Breastfeeding at a temperature is an acceptable indicator for the safety of the baby. Breastfeeding temperature - can you feed or not

Breast milk is an ideal food for a baby, which helps him to develop fully and strengthens the immune system. However, for a number of reasons, a nursing mother may have a fever - strongly or slightly. Many women do not know what to do in such a situation: is it possible to continue feeding, or is it better to temporarily wean the baby.

What is body temperature and what does it depend on

Temperature is an important indicator of the state of the human body, expressing the relationship between the production of its own heat and heat exchange with the environment. It is not an absolutely stable value and depends on a number of factors:

  1. The age of the person. In children, it is unstable, and in the elderly it can decrease to 35 ° C due to a slowdown in metabolic processes.
  2. Time of day The maximum temperature is observed at about 5 pm, and the minimum - at 4 am. Moreover, the difference can be as much as a degree.
  3. Health status. With many diseases, the temperature rises, this indicates the body's fight against pathogenic microbes.
  4. The phase of the menstrual cycle in a woman. This is the result of the action of sex hormones (progesterone increases it slightly). Mild hyperthermia is also normal during pregnancy.
  5. The nature of human activity. The temperature rises by 0.1–0.2 ° in the process of active physical work.
  6. Impact of the environment. The temperature rises with overheating and decreases with hypothermia.
  7. The area of ​​the body where the measurement is made. For example, the temperature in the rectum will be much higher than in the center of the foot.

Elevated body temperature is of several types:

  1. Subfebrile (within 38 °).
  2. Febrile (38 ° to 39 °).
  3. Pyretic (from 39 ° to 41 °).
  4. Hyperpyretic (more than 41 °).

The temperature, elevated within 38 °, is subfebrile

When the body temperature reaches a critical level of 42 °, a person dies, since metabolic processes are disrupted in the brain, which is unacceptable for the body.

In general, with an increase in temperature, the following symptoms are observed (they can appear individually or in combination):

  1. Weakness and tiredness.
  2. Chills that increase with temperature.
  3. Headache.
  4. Muscle aches, especially in the legs.
  5. Increased perspiration.
  6. Decreased appetite up to complete refusal of food.

Video: what is body temperature, and what it is

Possible causes of hyperthermia in a nursing mother: assessing symptoms

Hyperthermia in humans can be caused by a variety of reasons, which only a doctor can accurately determine. However, in the case of a breastfeeding woman, the following are the most likely options:

  1. Lactostasis and mastitis. These conditions quite often occur against the background of milk stagnation in the breast, caused by improper attachment of the baby. Sometimes they are joined by a fungal or bacterial infection (for example, with cracked nipples). When the temperature rises, a woman needs, first of all, to carefully examine her mammary glands: even if there is no noticeable discomfort, a reddish spot can be found on the skin.
  2. Stress factor. In many women, excitement and emotional upheaval cause a rise in temperature (within subfebrile values). And the psyche of a nursing mother is rather unstable due to the intense rhythm of life and the effect of hormones.
  3. Ovulation. Despite lactation, ovulation can occur in the female body, especially if the baby is already receiving complementary foods. And the release of the egg from the follicle is just accompanied by an increase in basal temperature (it is measured in the rectum): and the overall body temperature often rises slightly - no more than 37.3 °.
  4. Postpartum inflammation of the reproductive organs (the most serious of which is endometritis). Such pathologies usually make themselves felt with pain in the lower abdomen, abnormal discharge.
  5. Viral infections (influenza, ARVI). They are most likely during the cold season. Depending on the reaction of the woman's immune system, the temperature can be either subfebrile or quite high. It is easy to recognize diseases by their characteristic symptoms: sore throat, runny nose, headache, etc.
  6. Exacerbation of chronic diseases (for example, cystitis or bronchitis). Most often this happens in the first postpartum weeks, when the female immunity is rather weakened.
  7. Food poisoning. In such a situation, intoxication of the body occurs, which manifests itself in the form of hyperthermia. If the poisoning is severe, then the temperature can rise to high values ​​(accompanied by chills). Poisoning can always be recognized by its characteristic signs: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea.
  8. Thrombophlebitis of the extremities. This pathology often occurs during childbirth due to infection with pathogenic bacteria (for example, if there was heavy bleeding, hematomas occurred, the placenta was manually separated, etc.). As a result, the mother's venous walls become inflamed, blood clots form. Thrombophlebitis manifests itself in the form of slight swelling and redness of blood vessels, pulling pains, lethargy and a slight increase in temperature (no higher than 37.3 °).

Photo gallery: the most likely causes of hyperthermia

Viral and infectious diseases are almost always manifested by an increase in temperature, sometimes to high values. A common reason for an increase in temperature during lactation is mastitis. Fever can rise with food poisoning

It is very important for a nursing woman to measure her body temperature correctly. You cannot do this in the armpit, like ordinary people: the temperature there will always be elevated (it is better to put a thermometer in your mouth). In addition, measurements are best taken after the feeding or pumping process.

When I was in the hospital after the birth of a child, after measuring the temperature in the armpit (as usual), I was very upset, since the indicator was 37.8 °. However, the nurse immediately reassured her, explaining that this method was uninformative during lactation and advised another method - to bend the right arm at the elbow and fix the thermometer in this way. Surprisingly, the temperature was absolutely normal.

In what cases can you breastfeed at a temperature, and when is it better to refuse it

If the body temperature is slightly increased (within subfebrile values), then the mother should continue feeding. This is explained as follows:

  1. With lactostasis and the early stage of mastitis, the absence of natural emptying of the mammary gland will only aggravate the condition: the chest will overflow even more and the temperature will rise to a higher level.
  2. If the mother has caught a viral infection of a cold nature, then, of course, she has already managed to transmit the microorganisms to the child (after all, their contact is very close). And by the time the temperature rises, the female body has already begun to produce protective bodies. They get into milk in large quantities, and the baby may well not get sick at all. Even if infection occurs, the baby will more easily bear the disease.
  3. A woman can cope with mild food poisoning on her own, all symptoms usually disappear within a day after cleansing the body. Thus, when breastfeeding, nothing threatens the baby. Together with breast milk, he will again receive antibodies that resist intestinal infection.
  4. Factors such as stress, ovulation do not in any way affect the quality of breast milk and are not an obstacle to feeding.

For a mother, an abrupt stop of breastfeeding can be dangerous: mastitis may well join the main disease that caused the rise in temperature. Hand or hardware pumping will not empty the breast as well as a baby. In addition, if a woman feels weak, it will be quite difficult for her to express several times a day, especially at night.

A slight increase in temperature is not a reason to refuse breastfeeding

Despite the fact that in most cases, a fever in the mother does not pose a risk to the health of the baby, there are situations when breastfeeding must be temporarily stopped. We are talking about serious illnesses. Too weakened state of a woman in itself can cause the disappearance of milk, because lactation is associated with a certain amount of energy. In such circumstances, the main task is treatment, because the baby, first of all, needs a healthy mother.

Severe hypertension is usually caused by a bacterial infection (although the temperature is not always high). In this case, the patient is prescribed antibiotics. And they are not always compatible with breastfeeding (getting into a child's body, drugs can cause dysbiosis, allergies and other complications). In addition, due to infection, toxic substances will penetrate the child's body and have their detrimental effect. Here is a list of specific diseases of a predominantly bacterial nature:

  1. Pneumonia.
  2. Angina.
  3. Sinusitis.
  4. Cystitis.
  5. Dysentery.
  6. Endometritis.
  7. Launched thrombophlebitis (when surgery is already needed).
  8. Severe intestinal poisoning. Emergency measures cannot alleviate the patient's condition, the temperature rises, chills, indomitable vomiting, tachycardia are added. In such situations, urgent hospitalization of the woman is necessary, which, of course, means stopping breastfeeding.
  9. Purulent mastitis. Breastfeeding must be stopped for a while, since pus accumulates in the breast cavity, which enters the milk. In addition, such a pathology often involves surgical intervention: a woman's breast is opened to remove purulent contents. In any case, the mother will have to use strong antibiotics that are not compatible with lactation.

There is a false opinion that, due to high temperature, breast milk changes its taste, texture, curdles, becomes sour or bitter, etc. Doctors completely refute it. The only obstacle to feeding in this situation is the toxins and drugs that enter the infant's food.

If the temperature is associated with a bacterial infection, then the mother is prescribed antibiotics, which are often incompatible with breastfeeding.

Does mom need to knock down the temperature

Of course, a nursing mother is interested in quickly stabilizing her body temperature. This will improve her well-being, because a woman needs a lot of strength to take care of her baby. During lactation, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. First of all, if the temperature does not exceed 38 °, then there is no need to lower it. Such a reaction of the body indicates the active production of antibodies (for viruses, an elevated temperature is much more dangerous than for humans).
  2. If the increase exceeds subfebrile values, you can take an antipyretic drug. Nursing mothers are allowed paracetamol and ibuprofen-based products. They are used orally or in the form of suppositories (in the latter case, the drug does not work so quickly). They take the medicine no more than three times a day.
  3. If the mother has a viral infection, then drinking plenty of fluids will help get rid of the causative agents of the disease (and, as a result, the temperature decreases). It can be tea with lemon, raspberries, berry juice (cranberry juice helps well), dried fruit compote, warm milk. Of course, some drinks can cause an allergic reaction in the baby, so you need to carefully monitor his condition. An important caveat: with mastitis, drinking plenty of water will only harm, since it will cause a sharp influx of milk. With ARVI, simple measures such as inhalation with regular steam (or over steam of potatoes), gargling, and rinsing the nose with saline are also safe for breastfeeding. All this normalizes the woman's condition, and as a result, the temperature stabilizes.
  4. An effective way to bring down the temperature is to apply a cold compress to your forehead. To do this, you can use ice placed in gauze, a towel soaked in cold water or vinegar, half diluted with water.
  5. If the hyperthermia is caused by a stress factor, then the woman, naturally, should rest, and the condition will return to normal.

A safe way to bring down fever is with a cold compress on your forehead.

In some cases, the mother needs to see a doctor:

  1. The reason for the rise in temperature is not clear.
  2. It lasts for more than three days.
  3. The temperature cannot be brought down in various ways.

You need to see a doctor who understands the full value of breastfeeding. He will select the drugs allowed during lactation.

How to maintain lactation for the period of treatment

If, due to the therapy of the disease, a woman is shown to suspend breastfeeding, but later she wants to resume it, then she needs to express regularly: every three hours during the day and once at night.
If feeding is not possible during treatment, then the mother needs to express herself in order to maintain lactation.

Any person has their own algorithm of action if their temperature rises. The most common medicines for reducing it are always at hand in the first-aid kit. But what about a nursing mother, because many medicines are simply unacceptable to use during breastfeeding, as they can cause serious harm to the little man?

At what thermometer reading should you start worrying?

If the mercury column of a conventional or digital reading of an electronic thermometer stops at 37.6 ° C, then this is a reason to see a doctor. After all, such a temperature can be a symptom of a serious illness, and the doctor will make the correct diagnosis and promptly prescribe adequate treatment (See "").

Does the lactation process affect the temperature?

Usually we measure the temperature in the armpit, and if this is done when the mammary gland is full or during and after feeding (expressing), then the thermometer reading will surprise you a little: the temperature will be 37.0- 37.4 ° C... This phenomenon is explained by the fact that this increase is caused by the temperature of milk, which is formed deep in the tissues, and has a temperature much higher than 37 degrees. In addition, in the process of extracting milk from the breast, the ducts contract, which also generate heat. In order for the thermometer to be relatively truthful, the temperature in this case must be measured about half an hour after feeding.

The reasons for the increase in temperature while breastfeeding

Usually, as soon as the temperature rises, we immediately assume that we have a cold, although in fact there are many more such reasons, and they depend on many factors. Therefore, a doctor's consultation is very important and even extremely necessary, since only he can correctly make an accurate diagnosis.

Inflammatory diseases

An increase in temperature within three days immediately after childbirth, especially if they were accompanied by surgery or complications, signals the presence of postpartum inflammatory diseases:

  • mastitis;
  • endometritis;
  • suture inflammation after episiotomy or cesarean section.

During this period, an exacerbation of chronic infections is possible - herpes, pyelonephritis and others.

Lactational mastitis

Another inflammatory disease that can also be accompanied by a significant increase in temperature is lactational mastitis, which also appears in the first days after childbirth (see ""). It is a serious inflammation of the breast caused by bacteria. The problem can arise even in the hospital, but most often it falls on a young mother almost immediately after returning home. Quite often, the causative agent of lactational mastitis is the well-known Staphylococcus aureus.

The likelihood of mastitis is significantly increased by:

  • lactostasis;
  • anatomical anomalies in the development of the nipples;
  • injuries and cracks;
  • cicatricial postoperative changes in breast tissue;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • foci of purulent infection on the skin of the mammary glands;
  • gross violations of the basic rules of hygiene and pumping.


An increase in temperature three to four weeks after childbirth is mostly due to illness with common colds or due to food poisoning.

What should mom do if she has a fever?

If the thermometer has exceeded the mark 37.6 ° C:

  1. See a doctor - in the postpartum period (6 weeks after childbirth), you can safely go to the doctor who delivered the child.
  2. Call a therapist if you have cold symptoms - runny nose, cough, redness of the throat, swelling, and if there are signs of food poisoning - vomiting, diarrhea.
  3. A urologist will help if you are concerned about pain in the lower back, in the bladder area and painful urination.
  4. If the temperature rises above 38.5 ° C, and the reason for this is unknown, and the doctor will not be able to come in the near future, then to reduce the fever, you can safely take those drugs that are usually given to young children in this case - Nurofen, Efferalgan... But the dosage should be for an adult.

Is it possible to breastfeed my baby at high temperatures?

This fully depends on the very reason that caused such a reaction of the body. Actually, therefore, a doctor's consultation is vital, because a serious drug may be needed for treatment, which is simply incompatible with breastfeeding or it cannot be continued due to a serious infectious or viral illness of the mother.

But, as a rule, in most cases, all problems can be solved, and you will not have to end breastfeeding early. Sometimes the total amount of milk produced by the mother can decrease significantly, but this is due to the weakening of the body, and not due to the high temperature.

Does milk quality change at temperature?

The high temperature itself does not in any way affect the quality of milk, so in case of colds in the mother, on the contrary, it is recommended to feed the baby - after all, with mother's milk, he receives protective antibodies that protect him from illness. But in some cases with mastitis, especially if it is purulent, feeding the affected breast will have to be stopped until the latter is fully recovered. Much depends on the doctor who chooses the treatment regimen, as well as on the form and severity of the disease itself.

Sometimes you can hear completely ridiculous recommendations that you cannot breastfeed a baby during the period of mother's illness, but you need to express milk, then boil it and only then give it to the baby. These recommendations are given by absolutely narrow-minded people, and to carry them out is the height of absurdity! Boiling breast milk means killing all its beneficial properties!

Let's summarize

The most important thing is that a nursing mother must be treated! There are a lot of drugs that are compatible with breastfeeding, as well as a whole arsenal of traditional medicine that will help you quickly and completely harmlessly restore health. The disease cannot be carried on your feet, because your excellent health is important not only for you alone, but also for your little beloved man!

The increased body temperature indicates that the immune system has begun an active fight against disease, infections, bacteria.

Many girls want to know if it is possible to breastfeed at a high temperature, and if this will affect the baby.

If such a symptom occurs in the first month after the birth of a child, then there is a possibility of complications.

An increased body temperature of up to 38 degrees often indicates an inflammatory process in the scars or the genitourinary system.

When breastfeeding, you need to urgently seek help from a doctor. He will prescribe a comprehensive diagnosis and diagnose.

Based on the results obtained, the doctor will be able to objectively assess the condition of the nursing mother and the feasibility of maintaining lactation.

Is it possible to breastfeed a baby if the mother's temperature is high?

There is no definite answer to this question for women. If the body temperature has risen sharply, then it cannot be reduced with the usual pills. They may be contraindicated during feeding.

When contacting a doctor, he must correctly determine the factor that caused the fever.

After receiving the results of the examination and diagnosis, he will be able to prescribe a drug. They are compatible with breastfeeding or completely contraindicated.

Sometimes breast milk of a nursing mother can contain a large amount of disease-causing bacteria and viruses.

In such a situation, the baby is transferred to milk formula. But first you need to consult a pediatrician and notify him.

Important! If the body temperature is above 38 degrees, it is urgent to transfer the child to artificial feeding until the doctor determines the cause and prescribes treatment.

Thanks to such measures, it is possible to prevent the occurrence of diarrhea in the baby, as well as the penetration of microbes into the baby's body through breast milk.

Its amount can be significantly reduced, because the mother's body is gradually weakening.

Fever affects not only quantity but also quality. If you go to the doctor, he will give recommendations on how to preserve lactation.

If there are no contraindications, then antibodies will enter the child's body. Mothers need to wear a bandage to keep the baby from getting bacteria and infections.

Note! When a woman is diagnosed with mastitis, then it can be cured without harm to the crumbs and taking medications.

With the progression of this disease, you need to consult with your doctor. He will assess the form of the disease, as well as drugs that are approved for use during lactation.

How can you bring down the temperature of a nursing mother?

Before you bring down the temperature, you need to measure it correctly. It is best to clamp the thermometer in the elbow bend.

This is due to the fact that with stagnant milk in the breast, the temperature of the skin may increase, and the indicators will be inaccurate.

It is necessary to take medications and antipyretics when a woman has a headache, aches in the body and joints, as well as other discomfort.

The temperature begins to knock down when it rises above 38.5. In other cases, it is not recommended to carry out treatment so that the body can independently fight viruses and bacteria. To help him, you can drink tea with lemon or raspberries.

There are other ways that you can quickly bring down the body temperature of a nursing mother:

Way Description
Medicines based on paracetamol, ibuprofen You can also take children's Nurofen, but correctly calculate the dosage and not exceed the norm.

Numerous studies have confirmed that these drugs are completely safe for children and can be taken during lactation.

These medicines are sold in the form of rectal suppositories, so the chemical components will not pass into breast milk.

Rubdown with vinegar solution Vinegar contains volatile substances that help cool the skin quickly. You need to wipe open areas of the body, neck, armpits, forehead, knee and elbow bends.

To prepare a weak solution, take 500 gr. water and add 1 tablespoon to it. apple solution

Hot, plentiful drink If a nursing mother is sick, the first step is to provide a hot and plentiful drink.

Better to make regular tea, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and wear things made from natural fabrics. They do not cause an allergic reaction.

Tea with lemon or honey can cause an allergic reaction in your baby.

Inhalation with eucalyptus and chamomile These are warm inhalations done over hot boiled potatoes. To speed up your recovery, you can steam your feet a little. It is recommended to add mustard powder to the water

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion on the temperature of a nursing mother

Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky is a pediatrician and a candidate of medical sciences. He argues that every mom should be motivated to keep breastfeeding.

For this reason, it is important to correctly identify the disease and the cause that contributes to the increase in body temperature.

Note! During breastfeeding, only safe antipyretic drugs should be used.

They can only be used when needed. It is obligatory to adjust the intake of the medicinal product. It is best to take Paracetamol and Ibuprofen after breastfeeding.

The next time a young mother feeds her baby, the amount of chemicals in the milk will be minimal.

Due to illness, you should not adjust or change the baby's feeding schedule. If the body temperature does not drop, then you can take the medicine again.

Dr. Komarovsky claims that an antipyretic drug can be used for nursing mothers. It is important to observe the dosage and not exceed the norm.

Useful video

A cold during breastfeeding always raises many questions for mothers. Is it possible to continue breastfeeding the baby? Is it okay to drink an antipyretic? What if it's not a cold? Let's see why a nursing mother may have a fever and how this affects breastfeeding.


All the reasons that can cause an increase in temperature in a breastfeeding woman can be divided into three separate groups:

  1. Acute infectious diseases of a viral nature.
  2. Acute diseases caused by bacteria.
  3. Exacerbations of chronic diseases.

It is very important to establish the cause, as tactics will differ from case to case. An increase in temperature in the first weeks of the postpartum period can be caused by the occurrence of inflammatory diseases, for example, mastitis, suture inflammation, endometritis and others.

An increase in temperature in the first weeks after childbirth can be caused by postpartum inflammatory diseases, be careful about your condition

How to measure temperature?

If a nursing mother measures the temperature during feeding or immediately after it (as well as after expressing) under the armpit, then indicators of 37.1-37.3 degrees or slightly higher will be considered normal. This is due to the formation of milk in the depths of the mammary glands, as well as the release of heat by the muscle cells of the breast at the time of feeding. That is why it is advised to measure the temperature in the armpit area about half an hour after feeding or pumping. It is also important to wipe off sweat before measuring, since water has the ability to absorb heat and the presence of sweat in the armpit can make the result unreliable.

It takes 30 minutes to measure the temperature after feeding. Wash your armpit and pat dry

When can you breastfeed?

When a viral infection is the cause of the fever, feeding can be continued. Firstly, the mother became a carrier of the virus even before the external manifestations of infection, so the virus could already enter the crumbs' body. Secondly, after the virus enters the mother's body, the production of antibodies has begun, which will be delivered to the baby with breast milk. This can prevent the disease in the crumbs or make its course easier. In addition, the decision to stop breastfeeding because of a fever can harm a woman's breasts, causing congestion and mastitis.

When is it forbidden?

Contraindications to continued breastfeeding may be associated with:

  1. The risk of contact with the baby of the pathogen or toxins secreted by it.
  2. The need to use medications that are contraindicated or undesirable for young children.

Prescribing antibiotics is not always a reason to stop breastfeeding a baby, but it happens that a mother has to take exactly those types of antibiotics that can damage the baby's body. In this case, the woman is advised to temporarily stop breastfeeding.

If a woman has mastitis, the question of continuing breastfeeding should be decided individually. Mastitis is not an absolute contraindication, but most often infection with Staphylococcus aureus leads to its occurrence, and there is a high risk of infection of the baby with this microorganism.

In the case when the mother has an exacerbated existing chronic disease, for example, sinusitis, pyelonephritis or bronchitis, there are often no contraindications to continuing breastfeeding. Among all infections that occur in adults in a chronic form, only syphilis, active tuberculosis, viral hepatitis C and B, and HIV can act as an obstacle to breastfeeding.

Mom can breastfeed not only during ARVI, but also with a number of chronic diseases. Contraindications to feeding - syphilis, viral hepatitis C and B, active tuberculosis and HIV disease

A nursing mother with a fever should see a specialist to pinpoint the cause of the fever. In addition, the doctor will recommend a treatment that is compatible with breastfeeding. If six weeks have not yet passed after childbirth, you should consult an obstetrician-gynecologist. In the event of symptoms of an intestinal infection or a cold, a therapist should be called at home.

In case of an acute viral infection, the mother should try to protect the baby from airborne infection. It is recommended to isolate the baby from the mother at least during sleep, and also often ventilate the room. When feeding a baby or caring for a baby, a sick mother should wear a disposable or gauze (4-layer) bandage, which should be changed every two to three hours.

Around the baby's bed, you can put containers with crushed chives, since the essential oils of this plant are quite effective against various viruses. Also, in the room where the mother and baby stay, you can turn on the germicidal lamp for 10-15 minutes four to five times a day.

A nursing mother should carefully read the annotations to the medications prescribed to her in order to know if medications pass into the milk. If possible, it is better to choose agents with a local action - ointments, inhalations, aerosols, rinses. Very often, when the mother has uncomplicated acute respiratory infections, herbal medicine is enough. However, there are herbs that are incompatible with breastfeeding, so the appointment of herbal teas should also be discussed with your doctor.

If mom has to temporarily interrupt breastfeeding, but she wants to continue breastfeeding after recovery, she will have to express regularly - every three hours during the day and every five hours at night.

In the early stages of the disease, feeding with milk will not harm the baby, and it will help the mother to recover as soon as possible - because stagnation of milk with mastitis promotes the multiplication of infection and only enhances the inflammatory process. Treatment of diseases should be started immediately so as not to trigger the disease. In the later stages, the milk will change its composition and may harm the baby.

It's important to know! Lactostasis does not exist in mothers whose baby sucks almost all milk from the breast.

In addition, the temperature can rise due to common illnesses. Such as:

  • colds;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • poisoning.

If the body temperature rises in a nursing mother, it does not decrease in the intervals between feedings, treatment should be started (you should contact your local doctor and undergo an examination). In some cases, you need to stop feeding your baby. GW can also be harmful if the mother has a very high temperature and needs to be lowered.

How and how to bring down the temperature while breastfeeding

The temperature must be brought down if it is above 38.4. This can be done with medications that are not contraindicated for hepatitis B:

  • paracetamol;
  • Nurofen;
  • Ibuprom.

Before using medications, be sure to consult a doctor. Only a specialist will prescribe treatment and indicate the required dosage of drugs.

One of the most effective ways to bring down the temperature is with a cold compress. On the forehead, you can attach a special rubber heating pad filled with ice water. Or wet a towel rolled several times with a special solution (water and 9% vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio).

Various decoctions, infusions will help to cope with the heat:

  • cranberry juice;
  • rosehip broth;
  • red currant juice.

Using folk remedies for treatment should be done with caution, as the child may have allergies.

Feeding should not be stopped at high temperatures. Babies do not have their own immunity, therefore, mother's milk containing antibodies helps them not to get sick or to recover faster. And only for some diseases, hepatitis B is categorically contraindicated.

Can I continue to breastfeed?

Hepatitis B in maternal diseases can be completely contraindicated in some very serious diseases.

Contraindications for feeding:

  • diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • mastitis (if the disease is running)
  • severe blood diseases;
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • tetanus;
  • syphilis;
  • anthrax.

With these diseases, there is a high likelihood of toxins entering the child's body with milk. Which, accordingly, will harm the baby.

Also, for some diseases, there are relative contraindications to HS:

  1. With angina, flu, pneumonia, if the mother has not been prescribed antibiotics, the baby needs to be fed by putting on a gauze bandage. For the rest of the time, it is better to isolate the mother from the child.
  2. With measles, scarlet fever and chickenpox, feeding can be continued while the baby is immunized with gamma globulin (the child is vaccinated).
  3. If the mother has dysentery, typhus, or severe paratyphoid fever, hepatitis B is temporarily stopped. With a mild form, the baby is fed with expressed boiled milk.

With other diseases and not even severe poisoning, breastfeeding helps the baby not to get sick. Breast milk contains antibodies and antitoxins that strengthen the baby's immune system. A number of experiments have been carried out proving that children who are breastfed are less susceptible to disease, recover faster.

Hepatitis B should be temporarily discontinued if the mother has been prescribed:

  • "Tetracycline";
  • Tavegil;
  • Parlodel;
  • narcotic drugs;
  • anti-cancer medicines;
  • antimetabolites;
  • immunosuppressants;
  • "Cyclosporin"
  • preparations containing lithium, gold, iodine salts.

These medications are categorically contraindicated in hepatitis B. At the time of taking these medicines, you should feed the baby with previously frozen breast milk or special mixtures. In order not to stop lactation, you need to constantly express yourself.

Care should be taken to use "Paracetamol", anesthetics, muscle relaxants, lowering blood pressure, anticonvulsants, cardiac, antiallergic drugs. In any case, before using medicines, you should consult a specialist.

If a nursing mother has a fever while breastfeeding, you need to see a doctor. He will establish the cause of the high temperature, prescribe the necessary medications in order to bring it down and at the same time not harm the baby.

It's important to know! If the temperature is caused by an infectious disease, breastfeeding should not be stopped. When feeding a child, it is necessary to wear a gauze bandage and prevent infection of the baby.