What does the baby do in the stomach? How does a baby develop in the womb? What does the baby feel and what does he do in his mother's stomach?

In this article:

Pregnancy lasts 40 weeks... During this time, a child develops from two cells. Gradual development takes place on time: every week the baby changes in the womb. All this is very interesting for the impatient future mother especially if this is your first child. Knowing the stages of fetal development is important, because then you can significantly help your baby.

Your help - proper nutrition, relaxation and less stress are all good for you. It is important to visit a doctor on time, to listen to your well-being, because a tiny heart will start beating in you very soon. Proper nutrition is important in each trimester, but during some periods, you should change the regimen and foods. For months and weeks, you know exactly what is going on inside. Something new happens every day and mom can keep track of how the pregnancy is progressing. Acquaintance with a child begins long before his birth. Mom already knows how to guess his wants and needs- this is a joyful period of life for every woman.

Beginning of pregnancy

You could be planning a pregnancy, or maybe it happened unexpectedly - in any case, it happened. So, a woman needs to make a decision whether she wants to be a mother or not. If so, then for the next 9 months, it will be very interesting for the expectant mother to observe the development of the baby in her womb.

Surprise or expectation?

Today there is many methods and schemes for planning pregnancy. This is important not only for moral reasons. No, leave morality and think about this: what are you eat, drink, eat every day? After all, you may not know that you are pregnant and drink alcohol. So you can inadvertently harm even very much to the desired baby.

And at this time, a new life begins inside you for the baby. It is important to track his development week by week, because in this way you will already help him, his organs and bones to form correctly. How? With the help of proper nutrition, vitamins and your respect for yourself.

With a planned pregnancy, you start preparing the body six months or a year before conception. Woman taking vitamins, tries to reduce stress levels, rests more, undergoes regular monitoring by a doctor. Remember that not only alcohol and tobacco, but also pills can affect the development of a child in the first weeks. Many antibiotics are contraindicated throughout pregnancy.

Three trimesters

Pregnancy is divided into three periods of 3 months - they are called trimesters. Fine pregnancy lasts 38-40 weeks... For some, childbirth may begin a little earlier, and for others a little later. For a child - its own terms: all the systems of his small organism develop, and he knows when he is ready to be born.

To do this, he first of all must have developed lungs. This is a problem for very premature babies, because now doctors are successfully solving the problem of birth at 7-8 months. These tiny babies are in incubators where all conditions are created for them, just like in the womb. There are lungs, heart and gastrointestinal tract "Ripen" the allotted time.

Of course, such an outcome is undesirable, because it will somehow harm the development of the baby. If you follow your doctor's advice, adhere to a visit schedule, get tested and respond to the signals of your body, premature birth can be avoided. Even if there are some pathologies.

First trimester

If you do not know that you are pregnant, then until the 3rd month there may not be any manifestations at all. The abdomen will not enlarge much, toxicosis may begin only at the end of the trimester. At this time, your body changes: hormones, appetite, mood. Gradually, by week but changes are taking place.

Important: if you have reason to believe that the pregnancy has come, then do not postpone confirmation. A test from a pharmacy is an effective remedy... Either way, it's best to check with your doctor. The fact is that the first trimester is the most invisible, but also the most important for the child. You can accidentally, without knowing, harm him - you cannot allow this to happen.

It is at this time that the laying of organs occurs: heart, nerves, stomach, bones, tissues. Now the future baby cannot be disturbed or "fed" with something harmful. The tiny embryo has to attach itself to the wall of the uterus. Unfortunately, a large percentage of miscarriages is recorded during this period. Therefore, you need to behave very carefully, attentively and calmly.

1 Week

The sperm and the egg have met, merged. Division began. Already in the first week, it is a tiny zygote... Now this unique cell has only one task - to divide, grow, become more complex. It will take 3-4 days for it to attach to the wall of the uterus. If this happens, then the rapid development of your baby will start.

2 week

The attachment has occurred. Now the fetus is firmly anchored in order to have a connection with the mother's body. This is no longer a set of cells, but the embryo is small, only 0.2 mm. A shell (fetal membrane) appears around it, which performs two functions: it protects it and helps to feed. Now cells are growing, which will subsequently specialize and develop into cells of various organs and systems. . The formation of the placenta, umbilical cord and neural tube begins.

3 week

The embryo develops a nerve chord, it acquires outlines of an oval. So far, his organs are not quite ready, but cells for them are grouped... The embryo has grown - already 1.25 mm. On the 21st day of development, the future heart begins to beat. Of course, this is not a real heart yet, but only an accumulation of cells, but they have activated. Now the embryo does not yet look like a person - it is an oval disc, slightly compressed in the middle. There his first nervous system is formed. This is a very difficult process and must be done correctly.

4 week

Now it's an embryo... He has a more complex heart - two-chambered. The mother needs to be very careful during this period: taking medications under the supervision of a doctor, no alcohol or cigarettes. A real miracle takes place in her womb: the accumulation of cells takes shape, and also the eyes. In the embryo eyes are formed- of course, he will not be able to open and close them yet, but they are already there. As well as the first stomach, blood and vessels. So far, his blood is fetal - not the same as that of adults.

5 week

At week 5 occurs rapid growth embryo - from 5 to 10 mm in one week. For a baby-to-be, this is a huge leap forward. Now you can already hear his heartbeat on the ultrasound. All living things at the beginning of development have a similar embryonic form. Week after week, they change, differences appear. People have a tail at this time. In animals with a tail, it remains. There are already the first outlines of the baby's face.

6 week

In the tummy, the baby is actively moving: stomach, intestines, kidneys and liver put pressure on each other. The organs help each other to take the right place. The arms and legs are already visible, on Ultrasound shows that sometimes the baby makes small movements with them... Now his head is larger than the body - such a small tadpole.

7 week

Development of the brain and circulatory system. Vessels germinate, their system becomes more ramified. Small arms and legs of the embryo are becoming more realistic. On them fingers appear.

8 week

There is now a small man in the womb - only 4 cm, but he no longer looks like a tadpole. The proportions of the body appear. Eyelids appear on his face, cheeks, nostrils are visible.

9 week

This week the embryo period ends. Now it is proudly called "fruit"... Now it is growing and reaches 6-7 cm in length. Now the child has the first facial expressions: the mouth opens and closes, the forehead wrinkles. It is not yet clear whether it is a boy or a girl.: The genitals are exactly the same. But the gastrointestinal tract becomes more complicated, a small intestine appears.

10 week

The organs of the fetus are finishing forming - then they will develop, increase in size.

11 week

Hair appears on the baby's body - first fluff... His height is already 10 cm. The face becomes human-like: eyes move closer, ears appear, superciliary arches.

12 week

This week, the neck is stretched and the formation of muscles begins actively. The head is big, but the brain is not yet developed - he is just preparing for this... This is how the first trimester of pregnancy ends. The fruit is about 12 mm in size and weighs 52 grams.

Second trimester

In second trimester it can no longer be said that you do not feel your baby. He starts kicking. Such activity can spoil the mother's sleep - at night, a blow to the ribs will definitely wake you up quickly. The uterus grows, your tummy grows.

A woman feels short of breath when going upstairs, she often wants to go to the toilet. If the first trimester passed calmly, then now there may be an aversion to
any odors or food, vomiting.

You need to keep the pressure under control. In some women, blood pressure drops so low that fainting occurs. This is dangerous for you and your baby, as a fall can result in injury. If you notice a sharp change in pressure, sit down, call your family or ask for help from those who are nearby.

By the end of the 6th month, there may be training contractions. Don't be alarmed if they only last a few seconds and pass quickly. It means that your body "headed" for childbirth... Of course, you still have three months ahead of you, but from time to time such fights are possible. Only 1-3 times for a couple of seconds is normal. The uterus checks how the muscles are working. But if you feel prolonged, painful contractions, you are bleeding, then urgently call an ambulance! Something is wrong.

13 week

Now the fetus has very thin skin - everything is visible through it: vessels, organs, nerves... The main thing is that the bones are formed. With each week they became stronger, stronger thanks to the calcium from the mother's body.

14 week

The crumbs already have nails! He begins to move his arms and legs, sometimes you can feel jolts. For the mother, this is a signal: everything is going well, kid active and develops correctly.

15 week

The development of the brain begins. First - the bark, and the convolutions and everything else will appear a little later. Your child is getting heavier day by day, because now he has a fat layer.

16 week

Now its growth is slowing down a little. This is about 20.5 cm, and the weight is about 215 grams.... The baby spreads the arms, can move freely around the uterus. If you do not feel the jolts for several days, do not worry, there is nothing to worry about. Now he saves energy, because it is required for the development of the central nervous system and the brain.

17 week

Time of development of the lungs and bronchial system. Now it is important that the blood circulates well, then they will develop correctly. The baby's eyes are closed, but he is able to distinguish between light and darkness. So he already knows about day and night. By the way, now you can already determine the gender of your baby or baby.

18 week

The baby begins to study himself in the womb. At 18 weeks, he may suck a thumb, touch himself, turn away from a light source, or ultrasound machine... This is the time when he begins to feel the limbs due to the development of nerve endings.

19 week

At this time, the glands of the body develop: pancreas, thyroid, genital... The baby can swallow amniotic fluid - it's even good : this is how the work of the digestive tract is stimulated.

20 week

Height 28 cm and weight 500 grams. The structure becomes more complex brain: now he already looks like an adult, but he will still need a lot of time to "mature". Such crumbs sweat glands appear.

21 week

Active development of the heart and blood vessels. The skin becomes denser and the fluff darkens... The fetus still lacks subcutaneous fat, so this week and next week mom needs to eat very well... As for two.

22 week

Now the baby already looks like a newborn baby. Its head, body, arms and legs are very small, but already human. Now he has brain convolutions. This is a long process, because the brain is one of the most complex organs. It develops gradually throughout all three trimesters.

23 week

Bones are strengthened, blood vessels become strong, supply organs with oxygen well. Now the child is almost viable, and if he is born prematurely, at 23-24 weeks, doctors will be able to help him survive. But this is a long, very difficult and fraught process.

24 week

The heart grows, its structure changes. It tries different rhythms, so the baby may have short arrhythmias. This is fine. Already now, in the womb of his mother, he begins to hear sounds, voices. Talk to him: it pleases both of you..

25 week

This week, the baby's weight reaches 1 kg or a little more. The child has learned to open his eyes. The eyes are fully formed- now he can already distinguish colors.

26 week

Brain mass is increasing. Its structure it's getting harder, and the first hairs appear on the head. Cilia and eyebrows also appear. Now the eye color of any baby is blue. It will change quickly after birth.... The child's nervous system is fully developed, he can feel.

27 week

It is very important here that at week 27 the child's own immune system begins to work actively. His body is capable of producing blood cells. It regulates body temperature to match the environment. This is how the second trimester ends - let's move on to the final one.

Third trimester

This trimester is preparation for childbirth. The uterus has greatly increased, and now your belly is already impressive in size. The fetus puts more and more pressure on the bladder, and frequent urge to use the toilet will accompany you until childbirth. Now the baby is in a period of activity, and he kicks harder - you may even be in pain.

For the mother, this is a time of rest. You won't be able to be very active, because at 7-8 months your legs swell due to big belly woman becomes clumsy... Back pain may begin, but proper exercise for pregnant women will relieve the stress. You can use a special belt. This is especially recommended for those mothers who have had or have problems with the spine.

It must be remembered that the water-salt balance is your main concern now. You sweat a lot, you often want to use the toilet. Losing more fluids than usual is dangerous: this will lead to premature birth. Drink, eat vegetables and fruits, soups. If you feel severe pain or bleeding, call your doctor or ambulance right away. In the third trimester, sudden detachment of the placenta may occur.

The last weeks have given the desired rest. Heartburn passes, the baby calms down a little. The uterus descends below - this is already the control line. Then there is childbirth - in just 1-2 weeks or even earlier.

28 week

Spleen working time. It developed for a long time, and now it begins to perform its function of hematopoiesis. The blood is still fetal, but its composition is getting more complicated... Marigolds and hair on the head are actively growing. More and more subcutaneous fat appears.

29 week

Now the child's body is no longer transparent, but rosy.... The skin becomes dense, vessels and organs do not shine through it. He already has enough fat under his skin - this helps to establish a constant temperature.

30 week

A week of active weight gain. Child already weighs almost 2 kg! Now his head has become proportional. Internal organs again began to actively improve, because the main thing ahead is birth.

31 weeks

While the child is still free to roll over and move. Soon the uterus will stretch, and it will grow completely - at this time the baby will no longer be able to move so easily and push off... The most important thing is that at this time a unique substance appears in his blood - surfactant. It will help his lungs open up after birth. Now they doze, develop, but do not open up.

32 week

The toddler already weighs 2200 g or more. He learned to go to the toilet himself: the kidneys and the reproductive system started working. This is important, because he must learn this even before he is born. Now he already has his fingerprints, the skin is covered with grooves, folds. Everything is like adults.

33 week

By this point, baby reached 45 centimeters... He himself begins to prepare for childbirth: he goes down, closer to the pelvic bones. Organs and systems are still developing in the womb, but many of them are already viable. Now he has long nails with which the baby can scratch himself.

34 week

The child becomes plump. There is still a lot of amniotic fluid - he swallows them. Is now manifesting the first of the most important reflexes is sucking: toddler sucks toes and toes. This is preparation for birth. Now it is more peaceful: you need to accumulate energy for birth and the first breath.

35 week

An important point at 34-35 weeks - nerve endings are covered with a protective sheath... The child's central nervous system becomes more complex. In principle, he is ready for childbirth, but he is still growing and getting heavier. Now the child already weighs 2.6 - 2.7 kg.

36 week

The fluff disappears - its skin must prepare for the first encounter with air. However, some children are born with a fluff, and there is nothing to worry about - it will disappear over time.

37 week

The child's weight reaches 3 kg, and the height is 50 cm. He is clearly cramped, because the uterus is stretched to the limit... The baby's respiratory system is still developing. She needs to be given maximum time to prepare. Now is a time of exciting anticipation for everyone - soon he will be born. True, these last weeks are worth their weight in gold.

38 week and before delivery

Now the child is completely ready. The maximum term is 42 weeks. Doctors will not keep a pregnant woman longer, but will stimulate labor unless they start on their own.

Consultation with your doctor

Be sure to go through consultations and examinations with a doctor. The schedule of visits, blood donation and ultrasound, he himself will appoint you... Of course, if you have any problems or severe discomfort, then immediately make an appointment. It can save your baby's life, and sometimes both of you..


This unpleasant phenomenon in most cases will accompany your first trimester of pregnancy. For some mothers, toxicosis is almost invisible.- just some smells seem unpleasant, and the usual food can be disgusting. But it happens that toxicosis is very strong: it is accompanied by frequent vomiting, an allergic reaction on the body.

Unfortunately, every future
the mother will have to go through this state. The body gets used to the presence inside the child. If the toxicosis is very severe - any food makes you disgusted and vomiting, you cannot stand odors - you should consult a doctor. This problem is now being solved.

Be aware that this condition is normal during pregnancy.... It is best to try to move it - it will be much easier further. Do not take pills to control symptoms. This can harm the baby, because some drugs against vomiting and allergies will have a detrimental effect on his development. You just need to get through this time. Check with your doctor for any medications.- this will help protect you and the child from unpleasant consequences.

If you suddenly feel sad

Mood swings are also normal. Your hormones have been building up over the years - now they are in a real rebellion. Forming a baby is an important task for the body. The production of many substances and hormones changes. Woman may experience mood swings, depressive condition, tearfulness, even aggression.

Your temperament matters.... Someone can easily hide their emotional reactions, while others are used to showing everything. With the appearance of a child in you, all this will intensify. Well, if you are positive and cheerful, then your pregnancy can only go on with positive emotions.

If a woman experiences severe depression during pregnancy, her behavior changes - it's hard not only for her, but also for those around her. Now, the last thing you need is quarrels with loved ones. For the sake of your baby, conclude a “contract” with your husband and parents for all 9 months: they will treat you with understanding and patience.

Preparing for the birth of a baby

In the last trimester, the intrauterine development of the child is slowly ending. He is preparing to be born. During this time, you need to be very careful and calm. Especially in the last weeks, try to spend a lot of time outdoors, eat fruit, observe the regime.

Now any of your harsh
movement or stress can trigger preterm labor. Certainly, obstetrics has stepped far ahead- now babies born at 7-8 months, get a great chance of survival and normal further development. But it's best to avoid problems. The best thing is to follow all the doctor's prescriptions and have a baby on time, and not earlier. Take care of yourself, because all your emotions are now being transferred to the child.

Your pregnancy will become a happy time if the expectant mother is surrounded by love, care and help from her relatives. Now is not the time to be sad - you have a new world of discovery ahead of you with your child.

Expectant mothers are always curious about how the development of the fetus is going at a time when it is awaited so impatiently. Let's talk and look at photos and pictures, how the fetus grows and develops week by week.

What does a belly stomach do for 9 months in a mom's tummy? What does he feel, see and hear?

Pregnancy: fetal development by week

Let's start the story about the development of the fetus week by week from the very beginning - from the moment of fertilization. A fetus up to 8 weeks of age is called embryo, this occurs before the formation of all organ systems.

Embryo development: 1st week

The egg cell is fertilized and begins to actively divide. The egg is sent to the uterus, freeing itself from the membrane along the way.

On the 6-8th days it is carried out implantation eggs are implanted into the uterus. The egg settles on the surface of the uterine lining and, using chorionic villi, attaches to the uterine lining.

Embryo development: 2-3 weeks

Picture of the development of the embryo at the 3rd week.

The embryo is actively developing, starting to detach from the membranes. At this stage, the rudiments of the muscular, bone and nervous systems are formed. Therefore, this period of pregnancy is considered important.

Embryo development: 4-7 weeks

Fetal development by week in pictures: week 4

week 4

Photo of the embryo before the 6th week of pregnancy.

The embryo forms a heart, head, arms, legs and tail... The branchial cleft is determined. The length of the embryo in the fifth week reaches 6 mm.

Fetal development by week photo: week 5

At the 7th week, the rudiments of the eyes, abdomen and chest are determined, and fingers appear on the handles. The baby already has a sense organ - the vestibular apparatus. Embryo length - up to 12 mm.

Fetal development: 8th week

Fetal development by week photo: week 7-8

The face of the fetus is determined, you can distinguish the mouth, nose, ears. The head of the embryo is large and its length corresponds to the length of the body; the fetal body is formed. All significant, but not yet fully formed, elements of the baby's body already exist. The nervous system, muscles, skeleton continue to improve.

The development of the fetus in the photo is already sensitive arms and legs: week 8

The fetus has skin tenderness in the mouth (preparation for the sucking reflex), and later in the area of ​​the face and palms.

At this stage of pregnancy, the genitals are already visible. The branchial clefts die off. The fruit reaches 20 mm in length.

Fetal development: 9-10 weeks

Fetal development by week photo: week 9

Fingers and toes are already with marigolds. The fetus begins to move in the belly of the pregnant woman, but the mother does not yet feel it. With a special stethoscope, you can hear the baby's heartbeat. Muscles continue to develop.

Fetal development by week photo: week 10

The entire surface of the fetal body is sensitive and the baby is happy to develop tactile sensations by touching his own little body, the walls of the fetal bladder and the umbilical cord. It is very curious to observe this on an ultrasound scan. By the way, the baby first moves away from the ultrasound sensor (of course, because he is cold and unusual!), And then puts his palms and heels trying to touch the sensor.

It's amazing when a mother puts her hand to her belly, the baby tries to master the world and tries to touch his hand "on the back".

Fetal development: 11-14 weeks

Development of the fetus in the photo of the leg: week 11

The baby has formed arms, legs and eyelids, and the genitals become distinguishable (you can find out the gender of the baby). The fetus begins to swallow, and if something is not to his taste, for example, if something bitter gets into the amniotic fluid (mother has eaten something), then the baby will frown and stick out his tongue, making fewer swallowing movements.

The skin of the fruit looks transparent.

Fetal development: week 12

Photo of the fetus 12 weeks on 3d ultrasound

Fetal development by week photo: week 14

The kidneys are responsible for the production of urine. Blood forms inside the bones. And hairs begin to grow on the head. The movement is already more coordinated.

Fetal development: 15-18 weeks

Fetal development by week photo: week 15

The skin turns pink, the ears and other parts of the body, including the face, are already visible. Imagine that a child can already open his mouth and blink, as well as make grasping movements. The fetus begins to actively push in the mother's tummy. The sex of the fetus can be determined by ultrasound.

Fetal development: 19-23 weeks

Fetal development by week photo: week 19

The kid sucks his thumb, becomes more energetic. In the intestines of the fetus, pseudo-feces are formed - meconium, the kidneys begin to work. During this period, the brain is developing very actively.

Fetal development by week photo: week 20

The auditory bones are stiff and are now able to conduct sounds, the baby hears his mother - heartbeat, breathing, voice. The fruit is gaining weight intensively, fatty deposits are formed. The weight of the fruit reaches 650 g, and the length is 300 mm.

The lungs at this stage of fetal development are so developed that the baby in the artificial conditions of the intensive care unit can survive.

Fetal development: 24-27 weeks

The lungs continue to develop. Now the baby is already falling asleep and waking up. The vellus hairs appear on the skin, the skin becomes wrinkled and covered with lubricant. The cartilage of the ears and nose is still soft.

Fetal development by week photo: week 27

The lips and mouth become more sensitive. The eyes develop, open slightly and can perceive light and squint from direct sunlight. In girls, the labia majora do not yet cover the small ones, and in boys, the testicles have not yet descended into the scrotum. The weight of the fruit reaches 900-1200 g, and the length is 350 mm.

9 out of 10 children born at this time survive.

Fetal development: 28-32 weeks

The lungs are now adapted to breathe normal air. Rhythmic breathing and body temperature are controlled by the central nervous system. The baby can cry and respond to external sounds.

The child opens his eyes while awake and closes during sleep.

The skin becomes thicker, smoother and more pinkish. Starting from this period, the fetus will actively gain weight and grow rapidly. Almost all babies born prematurely at this time are viable. The weight of the fruit reaches 2500 g, and the length is 450 mm.

Fetal development: 33-37 weeks

Fetal development by week photo: week 36

The fruit reacts to the light source. Muscle tone increases and the baby can turn and raise his head. On which, the hairs become silky. The child develops a grasping reflex. The lungs are fully developed.

Fetal development: 38-42 weeks

The fruit is quite developed, ready for birth and is considered mature. The baby has perfected more than 70 different reflex movements. Due to the subcutaneous fatty tissue, the baby's skin is pale pink. The head is covered with hairs up to 3 cm.

Fetal development by week photo: week 40

The kid perfectly mastered the movements of the mother, knows when she is calm, excited, upset and reacts to it with her movements. During the prenatal period, the fetus gets used to movement in space, so babies love so much when they are carried in their arms or rolled in a stroller. This is a completely natural state for a baby, so he will calm down and fall asleep when he is rocked.

Nails protrude beyond the tips of the fingers, the cartilages of the ears and nose are elastic. In boys, the testicles descended into the scrotum, and in girls, the labia majora cover the small ones. The weight of the fruit reaches 3200-3600 g, and the length is 480-520 mm.

After the birth, the baby yearns for the touch of his little body, because at first he cannot feel himself - the arms and legs do not obey the child as confidently as they did in the amniotic fluid. Therefore, so that your baby does not feel lonely, it is advisable to carry him in your arms, to hug him, stroking his body.

And further, the baby remembers the rhythm and sound of your heart very well... Therefore, you can comfort the baby like this - take him in your arms, put him on the left side and your miracle will calm down, stop crying and fall asleep. And for you, at last, the time of bliss will come.

In this article:

How does a child develop in the womb and is it necessary to take part in it at certain stages of this process? What periods is pregnancy divided into and how long does it last? All of this below.

The beginning of pregnancy - the beginning of life

The average gestation period for a baby is 38-40 weeks, which he needs to form in the womb. This time is quite enough for the child to be ready to be born healthy and fully developed. To understand what is happening with the baby and at what stages, expectant mothers should track the changes, adjusting their lifestyle and habits to the new position.

So, pregnancy is usually divided into three main periods, which doctors call trimesters. In each such period, three months. The most important is first trimester... During this period, the formation of the internal systems of the baby's body begins. It is at this time that the expectant mother is especially acutely aware of the changes in her body, associated primarily with changes in the hormonal background. Almost all body systems are in the process of restructuring, including the genitals of the future woman in labor.

New life inside a woman's womb is born from one small cell, which after the allotted 9 months will grow into a full-fledged human body, completely dependent on the mother until the moment of birth.

As a rule, the fertilization process takes place in the middle of the cycle. As a result of combining active
a male sperm cell with an egg cell forms one large cell with a full set of chromosomes - 46 pieces from the mother and father of the unborn child. From this moment on, the process of development of the fetus inside the womb can be considered open.

The woman's body is designed in such a way that after the fusion of the egg with the sperm, active cell division begins, even before it enters the uterus. Already at this stage, hundreds of cells are formed, each of which will be responsible for certain functions.

The path through the fallopian tube lasts about a week after the moment of conception. Then the egg enters the uterus and is firmly fixed in it. The length of the embryo at this point is about 0.15 mm, that is, about the size of a large grain of sand or a pinhead.

First trimester: how everything happens

As soon as the cell is fixed on the uterine wall, the process of division begins to accelerate. The cells are partially transformed into the yolk sac, chorion and membranes. The rest is the beginning of the life of a new human organism.

Around the 5th week of pregnancy, you can observe serious progress in the development of the baby in the womb. He has a heart that begins to beat.
In parallel with this, the nervous system and a number of organs responsible for hematopoiesis are being formed.

A week later, the embryo already begins to form a brain, which so far visually resembles an expansion of the neural tube. At the same stage, the rudiments of the limbs and optic vesicles with pigment discs are formed. By this time, the baby's weight is up to 1.3 grams, and the length increases to 5 mm.

At the 8th week of pregnancy, expectant mothers are especially grateful to the doctors for the opportunity to listen to the baby's heart beating. High-quality ultrasound machines allow you to hear the rhythmic beating of a small heart during this period.

And even though the internal organs of the crumbs are practically invisible during ultrasound examination, they are already there:
the digestive and cardiovascular systems are laid, the process of bronchial formation begins.

In the first trimester, not only the embryo itself is actively developing, but also the placenta, which will take over the functions of life support for the fetus in the womb. It is she who will be responsible for maintaining normal hormonal levels, the process of gas exchange and nutrition of the baby.

At the 11th week of development, the embryo can already be called a fetus, primarily because it begins to acquire an increasing resemblance to a person. His nervous system is already
knows how to conduct impulses, although so far they do not affect the internal organs.

During this period, a pregnant woman feels nausea, suffers from constipation, her heart rate increases and even heartburn appears. All these are symptoms of the first trimester of pregnancy, which by the second period in most women pass.

That is why expectant mothers are so eagerly awaiting the onset of the second trimester - in order to feel better and finally calm down, remembering that the likelihood of a pregnancy failure by this time is significantly reduced.

What happens in the second trimester?

Starting from 12 weeks, the development of the baby in the womb occurs at an accelerated pace. It was at this time that the baby's skeleton and abdominal organs are formed, the formation of the digestive system ends, oh
as evidenced by the fullness of the intestine with meconium.

The baby's brain develops as actively as the skeleton and internal organs, grooves and convolutions appear on it. It is very important for the expectant mother to spend more time outdoors during this period so that the baby's brain receives a sufficient amount of oxygen.

Future women in labor especially fondly and with trepidation remember the fifth month of pregnancy, during which they had the first physically tangible contact with the baby. At about the 18th week, the baby pleases future parents with movements, the nature of which the mother can determine by their frequency and strength.

The child reacts to the emotions of the mother, which makes it known with active movements in the womb. For a pregnant woman, tremors are the best proof that the baby is developing normally. If the movements have stopped and do not appear for a long time, it is necessary to urgently be examined by a doctor.

In the second trimester, the formation of the baby's endocrine system begins, and by the middle of this period, the fetus is already working:

  • adrenal glands;
  • thyroid gland;
  • pancreas;
  • pituitary;
  • sex glands.

By about the end of the 24th week, the baby is already trying to imitate breathing movements, although there is still fluid in his lungs and air does not enter them. Breathing rehearsal helps the baby to take the first breath after birth and reward the mother with a piercing cry, indicating the beginning of a new life.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to try to be less nervous, walk more, rest and maintain a sleep schedule, since the slightest stress can negatively affect the mental and physical development of the baby.

At the end of the second trimester, the child's weight is already almost 700 grams, and its length reaches 35 cm. On the ultrasound images, you can see how the baby sucks a finger.

The final stage of the formation of a new life - the third trimester

In the last stage, the development of the baby in the womb is mainly about increasing the size of the baby. The belly of the expectant mother becomes noticeably larger: the formation of the fetus is coming to an end. The cerebral cortex by this time is already practically formed, and the baby
is able to distinguish the sounds of the outside world. He listens to the voice of mom and dad, reacts to stroking his tummy, freezes or, conversely, begins to actively move at the sound of music.

In the womb, the baby throughout the entire period of formation hears the beating of her heart, which inspires him with a feeling of complete safety. That is why, after birth, the baby is first applied to the mother's chest, so that he feels: his own heart is still near and the connection with his mother is as strong as it was.

During the last three months of pregnancy, most of the time, the baby prepares for birth. The baby's eyes open, the blinking reflex is honed, it is actively gaining mass by increasing the layer of fatty tissue, which will then save it from hypothermia during
outside world.

In the middle of the last trimester, the length of the baby is about 40 cm, and the weight is close to 2 kg. He becomes cramped inside his mother, therefore, the intensity and duration of movements by this moment is noticeably reduced. At about the 35th week, the development of the baby in the womb passes into the stage of direct preparation for childbirth. The kid takes the correct position (head down) and patiently waits for the crucial moment.

In the last, ninth, month of pregnancy, the baby's weight is already close to 3 kg, and every week he adds 200 g and by the time of birth it can weigh more than 4 kg. The vital systems and organs are fully formed, the baby's skin is smoothed, the lungs are preparing for the first breath. Expectant mothers at this stage of pregnancy need to be especially careful not to cause premature birth.

Do I need to develop a baby in the womb?

How the child develops in the womb, you now know - all that remains is to talk about how to behave with an unborn child, whether it is necessary to communicate with him, teach him to music and what all this will give for his development.

Not all expectant mothers know that the baby in the womb begins not only to hear, but also to feel the mother, to experience her emotions with her. That is why doctors insist that, during pregnancy, expectant mothers pay special attention to communicating with the baby, trying to surround themselves with exclusively positive emotions.

It has been proven that a child in the womb listens to external sounds, among which the most important for him is his mother's voice. When the baby is especially active, only mom or dad can calm him down with simple strokes on the tummy and gentle phrases.

In order for you to be aware of the mental abilities of the baby, below are the data on his development by week.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother, without even realizing it, begins to talk more with the baby, often new creative abilities open up for her, and her musical preferences change. All this happens because it is important for the baby to use as many brain cells as possible in order to prevent their loss.

Starting from the 6th month of pregnancy, you can try to teach your baby some words that he will associate with sensations. For example, you can teach the child to understand the words "dark" or "light", turning on and off the light. By the end of the third trimester, words known to the baby can be grouped into simple phrases, in addition, it's time to start introducing crumbs to the world of music, including lullabies, classical music or children's songs.

Do not forget also that the baby in the last trimester of pregnancy has developed all the senses, so he can react to cold and hot, if these objects touch the abdomen, to voices, to bright light, to touch and even to the taste of amniotic fluid , which changes depending on what mom ate. Realizing all this, you can engage in the development of the baby in the womb in order to establish contact with him and further strengthen the emotional connection.

Probably every woman expecting the birth of her baby is ready to examine the transformation of a tiny lump into a cute baby body under a microscope. But, unfortunately, there is no such possibility yet.

Although modern medicine already provides many ways to study the development of a child in the womb. Of course, it is pleasant and interesting to learn that your future baby has a heart beat or all his fingers have formed.

However, this information is also necessary in order, even before birth, if necessary, to begin to influence his physical and mental development.

The main stages of intrauterine development

Many women, already at the planning stage of pregnancy, begin to take great care of their health. They are reviewing the diet, giving up bad habits, taking folic acid.

Traditionally, the stages of development of a child in the womb are divided into 3 trimesters, each of which lasts three months or 90 days and is characterized by significant changes in the life of the fetus.

The condition of a woman in the early and late stages of pregnancy is also usually not the same. Fluctuations in eating behavior and mood are observed.

Let's take a closer look at the development of a child in the womb by weeks.

First trimester of pregnancy

  • 1 and 2 weeks of pregnancy can be called "conditional", since this is not yet the birth of a new life, but preparation for it. The hormonal background in the woman's body changes, the egg prepares for fertilization;
  • Week 3 is considered the period of conception and falls in the middle of the menstrual cycle. A woman usually does not yet feel any signs of pregnancy, although pulling pains in the lower abdomen may appear or eating behavior begins to change (read on the topic: Pregnancy 3 weeks, stomach hurts >>>);
  • At 4 weeks, the embryo is already actively developing. He is not yet at all like the unborn child, but the formation of the head, brain, spine, muscles is already being laid. A heart appears and begins to beat;
  • By the end of 1 month of intrauterine development, the embryo has visible outlines of arms, legs, ears and eyes. He has already managed to grow ten thousand times!

That is why the first trimester is key in the development of the fetus.

  • At 5-6 weeks of development, the child continues to form internal organs (stomach, liver, kidneys, lungs), the circulatory system. Fingers become distinguishable. Usually a woman begins to notice the first signs of pregnancy, toxicosis may appear (actual: Nausea during pregnancy >>>);
  • 7-8 weeks are characterized by the appearance of the vestibular apparatus, as the main sensory organ of the child. The baby already has eyelids, jaws. The skeleton develops, joints are formed. A child can react with facial expressions to external stimuli, touch;

At the same time, he begins to move, but the movements are not yet perceptible for the expectant mother, since the baby is still too small. Its weight is 2-4 g, and its length is 12-15 mm. With the help of a special device (stethoscope), you can already hear the baby's heartbeat.

  • At 9-10 weeks of age, the baby's fingers develop skin and nails. The genitals are forming. In the brain, the cerebellum is intensively developing, which is called upon to be responsible for the coordination of movements. Further formation of the bones of the skeleton and skull takes place;

Interesting! After 9 weeks of pregnancy, the embryonic period of intrauterine development ends and the fetal period begins. From week 10, the embryo becomes a fetus. Almost all organs are already laid in him. In the following weeks, they are actively maturing and developing.

  • At 11-13 weeks, a significant increase in the child's head occurs, due to the development of the brain. The first hairs begin to grow. The child can suck the thumb, bend and unbend the limbs.

His kidneys are already functioning, excreting urine. The roots of milk teeth are formed. The kid feels noise, reacts to sounds, warmth. He perceives the movements that are transmitted from the mother: if she is inactive, then he is calm, if she is active, then the child begins to move.

The first trimester ends and, from about 14 weeks, a calmer period for a woman begins, because the threat of miscarriage is significantly reduced.

In addition, usually, if in the early stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother was worried about toxicosis, then in the second trimester it recedes, the woman feels much better.

Second trimester of pregnancy

  1. 14-15 weeks;
  • The formation of the head, arms, legs is completed;
  • The child weighs about 110 g, and his height is 12 cm;
  • His movements become more coordinated;
  • The baby has a sense of taste, he can react to substances that get from the mother into the amniotic fluid;
  • The amount of urine excreted in the child becomes more.
  1. At 16-17 weeks of intrauterine development, this is what happens:
  • The baby's skin turns pink;
  • He makes grasping movements, blinks, can open and close his mouth;
  • The kid grows up to 18 cm and weighs 150 g (weight can fluctuate up to 200 g);
  • He often swallows amniotic fluid;
  • The proportions of the head are greater than the proportions of the body;
  • Anyone who has not yet started talking with their child should start doing this during this period. This contributes to the establishment of better contact between the mother and the baby and, in the future, the development of speech.
  1. 18-19 weeks;
  • The fetal movements become perceptible (read: Movements at the 18th week of pregnancy, movements >>>);
  • The child hears the mother's heartbeat and the flow of her blood through the vessels;
  • The lungs and bronchi are actively developing;
  • The spleen begins to work.
  1. From about 20-21 weeks, the child's activity increases markedly:
  • He moves in the uterus, pushes, moves his limbs, can play with the umbilical cord and even smile;
  • The kid begins to distinguish intonations more clearly. The more mom sings pleasant songs to him, the better for the development of his hearing;
  • The first feces, meconium, begin to form in the child's intestines;
  • The baby grows intensively (length about 30 cm) and gains weight (weighs 500-600 g).
  1. At 22-23 weeks, the head-to-body ratio becomes more proportional. During this period, a new round in the development of nerve connections and the brain is noted. Accumulation of adipose tissue occurs. You can read more in the article 22 week of pregnancy >>>;
  2. 24-25 weeks;
  • The child has a connection between facial expressions and emotions;
  • He can smile if he is comfortable or angry, if he is unhappy and, at the same time, has an appropriate expression on his face: the muscles around the eyes are tense, the lips are compressed. This is confirmed by photos of the development of the child in the womb;
  • Some studies indicate that the baby, during this period, is able to dream;
  • His skin is still very delicate and coated with a special lubricant;
  • A child born at this time is able to survive.
  1. By 26-27 weeks of intrauterine development, all the baby's organs have formed;
  • Its weight ranges from 800 to 1200 g. Height: 32-35 cm;
  • With the beginning of the functioning of the endocrine system, there is an intensive production of its own hormones.

If we take into account the development of the child in the womb by months, then this period marks the end of the sixth month of pregnancy.

Third trimester of pregnancy

  1. 28-29 weeks;
  • The child can breathe on its own;
  • He opens his eyes from time to time;
  • In the uterus, the baby becomes more and more cramped, he begins to take a normal position for childbirth: the head is located at the bottom;
  • The brain grows intensively, the number of convolutions increases;
  • The child is able to recognize the voice of the mother among others.
  1. 30-31 weeks;
  • During wakefulness, the child's eyes are open, and when asleep, it closes them. In bright light, he blinks;
  • The baby's skin thickens, acquires a bright pink color;
  • The digestive organs increase in size;
  • Muscle mass is growing.
  1. 32-33 weeks of intrauterine development;
  • During this and subsequent period, fetal growth and weight gain become very rapid. Its length is 40-45 cm, weight is 1500-2000 g;
  • Immunity is being formed;
  • The skin is smoothed, a fatty layer appears under it;
  • The child becomes more and more active and he is more and more closely in the uterus;
  • The development of nerve connections continues.
  1. 34-35 weeks;
  • During this period, the bones of the baby are strengthened, therefore, quite often, a woman needs an additional intake of calcium;
  • The development of muscle mass continues;
  • The nails are fully grown;
  • Fluff disappears from the skin;
  • The lungs are fully formed, ready to breathe;
  • The sucking reflex is actively developing, indicating that the child is preparing for the correct food intake required after birth;
  • The feces accumulated in the intestines will be released in the first hours of the baby's life;
  • These weeks for a woman can be marked by the appearance of the first training contractions.
  1. 36-37 weeks;
  • The genitals and heart are fully formed. The baby is ready for birth;
  • The movements become more and more tangible;
  • The baby's face is rounded due to the fat layer;
  • Cartilage hardens;
  • Pregnancy over 37 weeks is full term. In the absence of pathologies and normal fetal weight (approximately 2500-2700 g), childbirth at this time, most often, is successful.
  1. 38-39 weeks;
  • Hair growth on the head occurs (they can be up to 2 cm);
  • The position of the baby in the womb is finally determined;
  • His liver accumulates iron, which is necessary for life after birth;
  • The development of a whole complex of reflex reactions comes to an end;
  • The cervix begins to open (on this issue read the article: Preparing the cervix for childbirth >>>).
  1. 40-42 weeks pass while waiting for childbirth;
  • Completed all stages of the development of the child in the womb;
  • By this time, his weight is usually 3000-3500 g or more, height - from 49 to 55 cm (in rare cases - more);
  • In some cases, prolonged pregnancy leads to fetal overdue, then labor can be stimulated to avoid negative consequences for the baby and mother.

It would seem that for almost a whole year you will have to carry a baby, take care of him and your health, worry about ensuring that the pregnancy passes without prejudice to its development. But this period passes so rapidly that most women do not immediately realize that they have become young mothers.

And, the more attention was shown to the baby, communication with him during pregnancy, the stronger the connection between the woman and the child at the time of his birth and the easier the childbirth should take place.

And the main task of the mother during this period is to help the baby feel that life next to her and with other relatives is also safe and even more interesting and diverse than in her tummy.

Until the child begins to move, the expectant mother, especially the one carrying her first child, does not yet fully realize what a miracle is happening in her body. The second pregnancy is usually more conscious. A woman listens more to her baby, she is interested not only in her own feelings about the birth of a child, but also on the other side - how he perceives his appearance in this world.

Amazing facts

Probably everyone is interested in how a child develops in the womb. Only 40 weeks - and a small miracle is born, a person with all the senses. But he learned to use them not at the moment of birth, but long before him. Surely many pregnant women noted the relationship between music and child behavior. Under the classics, everyone, without exception, calms down. Heavy and loud music, on the other hand, causes increased activity. The kid kicks in the stomach, showing displeasure.

The life of a child in the womb is a real life-long race. It needs to grow from a tiny cell into a complex organism. He feels, hears and understands everything that is happening around him, gradually learning and preparing to begin to learn about the big world. The task of the mother, already at this stage, is to show that our world is worthwhile and interesting, and that it is here desired and beloved.

How it all starts

It was from one mature egg that met with the sperm. A journey through the fallopian tube begins, which lasts about 5 days. By the end of this period, the embryo is implanted into the uterine cavity. And already at this stage the brain is formed.

Embryo: from 5 to 8 weeks

The liver, heart (it will start beating already at 6 weeks), the digestive and respiratory systems are being formed. It is at this stage that gender differences are laid. And the most important in this period is the formation of the central nervous system (by the eighth week, the neural tube is completely closed). The baby has grown a lot, his height is 2 cm.The weight of the baby in the womb will increase rapidly, at this stage it is 3 g.

Fruit: from 9 to 12 weeks

Only the third month of pregnancy, the "interesting" position of the expectant mother is still often imperceptible to others, and the baby's brain is already so developed that its cells produce impulses (signals to the body). By week 12, the number of neurons will increase dramatically. The cerebellum appears, which is responsible for the coordination of movements. Since the child develops in the womb by leaps and bounds, his head, torso and limbs are already clearly distinguishable. The baby is already about 4 cm long, weighs about 45 g.

The appearance of the first reflexes can be called a significant event at this stage. He is able to throw his head back if touched his mouth or nose. Withdraw your hand and make more chaotic grasping movements. The sense of touch develops, the baby begins to feel touches with the entire surface of the body, in contact with the walls of the uterus. So that the child in the womb feels every touch from the outside, stroking the abdomen stimulates development and makes the child understand that he is the most beloved.

Fourth month

This period is characterized by rapid physical growth and psychological development. If at 13 weeks the baby reaches 7 cm, by the 16th it grows to 12 cm. Weight also grows rapidly, increasing from 80 to 110 g. A turning point occurs, the child begins to breathe, drawing in amniotic fluid instead of air. Simultaneously, the kid tastes and analyzes the waters. I must say that the taste of the latter strongly depends on what my mother ate.

Today, an ultrasound scan helps to spy on how a child is developing in the womb. He can frown and turn away if he has swallowed water with a bitter taste, and, conversely, express pleasure when they contain a lot of sugar. Taste preferences are being laid down now, so watch your diet. Sweets without measure can do a disservice. The child will fight the cravings for these harmful products throughout his life. Healthy nutrition should be established at this stage, and not painfully accustom the baby to it later.

By the 16th week, mums usually begin to feel the baby wiggle. This is facilitated by the coordination and direction of the child's movements, as well as his increased weight.

Fifth month: from 17 to 20 weeks

By the beginning of this period, all internal organs had already been formed. They will continue their improvement until birth, but psychological development comes to the fore. The kid has already grown to 24 cm, and weighs about 300 g. The formation of the hearing system is coming to an end, and now the whole world of sounds is available to the child. If you haven't spoken to him before, it's time to start. After all, how a child develops in the womb depends on what kind of material you provided him with. By week 20, the formation of the brain is completely completed, which means that its cells need material for processing.

What can you do to make your child's life more varied? Read poems and fairy tales, sing songs, tell us about your day, be in nature more often. From now on, you can invite the baby to play with you. Children learn quickly, clapping their mother's hand on the belly will cause a return jolt in the same place.

Sixth month: 21-24 weeks

If up to this point the child can lie as he pleases, now his weight reaches 500 g, and his height is 27 cm. To roll over, he already has to make some efforts. The eyebrows can be called a neoplasm of this period. The formation of nails ends. In the ovaries of the girl, the eggs are already fully developed, from which your grandchildren will then appear.

You can add variety to your games by not only patting, but also rubbing, stroking, tapping, or swiping with a fluffy object. Pay attention to the child's reaction. All basic concepts: light - dark, cold - warm, are already available to the baby. If you take a piece of ice and a bottle of warm water, then, alternately applying them to your stomach, you can give your baby his first lessons, telling him what different phenomena he will get to know in this world.

Seventh month: 25-28 weeks

The kid is already quite like a person. His weight is about 1 kg, and his height is 34 cm. He has hair on his head, cilia appear. It grows and develops more and more actively, the organs of balance are improved and finally formed, therefore, everything that the child does in the womb becomes purposeful and coordinated. He can suck his thumb and enjoy it, explore his body and the small world in which he is still imprisoned.

Keep in mind that from this month on, the baby begins to lose unused brain cells, so the opinion that he should lie and sleep a lot is fundamentally wrong. Now the child hears and distinguishes sounds very well, so it is extremely useful to walk in the forest, giving him the opportunity to enjoy the calm life of nature. Play “Guess the melody” with your kid, put on different songs, sounds of nature, ask his opinion. Usually a calm push is a "yes", a series of sharp and short ones is a "no." Just talk to him, play tic-tac-toe on his stomach with dad, while giving the child the right to “move”.

Art therapy, when parents paint with gouache with a brush or fingers on the belly of the expectant mother, is a wonderful tool for uniting families and developing a child. This is both new tactile sensations and a manifestation of parental love.

Eighth month: 29-32 weeks

This is a period of active physical growth. How the child develops in the womb during this period depends on whether he can survive premature birth. The baby's body learns to independently regulate body temperature. By the end of this period, he will reach a weight of 1.7 kg and a height of 39 cm. He learns to push pointwise, with elbows, knees, and press his palm or heel against the wall of the uterus. This is also due to the fact that he becomes cramped.

Your baby already sees well, he squints his eyes, if a bright light is directed to his stomach, he distinguishes between day and night well. You can add a flashlight game before bed, it will give a lot of pleasant experiences for both of you. In this case, the light can be changed from point to diffused, directed to different places of the abdomen, and then turned off and wait until the baby starts looking for a "sunbeam".

Taste preferences have already formed, the child can practically not touch the amniotic fluid, which contains an unpleasant taste for him, and, conversely, swallow greedily if the mother ate the usual and preferred food. That is why the baby often hiccups in the womb. This is not a dangerous symptom, but if the hiccups continue for several hours, tell your pregnancy doctor.

Ninth month: 33-36 weeks

The baby's lungs are preparing for the fact that soon he will breathe on his own. During this period, the weight of the child changes from 2 to 3 kg, and the height reaches 47 cm. Your child is already completely ready for birth, but his organs continue to improve.

Last days before birth: 37-40 weeks

From week 37, labor can begin any day. By this time, the child turns head down, the woman's belly sinks. There is an opinion that girls are born more often at 38 weeks, and boys - at 40 weeks, but this has not been statistically confirmed. It's time to pack up for the hospital.

Only the major milestones that reveal how the baby develops in the womb are described here. In fact, this process is even more wonderful and mysterious. And from the mother already at this time, as much love and attention is required.