DIY paper craft origami star. How to make a star out of paper. How to make a Star of Bethlehem from paper

For Victory Day, you and your child can make a paper craft in the shape of a three-dimensional star. It should be made using the origami technique from a simple red square sheet. The finished element can be attached to the front of the card, where red carnations and a St. George’s ribbon should be drawn in advance. Also an integral part of the postcard for May 9 is the congratulatory inscription.

The star that we propose to learn how to make in this master class is not at all difficult to make; you will need to perform a few simple steps according to our step-by-step guide.

Necessary materials:

  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • square sheet of red paper.

Star folding steps:

We take a blank in the form of a square sheet of red paper. Bend the bottom part up in half.

Then you should bend the lower right corner up towards the center of the workpiece.

We open it and then bend the upper right corner down towards the center.

Open the bent corner. We get two diagonal fold lines on the right side.

Then we'll work on the left side. To do this, bend the lower left corner directly to the center of the intersection of the two diagonal lines on the right side.

We return the corner to the left side, creating a fold.

Bend the bottom right side up. Between the right and left parts of the workpiece you can see a line that runs at an angle.

It is along this that we bend the sides.

We turn the left side into the upper part of the craft.

Using a ruler and pencil, draw a diagonal line that will go from the right side down to the left.

Using scissors, we cut the workpiece along the marked line.

Turn it over. Check the sides to make sure they are equal to each other. Then the star will have all the same sides. If the dimensions of one of the sides are incorrect, you should immediately correct the length and shape with scissors.

We open the workpiece.

To get the beautiful sides of the star, you should bend the corners.

Of course, it is impossible to imagine the approaching New Year and Christmas holidays without a decorated Christmas tree! Well, what would a Christmas tree be without a beautiful star on the top? Of course, you can crown your Christmas tree with a beautiful spire. However, the star - the Bethlehem Christmas or “Soviet”, red five-pointed star - traditionally remains the most popular decoration.
In our review we will talk about how you can make a star yourself to decorate your Christmas tree. In this case, you can use both the most common materials: cardboard, paper, glue, glitter, and unexpected ones - for example, old books or twigs brought from the forest.

The most common version of a homemade star is a three-dimensional five-pointed star made of cardboard. To cut out the base, you can use one of the templates:

photo from the site

photo from the site

The color of the star can be different - silver, gold, red...

photo from the site

photo from the site

And another option for making a similar New Year's star for the Christmas tree. Here, two identical five-pointed stars are bent to create volume, crumpled paper is placed inside, as well as a wire spiral (for strengthening at the top). The halves are glued together with tape, and the top of the star is treated with glue, glitter, and tinsel.

photo from the site

And here is another option for patterning a star, not from two halves, but with separate rays:

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In this master class, there is a star with a surprise backlight, which looks especially interesting thanks to the carved holes:

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Based on a similar cardboard five-pointed star, you can create an unusual masterpiece from small bags of pages from old books. Of course, instead of collected works of classics, it is better to take old magazines or outdated textbooks.

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Or decorate it in a “forest style”. Thin dry twigs cut with pruning shears are carefully glued to the surface of the cardboard star, the gaps are filled with small pieces of them.

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Flat star, cardboard outline wrapped with thread secured with glue:

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A very simple three-dimensional star can be made from two cardboard stars:

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Another version of a six-pointed composite star, more complicated:

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Eight-pointed stars are also popular, especially as decorations for Christmas.
Here is a paper star that is easy to make, but requires patience and precision. Squares of 4 sizes (8 squares of each size) need to be folded as in the picture, and then glued.

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The following eight-pointed volumetric star is glued together from two halves:

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Based on such a pattern, you can make a real masterpiece! This star is made from cardboard using glue, gold spray, fabric, beads. The star is attached to the Christmas tree using wire glued to the back side.

photo from the site

But this paper eight-pointed star is not at all difficult to make: four paper templates are tied with wire in the middle, then straightened with tape. Attached to the Christmas tree using the same wire.

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For origami lovers, there are master classes on how to fold a star onto a Christmas tree without glue or scissors! If you use colored paper, the star will look bright and very elegant:

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This star is suitable for the top of a spruce tree, and for Christmas days, when, according to tradition, it is customary to go with congratulations to friends: durable, cut from plywood and decorated with paints and tinsel, such a star will withstand even traveling in the cold.

photo from the site

In such a voluminous New Year's hedgehog star, made from old postcards, there are not five, not six, or even eight rays, but how many - count it yourself!

photo from the site

Well, in this star-ball for the New Year tree, the number of rays cannot be counted at all!
Halves of sheets of white A4 paper are rolled into a ball, then the edges are smeared with glue and rolled more tightly.
From 50 sheets you will get 100 “rays” for the star. The three beams are fastened with a stapler to form a small fan. Fans are strung
onto a thread, pulled tightly and tied...

photo from the site

In addition to the above options, a variety of different ideas can be used to make a Christmas star.
For example, here are some rather strict stars from branches:

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photo from the site

Fabric star:

photo from the site

Star made using quilling technique:

photo from the site

You can make a star out of beads, or you can use... a metal clothes hanger curved in the right way for its base! The main thing is that the festive mood and imagination do not leave you while preparing for the holiday - and everything will definitely work out!


Website materials used:

Stars have always been considered something magical, mysterious and beautiful. They light the way and point the direction. Someone is lucky to be born under a lucky star. Some people rush to make a wish when they see a shooting star, others like to just look at them at night in clear weather. All people on Earth are familiar with this symbol. Maybe that’s why many people want to make their own little star of happiness, because it’s so beautiful. Now we will try to make a happy star from plain paper.

To work, we need a strip of paper and a little time. In our case, the size will be 1x23 cm. Of course, you can take a strip of any size, but the ratio of length to width should remain the same 1:23 each time. To find out what size star you can get from any strip of paper, you need to multiply its width by 1.67. For example, from a sheet of A4 paper, taking into account the ratio 1x23, it is convenient to cut strips measuring 1.2x27.6 cm. From such strips you can make a star measuring 2 cm.

And so, we begin to fold the star. Wrap the end of the paper strip around your index finger and tie a knot. You need to tighten it and press it so that you get a small figure of an equilateral pentagon.

You need to try to ensure that after tying the knot there is a very small end of the strip left. If this cannot be done, it is better to cut it off or bend it back.

Next, we begin to wrap our pentagonal star in a circle with the long end of the strip, bending it each time along the line of the edge of the figure. With each fold, the strip itself will lie on the next edge on which it needs to be folded.

After 10 similar folds, a short piece of strip should remain. It can be hidden in a nearby “pocket”. The result should be a pentagonal flat figure.

Now you need to try to make the figure three-dimensional. To do this, each edge needs to be slightly pressed inward with your fingers, while simultaneously pulling out the corners. Since the star is very small, you need to be especially careful so as not to accidentally damage it.

If you did everything correctly, then your lucky star should look like this.

Don't be upset if something went wrong and the star didn't work out the first time. Try to start again and for sure this time you will succeed! And when you learn how to do them, it will seem to you that nothing could be simpler.

The star is a mandatory element of New Year or Christmas decoration. Five-pointed stars adorn postcards and posters dedicated to Victory Day. They are perhaps the most characteristic detail of the Moscow Kremlin. You can make a star from plasticine, plastic, clay and even marzipan.

You will need

  • - material for modeling;
  • - stacks;
  • - tablet.


A star can have a different number of rays. They can even be of different lengths and thicknesses, such as firework stars. A five-pointed star has all the same rays. Prepare the plasticine and tear off 5 approximately identical pieces. The plasticine must first be kneaded a little.

Take 1 piece of plasticine and roll it out into a thick “sausage”. It is better to do this between your palms, and not on a plank. As you sculpt, the clay maintains a constant temperature and remains pliable. Roll out 4 more similar “sausages”.

From each “sausage” make a “carrot” - a long cone. This shape is achieved if, while rolling, you press a little harder on one edge of the workpiece. All “carrots” should be approximately the same in length and thickness. If necessary, remove excess plasticine with a stack.

Arrange the “carrots” in the same way as the rays of the star will be located, that is, in a circle, with the thick end towards the center. Remember their approximate position. Blind together 2 fragments, maintaining the intended angle between them. It's okay if it turns out a little more or a little less than needed. You will correct your creation before finishing the work. Stick the remaining rays to the workpiece.

Flatten the star between your palms. Carefully smooth out the joints of the beams. To do this, you can, for example, lightly wet the stick with water and, with light pressure, draw it along the desired lines. The rays can also be made convex. Mark the center line of each ray with a stack. Carefully pinch the plasticine with your fingers, moving along this line from the end of the beam to the center.

Small stars can be made differently. Make a round “cake”. If the plasticine is already soft enough, simply flatten it between your palms. Cut out a star from paper. Place it on the “cake” and cut it out in a stack. You can make stars from marzipan in the same way.

Stars for a festive panel for Christmas or Victory Day can be painted. Cover your creation with an even layer of water-based paint, and then paint with gouache or acrylic paints and varnish. If your panel has several elements, make the base first. Stick pieces of plasticine onto a cardboard or plywood rectangle so that the layer is at least 0.5 cm thick. What color the plasticine is does not matter in this case. Create a composition and combine all the elements together. Cover with water-based paint and paint.

Holidays, theme nights, theatrical performances - all this requires certain paraphernalia. And simply decorating your home with interesting items, especially if you made them yourself, is always nice. In our article we will tell you how to make a star out of paper. Everyone will be able to choose their favorite method from the many offered.


How to make a small star out of paper

The presented stars look very beautiful when there are a lot of them, and they are multi-colored, since their size is small (about 2 cm).

Before starting work, prepare:

  • colored paper (can be replaced with glossy paper or unnecessary magazines);
  • scissors.


Star for cutting: templates, stencils and patterns for printing




Volumetric paper star

The presented star looks beautiful in a children's room for interior decoration; on New Year's holidays, you can hang it on a Christmas tree, a wall, attach it to a chandelier, or simply decorate a gift.

The following items should be available at the workplace:

  • high-density colored paper (can be replaced with colored cardboard);
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • ribbon.

To get a beautiful three-dimensional star, follow the algorithm presented below.

3D star

Take 2 square sheets of paper and bend them in half, first on one side, then on the other, so that when straightening the sheet you get 2 fold lines - horizontal and vertical. Then fold twice diagonally.

Using scissors, cut the paper a little (about halfway) at the top and bottom along the folds, and then to the left and right.

Following the pictures, fold the edges away from the cut lines.

To fix the craft, take glue and apply it to all the star rays on the back side.

Then make the second star according to the previous description.

Glue two stars together as shown in the picture. You can decorate them with sparkles, beads, rain, etc.

Star: origami

Stars made in origami style look original and stylish when made from notebooks or newspaper sheets.

Let's get started:

Five-pointed star made of paper

If you want to make a three-dimensional five-pointed star, we recommend choosing a material for work such as cardboard.

In addition to cardboard, the workplace should have scissors, paints, a simple pencil and glue


Star of Bethlehem

Method 1

Such a star will become a decoration in any room and not only on Christmas days. But let us immediately warn you that this will take a lot of time, the work requires dedication, scrupulousness and patience. But the result will undoubtedly please you.

Before you begin, you should have the following materials on hand:

  • ordinary office paper (can be colored) A4 in the amount of 50 pcs.;
  • dense threads;
  • PVA glue;
  • stationery scissors;
  • stapler

Let's get started with the craft.

Star of Bethlehem

Take the sheets and cut them into 2 pieces lengthwise.

Twist all the paper pieces so that one edge is tighter, the other looser, coat with glue and squeeze a little more.

These will be the rays of our future star.

Take a stapler and start with 3 beams. Fix them in the form of a fan.

You should place such fans on a prepared thick thread and pull them tightly.

You will get a ray-shaped ball on a string. This is our star, which can now be hung in any place convenient for you.

Advice! If in your work you do not use colored paper, but regular white paper, then spray paint will help give the star beauty and shine.

Method 2

Making a star that glows in the dark

There is nothing complicated in creating a luminous star, as it seems at first glance. Just take any star template you like and make beautiful holes of any shape (round, diamond-shaped, triangular, pentagonal, etc.). After this, carefully pull any garland with small light bulbs through these holes. When the job is done, the template needs to be fixed with glue. This version of the star is an excellent way to update an old, unsightly garland and add magic to the interior.

Advice! The stars can be hung separately on ribbons, or you can simply connect them all with a garland and place them on a windowsill or other surface.

Video instructions

Finding a suitable and understandable video is a real gift for handicrafts. We have selected for you the most interesting, in our opinion, video instructions for creating stars in different variations.

Volumetric paper star:

Origami five-pointed star:

Origami star flower:

Star 3D: