How much does a first grader's backpack weigh? Hygienic requirements for backpacks for student and educational publications Sanitary standards for the maximum weight of a portfolio for schoolchildren

Getting a first grader to school is not difficult now. The main thing is to have a clear idea of ​​what your child will definitely need, and what you can do without. We figured out the question of how much a backpack should ideally weigh and how much comes out in practice, taking into account all the lessons.


In search of the standards for school bags, we go to the Rospotrebnadzor website, which indicates not only the weight, but also the recommended dimensions: the height of the backpack should be from 300 to 360 mm, the height of the front wall should be from 220 to 260 mm, the width should be from 60 to 100 millimeters, the length of the shoulder strap is at least 600-700 millimeters, the width of the shoulder strap is at least 35-40 millimeters. In this case, an increase in size is allowed, but no more than 30 millimeters.

When buying a knapsack, you need to pay attention to what age the product is designed for. Information about age is rarely written. But the weight is usually indicated. Most often, manufacturers simply write that it does not exceed one kilogram.

We weighed several knapsacks. Average weight ranges from 700 grams to 1 kilogram, some are slightly heavier - up to 1.2 kilograms.

Rospotrenbnadzor indicates that the optimal weight of a backpack for primary school students is 700 grams. But at the same time, school bags for children of primary school age must necessarily have a rigid back wall so that the load on the child's back is even. Best of all, if it is a special relief orthopedic back, it helps to form the correct posture and evenly distributes the weight, removing the load from the anchor points.


A list of stationery that a first grader will need for one school day: a notebook, pencils (simple and colored), an eraser, a ruler, ballpoint pens, notebooks (cage and line), a sharpener, felt-tip pens.

In technology and fine arts lessons, you definitely need watercolors, a sketchbook, a sculpting board or oilcloth, colored cardboard, glue stick, scissors, plasticine, colored paper.

Textbooks and workbooks

As it turned out, the requirements for school textbooks concern not only the content, design, but also the weight of the books. A first grade textbook should be no heavier than 300 grams.

In reality, the weight varies depending on the program and the required set of notebooks.

Optimal weight for a first-grader backpack

The weight of the daily set of textbooks and writing materials for first grade students should not exceed 1.5 kilograms. In fact, such an alignment is hardly possible. We put together a backpack for one busy school day (Russian, mathematics, reading, technology). The total weight of textbooks and office supplies was almost 2 kilograms.

The optimal ratio of the weight of a knapsack with textbooks, notebooks and stationery to the weight of a first-grader is 1:10. This approach takes into account the individual capabilities of the child. By the way, the average first grader weighs 22 kilograms.

Our assembled portfolio weighs 2.8 kilograms. And besides everything, children take with them a bottle of water, an apple or a banana, wet wipes, sports uniforms and a bunch of other little things. Many take toys to school.

It turns out that in order to carry such a portfolio without harm to health, first-graders with a weight of at least 30 kilograms are needed.

The use of school bags for carrying books, notebooks, necessary teaching aids is more expedient than various kinds of bags, briefcases, etc. Carrying books and other student supplies in a backpack on the back contributes to an even distribution of the load, forms the correct posture, and frees hands. Moreover, it does not hinder the work of the respiratory system, the circulatory system.

The teacher, in cooperation with the parents, can give advice on the choice of a backpack for textbooks and school supplies.

These recommendations are reflected in the new SanPiN "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Conditions and Organization of Education in General Education Institutions" (Appendix 1), as well as in the Unified Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Goods Subject to Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance.

The weight of a backpack without textbooks for students in grades 1-4 should be no more than 700 grams. In this case, the knapsack should have wide straps (4 - 4.5 cm) and sufficient form stability, ensuring its snug fit to the student's back and uniform weight distribution. The material used for the manufacture of knapsacks should be lightweight, durable, with a water-repellent coating, easy to clean.

The backpack can have two compartments or one compartment with a pocket or insert: the main one, - for books and notebooks, smaller, - for pens, pencils, etc. points of attachment of the handle. In the lower part of the belts, a device is needed that allows you to change their length in accordance with the child's height and the nature of the clothes. One of the belts should have a connector to facilitate putting on and taking off the knapsack. Buckles or other devices for changing the length of the belts should be fastened to the bottom of the backpack to avoid injury or damage to clothing.

Weight requirements for textbooks and writing utensils are also included in the new rules (paragraph 10.32). The weight of a daily set of textbooks and writing utensils should not exceed: for students in grades 1-2 - more than 1.5 kg, in grades 3-4 - more than 2 kg, 5-6 - more than 2.5 kg, 7 -8th - more than 3.5 kg, 9-11th - more than 4.0 kg.

In accordance with SanPin "Hygienic requirements for educational publications for general and vocational primary education", the weight of each publication should not be more than:

  • 300 gr. - for grades 1-4
  • 400 gr. - for grades 5-6
  • 500 gr. - for grades 7-9
  • 600 gr. - for grades 10-11

The weight of publications for grades 1-4, intended for work only in the classroom, should not exceed 500 grams. An increase in the weight of publications is allowed by no more than 10%.

In the days of the USSR, this was a well-known portfolio. It is still there. But satchels and school backpacks began to be made as an alternative to it. However, knapsacks were also known in tsarist times - look at the paintings of the artists. But then they were forgotten. Cause? Most likely, it was genuine leather on the satchels. And it was expensive. And there was little of her in the country. It turned out to be much easier to sew briefcases from cheap leatherette.

But then (in the second half of the twentieth century), doctors sounded the alarm, drawing attention to the fact that carrying heavy briefcases spoils the posture of children. In the course of a rather long discussion, the doctors agreed on a compromise: “give” the briefcase to the high school students, and the junior school students to sew backpacks. They proceeded from the fact that a small weight behind the shoulders of children is even useful, since it makes them not bend forward.

A lot of school backpacks are now sewn - for any, as they say, taste. But a problem arose that the physicians arguing about did not even know. Modern textbooks are now thicker than the old ones. Therefore, it is harder. There are now more of them according to the program. In addition, a second shoe has become compulsory for school attendance. There is a special section for her in the backpack. Lunches in the school canteen, which have risen in price, are forcing parents to refuse to contribute money for them and to equip the child in a plastic bag with a dinner made from homemade products.

As a result, it turns out that the weight of the backpack is about four kilograms! And this despite the fact that doctors recommend that parents provide their child with a lower weight: for girls - up to two kilograms, for boys - half a kilogram more. I wonder if the weight of the backpack itself is taken into account?

Although school backpacks are sewn in two categories (for girls and for boys), they differ only in color, but not in weight! And if the "extra" 200-300 grams of weight for a boy are permissible up to the recommended two and a half kilograms, then for a girl this is a noticeable load on the back. Obviously, girls' backpacks should be more compact, made of lighter materials. But the standard, alas, is the same.

The question has become very relevant: how to reduce the weight of a backpack for first graders to the one recommended by doctors? There are several ways. First of all, when buying, be guided by the weight and size of the backpack. There is no point in purchasing a backpack made of heavy materials. Of course, it is quite acceptable for older children, but taking a first-grader "for growth" means not thinking about his health. Only an orthopedic back made of dense material should be relatively heavy in a backpack. For example, cardboard or thin plastic. Everything else is light in weight.

It is imperative to buy a backpack with its fitting on a child in the store itself. If the straps of the backpack are not adjustable, it forces the child to hold them with his hands from slipping, such a backpack is clearly not suitable. Try it on with a weighted weight (here you can use any other books and objects instead of textbooks).

Pay particular attention to the second shoes that your child will need to take with them to school. It should fit freely into the knapsack, be light and comfortable.

How to further reduce the weight of the backpack? Of course, it is advisable to deposit money for meals in the school cafeteria. It's hot and fresh there. But if this is not possible, only light food should be put in the backpack.

And one more important piece of advice. From the very first days of school, ask the child to agree with a partner (companion), who and what textbooks one by one brings to class from home. The nuance here is that often in the lesson there is no need to have two identical textbooks on the table - one open on the right page is sufficient.

How much should the satchel weigh? SanPiN norms.

Talk about the need to reduce the weight of the school bag has been going on for a long time. Heavy satchels and especially briefcases have an impact on the formation of poor posture. Regular stress on the fragile spine is fraught with trouble for the rest of your life.

According to statistics, only 20% of students go to the first grade completely healthy, and less than 10% leave the eleventh grade. Moreover, the most severe blow falls on the musculoskeletal system.

What kind of portfolio should it be to take care of your health?

Today, every fourth first grader wears a satchel heavier than the norm.

According to clause 2.8.1 of sanitary rules and regulations SanPiN 2.4.7 // 1.1.1286-03 "Hygienic requirements for clothing for children, adolescents and adults, children's assortment goods and materials for products (products) in contact with human skin" briefcases (backpacks) for primary school students should not exceed 600 - 700 grams

. In October, new sanitary standards came into force in relation to children's clothing, as well as goods for children's assortment. In particular, they regulate the weight of school bags. Rospotrebnadzor believes that school bags should become much lighter.

( Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of June 28, 2010 N 72 "On the approval of SanPiN 2.4.7 / 1.1.2651-10")

The weight of portfolios, school bags for primary school students should not exceed 600-700g., Middle and senior classes - 1kg.

Knapsack first grader at full load , that is, with all textbooks, notebooks and writing utensils, must weigh no more than 3 kg, and the school bag of a 12-year-old student must not exceed 5 kg, starting from the 10th grade up to 6 kg. In general, the weight of a school bag can be calculated as follows: it should be no more than 10% of the child's weight.

In theory, all notebooks, textbooks and the like that are put on one school day should fit into the required weight. But often a second breakfast is put in a backpack or a portfolio for a child; some kids have not yet gotten used to their toys and take some of them with them to school, moreover, they have to carry replaceable shoes, sports uniforms, etc. What can you advise in this case?

First of all, parents, when buying some attributes of school supplies for a small student, pay attention to their weight, so that in its total amount it weighs a little. For example, you can buy a massive pencil case made of heavy material with various beautiful but unnecessary details, or you can buy a simple and light plastic case.

Tutorials weigh too much, making the portfolios of first graders overwhelming. Since 1998textbook weight , namely, they are the main component of the portfolio, strictly regulated by GOST"Sanitary rules and norms SanPiN" Hygienic requirements for educational publications for general and primary vocational education. "

In clause 2.4.7. "Hygiene of children and adolescents" - books for primary grades should weigh a maximum of 300 grams, textbooks for grades 5-6 - 400 grams, for 7-9 grades - 500 grams. And in the portfolios of graduates there should not be books heavier than 600 grams.These parameters are also laid down in the quality certificates used by the printers to print school literature.

The hygienic requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education (draft 2009) set the requirementsto the weight of an educational publication for primary school students - no more than 300 g. The weight of publications for grades 1-4, intended for work only at home or in the classroom, should not exceed 500 g. The weight of the publication is allowed to increase by no more than 10% (access mode:http:// standart. edu. ru (official website of the Federal State Educational Standard).

Here are some points of SanPiN"Hygienic requirements for educational publications for general and primary vocational education."

1.1 Sanitary rules and norms "Hygienic requirements for educational publications for general and primary vocational education" are intended for organizations and enterprises engaged in publishing or publishing and printing activities, institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service and are aimed at preventing diseases of the organs of vision, musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system of the body of students.

1.2 The Sanitary Rules establish requirements for the weight, type design and print quality of educational publications (textbooks, teaching aids, workshops - hereinafter publications), as well as requirements for printing materials used for the production of publications.

1.3 The Sanitary Rules apply to publications with the stamp of the Federal Education Management Body of the Russian Federation or the education management body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

1.5 Responsibility for the implementation of these Sanitary Rules rests with organizations or enterprises engaged in publishing or publishing and printing activities, regardless of departmental affiliation and forms of ownership.

1.6 Control over the implementation of these Sanitary Rules is carried out by the institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

1.8 Publications are subject to a hygienic examination.

The sale of publications, including those made abroad, is possible only by agreement with the institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

Hygienic examination methodology

1. The size of the publication block in terms of height and width according to clause 5.1.2 is determined with a ruler with an accuracy of 1 mm.

2. The type of paper according to clauses 5.6.2, 5.6.3, 5.6.5 is determined according to the information in the imprint of the publication or according to the information provided about the materials.

3. The external design according to clause 5.1.5 and the bonding method according to clause 5.1.6 are determined visually.

4. Edition weight according to clause 5.1.3 determined on a balance with an accuracy of 5 g.

5. Hygienic requirements for publications

5.1 General hygiene requirements

5.1.1 It is not allowed to publish publications that include materials of two levels of education (age groups).

The publication should include materials designed for no more than:

1 year of study for 1 class;

2 years of study for grades 2-6;

3 years of study for grades 7-11.

5.1.2 Editions are allowed in formats corresponding to table 1 of GOST 5773-90.

The optimal formats are:

For editions 1-3 (4) classes - 70x90 / 16;

For publications of grades 5-11 - 60x90 / 16, 84x108 / 32, 60x84 / 16.

For workbooks, atlases, drawing aids, visual arts, job training, etc. format 70x108 / 16 is allowed.

5.1.3 The weight of the publication should not exceed:

300 g for grades 1-3 (4);

400 g for grades 5-6;

500 g for grades 7-9;

600 g for grades 10-11.

The weight of publications for 1-3 (4) classes, intended for work only in class * (2), should not exceed 500 g.

An increase in the weight of the publication is allowed by no more than 10%.

5.1.4 Editions can be produced in paperback or hardcover.

5.1.5 Editions with paper-backed covers should be finished with over-press film.

Editions with covers must be finished with varnishing or over-press foil, except for covers made of coated or specially coated papers.

There are several ways to reduce the weight of school bags and thus contribute to the prevention of orthopedic and cardiovascular diseases in students: (Booklet)

    use only those textbooks and manuals that have passed the hygienic examination;

    find an opportunity (in primary school) to use two sets of textbooks (one at school and one at home);

    when scheduling, take into account the hygiene requirements for the weight of daily training kits;

    organize storage of removable shoes, sports equipment, accessories for labor lessons, fine arts, etc. in the school premises;

    organize in the classroom a library of necessary books for additional reading.

    do not carry too much in knapsacks

    check the satchel every day, remember to pull out unnecessary textbooks.

    Parents should be very careful when choosing a satchel. Its shape must be ergonomic and match the physiological shape of the child's spine. The length of the belts must be adjustable.

    Parents of primary school students should check the backpack daily - they may carry a lot of unnecessary things that add weight to the backpack.

    Parents can purchase a second set of textbooks to be kept in the classroom. An additional set of textbooks allows you to have one textbook at home for homework and another at school for classroom use. However, this method is accompanied by large monetary expenses that not every family can afford today.

There is, of course, an optimal solution to the problem of the "excess weight" of the portfolio: with the introduction of Federal State Educational StandardsIIgeneration, new textbooks have appeared - electronic, work with which requires the presence of a personal computer not only at home, but also at school.

Some educational publishers have begun to divide textbooks into several parts.

In the meantime, the project is approved at the state level, only parents can take care of the health of children, from a carefully selected knapsack to daily viewing of their contents.

The weight of a student's backpack often exceeds the norms established by the state. A doctor and a teacher tell Letidor how to solve the problem of constant burdens.

The Ministry of Education has been working closely on the problem of the weight of a school backpack for several years. The main idea of ​​officials to transfer children to e-books is still difficult to implement, since the technical equipment of schools is far from ideal. Because of this, parents have to get out: change several backpacks a year, carry them on trolleys and carry weights for the child. Someone adopts the experience of foreign mothers and buys bags on wheels for children, as parents do in Israel and Spain.

How much should a junior, middle and high school student's backpack weigh?

According to the norms of SanPiN, the weight of a daily set of textbooks, writing utensils, as well as folders, shifts and everything else that a student shoves into a backpack should not exceed several kilograms.

Norm for different ages:

  • 1st and 2nd class - no more than 1.5 kg,
  • 3rd and 4th grade - no more than 2 kg,
  • 5th and 6th grade - no more than 2.5 kg,
  • 7th and 8th grade - no more than 3.5 kg,
  • 9th and 11th grade - no more than 4 kg.

However, we often don’t think that the weight of a backpack can be reduced by observing three rules:

  • Do not take anything extra

Surprisingly, children, especially in high school and high school, often carry almost an entire set of textbooks every day. Teach your child to take out unnecessary notebooks and books, art supplies that will not be useful to him on a particular day.

Also, do not take ten spare pens and pencils.

  • Empty the backpack of foreign objects once a week

If you look at the child's briefcase at the end of the module, you will be surprised how many foreign objects have accumulated there in a month. Half-eaten chocolate bar, oranges, apples and juice from the school cafeteria ... All these things significantly weigh down the bag.

  • Distribute things correctly

If you put the heaviest things on the bottom of the backpack, it will pull down, which means it will seem heavier. Distribute objects evenly: the heaviest textbooks should be placed closer to the back - the weight will not decrease from this, but the back will become lighter.

Doctor's opinion

Comments ** Ph.D., * * pediatric orthopedic traumatologist ** European Medical Center * * Ph.D. Irina But-Gusaim:
First of all, the backpack should be comfortable and lightweight when empty. When worn, it should fit snugly against the back - so the load will be evenly distributed. If the backpack is not in contact with the upper back, this is bad. The straps of the backpack must be carefully adjusted so that the backpack ends strictly at the lower back and not in the pelvic area. Explain to your child that it is imperative to wear a backpack on two shoulders. Otherwise, an imbalance begins in the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle, under the weight of the backpack, the child will begin to lean forward, which will subsequently lead to back pain.

If, after the first month of school, the child complains of back pain, the heaviness of the backpack, it is not too late to find a suitable replacement for him or to reconsider the completeness of the old one.

The chief physician of the Osteon clinic, osteopath Lyudmila Butenko, tells how to approach these issues rationally:

  • Change the backpack

The shape of the backpack should be rectangular and oblong, across the entire width of the back. The back of the backpack must be orthopedic, the straps are wide and connected with a special lock in front.

  • Freeing your hands

Parents often ask what is best for the back: carry all school supplies only in a backpack or unload a portfolio and carry a gym uniform, removable shoes and a folder for creativity in their hands. To be honest, the second option is not the best idea.

For the back, it is better to carry all school supplies in a backpack without overloading the child with bags and folders. Try to move everything you need into the backpack so that your child can support the front straps of the backpack with their free hands.

  • On using a bag instead of a backpack

High school students refuse to carry the "right" backpacks and often opt for shoulder bags. Parents should remember that a bag instead of a backpack is shown to be worn only in high school, when the teenagers have already formed a torso. To maintain correct posture, you do not need to use a long shoulder strap and wear it over the shoulder, with a skewed body. The ideal option for carrying the bag for both children and adults is on an arm extended along the body, below, alternately changing the load from the right hand to the left.