Smooth heels at home. Why hardened skin appears on the legs and how to make the heels soft at home: general recommendations and effective recipes

Hello dear readers. How to make your heels soft and smooth at home? I won't be mistaken if I say that every woman dreams of such smooth, soft heels. How beautiful they look in summer open sandals! Therefore, see the post until the end - there will be 6 ways to get rid of the rough skin on the heels.

Baths are the best remedy for soft heels

When the skin of the heels becomes rough, ugly, you should not wait for more serious changes. It is necessary to correct the situation.

What can cause cracked heels? First of all, these are:

  • dry indoor air,
  • lack of care,
  • hormonal disbalance,
  • poor blood circulation
  • lack of vitamins, especially A and E.
  • fungal infection,
  • high sugar, thyroid disease.

If you do not have serious illnesses, then they will help you quickly fix the situation. soda bath... Pour 1 tbsp into a bowl of warm water (1 liter). a spoonful of baking soda, pour 3-4 drops of essential oil, lower your feet for 15 minutes. After softening the stratum corneum, treat the legs with pumice stone, lubricate with cream.

Milk bath. In 2 liters of water, add 1 tbsp. milk, 3 tbsp. salt, a little shampoo. We keep our feet in this solution for about 20 minutes. Then we treat our feet with a brush or pumice stone, wipe dry, grease with a fat cream.

Glycerin bath. Pour warm water into a bowl, add 1 hour. l. glycerin, lower your feet for 15 minutes, rub the skin on the heels with a brush, lubricate with a fat cream. All baths can be done once daily. Course - a week.

Masks for feet and smooth heels

At home, you can make excellent healing masks. For a rough cover, the yolk mask is a real elixir.

Recipe: Take 1 tbsp. l. starch and lemon juice, egg yolk, mix well, grease the steamed heels, hold for 15 minutes, then rinse with water, wipe them with a towel, grease with cream.

Honey mask. We take 1 tbsp. l. honey and olive oil, mix, apply on heels, hold for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

To make the heels smooth, try making herbal compresses... Brew a mixture of herbs: chamomile, string, sage, calendula. Two tbsp. l. herbs, brew 200 ml of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes. Wet gauze in the infusion, apply to the heels, fix with cellophane, put on socks.

Treatment of cracks in the skin

The leather on the heels without cracks, is it possible? Of course available! Use simple recipes and you will forget about such an unpleasant phenomenon as.

Spend peroxide treatment... Pour 4 liters of hot water into the basin, enter 4 tbsp. l. peroxide. Lower your legs, as long as they are covered with water, hold for 10 minutes.

You will soon see that the skin has steamed as if you had been steaming it for an hour.

We clean off the stratum corneum, cover the heels with a composition (1: 1), which includes glycerin and vinegar (table). We do peroxide baths 1 time in 7 days, but the mixture can be lubricated every day.

A homemade cream for cracked heels can be made in minutes. Take baby cream, add peppermint oil.

And here is a more complex composition. This cream includes:

  • ghee - 50 grams;
  • glycerin oil - half a teaspoon;
  • any vegetable oil - 4 tsp;
  • camphor alcohol - 30 grams;
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • chamomile infusion - 1 tbsp. spoon.

First, prepare a decoction of chamomile: 1 tbsp. l. flowers brew 100 ml of boiling water, infused for 2 hours. The excess liquid can be frozen and then used as a cosmetic product.

Then we mix all the ingredients, apply on the heels, wrap in plastic, put on socks, hold for several hours.

Homemade heel cream is better than the pharmacy

There is also a way to treat heels, which is better than many ready-made cosmetic preparations. This is a cream that you can prepare in just a few minutes.

To do this, you need vitamin A and calendula ointment in a tube.

Take a glass jar, mix vitamin A well with the ointment: a 20 ml bottle of vitamin and a tube of ointment (20 g). Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator.

Every day, at night, lubricate the heels with this magical remedy, then put on socks. Course-week.

After a week's course, you can continue to lubricate the skin, but already 2 times a week. This cream has an amazing quality: to get rid of cracked feet forever.

Remember to lubricate your nails and the entire foot. Even elderly people with advanced dermis get soft, smooth heels.

Urea foot cream

Handles cracked heels formulations with urea, which instantly penetrates the skin, helps to loosen and remove the upper, stratum corneum, for example.

In addition, the cream with urea performs protective functions, and also maintains the required amount of moisture in the tissues, promotes the penetration into the depth of the epidermis of the nutrients that make up this product.

Cream with urea helps in the treatment of diseases of the epidermis of the feet, such as eczema, fungus, psoriasis, ichthyosis.

What is this substance - urea? It is a very important component that is found in the cells of the human epidermis. If there are no diseases of the skin of the legs, then it contains up to 1 percent of urea.

Its main purpose is to moisturize the skin, which means preventing dryness and cracking.

Folk recipes for the treatment of heels

Folk remedies are endowed with an excellent healing effect.

Celandine mask: chop fresh leaves of celandine, put on the heels, secure with a bandage, wrap the top with foil, put on socks. Stay in this form overnight. Rinse off the herb with warm water in the morning. Rub the exfoliated epidermis with a brush, lubricate your feet with cream.

An effective folk remedy: boil a few potato tubers in their uniform, drain some of the water, and mash the potatoes in the remaining water. Pour into a basin, add water to cover the feet, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda.

Put your feet in the solution, hold for 5-8 minutes, rub the legs with a pumice stone, rinse with water, wipe dry with a towel, lubricate with cream, put on socks.

An equally effective remedy is oatmeal, boiled in water. Pour a good portion into the porridge, put the mixture in 2 sachets, put them on your feet, warm for 2 hours, then rinse with warm water. A few such procedures are enough to make the heels soft and smooth.

How can we not remember about? If you are not allergic to it, then make a simple 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour and 1 tbsp. honey.

Divide it into 2 parts. Before going to bed, steam your legs, wipe dry, attach the cakes to your heels, fix, put on socks. Roll the tortillas in the morning to use them again. The course is 10 days.

One more proven recipe... Scroll 2 large onions in a meat grinder, place them in 2 bags. Before going to bed, put them on your feet, warm them up, put on socks, 3-5 procedures will be enough. This remedy will also get rid of you.

Use lemon for heel care.

  1. The procedure is best done at night. Cut in half and squeeze out the juice. It can be used for cooking, simply added to tea, or frozen for later.
  2. Place the squeezed lemon halves on both heels, and place a sock on top to hold the peel in place. Now just go to bed.
  3. In the morning, you will notice how much softer your heels have become. The ideal result is achieved if the procedure is repeated every 2-3 days. The same lemon halves can be used several times until they dry.

Vitamins for smooth heel skin

What vitamins does the body lack so that the heels are soft, like a child's? First of all, vitamin A.

Men believe that women naturally look perfect. The fair sex has lived all her life from birth with impeccably smooth velvety skin, soft heels, beautiful hair and certainly smells of something sweet. The paradox is that women have to live up to this description. The answer to the question: how to tidy up the skin, hair and remove other imperfections is quite obvious, but coarse heels can become a really big problem.

What is the danger of hardened skin

The issue of soft heels should be of concern not only to women, but also to men. This problem is not so much cosmetic as it is hygienic. Coarse skin is more likely to develop an infection that loves an airless space. Fungus appears in the microcracks on the feet, which can cause serious health problems.

The fungus may not manifest itself clinically for a long time. Before embarking on hygiene procedures to make the skin of the feet smooth, you should make sure that there is no infection there. The fact is that spores of the fungus with water and cosmetics can spread to areas of the skin that are free from infection and create a new lesion there.

How to recognize a fungus

In the event that the coarsening of the skin of the heels is caused by a fungus, the usual hygiene and cosmetic procedures will only bring harm. The main manifestations of the fungus:

  1. Deep cracks in the heels and between the toes that do not itch or hurt;
  2. The skin in the depths of the cracks and between them is whitened, as if covered with baby powder;
  3. Dry skin of the feet begins to itch for no reason or redness appears;
  4. A rash appears, represented by bubbles with transparent contents;
  5. Subjective sensations such as itching, pain, or burning are present.

Since there are many forms of the fungus, the infection can manifest itself with just one of the listed symptoms. If you find any of the above symptoms, you should contact a dermatovenerologist. Correct treatment will lead to quick elimination of the problem that has arisen.

There is no fungus, but the skin is peeling

If the resulting roughness of the skin is not associated with a fungus, you can get rid of it at home. There are many different ways, such as:

  • Special cream;
  • Foot mask;
  • Scrubs;
  • Express methods.

The solution of the problem should be approached comprehensively, taking into account the degree of severity of coarseness. If the skin is only slightly hard, then a cream is sufficient; if it peels off a little, then it is necessary to apply mechanical cleaning. Those with rough and cracked heels will have to use several methods at the same time.

By themselves, baths will not relieve hardened skin, but they should be the first stage of a set of hygienic measures to save the legs. It is recommended to use trays together with mechanical action. There are several varieties of them.

  1. Salt bath. Specialized foot salt is sold in cosmetics stores, supermarkets and pharmacies. The method of its preparation is indicated on the package. As a rule, the contents of the sachet must be diluted in 2-5 liters of hot water and immersed in the foot solution for 15-20 minutes. Such salt can be replaced with sea salt or a budget option - ordinary iodized salt. The result will be similar. The salt, rich in iodine, will soften the skin and prepare it for the next treatments.
  2. Milk and glycerin. To prepare a bath from these ingredients, you need to take a glass of warm fat milk and a tablespoon of glycerin. The fattier the milk, the better, goat is ideal. If there is no glycerin, it should be replaced with shavings made from baby soap. All ingredients dissolve in two liters of warm water, keep your feet in such a bath for at least 20 minutes. To improve the effect, the bath can be done without water at all, exclusively with milk according to Cleopatra's recipe.
  3. Vinegar bath. For two liters of water, you need 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. It is not recommended to use ordinary acetic acid, since it does not have the necessary this case properties of a keratolytic. Dip your legs into a warm solution and hold for 15 minutes.

Foot cream and scrub

There are many creams for smoothing the heels. You can buy them at a grocery store or pharmacy. It is better to give preference to the options with vitamins A and E. If the coarseness is significantly pronounced, the cream should be applied after mechanical cleansing.

You can also buy a scrub ready-made or do it yourself. There are several simple recipes:

  • Sugar scrub. Two tablespoons should be mixed with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Egg. Grind the yolk of one egg with 1 tablespoon of table salt.
  • Coffee. Mix 1: 1 coffee grounds and sour cream.

Any of the scrubs should be rubbed into the skin of the heels with intensive movements for at least 5 minutes, and then leave to absorb for another 15 minutes.

Foot masks

You can find suitable products in specialized beauty stores or make your own at home. The simplest and most effective masks should be considered.

  1. Clay. It is not necessary to buy any special clay with the inscription “for feet” on the box. By and large, it differs from the usual cosmetic only by packing in a small bag. It is better to take cosmetic white clay, if not, red, green and any other will do. Dilute the powder with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and apply the resulting mass on the feet. Wait until the clay hardens and then rinse it off with water.
  2. Potato. You will need 1 large or 2 medium potatoes. Peel and grate the vegetable or bring it to a mushy state in a food processor. Add a tablespoon of olive oil to the resulting mass and leave the mixture on your heels for at least half an hour, then rinse. You can use zucchini in the same way.

It is impossible to cut off the skin of the heels with sharp objects, even despite its significant keratinization and the absence of pain. This can lead to infection, cuts, wounds, and further coarsening.

For cleaning, you should take a special pumice stone. The rougher the skin of the feet, the harder the pumice stone should be. The surface layers are removed from the steamed skin with intense movements. The pumice stone should be pre-moistened with water.

Compresses for feet

A quick way to remove rough skin from your heels is to use a moist compress with keratolytics. Better to opt for salicylic acid. This is the most effective and affordable tool. It is necessary to moisten a piece of gauze with salicylic acid, place it on the problem area, and then put on warm socks. The longer the remedy lasts, the better, because with this compress you can safely go to bed.

In a similar way, you can also use herbal infusions of chamomile, string, celandine and nettle.

General rules for foot skin care

The heels will be perfectly smooth only if you take care of them systematically. It is recommended to use baths in combination with cleaning with pumice stone at least twice a month. The cream can be applied to the feet every night before bed. Scrubs and masks can be used once or twice a week. Rapid methods such as compresses are quite aggressive. They give amazing results, but you should use them as little as possible. Daily care is the key to beautiful and healthy legs.

Video: pedicure for rough heels with aspirin

Actually, this is just the case when you can safely say: size does not matter. Absolutely. Be it like Cinderella or like the giantess Fiona from the sensational cartoon about the good-natured cannibal troll Shrek. But! Female legs of any size should be well-groomed. In particular, a man should just want to smack his round and pink heel with his lips in the very middle, soft and smooth, like a baby's bottom. Well, or at least throw half a kingdom under these heels, a fur coat made of a gorgeous animal and a white horse of the Mercedes brand. Are you dreaming? .. Then get down to business!

If you have already rushed to the salon for a pedicure, we will not slow you down: come back and read how to make your heels smooth and soft at home. It's a simple matter, it doesn't require any special expenses, and there is a lot of pleasure. You are trying for yourself! By the way, knowledgeable grandmothers say that taking care of herself, a woman does not waste energy, but collects it in herself, like in a fantastic vessel. It will come in handy later, when, for example, all the strength will be needed to enchant a horse ... that is, a prince.

To keep the heels always well-groomed, you only need one, two or three:

  • never - well, just never! - do not cut off the hardened skin from the heels with sharp objects (blades, knives, daggers ...), but use a pumice stone, special graters and files;
  • apply special moisturizers and emollients to the feet in the morning and evening;
  • regularly carry out special care for the heels - do baths, lotions, scrubbing, masks, massages.

Baths for soft heels

The most effective remedy for instantly softening the skin on the heels is warm and hot baths with herbs, salt, soap shavings, or even milk.

Milk bath for soft heels

Pour 0.5 liters of milk into a bowl of hot water and add a tablespoon of soap shavings made from baby soap. "Soak" the heels in milk solution until the liquid cools. Nuance: if you put glass balls on the bottom of the pelvis, then you can simultaneously do a massage by rolling and rolling the balls with your feet back and forth.

After a milk-soap bath, apply a scrub to wet heels and gently, without unnecessary effort, rub with a special pumice file for the feet. Rinse your feet with cool, clean water and immediately apply moisturizer or plain olive oil. If the procedure was done for the coming sleep, then you can go to bed in socks - in the morning the heels will be silky and smooth to the touch.

Salt bath for soft heels

This procedure is, as they say, two in one: at the same time strengthens the toenails and softens the skin on the heels. It is simple to prepare: hot water plus half a glass of sea salt plus the same amount of soap shavings. After the bath - traditionally scrub and nourishing cream.

Masks for soft heels

In the same way as you take care of the skin of the face and hands, you can pamper such care and heels. These procedures will take a little time, and you will surely like the result.

Perfect heels are a source of pride for any woman. The smooth, delicate skin on the heels allows you to go barefoot on the beach and wear open shoes without hesitation. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, the skin of the feet is a kind of health indicator.

The appearance of calluses, corns, cracks, hyperkeratosis and, as a result, dry heels indicate disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Rough and dry skin on the heels in most cases is a cosmetological problem that develops as a result of poor foot care or the wearing of poor-quality tight shoes. Pathological conditions develop with the following diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • dermatoses of an allergic nature;
  • psoriasis;
  • hormonal disorders in women during menopause.

To achieve a successful result from foot care, it is necessary to exclude the likelihood of painful conditions of the skin. By contacting a dermatologist, a histological examination of the hardened skin will be carried out.

If a pathology is detected, the doctor will identify the cause and prescribe treatment. Adhering to the doctor's recommendations, in parallel, you need to carry out thorough foot care. Without appropriate therapy, rough skin in diseases will reappear.

If the ugly skin on the heels is the result of neglect, cleansing procedures will quickly give a good effect. To do this, it is not necessary to go to specialized salons; thorough home care is enough.

Method number 1: hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an affordable, inexpensive remedy sold in any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. It is used mainly for disinfecting damaged skin. Antiseptic and exfoliating properties in the complex give an excellent result when cleaning the skin of the feet.

For a cosmetic procedure, it is necessary to prepare a special solution, which includes 5 tbsp. spoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 2 liters of hot water. For ease of use, you can choose wiping or foot baths.

In any case, before the procedure, it is advisable to steam dry skin on the heels in order to achieve maximum effect. For rubdowns, you can take a cotton pad or cotton cloth and, moistened with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide, cleanse all the skin of the feet on both feet.

For, it is necessary to pour the resulting mixture into a clean dish and place your feet there for 10 minutes. At the end, the skin of the feet is cleaned off with a pumice stone or a file, after which it is lubricated with a fat nourishing cream.

The number of procedures will depend on the condition of the feet, usually a full course can take up to one and a half months. Once every 3 days - the optimal frequency to achieve a good result, more intensive use will only dry out the skin.

Having achieved smooth skin on the feet, the ideal condition must be maintained regularly. The skin of the feet is subject to constant pressure and friction during walking under the weight of its own weight, so it is more vulnerable than other parts of the body.

Hydrogen peroxide will become an indispensable aid in the fight for healthy heels.

Method number 2: Epsom salt

Epsom salts are great for removing rough heels. Bitter salt can be purchased at the pharmacy, its other name is magnesium sulfate. The unique chemical combination of sulfur and magnesium gives the skin a radiant look and strong structure to the nails.

Epsom salts interact with the skin of the feet to cleanse, soften and have an antibacterial effect.

In addition to the cosmetic effect, magnesium sulfate relieves puffiness and fatigue after a long day on your feet. Sulfur with magnesium is effectively used to combat unpleasant foot odor.

Cleansing manipulations for dry heels are carried out in the form of warm evening ones or crystals of Epsom salts are used as a scrub. A handful of bitter salt is rubbed into the surface of rough heels for several minutes into previously steamed skin. After the procedure, the skin is washed with warm water and generously lubricated with a nourishing cream.

Cleaning rough heels with a salt solution at home is easy and pleasant. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Add a pinch of Epsom salts to hot clean water and stir until dissolved.
  2. We place our feet in the solution and steam the heels for half an hour, keeping the mixture hot.
  3. After finishing, mechanically remove the thickened skin with a pumice stone or a brush.
  4. We wash our feet with fresh water and wipe dry with a clean towel.
  5. Lubricate the skin of the feet with cream. To enhance the nutritional effect, you can add 3 drops of an oil solution of vitamins A and E to the cream.

A good result will be noticeable in a few days. The course is completed when the desired result is achieved, on average it lasts from 1 to 2 months.

Method number 3: onions

How to cleanse hardened skin with onions? Onions are in every home. The information that it can be used not only for cooking, but also for cosmetic procedures is not known to everyone.

Fresh onions are a source of calcium, fluoride, zinc, magnesium and essential oils. The high content of these elements makes common onions a bactericidal agent that improves the condition of the skin epithelium and has a cleansing effect.

When applied topically, onions regulate the activity of the sweat glands and eliminate unpleasant odors.

To remove rough and dry skin on the heels, a large onion is cut in half and placed on top. Then, on top of the onion, you can wrap your legs with cling film and put on socks made from natural materials.

Another method is to use chopped onions. The gruel-like mass is applied to cheesecloth folded in several layers. The bandage is applied to the heels, the contact time with the bow should be no more than 30 minutes.

Onions, as a remedy for removing rough skin, are suitable for everyone. Try not to overdo it, and perform manipulations no more than 1 time in 3 days.

Daily use can lead to inflammation as a result of irritation of the sweat glands. For the fastest effect, try to choose shoes made from natural materials that can let the air pass through.

Method number 4: baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate has long been known for its unique skin cleansing properties. The emollient action prepares rough skin to remove unwanted growths.

Antiseptic properties will remove pathogenic bacteria and fungus that cause not only skin changes, but also an unpleasant odor. The anti-inflammatory effect will promote healing and regeneration of the skin of the feet.

How to clean rough heels with baking soda at home? There are several popular recipes:

  1. Dry mixture of baking soda and soap. A small amount of soap should be grated on a coarse grater. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to the crushed soap and apply to the skin on the heels. Wrap with foil, put on socks and leave the compress for 20 minutes, then clean the feet with pumice stone and grease with nourishing cream.
  2. Foot. Add a little soda to the hot water and take a bath for 15 minutes, while the solution remains warm. After steaming, wash your feet with clean water, and the rough skin on the heels is mechanically removed. After softening with cream, be sure to wear warm socks.
  3. Soda with milk. An excellent effect can be achieved by using milk instead of water. The use of dairy products to nourish and soften the skin has been known since ancient times by Egyptian beauties. with milk are carried out in the same way.
  4. Olive oil and baking soda: Mix 15 grams of baking soda with 5 ml of olive oil and rub into rough skin. The abrasive properties of dry baking soda act like a scrub, and the oil softens the skin and makes the cleansing process more gentle.

Method number 5: natural honey

How to get rid of rough heels with honey. Honey is a natural antiseptic that combines an emollient and nourishing cosmetic to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body.

When cleansing the skin of the legs, to accelerate the effect, not pure honey is used, but its mixture with viburnum or prunes. When exposed to honey, rough keratinized layers are noticeably exfoliated, freeing clean epithelium and eliminating inflammatory processes from the skin. Kalina is a real storehouse of trace elements that stimulate the growth of young layers of epithelial tissue.

How to quickly and easily remove rough skin from your heels with a compress:

  • Crush 50 g of viburnum berries, after removing the seeds, and mix with half a glass of honey;
  • before application, the gruel should be heated in a water bath to a warm state;
  • the mixture is applied to a bandage or natural fabric, and applied to the heels;
  • to get the effect of a compress, the legs are wrapped in cellophane and wrapped in a blanket for 30 minutes.

In a similar way, instead of viburnum, it is useful to use prunes. The mixture of honey and prunes breaks down the thick keratinized layers of damaged skin and acts as a chemical peel to remove the rough skin on the heels. The skin begins to peel off in large pieces, freeing the smooth surface of the feet.

The advantage of this method is absolute safety and painlessness. Compresses with honey can be applied daily without harm to the feet. The duration of the course is extended until the desired effect is achieved.

Prevention of corns, calluses and rough skin of the feet

Having done a tremendous job, you can achieve amazing results. Smooth and healthy feet will delight and delight, but many people face the problem of hardened skin over and over again. Having achieved the desired result, it is necessary to maintain the effect with preventive procedures.

Daily foot care allows you not to think about how to clean the heels of rough skin again. The obligatory evening toilet includes:

  • with medicinal herbs and essential oils;
  • regular use of scrubs and fine-grained foot files;
  • daily use of foot creams with vitamins A and E;
  • using a personal towel to dry the skin of the feet.

Increased demands must be made on footwear. It is ideal if it is made of natural materials and an anatomically correct last. In this case, the feet will be provided with air circulation, and the orthopedic layout will ensure the correct distribution of the load on the foot when walking, eliminating the appearance of corns.

It should be added that the daily work of caring for your feet will be rewarded with admiring glances from others at the sight of your feet.

Every girl wants to look beautiful and well-groomed. Smooth and tender heels are one of the achievements of girls over the age of 25. After all, it is at this time that the first signs of aging appear, vitamin deficiency, an overly active lifestyle affects, as a result, cracks, corns, and calluses form on the heels.

It is quite possible to bring your feet in good condition without visiting a beauty parlor. How to make women's heels smooth and velvety at home, say experts.

Causes of rough skin on the heels

  1. The girl washes and cleans feet from dirt not regularly enough.
  2. Ignores pedicure. But it is a skillful pedicure that, among other things, frees the heels from the hardened skin.
  3. Wears synthetic-based tights. Tight tights trap air, causing your feet to sweat and fungus.
  4. Before going to bed, many girls not only cleanse, but also moisturize their face. Dry heels require the same care.
  5. If your feet look more like sandpaper, it's time to drink a vitamin complex rich in vitamins A and E.
  6. Feet roughness makes walking barefoot even if you are at home.
  7. Heels do not like direct ultraviolet rays. They shrivel at once. Therefore, give preference to ballet flats and sandals with a closed back.
  8. Often, diseases of the endocrine system lead to rough skin on the legs. Such ailments include diabetes mellitus.

Learning to take care of the heels correctly

Rough heels at home will be helped by the following recommendations of specialists:

Foot baths available to everyone

It is useful to pamper the heels with foot baths. You can use the following active ingredients and substances:

  1. Pour 3 tablespoons of baking soda with 5 liters of hot water. Soak your feet in the solution for 15 minutes.
  2. Mix in 3-5 liters of water 250 ml of milk and 250 ml of soap solution, 2 tablespoons of salt. It is good to do a peeling after such a relaxing bath. A couple of sessions - and the legs will become silky as never before.
  3. A mixture of sea salt and lemon juice has a beneficial effect on rough skin of the feet. However, this solution should not be used if there are cracks or abrasions. Squeeze juice from 0.5 lemon, add 20 grams of sea salt to it.
  4. A decoction of mashed potatoes cleans and softens the heels well. Starch has an amazing property to soften the skin and heal small cracks, even wounds. The bath is repeated every 5-7 days.
  5. Make a decoction of a handful of peppermint, green tea, string, chamomile and St. John's wort. Add 4 tablespoons of dry herbal mixture to 1 liter of water.

Effective masks for rough heels

To moisturize and properly nourish the feet, it is recommended to carry out a course of treatment with masks. The procedure is carried out every 3-4 days. Masks include the following beneficial ingredients:

The best homemade heel cream

Do-it-yourself cream will help prevent cracking of the hardened sole. The ingredients are used:

  • 50 grams of ghee;
  • glycerin oil - ½ teaspoon is enough;
  • 4 teaspoons of vegetable oil;
  • 30 grams of camphor alcohol;
  • 2 raw egg yolks;
  • infusion made from chamomile, 1 tablespoon is enough.

The chamomile broth is infused for 2 hours, then slightly frozen and the remaining components are added. Lubricate the heels with cream, then wrap the feet with polyethylene and put on socks.