Favorable dates for marriage of the year. We approach the choice of the date of the wedding with all responsibility

Every year, thousands of couples in our country officially marry, and since 2016 is replaced by 2017, accordingly for many young people who are only planning get married in the coming year, it is very important to know: what will be 2017 for a wedding - auspicious or not?

Wedding in 2017. Forecast

Since 2016 will replace the leap year, in the opinion of many superstitious people, it will not be entirely favorable for a wedding. However, most modern astrologers deny this position, claiming that it is just one of many people invented to justify their own mistakes.

Wedding signs

The people call the year following a leap year a widow's year (that is, not very favorable). For this reason, many young couples procrastinate. wedding date, so as not to bring trouble to your union. However, the statistics of previous years suggests that it is inappropriate to be afraid of such names. For example, 2014 was declared the year of widowers, but no significant increase in mortality was recorded, which means there are no prerequisites for the 2017 wedding to be postponed. Unfortunately, often the lack of the necessary education and upbringing in some families and self-doubt are much more dangerous for family life than the astrological date chosen for the wedding.

Wedding in the Year of the Rooster

Summing up all that has been said, it can be argued that for a wedding, 2017 will be lucky and auspicious, especially in cases where people relate to marriage consciously and responsibly. However, the specifics of the coming year may affect the nature of the celebration and its long-term nature. Do not forget that 2017 will be held under the sign of the Fiery Rooster - a lover of classics, accuracy, and conscientiousness. In order for the celebration to be successful, you should arrange it in an atmosphere in which it will be comfortable not only for you, but also for the symbol of the next 2017. This means that a wedding in a traditional austere style with chic classics will be the best option for creating a successful marriage.

The wedding day is the most significant date in the life of newlyweds. Popular wisdom recommends to approach her choice with all seriousness, because the wedding ceremony is shrouded in many beliefs and prejudices. It is believed that the date, month and year in which the marriage was concluded can bring happiness to a couple, or, conversely, quarrels and sorrows.

When choosing an auspicious wedding day, the advice of astrologers and numerologists, as well as some popular beliefs, are taken into account. It is worth paying attention to the dates of Christian fasts. During this period, as well as on the eve of the great holidays, the church does not recommend getting married.

To choose the most favorable days for a wedding in 2019, today's article contains descriptions of all possible favorable and negative dates that affect the future of a newly-made family.

2019 for marriage: what will it be like?

An auspicious day for a wedding depends on a number of factors.

The main criterion that even the most inveterate skeptics try to observe is the choice of the year in which the celebration will be held. It is believed that it should not be a leap year - that is, it should not last 366 days. For a long time, our limbs believed that in the year when February is endowed with an additional 29 days, it is impossible to play a wedding - otherwise the young family will very soon fall apart or live a life in squabbles and strife. Years immediately following leap years are also considered not the best periods for weddings.

The first of them is called the "year of the widow", and the second is called the "year of the widower", that is, the wife or husband runs the risk of being left without a second half early. Those who do not believe in omens will not be forced to postpone the wedding for three years. Well, for everyone else, we have good news - 2019 is not a leap year, nor is the year of the widow or widower! The nearest period, in which there will be 366 days, is 2020, so you should hurry up and celebrate the creation of a family at a good time.

Now let's find out how the Pig affects the families created in the year of her reign. Due to the peculiarities of the chronology according to the Chinese calendar, the Pig will conduct world affairs from February 05, 2019 to January 24, 2020. The Yellow Pig loves openness and easily forges connections, so the Chinese are confident that in a family created in 2019, any disputes will be resolved through dialogue and compromise. As long as a couple has respect for each other and closely follows the needs of the partner, the union will last for many years.

Beautiful dates for a wedding in 2019:

What is meant by a beautiful date? Many couples try to choose a number that will look good on their marriage certificate. Perhaps someone remembers how many people who wanted to legalize the relationship were on July 7 and August 8 in 2007 and 2008, respectively. In 2019, such dates are not expected, but there are many others that, we advise, take note of future newlyweds:

  • Dates when the day and month are the same. In 2019, these will be 1.01, 2.02, 3.03, 4.04, 5.05, 6.06, 7.07, 8.08, 9.09, 10.10, 11.11 and 12.12.
  • Same day and year numbers. For example, 01/19/19, 02/19/19, 03/19/19, etc. Please note that on 08/19/2019 Orthodox celebrate Yablochny Savior, you should not play a wedding on this holiday. But 19.10.19, according to many, is one of the most beautiful dates for marriage in 2019.

02/19/19 is rightfully considered a beautiful date for marriage in 2019. Despite the fact that it falls on Tuesday, when many registry offices do not work, you should not postpone the wedding, because you can order an exit registration.

  • The date on the contrary will look nice in the certificate, namely: 01.10 or 21.12.
  • The variant with growing numbers is also original - 10/9/19.

An auspicious day for a wedding will help you choose an astrological forecast

Choosing an auspicious day for a wedding according to astrological forecasts

It is believed that the location of the heavenly bodies affects our well-being and mood. A decision taken at a favorable or not very moment can predetermine the fate of a person. According to astrological forecasts, a ready-made lunar calendar has been prepared, according to which the most favorable days for a wedding in 2019 are:

  • in January it is better to choose the 7th, 11th, 15th, 18th or 20th;
  • in February - 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17 and 18;
  • in March - 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17 or 18;
  • in April - 7, 11, 12, 15, 18 and 19;
  • in May - 6, 9, 10, 16, 17, 19 or 26;
  • in June - 5, 7, 9, 14, 16 and 17;
  • in July - 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 19 or 26;
  • in August 2019 - 5, 6, 9, 11, 14, 15, 18 and 23;
  • in September - 1, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 29 or 30;
  • in October - 4, 8, 10, 11, 13 and 20;
  • in November - 3, 6, 8, 10, 11 or 28;
  • in December - 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 20, 27, 29, 30 and 31.

Video about auspicious days for a wedding in 2019

Orthodox wedding

Perhaps the most stringent requirements for wedding dates are determined by the church. Although the world is ruled by high technology, many young couples begin their life together not with a visit to the registry office, but with the sacrament of the wedding. Of course, for believers who already regularly go to church and know all the intricacies of the Orthodox calendar, the information below will not be interesting.

When choosing a date, it is important to avoid major church holidays.

However, there are also couples who attend church only on the days of big holidays, and therefore are not very well versed in nuances. We will tell you about the main parameters that the date for a wedding in 2019 should meet. The main reason for refusing to get married is church fasting and great celebrations. The ordinance scheduled for such days will not be performed for you:

  • Tuesday or Thursday - they precede fasting Wednesdays and Fridays, which makes them a forbidden time for weddings;
  • Saturday - according to the Orthodox canon, this day goes before "Little Easter" (Sunday);
  • on the day of Christ's Resurrection - 04/28/2019;
  • in the days of the twelve celebrations. These include the Ascension (06/06/2019), The Exaltation of the Lord's Cross (09/27/2019), the Presentation of the Lord (02/15/2019), the Lord's Baptism (01/19/2019), the Lord's Transfiguration (08/19/2019), the Lord's Ascension (06/06/2019) , Christmas (07.01.2019), Introduction to the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos (04.12.2019), Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (21.04.2019), Day of the Holy Trinity (16.06.2019);
  • during periods of fasting. In 2019, you will not be able to marry during the days of Lent (11.03.2019-27.04.2019), Petrov Lent (24.06.2019-11.07.2019), Dormition Lent (14.08.2019-27.08.2019), Nativity Lent (28.11 .2018-06.01.2019);
  • on the days before the patronal festivities in the temple that you have chosen for the wedding (you will need to clarify about them on the spot);
  • for Cheese Week (03/04/2019 - 03/10/2019). In common parlance, it is often called Maslenitsa;
  • on Christmastide (07.01.2019-17.01.2019) and Bright Week (28.04.2019-04.05.2019);
  • before strict one-day fasts (for example, the Beheading of the Forerunner - 09/11/2019).

There are also several days in the Orthodox calendar, which from ancient times were considered the most favorable for the creation of family unions. The first of them is the holiday of Krasnaya Gorka, which Orthodox people will celebrate on 05/05/2019 (on Sunday, which will be the first after Easter). No less favorable for weddings is the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - it is celebrated twice a year, on 21.06.2019 and 04.11.2019.

Phases, their combination with the days of the week

The penultimate in the hierarchy of importance for determining a favorable wedding time in 2019 were the Lunar phases. Among them, the most positive for marriage are distinguished. These include:

  1. Waxing Crescent. Fullness, a spirit of creation, a striving for completeness fills a long and successful union, but for this one must remember about sincerity and love. You shouldn't even think about the negative at this time.
  2. First quarter. At the renewal stage, the Moon is able to give a considerable charge that will help develop relationships for those who test them with time. But the question must be approached exclusively with the utmost responsibility.
  3. Full moon. It is covered with mystery and mysteries. The atmosphere is the most incredible. According to popular beliefs, this is what you need for a wedding. In 2019, they do not forget about one sign, very important and mysterious. According to her, the union concluded during this period will turn out to be real, solid, like a full cup.

Lunar day in the calendar of weddings for 2019

In the wedding calendar for 2019, created to simplify the choice of an auspicious day, you can also highlight a particularly successful day for entering into unions, which will have a positive effect on family life.

Lunar day (not to be confused with a calendar day!) Meaning
3 Although 3 lunar days can provoke scandals between newlyweds, it is still believed that they are great for people who are going to spend their lives in search of adventure and extreme activities.
6 A married couple will be distinguished by wisdom that can maintain love for a long time. These days are suitable for concluding alliances between mature people who want to leave the riot of youth and stick to a calm and quiet harbor.
7 An excellent time for marriage between people of art. It is recommended to invite creative friends to the holiday - then it will definitely turn out to be unforgettable.
10 The most favorable date in the entire cycle for the ceremony, which will bring any family a close-knit and friendly existence.
13 A lunar day is a good moment for lovers over 30 years old, whose work of life is science. In this case, the union promises to be successful with those who are calm, thorough and phlegmatic.
14 The ideal time for a wedding between people who have already had a spouse. This is an opportunity for change and a second chance, which will turn out to be good luck if the previous experience has been carefully analyzed and all the necessary conclusions have been made.
17 The family idyll will not be overshadowed by any everyday problems. The couple is expecting the birth of desired and gifted children.
22 Lunar days are perfect for those in love who are engaged in creative and "budgetary" spheres. At the festival, it is recommended to pay special attention to the table - it should be rich, generous and offer guests a lot of sweets.
24 Marriage is recommended for those people who have tested their love for a sufficient amount of time. The longer the newlyweds walked hand in hand, the stronger their union will be, and it makes no difference whether they are young or have already crossed the threshold of 40 years.

Folk omens

According to popular belief, the season will determine the fate of your marriage.

Our mothers and grandmothers probably know the superstitions regarding the month of marriage and its impact on the future of the young couple. These signs have been known since time immemorial and are still respected today. According to popular wisdom, the most favorable periods for a wedding are February, June, August, September and December. If a young man and a girl get married in July, they are destined for a rich life, rich in both joys and troubles.

Difficulties are foreshadowed by the spring wedding. “If you get married in May, you will suffer all your life,” says the popular belief. It is explained by the fact that this month was one of the most difficult for our peasant ancestors. A difficult fate promises a young wedding in January, March and October. The alliance concluded in April will be like a roller coaster in its instability. Getting married in November will bring material wealth to the couple, but not love.

How to choose the best day for a wedding according to signs

Many people believe that a wedding in a leap year will badly affect the marriage - it will not be lasting. This is superstition, and the Orthodox Church believes that the wedding this year is no different from the ceremonies held at another time.

Church canons prohibit weddings only on the eve of special holidays, on Great Lent, on Wednesday, Friday.

Even in the old days, it was believed that the leap year patronizes brides. Therefore, the initiative was passed into their hands. Matchmakers were not sent to the girl's house, but, on the contrary, the brides came to match the suitors. Of course, this did not insure against refusal, but girls received it very rarely.

In a leap year, even special ceremonies were performed that had nothing to do with the lunar calendar, but it was believed that this would secure the marriage. So that the union turned out to be long and happy, one of the relatives during the wedding said: "I crown it with a crown, and not a leap end", and also:

  • Neither the groom nor the bride should look back on the way to church.
  • The bride should have a dress that covers her knees, then family life will be long, and after the wedding, you cannot share your outfit and jewelry with anyone.
  • A marriage in a leap year will be successful if there is someone in a high position among the guests.

How to determine your wedding date:

  • Lunar calendars. The most important thing to remember for the bride and groom is not to schedule a wedding for lunar or solar eclipses. It is believed that during this period the human mind is clouded, and therefore important decisions will necessarily lead to trouble and hardship. The days when the Moon is in the sign of Taurus and Aries are also considered unfavorable. The most successful marriages are those that were concluded during the waxing moon from new moon to full moon.
  • The date of the wedding in terms of numerology. Experts in this area calculate the date as follows - add the month, year and date together until you get a single number. For example, on April 12, 2017 it will look like this: 1 + 2 + 0 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 1 + 7 = 8. The number 8 will patronize marriage. The best numbers are 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9.
  • In Orthodoxy. We all know that weddings are not performed during Lent. But there are other unfavorable dates that you need to be aware of. These are parental Saturdays, major Orthodox holidays and the fasting period.

I must admit that there are a lot of approaches to choosing an auspicious day for a wedding. It is up to you to decide which of them are trustworthy. However, remember: no signs will be able to upset the union of two loving hearts. Even a marriage made at an unfavorable time can become strong and happy.

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Lunar energy can become both a helper and an enemy. This also applies to such an important event as a wedding. In the life of every person, this moment has a special meaning.

The lunar wedding calendar for 2017 will help you effectively plan your wedding by choosing the right date. This holiday is spiritual, because it binds two souls with invisible bonds in the face of God, witnesses and loved ones. It's a promise, and promises need to be made right. For this, it is better to choose the right time, because the lunar energy changes every day. Astrologers will help you plan your holiday in advance and provide yourself with good luck.

Keep track of the state of not only the Moon, but also the Sun, for solar or lunar eclipses are extremely negative days by definition. These days, everything can go upside down even in routine work, not to mention such an event as a wedding.

Marriage in a lunar eclipse can lead to an early rupture, and in solar eclipse- to constant problems and the emergence of disagreements. These astronomical events are dangerous not only from the point of view of the lunar calendar and astrology in general, but also from the point of view of esotericism. Psychics advise to beware of important events on such days.

Marriage in New Moon or Full Moon will not lead to anything good either. The new moon is the period of the moon's renewal. If you choose him for marriage, then there will be little passion in the relationship. Such a marriage would be very problematic. The Full Moon is chaos and disorder. If you get married on this day, then such a marriage will have very little chance of success. It is like Russian roulette with 5 out of 6 possible rounds: the risks are quite high.

Waning moon or growing - that's the main point. Choose only the waxing moon. If you do not have the opportunity to choose the most suitable day for the wedding, then focus on the entire period of the moon's growth in a given month of 2017. If you have already planned a wedding for one of the growth days, then you will be fine. The waning moon is generally a negative period, so on any of the days you will at least have to risk something, which is absolutely unacceptable.

Auspicious days for a wedding

2016 was a leap year, so in 2017 you can not be afraid of the terrible tales of psychics and navigate the lunar calendar without fear.

January: the moon will grow in January 2017 from 1 to 11, as well as from 29 to 31. These will be the most favorable days for marriage. January 8 and 29 will be the best days, for in them Taurus and Aquarius will help the Moon, respectively. Let the holiday, wedding or the process of combining marriage ties in the registry office pass without unpredictable consequences. Take advice from older and wiser people to avoid unnecessary problems.

February: from 1 to 10 February and from 27 to 28 you can safely marry and arrange a holiday of love. On February 5 and February 10, 2017, the growing moon will be helped by Gemini and Leo. These days, the wedding will be a truly incredible event. On other days of the month, it is best to avoid large numbers of guests. For this, choose only the closest people, for among those gathered there may be secret envious people.

March: in the first month of spring in 2017, even the Full Moon on March 12 will be an auspicious day for a wedding, which will take place under the influence of Virgo, which neutralizes the negative effects of the Moon. Modest celebrations will take risks away from you and give you the chance to succeed. In the future life together, too, there will be no special problems. From 1 to 11 March and from 29 to 31 the lunar disk will grow: these days it will be possible to marry without any worries. March 3, 10 and 31 are especially favorable days for a wedding, so choose them whenever possible.

April: the Moon will grow from April 1 to 10, as well as from April 27 to 30. Gemini will help the Moon on April 2, Libra on April 10, Gemini on April 28, and Cancer on 30, so the days will be very harmonious and powerful energetically. You shouldn't expect any random problems. The rest of the time, astrologers recommend to be more prudent and plan all elements of the holiday as early as possible in order to avoid unnecessary problems.

May: wedding signs say that having married in May, you will suffer all your life. The lunar calendar categorically disagrees with this, because if you choose the right day, you can refute this sign. The most favorable days for weddings according to the lunar wedding calendar in May 2017 will be May 1, 7 and 8. Cancer will be active on the 1st, so it is worth inviting as many relatives as possible to the holiday. On May 7 and 8, Libra will help make the holiday incredibly emotional. On other days from 1 to 10 and from 26 to 31 May, you should be wary of a bad mood and doubts. Remember that everything you do is right.

June: in the first month of summer, from June 1 to June 8 and from June 25 to June 30, the moon will grow, so you can safely plan your wedding during these periods. The Full Moon will come on June 9, but the combination of stars and the energy of the Moon will be very good thanks to Sagittarius. Avoid only conflict situations, then everything will go smoothly. The best days are June 30 and 4. All plans and tasks set these days are destined to come true.

July: in July, you can safely marry on any day from 1 to 8 or from 24 to 31, because the moon is growing these days. July 30, thanks to Scorpio, will be the best day to unite two hearts. July 28 and July 7 will share the second place. On other days, it is advisable not to give unnecessary promises to anyone and to tell only the truth. Lies and hypocrisy will negatively affect the holiday and the life of two people together.

August: the outgoing summer is a good time for marriage. This is confirmed not only by signs, but also by the lunar calendar for 2017, which says that August 25 and 27 will be ideal days for marriage. Small problems can await in the periods from 23 to 31 August and from 1 to 6. On August 7, the Full Moon will be in Aquarius, so on this day you can also safely marry. Avoid changing plans on that big day, because the Full Moon can derail things.

September: Autumn will start well in 2017, as September 3 and 4 will be the best days for a wedding. Similar days will be September 22 and 25. If you cannot plan the holiday so that it falls on these dates, choose any date from 1 to 5 or from 21 to 30 September. Beware of a drastic change in plans at the end of the month. What you planned earlier should happen.

October: All four days from October 1st to 4th will be very favorable for a wedding in 2017. Pragmatic Aquarius and romantic Pisces will help create a happy family. The growth of the moon will also be from October 21 to 30, however, during this period it is better to fear depression and doubts about the choice of your soul mate and the organization of the holiday.

November: From November 1 to November 3, you can get married safely, but it is better to plan everything carefully in order to avoid overlaps and annoying small problems. November 5, despite the fact that the moon will wane, the day is quite auspicious for marriage. It is worth making sure that the guests at the wedding are as happy and joyful as possible, because the negativity will spread very quickly. November 19, 20, as well as from 22 to 30, the time will be suitable, especially if you plan everything together with your significant other.

December: The full moon in December 2017 will be favorable for a wedding due to the influence of Gemini. Plan your wedding on any date from December 1 to December 3 or December 20 to 31. This month is full of days in which absolutely everything should go smoothly: December 1, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 31. On the other days of the growth of the moon, it is worth taking care of your mood, raising it during periods of sadness or depression.

Having decided to play a wedding, the couple surrounds themselves with a lot of worries, because you need to think over every detail so that everything goes in the best possible way, and most often they start with choosing a beautiful date for the wedding. 2017 is rich in beautiful and auspicious dates that will help bring happiness to family life.

  • The year 2017 is held under the auspices of the Fire Rooster, who, by the way, is very sensitive to marriage. It is believed that the Rooster has a rather windy character, likes to arouse interest in the opposite sex, but as far as a wedding is concerned, he completely goes into family life, distinguished by wisdom and loyalty, and therefore expects the same from others;

Auspicious dates

  1. January. This month, auspicious days will be Sundays on the 1st and the 29th. Families that are created these days will be distinguished by a special friendship;
  2. February. In February, the best numbers will be 3.5 and 10, on these dates, weddings will be very calm, which means that family life will also proceed without incident;
  3. March. But in March, the best days will be the dates that fell on Fridays (3, 10 and 31). This month is associated with lightness and freshness, because it is at this time that nature wakes up. Families created in March will also always be filled with lightness, and romance will not fade away in their lives;
  4. April. This month should not be chosen for celebrations for those couples who adhere to the Orthodox faith, because at this time fasting is taking place. Nevertheless, there are favorable dates in April, these are 2, 10 and 28;
  5. May. Not everyone decides to get married this month, because everyone hears the phrase "who gets married in May, he will suffer all his life." But not everyone believes in these signs, and the happiest dates for a wedding in 2017 in May will be the 1,7 and 8 of the month;
  6. June. And this month, on the contrary, is one of the most favorite, the best dates are 4, 9 and 30;
  7. July. In order for the marriage to be strong, it is better to marry on the 7th, 28th and 30th;
  8. August. One of the most successful months, since it is believed that marriages that are concluded this month promise a happy and faithful family life. The most favorable days for marriage registration will be 2, 25 and 27;
  9. September. Couples who conclude their union on the 3rd, 4th and 22nd of this month will live a calm and happy family life;
  10. October. This month, the best dates for marriage will be the 1st, 22nd and 29th;
  11. November. And this month promises couples financial well-being, especially those who will marry on the 3rd, 20th and 24th of this month;
  12. December. Since ancient times, there is a belief that couples who get married in December feel more and more feelings for each other every year. The most favorable days for a wedding in 2017 in the last month of the year are 1, 22 and 24.

Beautiful dates for a wedding in 2017

Many couples want to see a beautiful date in the marriage certificate, so I advise you to book the registration date in advance, because on such dates whole queues line up and not everyone has time to reserve the desired day for the wedding in time.

  • January. Interesting dates this month are 1,10 and 17;
  • February. Note numbers like 2.17 and 20;
  • March. In March, as in the two previous months, there are three dates - 03.03, 17.03.2017, 30.03.2017;
  • April. 04/04/2017, 17/04/2017;
  • May. This month is considered the most unfavorable for marriage, but these are just superstitions and you decide whether to listen to them. 05/05/2017, 05/17/2017;
  • June. This month the best days are 6 and 17;
  • July. One of the most requested months. 07.07.2017, 17.07.2017;
  • August. I advise you to pay attention to days 8 and 17;
  • September. By the way, it is considered the best time for celebrations, and in September there are two whole dates - 09/09/2017, 09/17/2017;
  • October. In October, the best varaints will be the days that fell on the 10th and 17th;
  • November. On the 11th and 17th;
  • December. This month there are two numbers that will make the date especially beautiful - 12 and 17.

As you can see, the most interesting dates will be those where the numbers 1 and 7 occur.

Orthodox wedding

The church is very demanding in the choice of dates for the wedding. All will be auspicious days in the interval from January 20 and, directly, to March 7, May 8 and all autumn, except for those days on which fasting takes place.
You cannot get married during fasting:

  • Uspensky (August 14-27, excluding 19);
  • Rozhdestvensky (November 28 - January 6);
  • Easter (February 7 - April 15, except April 7 and 9)
  • Petrov (June 12 - July 11, except July 7).

The wedding ceremony should also not take place on the day before important church holidays. It is not customary to get married on Wednesday and Friday, but remember that the wedding and registration at the registry office can take place on different days.

How to choose a wedding date

  • Moon calendar. The most important thing here is to choose a date that will not fall on a solar or lunar eclipse. According to legends, these days a person is in a clouded mind, which means that it is better not to make serious decisions during this period (it is believed that they will certainly bring misfortune). According to the lunar calendar, it is also considered unfavorable dates when the moon is in the sign of Aries or Taurus. And the most auspicious days will be those that fall on the growing moon (from new moon to full moon);
  • Numerology. To calculate the patron number, according to numerology, you need to add all the numbers in the wedding date until you get a number consisting of one digit (for example, 03/11/2017 - 1 + 1 + 0 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 15; 1 +5 = 6). The best numbers for marriage are 1,3,5,7 and 9;
  • Orthodoxy. As mentioned above, in Orthodoxy there are many dates on which marriage is not encouraged. These days usually fall on church holidays, and it is also not worth getting married on Wednesday and Friday.

As you can see, there are many ways to choose a wedding date that will promise you happiness, and only you can decide which of these methods to follow.

However, I want to remind you that no unfavorable dates can bring misfortune for people who really love each other, your fate is only in your hands.

So 2017 is knocking on the door. New Year is for that and new, to bring into our life something that was not there before. Someone will move to a new apartment, someone will find a new job, but some will want to create a new family with their soul mate. But for a marriage to be successful and durable, you need to think carefully about everything, including the day of your celebration. Many people, among whom there are qualified experts, believe that the date of the wedding plays a very important role in our life.

However, how do you choose the only correct day and follow all the rules? The Orthodox Church does not recommend getting married during Lent, the lunar calendar advises avoiding lunar eclipses, and you also want some beautiful date in your marriage certificate! Is it really that complicated?

Don't worry, now we'll figure it out and find out which dates are considered favorable for a wedding in 2017.

Wedding in 2017

2017 is the year of the Red or Fire Rooster. What does this mean for those wishing to tie themselves by marriage? Will 2017 be a good year for marriage?

  • Firstly, the symbol of this year symbolizes flame and red, which means it will patronize lovers, maintain passion, love and fidelity in people.
  • Secondly, the Rooster is considered the personification of conservatism, he loves classical severity and restraint. The marriage must remain faithful to old traditions and, if possible, in compliance with folk customs, then the Red Rooster will protect your marriage from quarrels and strife.

  • Thirdly, the previous year 2016 was a leap year. Popular rumor has it that the next year after the leap year is the Year of the Widow, followed by the Year of the Widow. However, let's reason reasonably, if you believe these superstitions, then you can celebrate a wedding only in one year out of four, while these signs have no scientific basis. If for these reasons you are going to postpone your wedding to 2019, we assure you that there is absolutely no reason to worry.
  • To be sure to win the favor of the owner of the year, add something red, orange or yellow to your wedding gowns. They can be small ribbons, flowers, or even decorations.

Month and day

In the process of choosing the day and month of the ceremony, several things should be considered:

  • Orthodox calendar;
  • moon calendar;
  • numerology;
  • beautiful "look" of the date;
  • astrology.

  1. Nativity Fast, which lasts from November 28, 2016 to January 6, 2017 and, accordingly, from November 28, 2017 to January 6, 2018.
  2. Easter or Great Lent, which begins on February 27 and ends on April 15.
  3. Petrov Lent will begin on June 12 and end on July 11, but the date 07/07/2017 looks beautiful and is considered favorable for marriage.
  4. Assumption Fast, which will begin on August 14 and end on August 27, 2017.

If the Orthodox calendar plays a big role for you, then, as you can see, March and December, half of April, June and July will have to be completely excluded from the wedding calendar in 2017.

If you have already outlined the date of your future wedding, numerologists advise you to check it by the following method: add up all the numbers in the date, and if you get a two-digit number, add it up again. For example, you want to get married on October 15, 2017, that is, 10/15/2017. Now you need to add these numbers: 1 + 5 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 17, 1 + 7 = 8.

If as a result you get 1, 5, 7 or 8, it means that this is a very good day to get married, if 3, 6 or 9 is already less successful, and if 2 or 4 turned out, it would be better to postpone the wedding for a few days ago or ahead.

According to the lunar calendar, you do not need to set the date of the wedding ceremony on February 11 and August 7 - the days on which the lunar eclipse is predicted. We advise you to pay attention to the following numbers:

  1. January - 1, 8, 29;
  2. February - 3, 5, 10;
  3. March - 3.10, 31;
  4. April - 2, 10, 28;
  5. May - 1, 7, 8;
  6. June - 4, 9, 30;
  7. July - 7, 28, 30;
  8. August - 2, 25, 27;
  9. September - 3, 4, 22;
  10. October - 1, 2, 29;
  11. November - 3, 20, 24;
  12. December - 1, 22, 24;

Choosing a wedding month according to the rules of astrology

To choose the right wedding month according to the rules of astrology, take the month of your birth and add the numbers 4, 5, 7, 10, 11 in turn to it. Then do the same with the month of birth of your half. If any month coincides, it will be the best for you. For example, you were born in July and your partner was born in September. This means that your months for marriage will be November, December, February, May, June, and your partner's will be January, February, April, August and October, then it would be better to get married in February.

Good days to get married in 2017 will be Monday, Friday and Sunday, bad days - Wednesday and Thursday.

Now you know how to choose the right date for your solemn ceremony. The main thing is not to forget that in a family union, the main role is played not by the date of the wedding, but by mutual love, respect and trust. We wish you love and happiness!