Knitting a sock on 5 knitting needles for beginners. Socks knitting patterns with description. Yarn selection and loop calculation

You will need

  • In order to knit socks you will need 5 special knitting needles with a thickness of No. 2.5 (for thin yarn) or No. 3 (for medium-thick yarn) and thread.


Approximate for the indicated size is 50 g, taking into account that a medium one is used (150-155/50 g).
The density should be 28 loops and 36 rows - 10x10 cm.
You should start working from the top of the sock. To knit a sock of the required size, cast on 48 stitches, evenly distributing them on four knitting needles, close them in a ring and knit with an elastic band (alternating two knit stitches and two purl loops). The length can be knitted arbitrarily; in our case, 12 cm will be enough. Don’t forget, the back line of the middle is the transition from one row to another.

On the loops of the 4th (fourth) and 1st (first) knitting needles - on both sides of the back line of the middle, on 24 loops we knit straight and back with stockinette stitch. Thus, we should have a heel wall, the optimal height is 4.5 cm or 16 rows.

Next we knit the lower part of the heel, the loops need to be divided into three equal parts. If the number of loops is not divisible by exactly 3, then make sure that the 1st and 3rd parts have the same number of loops. In our case, we knit the heel wall with 28 loops, so after the first 8 loops we make the first mark, after the next 8 we make another one, and the last 8 loops remain. We knit the loops of the first two parts, without knitting the 1st loop before the 2nd mark. We knit this loop before the mark and the loop after it along with a tilt to the left, turn it and remove the 1st loop, as in purl knitting. Next, you need to purl the loops of the middle part of the heel, with the exception of 1 loop before the first mark. The loop before the mark and the loop after the mark are knitted together purlwise, turn and remove the 1st loop, as in purl knitting. It is necessary to decrease until we have knitted all the side loops, and only the loops of the middle part remain in our work. We turn the work and knit it to the middle.

Now we knit the instep wedge. To do this, we cast on 12 stitches along each edge of the heel; as a result, we should end up with fewer stitches on the second and third stitches than on the first and fourth knitting needles. During the formation of the wedge of the instep, the extra loops must be gradually reduced - the last 2 loops of the 1st knitting needle are knitted together with the knitting needle, the first 2 loops of the 4th knitting needle - together with a tilt to the left. Until we reach the total initial number of loops, the same on each knitting needle, these decreases will have to be repeated in every 2nd row. Next we knit the foot to the required length, in our case another 16 cm to the toe.

We form the toe like this: knit the 3rd and 2nd loops of the 1st (first) knitting needle together, and knit the 2nd and 3rd loops of the 2nd (second) knitting needle together with a tilt to the left. Decrease at the end of the 3rd knitting needle, as on the 1st knitting needle, and at the beginning of the 4th knitting needle, as on the 2nd knitting needle. These decreases must be repeated five times in every 2nd row. The length of the foot for our size is 20 cm, the 8 loops remaining on the knitting needle are tightened with a working thread and secured to the wrong side of the sock.

If we know that someone knows how to knit, then socks are included in the list of required products. The question doesn’t even arise whether the craftswoman is familiar with knitting socks on 5 knitting needles. The answer is implied, as it were, in itself. But it is not always the case. For beginning knitters, a hat or scarf is much easier to master than a pair of socks. But today we will look at knitting socks on 5 knitting needles, because this is the most necessary attribute of clothing. Kids and adults, women and men, everyone loves beautiful and warm socks. A pair of socks, knitted with your own hands and with a lot of love, will be an excellent gift for a loved one or a child.

Modern craftswomen have long abandoned traditional socks with 5 knitting needles, striped and a flat heel. Now the variety of models is amazing in its richness. Started knitting socks:

  • with openwork and relief inserts;
  • original lacing;
  • using bias knitting;
  • with added ornament;
  • not only on 5, but also on two knitting needles.

Socks crocheted, not just knitted, have gained great popularity. Therefore, all needlewomen have to master knitting socks. Let's consider the classic method - knitting socks on 5 knitting needles. For beginners you will need to know:

  • set of loops. Any familiar method will do;
  • knitting purl and knit stitches. To do this, you can use recommendations or training videos;
  • knitting elastic bands. Also an optional detail. Some people do without a rubber band. True, in this case, you need to either come to terms with the spacious top of the sock, or knit socks on 5 knitting needles with a relief pattern from the very beginning;
  • decreasing and adding loops. You can only get by with the ability to knit two loops together and add loops from the broach;
  • methods of closing loops. Some people do without this technique - they tighten the remaining loops with a working thread at the end of knitting;
  • know some patterns. But this point is only suitable for those who want to improve their skills. At the very beginning of knitting socks on 5 knitting needles, knowing the stockinette stitch is enough.

Let's move on to the practical part - we begin to learn how to knit socks on 5 knitting needles.

Video: Knitted socks for adults

How to prepare for knitting socks

The main preparations for knitting socks on 5 knitting needles will be the selection of tools and yarn. Some craftswomen begin training on already used threads. Leftovers of different colors and textures will work. But many people take new yarn to make the product look more attractive.

For knitting you will need a set of 5 knitting needles. The second name is circular. Knitting socks on 5 knitting needles is convenient for several reasons, for example:

  • saving time. You don't have to sew the finished product;
  • no seam, which is very convenient for babies;
  • the sock fits perfectly on the foot.

For the first time, it is good to knit from soft yarn with the addition of synthetic fiber. If a toddler puts a sock on a bare leg, then the pure wool will be itchy, but for a man it’s worth taking a closer look at threads with nylon included. These socks will last longer.

The next stage is the choice of knitting needles. Beginning knitters will need to follow the instructions on the skein of yarn. And already in the process of knitting you will be able to determine the desired structure. Some people like smoother knitting needles, others like rough ones. Many people like it shorter, while others knit it long.

Let's move on to measurements. The basic data for knitting socks on 5 knitting needles are:

  • foot length. Measured from the heel to the end of the big toe;
  • the instep, or rather its girth, which is measured from the middle of the heel.

This data will be sufficient for further calculations. We add together the two values ​​and divide by 2 - we get the length of the canvas for the set. And we calculate the number of loops that we will cast on for knitting socks on 5 knitting needles using a control sample. You can learn how to do this correctly from the relevant publications. Some people find it easier to use a size chart. Note! The number of loops for casting must be a multiple of 4; if this parameter does not hold, then the missing loops should be added. For a pair of adult socks, 150-200 g of yarn is enough; for toddlers, we halve it.

Photo master class on knitting socks on 5 knitting needles

First of all, we cast on loops on 2 knitting needles, then we pull one out. Now you need to distribute the stitches equally across 4 knitting needles. The fifth remains working. Beginner knitters can simply transfer them from the starting needle, while more daring knitters can immediately begin knitting the first row. When the first row is completed, you need to connect the fabric into a circle.

At the same time, be careful that the fabric does not twist, otherwise the top of the sock will not look aesthetically pleasing. We continue to knit with an elastic band 1x1 or 2x2. For small feet or sizes it is better to take 1x1, for men's socks 2x2 is suitable. The length of the elastic must correspond to the size. If there is a lapel, then it can be made longer. Finishing strips can be placed on the elastic if desired.

Having finished the elastic band, continue to knit in stockinette stitch (knot stitch). Here you can start adding patterns or ornaments. The sock will only benefit from this.

Let's move on to the most important place of the sock, which raises a lot of questions, the heel. We leave two of the four knitting needles out of work (temporarily), and continue working on only two.

Or rather, we transfer the loops from the other two knitting needles to one and knit a flat fabric with stockinette stitch, the height of which is equal to the height of the heel. Don't forget the edges, which need to be removed at the beginning of the row! There is a calculation method in which the number of edge stitches on the fabric should be equal to the number of loops on one knitting needle minus one. The edge is formed after knitting two rows, so it is quite easy to calculate the height of the heel. This technique is useful if a sock on 5 knitting needles is knitted for a gift or to order.

We divide the remaining loops by 3. These parts may not be equal for one simple reason - the number of loops in the work is not always a multiple of three. Therefore, we make two parts the same, and the larger amount will go to the middle part.

We begin to form the heel. The knitting will focus on the middle part. In the first row we knit the initial part, then the middle one to its last loop. The latter is knitted together with the first of the next (third) part. It is important to perform this technique behind the bottom wall.

Turn and knit the middle part. Having reached the last loop, we knit it together with the first next (first) part. Turn again, and so on until the moment when only the middle part remains on the spoke.

The heel of the sock, knitted on 5 knitting needles, is ready.

Now we need to restore the original number of loops. We carry out a set of side braids of the heel height fabric.

Many needlewomen use a crochet hook for convenience and beauty, others use a crochet hook, and others add it using reverse yarn overs. Any method will be appropriate. The knitting needles will change their location slightly, but in the next row we distribute the loops into four parts, as was the case at the beginning of knitting.

Next, knit the sock to the toe. To ensure that the product fits the leg well, decreases are made. It is necessary to carefully check that the decreases are on the sides of the sock. To reduce the volume, knit two together at the beginning of the 1st and 3rd knitting needles, and at the end of the 2nd and 4th. When to start knitting the toe can be seen in the photo.

The first decreases are made through the row. As soon as there are half as many loops - in each. You need to reduce the number to 1 loop on each knitting needle, which you then simultaneously knit together and tighten the end of the thread. The sock is ready to try on. The second one is knitted similarly.

Types and models of socks

There are no restrictions for experienced knitters. Therefore, knitting socks on 5 knitting needles is becoming more and more original. By adding various patterns to the canvas, they create such patterns that cause admiration.

Children's socks are decorated with various details, women's socks are striking in their variety of shapes and colors, men's socks are laconic and strict in outline.

No one will refuse warm and soft knitted socks in winter. Anyone who has any idea about knitting can make them. Beginning needlewomen will only need to know a few simple patterns to please their family members with beautiful and warm products. You will also need a pattern for knitting socks on 5 knitting needles.

Necessary materials

If you decide to knit socks for someone in the family, you need to first stock up on everything you need. First of all, you will need a set of knitting needles, which can be purchased at any store offering handicraft supplies. You can also buy yarn right away. For an adult, 5 knitting needles can be made from 150 g of woolen threads. If we are talking about making such products for a child, then you will need about 50-70 g of yarn.

You also need to take measurements while knitting, so have a portable ruler handy. A pattern for knitting socks on 5 knitting needles, which can be found in this article, will help beginner needlewomen cope with the job.

Where to start knitting?

In order for future socks to fit a person, you need to calculate the number of loops. To do this, you will need to knit a small sample, which will allow you to make the correct calculations. To make it, it is enough to cast on 15 loops and knit about 15 rows. After this, you need to measure the sample with a ruler without stretching it. The number of stitches cast on is subsequently divided by the centimeters obtained.

Next, you need to make the necessary measurements that will allow you to determine the width of the future product. First you need to take two measurements. The first is the circumference of the leg in the area of ​​the bone, and the second is the circumference of the foot along the instep. The data obtained must be summed up and divided in half: this value will be the optimal width of the sock. After these measurements, you need to multiply the previously obtained number of loops included in 1 cm of the previously knitted sample by the calculated width of the sock. When casting on loops, it is worth considering that their number should be a multiple of 4, since the fabric will be distributed over four knitting needles.

Knitting pattern for socks on 5 knitting needles: getting started

Making socks often begins with knitting the cuff. The first step is to cast on the required number of loops and distribute them evenly on all the knitting needles while knitting the first row. For this, an elastic band in which there is an alternation of front and back loops is best suited. If men's socks are knitted on 5 knitting needles, then the optimal height of the cuff will be about 8 cm. In children's products, it should be made about 3-4 cm.

After the cuff is ready, the transition to the main pattern is carried out. For beginning needlewomen, it is enough to know how to knit knit stitches and to knit socks on 5 knitting needles. If you wish, you can use the simplest patterns or make the socks multi-colored. Regardless of color, the yarn used for knitting should be of the same thickness and texture.

After making the cuff, a leg of the selected length is knitted. Based on personal preference, you can make your socks short or high.

How is the heel knitted?

From half of all the cast-on loops, which are located on two knitting needles, the heel is knitted. The fabric located on the first and second knitting needles is not yet knitted. If socks are knitted (see mk) on 5 knitting needles, then the height of the heel will be about 6 cm. In women's socks, its height is 5 cm, and in children's socks - 3-4 cm. Since the heel is most susceptible to wear, when knitting it, it is not superfluous will use stronger threads in addition to wool, for example, darning. Once the heel is ready, the extra thread is removed and the foot is knitted with wool yarn only.

The loops on the remaining two knitting needles can be gathered onto pins, then they will not slip. Otherwise, it is better to make special plugs from an eraser for the tips of the knitting needles.

Once the heel height matches the size, you can begin to decrease the stitches. To do this, you need to divide the loops into three parts. If their number is not a multiple of three, then the side parts are made identical, and the extra loops remain in the middle. One side part and the central part are knitted. The last loop of the central part and the first side one are knitted together. After this, the product is turned over to the front side. The first loop after turning is simply removed without knitting. Next you need to knit the central part. You need to knit its last loop together with the first loop of the side part, and make a turn again. Knitting continues until all the loops of the side parts are cut.

Transition to foot knitting

Once the heel is ready, you can proceed to making the footprint. The first step is to restore the number of loops. This is done as follows: new loops are cast on from the side of the knitted heel. First, this needs to be done on one side with a knitting needle, on which the remaining heel loops are located. After this, the loops that are on the third and fourth knitting needles are knitted. Next, the set of loops from the other side of the heel is repeated. It is also necessary to transfer half the loops of the central part of the heel to the first knitting needle.

After distributing the loops, the foot is knitted. When it reaches the beginning of the thumb, you need to move on to decreasing it.

How is the toe formed?

The last part of the sock is called the toe. If children's socks are knitted on 5 knitting needles, then the heel and end of the sock can be made from threads of a different color, making the product more vibrant. When knitting a toe, you can also use an additional stronger thread. This will protect your socks from premature wear.

To form a rounding, you must first knit the 1st and 3rd knitting needles through a row of two loops together. The same decreases are made at the end of the 2nd and 4th needles. Having reduced the number of all loops to half, you need to make further cuts in each row. When there are 8 loops left on the knitting needles, you need to move on to finishing the work. To do this, you need to pull the thread through the remaining loops, tighten it and securely fasten it.

Final work

Knitting socks on 5 knitting needles is not at all difficult. The main thing is to make accurate measurements. It is also important to correctly calculate the required number of loops. The above pattern for knitting socks on 5 knitting needles will also help beginning needlewomen.

In order for the finished products to look beautiful, they need to be steamed. To do this, iron the socks through a slightly damp cloth. You cannot iron the cuff, because after this it will not be fixed on the leg, and the sock will slide down.

Made from wool or half-wool thread. You can use angora, rabbit fluff or, but it will be more convenient to knit from standard skeins of wool purchased in craft stores.

Advice. The thickness of the knitting needle should correspond to the thickness of the thread, folded in half and slightly stretched.

The number of loops that you need to cast on to start knitting should be divided by 4. Their number depends on the thickness of the thread and on the density of knitting, and on the number of knitting needles, but practice shows that on average for a sock on an adult leg you will need 44 loops + 1 to connect the circle.

Advice. It is better to cast on stitches for the first row by connecting all 5 knitting needles, or at least 3. This is necessary so that the elastic stretches better and the sock is easier to put on.

After all the loops are cast on, you need to distribute them equally onto 4 knitting needles, the 5th knitting needle will be the working one. Knitting socks is not difficult if you are familiar with 1/1 or 2/2 ribbing. Its height depends on personal preference and can be anything.

How to knit the heel of a sock correctly

After finishing knitting the elastic, another 5-6 cm needs to be knitted with facial loops and you can start knitting the heel. For some reason, this moment frightens those who are trying to knit socks for the first time. For beginners, especially this part of the product seems the most difficult. Following the exact step-by-step instructions, you need to do the following:

1. Slip stitches from one needle to the next one so that only 3 remain in the work.

2. Knit 19 rows on one needle, alternating the front row and the purl row (garter stitch).

3. Divide the number of loops into 3 parts. If there are 22 loops on a knitting needle, then there will be 8 loops in the middle part, and 7 loops on the sides.

4. Knit 7 loops from the beginning of the row, then another 7 loops from the main part, and knit the last 8 loop together with 1 loop for 3 parts.

5. Turn the product over without knitting the 3rd part and again knit 7 loops of the main part, and knit the 8th loop with the outermost loop of the side part.

6. Turn the product over again and continue knitting the same way, so that there are always 8 loops left in the main part.

As soon as the loops of the side parts run out and there are 8 loops left on the knitting needle, it means that the question of how to knit the heel of a sock with knitting needles has been resolved.

Completing knitting a sock

Next, you need to knit in the round with knit stitch, but first you will have to cast on the missing number of 7 loops on those sides where there are no loops. Work in a circle continues, periodically trying on the sock. As soon as the outer row reaches the end of the little finger, you need to complete the work correctly so that the socks knitted on 5 knitting needles are comfortable and easy to wear. To do this, simply knit the loops of each row together on adjacent knitting needles.

Socks are not considered a very simple product, but if you decide to master circular knitting on knitting needles, then you should start with knitting socks on 5 knitting needles. Socks (p. 36-37)

You will need

Set of 5 double needles, size 3

200 m/100 g yarn of any color (50% wool, 50% acrylic)

1. Cast on 40 stitches on 2 needles. Distribute them onto 4 knitting needles with 10 stitches each.

2. Knit with an elastic band 1 x 1 in a circle of 7 cm.

Knit the first rows of the elastic sock looser than all the others, then it will stretch better and the sock will be easier to put on and take off the foot. For the same purpose, the first two rows can be knitted on needles of a larger number.

4. At a height of 5 cm, divide all loops into three parts: 7 + 6 + 7 loops. In the next row, knit 7 loops of the side heel plus 5 loops of the middle part of the heel, knit the 6th loop of the middle part of the heel with the first loop of the other side heel. Rotate the knitting 180°. Next, remove the first loop of the middle part of the heel, knit the next 4 loops, knit the 6th loop of the middle part with the first loop of the side part of the heel. Turn the work around. In this way, knit the heel until there are no loops of the middle part of the heel left on the knitting needle (6 loops).

6. Start decreasing at the toe. To do this, on the first and third knitting needles, first knit the first, and then knit the 2nd and 3rd loops together. p. On the 2nd and 4th knitting needles, knit the penultimate two loops together, then knit the last loop. Decrease through the circle until there are 5 stitches left on each needle. Then decrease in each row until there are 2 loops left on each needle.