Make It Up Opening cosmetics "Lan Secrets" Ylang-Ylang. Ylang-Ylang essential oil Video: Aroma combing with ylang-ylang essential oil

emotional sphere
The effect of this oil on the emotional state is similar to the effect of a honeymoon on exotic islands. It cures depression, anxiety, irritability, weakness and anger.

The aroma of ylang-ylang makes the head spin a little with happiness, creates a slight euphoria and liberates sensuality. This is one of the most erotic and romantic oils.

cosmetic action Ylang Ylang will be useful for irritated, damaged and oily skin. This oil gently disinfects and tones, stimulates blood circulation in capillaries and perfectly nourishes skin cells. It is also very useful for hair care, especially weakened and damaged. This is one of the means of intimate cosmetics.

healing action This oil is fully manifested in cardiovascular diseases.

It lowers blood pressure, soothes shortness of breath and palpitations.

Regular use of ylang-ylang oil improves the blood supply to the heart muscle and reduces the effects of angina pectoris.

It is a good anticonvulsant. Ylang-ylang oil effectively helps with spastic bowel disorders.

magical action Ylang Ylang is under the planetary influence of Venus.

The aroma of this oil will help you charm your beloved, kindle the fire of love passion, melt any "iceberg".

Fragrant wreaths of ylang-ylang in Polynesia adorn newlyweds.

Its aromatic smoke is used to fumigate the dwelling to protect it from quarrels and discord.

Package: 5 ml


  • aroma burners: 3-5 drops;
  • for a children's room: 2 drops of ylang-ylang + 3 drops of bergamot + 2 drops of lavender drip before bedtime;
  • baths: 3-7 drops;
  • massage: 5-7 drops in 15 ml of sweet almond oil;
  • enrichment of creams, tonics, shampoos, shower gels: 1-5 drops per 5 ml of base;
  • aroma medallions: 2-3 drops;
  • a drop of pure oil can be used as perfume.

Attention! Too thick aroma of ylang-ylang can cause dizziness and headache: use minimal doses.

Choosing essential oils under the brand name "Glorion", you are always sure of the impeccable European quality of the product!

The Gloris Aroma line is a wide range of 100% natural essential oils of the highest quality with a pronounced cosmetic and healing effect, as well as a wide range of effects on the psycho-emotional sphere.

They are natural and safe, help to restore the beauty of the skin and hair due to saturation with vitamins and microelements. Having an anti-inflammatory immunomodulatory effect, they support the health of the body without addiction. They harmonize the emotional sphere (help to cheer up, cheer up, relieve stress, relax or tune in to sleep).

We offer you top quality complete oils! We cooperate with the best companies - producers of essential oils from different countries. Our partners are the following companies:

In Germany:

  • Joh. Vogele KG,
  • Düllberg Konzentra GmbH & Co. kg,
  • Henry Lamotte Oils GmbH,
  • Gustav Heess GmbH.

In Great Britain::

  • Ungerer Limited U.K.

Why do we have multiple suppliers?

Different essential oils are produced by different methods: cold pressing or steam distillation. So that you can choose your essential oils from the Gloris Aroma line, we are constantly expanding the range of the line and making purchases from different suppliers.

How we select suppliers

The quality of essential oils depends on many factors, such as the location of the plants from which the essential oil is produced, weather and climatic conditions, fertilizers, etc. Therefore, we order samples from several companies, conduct an examination, and select the best for you.

After that, we purchase a batch of essential oil that has passed the examination, we pack it into bottles in compliance with the technological standards for bottling essential oils.

Thanks to this essential oil producer selection system, we offer you the highest quality product - 100% natural essential oils under the Gloryon brand.

In the article, we consider ylang-ylang oil - its composition, methods of use and possible contraindications. You will learn how ylang ylang oil restores the skin, hair and legs, why it is used in the production of perfumes and cosmetics, in spa treatments and in medicine. Available recipes will help you apply a natural product with maximum benefit at home.

Ylang-ylang or fragrant kananga is an evergreen tropical tree, which, during the flowering period, is decorated with bright yellow buds of an unusual shape.

At the peak of flowering, they exude a deep and rich aroma with hints of jasmine and neroli. Depending on the region of growth, the inflorescences may have a purple or pinkish tint.

Ylang-ylang oil is obtained from cananga flowers by distillation. The technology involves distillation of pomace followed by cooling and condensation of vapors.

By concentration, several types of distillates are distinguished:

  • during the first distillation, the most concentrated distillate is obtained - extra or bourbon (used for the production of perfume);
  • after an hour distillation - grage one oil, used during cosmetic procedures and in the manufacture of cosmetic products;
  • after 3-6 hours - extract and squeeze absolute for the manufacture of budget shampoos, lotions, soaps.

The chemical composition of ylang-ylang oil

The widespread use of ylang-ylang ether is due to its chemical composition.

Ylang-ylang essential oil contains:

  • alcohols (geraniol, linaool and farnesol) - have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects;
  • caryophyllene, a hydrocarbon that, according to UAE University researchers, helps to eliminate depression and treat anxiety;
  • benzyl acetate and benzyl benzoate - esters needed by the body for energy production;
  • phenols - improve blood circulation, and also accelerate the supply of nutrients to cells;
  • organic acids (salicylic, formic, valeric) - strengthen the immune system and protect the body from negative environmental factors.

Ylang Ylang Oil - Properties and Uses

Ylang-ylang oil has an antidepressant effect on the body. It quickly calms, relieves emotional overexcitation and helps eliminate fears and anxieties, normalize sleep, and find peace of mind.

To prevent stress, daily lubricate the solar plexus point with a mixture of ylang-ylang oil (5 drops), tangerine and petitgrain (10 drops each). In case of psychological overstrain, to suppress aggression and anger, inhale or spray 15 drops of ylang-ylang oil diluted in half a liter of water in the room.

Ylang Ylang ether is popular with creatives who want to stimulate the creative process and sharpen their intuition while working on their next project or creating a new piece of art.

For hair

Ylang Ylang oil improves hair condition and eliminates numerous problems, including helping to:

  • strengthen hair follicles and stop hair loss;
  • prevent breakage and split ends;
  • restore the structure of the hair shaft;
  • give your hair a pleasant fragrance for a long time.

Ylang Ylang Oil is suitable for all hair types. Its properties help to balance the oiliness of the scalp and prevent dandruff.

The oil can be used in its pure form, for example, during aroma combing. Apply a small amount to a fine-toothed wooden comb and brush your hair before bed to leave it shiny, silky and manageable. The procedure can also be done in the morning, before washing your hair.

To prevent dull hair and hair loss, add 2-3 drops of oil to a single serving of shampoo.

To moisturize the hair and strengthen the hair follicles, massage the scalp regularly. Mix a teaspoon of ylang-ylang oil with two tablespoons of a base remedy - burdock, sea buckthorn, coconut, almond, jojoba or castor oil, and rub the mixture into the roots for 10-15 minutes, and then spread over the entire length and leave for another half hour.

Moisturizing Mask Recipe


  1. Avocado - 1 pc.
  2. Ylang-ylang oil - 3 drops.
  3. Calamus oil - 2 drops.
  4. Chamomile oil - 1 drop.

How to cook: Mash the fruit pulp into a puree. Add three types of oils to it. Mix thoroughly.

How to use: Apply to hair from roots to ends. Leave on for 20-25 minutes. Wash off with water. Wash your hair with shampoo.

Result: The mask moisturizes dry hair, "solders" them and prevents the appearance of split ends.

Rinse for hair growth


  1. Water - 800 ml.
  2. Apple cider vinegar - 3 tsp
  3. Aloe juice - 6 tsp
  4. Sandalwood oil - 15 drops.

How to cook: Add apple cider vinegar and the listed oils to the water. Squeeze out the aloe juice and add it to the mixture as well. Stir until smooth.

How to use: Rinse your hair twice a week after shampooing.

Result: The procedure strengthens hair follicles and prevents hair loss.

Lotion conditioner for hair restoration


  1. Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  2. Ylang-ylang oil - 5 drops.
  3. Water - 1000 ml.

How to cook: Mix citrus juice and oil, and then dilute them in water.

How to use: Rinse your hair with lotion after shampooing.

Result: The procedure will make the hair elastic and give it volume and splendor.

If you want to prevent hair loss, then prepare the same lotion, but without lemon juice. Rinse your hair with it for at least 5 minutes, immersing your head so that all the hair is in the solution.

For face

Ylang-ylang is used in anti-aging facial skin care products that rejuvenate it at the cellular level, moisturize, smooth fine mimic wrinkles, smooth and tighten.

The product is intended for porous and sensitive skin and is especially effective in the treatment of acne, rashes, eczema, as it helps to regulate the functions of the sebaceous glands and has a high regenerating effect.

Anti-inflammatory acne mask


  1. Jojoba oil - 1 tsp
  2. Ylang-ylang oil - 2 drops.
  3. Lemon oil - 1 drop.

How to cook: Mix three types of oils until smooth.

How to use: Apply the mask to problem areas for 25-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and wipe the face with a cotton pad, soaking it in an antibacterial lotion enriched with ylang-ylang.

Result: The mask tightens pores and slows down the production of fat. It is effective both for preventing acne and for getting rid of rashes as soon as possible.

Rejuvenating mask


  1. Olive oil - 1 tbsp.
  2. Sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  3. Oatmeal - 1 tbsp
  4. Honey - 1 tsp
  5. Ylang-ylang oil - 3 drops.

How to cook: Dissolve oatmeal in warm water until thick. Mix it with sour cream and olive oil. Add honey (if it has thickened, then melt it in a steam bath) and ylang-ylang oil. Stir until smooth or beat in a blender.

How to use: Apply the mask on the face for 30-40 minutes, avoiding the area around the eyes. Wash off with warm water.

Result: The mask will smooth the skin, give it tone and elasticity, reduce the number of wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.

Toning mask


  1. Apple - 1 pc.
  2. Honey - 1 tsp
  3. Olive oil - 1 tsp
  4. Lavender oil - 1 drop.
  5. Ylang-ylang oil - 1 drop.

How to cook: Bake an apple in the oven or microwave. Make a puree from the pulp. Add honey and three types of oils to it. Mix thoroughly.

How to use: Apply the mixture on your face for half an hour, then rinse with warm water. Do not apply the mask to the delicate skin around the eyes.

Result: Apple-honey mask with ylang-ylang will restore skin elasticity.

Well suited for preventive procedures aimed at combating the first signs of aging.

For nails

Treat cuticles and nails twice a week with ylang ylang oil, or soak before manicure or pedicure with a few drops of oil to:

  • prevent brittleness and delamination of nails;
  • give the cuticle a well-groomed and healthy look;
  • polish and smooth the skin around the nail plate.

For skin

Ether of ylang-ylang soothes the skin, relieves itching and irritation, evens out its surface, tightens the contours. It can be used to enrich creams and lotions, add to baths and massage mixtures.

Bath with ylang-ylang

Fifteen-minute baths with ylang-ylang oil relieve stress, relax and soothe. The procedures are ideal not only for restoring the emotional state, but also for the care of fading, dry skin, which, after taking a bath, receives the necessary moisture, becomes smooth and velvety.

Dissolve 5 drops of oil in a tablespoon of milk, or mix with a tablespoon of honey or sea salt, and then add the mixture to water.

Like an aphrodisiac

Ylang Ylang Oil is a popular aphrodisiac. It is no coincidence that in its homeland it always accompanies the newlyweds on their first night.

Exotic aroma enhances excitement and awakens passion. The erotic stimulator relaxes partners and helps to get the maximum pleasure from sex.

It is actively used in the course of complex therapy in the treatment of female frigidity and male impotence, and is also included in intimate cosmetics and perfumes with pheromones.

Massage with ylang-ylang

Massage with ylang-ylang is prescribed for nervous disorders, breathing problems, hypertension, joint diseases, muscle spasms, headaches. A few drops of ylang-ylang are added to creams or massage oils that are applied to:

  • on the lower back with lumbago;
  • on the knees and elbows to prevent inflammation;
  • on muscles after excessive physical exertion;
  • on whiskey for migraines.

In addition, erotic massage with ylang-ylang oil, which often replaces foreplay, has also gained popularity. To experience new emotions and get an unforgettable sexual experience, mix any vegetable oil (olive, flax, sunflower, etc.) with ylang-ylang ester in proportions of 3: 1, and then apply the mixture on the body and perform a sensual massage.

The use of ylang-ylang in cosmetics

The low cost of raw materials determines the widespread use of ylang-ylang for cosmetic purposes.


The rich and deep aroma of ylang ylang ester has made it a popular ingredient in perfume creation. So, the first-class pomace of ylang-ylang flowers is included in the composition of the legendary Chanel No. 5 perfume.

The second and subsequent distillates are added to inexpensive skin and hair care products for every day - shampoos, liquid soaps, gels, lotions. They acquire an exotic aroma with rich floral sweetish notes.

The variety of perfumes is determined not by the conflict of ylang-ylang, which goes well with fragrances:

  • neroli and jasmine;
  • incense;
  • citrus;
  • rosewood;
  • black pepper and cinnamon;
  • coniferous;
  • mint;
  • bergamot;
  • roses;
  • verbena;
  • cypress;
  • oak moss.

A balsamic floral top note of ylang ylang is complemented by a floral woody bottom note.

Treatment with ylang ylang essential oil

Assigned for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, ylang-ylang oil helps:

  • reduce and stabilize blood pressure in hypertension;
  • prevent atherosclerosis;
  • stabilize breathing during an attack of aggression or asthma;
  • dull the headache;
  • normalize menstruation;
  • alleviate the condition during menopause;
  • stabilize the work of the sebaceous glands in dermatological diseases;
  • restore muscle tone;
  • eliminate convulsions and spasms in case of violations in the work of the musculoskeletal system;
  • cure pediculosis.

Ylang-ylang oil protects the body from viruses, infectious and fungal diseases. They treat wounds for disinfection, relieve itching and irritation after insect bites, and are also included in some medicines, in particular, in anti-seasickness preparations.

For indigestion or mild food poisoning, mix 2 drops of ylang-ylang oil with any vegetable oil and massage the stomach with light clockwise movements. The procedure will calm the stomach and intestines, reduce cramps and pain.

For insomnia, nervousness, heart palpitations, mix 2 drops of essential oil with a teaspoon of honey, and then eat enriched honey as an addition to lemon tea or kefir.

Aromatherapy with ylang ylang oil

Not more than once a week, ylang-ylang essential oil is allowed to be added to the aroma lamp (4 drops per 15 sq.m.) or dissolved in the same amount in a tablespoon of alcohol, spraying it in the room an hour before bedtime.

Limit the time of one session of aromatherapy to 10 minutes - this is enough for the evaporation to reach the receptors and produce the desired effect.

ylang ylang oil for pregnant women

Ylang-ylang oil will have a good calming effect during pregnancy, however, be wary of using commercial and home remedies with its addition in the first trimester.

It is safest to take relaxing baths with ylang-ylang during the period of bearing a child, so that the composition of the ether acts on the body especially gently. The procedures will help relieve fatigue, tension and pain in the lower back, legs, muscles. While taking a bath, try to relax as much as possible by inhaling and exhaling deeply and measuredly.

If desired and in the absence of toxicosis, enrich your favorite products with ylang-ylang oil - shampoos, creams, lotions.

Ingestion and application to the skin in its pure form is permissible only after consultation with a gynecologist.

Even if you used the oil before pregnancy, be sure to take an allergy test. Drop essential oil on the inside of your wrist and observe the reaction for a day.

ylang ylang in cooking

Dried and dried ylang-ylang buds are used in the preparation of traditional oriental drinks, teas, sweets to give dishes a rich aroma and emphasize their taste.

Ylang ylang oil - reviews

Julia, 31 years old

Once a week, I definitely take a bath with ylang-ylang oil. Relaxes like an expensive massage or body wrap at a spa. 10 minutes is enough to feel how the tension from the muscles goes away, and the warmth spreads through the body.

Tatyana, 42 years old

Our acquaintance with ylang-ylang oil took place during the period of restoration of marital relations. At sessions with a sexologist, he advised my husband and I to use ether in order to refresh our intimate life and arouse a new interest in each other. Of course, general therapy also helped, but now we associate the aroma of oil with the ability to overcome any troubles if we stand shoulder to shoulder.

Evgenia, 36 years old

I chose the ether of ylang-ylang for skin, hair and nails care. I really like the scent, and I'm happy with the result. For the skin, I add oil to the night cream to even out the tone, improve the complexion and smooth wrinkles. Before treating the nails, I put a few drops into a bath of water - the nails have practically ceased to exfoliate. I have more trouble with hair, because rinsings help me best, but they still take time to prepare. But why not do it for the sake of beauty ?!

Allergy to ylang ylang oil

Before using the oil, make sure that it does not cause you allergies.

To do this, conduct a standard test - apply a few drops of oil on the skin of the wrist or on the inside of the elbow. With individual intolerance, the reaction in the form of redness, peeling, itching will appear after 20-30 minutes.

Contraindications and restrictions

With all the healing properties of ylang-ylang essential oil, there are a number of contraindications for its use:

  • low blood pressure (do not take orally);
  • dermatitis (get advice from your doctor);
  • children's age (not recommended for children under 12 years old).

What to remember

  1. Ylang-ylang essential oil is a natural pomace from the buds of the exotic cananga tree, which is actively used in cosmetology and medicine, less often in cooking.
  2. The rich chemical composition determines the benefits of an exotic product for the body, and its unique aroma determines the popularity of perfume with ylang-ylang.
  3. Ylang-ylang oil is enriched with ready-made cosmetics, added to the bath, massage mixtures, aroma lamps, taken orally for a number of diseases.
  4. The aroma of ylang-ylang increases arousal and awakens sexual energy.
  5. Taking ylang-ylang oil can cause allergies, and excess dosages can cause headaches and nausea. It is forbidden to use it at low pressure, in the first trimester of pregnancy and before reaching the age of 12.

From the flowers that grow on some tropical trees, they extract a very popular and at the same time unusual.

All its properties are due to the unique composition, which includes the following components:

  1. Monoterpenes, which are a special hydrocarbon group of natural origin.
  2. Monoterpene substances of various types, the highest concentration is found in linalool.
  3. A number of complex and simple esters.
  4. various oxides.
  5. Sesquiterpenes are various organic compounds that are oxygen derivatives of sesquiterpenes.
  6. Cinnamaldehyde, which is an organic substance that is present in the composition only in the trans form.

This composition gives ylang-ylang a wide variety of properties, among which are:

  1. Calming effect on the nervous system.
  2. Increasing the level of sexual desire.
  3. Improving the properties of various cosmetics.
  4. Positive effect on the condition of nails, hair and human skin.
  5. Normalization of menstrual cycles.
  6. Normalization of blood pressure.
  7. Normalization of the process of functioning of a number of glands and internal organs.


The popularity of ylang ylang essential oil is due to a number of positive properties that it has, most of which are listed below:

  1. Normalization of blood and arterial pressure.
  2. Normalization of the menstrual cycle and relief of menopausal manifestations and the corresponding changes that occur in the body of mature women.
  3. Normalization of a person's breathing process and his heart rate, which has a general calming effect on the body.
  4. Normalization of the water balance of the skin and improvement of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, help with increased dryness or oily skin.
  5. Removal from depressive and depressed states, stress relief.
  6. Suppression of emotional manifestations such as anger, increased agitation, intense fear or anxiety.
  7. Elimination of spasms, anticonvulsant effect.
  8. Elimination of headaches and some other pain sensations.
  9. Rejuvenation of the skin, getting rid of the first signs of age-related changes.
  10. Baldness prevention.
  11. Deodorizing the skin and getting rid of unpleasant odors.
  12. Removal of the consequences and irritations caused by the bites of various insects.
  13. Long lasting natural tan.
  14. Positive effect on muscle tone, relieving excess tension.
  15. Getting rid of inflammatory processes.
  16. General strengthening effect on hair and nails, increasing the level of firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Application rules

Despite the large number of useful properties, ylang-ylang can also cause serious harm to the body if the basic rules for its use are not followed.

Basically, all the requirements relate to the dosage, which in no case should be exceeded.

The amount of oil used depends on the method of its application, the features of this process are discussed below:

  1. For scenting rooms oil is poured into special lamps, the maximum dosage is 4 drops per area of ​​15 square meters.
  2. For the aroma bath procedure ylang-ylang essential oil in a volume of 4-7 drops is pre-diluted with sea salt, sufficiently fatty kefir or yogurt. The duration of one procedure is 15 minutes, but the duration can be increased if the dosage of essential oil is reduced.
  3. A remedy that can be used to relieve the symptoms of sunburn, performing massage practices or improving the condition of the nail plates is prepared by thoroughly mixing 5 drops of ylang-ylang with 10 ml. any vegetable oil.
  4. Mixing equal volumes of ylang ylang and jojoba essential oil allows you to get an effective tool designed for high-quality polishing of the nail plates.
  5. If necessary, enhance the properties of any cosmetic product, for example, cream or ointment, it will be enough to add only 3 drops in 10 ml.
  6. To increase sexual desire or relieve stress or depression you will need 5 drops of ylang-ylang diluted with 10 ml. alcohol, after which the resulting mixture is added to the bath. The recommended dosage for each procedure is no more than one teaspoon. This product can also be used as an eau de toilette for those with oily skin.
  7. Water with 4-5 drops of ylang-ylang added can be used to wet dressings. to get warm compresses.
  8. Ingestion is carried out in violation of the mental state, sleep or metabolism, high blood pressure or heart palpitations. The maximum dosage is 2 drops, which must first be dissolved in any liquid. You need to drink the remedy with a drink with a high level of acidity; juice, kefir or tea with the addition of fresh lemon is well suited for these purposes.
  9. For flavoring tea blends or alcoholic beverages usually no more than 3-4 drops are added per package or bottle of standard volume.

The best recipes with the addition of ylang-ylang essential oil

There are many recipes for various cosmetics, which contain this essential oil.

Face masks are especially popular, below is one of the options for preparing such a product, which is suitable for effective cleansing of any type of skin:

  1. In one teaspoon of any vegetable or essential oil suitable for the existing skin type, add no more than one drop of ylang-ylang.
  2. As an additional ingredient, use finely ground salt, the volume is one teaspoon.
  3. Mix all components thoroughly to achieve uniformity of the resulting mass.
  4. The product should be applied to pre-cleansed skin, from which any remnants of decorative cosmetics are removed.
  5. Rub the product on the skin in circular motions, which will further improve blood circulation.
  6. After 3-5 minutes after application, the mask should be washed off the face, for this you need to use a large amount of cool water, then you will need to make sure that there are no residues left anywhere.

Since many people are concerned about the problem of having acne and dealing with them, a recipe for relieving such inflammation and eliminating their marks from the face is especially popular.

To prepare such a tool, you will need to use the following instructions:

  1. Mix one teaspoon of jojoba oil with a drop of lemon oil and a few drops of ylang ylang.
  2. Mix all components thoroughly.
  3. Apply the resulting product to a clean face, from which all cosmetics must first be removed.
  4. Keep the mask on the face for about 20 minutes, then clean it off with paper napkins, no additional rinsing is required.

The following is a description of how to prepare a product that can improve the silkiness, manageability and appearance of hair, as well as strengthen and accelerate its growth:

  1. In 150 ml. add about 10-12 drops of ylang-ylang to any usual shampoo.
  2. Wash your hair with the resulting mixture every 3-4 days, pay special attention to the rinsing process.
  3. Additionally, you can impregnate a wooden comb by applying about 7 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil to its surface. Only completely dry strands are allowed to comb with such a device, after which they will acquire a pleasant aroma.


Ylang-ylang oil shows a high level of effectiveness and gives a positive result both when used topically or added to ready-made cosmetics, and when taken orally.

Its uniqueness lies in the possibility of influencing the hair and skin, internal organs, as well as the emotional and mental state of a person, not every remedy can boast of such versatility.

However, the use of ylang-ylang is allowed only strictly in accordance with the previously indicated dosages, otherwise, instead of a positive result, you can get the following side effects:

  1. The manifestation of an allergic reaction in a rather acute form.
  2. Severe headaches and dizziness.
  3. Vomiting, nausea.
  4. Feeling of weakness, general poor condition of the body.


To date, different companies are engaged in the manufacture and distribution of this essential oil, so its average cost varies from 80 to 250 rubles for a standard bottle, the volume of which is 10 ml.

You can buy ylang ylan in the following places:

  1. Virtually any pharmacy.
  2. Shops that have departments with products for aromatherapy.
  3. Sites on the Internet that sell such products.

Precautionary measures

Ylang-ylang essential oil must be used with extreme caution so as not to harm your health.

  1. Do not use this essential oil pure and undiluted.
  2. Do not mix ylang ylang with any cosmetics containing preservatives, artificial colors or other chemicals.
  3. The frequency of using masks should not exceed two procedures per week, the duration of one course should not exceed 10-12 sessions. Between them there must be a break of at least a month.
  4. Before using any product that has included ylang-ylang essential oil, you must pass an allergy test. This is done by applying a small amount on the wrist, after which it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the body for 20-40 minutes.
  5. At the initial stage, the use of minimum dosages should be practiced, it is necessary to increase them to the recommended rate gradually.


Direct contraindications for the use of ylang-ylang essential oil are:

  1. Chronic tendency to too low blood pressure.
  2. Individual intolerance to the agent by the body or manifestation of an allergic reaction.
  3. The period of pregnancy in the first three months, at a later date, use is allowed only after agreeing this issue with a specialist.

I will say right away that this is my first experience of using mass-market cosmetics, before that I used luxury and professional. One day it all ended at once: a wash, peeling (everything from Estee Lauder, blue series), serum, cream (Idealists), but there was no money. At all. And it so happened that I saw this series in the store, read the composition and immediately remembered the program where they said that domestic cosmetics are often no worse, and sometimes better than well-known European brands. And I decided to take a chance - the price of funds was cheap. And that's what happened

1. Mask - film for the face from black dots Ylang - Ylang Secrets Lan (100 g.)

Description: Mask - film for the face from black dots stimulates natural regeneration, provides the skin with the necessary nutrients, suitable for combination and oily skin.

From me: It is applied in a thin layer and, after drying, is peeled off the face along with the top layer of dead skin cells. It is no different from most similar masks, but it does its job - the skin after it is smooth and fresh. However, there are no less black dots from it.

Price: 90r.

Grade: 4

2. Moisturizing mattifying face cream Ylang - Ylang Secrets Lan (50 g.)

Description: thanks to the natural ingredients in the composition softens, moisturizes and mattifies the skin, due to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, eliminates greasy shine, prevents inflammation, relieves redness and irritation.

From me: there is no cream, but if we talk about its positive qualities, it is well absorbed, does not leave a feeling of presence on the skin, and most importantly, it does not differ at all from, for example, the same Hydrationist from Estee Lauder and this is perhaps its main plus. The effect of matting is not observed as well as the removal of redness, but as a budget option "whatever it was" it is quite suitable.

Price: 125 rub.

Grade: 4

3. Soft face peeling Ylang - Ylang Secrets Lan (100 g)

Description: thanks to the natural plant components in the composition, it removes the keratinized layer of the skin without damaging it, improves the relief, delicately cleanses the pores, eliminates black spots, improves skin regeneration and restores its elasticity and natural color. Ingredients: herbal cleansing components, ylang-ylang, tea tree extracts , sage, fruit acids, active exfoliators.

From me: this tool turned out to be the cheapest, but the most effective of the entire series - it was it that subsequently made all the previous acquisitions. There is something to compare with - for a long time I used the Idealist Dual Action Treatment Estee Lauder peeling until I realized that it was as good as the cheap Garnier sauna mask with blue clay. So peeling Secrets Lan really worked! I apply several plentiful strokes on the forehead and cheeks and begin to slowly smear it all over the face, it does not give a feeling of warmth, only a slight tingling, which intensifies by the end of the procedure. The gel slowly rolls into unpleasant dirty flakes, and when there is nothing left to smear, I wash my face.

For the first time using this tool, I realized WHAT real peeling (albeit homemade) means. The skin is perfectly smooth and even, black dots are at least half less. A complete feeling of freshness and breath of the skin, which lasts for more than one day. But it must be borne in mind that the product is really vigorous - it may not be suitable for sensitive skin, and it can really burn the skin for special sissies.

Price: 75r.

Caring oil for face and body

Compound: Pine nut oil pressed in a wooden press, cedar resin 5%, natural essential oil of cedar and ylang-ylang. Has natural sediment. Shake before use. 100% natural cosmetics.

Shelf life: 12 months in a cool, dark place.

Package: bottle 50 ml. from dark glass, with a dispenser.


With special care and love, we have prepared this oil for those who appreciate natural skin care products. Cedar oil and resin - this is a real gift of Nature, analogues that do not exist. They slow down and prevent aging, promote deep skin regeneration, improve the complexion and its contour, support and restore active vital activity of the skin, restoring its youth and beauty.

Ylang Ylang natural essential oil It is universal and suits all skin types. For oily skin owners, ylang-ylang oil helps to normalize sebum production and narrow pores, making the face smooth and matte. Dry skin softens, moisturizes, prevents early wilting. Ithas a general rejuvenating effect on the skin, smoothing fine and shallow wrinkles, leveling the relief, increasing the elasticity of the skin.

Natural essential oil of cedar exhibits an excellent soothing and rejuvenating effect on the skin, treats acne, acne and various inflammations and skin irritations (including due to hormonal imbalance and stress), helps with neurodermatitis and dermatitis. The essential oil of cedar and ylang-ylang are very harmoniously combined, mutually reinforcing each other's qualities.

Mode of application

Skin types

Dry and normal skin:
Oily skin:


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Acne treatment

Mode of application:

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Mode of application

Mode of application

It is very important to apply oil ONLY to damp skin, after washing or showering.Pour a little oil into the palm of your hand (a few drops), rub between two palms and then apply to the face, massaging. Apply this oil also on the neck and décolleté. One press of the dispenser is enough to apply the oil to the face. This procedure can be done in the evening, at night or in the morning to provide your skin with natural protection and nourishment for the whole day.

Skin types

Cedar oil "Krasa" is a universal remedy and suits all skin types.

Dry and normal skin: daily use. Apply to damp skin after cleansing.
Oily skin: apply as needed, 2-3 times a week.The tool does not clog pores. Cedar oil and resin normalizes the sebaceous glands. Natural essential oils enrich the composition and endow it with excellent properties of delicate care.


Individual intolerance and an allergic reaction to the essential oils contained in this product are possible.

Do not use on damaged or chapped skin. The composition contains natural essential oils - these are highly effective natural components. They may cause skin irritation.

We have created the most delicate type of oil - it does not contain essential oils and is suitable for the treatment of damaged skin. It can even be applied to open wounds.

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Acne treatment

Mode of application: lather the soap, apply on the face, massage movements. Hold 1-2 min. Then rinse off and complete the procedure by applying Krasa oil to wet skin. Soap perfectly cleanses the skin and dries pimples, relieves inflammation.

Cedar oil provides complete nutrition and hydration. Resin heals wounds and promotes rapid skin regeneration. Remember that external manifestations on the skin are evidence of internal problems. “Siberian Cleansing” will also help to cope with acne - an old recipe for taking Zhivitsyinside on an empty stomach, according to the schedule, 79 days. More details you canlearn by


Cedar oil “Krasa” is a 100% natural cosmetic product. It absorbs well and leaves no greasy residue. All this thanks to a special method of preparation. We press the oil on a wooden press made from the freshest pine nuts, which we specially order from Siberia. Pressing on a wooden press helps to keep all the useful substances in the oil. The right cold-pressed oil perfectly nourishes the skin, cares and preserves its youth.

Cedar oil “Krasa” was created according to a unique recipe that we develop based on a certain concept. Everything ingenious is simple. From a few of the best components, we create a great tool with a simple but effective composition. Cosmetics based on cedar oil do not require preservatives and emulsifiers, as they do not contain water in their composition.

  • 100% natural composition;
  • does not contain preservatives and synthetic fragrances;
  • versatility in application;
  • heals the skin condition, does not clog pores;
  • not tested on animals;
  • dark glass bottles allow for the longest and most environmentally friendly preservation of product quality;
  • created with love and care for you and the surrounding Nature.