The script for holding a chintz wedding is cool. Scenario for a gingham wedding

You do not want a banal wedding anniversary, where the whole celebration takes place at a feast and toasts? We are in a hurry to rectify the situation, the wedding portal offers you a thematic scenario for your wedding anniversary. Of course, one cannot do without toasts to the heroes of the occasion, as well as funny contests and other entertainments for guests. An anniversary scenario with contests in the style of "Operation Y or other Shurik's adventures" will be an excellent solution for celebrating absolutely any anniversary, because these films are widely known to both the young and the older generation.

Script for a wedding anniversary in the style of "Shurik's Adventures"

The scenario of the wedding day is already in the past, the first or the next round anniversary is approaching. You probably have already prepared a list of guests, from it you need to choose three daredevils who, according to the scenario of the anniversary, will try on the images of Coward, Goonies and Experienced. They are the first to meet the "groom" and demand a ransom for their "bride". The wife is waiting for several contests and only then he will be taken to his wife.

Contests for spouse

Women things

Props: bag, wife's cosmetics (mascara, lipstick, curlers, comb, tongs and other accessories), black shawl for blindfold.

A blindfolded spouse needs to get one thing out of the bag and guess what it is. The more objects are guessed, the more chances you will see your beloved wife faster.

Art Gallery

Props: funny photos from the life of a couple (pictures).

The spouse is offered to walk along the counter with paintings and comment on the masterpieces he has seen. The funnier the photo, the more interesting it is for guests to listen to stories from the hero of the occasion.

Solemn meeting with his wife

Seeing each other, the spouses approach the wedding receptionist, whose role any guest can try on. The marriage survey begins:

“Before exchanging rings, we must be sure that the couple is ready to continue married life. I ask you to answer, groom, did you carry your love to your spouse intact? Are you ready to continue admiring her talent, wisdom and extraordinary beauty? Will you be happy to be called father-in-law and beloved grandfather in the near future? "

After the spouse answers in the affirmative, the registrar addresses the “bride”:

“Bride, aren't you tired of carrying the burden of marriage? Are you disappointed in your choice? Are you ready to be called the happiest wife for many more years? Do you agree to be called mother-in-law / mother-in-law soon? "

After the mutual consent of the spouses, the registrar offers to exchange rings as a sign of quivering love and unbreakable fidelity. There is a pause here, since the spouses do not have rings. Goofball appears with a plaster cast on his hand (toilet paper can act as a cast if the audience accepts such a joke, or just a bandage) and invites the spouses to find the rings, and then exchange them.

After that, according to the scenario of the anniversary, the feast is declared open, and the guests are invited to the festive table.

Contests at the festive table

So that the celebration of the anniversary does not turn into an evening of toasts, we propose to dilute the script with several original contests.

Cinema session

Coward, Goonies and Experienced invite the whole cast to go to the cinema and announce the beginning of the film show. All those present need to guess from which movie the following quotes sound:

  • Announce the entire list, please.
  • How do I get to the library?
  • What disgusting that jellied fish of yours is.
  • Toast without wine, what a wedding night without a bride.
  • Who will put him in prison? He's a monument!

The catchphrases will give the script a certain atmosphere, and the wedding anniversary will become even more interesting. The person who guesses the highest number of quotes is entitled to a prize.

Best Toast

The couple fill the glass with wine and pass it on to the first guest. Music sounds, and the glass is passed in a circle. The one on whom the music has stopped must make a toast to the spouses. The best congratulations are chosen by the heroes of the occasion.

Remembering the alphabet

An alternative to the previous competition can be a simple competition for ingenuity. The presenter names all the letters of the alphabet one by one. Guests, on the other hand, need to compose a mini-toast for the spouses on the spot, which will begin with a certain letter. For example:

  • Oh, how pleasant it is to be present at this celebration!
  • Always be ...
  • So we waited ...
  • Dear guests ...

Competitions for guests

In addition to drinking competitions, it is very interesting to participate in dance competitions.

Twist lesson

The experienced one "shoots" a cigarette and teaches everyone to dance the twist. Music for such competitions can be selected in the theme of the anniversary (from Soviet films). The best dancers receive comic gifts.

Everybody is dancing!

Coward, Goonies and Experienced appear on the dance floor and begin an incendiary dance. After a while, the music stops, and the guys choose their partners from the audience. The dancing continues. After the next stop, couples are exchanged and new participants are involved in the dance. The competition lasts until all the guests are on the dance floor. With each stop, you can change the music, the competition will become even more interesting.

Team competitions are a guarantee of a good mood and a friendly atmosphere. The most original ones are presented below.

Change places

There are two teams participating in this competition - women and men. For the female audience, they are offered to listen to the soundtracks of real male films, according to which the girls must guess the name of the film. Accordingly, for the guys, the task is the opposite - to guess the most "female" films. For example, men's films and TV series: "Rocky", "The Brigade", "Kill Bill", "The Godfather". Women's - "Balzac's age or all men are cool ...", "Santa Barbara", "Do not be born beautiful", "Titanic". The team that gives the most correct answers wins.

Contests for spouses

Not a single marriage jubilee scenario is complete without contests, which can be held by both the toastmaster (presenter) and one of the guests.

Get in the bag

In the midst of the celebration, Coward, Goonies and Experienced can kidnap his wife and return only when the faithful is packed in a sleeping bag, like Shurik from the "Caucasian Captive". A lot of positive emotions from guests are guaranteed.

Get to know me, sweetheart!

The spouse is blindfolded and offered to find the husband among other men by the earlobe or the shape of the nose.

As you can see, a rich competition program is suitable for celebrating any wedding anniversary. You can view other cool wedding anniversary scripts, golden wedding scripts and silver wedding scripts on our website

The 20th wedding anniversary is usually called porcelain. On this day, it is important to give your soul mate love and care. The holiday got its name due to the characteristics of this material: thin, fragile, exquisite, hand made and expensive, and the local population of China called it "white gold". Relationships, like porcelain, are tested by time, spouses put a lot of effort, patience, love into marriage, but it is still fragile, it must be protected.

Preparing for the celebration

It is customary to celebrate the 20th wedding anniversary at the family table with a close circle of relatives and close people. But this is not a strict rule, taking care of the menu of the celebration, preparing the "nest" for the holiday, can tire the spouses. For this event, it is better to allocate funds for a restaurant or a cozy cafe, where you and your guests can calmly enjoy the holiday of love.

Decoration of the venue

The venue of the celebration must be decorated in the spirit of Chinese porcelain: blue-blue interior colors, porcelain vases, figurines. There may be candles decorated with fine lace on the table. The chairs should be decorated with blue fabric cushions with a white pattern. White roses will add coziness to the holiday, and a pleasant aroma will fill the entire hall. The highlight of the evening will be the new porcelain tableware, which has become a tradition and a symbol of a 20-year wedding. Every guest will certainly appreciate your efforts.

Musical accompaniment for the anniversary

Musical accompaniment plays an important role. The list of melodies should be made taking into account the age of the guests, the scenario of the wedding. A selection of "golden hits" of the couple's youth will allow you to immerse yourself in the memories of youthful love, give the holiday a soulfulness. Calm music will be appropriate at the first stage of the celebration, when guests are looking around, it is worth choosing rhythmic cool melodies for competitions, the dancing part of the program must be completed with romantic songs.

Porcelain wedding script

A script for a 20 year wedding anniversary will help make your porcelain celebration a memorable one. Let's look at one example scenario.

When the guests have gathered, the host distributes small cards with ribbons to everyone, on which each of the invitees writes his congratulations to the spouses. The evening begins with a congratulatory toast:

Porcelain is an exquisite material, it keeps warm well, gives joy. He looks like a family that protects the warmth of feelings, love for each other. Only this material does not immediately acquire its shape and beauty. Through painstaking work, love, it is created by the hands of a husband and wife, turning a piece of clay into a masterpiece of art. In this way, the couple created their creation - a family! We believe that your love will turn this fragile material into gold!

The host invites guests and spouses to follow him on a long journey across the ocean of love. On the first island, guests find the Love Tree (flower arrangement, branches). On it, guests tie postcards with wishes, which were handed out at the beginning of the evening. The couple examine the tree, thank the guests:

Thank you, dear guests! Let this wonderful tree be a symbol of our eternal love. It is nice to see relatives and friends at the same table on this day. Thank you for coming to share this celebration with us. We hope to celebrate more than one holiday together, right up to the golden wedding.

The host announces "bitterly", counts up to "twenty" together with the guests:

It's so easy for the spouses to not drink, they fasten their love with a kiss, so bitterly, gentlemen, I count up to twenty with guests!

The guests thank the spouses, each in turn gets up and says his congratulations:

Dear (spouse's name) and (spouse's name)! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. For twenty years you have been keeping the fire of love in the hearth alive. The spouse is an example of female wisdom, and the spouse is an example of male patience! We wish you to live the year in joy! May love always burn in your eyes!

The presenter invites you to start the dance part of the evening, which opens with the porcelain dance of the spouses. After the dance, the wife says congratulations to her husband:

From the Wife in verse:

The husband then thanks his wife in verse:

Children, dressed as cupids, with "palm branches" appear in the hall. Children congratulate the guests, and spouses are invited to stand under the "branches of love" and make a wish. The child makes a toast:

Mom and Dad, you are a wonderful couple! On your beautiful wedding anniversary day, I wish you to keep the feeling of happiness, joy that you are experiencing now and love each other forever. May every day of your life together be warmed by mutual love and care.

The host offers a toast:

I would like to wish you that by the centenary you would cry only with happiness, your stomach ached with laughter, and the boundless ocean of love would never let you out of its nets.

Watch the video that the children prepared for their parents for their 20th wedding anniversary:

Contests for 20 years of married life

On their wedding day, spouses can afford to have fun to the fullest. Memories contests will be relevant. It all depends on the tastes of the couple and their guests. Below we offer you some cool contests.

  1. "Love that has passed through the years." Competition to test the memories of a spouse. The husband leaves the hall for a while. And the wife answers the questions of the presenter:
  • How did you meet?
  • Where did your husband reveal his feelings to you?
  • What gifts did the spouse give?
  • The number of guests at the wedding?
  • Under what circumstances did the husband meet the parents?
  • Is the head of the family spouse or spouse?

The spouse returns to the hall and answers the same questions.

  1. "Apple of Love". Several guests come out. Participants stand opposite each other, they are blindfolded and given an apple each. The couple who eats their apple first, but does not touch it with their hands, wins.

  1. "Sweet Tooth". Pour small sweets on wide dishes. Guests are given Japanese sticks, which they use to catch sweets. The winner is the one whose dishes are the first to be empty. The number of participants can be unlimited.
  2. "Confession". Prepare two trays, one with question cards and one with answer cards. The presenter approaches the guest, asks whom he wants to address the question to, then the guest draws a card. The person named by the guest draws a card with an answer.

Examples of questions:

  • Who is in charge of the family?
  • Did you find love over the internet?
  • Is your husband under the thumb?
  • Does your husband (wife) cook you breakfast?
  • Is your spouse an FBI agent?

Examples of responses:

  • Yes, and I suffer from this.
  • When there are no funds.
  • When the husband (wife) is absent from home.
  • When they come from the tax office.
  • Only at night.

Gifts for the participants of the competitions can be any memorabilia: figurines, magnets, stands, calendars.

This cool wedding anniversary script will help make your holiday a memorable one. Toasts, contests, wishes will bring joy to every guest. Incendiary music will amuse the most modest, and the unique decor, warm atmosphere of love will be remembered for a long time by guests and relatives.

A chintz wedding is an anniversary celebrated after the first year of marriage. Family psychologists unanimously recognize this period of time as one of the most difficult in a couple's relationship. It is recommended to celebrate this date cheerfully so that the spouses can forget about the daily chores. How to organize a chintz wedding celebration?

Preparing for the celebration

In order for a chintz wedding to go off with a bang, take the preparation process with due attention. Find a suitable room, decorate it, then select the musical accompaniment. Find or compose yourself a script for a chintz wedding - prepared in advance, it will help to avoid force majeure circumstances. And the cool contests that will be present in the script will amuse all the guests at the chintz wedding.

Decoration of the venue

Chintz is a symbol of the first anniversary, stock up on light chintz curtains, tablecloths, napkins. Modern textile shops offer a variety of festive calico items. The general color scheme should be white or other pastel shades, so you should choose light chintz decorative elements. There are many rituals associated with chintz fabric, so get a few chintz in reserve.

Place green flower pots or floor vases around the room. Greenery symbolizes the relationship of young people. Tie containers for flowers with multi-colored chintz ribbons.

To decorate a gingham wedding at the highest level, check out this good video example that clearly demonstrates how to decorate the holiday:

Warn guests about the celebration of the calico wedding, and about the appropriate clothing. Inform invited guests that chintz outfits are welcome. What they will be, bright or modest - the guests themselves choose.

Musical accompaniment for the anniversary

During the calico wedding, various musical compositions of domestic performers will be used. So, at the beginning of a chintz wedding, it is necessary to include the well-known "Oh, full, full of box". When young people enter the hall, Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers" sounds. Such pleasant songs should sound all evening, then the guests will feel relaxed throughout the wedding, willingly participate in competitions.

Scenario for holding a gingham wedding

A print wedding is hosted by a presenter, who is allowed to choose from his friends or to use the services of an agency. He must entertain guests with remarks, as well as monitor the progress of the chintz wedding, which cannot be done without a well-written script. It can be either in the form of poetry or in prose. Create a script yourself or use our option.

A print wedding begins with the host's monologue. Only guests are present in the hall, the spouses must come up after the toastmaster's speech.

Host: Ladies and Gentlemen! We are gathered here for a reason. We have a special occasion - our dear friends (Wife's Name) and (Husband's Name) are celebrating the first year of marriage. This is not an easy time for young people, because now the foundation of a strong and strong relationship is being laid. But the love of the spouses will win everything - we are convinced of this by the example of the heroes of the occasion. Let's call here (Wife's Name) and (Husband's Name) to rejoice with them on this significant date!

A couple comes out, the husband is wearing a chintz shirt, and the wife is wearing a chintz dress.

Host: A year ago she was a bride, and he was a groom. Today we have an already formed family, which is growing stronger every day, despite all the quarrels and disagreements. But to make love even stronger, I propose to perform an ancient Russian rite, symbolizing the strength of relations. Spouses, present your halves with chintz shawls! (husband and wife exchange handkerchiefs). Tie knots on them.

Husband and Wife: How strong are these knots, so strong is our love!

Guests: Bitter!

The spouses kiss each other, after which the guests present them with their gifts. By tradition, they donate chintz clothes, diapers for the unborn child of a couple, linen, tablecloths. All participants sit down at the table, where relatives of the spouses tell them all their wishes and congratulations. The wife's mother (mother-in-law) pronounces the words:

My children! If you only knew how my mother's heart rejoices when I look at you! I am glad that I entrusted my beloved daughter to you, (Husband's name). She is behind you, like a stone wall. Although you have lived quite a bit together, a year of marital happiness is an impressive time to talk about the strength of your relationship. So let love never fade away in your couple, it becomes stronger every minute. Bitterly!

After the kiss of the young couple, a toast will be made by a good acquaintance of the couple, who traced most of their relationship.

Acquaintance: Dear (wife's name) and also (husband's name), having known you for a long time, I can say that you are a wonderful couple. I kindly envy you, because you - you cannot live without each other, like our earth is without sun rays. One day, luck smiled, joining your hearts into one. I believe that you will be faithful to your significant other until the end of your earthly days. Let's raise our glasses for love (Name of the wife), (Name of the husband)!

The guests are drinking, the next toast is played. It should be pronounced to the sister of one of the young people or the mother of the groom.

Sister: Marriage is fragile if there is nothing between the spouses. If there are connecting threads, then the likelihood that the young will live happily for many years increases. The main support of spouses, even in difficult times, is a common child. Let's drink to our young people to please us with the news of the imminent appearance of the first child in the family!

Everyone can say their wishes and congratulations during the feast. After all the guests have had their fill of food and talked to the young, the entertainment program for the chintz wedding begins.

Host: Ladies and Gentlemen! I guess that you have all admired our young people to your heart's content. It's time to start more active entertainment! I suggest you take part in interesting games, contests, take a break from the feast (you can find the recommended contests in the next section of the article).

At the end of the contests, the solemn part of the evening takes place - the dance of the young.

Host: What could be more exciting than a beautiful dance of a married couple? Young ones are like two wildflowers in a huge field. Let's enjoy this action right now!

After the final dance, the young people, together with the guests, launch sky lanterns. If the weather does not allow this, the calico wedding should be finished with a tea party. After that, the celebration of the gingham wedding ends.

Contests for 1 year of married life

  • "Handkerchief". The leader stands in the center, and, dancing, passes the handkerchief to the next player. He repeats the movements and transfers the scarf further. Suddenly, the music turns off, and the one who has a handkerchief in his hand must shout "Ku-ka-re-ku!"
  • "Ladies' legs". Women stand behind the screen, alternately sticking out their right or left leg. Cavaliers must guess the girl only by the leg. The quick-witted man will win.
  • "What I call my wife." The husband is invited to call his wife affectionate words that end in -ok (hare, fox, kitten). For every adjective - a kiss from his wife.
  • "Name for a child." The guests come up with a name for the couple's unborn child - male and female. The spouses determine the winner and present him with a symbolic prize - a bottle of champagne, socks, a T-shirt with a cool inscription.

A chintz wedding is a significant date in the life of young people, requiring a responsible attitude to preparation. Think over every move of the holiday, add or delete some moments from the existing script of a chintz wedding, show your imagination and ingenuity - a wonderful holiday is guaranteed for you!

What to gift:

It is necessary to celebrate the first anniversary of life together in a fun, interesting way, it is impossible to just sit at the table at such a holiday. A pre-prepared script for a chintz wedding will help young people and friends in this matter. You can write it yourself, search in various magazines, the Internet, ask friends or former witnesses to come up with games with contests.

If the young people decide to celebrate the year of marriage in a noisy company of friends, they cannot do without a clear detailed scenario. The moderator should be one of the guests who has experience in conducting such events. The scenario in which the whole chintz wedding is painted with its traditions, old contests, should include congratulations to the young, contests, competitions, toasts at the table, and presenting gifts.

  1. The main playable moment should be the date - 1 year, love between spouses.
  2. You can hold contests for strong hugs, gentle kisses, and involve guests in competitions.
  3. It is worth finding a photographer from among friends, a toastmaster in advance, preparing props, costumes.
  4. It is desirable that all those invited to participate in competitions, have fun from the heart.
  5. You can celebrate the anniversary of family life in a restaurant, at home, in nature, it depends on the wishes of the spouses and the weather.
  6. It is necessary to decorate the room with chintz fabrics, flags, toys, souvenirs, cover the tables with bright chintz tablecloths.
  7. For contests, you should also use scarves, socks, toys, you can hang the corresponding pictures on the wedding theme, reminding that the first year of the wedding is called chintz.

You can make the leading witnesses and repeat the same contests that were at the wedding. If there are a lot of guests, let everyone suggest their favorite game, that will also be fun. The main thing is to prepare small souvenirs for the winners in advance: handkerchiefs, potholders, towels, so that everyone is interested and fun.

Sample script structure

Any event involves meeting guests, inviting them to the table, and holding games. A script that lists the entire print wedding from start to finish should include:

  • greeting of newlyweds and guests, invitation to the hall;
  • acquaintance of guests with each other;
  • clarification of the rules of the holiday;
  • gathering everyone at the festive table;
  • proclamation of toasts and congratulations;
  • giving gifts for the anniversary of marriage;
  • performance of your favorite songs;
  • games, contests;
  • farewell to guests.

If the young people decide to celebrate the last year of living together in nature, contests and treats should correspond to the situation, the weather. A free song after each toast will complement the holiday and give it solemnity and soulfulness.

Compliance with old traditions at a cotton wedding

For a more interesting and exciting scenario, it is worth including in it the performance by the spouses of the fundamental rituals preserved from antiquity. This is a meeting of guests with a loaf or pie with the inscription "1 year of marriage", tying knots on scarves, dressing in chintz outfits and jewelry. On the wedding anniversary, exactly one year later, it is customary to open one of the 2 bottles of champagne sealed at the wedding. It should be done with loud applause and congratulations.

A loaf or a large round pie is easy to order in any store, outfits can be selected at home in advance. For a year of living together, you need to dress in chintz shirts, dresses, sundresses, let the guests try to match the name of the anniversary. You can look at pictures on the Internet before the holiday to find out how other people dress up for such a celebration.

It is not necessary to decorate a room, hall or gazebo with purchased attributes, posters and accessories - it is easy to cut large flags from fabric of different colors, tie bows on curtains, hang walls or tree branches with strips of chintz. Handkerchiefs for the ceremony can be stitched on your own on a sewing machine, decorated with embroidery, lace, initials or the names of the spouses.

The rite of tying knots is as follows:

  • young people stand opposite each other, guests are around them;
  • the presenter takes out 2 new square handkerchiefs and hands them to the spouses;
  • the husband and wife tie 2 knots on the ends of the scarves diagonally, wishing fidelity, love, a long and happy marriage to themselves and their soulmates;
  • handkerchiefs are folded into a box and stored in a secluded place.

For clarity, you can print pictures on a color printer and show them to spouses so that they do not make mistakes in actions. The guests should then wish the husband and wife an indestructible marriage, love, the same tender relationship as in the first year of marriage.

Inviting specialists for the celebration

To celebrate a gingham wedding in a bright and interesting way, you can hire professional hosts. They know exactly what contests should be held after a year of marriage, how to entertain those present. A photographer who knows how to handle equipment will take excellent quality photographs in which everything will look like pictures. By agreement, the toastmaster can even provide the spouses with clothes, decorate the hall, give advice on how to draw up the menu.

Bright staged photographs in the hall or outdoors will adorn a family photo album. The wedding year is a very important event, and you can hire specialists for a fairly small amount. If you know a professional photographer, florist or presenter of anniversaries among your friends, you should negotiate with him for a reasonable fee. Videos from the anniversary, pictures in a magazine, photos on the walls of a room - all this can only be done by experienced professionals.

Calico wedding contests

To celebrate the anniversary with fun, contests are indispensable. Any scenario involves playing games with young spouses, guests, and parents. Here are some of the most interesting contests that are usually held on a wedding year:

Competition "Tight Hugs"

Husband and wife are tied to a belt with a knot a very long, 5 or 6 meters, strip of chintz, forced to stand at a distance from each other. At the signal "One, two, three, twist the chintz," they should be wrapped in a circle in the fabric, winding the chintz around the belt. When the tape ends, the couple kiss to the applause of the guests. It will be more fun if a rhythmic song or beat is played at this time.

Print Ribbon Competition

Two couples are chosen, in each - a girl and a guy. You can start by inviting the spouses celebrating the year of marriage and former witnesses. Men grip a long strip of chintz with their teeth, girls hold the end in their hand. At a signal, women run around men, wrapping the ribbon around themselves and their partner. Whose couple will do it faster gets a souvenir.

Competition "Wedding Pictures"

Toastmaster selects several couples and hands them pictures depicting ridiculous situations at the wedding. It can be a cool dance of the newlyweds, showing funny faces, throwing a bouquet in the wrong place. Players should look at the pictures and try to portray the same in front of the guests. Let the guests choose the most interesting situation and the winners.

Compliments competition

Husband and wife are selected teams from among the guests. The spouses take turns to give compliments and cute nicknames that they exchanged during the year of marriage. Team members have the right to advise their captains.

Auction "Calico things"

The host asks the guests to name any chintz things the spouses need in the household. It can be diapers, bed linen, aprons. The one who is the last to name a product or thing made of chintz receives a souvenir as a gift.

Fun team games, forfeits, comic relay races or auctions of wedding clothes will also help to celebrate the first anniversary. It is advisable to play with cheerful loud music, use chintz props, you can inflate balloons for contests.

When composing a script, you need to use congratulations in prose and poetry, toasts, include musical breaks for dancing, rest intervals and snacks. It doesn't matter how long the fun will take, how many guests are planned to be invited - in any case, you need to prepare a full-fledged script, designed for several hours. You should definitely prepare more discs with incendiary songs, think over the menu and prizes for the guests.

How else to please each other.

: first quarrels and reconciliation, fiery love and misunderstanding, mutual grievances and touching tenderness. And it is not for nothing that the first anniversary is called chintz, the relationship that the newlyweds experience this year are bright, variegated, but very fragile, like colored, thin chintz.

The first anniversary must be celebrated in order to establish a family tradition of celebrating all subsequent dates.

Wedding anniversary script

Since the wedding is in chintz, this airy, cheerful material is often mentioned in the script of the wedding anniversary, and the script itself should be as light and pleasant as the symbol of this anniversary - chintz.

To make the holiday interesting and memorable, the scenario of the wedding anniversary, and everything you need for it, of course, must be prepared in advance. This is done by the host or toastmaster, who is usually chosen from among the close friends of the newlyweds.

The first part of the wedding anniversary script

This holiday can be held outdoors if the time of the year and the weather is right.
The guests are already sitting at the table when, to the melody of Mendelssohn's march (you can play it with some other one), the “one-year-olds” enter the hall. She is in a bright chintz dress, a sundress, a suit (depending on the season and weather), he is in an elegant chintz shirt.


  • Our dear and beloved! You have passed this year together.
  • Making mistakes, jealous and rejoicing, they comprehended the science of love.
  • Received not only "excellent", studying this complex subject.
  • But you passed the exam decently, and congratulations await you in return.
  • Congratulations on your past year! Your family hearth is not extinguished.
  • Together you will go through the years, the chintz is bright and strong with you.
  • Well, since we started with congratulations, here it is not far from the presentation of gifts. I ask the guests to congratulate the one-year-old spouses on their first anniversary. And I ask the young ones, according to an old Russian custom, to thank everyone for their congratulations and gifts.

Everyone gets up, takes turns approaching the young couple, congratulates, gives gifts (it should be something in chintz or with elements of chintz). Young heroes of the day hold a tray on which there are glasses or glasses of wine and treat everyone, after presenting them with a gift.

And we will ask the young spouses, as a sign of love and fidelity, which they have already tested for a whole year of living together, to also exchange gifts, symbols of your anniversary, and explain to us what your gift is for.

The spouses give each other gifts. For example, a husband gives his wife a beautiful chintz apron and says: "Congratulations, darling, I want you to look smart even at the stove." His wife gives him a set of handkerchiefs made of the same material and says: "Congratulations, beloved, I wish you to wipe away only tears of joy with these handkerchiefs."

You can give some other chintz gifts, and come up with other humorous congratulations and wishes for them. The master of ceremonies should discuss with the young people in advance the entire procedure for presenting and receiving congratulations and gifts, and the entire further scenario of the wedding anniversary. In order for this holiday to be fun and interesting, you need to prepare everything and coordinate all your actions with the young couple. After all, the best impromptu is the one that is prepared.


  • Time flies fast - the chintz will soon wear out,
  • We will come to celebrate the wooden wedding.
  • But while we are all here, the language asks for:
  • "Bitter, bitter and bitter!" - Isn't it time to shout.
  • Guests shout "bitter!", The young kiss. Then everyone is invited to have a drink, a snack, and gain strength for the upcoming fun.

The second part of the wedding anniversary script

Competitions and entertainment for the wedding anniversary scenario

We will not describe the whole process of this holiday. The master of ceremonies, at will, according to the situation, according to the mood of those around him, himself determines when to hold the next game or entertainment. The practice of holding such holidays shows that it is not worth holding contests one after another.

In the scenario of the wedding anniversary, they are located together, but they must be carried out in between the feast. During the entire celebration, guests should drink, eat, communicate, participate in games, in what sequence this will happen, the toastmaster decides. Our wedding anniversary script gives him the opportunity to show independence during the holiday, alternating games, entertainment, dancing and a feast
Game "Happy acquaintance"


  • You are all good or not very good, but you know each other. But, quite possibly, and not very well or do not know at all. Now, I hope you can get to know each other better.
  • All of you have known each other for a long time, both before and now.
  • Perhaps we will find out the piquancy about you.
  • By the color of your dresses, we will understand everything about you,
  • Character and habits, but further, we will not risk it.

I ask everyone who is dressed in red today, or those in whose toilet the color red predominates, to come to me. You all know them, but do you know that these are people who are bright, communicative, funny, who love and appreciate all the pleasures of life and are always ready for a relationship, sorry, for a great and bright feeling - love.

Now go out and show yourself to the rest of those who prefer white in their clothes. They are very kind, attentive, polite and modest people, no offense can be expected from them. And if they, of course, inadvertently…. will take away your loved one, they will certainly politely say: "Sorry."

Come out, people in black. If you think that I will say something terrible about these people, then you are deeply mistaken. People in black are very mysterious and talented, and they are talented in any field of activity. They can be very talented to charm you, and then suddenly mysteriously leave.

I ask those who prefer blue in their clothes to come out. Look at them, did you know that they are very romantic, dreamy people who have noble ancestors in their family. They are very attentive and try to help everyone, especially when they are not asked for this help. But they are very persistent, and they will definitely provide you with this help, and so that next time you will definitely try so that they do not find out about your problems.

Look at the people in green. They are very addicted people, are fond of different ideas, and try to infect others with these ideas. They love nature very much, tell everyone about their love for nature. But, perhaps, they love more everything that is connected with this nature. For example, picnics in nature, barbecue in the meadow, the manifestation of "high feelings" in the bushes.

People in yellow and orange are charming, affectionate, warm and sunny. They are very fond of gold jewelry, and they especially love it when they are presented with these jewelry. They can so charm, warm, caress and dazzle a loved one, or a not very beloved, but very rich person, that he, without hesitation, hangs gold like a New Year tree with decorations on this sunny person.

Now that we know each other better, and most importantly, we know what to expect from each other, I hope our communication will be warmer and more relaxed.
And so that the degree of communication does not decrease, we will slightly support it with a degree from the outside. I propose to drink to the young, but how bitter it is to drink.
Shouts "Bitter!", The guests support.

Wedding Contest "Favorite Handkerchief"

Leading goes out into the middle of the hall, in his hands is a light chintz shawl, and says:

I have in my hands a symbol of today's celebration - a modest handkerchief. Let's try and we will slightly vilify chintz, remembering our chintz wedding or anticipating it.
He explains the terms of this simple but fun entertainment. Everyone stands in a circle.

He chooses one of the guests and ties a handkerchief around his neck, tying it in two knots, but not tightly. Some cheerful dance music begins to sound and the guest with a handkerchief around his neck should dance a little with the rest of the guests. In the dance, he approaches one of those standing in a circle, unties a handkerchief, removes it and ties it around the neck of the person of his choice.

He, too, must go out in a circle and dance, then pass the handkerchief to the next one in the same way. The meaning of such entertainment is that all this time music is playing and no one except the toastmaster knows when it will end. But when it suddenly ends, then the person who will have a handkerchief on his neck at that time has lost and must shout the traditional "Ku-ka-re-ku!" The toastmaster must explain all these conditions of the game to everyone before it starts.

Therefore, everyone will try to dance as quickly as possible, take off the handkerchief and quickly tie it to another. Usually, during this game, there is a cheerful bustle, fueled by the excitement of the players.

Contest "Guess what awaits you"

During this year that the young couple lived together, they understood a lot about family life and learned a lot about each other. And for some guests, this has only to be done, and even those who are already married do not bother to refresh their knowledge of family life. This game of knowledge of the basics of family life will be played by our one-year-old spouses and they will also reward the winners.

Now the young wife will speak the first part of the sentence about what her husband has experienced and understood during this year, and his advice to future husbands, and you must continue this sentence. The correctly named second part of the sentence will be rewarded with a heart. Those who win more hearts will be marked.

A young wife rises in front of the guests and starts the competition. She says the first part of the sentence, one of the guests must finish it correctly.
These statements, the words in brackets are pronounced by the wife, without brackets - they must guess.

  • (Know that the decision to marry) was the last decision you made yourself.
  • (Carry your wife in your arms), she will climb on your neck herself.
  • (You should help your spouse on a women's holiday), the rest of the time you need to do all the homework yourself
  • (Standing next to your wife, do not look to the left), otherwise you will miss how she looks to the right.
  • (The first word that your baby will say should be the word "mother") so that he does not wake up his sleeping father at night.
  • (Getting out of bed in the morning, kiss your wife), maybe you will be the first.
  • (During the honeymoon, do not do trifles, do not read poetry to your wife), it is better to give her and make her read the book "About tasty and healthy food."
  • (Manage to speak before marriage), after her you will only listen.
  • (Do not try, when returning home from work late, to justify a delay in the service), fantasize, invent, and God help you.

After the end of the competition, the same is held by her husband, but for future wives. This does not mean that only women can participate, all guests are playing.

  • (If your husband comes home late), let him calmly express what you have known for a long time.
  • (In money matters, concede priority to your husband, after all, he is the head of the family. Give in to your husband the important and honorable right of earning money.) And take on the difficult task of spending money on yourself.
  • (Giving the husband the names of the inhabitants of the zoo) is strictly prohibited.
  • (Never cheat on your husband), but immediately cry.
  • (If the husband begins to delay at work), force him to urgently change jobs, perhaps he will not immediately find the reason for the delay there.
  • (Take care of your husband's health and the state of his nervous system) - never tell him the real value of what you buy.
  • (Put on tape all of his promises made to him before the wedding, and when he is sad, let me listen), this tape is sure to make him laugh.

After the end of the competition, the toastmaster collects hearts from those guests who have collected the most of them. You can make three prizes, you can make one first - this is at your discretion, and depending on how many prizes are prepared. Prizes from chintz can be sewn in advance by a young spouse (an apron, a small cushion, potholders, oven mitts) or they can be bought. Of course, it is better that they are made of chintz, as a symbol of this celebration.

Other contests that are appropriate for the occasion can be included in the wedding anniversary scenario.

Have a fun, interesting and unforgettable chintz anniversary!