A conspiracy to return. Prayers for return and indifference of a loved one, how to use them. Prayers for the return of money debt, view

The current conspiracy to return a debt works only on certain days of the week, but it helps to return hard-earned money without complications in a short time. A conspiracy is read to repay the debt on days when the moon is waning, with special magical attributes. If the conspiracy to return a monetary debt is carried out incorrectly, the entire cash flow in a person's house may suffer. How to carry out a secret ceremony according to all the rules?

Magical ways to return the "favor"

It is no coincidence that it is chosen from the Conspiracy to repay the debt. There is a big difference between how and when a person reads magic words. For conspiracies to get a person to pay back a debt, multi-stage rituals are not needed. Rituals work from the strength of a person's desire, from his inner message and thoughts. In order not to waste time in vain, a conspiracy to return money - to repay a debt is selected for a specific situation.

A conspiracy to pay back a debt will help to return money without complications for all participants in the ritual. With the help of money magic on the waning moon, a person gets rid of everything that burdens his life, interferes with development. It is necessary to get rid of unfulfilled obligations, which do not easily interfere, but cause real damage to the energy of the whole family, without delay. Spells for matches, water, fire are at the same time the simplest and most effective. The black or white ritual is carried out exclusively at night so that a person who is expecting money back can be left alone with his own thoughts.

What is the spell for

You should read the conspiracy to return the debt for a specific reason. There is a conspiracy to return a monetary debt from the first day, therefore, the timing of the ritual must be chosen so that the debtor can contact the one who helped him in difficult times. The spell works from the desires of a person, so it is not worth holding a grudge against the debtor. A proven method of refunding money works for beginners and experienced magicians, and to carry them out, you need the most affordable magical attributes.

To return money (a certain amount of money), which rightfully belongs to the conspirator, you must choose one of the simple rituals of Vanga or the Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova. The strongest spells will be useful not only for individuals, but also for official companies or enterprises. To return a large sum, the most reliable ceremonies are needed, as a result of which the conspirators will not doubt.

Choosing a ritual

A fast-acting ritual at home is an opportunity to get money in a short time without resorting to the help of official authorities. The simplest ceremonies will allow you to return monetary stability and find harmony:

  • with the help of a whisper, a powerful return of the borrowed amount of money is made (no matter how large or small the agreed return period is);
  • the conspiracy of Muslims is one of the strongest in debt collection;
  • Slavic rituals are carried out to give money away, for which you will need incense, church candles and holy water;
  • white charms on the debtor for the return of the amount can be read on any Orthodox holidays (Easter, Christmas, Epiphany).

In order for debt repayment to go smoothly, strong protection should be put on the home, living and working space. For these purposes, a protective spell is cast on amulets or charms. You should read spells on the debtor carefully so as not to harm the energy of the other person.

To force the debtor to repent, it is necessary to make a strong return on the men's days of the week - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. For the debtor, the magic used by the conspirator is a real test. Even the most persistent person can be forced to return the loan.

Rite of passage

The conspiracy to quickly repay the debt is read for magical attributes that are easy to buy, find, find in your own home. Making the debtor pay back the debt with the help of a chair conspiracy will not be difficult even for a beginner. It is necessary to read a conspiracy to return a debt to pieces without witnesses. The text of the spell is learned by heart. An experienced magician will tell you how to quickly repay debts with a magic conspiracy, but even a beginner who first took up such a responsible business can do money magic.

How to get a debtor to pay back a debt using a chair conspiracy? The first step is to take the most common old chair or stool. To influence the debtor, it is not worth buying new furniture. Only one leg is needed for the ritual. An effective magical method only works for the waning moon. The return of the borrowed money will pass without a single consequence if all stages of the ceremony are carefully prepared.

What is needed

A set of additional magical attributes will enhance the work of the spell. The return of money is carried out with the help of:

  • legs from an old chair;
  • holy water;
  • matches.

The conspiracy to repay the debt is read directly to the debtor, to the energy flow in his house. It is rarely possible to force a malicious defaulter to return what does not belong to him without magic. You can read the spell only in cloudless weather, and to protect your own home, you should read the "Our Father" prayers and an appeal to the Mother of God.

In no case should you read a spell with poor health or with a soul full of resentment. This behavior will only hurt. It is necessary to break off from the chair with bare hands without the help of special tools. From the leg you need to beat off a few chips, on which you will be able to make a strong ritual.

Reading the conspiracy

The conspiracy for a person to return the borrowed should be read under the Moon. The content of the spell a woman or man must understand and realize, otherwise magic will not help to return their own money. For the ritual, you should turn off all the lights in the house and light a church candle. Prayers are read to the glow of the fire, addressed to the saints, whose name is a man or woman. The whole rite must be felt to the last word.

“If anyone asks for his money, let my debt, let someone else's, you are a servant of God (name) must give yours. Your gold, your wealth, your coins. If you don’t return your money on time, let you be rewarded according to your deserts. Destiny is inevitable. Amen".

Safe white magic is used for the ritual of paying off debts. There is no need to be afraid of the consequences of your own actions. The enchantment is used in strict secrecy so that no one will find out. Debts that have been returned will be of use if additional protective ceremonies are carried out.

New Moon Spell

A conspiracy to quickly return debts for the forces of both the skeptic and the person who deeply believes in God. Magic does not harm anyone who respects its power. A conspiracy to repay a debt using matches is carried out on New Moon only in exceptional cases when it is not possible to return the borrowed in the usual way at all. To repay the debt with the help of a conspiracy, you must wait for the appropriate phase of the moon.

To pay off debt in a swamp, this black conspiracy to return works flawlessly. A powerful full moon money debt conspiracy requires careful preparation. All magical attributes that are used in magic are charged the day before. A conspiracy of white magic to repay a debt or a black rite will allow you to forget about money problems and accumulate capital. A person decides for himself whether it makes sense to resort to such a powerful charm or not.

Preparation for a secret magical action

For the full moon, you need to prepare matches, a black piece of fabric or a tablecloth, a wax candle, a photo of the debtor. It is very important to follow all the rules of the ceremony. The man, who is going to return the money as soon as the moon appears, opens wide the windows in the house.

Attributes, with which a person worked for several days, must be laid out around the photo. Candles are lit last. As soon as a person feels an inner readiness, he begins to carry out a secret action. To return the money, a tablecloth or cloth is laid out on the windowsill, candles and the most recent photograph of the debtor are placed on top (it is very important that the picture is not old).

When the spell is cast

Above the attributes that the conspirator has stocked up, the words of the spell are read:

“I am sending punishment to the servant of God. Let now my debtor feel the trouble, let him press down, let him burn what he created. Forces of heaven help. You can't blame me, you can't break me, you give me your debts. Now (name) will not be able to sleep without thinking about other people's money, he will not be able to eat without pangs of conscience. Now it will be just like that. Amen".

The quick ritual starts working on the second day. Each candle remaining after the ceremony should be set on fire in the evening throughout the week and the prayer "Our Father" should be read. To set up the cash flow, after the debtor gives the money, rune protections are placed or staves are drawn in the house.

Attributes that lure money into a candle, matches or other things should not be thrown away. If after reading the spell there are cinders left, they should be taken to the church. Money will not disappear from the house if the conspirator says protective prayers by candlelight. Setting up cash flow after the ceremony is the primary task of a person who does not want to lose money.


After the ritual, you will be refunded the money as soon as possible

When lending a thing or a certain amount of money to someone, we hope that this person will return everything according to the agreement. In practice, unfortunately, everything happens differently and you have to knock your property or money lent to others with great difficulty or even say goodbye to it forever.

Everyone knows that debts should be repaid and that this is a matter of honor, but they themselves, finding themselves in a similar situation, often act differently. Is there a method to get a person to repay the debt?

Yes, of course, true, not all methods of influencing it are permissible at the legislative level.

It also happens that you do not have witnesses to claim the debt in court, in addition, the debtor may simply hide from you when there is no one to present a claim to at all.

In such a situation, it is worth using the magic power of the conspiracy to return money from the debtor. Some of them in practice turn out to be quite effective and force the debtor to return everything that you borrowed in the shortest possible time.

Money magic and conspiracy on the debtor is a very effective measure of influence, as you yourself will be able to see for yourself one day.


Any of the rituals or conspiracies used to repay a debt or associated with any material things belong to the category of household magic. A person has been practicing it for many centuries, identifying the features and honing the nuances of each of its rituals. The most interesting and effective of them should be familiarized with in detail.

* Strong conspiracies should be carried out only during the Growing Moon, as well as rituals associated with attracting or increasing money capital.

* Before using strong magical conspiracies / rituals, you should make sure that the person does not repay the debt, not because of his difficult financial situation, but simply does not want to give it up at all or maliciously evades his obligation.

* Even in the case of a deliberate desire not to return the debt to you, use rituals only from White magic against the debtor. Remember that Black Magic is not as safe as for the one against whom it is directed, and against the one who uses it.

* Having received a debt from a debtor through a magical action, always mentally thank him. This simple trick will eliminate all the negative energy that surrounded both of you during the entire process of returning things or money borrowed from you.


After receiving money from the debtor, try to think good about him in order to get rid of the negativity.

Ritual conspiracy with a broom:

This is one of the most effective rituals with reading a conspiracy on a debtor. The effect of dealing with the debtor will be especially evident if he lives near your home.

What is needed for the ritual:

* brand new broom;

* used and old enough broom.

With a new broom, you need to cleanly sweep the threshold of your debtor's house in the direction from his threshold towards your threshold, repeating the words of the conspiracy:

, Good broom! I sweep with you, I sweep with you, I take the money of my debtor (his name) to me from him! "

, Old broom! I sweep with you, I sweep with you, I leave you on this threshold, so that my debtor - (his name), would not let him sleep or eat, he would not leave alone, he annoyed me with thoughts of me, so that he would give me the debt! ”

After completing all the steps and reading these conspiracies, you should go home without turning around and not talking to anyone, without engaging in conversations with anyone. The debt will be returned to you within one month.

Important! After receiving a debt from your debtor, for several days try to think positively about him and mentally thank him. This will help you get rid of the unpleasant aftertaste that forced you to turn to the power of magic.

Rite of passage with a box of matches:

What is needed for the ritual:

* church candle (thin) - 1 pc .;

* new matchbox.

Every night, starting from the day you buy these items, you should light a candle and light one match from it, put it on a saucer and watch it burn out. In this case (while the match is burning) you must pronounce the following conspiracy against the debtor:

, My friend, my brother, Fire! Make God's Servant (his name) return my debts. Torture his conscience, burn his soul so that he can neither sleep nor eat until he returns his debt to me! "

It is better if you pronounce this conspiracy several times, starting from the beginning of the ceremony and until its completion.

Put the ashes from each match in another (empty) matchbox or leave it on the saucer without removing it until the debts are returned to you. After that, it should be dispelled at the intersection with the words:

, Wind friend, Wind Brother! Unlock the four gates, spread the good news in all directions that the debt has been returned to me, that there is truth! "

Also return home by another road, without entering into conversation with anyone. Do not forget to thank the person who repaid your debts within a few days.

Coin ritual.

This ritual belongs to the category of light magical rites and is intended to influence those people with whom you would like to maintain friendly relations. Such a ritual does not do any harm to a person, but only slightly pushes him to repay your debts as soon as possible.

What is needed for the ritual:

* medium denomination coin made of white metal - 1 pc .;

* a spruce or a tree growing on the street (outside your home or yard).

Having previously selected a suitable tree, in the early morning you should symbolically bury a coin under it, saying:

“Take, Mother Earth, a coin for a while!

Let the Servant of God (his name) toil in the Light!

Let your feet hit the Earth aimlessly,

Until my debt is returned to me!

How this Spruce protects a coin,

So let my image hang over him!

Let him know neither peace nor sleep,

Until he pays me back the debt in full! "

This conspiracy should be pronounced three times and go home without turning around, not engaging in conversation with anyone and not answering the questions of passers-by. It is advisable to call the debtor in a few days in order to remind about yourself at a time when he will no longer have peace of mind.

This technique will make him hurry up with the return of the debt. In no case do not think bad about him and do not wish him ill, otherwise he will not be able to return the debt. After you get the desired result, go to the place where the coin is buried, dig it out with the following words:

“Hello Mother Earth!

I came with gratitude!

God's Slave (his name) paid back my debt in full,

I have no grudge against him. "

After picking up a coin, it can be stored in a wallet or casket, as a talisman against losing money or to increase it. After the debt has been returned to you on the charmed coin, it acquires twice as large magical properties for the safety and increase of your capital.

Ritual with a burning green candle.

If all the levers and methods of influence on the debtor have already been used, use the following magic ritual to return what belongs to you.

What is needed for the ritual:

* Green candle - 1 pc.

A decorative candle from a regular store will not work, as well as a green scented one. The candle for this ritual must be found in a specialty esoteric store.

Green is the color of money, a candle is an indispensable attribute of magical actions. Together with the conspiracy, this will be a powerful message to the debtor to repay your debt.

Every day before going to bed, you need to light a candle and read this conspiracy in front of it once:

“My money, I will tell you to return to my house!

From someone else's pocket, from someone else's doorstep

Return to your master!

May my debtor be God's Servant (his name),

Does not solve important matters, does not know peace,

Lives the life of an outcast

Until he returns mine!Amen."

Ritual with a church candle.

For this ritual, you should purchase (without bargaining and delivery!) A wax candle in the church.

When the sun begins to set, holding a burning candle with your left hand and looking at the burning flame, say the words of the conspiracy 13 times in a row:

“You, God's Servant (his name), are my old debtor,

You don’t want to return the debt to me,

how this candle melts.

While this candle will burn for a long time,

your life will slowly smolder.

You will return the debts to me, you will heal well!

My words are sealed with fire. Amen!"

In the afternoon of the next, go to the nearest church, where put a candle stub for the health of your debtor with the words:

"Most High, be my witness,

That I forgive my debtor - the Servant of God (his name),

Today tomorrow afternoon.

And so - for all the days of his life.

I myself will not judge, I will pray to God,

To punish him by his Court,

Debts are obliged to return.

I am the Servant of God (your name), baptized and prayerful,

For his debtor

I praybefore our Lord.Amen!"

This ritual and conspiracy against the debtor is initially somewhat reminiscent of a ritual from Black magic, but in fact it belongs to the category of White rites.

The old conspiracy "For the money to be returned"

This ritual has come down to our days from antiquity, it is carried out on the Growing Moon after the order of the Sun. With its help, you can not only return the money debt, but also speed up the process of paying wage arrears.

What is needed for the ritual:

* candle (green) - 1 pc .;

* honey - 1 tsp;

* saucer - 1 piece;


* simple pencil;


Before the ceremony, it is necessary to close all doors in the house and windows / vents, turn off the light in the room where you will conduct the ceremony. Next, you should coat the candle with honey, set it on the table and light it with a match (do not use a lighter!).

The next step is to warm your hands over the hot flame of a candle and say:

“How strongly the honey is sticky on the candle,

How very sweet the sugar is in it,

So let it go to my hands

Money always stuck

never came off! "

Now, after reading the conspiracy 3 times, take a piece of paper and write on it with a simple pencil the amount of money you owe you. Below, under the numbers, you should add:

"What's mine, hurry to me,

Fear nothing and no one

Don't linger anywhere!

"What's mine, hurry to me,
Fear nothing and no one
Don't linger anywhere! "

After completing this magical ritual, the ashes from the burnt paper should be poured under the rug on the debtor's vice or scattered in his yard. Very soon, your debtor will show up and announce his intention to repay his debt. As soon as you get your debt from him, go to church. You need to put a candle in his health after reading one of the prayers known to you for such an occasion (it is allowed to read the prayer "Our Father").

Important! The quality of this ritual can be judged by the result obtained. The ideal option can be considered when, after performing such a magical action, the old debt was returned to you, the wage arrears were paid, and even the profit from an unforeseen source came. Usually, the profit is almost equal to the amount of debt that you could not get back for a long time.

How to get your girlfriend or woman back if she left you? A strong and proven conspiracy will help in order to return the beloved after parting and reawaken her love and interest in herself. After parting, go to church and perform a white magic ceremony to return love from a loved one. Having bought any candle in the church, leave the change at the mercy (saying to put

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  • In terms of their popularity, magic rituals for the return of a legal spouse or a loved one home occupy a leading position, and this is not surprising. At the same time, the conspiracies themselves are different - these are rituals for the return of a man home, his love and favor. It is about them that will be discussed further - what are the general rules for their conduct, the rituals themselves and the texts of conspiracies and what to expect.

    General rules for ritual ceremonies for the return of a spouse

    It is possible to return a loved one, a spouse to the family with the help of a magic ritual - the main thing is to do this during the growing moon, when the effectiveness of love magic will also grow. The woman herself, during the ritual to return her husband, should not hold anger or resentment against him - otherwise the conspiracy will not work.

    If communication between a man and a woman has not stopped - at the time of the ritual and the period of its action, until the desired result is obtained, any quarrel and scandal should be excluded. Become for him at this time white and fluffy - this will sit the ritual and its influence on the man, but for the entire ritual you may need his things or periodic personal contacts with the object of your influence.

    Return conspiracy carried out on the seam of the garment

    The presented ritual helps not only to turn the spouse away from the lover, but also, by returning him to the family, to renew the former passion between husband and wife. If your husband's clothing item is preserved in your wardrobe, try to make him wear it 2-3 more times and then you can start the ritual.

    To do this, on a women's day of the week, for example Thursday, when the moon is growing, it is worth taking a pre-prepared white spool of thread, preferably cotton. You pay the full price for them without bargaining, and if you give a large change bill, you don’t take it and when you go home, you don’t speak to anyone.

    In the evening, you should sit by the window, on the windowsill and mentally wish that the husband would come home as soon as possible, imagine how and which way he was going from work, the store, and sew one seam with neat stitches so that he would not be visible. In this case, it is worth condemning the words of the following conspiracy:

    “As thread and for a needle, so stitch to stitch, along a stitch - a path, but my dear to my home, but love for him will return. You will be here forever - to live, in love and joy, in youth and old age, without me and without a minute, not to sleep for an hour, not to live for a year. A thread - you and a key, a needle - and a lock. "

    When the husband, leaving, took all the things, it is worth buying something new and giving him as a present, having formally reconciled and then performing the ceremony on his own gift.

    Conspiracy to the husband in the back

    In some cases, even if the husband has left, but periodically visits your dm, for example, to communicate with the child, you can carry out a ritual conspiracy in his back. If carried out correctly, the result is guaranteed once and for all. When a man leaves the house, say the following words to his back:

    “A salty tear flows down the cheek - yes, it falls on the cheese, falls and is absorbed - but there is no trace left. My grief will go to the earth - you are a servant of God ... a name ... to your spouse, a servant of God ... a name ... but stay forever. "

    The main condition is that the husband does not hear the words of the ritual conspiracy you are speaking. It is repeated an even, so to speak, paired number of times, but the result will show itself after 2-3 weeks.

    Rite and wedding ring

    This ritual with wedding rings is very powerful and effective, but it can be performed once, because it works once, and when repeated, it simply will not take effect. To return Suprun back to the family, you should prepare your own wedding ring in advance by rinsing it with running cold water.

    You will also need to prepare in advance the water consecrated in the church - it should be personally collected and consecrated in the temple, on Friday, at the evening service, with the growing moon. It is on the same day that the ritual is carried out, so to speak, for fresh water - it is poured into a crystal glass or vase at home, a ring is lowered there and over it and the text of the conspiracy to return her husband home is read. The conspiracy words are as follows:

    "The water around the ring is holy and pure, return your husband to the family - God helps me in that, the Virgin Mary is a witness, Christ is the intercessor."

    Then they drink this water and holding their breath, take a ring with your lips and put it on your ring finger, without removing it, wear it for a whole month on your right hand. The main thing is to keep secret everything that you have performed such a ritual, and even after it has been carried out - not to tell anyone that you performed a love spell on your spouse.

    Boiling water conspiracy

    Such a ritual ceremony and the conspiracy itself will suit those women whose spouse has left the family completely and irrevocably - they resort to the help of such a ritual at a young month. To do this, you need a real stove, ideally. But if there is none, then you can limit yourself to a simple gas stove - put a pot of water in it or on it and let it boil. As soon as the water begins to boil, it is worth reading the conspiracy to leave the husband from the rival and return him home:

    “But you boil and boil cold water, after it dries - it dries up, so you are a servant of God ... name ... boil and dry after a servant of God .... your name ... ..Die - miss your lawful wife, so that you can come home as soon as possible, run and hurry. As I said, so be it. Amen".

    Then let the water cool down and rinse your face with this water and wash all the floors in the apartment with it, and also wipe all the doors and especially the entrance jamb. This will act like a magnet on a person, make them reach for you and return home again.

    Conspiracy for compote

    Is the prospect of an imminent divorce looming on the horizon? A sweet compote will help prevent a rupture - for this it is worth throwing a handful of your spouse's favorite berries and fruits into boiling water and utter the words of the following conspiracy to return him:

    “Let those berries grow separately, and now they will always be together - so are God's servants…. Your names…. We grew apart, and now we will be forever. Amen".

    After that, it is worth drinking the compote together - this will hold you together for many years. If you do not have the opportunity to drink this compote together, practicing magicians recommend going to the cemetery, finding a grave with the deceased, whose name is the same as the object of magical influence, and pour a glass of compote on him.

    Calling and returning a spouse home using a photo

    Such a conspiracy in the photo is fast and effective, simple in its implementation, helping a woman in difficult times, from whom her husband turned away and left home. A photo challenge is a ritual that has been practiced for more than one year and for it you need a picture of a loved one, preferably single, without strangers and animals.

    They take this photo in their left hand, but put their hand on their heart and then pronounce three times the words of the following love spell, returnable conspiracy:

    “I’m waiting for you as a servant of God…. Name…, I’m waiting, I’m boasting about my new clothes - I’ll send my Guardian Angel for you, let him return you home. Amen".

    The effectiveness of the conspiracy is almost instantaneous - if a loved one does not come on the same day, then he will definitely call, and he will come in the next 2-3 days.

    Calling a spouse to return to the house with a church candle

    To carry out this ritual, you should personally buy a candle in the temple, on Sunday for small coins, banknotes, a candle - they give money exclusively with their left hand. After you come home and light a candle - put it where there is no sunlight, and when melting wax starts dripping over it, say the words of the following conspiracy:

    “The wax from the temple candle melts, toils from the fire, so you are a servant of God ... name ... do not eat without me, do not drink, you cannot find a place without me, you want to return to me. Knock on my door - I will open it and I will welcome you. "

    For a while, watch how the candle burns and the wax melts, imagine how the spouse returns to you - if this is the husband, you should further put on the wedding ring on the candle, if this is just a loved one, then affectionately say his name.

    Ritual for a trifle

    To carry out this ritual - take all your small change from your wallet and how much is there, put it all on the table, then sprinkle it with salt and say the words of the following conspiracy over them 12 times:

    “I will leave the house without blessing, I will stand over the threshold without crossing myself, I will go into a clear field, behind him into a green grove, in that grove there is a large tree - an aspen bush, it has a green top. The devil is sitting on that top - help me, do me a great service, to your joy, to help me. Take 99 of your guys to help you - they are devils, send them to the red fellow ... name ... - let them take his soul, longingly dry his chest, and bring his heart to me ... name. Yes, be on that. "

    After that, you should go under the temple closest to you, and simply distribute this money to the poor - when you give money to someone in their hands, quietly say to yourself - Paid. The result will show itself in the next day. But such a ritual is strong enough and, with all its power, takes away from the one who spent it a lot of strength and energy - if after the temple you feel dizzy and weak, suffocating, then he began to act, and the devil himself attracted his entire army to help.