store where the fur product was bought, and at another point of sale. It is desirable that it comes with a zipper. In this case, the wardrobe item will not be difficult to hang and remove. The plastic cover does not need to be completely airtight. After all, then the fur will not be able to "breathe";
  • After the second season of use, inspect the fur from all sides. As a rule, it is by this time that the fastening of the buttons deteriorates, and the lining may also tear. If this happened, then repair it yourself, or take it to the studio. These defects are not guaranteed, which means that there is no point in making claims to the store;
  • Removal of contaminants. With intensive wearing of a long fur coat, they appear. Do not try to remove it yourself, using newfangled means or means obtained by folk methods. You can simply irretrievably "burn" the fur. Go straight to the dry cleaners. Special technologies and chemistry will restore the former shine to furs. There will be no trace of stains. In general, it is considered good form to visit dry cleaning about once a season. No more, as the durability of the fur is deteriorating;
  • Combing fur. This is a mandatory procedure. If you neglect it, then next season you will be able to see a not very pleasant picture. The pile will be directed in different directions, and in some places it will be completely crumpled. Comb the fur in the direction of the wool. It is best to use a metal comb with sparse teeth for this;
  • Fur ventilation. If there is a yard, then hang a fur coat in it for several hours. Make sure that the product is not accessible to pets and the smallest members of the family. They are extremely curious, and expensive furs can easily fall into their field of vision;
  • Check pockets. Nothing should be left in them. Usually it is money or cosmetics. Moth pills should be put in pockets. It will be a shame if an insect ruins the most important product in the wardrobe;
  • We put it on a hanger. In general, it can be wooden or metal. If there are wrinkles, then get rid of them. Fasten all buttons and hooks. The only thing left to do is to put the fur coat in a case and find a place to store it.

Where to hang a coat?

When answering the question of how to store a mink coat, one should also talk about the best places to place the product and furs. In general, you can store anywhere, but the place must meet simple requirements. The first step is to exclude the influence of ultraviolet rays. They negatively affect the quality of the fur. If the temperature is high, this can lead to thinning of the pile and the disappearance of splendor.

Storage of fur products

At the beginning of the winter season, in order for the fur to straighten and refresh, the product must be taken out into the cold. Hang the fur coat only on wide shoulders, then it will not wrinkle and deform.

Make sure your coat is always dry. After returning home from a walk, shake off the moisture from the fur coat and let it dry naturally.

Storage in a fur refrigerator

Winter is over and it's time for a fur coat to rest, but where is it better to store a fluffy beauty if you are the owner of an expensive mink coat? The appearance and condition of fur clothing is largely determined by the conditions of its storage. At home, it is almost impossible to create optimal conditions for storing fur products. The temperature in the closet is 10 ° C higher than in the room, and for fur there is nothing worse than high temperature for a long time.

Therefore, for the spring-summer period, you can rent fur products in a special fur refrigerator. It maintains optimal conditions - the ideal temperature for storing fur products is from +6 to +8 degrees Celsius and humidity is from 40 to 50%. The rules for storing fur are also observed - a spacious darkened room, without direct sunlight, constant air circulation due to ventilation, wide comfortable trempels, a cotton cover and a distance between products of at least 20 cm.

A fur refrigerator will protect your fur products from various insects - moths, leather beetles, ticks, as well as damage by rodents. Refrigerator for fur products is one of the most popular services today. In such conditions, your fur product will always look like new, and the specialists of the fur refrigerator will take care of its comfortable stay in the refrigerator. The cost of storage will pay off for you in full, because it is a kind of safe, you will be calm about your property, going on vacation.

Many people install fur refrigerators at home. It is very convenient, all your necessary things are always at hand at any time of the year. Everything can be stored in a fur refrigerator: fur coats, coats, leather jackets with fur collars, fur shoes, hats, woolen clothes, carpets, woolen bedspreads, bags with fur trim, stoles, boas.

A home fur refrigerator pays off in 3-5 years, the payback period depends on the capacity of the fur refrigerator and the cost of your fur products.

The fur refrigerator with the "shock freezing" function cancels the use of chemical "anti-moth" agents. This is a big plus for your own health and the health of your children. Storing fur coats in the right climate of a fur refrigerator will preserve the original beauty of delicate fur. Things bought a few years ago will look shiny and luxurious.

Fur storage at home

If you still decide to keep your fur coat at home, then you need to stock up on a few useful things and free up space in the closet. It is best if the fur coat hangs separately, without touching other clothes that are not similar in color. Free space will allow air to circulate, breathe and not wrinkle the fur, and if your fur coat is long-haired, this will also have a positive effect on the appearance of the product.

But in order to hang it in a closet, you need to choose a solid wide-shouldered hanger with a long hook. It will allow you to preserve the original appearance of the fur product and prevent it from wrinkling.

Proper storage requires attention to the specific needs of the skin. The temperature in the room for storing a fur coat should not be high, otherwise the mezra begins to shrink and shrink.

To store fur products, use a special linen case. It will prevent drying and pollution of the fur in the spring and summer. If there is no cover, you can cover the fur product with a light natural dark-colored fabric.

To maintain an optimal microclimate in a case with fur or leather clothes, you can hang bags with a moisture and odor absorber on a hanger, just change them every 2-3 months. If you put a drop of lavender oil on the bags, it will help protect your fur coat from moths.

How not to store fur and leather products

The fur product must be absolutely dry, otherwise the fur may rot.

The coat cannot be stored folded.

You can not store fur in plastic and polyethylene bags, there is no air circulation and moisture accumulates in them over time.

Wire hangers should not be used to store fur products.

Undyed fur should not be stored next to dyed fur or leather.

Naphthalene cannot be used when storing natural fur.

Avoid contact with anti-moth products, insecticides and other chemicals.

After acquiring the long-awaited fur, I immediately thought about how to store the fur coat. Since the price of a new thing is really rather big, I want to save it and keep it as long as possible. How to do this, let's see together.

How to care for fur at different times of the year

First of all, the service life depends on the proper storage of fur coats, as well as on the care of the fur. This fur product is not only expensive and valuable, but also picky about the conditions of storage and use.

Rule 1. Winter

How to store a fur coat at home so that it does not lose its attractive appearance? Despite the fact that mink is outerwear for the winter, make sure that in your wardrobe there is a down jacket in addition to it. A fur coat should not be worn every day.

If you are wearing a fur coat, you should avoid:

  • places where chemical treatment against ice has taken place;
  • crowded places;
  • wet snow and high humidity.

Winter has come, and the temperature still does not allow you to wear a fur coat? Then you should “walk” her on the balcony.

A frosty evening is ideal to let the skin air out, but during the day it is better for her to stay in the closet.

Although high humidity can be harmful, when you return home, a fur coat can be restored to its attractive appearance with the help of proper drying.

To properly dry the fur, remember the rules:

ANDimage Sequencing

Step 1.

Choose a shady spot in your home to dry.

The sun's rays should not fall on the fur.

Step 2

Shake the product and hang it on a wide coat hanger.

Other outerwear may hang nearby.

Step 3

Get a brush for natural fur and walk it along the villi.

Step 4

Wet a soft, absorbent cloth, then lightly wipe the fur with it.

Step 5.

Leave the product to dry naturally.

Do not use a hair dryer or leave a fur coat near any heating devices.

Rule 2. Summer

Properly store a mink coat in the summer - in a case. If you want to ensure that your fur is protected, for example, from moths, take your outerwear to a dry cleaner. In specialized refrigeration units, all conditions are met in order to properly store fur products.

Keeping a mink coat at home is also possible. Detailed instructions will help you create optimal conditions for "idle" mink.

To keep the fur coat attractive for the next winter season, you must:

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Step 1.

First you need to find a spacious and cool place. .

Step 2.

Take coat hangers, hang a fur coat on them and cover with a cover.

Step 3

Then, using cloth bags impregnated with moths, put protective tablets in the pockets.

Step 4

The coat should be aired and periodically inspected.

Proper care is essential for a mink coat at home, so do not forget about the following points:

  • fur has a negative effect exposure to sunlight;
  • heat air dries the product, from this it deteriorates;
  • humidity over 60% and temperature around 10-15°C these are uncomfortable conditions for the fur.

Rule 3. Mink Care Details

In order for the mink to retain its attractiveness, you need to take into account all the nuances. For example:

  • Storage case mink coatsmust be breathable. Polyethylene fabric is not suitable in this case.

  • As a result of the use of aerosol stains may remain. To avoid them, make protective bags with your own hands. They may include lavender, dry geranium, etc.

Any of the fur storage assistants shown in the photo will be effective, but handmade is the most harmless
  • Fur needs a lot of space.

How to store fur, you now know. But do not forget that the fur coat should be aired at least once every 4 months. Change protective bags against moths, and then your mink will retain its appearance for a very long time.