Feasibility of introducing magnesia during pregnancy and methods of its use. Magnesia and pregnancy: why are droppers and intramuscular injections prescribed for pregnant women in the early and late stages

Nowadays, more and more often, a mild course of the prenatal period is becoming a rarity. The likelihood of developing complications during pregnancy increases every year. To eliminate a number of pathologies, hospitalization is necessary, during which various medications are prescribed to patients. Often, a dropper is prescribed to patients in the prenatal period. Magnesia for pregnant women, for example, can be recommended to reduce the tone of the uterus. Due to the action, the funds are prevented

Magnesia agent (dropper). Instruction. Description

The appointment of this medication, in particular, has recently been very common. Magnesium sulfate is a white powder. It can be used to prepare both a suspension for oral administration and a solution for administration into a vein or muscle. Such a dropper helps to lower blood pressure due to the dilating effect on the blood vessels, provokes slight drowsiness and soothes. The drug reduces the puffiness that occurs when it has an increased anticonvulsant effect. The medication reduces the tone of the muscles of the uterus and has a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart.


This dropper (magnesia) during pregnancy is prescribed in case of an increased risk of premature birth, in case of epileptic seizures and the use of a medication for hypertension with frequent crises is recommended. The medicine is prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of heavy metal poisoning, eclampsia. The drug is indicated for severe edema syndrome, severe gestosis, lack of magnesium in the body.


No medication is prescribed for reduced pressure, hypersensitivity, bradycardia. Such a dropper (magnesia) during pregnancy is not recommended for chronic renal failure, malignant tumors, exacerbations of the pathologies of the digestive system. Do not administer the drug immediately before childbirth (two to three hours). Use during lactation is contraindicated. Magnesia (dropper) is not prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Side effects

In some cases, during therapy, there may be a general deterioration in the patient's condition. The negative consequences of using the drug include increased anxiety, increased sweating, headaches. The medicine can provoke vomiting, drowsiness, nausea, severe hypotension, and polyuria. Before a magnesium dropper is delivered during pregnancy, the doctor must warn the patient about the likelihood of side effects during therapy. In the event of undesirable consequences, the question of continuing to receive the drug should be decided personally in accordance with the severity of the pathology and tolerance. If the treatment is ineffective, it may be necessary to adjust the dose and frequency of administration.

Mode of application

This dropper (magnesia) during pregnancy is placed using a 25% solution. The dosage is set individually, taking into account the clinical picture. Before starting the administration, the medication is warmed to body temperature. Intravenous jet infusion of the solution is not allowed. This is due to the likelihood of a sharp drop in pressure, which, in turn, can lead to disturbances in the blood flow and fetal hypoxia. The intensity of administration and the duration of therapy depend on the general condition of the pregnant woman and the effectiveness of the medication. If a magnesium dropper (during pregnancy) is prescribed with calcium preparations, then the infusion is carried out into different veins.

Magnesia during pregnancy (dropper). Reviews

How safe is the administration of the medication during the prenatal period? According to many experts, the use of the medicine during pregnancy does not pose a serious threat to the health of the unborn child and mother. However, to date, there is no exact information that would confirm or deny this. Reviews of the patients themselves about the drug are very ambiguous. Some women claim that the use of the drug contributed to the improvement of well-being and facilitated the course of pregnancy. Others, on the other hand, talk about side effects that complicate the prenatal period. It has also been found that prolonged therapy with magnesium sulfate promotes the accumulation of the substance in the body. This, in turn, provokes the occurrence of a hypoxic state in the fetus. Nevertheless, doctors recommend choosing treatment in cases where the choice is between no therapy and continued pregnancy. Magnesium sulfate, helping to reduce the tone of the muscles of the uterus, increases the chances of an unborn child to be born healthy.

additional information

Serious complications can occur during magnesium sulfate treatment. When a number of symptoms appear, therapeutic measures should be discontinued. In particular, an indication for stopping treatment is difficulty in breathing, a sharp decrease in pressure, a slowdown in the frequency of heart contractions. These manifestations indicate an overdose of the drug. In case of poisoning, the patient must be provided with timely adequate assistance. With hypermagnesemia, drugs or calcium gluconate are prescribed). These medications are administered intravenously, slowly.

Many women believe that such a dropper (magnesia) during pregnancy can have a negative effect on labor function. Of particular concern to patients is the administration of medication in the third trimester. In practice, it takes only a few hours to remove magnesium sulfate. In this regard, receiving therapy before childbirth does not affect its course. In some cases, intravenous infusion of magnesium is the only way to prolong the gestational period. In this regard, experts recommend thinking carefully before abandoning therapy. The use of the medication should be carried out under the close supervision of a doctor, in stationary conditions.

The appointment of a dropper with magnesium for pregnant women is often used today in medical practice. In what cases do doctors prescribe magnesia and what problems does it save from?

What is Magnesia

Magnesia or magnesium sulfate is a white powder from which a solution is made for intravenous or intramuscular administration. Most often, it is a dropper with diluted magnesium that is prescribed during pregnancy. Magnesium sulfate can significantly improve the condition of a pregnant woman in cases where there are certain indications for its use.

When is magnesium prescribed

Indications for a dropper with magnesium for pregnant women may be as follows.

  • The threat of miscarriage, premature birth due to increased uterine tone.
  • To remove fluid from the body with severe edema.
  • Arterial hypertension, when blood pressure is much higher than normal.
  • Late toxicosis of pregnant women or gestosis, which is aggravated by kidney problems and seizures.
  • Thrombophlebitis and predisposition to it.
  • Analyzes revealed a lack of magnesium in the body.
  • In order to achieve a sedative, sedative effect.
  • Therapy for premature placental abruption.
  • Therapy for fetal growth retardation syndrome.

The indications for setting a dropper of magnesia during pregnancy are quite wide. The drug has properties that have a positive effect on pregnant women. Magnesium sulfate has the following important characteristics.

  1. Expands blood vessels, reducing pressure.
  2. Relaxes smooth muscles, after which the tone of the muscles of the uterus and cramps are relieved.
  3. Reduces puffiness by increasing daily urine output.
  4. There is an antiarrhythmic effect and a positive effect on heart sounds.
  5. Has sedative properties, causes slight drowsiness.

You should know that it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage, the rate of administration of the drug and the frequency of administration. The medicine must enter the body very slowly. With the rapid introduction of the drug, fever, sweating, palpitations, and rapid breathing are noted.

Features of the use of magnesia

You should be aware that some doctors consider magnesia to be a drug that can lead to serious consequences in pregnant women, even if there are appropriate indications for its appointment. But this applies to cases where the drug accumulates in the body. This can be with too large doses of injected magnesia or very frequent setting of droppers with it. In most cases, the potential risks from magnesium sulfate are much less than the intended benefits.

If there are indications for a dropper with magnesia, then the simultaneous administration of drugs with calcium and all kinds of food additives is not allowed. Calcium neutralizes magnesium sulfate and the drug becomes useless.

Side effects

Some side effects are possible with magnesium sulfate.

  • Reduced pressure.
  • Dizziness and headaches, nausea, vomiting.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Decreased attention and reflexes.
  • Respiratory depression.
  • Great sleepiness, fatigue and weakness.
  • Constipation.
  • Decrease in the amount of urine excreted per day.
  • Intense sweating, thirst.
  • Increased anxiety.
  • Speech disorders.

All these conditions occur, as a rule, due to a violation of the dosage of the drug. Therefore, it is imperative to follow the dosage regimen of magnesium sulfate.


The drug has some contraindications.

  1. Low blood pressure or severe bradycardia. Magnesia lowers blood pressure, so if during pregnancy there is a low blood pressure or a slowdown in the heart rate, then magnesium sulfate is contraindicated.
  2. Kidney problems, kidney failure.
  3. Intolerance to the drug, allergy to the active substance.
  4. Exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Prenatal period. Magnesium sulfate is able to provoke non-opening of the cervix. In the first trimester of pregnancy, magnesium should also not be used. This is due to the fact that its effect on the developing fetus has not been sufficiently studied. However, in some cases, magnesium may be the only way to maintain early pregnancy.

A short-term course of the drug is considered safe for pregnant women and the fetus, according to many years of experience in its use. The optimal duration of use is 3-5 days, the maximum is 7 days. Successful treatment requires specialist control, a clear dosage and strict adherence to instructions.

What droppers are prescribed during pregnancy?

Doctors all over the world, in the event of various deviations in the health of a woman carrying a child, prescribe an intravenous magnesium supplement to be taken. For this, a special medical device is used - a dropper, which allows you to inject the medicine very slowly.

The chemical name for this compound is magnesium sulfate heptahydrate. The medicinal product has a conventional designation of the chemical composition MgSO 4 ยท 7H 2 O.

This compound was isolated and described by an Englishman engaged in botany, Nehemiah Gru. At the end of the 17th century, a learned botanist conducted studies of the composition of water taken from a mineral source, the English town of Epsom, and isolated colorless crystals from it, which then began to be called, in honor of the country of discovery, Epsom salt or epsomite.

In pharmaceuticals, this compound is called magnesia and has been used to treat people since 1906, as a drug to help cope with seizures and the accompanying pain. It is sold in pharmacies in the form of a solution in ampoules or a white crystalline powder.

Magnesia is effective in treating:

  • gynecological pathologies;
  • neurological diseases;
  • gastroenterological abnormalities.

Such a wide range of applications of the drug is possible due to its numerous positive properties, which have a beneficial effect on the human body.


If you dilute the white crystalline powder of the drug with pure water, and then drink the resulting suspension, then the person will be affected by the laxative and choleretic effect of the drug. Also, ingestion of a mixture of magnesia with water will help remove toxic substances from the body in case of poisoning with chemical elements.

These are the following elements:

  • Mercury;
  • arsenic;
  • lead;
  • barium salts.

Magnesia, injected intramuscularly or intravenously with a medical dropper, will act on the body as a hypotonic, antiarrhythmic, anticonvulsant, sedative and vasodilator. On women in position, then the tocolytic effect will also work.

The use of magnesium sulfate for compresses improves blood circulation in tissues, produces local anesthesia and resorption of edema. Athletes rub their hands with sports magnesium to ensure good grip with the apparatus, the effect is achieved by drying the skin on the palms of the hands.

What is magnesium for: properties:

Why is a magnesia dropper prescribed during pregnancy?

Abroad, American and European medical experts prescribe magnesium sulfate in a 3-month cycle to prevent the development and treatment of abnormalities when a woman is carrying a fetus (gestosis) and its complicated form, which appears in the 20th week of pregnancy (eclampsia) and is characterized by disorders and interruptions in the work of several body systems at once.

In the Russian Federation, magnesia is used for a wider range of symptoms of the development of deviations in the health of the expectant mother:


Magnesium sulfate should not be used by people suffering from subsequent illnesses or in a certain condition:

  • Low blood pressure in the chronic phase (arterial hypotension).
  • Heart block, when the electrical impulse driving the rhythm poorly travels from the atrium to the ventricles of the heart (atrioventricular block).
  • Very low heart rate (severe bradycardia).
  • The depressed state of the respiratory center of the human body.
  • Before childbirth begins.
  • Inflammation of the intestines (appendicitis).
  • Failure of the kidneys to fully perform their functions (renal failure).
  • With a strong loss of water by the human body.
  • When bleeding from a person's anus (rectal bleeding).
  • The state of the body in which acute intestinal obstruction is formed.

Is it possible to give injections of magnesia in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester

In the first 3-month cycle of a woman's pregnancy, in the event of uterine hypertonicity, a spontaneous abortion may occur, so urgent treatment is necessary.

In order to counteract the development of painful symptoms, the use of magnesia is strongly discouraged, due to the lack of full-fledged medical research on this issue, other medical drugs should be used.

Magnesia during pregnancy (the dropper provides a gradual, not rapid intravenous infusion of the drug) and used in the second three-month cycle of gestation for the prevention of gestosis and elimination of abnormalities of the fetal placental circulatory system.

Such a medical procedure effectively restores the health of the expectant mother and protects the cerebral lobes of the head of a bearing child from injuries associated with a lack of oxygen in his circulatory system.

To treat late toxicosis and its acute form - eclampsia, as well as prevent premature birth in the third three-month cycle of pregnancy, you can use magnesium sulfate. It is forbidden to use the drug "magnesia" less than 2 hours from the intended birth.

Is it possible to refuse a dropper with magnesia

Women with complications when carrying a child, especially with the threat of stopping pregnancy and miscarriage, are sent to the pathology department.

When the doctor determines the therapy, you should ask him about the negative effect of the drugs on the child being born. If a woman believes that her unborn child will be in danger, then she can refuse any medications, including magnesia. Under these conditions, the doctor cannot take responsibility for the normal course of bearing the fetus.

You need to understand that in some cases, the use of the medicine "magnesium sulfate" is the only way to ensure normal, full-fledged bearing of the fetus in the womb.

Methods of use during pregnancy and dosage

During pregnancy, a woman has the right to inject magnesia in 3 different ways:

If there is a need to use a laxative and choleretic, a woman should take a suspension of magnesia orally. Depending on the strength of the constipation, 10-30 g of white, crystalline magnesium sulfate powder is used to prepare the solution, carefully dissolving it in half a glass of warm water.

A suspension of magnesia is taken about 2 hours before the morning meal, no more than once every 24 hours.

The introduction of magnesium with the help of injections into the muscle tissue is prescribed by a doctor quite rarely, due to their severe pain and the need for a very slow injection of the drug into the body (3 ml in 3 minutes). This procedure is practiced by ambulance doctors at severely high blood pressure by mixing Epsom salts with pain medication.

Magnesia during pregnancy (a dropper is a medical device for delivering medicinal preparations into the patient's venous blood) is administered intravenously slowly, due to the fact that when the drug quickly gets into the woman's circulatory system, there is a possibility of severe hypotension and oxygen starvation of the fetus.

The doctor usually prescribes a dosage of 5-20 ml per procedure, it is possible to administer the drug 2 times a day, the duration of the treatment course is a week.

Is Magnesia Safe

Doctors all over the world often use long-term treatment with Epsom salts for women carrying a baby with increased uterine tone.

The drug is safe, but long-term therapy of women in the position of magnesium (more than 70 days) leads to an adverse effect on the development of the fetus in the womb.

The babies born had skeletal anomalies associated with hypocalcemia. It arose in connection with the interaction of magnesium ions with calcium in the bones, and its leaching during the development of the child in the womb. Although the same studies have shown that such a pathology has a short-term period and can be eliminated.

Magnesia during pregnancy is used mainly in the form of a dropper, since slow administration of the drug can reduce the risk of severe hypotension and oxygen starvation of the fetus

Experts continue to investigate this problem. European doctors insist, when using magnesia, on assessing the risk of harm to the fetus after using magnesium sulfate and the positive effect of treatment. It is imperative to observe the timing of medical therapy for pregnant women.

Effects on the fetus

In the first 3 months of bearing a child, when the birth and development of the organs and systems of a bearing child occurs, even with the threat of miscarriage, the use of magnesium sulfate is strongly discouraged.

A short and well-dosed intake of magnesia with injections is considered not dangerous for expectant mothers and for their children during the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

It is very important to understand that the rate of injection of magnesia determines the intensity of its action on the human body. The woman's placenta cannot retain free magnesium ions, so they freely enter the fetal circulatory system. The amount of a substance in the circulatory system of a pregnant child does not differ from the concentration of the drug in the circulatory system of the expectant mother.

The high rate of saturation with magnesium in the blood of a pregnant woman at the beginning of labor leads to:

  • a sharp drop in pressure;
  • a disorder of the normal blood supply to the gray matter of the brain;
  • breathing problems in a newborn baby.

All of these factors can kill a child.

In extreme, severe cases, magnesium sulfate can be used 2 hours before the possible onset of persistent labor in a woman. It is believed that the short-term use of magnesium has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, protects its nerve tissues and prevents the development of cerebral palsy, accelerates metabolism, providing a normal body weight for the newborn.

Influence on the course of labor

Medical practice has shown that the use of magnesia in the event of an unfavorable course of pregnancy significantly increases the possibility of a full-fledged bearing and giving birth on time to a child with excellent health.

It is believed that a dropper of magnesium sulfate, taken 2 hours before the onset of regular contractions, does not affect the course of normal labor. With the threat of early childbirth, magnesium relaxes the muscles of the uterus, ensuring the prolongation of a woman's normal pregnancy.

Side effects

The use of Epsom salts for treatment may result in the following side effects of the medication:

  • The onset of heavy sweating.
  • The appearance of constant thirst.
  • Manifestation of the oppressed work of the human heart.
  • A strong drop in human blood pressure.
  • The onset of arrhythmia.
  • Redness of the skin on the face due to flushing.
  • Inhibition of higher nervous activity.
  • The onset of a headache.
  • Seizing with anxiety.
  • Clouding of consciousness.
  • The appearance of severe weakness (asthenia).
  • Lowering the temperature of the human body.
  • The occurrence of vomiting or nausea.
  • The appearance of diarrhea.
  • The manifestation of flatulence.
  • Induction of polyuria.


Magnesia during pregnancy (a dropper is a very precise medical device that perfectly controls the rate of drug administration) is administered intravenously in two ways, by means of an injection or a dropper; to avoid the introduction of a therapeutic agent with an incorrect, increased rate of entry of the substance into the blood, a dropper should be used.

Due to the fact that magnesia has a wide range of applications and is a strong medicine, its high concentration in the body can disrupt the normal functioning of the higher nervous system and lead to respiratory depression.

Symptoms of drug poisoning when the suspension is taken by mouth is severe diarrhea. The medicine should be stopped and the diarrhea should be treated.

In case of an overdose of taking the device intravenously or intramuscularly, the following symptoms are observed:

  • low pulse and blood pressure,
  • lack of knee reflex,
  • severe nausea and vomiting.

In order to relieve the symptoms of poisoning, it is necessary to urgently introduce an antidote (10% solution of calcium chloride or gluconate). The antidote solution is slowly injected into the vein, 5-10 ml.

Interaction with other drugs

Magnesium sulfate introduced into the human bloodstream can change the effect of drugs (enhance or weaken the medicinal properties) when used together.

These are the following drugs:

  • Tetracycline antibiotics - reduce their productivity and their intake from the human intestinal tract worsens.
  • Ciprofloxacin - the antibacterial properties of the drug are enhanced.
  • Phenothiazine, cardiac glycosides, anticoagulants (oral) - reduce their productivity.
  • Nifedipine can cause severe muscle weakness.
  • Tobramycin and Streptomycin - the antibacterial properties of the drugs decrease.
  • Muscle relaxants of peripheral action - increase their effectiveness.

Magnesia should not be used with the following remedies:

  • Hydrocortisone.
  • Barium.
  • Tartrates.
  • Calcium.
  • Phosphate carbonates.
  • Alkali metal bicarbonates.
  • Procaine hydrochloride.
  • Strontium.
  • Salicylates.
  • Clindamycin.
  • Arsenic salts.


The world drug production industry produces drugs similar to magnesia, similar in structure to the main, active element:

What you need to know about magnesium treatment during pregnancy

Only a medical specialist can prescribe a medicine for use; it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage of the drug and observe the time period for its use. It is not recommended to use magnesia in the first 3 months of bearing a child. Magnesium sulfate must enter the blood very slowly.

It is safer and most effective for a woman in position to inject magnesium into the circulatory system through an IV, which will ensure the correct and constant rate of drug administration.

A woman can always refuse treatment that, in her opinion, will harm the child she is carrying. But you need to do this thoughtfully, sometimes magnesium sulfate is the only way to save a pregnant baby.

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: a dropper of magnesia during pregnancy

The use of magnesium during pregnancy:

How to put a dropper at home:

Magnesia during pregnancy is a drug that a large number of women in our country receive. A wide spectrum of action and a rather low price have only increased the popularity of the drug. But is it so safe for the health of the fetus and mother? Let's figure it out.

10 problems that magnesium fights

Magnesium sulfate is able not only to fight against specific ailments, but generally to improve the condition of a pregnant woman. There are a lot of options for which a magnesia dropper is prescribed by a doctor during pregnancy. Therefore, many expectant mothers who happened to be hospitalized during the gestation period received this drug.

Magnesium sulfate is effective for:

  1. Increased pressure.
  2. Late toxicosis.
  3. The tone of the uterus.
  4. Magnesium deficiency.
  5. Swelling.
  6. Convulsions.
  7. Epileptic seizures.
  8. Fetal growth retardation syndrome.
  9. Placental abruption.
  10. Prevention of blood clots.

It has been proven that magnesium sulfate preparations have a positive effect on the nervous tissues of the fetus, thereby preventing the development of cerebral palsy.

In addition, magnesium acts as an excellent sedative effect. With its help, you can improve sleep, relieve fatigue, relieve irritability and make a woman feel better.

Magnesium sulfate treatments

The most famous way of using the drug is with droppers with magnesia. But in fact, there are much more ways of introducing a medication into the body.

The methods of treating a pregnant woman depend on the complexity of her condition and the characteristics of the problem that needs to be eliminated.

Magnesia therapy can be performed in the following ways:

  1. Droppers. It is used in emergency cases when there is a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition. In this case, the positive effect occurs within a few minutes.
  2. Intravenous magnesium sulfate is recommended for exacerbation of situations such as: increased tone of the uterus, the appearance of seizures, a single sharp jump in pressure. The molecules of the active substance of the drug, acting in the general bloodstream, promptly affect the foci of the problem and within 5 minutes you can feel relief.
  3. Intramuscular administration of the drug is carried out if the pregnant woman does not have critical indicators that threaten the life of the fetus. Prescribing injections with magnesia may occur when a mild stage of increased uterine tone appears or if there are minor problems with blood pressure. The procedure is carried out in a polyclinic without referral to a hospital.
  4. Laxative powder. Magnesia is often prescribed as a mild laxative during pregnancy. The powder is highly soluble in water and blood is not absorbed. At the same time, it gently relaxes the muscles of the internal organs and relieves stool problems.
  5. Physiotherapy. For patients with epileptic seizures or a tendency to thrombophlebitis, the doctor will definitely prescribe electrophoresis with magnesia. This method has a long-term therapeutic effect and, at the same time, does not carry a significant burden on the mother and child.

During treatment with the drug, strict monitoring of the woman's blood pressure and respiratory system is required.

It is the intravenous administration of the drug that is most common, since the intramuscularly administered magnesium is characterized by pain and the appearance of hematomas at the injection site.

Treatment features

The course of treatment with magnesia is established strictly individually, depending on the severity of the patient's condition and her physiological parameters. The maximum duration is 7 days.

The drug is allowed to be administered only by medical professionals under the strict prescription of the attending physician.

Research conducted found. That in pregnant women who received magnesium sulfate for a long time, children were born with abnormalities. These could be rib fractures, acute calcium deficiency, skeletal anomalies. Such consequences were found after a continuous course of the drug lasting more than 2 months.

In this regard, the classic course of administration in the form of droppers and injections does not exceed 5 days. The term is extended only in case of urgent need.

The very procedure for administering the drug is quite lengthy and is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. The drug is administered only in a heated form. In this case, the speed of administration plays a huge role. Injecting the drug too quickly will cause side effects to develop quickly.

The average time for one injection is 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to carry out manipulations in a horizontal position. Often during the injection, a pregnant woman may experience sweating, dizziness, or nausea.

If at this time a woman feels a sharp deterioration in her condition or discomfort gaining strength, the procedure should be interrupted immediately in order to avoid serious consequences.

Magnesia contraindications

Magnesium sulfate has been successfully used in our country for many years. Therefore, it is considered to be a completely safe remedy. However, Western experts have a completely different opinion on this matter.

They believe that it is unsafe to apply it universally, as magnesium has a number of side effects. Among them are:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • increased work of the sweat glands;
  • vomit;
  • weakness;
  • weakness;
  • lowering blood pressure.

In addition, before prescribing a remedy, the doctor must take into account the existing contraindications, which are not so few:

  1. Hypersensitivity to components.
  2. Hypotension or chronic low blood pressure.
  3. Breathing problems in a pregnant woman.
  4. Oxygen starvation in the fetus.
  5. Critical lack of calcium in the body.
  6. Problems with the work of the kidneys and liver.
  7. Myasthenia gravis.
  8. Acute bradycardia.

In addition, treatment with magnesium sulfate is not possible at all times. The drug is prescribed with special precautions in the early stages of pregnancy, and during breastfeeding it is strictly prohibited.

Why is Magnesia sometimes prescribed to a pregnant woman? This happens if health problems of the expectant mother or the condition of the fetus begin in the womb. The use of magnesium during pregnancy regulates, reduces the tone of the uterus, relaxes the muscles, prevents the development of complications, miscarriage, the risk of premature birth.

Why magnesium sulfate is needed during pregnancy

Magnesium sulfate has a huge range of action, its beneficial qualities help doctors to help expectant mothers to treat a variety of pathologies. It has hypotensive, antispasmodic, anticonvulsant properties, pacifies arrhythmia, dilates blood vessels, soothes, acts as a laxative, choleretic and tocolytic agent. Magnesia stabilizes the state of a woman's body, relieves cramps, relaxes the muscles of the uterus, prevents the threat of termination of pregnancy, lowers blood pressure.

Magnesia for pregnant women in powder form

Epsom salt used to be a white powder that has been used to treat seizures for over a century. A bitter suspension is prepared from it, it acts as a choleretic agent and a strong laxative. The urge to defecate occurs often, several times in a short time, they are dangerous for a pregnant woman, as they can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus, provoke contractions. To avoid the threat of miscarriage, magnesium powder is rarely prescribed to pregnant women, only as directed and under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Magnesia electrophoresis during pregnancy

Pregnancy dictates the rules for the treatment and prevention of painful conditions of the expectant mother. Physiotherapy is a safe, gentle, effective method. Under the influence of a low-strength electric current, the particles of the medicinal substance penetrate deeply through the pores of the skin or mucous membranes, accumulate and deliver to the desired organ. At the same time, the load and impact on the body of a pregnant patient is minimal - this is a big plus of electrophoresis. Even with the introduction of small doses of drugs, a long-term therapeutic effect is achieved.

Magnesia intravenously during pregnancy

Sometimes sparing methods of treatment are not enough, then you have to move on to injections: intramuscular and intravenous. Magnesia in early pregnancy is not recommended; it is replaced by Papaverine and No-shpa. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, a solution of magnesium sulfate is allowed, therefore, injections are used in hospitals and antenatal clinics. The concentration and amount of the drug depends on the health of the woman and the condition of the fetus in her womb. Intramuscular injections of Magnesia are painful, so doctors often resort to intravenous drug administration.

A solution of magnesia from an ampoule can be administered undiluted, but more often it is diluted with a solution of sodium chloride or 5% glucose. As a rule, 20 ml of 25% magnesium sulfate is injected into a vein at a time - this is the most common dose. How many times injections with Magnesia are given depends on the diagnosis and the condition of the woman. For example, if a patient has the first degree of nephropathy, the medicine is injected 2 times a day, with the second degree - 4.

A long needle is used for manipulations, the medicine should be warmed up. With all the simplicity of administration, complications are possible: an inflammatory process can develop at the injection site. Therefore, it is impossible to perform such a procedure at home: a professional in a medical institution must do it. Magnesia is injected slowly, otherwise the patient will experience pain, weakness, fever, dizziness. Pulse and pressure at the end of the procedure must be monitored.

Why drip Magnesia for pregnant women

One of the safest and most effective ways to use Magnesia during the period of bearing a child is droppers. They are used to prevent possible complications of pregnancy, maintain the overall tone of the body. How long the process of drip infusion of the drug lasts, how often the procedure is performed - depends on the patient's condition. In any case, the decision is made by the doctor, strictly individually. Magnesia during pregnancy is not infused very quickly intravenously - this way the patient can more easily tolerate this manipulation.

Dropper indications

Why is Magnesia given to pregnant women? The indications are as follows:

  • there is an excess of fluid in the body, there is edema on the body;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • there is a predisposition to thrombophlebitis or the disease has already been diagnosed;
  • gestosis (late toxicosis);
  • the presence of seizures, epileptic syndrome;
  • increased tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus;
  • lack of magnesium in the body;
  • poor general health, weakness, insomnia, irritability;
  • suspicion of the possibility of placental abruption and fetal growth retardation syndrome.

When is Magnesia contraindicated for pregnant women?

With all the benefits of the drug, it must be said about the contraindications for its use:

  • An overdose of magnesium is dangerous, it can lead to disruption of the respiratory system.
  • Magnesia during pregnancy is contraindicated in low blood pressure, can lead to weakness, drowsiness, headache, vomiting, sweating, anxiety, speech disorders.
  • Magnesium sulfate is incompatible with calcium preparations, is not used in early pregnancy, it is canceled in the prenatal state.

Side effects of magnesium sulfate

For all the undoubted benefits, the use of magnesium sulfate can lead to side effects. These are headache, anxiety, increased fatigue, weakness, sweating, dizziness, nausea, an increase in the amount of urine that occurs due to rapid intramuscular or intravenous administration of the drug, exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thirst, flatulence, stomach cramps, respiratory failure and pulmonary edema.

How to make a dropper with Magnesia during pregnancy

Magnesia droppers can be uncomfortable as they burn during insertion. Magnesia must be injected slowly, the pregnant woman must be in a horizontal position, sudden body movements can cause dizziness and nausea. It is very important to strictly observe the dosage prescribed by the doctor, the frequency of administration. With the rapid introduction of the drug, a fever occurs, breathing quickens, and heart failure occurs. How long it takes to drip magnesia to a pregnant woman depends on the severity of the disease.