New Year's hairstyles at home. New Year's hairstyles for girls at the matinee. Sloppy French twist

You could read it in our articles. But a beautiful dress or suit requires an appropriate hairstyle: festive, showy, neat or slightly careless, decorated with flowers or hairpins. It is not easy even to opt for any one option, but making a hairstyle for the New Year with your own hands is even more difficult. It is much easier to decide if there is a photo of the result and detailed instructions for styling or weaving. Just in this article there is a lot of hairstyle ideas for girls, girls, women with step-by-step descriptions.

Straight hair - a classic of the genre

Smooth straight and soft hair. This hairstyle may seem mundane, too simple, but the real magic of femininity lies in simplicity and naturalness. Long or short hair doesn't matter. There is no need to hide the beauty of your hair if it looks healthy, does not split, and is thick enough. In addition, you can straighten the strands with an iron in 10-15 minutes. An excellent option for those who do not have too much time. Hollywood stars, for example, proudly come out with straight hair, sometimes even without additional jewelry.

Note! Do not be upset if the curl does not stick to your hair - choose a style or hairstyle with straight hair.

You don't have to do a lot of experiments with short hair, so the best way out is just to update your haircut before the New Year, to make a course of masks so that the ends look well-groomed and the hairstyle is neat. And just before the holiday, you should style your hair with a hairdryer, styling agent and a round brush.

Styling should emphasize the advantageous features of the appearance, so straight hair is more suitable for owners of thick manes. But if your hair is thin and you still want to shine in an image with straight hair, use a little trick - make a bouffant and sprinkle your hair with varnish.

Light waves in Hollywood style and textured

Light waves and curled ends are also in trend this New Year. Hollywood wave, tousled gentle curls will help create the image of an unapproachable beauty or a romantic lady. To create light waves from the hair, use large curlers, a curling iron or an iron. For fixation, choose mousses, foams, gels and varnishes.

Note! Professionals recommend using thermal protection when using hair warmers.

It is worth figuring out how to make some styling options.

Smooth curls, as in the photo, are created as follows:

  1. Clean, dry hair is divided into large vertical strands. If necessary, pre-straighten with an iron.
  2. Spray each strand with hairspray.
  3. Use a large curling iron to curl each strand in the same direction. On the right side, the hair should curl away from the face, on the left side, towards the face.
  4. Apply a shine serum with your hands.

If your hair lacks volume, you should style your hair like this:

  1. Use a volume product. Rub it with your fingertips into the hair roots.
  2. Then spread the gel or foam for volume throughout the hair and comb.
  3. Dry your hair with a large round brush. The ends of the strands are twisted.
  4. At the end, apply a shine cream or serum.

Light curls tied at the back with a hairpin

Spiral curls give a special tenderness to the image, and thanks to the hair pinned back, crisp cheekbones open up.

  1. Apply a styling glaze to damp hair.
  2. Spray on hair with a heat protectant.
  3. Dry the bangs with a small round brush.
  4. Dry the rest of the hair with a medium round brush, gently separating it into strands.
  5. Curl the ends of the strands with a large curling iron.
  6. Apply a shine serum to the curls.
  7. They remove the strands from the face and fix them on the back of the head with a beautiful hair clip.

Long hair bob: curl

This styling is suitable for girls who have a bob or bob-bob haircut.

It's called a textured bob with elongated strands. It can be used to add volume to fine hair. From special tools, you will need a spray for texturing hair and varnish as a fixer. The spray is applied to the hair according to the instructions. With the help of a round brush, the styling is carried out with twisting movements. The result is fixed with varnish.

If you like smooth wavy hair, then you can do this hairstyle option.

  1. Apply thermal protection to dry hair.
  2. Curl the strands of hair with a small curling iron.
  3. Lay your hair to one side.
  4. Secure hair in place with decorative hairpins or hairpins.
  5. Hairspray is applied.

This way, you can create a feminine look without completely curling your hair.

Small and large curls for long, medium and short hair

The trend for curls will never go away. Indeed, with a shock of curls on her head, the girl looks as feminine as possible. And creating such a hairstyle is quite easy. Fashionistas from year to year do not change their preferences. They like that curled locks look flirty, romantic. Curls are dismissed over the shoulders, collected in a ponytail, secured with hairpins at the back, combined with braids and other types of weaving. Hair of any length is curled: both long hair and hair of medium length and very short. With the help of various devices, you can achieve a different effect: large romantic curls or small perky curls. And when the hair is styled in spirals or waves, you can experiment with hairstyles.

When the hair is laid on one side, two birds with one stone are killed. Firstly, they open the neck, and secondly, they shift the curls closer to the face, thanks to which it becomes more feminine and narrower. This is due to the fact that one cheek is partially covered with hair.

  1. The hair is covered with a heat protective and fixing agent.
  2. Divide the hair into strands about 2-3 cm wide.
  3. Each strand is curled with a pair of tongs. Carefully remove and fix into a ring until it cools completely.
  4. Then the hair is separated with your fingers and gloss varnish is applied.
  5. Brush the hair to one side.
  6. Fastened with invisible cross to cross.

Lush curls

Some people like extremely voluminous curls.

  1. Pick up curlers suitable for the length of the hair and the required thickness.
  2. Apply the fixing gel to damp hair and spread with a comb through all hair.
  3. The hair is wrapped around a curler and fixed as close to the scalp as possible by folding the edges.
  4. In this form, the curlers can be left overnight or all day if the hairstyle is done in the morning.
  5. When the hair is completely dry, the curlers are removed.
  6. The result is fixed with varnish.

Curls with fleece on the square

If the hair is of medium length, for example, a square, or even shorter, then curlers are not used for curling, but a curling iron.

  1. You should wash your hair and dry your hair as usual.
  2. Then, only the ends of the hair are curled with a small diameter tong.
  3. After the ends are curled, use a brush to comb the ends of the hair for a fuller effect.
  4. Then everything is varnished with a strong hold.

Spiral curls for fine hair

Thin and sparse hair, curled in curls, does not look so bad anymore. A great option for a holiday.

  1. If your hair is frizzy on its own, just apply a frizzy cream and use a diffuser to add definition to the curls.
  2. If the hair is slightly wavy or even straight, use a curling iron about 1 inch (2.5 cm) in diameter and curl the hair, separating the fine strands.
  3. After all the hair is curled, you need to apply a spray-shine to the hair and fix the hairstyle with a medium hold varnish.
Note! Before using heating devices, it is necessary to distribute the heat protection agent on the hair.

Even very short haircuts can be styled by pre-curling your hair.

This hairstyle can be done in two ways:

  1. If your hair is damp, dry it with a hair dryer and a round brush, curling up the strands of hair.
  2. If your hair is dry, use a curling iron and curl the ends of the hair outward.

Top styling should be fixed with hairspray.

Spiral curls for a bob haircut

And this is another bob with more pronounced spiral curls.

  1. The hair is dried with a flat brush.
  2. Then, use a hair tong to curl the strands, separating small areas.
  3. Fix with varnish.

Weaving options: braids, headbands, zigzags

Braided and braided hairstyles are not at all as complicated as they might seem. In fact, they are all performed on the basis of 4 techniques with some variations. Basic braids to master: Russian (three-strand) braid, French (Dutch - inverse French) braid, braid and fishtail. However, such hairstyles look very festive, especially in combination with jewelry in the hair.

Below are some examples.

Dutch braid with bun and hoop

This option is romantic and truly evening due to the decoration with rhinestones.

  1. Spray a fixing agent on dry hair.
  2. The hair on the crown is combed.
  3. Create a relaxed back french braid.
  4. Twist it into a loop.
  5. Secure with hairpins, leaving the ends free.
  6. To create a sloppy effect, some strands of the face are pulled out.
  7. The hairstyle can be decorated with a lace headband with rhinestones or in another way.

Video: weaving a Dutch braid

A simple yet effective neck-opening option.

  1. Spray a small amount of elastic hold hairspray on the hair.
  2. Then create a side parting.
  3. From the top of the head to the left, they begin to weave an inverted French (Dutch) braid.
  4. Weaving continues around the head.
  5. The remaining tail is hidden under the braid and secured with hairpins.

Mermaid braid

It is immediately and incomprehensible how this beauty is braided, but everything is done quite simply, on the basis of a French braid.

  1. To braid such a braid, you need to part from ear to ear.
  2. Then they begin to braid the hair on the crown according to the principle of a French braid, only picking up thin strands.
  3. When the weaving reaches eye level on the left side, they begin to pick up the strands from the occipital zone.
  4. According to this principle, hair is braided to the ends.
  5. Secure with an elastic band.

French braid for curls

Curl your hair and French weave looks completely different.

  1. Hair should be treated with a heat protectant.
  2. To create curls, you need a hair curler 2.5-3 cm in diameter.
  3. Each strand is wound on a curling iron, the ring is carefully removed and allowed to cool.
  4. When each strand is curled and the curls have cooled down, begin to braid a loose French braid.
  5. You can keep the bangs if you like.
  6. Then you should loosen the braid with your hands, pull out a few strands.
  7. If necessary, secure the fallen strands with hairpins.
  8. A fixing spray is applied on top of the hairstyle.

Knot weaving with a bundle: scheme

Here, the strands are tied in the literal sense of the word.

  1. Separate the square section of hair on the left. The lower border is at eye level.
  2. Then they take a strand from the separated area at the forehead, divide it into two parts.
  3. These two strands are tied together.
  4. Then they pick up small strands on the left and right, attach them to the ponytails coming from the knot, and tie them again.
  5. Continue to perform the same actions.
  6. When the hair from the separated area runs out, the ponytails are tied up without adding new strands. The ends are secured with an elastic band and attached with a hair clip towards the back of the head.
  7. Next, a strand of hair on the back of the head is separated, wrapped over the index and middle fingers of the right hand, then passed under the fingers and brought up. They make a "twist", pick up the free tip and drag it into the formed loop, but not completely. The knot is turned "upside down", secured with pins.
  8. Do the same with the remaining loose hair.

Zigzag weaving: step by step instructions

You can create many hairstyles based on the Dutch braid, and one of them is the zigzag braid.

  1. Weaving begin to the right of the middle short parting and immediately leave to the left.
  2. When the braiding reaches the left ear, the pigtail is unrolled and braided in the opposite direction, but lower, grabbing the hair at the back of the head.
  3. And so they continue to the end. The pigtail is secured with an elastic band.
  4. They fluff up the pigtail with their fingers, pulling out the strands.
  5. The end of the weaving is hidden under the braid at the back of the head. They are fixed with hairpins or invisible ones.
  6. A fixing agent is applied.

Evening hairstyles with tails

The well-known ponytail hairstyle is not only a lifesaver during cleaning, it is also an option for an evening hairstyle. It is enough to fantasize a little, make a bouffant, use a few extra rubber bands, one or two decorations. The tail can be original, romantic or elegant.

Two-strand plait tail

Below it is proposed to understand the step-by-step scheme for performing a tail with harnesses.

Flip your hair to one side.

On the other side behind the ear, separate one strand.

Divide it in two.

Cross the strands, placing the bottom over the top.

Add a section from the total hair to the bottom section. Cross again with the top strand.

Continue repeating the operation until you reach the second ear. Pull up the strands slightly from the roots to create volume. Tie your hair into a ponytail.

Separate a small section from the ponytail.

Twist it around the elastic to hide it. Secure with invisibility. Decorate the back with fake flowers.

Romantic ponytail hairstyle: instructions

The hairstyle is done on absolutely smooth hair, but it looks very impressive, the hair looks like curled, and the girl has just left the salon. She is easily created at home, even to herself.

First, take two strands, tie their ponytail and twist, passing the tip into the hole between the strands and the head from above.

Then take the strands, starting from the bottom of the ponytail, from under the hair that you just shaped into a ponytail and throw them up through the fixed strands.

Do this with three strands on each side. Spread out the resulting loops, fluff a little, making them more airy.

Take two more strands from the sides and again make a tail out of them. Twist.

Wrap in strands again - 3 on each side. Pull the ponytail closer to the first. Straighten the air loops.

Continue repeating the above steps until the very end of the strands. The principle is somewhat reminiscent of a fish tail. When there is a small ponytail, at the end, twist it twice, the second time the hair will fall into an air loop. With the end of the remaining hair, wind the curl across, in the place where the hair is intercepted by the elastic band, do not pull tightly. Then secure the hair in this place with a thin sheer elastic.

Pull the strands out for a more airy look.

Spray the top tier with varnish, attach the clamps, as shown in the photo.

Work each tier in this way. This will make your hair look more textured.

Hairstyle "inverted ponytail"

And this hairstyle, which can be worn not only on holidays, but also on weekdays. In a completely different way, playful and casual, she will look on a child.

Note! If the hairstyle is done for a child, they try to use as little chemical fixing agents as possible - foams and varnishes.

  1. Spray shine spray on dry hair.
  2. Comb all hair back, tying a low ponytail with an elastic band.
  3. The rest of the elastic bands are distributed over the entire tail to the tip at an equal distance from each other.
  4. Starting at the base of the ponytail, part the hair to create a hole and pull the ponytail through it.
  5. Do the same after each rubber band.

Sloppy tail

A simple tail, complemented by a flower, with casual strands is an option for the New Year.

  1. Mousse is applied to dry hair and allowed to dry.
  2. The hair on the left side is combed to the right side and fixed in a low ponytail.
  3. The hair remaining free from the tail is curled with tongs.
  4. On the left side, take out a few strands to create a slightly disheveled look.

Fluffy ponytail

Looking at the photo, it may seem that this hairstyle is complex and requires special skill, but it is not. Everything is done in a few simple movements.

  1. If the hair is curly, straighten it.
  2. Then make a side parting.
  3. Smoothly comb the hair down and gather in a low ponytail.
  4. Secure with hairpins, comb and cover with a layer of varnish to maintain volume.

Harnesses - simple and effective

On the basis of curls, many unusual hairstyles and styling in a retro style are made. It is suitable for unruly hair, for a flirty look, or for an aggressive punk look. But today you should pay attention to the hairstyles that can beautify for the New Year.

Double harness with tail

Two plaits, separated by a diagonal parting, are connected into a tail, which is curled in a small corrugation, spiral curls or laid in waves.

  1. First, hairspray is applied to clean, dry hair.
  2. Make a deep parting diagonally.
  3. They begin to twist the hair into a bundle, tucking the mobile hair from the bangs to the back of the head.
  4. At the base, secure with an elastic band. Repeat the same process on the other side.
  5. Then fixed with hairspray.

For short hair, tourniquets help tame unruly strands. Instead of simply securing the hair with invisibility, you can make a few small plaits that will add texture to the hairstyle.

  1. Apply a strong hold gel to damp hair.
  2. The hair is then dried with a round brush, creating volume at the top and crown.
  3. Additionally, a spray is used to add volume.
  4. Two strands are taken from each side. Twist them into bundles and secure them back with hairpins.
  5. The final step is to apply a strong hold varnish.

Curls and bangs paired with long side bangs for a French-inspired evening hairstyle.

  1. First, a weak hold varnish is applied to clean and dry hair.
  2. Part of the hair in the central zone is curled into fine curls using a curling iron.
  3. After the curls have completely cooled, separate them with your fingers.
  4. Then they collect the hair on the back of the head, make a couple of plaits out of them.
  5. Curls are laid magnificently and secured with hairpins.
  6. The remaining strands are also collected and laid, fixing with hairpins.

And here is an unusual option for a theme party. Unusual plum hair color with highlighted pink strands is suitable for a grunge style.

  1. An elastic fixation varnish is applied to the hair.
  2. Creates a deep side parting.
  3. Hair is divided into three sections: left, right and back.
  4. The hair on the left side is curled towards the back section. Do the same with the right side.
  5. At the back of the head, the hair is connected and twisted with a tourniquet.
  6. Fix with varnish.

Tufts: traditions never age

Like other hairstyles, the bun does not exist on its own, it is often complemented by curls, braids, braids, textured strands. Its main advantage is convenience. The hair rises up, does not interfere, at the same time, the neck opens, which gives a special femininity in combination with an evening dress.

  1. The hair is combed into a high ponytail.
  2. The strands from the tail are curled with tongs.
  3. When the curls are cool, gently comb them with your fingers.
  4. Spray lightly with hairspray.
  5. Wrap the curls around the ponytail to form a bun.
  6. The ends of the hair are secured with an elastic band.
  7. Slightly loosen the bundle by pulling on it.
  8. Separate strands are fluffed up and pulled.

It is not at all necessary to make a bun on the top of the head, it will look great both at the bottom of the back of the head and from the side, as, for example, in this photo.

  1. Hair is curled, after sprinkling with varnish.
  2. Collect hair in a side ponytail, secure with an elastic band
  3. The tail is divided into strands and each is laid, folding into a ring and securing with hairpins.

High bun for medium hair

In this hairstyle, the main difficulty is to style the hair so that no elastic bands are visible. Due to the lack of hair, you will have to carefully distribute the hair and fix it with varnish.

  1. The hair is pulled into a tight ponytail at the back of the head.
  2. Divide them into four parts randomly so that they cover the hair ties.
  3. Cover with strong hold varnish.

The following hairstyle looks unusual, but it's just a tucked ponytail. It is done as follows:

  1. Dry hair is smoothed in the preferred direction.
  2. Sprayed with hairspray, imparting shine.
  3. Tie your hair into a tight, low ponytail in the center.
  4. Take a strand from the bottom of the tail. Smooth it out with a spray.
  5. Wrap around and hide the ends under the tail.
  6. The length of the tail is twisted by 2-3 fingers, the shape is corrected and fixed to the base of the tail.

Braid bundle

The most simple hairstyle that will suit owners of thick and long hair. In this case, the beam will turn out to be textured and voluminous.

  1. Even on wet hair for smoothing, apply a cream from the middle of the length to the ends.
  2. Dry hair is combed with a flat massage brush.
  3. Select the location of the bundle, create a braid.
  4. Wrap up the braid and secure it in a bun.
  5. Then apply the glitter serum and hairspray.

Greek style structured bun: step by step with photo

Greek hairstyles are performed not only with the help of an elastic band, but also as suggested below.

Curl your hair slightly with a curling iron. Part from ear to ear.

Secure the hair behind with invisible ones. Start from one ear and work your way up to the other, securing the invisibility crosswise. Try to have a straight line roughly in the middle of your head. In the upper part, pull out a few strands a little so that they lie like feathers and give the hair volume. In the process, secure with varnish.

Separate one strand, twist it into a shell and secure it with an invisible one.

Spray the strands with a light varnish and repeat the previous step until all the hair is styled.

Now we divide the strand that remained in front into two parts with a horizontal parting. We form a light wave out of it.

We pin up with the help of invisibility. Secure the strand with varnish.

Lay the top strand lightly, tucking it in the opposite direction (downward). Secure with invisibility, sprinkle with varnish.

On the other hand, repeat the steps. You can decorate your hairstyle if you wish.

Children's holiday hairstyles with braids, buns, elastic bands, ponytails

If a woman is the mother of a girl, then before the New Year it is necessary to think over not only a hairstyle for yourself, but also for a little princess. The hairstyle requirements are serious. She must be:

  • beautiful,
  • romantic,
  • as much as possible decorated with bright details,
  • durable so as not to crumble during games and competitions in the midst of the celebration.

Hairstyle "Crown"

This hairstyle, according to many mothers, is the most "stress-resistant". If we are talking about everyday life, then it can be done to the child for school and it will remain present until the next day in a presentable form. At the same time, one cannot say that it is completely ordinary, it also has festive notes.

Divide the hair into two parts with a circular parting. Leave most of the hair in the center. We will tie this hair in a ponytail.

Secure the ponytail using the most common tight elastic band. Please note that the tail should be located exactly at the top of the head, in the center.

We begin to weave from the bottom, closer to the right ear. We lift unnecessary hair up and fix it with a clip.

Divide the tail into two parts. Pin up the top.

Separate one strand from below and divide it into two parts. We take the third part from the tail. Weave a French braid from three strands. Place the outermost strand on the right in the middle, and place the outermost strand on the left in the middle.

Then we make a grab from the bottom.

By placing the right strand in the middle, we make a catch from the tail. It is advisable to pull up the hair from below, and those that come from the tail are recommended to be braided without tension.

Continue braiding in a circle until you reach the beginning of braiding.

Now braid the remaining hair. Secure the end with an elastic band.

Bring the braid under the airy strands and wrap the elastic with which the tail was tied at the top of the head.

Secure the edges with invisibility.

Many girls will love romantic loose hair (smooth or curls) adorned with a bow or flower headband that matches the color of the dress or accessories.

Others will prefer to have ponytails.

Still others, looking at their mother, will ask to make a bundle.

But an absolutely win-win hairstyle for girls is a combination of everything at once: colored elastic bands, braids, ponytails and buns, bows, ribbons - and all this in one hairstyle. There are many photo examples below. How and what was done is quite clear from the photo, so you can experiment by looking at the photo.

Video: hair bow

A similar decorative flower is made from a pigtail.

Video: a flower from a braid

Video: easy hairstyles with elastic bands

Video: Christmas hairstyles - Christmas trees, hair wreaths

Hair Jewelry in the Year of the Dog

A hairstyle can be spectacular without embellishments, however, it is worth adding festivity to the New Year. The role of hair decor will be played by:

  • hairpins with flowers and rhinestones;
  • bows;
  • headbands;
  • tapes;
  • hairpins;
  • tinsel;
  • sparkles.

Remember that 2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, so it is preferable to choose gold or yellow jewelry.

Beautiful women's hairstyles in the photo

For most children, the New Year is a real fairy tale, smiles, gifts, fun events, vivid images. Choosing a costume for a holiday is troublesome, but pleasant. New Year's hairstyle should be in harmony with the outfit.

Think in advance who your girl will be at the matinee - Malvina, Snowflake, Butterfly or Princess? After buying a costume, look at interesting options for children's New Year's hairstyles. Photos, descriptions, stylists' recommendations will help create a memorable image.

How to choose a festive hairstyle? What mistakes do many parents make? For you - the recommendations of hairdressers and experienced mothers.

How to proceed:

  • ask the girl who she would like to become for the New Year - the Bee, the Eastern Beauty or the Snow Queen. An unloved image will worsen the mood, darken the holiday;
  • put on a suit, see how the outfit will be more interesting - with loose or tucked hair;
  • styling should be cute, original, age appropriate. Curls, original weaving, unusual ponytails look perfect;
  • complement the hairstyle with accessories. You will need: a headband with New Year's decor, rain, tiara, white ribbons, hairpins with snowflakes;
  • different decor options are suitable for the New Year's party - from a beautiful hoop to unusual hats that complement the image;
  • you decided to leave long curls, curl them beautifully? See if the curls get in the way, if they cling to the fluffy collar;
  • put on a crown or bezel, think over the method of fastening. Ask the girl if the hoop or bandage is compressing her head;
  • if you need a wig for a suit, buy this accessory. New Year's party should not be boring, strict images are useless here.

Common mistakes

What not to do:

  • choose a suit yourself. At the age of 5, the girl already knows how the image is closer to her - the Princess or the Butterfly;
  • leave the choice of suit and suitable styling "for later";
  • when creating a New Year's hairstyle, pull the hair tightly, use a curling iron, a large amount of hairspray;
  • to build a structure on the head with which it will be inconvenient for the girl to dance, to participate in competitions. Be sure to check the fastening of the crown, tiara, large snowflakes.

New Year's hairstyles for short hair

If your daughter does not yet have long curls, accessories will help to create an interesting styling. Use a headband with New Year's decorations: snowflakes, rain, crystal drops, rhinestones.

Her option is to make two tails on the top of the head, wrap rain around them, secure with invisible ones. Simple and cute.

Pick up short hair in front with beautiful hairpins on which rain or snowflakes are fixed.

If the girl has a short bob, separate the hair with a side parting, braid several braids perpendicular to the parting. For a New Year's look, attach medium-sized snowflakes or rain to the elastic band.

Options for medium to long hair

If the strands reach the shoulders and below, it is much easier to lay them in an original way. There are many options: braids, curls, malvinka, tails.

Start from the outfit in which the young fashionista will go to celebrate the New Year in a kindergarten, school, with relatives.

Loose curls

Curl thin, thin strands on papillotes, make a malvinka. Simply pull up your hair, braid two braids from the temples, or curl two plaits. Either option looks great.

Decorate the junction of the strands with a large snowflake, bright ribbons, beautiful flowers. For a festive malvinka, create curls.

Tails and braids

If the girl has thick hair, create curls, collect a low side ponytail. To create an original tourniquet, tuck the strands in the direction from one ear to the other through the back of the head, fix with an elastic band, invisible, attach the decor.

Have you mastered some original weaving techniques? Create a luxurious French braid, an unusual spikelet or a pretty basket on the baby's head. Be sure to add "winter" touches: ice, snowflakes, tinsel.

From long thick hair, make a high ponytail, decorate with rain and other New Year's hair decorations. The diadem, the crown, like the Snow Maiden, looks great.

An interesting option is a bundle of braids, plaits, curled strands. Suitable for an older girl who dreams of looking like a real young lady at a party.

Step by step:

  • create a sleek styling, pick up the strands back, make a ponytail;
  • create a bun of straight strands, braids, curled hair;
  • secure with invisible pins;
  • choose a decor that matches your outfit.

Original images and styling

Take a look at the photo. Perhaps you will settle on one of these options. A bright suit, a delicate dress plus a suitable hairstyle will make your girl the cutest on the New Year's holiday.


See how these girls' hairs are arranged. A light dress with a fluffy skirt is in harmony with beautiful curls.

Regardless of the length of the strands, the elasticity of the curls, the image looks gentle. New Year's decor complements the hairstyle.

Fairy princess

It is such a costume that girls are often asked to buy for the New Year. A long dress, a beautiful crown, admiring glances of friends will delight the young princess. For this look, hair can be styled in a variety of ways.

See how cute curled curls look, gathered at the top of the head in a high bun. For a delicate look, release a few side curls, sprinkle lightly with varnish. Tie a thin ribbon to match the dress, if desired.

This option is suitable for girls 10–12 years old: babies do not really like it when something bothers them in the forehead area.

Many mothers pick up strands, make an original bun on the crown. Now it is convenient to fasten a diadem, a crown, hairs do not get into the eyes, do not interfere with dancing, and participate in various competitions.

It is not difficult to make such a styling:

  • gather a high tail, fix it with a soft elastic band;
  • make a bundle with a donut (a foam rubber device that resembles an ordinary ring from a toy pyramid);
  • complement the styling with a tiara or a graceful crown.

Advice! The jewelry can be bought in a store or made by hand. There are many sites on the Internet where you can find job descriptions.

If the strands are not very long, curl them, also collect them in a ponytail at the crown, sprinkle the structure with varnish. For reliability, secure the bundle of curls with invisibility.

In the front, be sure to release a couple of fine curled strands. This will make the hairstyle even softer.

Butterfly or bee

A suitable look for active, mobile girls. Difficult styling is not worth doing. Curl the strands lightly on papillotes or boomerang curlers, pick up the rim on which the pretty "antennae" are fixed.

You didn’t have time (forgot) to buy a headband with a suitable decor? Will the Butterfly "flutter" in a good mood?

Do not despair, do this:

  • separate the strands with a straight or side parting, comb well, lightly sprinkle even strands with varnish;
  • in front, you can attach small invisible buttons with a decor at the end or start locks behind the ears. The image will turn out to be no less interesting.

Create cute buns on top of your head. With a mischievous, bright image of a Bee or a Butterfly, this styling will look organic. Collected hairs allow you to forget about the strands that get in the way during dancing and showing scenes.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • part the head of hair with an even parting;
  • make two tails on the crown;
  • divide each into three strips, braid a classic pigtail, put on a thin elastic band on the bottom;
  • wrap the braids around the elastic, fix with hairpins, invisible;
  • put on a hoop with a mustache, decorate each bundle of braids with a bright ribbon or soft elastic band to match the suit.

Do you like this Butterfly Queen? It's hard to look away from this cute creature!

Delicate curls and bright butterflies "entangled" in the hair "- a great idea for creative mothers and mischievous girls. Offer your daughter this version of the New Year's hairstyle, abandon the traditional image of the Snowflake.

To maintain a pretty styling, it is important:

  • curl curls well;
  • be sure to sprinkle with varnish;
  • securely attach butterflies; check if the wings and antennae get in the way during movement;
  • you can curl thin bundles from the front strands, fasten them with invisible ones above the temples or at the crown of the head, and then fasten the butterflies.

Gulki are suitable not only for the image of the Butterfly. See how cute the braid design looks with a regular dressy dress.

Such a festive styling is easy to create on the curls from the shoulder blades and below:

  • divide the hair with a parting in the middle, make high ponytails on the crown;
  • now fantasize - braid one or more braids, curl plaits, create plaits and plaits on one ponytail;
  • then wrap the braided or curled strands around the base of the ponytail. Try to make the design three-dimensional;
  • fix the hairstyle with hairpins and invisible hairpins, you can lightly sprinkle with shimmering varnish;
  • if desired, attach a couple of snowflakes to each bun or wrap the structure with a thin thread of white beads.
  • any mother can handle such styling.

How to create a tear-free hairstyle

The young princess wants to be beautiful, but not all girls can sit quietly while her hair is combed or braids are braided. What to do?

Here are some tips:

  • buy a hairbrush with soft bristles that will not injure baby hair. This option is 100% suitable if the strands are thin, thin;
  • for thicker hair, the innovative Tangle Teaser brush for children is the ideal solution. The brush with original teeth will easily comb through even the longest, lush curls without pain and tears;
  • buy a special cosmetic oil for baby hair. Apply a little product to the comb - now it will go faster, the strands will be less tangled;
  • after removing the papillotes or boomerang curlers, first comb the curls with your hands, only then with a brush;
  • use soft rubber bands to create ponytails that will not injure your hair. Another advantage of bright accessories: they do not cling to strands, they are easy to remove.

Now you know how to create original, beautiful hairstyles for children for the New Year. Be guided by the photo, come up with your own options for festive styling. Buy the necessary accessories for decorating the strands - a headband, hairpins, rain, ribbons, snowflakes, a crown or tiara.

Do not make young women of fashion too adult styling: this image looks funny and ridiculous. Take into account the wishes of the girls, together choose a suit, hairstyle, accessories. Get down to business creatively, with a soul - and your child will be happy with his reflection in the mirror.

Another option for a festive hairstyle for a girl in the following video:

In this article, you will find a selection of the best hairstyles for the New Year. Choose what is right for you and be irresistible on the main night of this year.

The best hairstyles for long hair for the New Year

Less and less time is left until the most magical and fabulous holiday. It's time to start thinking about your image to the smallest detail. And one of the main components of your bow is, of course, your hairstyle. Celebration with family, party with friends, corporate parties, noisy parties - we do not know which one you prefer, but we will gladly help you to be the most charming at any celebration.

Graceful bun

Bundles have always been popular because they both contain chic and restraint. This bundle can be done both at the back of the head and from the side.

  • Shampoo your hair and dry thoroughly using a round volume brush.
  • We create light waves with a curling iron.
  • We add an extra one at the roots.
  • We lift individual curls up, lay them in the form of loops and fix them with invisible ones.
  • The final version is abundantly sprayed with varnish.

With this hairstyle, you will feel like a super diva, and who knows, maybe this very night you will meet your Brad Pete.

  1. Comb through all your hair gently.
  2. Part on one side.
  3. We start styling from the lower strands, then the curling will suffer less.
  4. Take a small section of hair and grab it with an iron, closer to the roots. Next, turn the flat iron down so that the hair was around it and pull it down.
  5. Secure the resulting curl with a clip.
  6. When you have styled all the curls, loosen the hair and go over it with a comb.
  7. Give your hair the shape you want.
  8. Fix everything with varnish.


It would seem the most everyday hairstyle, but no - those who choose it will get a perfectly styled look until the very morning.

  • Use a straightening milk and iron the entire length.
  • Having created perfectly straight strands. Gather the curls at the back of your head.
  • For a festive chic, add a stylish piece of jewelry like a decorative hat.

Greek style

This styling will undoubtedly add mystery to your look.

  • We need a decorative band.
  • Use a comb to work the entire length of your hair.
  • Place the tape over the back of the head.
  • Starting at the back, gently tuck the curls under the elastic.
  • Next, remove the side curls.
  • For reliability, we will use the arrears, and go over the top with varnish.

You have never seen anything like this.

  • Leave a strand from ear to temple, tuck the remaining hair into a low ponytail.
  • Take a small strand from the tail and circle it around the base.
  • Lightly spray with varnish and secure with a hairpin.
  • First, we put the curls in one direction, then in the other.
  • Thus, we have folded the entire tail.
  • Comb the strand near the face and divide it into two (more and less).
  • We wrap the larger curl around the bundle and fix it with a hairpin.
  • We draw the second strand on the other side and fasten it with invisibility.


This look will never go out of style.

  1. Using an iron, create curly strands of different thicknesses.
  2. For long-haired ladies, stylists advise pinning only some curls on the back of the head - this will give you the desired volume.

Romantic braid

If you are a gentle nature, then this sensual hairstyle is for you.

  • We comb the hair and divide it into 2 equal parts.
  • Weave a light braid from each half.
  • We throw the left pigtail on the right side and fix the tip with a hairpin.
  • We transfer the right one to the left side and fasten it with invisibility.


What girl doesn't dream of being like a princess?

  • Create straightened hair with an iron.
  • Select the parting.
  • Just above the ears, separate 2 strands and weave light braids.
  • We lead the right strand to the left ear, and the left strand to the right. We fix the ends with invisible ones.

Side stacking

This image will be remembered by everyone for a long time.

  1. Curl the strands with tongs. Curls need to be natural, so straighten them a little.
  2. On the one hand, comb the hair at the very roots and fix with varnish.
  3. On the opposite side, separate the strands and lay them on the other side and fasten them invisibly. Strengthen the finished look with mousse.

"In the bag"

Any image can be embellished with a small accent. What will it be? - you decide!

  • Comb through the hair and curl the ends slightly.
  • Separate 2 strands near the ears.
  • We twist these curls into tied bundles and fasten the strands with a bright hairpin or brooch.

By creating such a style, the hair will remain in a light careless state, which will undoubtedly embellish you. Be careful and thoroughly think over your image:

  1. If you have straight hair, curl it slightly for a natural touch.
  2. Use any tape that suits your look. Put it on top of your head. Add some volume to your hair.

Double basket

This styling will highlight your sophisticated look.

  • Comb and divide the hair with a side parting.
  • Do not curl the ends very much with an iron.
  • We divide the hair horizontally into two halves. We pin the upper part with a clamp.
  • We tie the lower one in the tail.
  • We lower the rubber band slightly below the middle of the tail.
  • Comb the tip with a comb.
  • We twist the fleece in and attach it with hairpins with hairpins.
  • Unfasten the hair in the upper part and repeat the procedure (6,7).
  • Spray your hair with a styler.

Basic styling that will set you apart from the crowd.

  1. Comb your hair lightly.
  2. Make a high ponytail. For a decisive pass through the elastic, keep the tip of the ponytail in front of the hairpin.
  3. Divide the resulting bundle into halves. Draw the remaining free end of the tail back and attach with pins.

Like a Disney princess

This look will keep your aesthetic look right into the evening.

  • Curl the end of your hair with tongs.
  • Next, twist light bundles from parallel sides and stab them from behind with invisible ones.
  • Then take a strand a little and lower and repeat the previous point.
  • After doing 3-4 repetitions, sprinkle the final hairstyle with varnish.

You don't have to run to the hairdresser to impress everyone with your hair. Having performed at least one of the presented hairstyles and it will be impossible to take your eyes off you.

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The best works of masters

Curls give the image of solemnity, femininity and seduction. Beautiful hairstyles for the New Year with curls will cheer up not only your mistress, but also everyone around you.

There are many options for curls and styling with them. This hairstyle is quite versatile and suits girls of different lengths and hair types.

Hairstyles with curls for the New Year for thin and thick hair

For thin strands, stylists recommend styling with a root volume and not too large curls at the ends. Owners of long thick hair can afford to appear on New Year's Eve in the image of Beyoncé. To do this, wind all the strands into thin curls.

Among the hairstyles with curls that are relevant for the New Year 2019, not only curls and curls made on loose hair, it can also be stylish styling with neatly styled curls:

Admirers of non-standard and extravagant looks who are in step with the times, going to a New Year's party, can wind all their hair in curls and put them on one side. With this simple trick, you can create a bold punk look.

The effect of wet hair is still trending. To make such a styling is not difficult at all. It is enough to wind the strands along the entire length into tight curls, and then walk over them with a slightly damp towel. Wet curls are appropriate both at home and for going out.

How to make a beautiful hairstyle with curls for the New Year

This beautiful New Year's style is suitable for girls with thick long hair:

If you cannot boast of a luxurious head of hair, this is not a reason to refuse such a hairstyle, because you can use hair on hairpins.

Before starting work, prepare a hairdressing tongs with a diameter of 25 mm, a varnish of light and strong hold.

To make such a hairstyle with curls for the New Year, the following sequential instruction will help step by step:

  1. Divide all the strands into several zones, it is necessary to separate the strands in the temporal areas of the head, as well as throughout the head in a horizontal direction, starting from the bottom.
  2. It is necessary to separate the wide strands and curl them in curls in one direction. This is how all sections of hair should be wrapped.
  3. Next, from the bottom of the hair and the upper center section, braid the braid, pulling the strands so that it turns out to be airy and voluminous. This element will act as a hairstyle skeleton.
  4. At the next stage of creating a festive styling, start spreading curls on a braid, use varnish to fix it. To keep the braid in shape, you can use invisibility.
  5. Start creating curls at the top of the head and in the same way spread on top of the braid.
  6. The parietal zone does not need to be curled into curls, it should be bouffant and pinned up with invisible ones. The ends can be wound with a curling iron and beautifully laid into the overall composition.
  7. The strands from the parietal region must be wrapped outward to get tight curls. Fix the styling with varnish, and the New Year's look is ready!

Such a stylish hairstyle with curls for the New Year 2019 is presented in this photo:

Simple New Year's hairstyle with curls for long hair

New Year's hairstyles with curls for long hair can be of different complexity:

If you decide to do without the help of professionals, while doing festive styling for the first time, you should dwell on simple options.

To look elegant and attractive on New Year's Eve, you can perform this styling option:

  1. Curl your hair in any way convenient for you. You can make tight "snails" on your head at night, dividing the hair into wide strands, or use a curling iron or curlers.
  2. Using your fingers, carefully divide all the strands into curls of different widths - there should be both small and fairly large curls.
  3. Pick up the strands on one side above the ear and move them to the opposite side. At the back of the head, fix the hair with invisibility.
  4. At the crown of the head, comb the hair lightly, giving it volume, and also fix it with invisible ones. Decorate your hair with a large flower or wear a pretty headband.

Such a simple and at the same time elegant hairstyle for the New Year with curls is demonstrated step by step in the photo below:

With the same ease, you can make a beautiful hairstyle for the New Year with seductive curls in the style of the 60s:

  1. Curl your hair, but curl not from the very roots, but slightly below.
  2. At the top of the head, make a good pile, put all the curls back. If we do not have enough volume, you can use special pads that hide under the hair.
  3. Lay the strands nicely, fix them with invisible ones. You can decorate your hairstyle with festive hairpins.

Hairstyle for the New Year in the form of a bun of curls and a curly tail

Hairstyle for the New Year in the form of a bun of curls will add elegance and charm to the image.

The following step-by-step instructions will help you do it yourself:

  1. Divide your hair into two parts using a horizontal parting, so that the upper part is smaller and the lower part is larger. Make a Malvina-style tail on the crown of the head, fix with a tight elastic band. At the same time, leave three narrow strands - one immediately above the forehead and two in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe temples. Gather them together with a thin rubber band or clip.
  2. Braid the ponytail into a pigtail, pulling it out to the sides to form loose loops. Lay the pigtail in a circle to get a bundle in the form of a volumetric flower. Secure with hairpins and spray with varnish.
  3. Curl the bottom of your hair into curls using a curling iron.
  4. Curl the strands over the bundle to make light waves, and lay on top of the head, hiding the ends around the bundle.

Long hair can be pulled back into a ponytail and then curled into curls. This hairstyle on New Year's Eve will create a festive look. The height of the curly tail can be very different - both low-gathered strands and tied high on the crown look equally beautiful.

Various hairstyles for the New Year 2019 in the form of tails with curls in the photo below:

Spectacular New Year's hairstyle with curls for medium hair

New Year's hairstyles with curls for medium hair are easier to make on your own than styling for long strands. A low, careless bun looks very impressive and gentle.

Do such a New Year's hairstyle with curls for medium hair according to this scheme:

  1. Divide all hair with parting into several parts. You should have two temporal zones, crown, two occipital - upper and lower. Twist all parts of the strands into tight bundles, and fix with pins so that they do not interfere.
  2. Dissolve the upper occipital region and wind it with a curling iron. Curl all strands in one direction - clockwise. You should have 6 roughly the same curls.
  3. Take the two outer curls and twist them away from the face, collect in a tourniquet. In the place of twisting, stab with an invisible one. Follow the same steps with the remaining curls.
  4. Loosen all the bundles, comb them with your hands, dividing them into strands, sprinkle with varnish and put in a free bundle at the bottom of the back of the head. Release the strands slightly to get the effect of negligence.

This styling can be festive with a tiara or a beautiful headband.

New Year's hairstyle for medium hair with curls gathered at the crown

To create a festive business image, such a hairstyle for the New Year 2019 with curls gathered high on the top of the head is suitable:

  1. Divide your hair into two zones - upper and lower.
  2. Braid the bottom into a French braid upside down. You need to weave it from the back of the head in the direction up to the crown. To do this, you need to tilt your head down.
  3. The upper part should be divided into three more zones. Gather the central part of the strands into a tail with an elastic band.
  4. Curl all the strands in the upper area of ​​the head into curls.
  5. Wrap the pigtail, which runs from the bottom of the back of the head to the top of the head, in a bundle, secure with hairpins. Lay all curled curls from the top of the hair beautifully around the bun, fixing them with hairpins or invisible hairpins.

To make the image more gentle and romantic, you can leave a few strands near your face, slightly twisting them into curls.

Hairstyles for the New Year should be bright, memorable, like the holiday itself. For any hair length, you can create a similar image, you just have to dream a little. On the eve of this holiday, the entire beautiful half of humanity is wondering what hairstyle to do for the New Year. This article will help women and girls decide on the choice of styling and create an incredibly beautiful image at home, which will help to be remembered at the celebration.

You can experiment with curls below the shoulder blades as you like, creating different masterpieces on your head with your own hands.

Choosing an outfit for the New Year holiday, you can think about a hairstyle. It is important that the whole image looks harmonious as a whole, and the styling is to the face.

Consider the basic ideas for long hair hairstyles for celebrating the New Year.

Tail based

With this simple styling, you can come up with tons of beautiful hair styling ideas.

For example, a tail tied with elastic bands looks spectacular.

It is very simple to do. Such a tail can be diversified by weaving by adding braids to it.

First, you need to separate the thin strands at the temples and weave pigtails from them. From the braids, you should slightly stretch the strands and fasten them with elastic bands. From the remaining hair in the back of the head, a tail is created, which is decorated with braids on the sides. It remains only to fix the elastic bands on it in several places and slightly stretch the resulting sections.

A step-by-step photo will clearly show you how to do this styling for long curls.

Beam based

A bun is the most versatile hairstyle. From a simple version, it can be easily transformed into a festive one. There are a lot of options for performing the beam.

Recently, romantic styling from curls is in trend. The bundle made on one side looks interesting. Styling looks better without bangs.

To repeat a similar image, you need to make a tail on the side and twist it. Then comb the curls a little and twist them into a bun. Festive hairstyle for the New Year 2018 is ready!

If the previous styling is more romantic, then the next version of the beam is more daring, in the style of rock. The bouffant and carelessness in the design is important here. And, of course, it is important to complement such a hairstyle with a bright accessory.

An incredible array of beautiful bun hairstyles can be seen.

Partial hair

You can loosen your hair and show its beauty by skillfully collecting strands from your face. On thin and thin hair, such styling will not look.

The following hairstyle can be easily done at home as well. It is necessary to collect the strands at the forehead into a tail. At the temples, weave two braids from two strands in the form of plaits. The resulting flagella must be directed towards each other, closing the elastic band, and fix them with invisible ones.

Hairstyles for medium hair for the New Year

When doing hairstyles for the new year for medium curls, you can use styling ideas for long hair, because most of them can be repeated with such an average length of hair.

Greek styling

A Greek hairstyle is very popular; it is almost always found at festive events. Such a romantic and delicate look on medium hair is created quickly and easily and looks beautiful.

You can make Greek styling in several ways, using a bezel - a hoop, or a simple elastic band. The step-by-step photos below show both of these methods.

See many other beautiful Greek hairstyles.

Romantic curls

Creating curls is not a tricky business, but they look gorgeous on long and medium hair.

An asymmetrical hairstyle made on the basis of curls is perfect for a celebration. All you need to do is curl your hair coarsely and put the curls to one side, braiding a pigtail on the side and then hide its ponytail behind the curls.

See the most beautiful hairstyles from curls for medium hair length.


With the help of braids and all kinds of weaving, you can get a festive styling. They take a little longer, but they are worth it. Spectacular and stylish hairstyles will not be left unattended during the holiday.

For the new year, you can do styling in the form of a braid, braided in reverse with elongated strands. Weaving it is not difficult and will not take much time. First, you need to take a strand from the forehead and, combing it, lift it and pin it up with invisibility. Next comes the usual weaving of a braid, on the contrary, with a lock on the sides. It remains only to casually pull the strands out of the braid and the New Year's look is ready!

A similar installation, just assembled, can be done as follows. Leaving strands of hair on the sides, you need to braid the French braid in the center, just not tight. At the end of weaving, the tip of the braid should be wrapped inward and fixed. The remaining hair is used to weave regular braids that will frame the hairstyle. A bright accessory will decorate the styling.

New Year's hairstyles for short hair

Collected Hairstyles

You can even put together very short hair, like when cutting a bob.

Greek styling will be done as follows. To prevent the hair from falling apart, the strands on the sides must be twisted into bundles. And collect the lower strands together and twist inward, then fix everything with hairpins. When creating a festive look, it is recommended to decorate your hair with bright hairpins, headbands, hoops.

The next evening styling looks very elegant and stylish. If this hairstyle was chosen to celebrate the New Year, then you need to stock up on invisible ones. Having brushed up the upper part of the hair, we fix it in the area of ​​the crown. Then, alternately overlapping the strands from the sides, we fasten them from behind with invisible ones. We twist the lower part of the hair with a spiral and fix the styling.

Styling short hair

With the help of bouffants, curls, braids, you can create many New Year's hairstyles. The main thing is that they are combined with the appearance and with the outfit and that their owner likes them. Curls are suitable for more romantic natures, and bouffants, the effect of wet hair, for more daring ones.

Don't be afraid to experiment and try different looks, and with short hair you can afford it.

Here .

Hairstyles for girls for the New Year

Girls care about their dress and hairstyle for the New Year. Every mother should take care of this in advance. Consider the most beautiful styling options for girls for a holiday.

Two flowers

This interesting asymmetrical styling must be appreciated by a young fashionista. It is done very simply. Two tails are formed on the side, as shown in the step by step photo. Each of them is divided into four parts, from which "flower petals" are formed. The very tip of the strand will need to be hidden under the flower. When the styling is complete, you will need to decorate it by sticking a decorative hairpin into the center of each flower.

Styling with elastic bands

Elastic bands are very often used to create children's styling. It's easy to work with them, and you can think of a lot of hairstyles.

One of these is shown in a step-by-step photo. The hairstyle is made from ponytails, which are obtained from the strands taken from the sides.

All girls love bows, but here it is also made of hair. Very original styling for a festive occasion. The step-by-step photo shows step by step all the steps for its implementation.

Openwork braids add zest to this hairstyle for girls for the New Year. This styling can be done for different matinees in the garden and school holidays. The hair should be curled, and the braids should be decorated with special hairpins or decorative hairpins. For girls, it is better to use not very large hairpins for decoration.

For even more beautiful hairstyles for the holiday that you can do yourself, see.