Laser epilator for home use: a review of the best models. Laser epilators Single and Scan. How to choose a model for home: reviews and opinions

Home laser epilators have been gaining popularity in recent years. Today they are no longer as expensive as they were several years ago - the cost of such a device is equal to the cost of one or three similar procedures in the salon. And how effective is laser hair removal at home - there is no definite answer, since the skin and hair structure are different for everyone. However, salon hair removal also does not work for everyone in the same way: for some, 4 - 5 procedures for 3 - 5 months are enough to completely get rid of hair in the problem area, and for someone 10 is not enough.

The principle of operation and types of home laser epilators

The laser beam, 808 nm long, is able to recognize the accumulations of melanin - the pigment of hair and skin, and have a destructive effect on it. Therefore, the more pronounced the contrast between skin and hair, the better the effect will be. For this reason, light, vellus and gray hair devoid of pigment does not lend itself to laser removal. Also, dark hair with dark and highly tanned skin is poorly removed. It is for this reason that sunbathing is not recommended before laser hair removal. Intact skin containing a small amount of melanin is not affected by the laser.

Some modern laser devices for home hair removal are produced by the same manufacturers as salon ones, but differ in many ways. First of all, by the power reserve of the lamps, then by the area of ​​the treated area. The most inexpensive devices are designed for a point effect - one flash removes only one hair, however, according to reviews, it is inconvenient to use them due to the fact that it is difficult to hit the beam exactly on the hair follicle. Therefore, such devices are suitable mainly for those who want to epilate only small areas of the body.

And for those who have a lot of problem areas, it is better to choose devices with a larger area of ​​simultaneous exposure and a homing function. It consists in the fact that an optical device scans the skin and directs a laser pulse exactly to the hair follicles. From this, the desired result is achieved faster.

Using a customized laser epilator

First of all, it is important to determine your skin phototype: there are five of them, depending on the degree of pigmentation.

  • The skin of the first phototype is completely devoid of pigment, does not tan, and is more common in people with very light hair and eyes.
  • The skin of the second type contains a small amount of melanin, does not tan well, and is typical for people of Scandinavian appearance. With the first and second skin phototypes, the hair on the body is often light or red.
  • The third type is the most common among Europeans - this skin contains an average amount of pigment: it takes tanning well, but sometimes it burns in the sun. Body hair can be dark and coarse.
  • The fourth type is the dark, olive skin typical of Asians. She tans easily, sunburn is quite rare for her. Body hair is mostly dark.
  • The fifth type of skin is dark brown, characteristic of Africans.

It is easiest to remove dark hair on skin of 1 - 3 types, relatively difficult - with the fourth, and with the fifth - it is almost impossible, since the skin pigment does not differ in color from the hair pigment. The radiation power is regulated depending on the phototype. For 1 - 2 skin types, all levels are suitable - from 1 to 5. For types 3 - 4, the first three are usually sufficient.

At home, laser hair removal is carried out in the same way as in the salon: it is recommended to treat one part of the body every 3 to 4 weeks. Do not sunbathe 2 weeks before the procedure. The hair in the treated area must be shaved off, but under no circumstances should it be pulled out by the root, otherwise there will be no effect from laser exposure. The procedure should be repeated until complete hair removal.

In case of severe pain (they are far from all), it is recommended to use Emla's anesthetic cream. It is rubbed into the skin 40 - 60 minutes before treatment. And after it, to relieve irritation, apply agents with panthenol. In the first days after hair removal, it is highly discouraged to sunbathe, since persistent age spots may appear in places of micro-damage to the skin.

Average number of procedures for complete hair removal on different parts of the body

  • upper lip - 6 - 7;
  • armpits - 6 - 7;
  • arms and legs - 5 - 6;
  • bikini - 4 - 5.

Contraindications for laser hair removal in the salon and at home

  • Any serious chronic and acute diseases, especially diabetes mellitus and oncology.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Any damage (possible burns) and skin diseases in the affected area.
  • When processing the legs - varicose veins.

And in general, home laser hair removal is a highly effective and safe method for health - it allows you to get rid of unwanted hair for a very long time.

Today laser hair removal is one of the most effective ways to forget about unwanted hairs, both for women and men. In general, laser hair removal is recommended for cosmetic purposes, although there may be medical indications. The procedure itself involves the destruction of hair, hair follicles without negative effects on the skin.

Operating principle

The thermal effect arising from the absorption of laser light by the dark coloring pigment of the hair causes the death of the hair follicle. Instantaneous heating of the entire hair causes further cessation of its growth.

The procedure time ranges from 5 to 30-40 minutes... It depends on the area of ​​the skin where hair is removed. So, to remove hair above the lip, it will take on average 2-3 minutes, hair in the armpits and bikini area is removed in 15 minutes, on the shins 40 minutes.


Recently, laser hair removal at home has gained immense popularity. Comfortable hair removal at home has become a reality thanks to the introduction of compact functional models of laser epilators on the market. Before buying a device for laser hair removal at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications to the procedure.

  1. Absolute contraindications that make this procedure either impossible or useless:
  • oncological diseases;
  • infectious diseases affecting the skin (herpes, etc.);
  • diabetes;
  • dark or tanned skin;
  • gray or very blonde hair
  1. Relative contraindications for which the procedure is possible in consultation with specialists:
  • the presence of a large number of moles;
  • various diseases and skin lesions;
  • Tan;
  • varicose veins;
  • pregnancy;
  • allergic reactions;
  • colds

In addition, a young age is an obstacle to laser hair removal.

Home laser hair removal machines

The devices that allow you to perform laser hair removal at home are safe and very convenient to use. A variety of portable models that vary in price from 7200 to 29000 rubles, differ in the type of laser, the number of programs and power. All devices are equipped with a special cooling system to minimize painful sensations. For laser hair removal at home, it is better to buy a device without a large set of functions that you most likely will not use. The main selection criterion is convenience. Online stores offer highly efficient home laser hair removal devices from the world's leading manufacturers.

To carry out laser hair removal at home, you can use portable laser epilators from RIO (for a more detailed description, follow the link):

  • Laser epilator RIO Laser Salon- English-made device, subject to warranty service for a year after purchase. Ideal for sensitive skin. The device weighs only 850 grams;
  • Laser epilator RIO LASH-3000 with a scanning function from the UK will prevent skin damage and remove unwanted hairs in 8-12 sessions.
Price comparison table for portable home laser hair removal machines manufactured by Rio.
Machine name Description and characteristics Average price in Moscow
Laser epilator Rio x 60 Processing a large area by processing several hairs at once. Automatic hair search and detection system for subsequent hair removal. 19,000 rubles
Home laser epilator Rio Salon Laser It is possible to remove unwanted hair from sensitive areas and the bikini area!
100% safety due to the implementation of a multi-stage protection system.
Active action of the laser beam on each hair.
7200 rubles
Home laser epilator with scanning function Rio Dezac х 20 Patented system for deep skin scanning and hair detection.
Automatic hair removal in find-remove mode without user intervention.
The ability to remove hair from sensitive areas of the body (intimate area).
Multilevel system to ensure the safety of the procedure.
15,000 rubles
Machine for laser hair removal RIO LASH-3000 with scanning function One of the most powerful home laser hair removal systems.
The unique laser control and management system prevents skin burns.
The patented Scan system allows you to remove multiple hairs at the same time.
17,500 rubles
RIO Laser Tweezer - Portable Laser Tweezer Compact, mobile, portable.
Small dimensions allow you to transport the device in a travel bag or carry-on luggage.
One of the modern targeting systems allows you to remove hair from all parts of the body.
The pulse generation frequency is 4 seconds.
9100 rubles

You can buy devices for laser hair removal at home in online stores operating in Moscow or throughout Russia. The table shows the average prices for portable home laser products taken from open sources. In order to order or buy a product, contact the representatives of online stores in your region.

Laser hair removal at home, a video instruction for which is attached to each device, becomes a fairly simple and effective procedure. Here you can find a video instruction on how to work with home laser hair removal machines.

Laser hair removal: myths and reality.

Judging by the reviews about laser hair removal at home, everyone who tried this procedure is divided into two relatively equal groups. For some, it causes true delight, while others scold, regretting the money spent. Most often, negative reviews are associated with the expectation of an instant miracle that did not happen.

1 myth. Laser hair removal removes unwanted hair forever.

Doctors explain: “The reality is that even 10 epilation procedures cannot completely get rid of hair. But a significant decrease in their number occurs after several procedures. The remaining hairs are barely visible. To maintain the effect of "silk" skin, experts recommend one session of laser hair removal per year ”.

2 myth. Unwanted hair will disappear immediately after the procedure.

Hair does not fall out instantly. The cleansing process takes up to two weeks. But the effect that occurs after this period exceeds all expectations.

3 myth. Complete absence of discomfort.

It all depends on the threshold of sensitivity, on the zone of hair removal and many factors, including psychological.

4 myth. The most harmless myth that hair removal is a purely female pleasure.

In fact: “This is not entirely true, since lately the laser hair removal procedure, especially at home, has become popular among the representatives of the strong half of humanity. Men do not want to be compared to a “walking fur coat”. The dream of men is the image of a Greek athlete. ”

Homemade but effective laser hair removal: tips and tricks

  • Before using the laser therapy device at home for the first time, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions or get professional advice from a specialist, since if the procedure for performing the procedure is violated, a burn is possible.
  • If home laser hair removal is performed during the summer, you should refrain from tanning for 4-5 days. To avoid skin irritation, do not take a hot bath or visit the pool immediately after laser hair removal.
  • Approximately in 10-12 hours Before laser hair removal at home, you need to shave off the hairs in the area to be treated. Long hairs absorb laser energy, reducing efficiency.

Excessive vegetation on the female body - to be or not to be? While you are deciding whether to depilate body hair, many girls have long tried many methods, and found the most acceptable for themselves. Today, a decent variety of methods and means for removing body hair are known: from shaving to epilation. In total, there are more than ten ways, and this is if you do not take into account traditional medicine.

If depilation allows you to get rid of vegetation only for a while, then epilation allows you to remove hair and forget about it for several years. All is well, if not for the high cost of hair removal. But do not rush, because this type of hair removal, like using a laser, can be done at home. Are you interested in this topic? Then let's find out what is required for home laser hair removal, and how to properly carry out this procedure.

It's no secret that laser hair removal can be performed not only in the salon, but also at home. To do this, you can buy a household laser device, which differs from the salon in performance, power and, of course, price. But for conducting sessions several times a year, the home version is sufficient.

The principle of operation of the device is based on the simplest formation of infrared radiation. The intensity of the radiation is adjusted so that when exposed to the hair, the destruction of the hair follicles occurs. At the same time, a positive effect in the form of hair loss is immediately achieved.

The negative impact on the skin from infrared radiation is excluded, therefore, the device can be said not only that it is effective, but also safe. The low power of the device, which is ten times lower than that of the salon unit, contributes to the fact that the procedure must be repeated several times. But if you have already taken up the epilation, then you need to bring it to the end.

It's important to know ! Take your time to purchase the device. If you want to get rid of hair that is predominantly light, then a laser epilator will not be able to help. The laser device is mainly used to combat dark hair types.

Which to choose

Although the home appliance is inferior in performance to the salon one, it is not so much in terms of efficiency. Many women prefer the home epilator, as it is safer, much more comfortable to use and does not require special skills when working with the device.

But despite the ease of use of a home appliance, in order for epilation to be an effective process, you will need to learn how to use it correctly. But this is not so important in comparison with the choice of the optimal model of the device. We will consider in detail which device to choose for home laser hair removal.

Which device to choose is everyone's decision, but as they say, why pay for a brand if less popular models of devices are no less effective.

How to use a home laser epilator

A laser depilatory machine at home requires some skill to use it. Initially, you should read the instructions for use of the device. First, you need to study the main criterion for using the device, as well as the basic principles of its operation. Although the device is easy to use, in the absence of knowledge and skills, removing body hair will be extremely problematic. It is necessary to study on small areas of the skin, and at the same time check for the absence of a positive reaction to allergic manifestations.

Home epilation is considered effective when hairs between 1 and 3 mm are removed. At the same time, the skin should be dry and free of cosmetics.

The main key stages of laser hair removal are considered:

  • Applying the apparatus to the skin with further exposure to flash photography. The delay in one part of the body should not exceed 4-5 seconds.
  • Transition to another area of ​​the skin. Do not re-direct the device to the treated skin area.
  • The repeated procedure can be carried out no earlier than in 2-3 weeks.

The main benefits of a home laser epilator include:

  1. Lack of side symptoms.
  2. The ability to get rid of vegetation for a long time (2-3 years).
  3. Relatively low cost of the device in comparison with a visit to the salon.
  4. The effectiveness of a positive result.

If a woman has ever tried what the device is and what its effect is, then it will be quite difficult to refuse it.

Who shouldn't do laser hair removal at home

Although a home hair removal device is considered safe, girls are advised to familiarize themselves with the list of contraindications before using it. After all, the presence of a contraindication can lead to a series of unpleasant consequences, for example, skin pigmentation or infection.

The main contraindications for home laser hair removal include:

  1. The presence of oncological ailments. Excessive radiation exposure can lead to an exacerbation of cancer.
  2. Metabolic problems.
  3. Diseases of the endocrine gland.
  4. Skin infection.
  5. The epilation method is contraindicated for girls who have a tan or the slightest signs of it.
  6. Do not irradiate areas of the skin that have neoplasms such as papillomas, warts, lichen and moles.
  7. Irradiation of areas of the skin with trauma, wounds and abrasions can lead to pigmentation of the epidermis.
  8. With varicose veins.
  9. If there are signs of allergic manifestations.
  10. During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  11. The procedure will be ineffective if you act on light or gray hair types.

Otherwise, the laser epilator can be used to remove excess hair. The device also has some disadvantages, which are caused by discomfort, the risk of burns and the impossibility of using it when tanning, but compared to the advantages, this is just a trifle.

In order for laser hair removal at home to be truly effective and not provoke a lot of unpleasant consequences, you should treat the procedure with the utmost rigor. Indeed, one wrong action with the device can provoke the formation of age spots on the skin or an inflammatory process.

Laser hair removal is one of the most effective and popular methods of long-term body hair removal today. More and more women prefer this procedure, forgetting about shaving razors and creams with a terrible smell, and, accordingly, the need to often depilate the body. The beauty industry has taken a new step towards development and released a laser hair removal machine that can be used at home. But can he replace going to a beautician?


Features and contraindications of the procedure

When a laser beam is applied to a cell that contains a pigment, it occurs internal heating and destruction... If the temperature reaches 80 degrees, the cell is destroyed completely without the possibility of regeneration. Thus, the bulb in this area will no longer appear and hair will not grow out of it. It is on this principle that the laser works, which is used by cosmetologists in salons.

The device, aimed at home use, operates according to the same algorithm (if you do not touch on some of the nuances), therefore the indications and contraindications for this procedure are similar to those set for a salon session.

  • Exposure to a laser beam is not allowed in the presence of oncological diseases, metabolic disorders and the functioning of the endocrine gland, as well as in case of infectious skin lesions.
  • It is forbidden to carry out the procedure on areas with a large number of moles, warts, papillomas, birthmarks, as well as for burns, wounds, abrasions, varicose veins. If you are pregnant and have allergic reactions, you should consult your doctor.
  • Hair removal (both at home and in the salon) will be practically ineffective if you have a strong tan and blond or gray hair.

The last point can be bypassed today by using a neodymium laser, but it is available only to professionals and a simple consumer cannot purchase it. Thus, the device for laser hair removal, which is presented in a regular store, already has a somewhat truncated functionality.

But this is not its only drawback - no less important is the fact that this device has less power than the salon, so its speed and coverage are lower. Experts assure: if you plan to remove hair from your legs at home, you can forget about it - the session will last several hours.

Which device to choose?

The main advantage of the "home" epilator is its relative security... In comparison with the salon, it does not actively heat the cell, captures a smaller area, making the procedure more comfortable, has a good cooling system and does not require serious professional skills. True, it is still more difficult to use than a razor, so you may need a few persistent trainings before epilation becomes enjoyable. However, first it is worth deciding on a specific device, and, as the reviews show, there is no direct connection between price and quality.

  • Rio Salon Laser- the most inexpensive device today, the cost of which is within 12 thousand rubles. The wavelength is 808 nm and there are 5 power levels that can be used on very light to olive skin. Levels 1 to 3 are recommended for intense tanning. Each follicle is processed within 4 seconds, the operating mode is pulse.
  • Rio Laser Tweezer is approximately in the same price range, but focused on point hair elimination, i.e. not for large areas. They are advised to epilate the eyebrows, the area above the upper lip, etc. The wavelength is also 808 nm, the exposure time is the same - 4 sec., The number of modes is 5.
  • Rio X60 is the most expensive device of the brand, intended for use at home: the price is in the range of 36-40 thousand rubles. It is technically identical to the more budget models, with the only significant difference being the ability to handle a larger area.
  • Phillips Lumea- a product of a well-known brand, which has established itself among men's shaving machines (electric) and women's epilators, which has now released a more interesting and complex device. True, it is positioned as a photoepilator, but the procedure itself is extremely close to a laser one. There are also 5 power modes, for 1 min. the device makes 370 flashes, the wavelength depends on the attachment and ranges from 570-600 nm.

It is likely that today you can find products from other manufacturers, however, their safety and effectiveness is a big question, especially if the brand was not previously seen in the niche of cosmetology. Therefore, if you really want to try this type of home hair removal, pay attention to the listed models. How good they are in reality, we will find out a little later.

How to carry out the procedure yourself?

If you are sure that you do not fall into any of those categories for which this type of hair removal is not recommended, you can try laser hair removal at home. To do this, do not touch them at all for 14-20 days, then cut them off a day before the procedure so that the length is no more than 2 mm (for a bikini - 3 mm). Remember that sunbathing is prohibited 14 days before.

  • Considering the exposure time of a particular device, hold its head over the treated area for several seconds until the hair is “burned”. With most devices for independent use, the procedure looks like this, so it is rather difficult to overexpose them.
  • After the procedure, treat this area with panthenol and under no circumstances expose to sunlight or alcohol-containing products for 14 days. You can repeat the session no earlier than 2 weeks later.
  • If epilation causes discomfort (up to severe pain), you can use Emla's ointment, which is rubbed into the skin for 50-60 minutes. before starting laser work.

How many sessions are required? It is impossible to give an exact answer to this question, since everything depends on your individual characteristics. The approximate amount for the area above the upper lip and armpits is 5-7, for a bikini it takes more - up to 9, and 4-5 is enough for the legs.

Today, the problem of unwanted vegetation on the body is solved in different ways, each of which has its own characteristic features. The most common way is epilation, which allows you to solve this issue for a relatively long time, but at the same time is a rather unpleasant process. The most effective laser method has shown itself, which acts directly on the hair follicle, and also does not cause any painful sensations. This option, however, has a negative side - a rather high cost. An alternative way to solve this problem has become a laser epilator for home use.

Distinctive features of home laser epilator

Most women use a standard epilator, the principle of which is to pluck out unwanted vegetation without directly affecting the hair follicle. This option is, of course, more effective than shaving or using depilatory creams, but it is quite painful, especially on sensitive skin areas. And after a while, the hair still appears again.

A characteristic feature of a laser epilator is that it acts on the hair follicle. After each application, unwanted vegetation becomes thinner and weaker, and after a certain time, it disappears altogether. In addition, this option does not cause discomfort and does not provoke skin irritation.

As for the financial side, the laser epilator, the price of which is slightly higher than the cost of standard devices of this spectrum of action, fully pays for itself. This can be seen when taking into account the price list of several courses of a similar procedure in the salon. The price of such a device, depending on the model, is in the range of 5-30 thousand rubles.

How the laser epilator works

Each laser can emit beams of a certain type or frequency. Human skin contains a substance called melanin, which absorbs the radiated energy, as a result of which the hair follicle is very hot and destroyed. It is because of this that the laser epilator for home use is more effective than other similar procedures.

You can use this device on any part of the body. It is also great for hair removal in sensitive areas such as armpits, arms, thighs, bikini area and face. In addition, the procedure does not cause irritation on the treated surface and allows you to get rid of unwanted vegetation locally.

Usage guide

Since devices of this kind have similar functionality, the principle of operation of devices from different manufacturers is also similar. As an example, you can use the Rio laser epilator, consumer reviews of which are most common.

The device has a technology that protects a person from possible contact of the laser with the organs of vision and damage to them. The device starts working only when it is completely in contact with the skin. With each procedure, a specific area of ​​the body should be treated only once. Clinical studies have shown that about 90% of unwanted vegetation disappears after 7-8 treatments. People with dark hair, however, due to physiology, should use a laser epilator for home use in a course of 10-12 procedures.

Disadvantages of laser epilator

Despite its positive aspects, this device, however, has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, not everyone will be able to use a laser epilator at home. The exception is people with dark skin color, who live on the territory of the African continent. This is due to the fact that their epidermis contains more melanin than light-skinned people, and can cause burns.

This type of hair removal is not suitable for people with very light or gray hair. The opposite principle works here - on the contrary, there is very little melanin in such skin. As a result, the hair follicle will not heat up to the desired temperature, and the procedure itself will be useless. For these groups of people, an alternative option is more suitable - electrolysis.

Another disadvantage of a home laser epilator is its small area of ​​effect. Since the device works only with full contact with the skin to eliminate the possibility of injury to the eyes, it covers a small area, and it may take several hours to completely process the body.


Like other means for getting rid of unnecessary body hair, a laser epilator for home use has a number of contraindications. This includes skin conditions such as herpes, psoriasis, dermatitis, and eczema. Do not use this device for cancer, diabetes, tuberculosis, pregnancy and individual intolerance to the specified procedure.

The product should be used with caution in case of varicose veins, the presence of burns, scratches or other injuries on the skin, as well as in case of severe allergies and the presence of many moles on the treated areas of the body.

Differences between laser hair removal and photo hair removal

Modern cosmetology offers two innovative ways to get rid of unwanted hair on the body - laser hair removal and photoepilation. Due to the similarity of these techniques, they are often confused. The difference between these techniques lies, first of all, in the fact that the laser acts more locally, pointwise, directly on the follicle, while photoepilation is an intense flash and the release of a huge amount of energy. The latter method is fast enough as it treats a larger surface than a laser epilator. Reviews, however, show that photo epilation is not suitable for sensitive skin and can cause irritation, itching and redness. You can not use this technique for processing the face.

Laser hair removal is an innovative body hair removal technique that is also successfully used at home. It is distinguished by a high level of efficiency, absence of painful sensations and a wide scope of use. Despite some contraindications and restrictions in use, this method has proven itself well on the market as an alternative to expensive salon procedures.