Master class on Flashlight technology (origami technique). DIY paper lanterns. Christmas lanterns: scheme

This article will talk about making Chinese lanterns with your own hands, which you can make yourself or attract children to the creativity. These lanterns are perfect for decorating a room, garden, decorating a Christmas tree or a corner of dreams. They can easily turn your evening into the most unusual fairy tale. Indeed, in them we very often read about the hall, which is decorated with thousands of multi-colored lights, about a mysterious person who helps to illuminate the path of the main character. So arm yourself with everything you need and start creating.

Option for children

In this article, we propose to view the most popular schemes for making Chinese lanterns. And here is the first of them - a children's flashlight.

In order to make such a trinket, you need to take colored paper, pencils, a ruler, scissors, glue, sparkles, satin ribbons and colored markers.

It is necessary to cut a strip from any edge of the leaf, in the future it will be a pen. Its width should be about two cm. We fold the remaining paper in half and draw a line on it, which is at a distance of four cm from the edge. It is up to this strip that we will cut the flashlight.

Then, along the entire remaining length of the paper, mark lines, about one to one and a half cm wide. We begin to make cuts along the indicated lines with scissors. We do this from the place of the fold, and stop near the marked line.

We open the paper and see if there are traces left, then erase them with an eraser. Now we fasten the edges with glue or paper clips. On one side we attach a handle for a flashlight. Now you can decorate the flashlight with sparkles, tinsel, threads. Instead of colored paper, you can also use plain white paper, in the future you can decorate it as you wish.

For all traditions

The process of making the next Chinese lantern out of paper can be traced in a master class.

In order to perform these procedures, it is necessary to prepare red cardboard, glue, scissors, a template, a pencil, a red thread and a needle, silver or gold paint.

Find and print a template on the Internet, attach it to the cardboard and cut out the entire blank.

In no case should these parts be separated, they should be specifically similar, with a small accordion.

We glue the first and last parts together. The next step is to connect all the sides. Next, we take a thread with a needle and make a small hole at the top of our flashlight. We collect the lower part of the flashlight in the same way. Make a small brush for the bottom of the decoration. Draw a variety of patterns using silver paint. They can be pre-made on stencils. We apply such a stencil to the flashlight and spray paint. Let it dry and the flashlight is ready.

sky lattern

In the next step-by-step instructions, you can consider making a sky flying lantern.

To make this type of Chinese lantern, you will need tissue or rice paper, straws, copper wire, a candle, and glue.

We put pieces of tissue paper on top of each other and cut out rectangles. Then we glue the edges together tightly with glue. Then we make a small pad for the straws and fold them in a square shape. We twist the wire around the candle and attach it around the edges to straws. We light a candle and let it warm up a little.

Decor for products

Well, the next point that we want to make out is one of the ways to decorate sky lanterns.

For work, we need decorated paper, a glue gun, a hole punch and simple batteries.

On decorated paper, you need to punch about seventy holes with a hole punch.

Then we unfold the already finished base ball, or we take the one that we did in the last master class. We begin to glue it with these circles according to the husk principle.

Flashlights don't have to be a source of light. For example, paper lanterns can be a wonderful decoration for your home in connection with any holiday: New Year and Christmas lanterns can be hung on the tree, and paper lanterns for birthday or Halloween can be hung or placed in rooms.

Such decoration will perfectly combine with other festive decor and will fit into almost any style, since they can be different - it all depends on the flight of your creative thought, if you want to make paper lanterns with your own hands.


A flickering flashlight, like a tiny light, immediately casts a fabulous mood, creates an atmosphere of magic, mystery and mystery. Paper lanterns are so easy to make that even kids can participate in holiday preparations and help you make these wonderful decorations.

In order to make a paper flashlight, it is better to take plain office paper of different colors. Corrugated paper will also suit you, but you should not use cardboard, as it often breaks at the folds, and the product may deteriorate.

In addition, in the process of work you will need glue, scissors, jewelry (if you want your craft to be exclusive and original), a pencil and a ruler, as well as special templates for cutting.

A little patience, imagination and perseverance - and your do-it-yourself paper flashlight is ready! You can decorate the house for the holiday.

Making classic paper lanterns

The base of any lantern is rectangular, and in appearance it resembles a cylinder, open at the top and bottom. Already on this base, you will glue or attach various volumetric designs and decorations.

  1. Before you make a traditional paper lantern of this type, you can think of what and how you will decorate it. There are no special templates for a classic lantern, but there is a diagram that you can focus on.
  2. First you need to make a base. To do this, you will need to cut a rectangle out of colored paper (determine the dimensions, depending on how large the future craft should be).
  3. Then this paper rectangular piece must be folded in half (in width), and slightly stepping back from its upper edge, draw a horizontal line with a pencil.
  4. On the same workpiece, make markings for vertical stripes (take a small width, about 1-1.5 cm). Cut the paper along these lines, but so as not to cross the marked border line.
  5. Next, you will need another rectangle. It can be cut either from the same colored paper, or you can take paper of a different color. The length of this rectangle should be the same as the first, and the width may be slightly less.
  6. Also fold it in half, and then cut it into small strips on the side of the fold (as in the first case, do not make the cut to the end, because you need to leave at least a centimeter for gluing to the base).
  7. You can glue the blanks to each other (if you want, use a stapler). And to easily hang the flashlight on the Christmas tree or elsewhere, attach a small strip of paper to the two sides of the top of the flashlight.

If desired, for decoration for the New Year, you can decorate the craft with stickers, sparkles, stars, snowflakes, rhinestones, etc.

A few of these lanterns will make a wonderful garland.

And if you do not make a core in the flashlight, then with the help of such a product you can decorate vases or other objects in an original way, making them elements of New Year's decor.

Other manufacturing methods

By connecting imagination and imagination, you can easily figure out how else to make unique lanterns for decorating your home. For example, if you glue corrugated paper into cylinders, as is the case with classical technology, but do not make a second layer, but simply attach these forms to ribbons, and glue them along the bottom edge with light colored ribbons that will flutter and flutter at the slightest movement. These New Year's lanterns also look beautiful in a large garland.

If you want a candle to burn inside the product, then take two layers of paper for the base: for the top one - regular, and for the bottom one - white parchment, which will transmit light. Or use safe LED candles.

Another simple craft is a flashlight made of colorful stripes. To make it, you need to cut a lot of paper strips (their length and width should be the same, the longer the strip, the larger the flashlight will turn out). These strips must be folded, and holes must be punctured at both ends. Then take a beautiful lace and fasten it first on one side, and then thread it into the other hole and pull it well so that the strips are curved in a semicircle. It remains only to straighten the flashlight so that the stripes form a ball shape.

You can also make a beautiful craft in the form of an openwork lantern, which will decorate any festive table for the New Year at the Christmas tree, for birthday, and for other holidays.

  1. To make such a romantic decor element, you will need special cutting patterns. If you are trying to make such a craft for the first time, then first it is better to take a blank drawing, in which there will be a minimum number of gaps, since cutting this part can take a lot of time and require some skills.
  2. The selected template must be printed and carefully cut along the contours.
  3. Pick up glasses, goblets, jars or other transparent objects that will serve as the basis for the wrapper (they should be suitable for placing candles). Measure their height and width. Cut out the templates so that the containers can be completely wrapped.
  4. Try on patterns again and trim if necessary.
  5. If you want to make colored lanterns, then you will need to attach sheets of colored parchment under the openwork patterns (you also need to cut them to the size of the vessels). They are attached with adhesive tape.
  6. Then you can attach the openwork patterns, also carefully attaching them with tape.

Light the candles and enjoy the romantic atmosphere of the New Year's fairy tale.

Choose any method of making lanterns you like and create small crafts that will decorate your home in an original way for any holiday.

Synopsis of the master class "DIY crafts"

"Flashlight" (origami technique)

Tell me and I will hear

Show me and I will remember

Let me do it myself -

And I will understand!

Japanese proverb

Target: complement the idea of ​​origami, its significance for the formation and development of the general competencies of students.

Tasks:- to repeat and consolidate the knowledge and skills of students about origami; remember the history of the emergence of this type of art;

Consider origami as a form of arts and crafts and its importance for child development;

To acquaint with the techniques that help in the work on the formation and development of the general competences of students on the example of performing work in the origami technique;

Develop attentiveness, accuracy, fine motor skills of fingers, imagination;

Create conditions and perform work using the origami technique.

Equipment: A4 paper or special origami paper.

Master class progress:

1) Introductory speech of the teacher.

The art of origami is a mystery that beckons with incredible transformations. Various images are hidden in a piece of paper. The paper seems to come to life in the hands. How much joy and delight people experience from hand-made crafts, feelings of emotional comfort, satisfaction. Such a toy is sweet to the heart, it is carefully kept, and people are proud of it.

Guys, we are already familiar with the origami technique. Let's remember what it is and where did this art form come from?

(Origami is the art of folding paper figures. The word " origami"translated from Japanese -" folded paper ". Origami was born in Eastern culture. Paper was invented in China, and it was brought to Japan after 600 years. Paper folding became known precisely in the Japanese version - origami.)

And origami also strengthens the ability to work with hands under the control of consciousness, improves fine motor skills of the hands, precise movements of the fingers, exercises the eye gauge, alignment of hands and eyes. Promotes perseverance, focus and attention. It is of great importance in the formation of thinking, creative imagination, artistic taste. Origami classes strengthen memory. With a certain experience of folding, children do not work according to schemes on a sheet of paper, but keep them in their heads. Strengthens spatial imagination. Origami increases brain activity because it requires simultaneous control over the movements of both hands. Origami classes help you learn math. Namely, familiarity with various geometric constructions; actions with volumetric figures - folding figures, dividing into parts.

2) Motivation. Narration and reading by the teacher.

My story of acquaintance with origami began 20 years ago. My grandmother read Antoine Exupery's fairy tale "The Little Prince" and how he got to the lamplighter's planet. I would also like to read to you this 14th chapter. (Illustrations for the fairy tale are hung on the board).

The fifth planet was very interesting. She turned out to be the smallest of all. All that was placed on it was a lantern and a lamplighter. The little prince could not understand in any way why a lantern and a lamplighter were needed on a tiny planet lost in the sky, where there are no houses or inhabitants. But he thought:
"Maybe this man is absurd. But he is not as absurd as a king, an ambitious, a businessman and a drunkard. There is still a sense in his work. When he lights his lantern, it is as if another star or flower is being born. And when he extinguishes the lantern - as if a star or a flower fall asleep. A wonderful activity. It is really useful because it is beautiful. "

And, having caught up with this planet, he respectfully bowed to the lamplighter.
“Good afternoon,” he said. - Why did you put out the lantern now?
“Such an arrangement,” replied the lamplighter. - Good afternoon.
- And what is this agreement?
- Extinguish the lantern. Good evening.
And he lit the lantern again.
- Why did you light it up again?
“Such an arrangement,” the lamplighter repeated.
“I don’t understand,” the little prince admitted.
- And there is nothing to understand, - said the lamplighter, - an agreement is an agreement. Good afternoon.
And he turned off the lantern.

Then he wiped the sweat from his forehead with a red check handkerchief and said:
- I have a hard craft. It once made sense. I put out the lantern in the morning and turned it on again in the evening. I had a day to rest and a night to sleep ...
- And then the agreement changed?
“The agreement has not changed,” said the lamplighter. - That's the trouble! My planet rotates faster and faster every year, but the agreement remains the same.
- And what about now? asked the little prince.
- Yes, like that. The planet makes a full revolution in one minute, and I don't have a second of respite. Every minute I put out the lantern and light it again. - That's funny! So your day lasts only one minute!
“There’s nothing funny about it,” said the lamplighter. - We've been talking for a month now.
- Whole month?!
- Well yes. Thirty minutes. Thirty days. Good evening!
And he lit the lantern again.

The little prince looked at the lamplighter, and more and more he liked this man, who was so true to his word. The little prince remembered how he once moved the chair from place to place in order to once again look at the sunset. And he wanted to help a friend.
“Listen,” he said to the lamplighter, “I know a remedy: you can rest whenever you want ...
“I want to rest all the time,” said the lamplighter.
After all, you can be true to your word and still lazy.
“Your planet is so tiny,” the little prince continued, “you can walk around it in three steps. And you just need to walk at such a speed that you stay in the sun all the time. When you want to rest, you just go, go ... And the day will drag on as long as you wish. “Well, that’s of little use to me,” said the lamplighter. - More than anything else, I love to sleep.
- Then your business is bad, - the little prince sympathized.
“My business is bad,” the lamplighter confirmed. - Good afternoon.
- And put out the lantern.

"Here is a man," the little prince said to himself, continuing on his way, "here is a man whom everyone would despise - both the king and the ambitious, and the drunkard, and the businessman. And yet of all of them he alone, in my opinion, is not funny . Maybe because he thinks not only of himself. "
The little prince sighed.
"I would like to make friends with, - he thought again. - But his planet is already very tiny. There is no room for two ..."
He did not dare to admit to himself that he regrets this wonderful planet most of all for one more reason: in twenty-four hours one can admire the sunset on it one thousand four hundred and forty times!

Here is such an interesting tale. Guys, do you understand who the lamplighter is? (children's answers) ( Lamplighter- a city employee who oversees the serviceability of street lamps and lights them.)

3) Physical minutes.

4) Explanation of manufacturing technology.

Before you are technological maps. /data/files/c1488667157.docx (Technological map (photo)) Consider them carefully. I propose to complete tasks in pairs, helping each other: make flashlights. And I will definitely help you too.

5) Simulation.

1. Make a square out of a rectangular sheet (points No. 1,2,3).

2. Fold the square along 2 diagonals, iron well with your fingers. (No. 4)

3. Take the lateral vertical sides of the square and fold to the center inward so that a triangle is formed. Iron well in the middle. (No. 5.6)

4. Bend the corners of the triangle to the middle to get a figure resembling an airplane. Iron the new fold line with your fingers. (No. 7.8)

5. Turn the figure over, do the same on the other side. It turns out a shape that resembles a rhombus. (No. 9)

6. Flip the figure, free corners up. (No.10)

7. Fold the free corners inside the figure behind the first wall. The result is a figure that looks like a bag. (No.11)

8. Turn the figure over, on the other side do the same. The triangle is again. (# 12, 13)

9. Bend the upper corners by one third and insert one into the other. (No. 14,15)

10. Turn the figure over, do the same on the other side. (No. 16,17)

11. And now, like lamplighters, let us light our lanterns, give them volume, inflate them. (# 18,19) (This moment pleases the guys the most)

Whoever had a flashlight pouted, he did everything right and can color it, fix it on a stick-post that I handed out. (Or just put it on a pencil.) But don't rush, we have a self-esteem of work ahead of us.

6) Reflection.

I told you about all the stages of the work of performing in the origami technique of a flashlight. For those who liked the lesson, all the stages of manufacturing are clear and everything worked out, I propose to paint the lanterns in yellow, red or orange with pencils or felt-tip pens, like the color of a light burning in a lantern. Those who did not learn anything new remained indifferent to the lesson, paint them green. For those who were not satisfied with their occupation or their work, paint the flashlights in black.

7) Summing up.

Dear friends, please raise your flashlights. And let the little prince admire them from his planet. Thank you for the lesson!