Making dolls from plastic bottles. Dolls from plastic bottles

Called a DIY Craft project, this awesome idea comes from Barcelona-based blogger doll designer Eva Monleon (Misako Mimoko). Not only is the plastic bottle doll itself a very beautiful and unusual toy, it also has one more unique feature: you can adjust the length of her hair yourself. Stylish doll can make any hairstyle, braid and decorate it, which will certainly please your children. In the humble opinion of the author of this article, at the moment this is the most outstanding craft that we were lucky to find and place on our website.

"I remember myself playing with one of these dolls (and my little pony toy too!). I loved them so much that I thought how wonderful it would be to make the doll have a stylish hairstyle of hair of all colors of the rainbow and especially a lot of trendy pink.Other kids loved combing her long colored hair, adjusting it, making it longer and shorter, using hairpins and elastic bands to create different trendy hairstyles.

I hope you'll be as happy as I was creating and playing with this little sweetie doll!"

- from Eva Monleon's blog

So, how to make such a cute plastic bottle craft?

We will need the following materials:

Two transparent five-liter plastic bottles (bottle) with caps,

The rest of the colored yarn,

Paints and brushes (or spray paint),

Red felt (or a small piece of other dense red fabric),

Knife (office, for paper),


From optional:

Thermal gun (optional)

Electric drill or soldering iron (optional, for making large holes in plastic bottles).

We make a doll from plastic bottles.

1. Making the shoulders.

Using the photos as instructions, cut off the top of one of the bottles (cutting the bottle roughly down the middle). Then, at this upper part, we also cut off a neck with a lid. We get a blank that will be the "body" of the doll. We will then insert the neck of the second bottle into the hole of the first bottle, so you need to make sure that the hole is made the right size.

2. Making the head.

Now let's start creating the head of the doll. To do this, we need to take the second plastic bottle and make it shorter. You will need the top (it should be cut out large, as this will be the doll's face) and the bottom (it should be small, like a hat, since the doll's hair will be on it) parts of the bottle, that is, you need to take and remove the middle part, as shown in figure. The cover is removed from the top. You can, of course, leave the second bottle whole, but most likely it will be too huge for the head.

Check if the two pieces fit together well. Put them together and make sure they will hold tight.

3. Coloring and creating a face.

Now we need to color our blanks for crafts. You need to paint from the inside. There is no need to be afraid to paint somehow unevenly, on the contrary, distinguishable brush strokes create a unique image of the doll. It is best to paint plastic bottles with acrylic paint, but you can also use spray paints, which are convenient to use.

For the body of the doll, blue is chosen (you can choose another), and for the head - a calm yellow-sand.

We draw your attention to the fact that the paints must dry well before we proceed to the next step.

When the blanks dry out, it will be necessary to glue together the body (shoulders) of the doll and part of the head (face).

Next, we proceed to create the face of the doll. First you need to take the two covers we have and glue them where the doll will have eyes. Then you need to color them, as in the photo, adding eyelashes on top of the eyes with a marker. The nose (circle) and smiling mouth are cut out of red felt (or any other dense fabric) and also glued to the face with glue. However, you can simply paint them on with a marker or red nail polish.

4. Add hair.

The doll's hair will be positioned as shown in the photo. First, we attach the hair to the back of the "face" of the doll. We mark the head from the inside with a marker and pierce holes with a sharp awl. You can heat the awl over a candle or gas burner to make it easier to pierce and make holes more accurate. You can also make holes with a thin electric drill or with a small soldering iron. The closer the holes are to each other, the thicker the doll's hair will be, and the wider the holes, the more threads can be placed in each of them. However, it is better to stick to the golden mean.

Now the most interesting and time-consuming part of the work begins - creating hair from yarn!

We cut three strands of yarn of the desired length. We thread them into the needle, tying a knot on the other side and fasten the doll on the head, starting from the bottom of the head. Each hole is filled with several tufts of hair. For the doll from this master class, it took 5-6 beams for each hole. You can also thread the doll's hair in large buns through wide holes using tape. We do not fill the junction of the two parts of the head with hair (that is, we retreat from the upper border by about one centimeter).

5. The top of the head and bangs.

After the main part of the doll's head is finished, the face is drawn, and beautiful colored hair is already fixed at the back, you can proceed to the top part. There are two nuances here. Firstly, it is better to make holes smaller and more often (they look better), and secondly, you need to mark with a marker where you will need to make a bang. Bangs are made from shorter threads. The rest of the threads are long. Start attaching hair from the borders of the upper part of the workpiece to the center.

Sewing a doll from nylon tights and a plastic bottle is absolutely easy, especially since you can always find all the basic materials at home. This process of creating a unique toy is very simple and exciting. It will be possible for almost every needlewoman who loves to create exclusive things with her own hands. You won't need much time and effort. Just the desire is enough.

Dolls are products familiar to mankind from time immemorial.. From time immemorial, people have been creating these toys for their children. Now you can make with your own hands not only an interesting toy, but also a doll that will become an amazing piece of furniture, an excellent addition to it, providing warmth and comfort in the house.

Today we offer you an interesting idea - sewing a doll from nylon tights and a plastic bottle, which are easy to find in every home. After reviewing the material, you yourself will see that it will be absolutely easy to create it.

To work on the product, we need to prepare tools and all the necessary materials.

  • Old nylon tights (it is better to take flesh-colored tights).
  • Plastic bottle.
  • Wire with cutters.
  • Scissors (sharp).
  • Sintepon to wrap the bottle.
  • Needle and thread.
  • Eyes for dolls (you can cut from any old toy or buy new ones in specialized stores, you can also make them yourself, but it will take more time).
  • Pieces of material for the clothes of the future doll.

First we need to make a frame, for which we need a bottle. In it, we need to cut the bottom.

After we cut the bottle, we need to wrap it with padding polyester. We fix the synthetic winterizer with a thread. To do this, we need to make simple stitches.

We will put on a nylon stocking on the prepared frame. Remember that its length should be twice as long as the length of the frame.

After we have prepared the base, we need to make our doll's face. First of all, we take a small sintepon ball and insert it inside. From it we will model the nose.

Now we need to tie the top of the tights. We take a needle and thread and proceed to the formation of the bridge of the nose. To make it, we need to pass the needle parallel to the surface on which the frame stands, stretch the thread and pull it slightly, as shown in the photo.

Then we drag the needle and thread from top to bottom on both sides of our nose so that we get nostrils. See photo.

In order for wings to form at the nose, we need to pass the needle and thread through the holes for the nostrils made earlier. Only in this case it is necessary to tighten the thread.

Now we definitely need to make our doll's forehead, cheeks, mouth. To do this, we need to add more pieces of synthetic winterizer under the nylon on the forehead, in the chin area and on both sides of the resulting nose for the cheeks.

Using a needle and thread, we make a strip for the mouth.

Using the same needle, we tighten the lips of the doll.

With the help of a tightening, as shown in the photographs, we model the cheeks, as well as the chin of our future doll.

After that, above the cheeks, we need to glue the eyes. With the help of the same tightening, we will form the eyebrows and bring them together in the region of the bridge of the nose.

In order for the doll's face to have a finished look, we definitely need to paint on her lips, cheeks and draw eyebrows. It turned out to be a very nice lady.

In order for our doll to be neat and beautiful, it is necessary to arrange it correctly. We will hide the bottom edge of the tights inside the plastic bottle. We carefully tighten the upper edge with threads, sew it and also hide it in the neck of the bottle.

The doll needs a haircut. We can make it from woolen threads or go the easier way - buy a wig-hairstyle in a specialized store and fix it on your head.

Now our lady needs to make hands. Wire will come to the rescue. We cut it into ten identical short segments and make two more segments long.

We need to bend the ends of long wire segments in such a way that loops form. We bend the ends of the short segments into a loop only on one side.

We take a synthetic winterizer and cut it into strips, the width of which is one centimeter. After that, we wrap each individual piece of wire as shown in the photo.

We need to model the doll's handle. On a large piece of wire, we will fix four small ones with a loop and wrap it with a padding polyester now and the palm resulting from these actions.

A little below the ring, we will fix the fifth piece of wire and we will have a β€œthumb”. Then we will continue to wrap the entire arm of the doll, only we will use wider padding strips for this.

We stretch a capron (square piece) on the palm of our hand and twist it with a jig. We need to flash the fingers of the hand twice.

We need to wrap the rest of the limb in nylon, pull it and sew it to the brush. We cut off unnecessary parts of the material.

We will need to perform exactly the same actions to make the second hand.

Now it remains for us to sew hands to the doll itself, its torso, and create an outfit for it. To make an outfit, you can take absolutely any material, make accessories and a headdress. It all depends on how much your imagination and your patience will last.

Having dressed the doll, we can use it for its intended purpose - to decorate the interior of any room with it.

What amazing crafts we have not done with you, right? To be convinced of this, it is probably enough to remember, or unusual ones. πŸ™‚

Well, today we will do no less wonderful things from ordinary garbage. πŸ™‚

Yes Yes! Each of us in the house has a lot of things that we are used to throwing in the trash: cardboard boxes and other packaging made from a variety of materials, old CDs, steamed socks and favorite, but already worn T-shirts, plastic bottles and boxes of all kinds of drinks, shampoos, soap and so on and so forth. But did you know that all this garbage, with just a little effort and imagination, can be turned into interesting, and often useful little things to decorate your home, garden, plot?

It is these trinkets that I want to offer you to make. In this article, we will look at samples of crafts from ordinary plastic bottles. And not just ordinary chandeliers, which I'm sure you often see (although, where would it be without them :)) but a lot of very, very original and interesting things. However, judge for yourself:

Butterfly from plastic bottles

Plastic bottle phone holder

Christmas tree made of plastic bottles

Doll box made of plastic bottles

bottle box

And many, many other things. But enough talk, let's get down to business! ^)

Craft from plastic bottles No. 1: doll-box

To begin with, I propose to make a box for jewelry and various little things. In the process of its manufacture, you will need:

  • one plastic bottle;
  • scissors;
  • quick-drying universal (preferably transparent) glue;
  • a broken or simply unnecessary Barbie doll (or similar);
  • a piece of beautiful chiffon or other loose fabric;
  • piece of lace;
  • two cotton sponges (discs);
  • thread and needle.

First of all, we take the doll and cut off its upper part (without legs) (Fig. 1). From the bottle, we only need the top (without a neck) and the bottom - we also cut them off with scissors (Fig. 2). Next, we take our doll and insert it into the hole in the blank, which will serve as a lid for us, as shown in Fig. 3.

From chiffon or other fabric (in my case, this is a piece with a gold pattern left over from thin curtains), we cut out two circles with a diameter slightly larger than cotton pads (Fig. 4). We put the fabric on the discs and with the help of a needle and thread, or a sewing machine (if you have one), we make longitudinal and transverse stitches, attaching the details to each other (Fig. 5–6).

We take two more pieces of the same fabric, wide enough to cover the entire inner and almost the entire outer part of our plastic blanks (Fig. 7).

We collect both strips on one side and sew them to the bottom (Fig. 8–9). We get two bags, which we put on the inside of the details of the box, closing the inner space, wrapping the edges outward and fixing them there with glue (Fig. 10–13).

Now we need to connect the two parts of the future box into one and at the same time make the lid of the box lean back.

To do this, we take another piece of the same fabric, fold it in several layers, stitch it and sew it on the back to the parts of the box, as shown in Fig. 14. The lid now opens and closes freely (fig. 15).

The frame of the box is ready. But in order for it to look aesthetic, beautiful and complete, it is necessary for the doll to sew an outfit. Lace will serve this purpose.

We cut off a strip of lace (its size will depend on the thickness of the lace and how voluminous the dress you want to have), gather it up and sew it in a circle to the bottom of the box.

I only found wide lace, so I folded it in half, making two rows of frills of different lengths at once, and sewed it to the upper edge of the lower half of the box (Fig. 16–17). The rest of the outfit will be designed according to the same principle.

But before sewing the frills to the top of the box, do not forget to make a corset from a scrap of fabric for the doll (Fig. 18).

We sew the next frill to the upper half of the box (Fig. 19). Now we sew our corset with the same lace, and with another gathered strip we close the visible part between it and the skirt (Fig. 20).

We make sleeves from small pieces of the same lace (Fig. 21).

If you wish, as I did, you can sew a hat of arbitrary shape from the remaining scraps of fabric and lace (Fig. 22–23). I got such a simple headdress.

The doll box is ready, and we can safely put small trifles or jewelry into it.
Such a box will not only be a useful thing in the house, but will also serve as an excellent decoration for any room.

Craft #2: Plastic Bottle Phone Holder

Such a thing, in my opinion, in our time is simply necessary for everyone. Why? And how often do you look for somewhere to put your mobile phone while it is charging? Here I am about the same. And having such a holder at hand, this problem disappears by itself.

This thing is done very simply and very quickly.

You will need:

Plastic bottle;


Glue, fabric and ribbon for decoration.

I used a baby soap bottle, but you can use any other plastic bottle.

So, we take the bottle, cut off its upper part (the one with the neck) and cut out the wall on one side, leaving only a low rim (Fig. 1–2). Don't make it too low or the phone will fall out.

In the upper part we make a hole, the width of which should correspond to the width of the plug from our charger, that is, it should be slightly wider than the distance between the holes in the socket.

That's basically it. You can leave the holder as it is, or you can decorate it to your liking. I pasted over my product with a piece of stretch fabric and tied it with a gold ribbon, tying it on a bow and sewing a rhinestone in the center.

Craft number 3: Decorative decoration from plastic bottles - a butterfly, or a moth

To make such a decoration, we need:

  • a piece of a plastic bottle (I used the middle part of the bottle that remained after making the box);
  • scissors;
  • paper and marker;
  • textile;
  • glue;
  • transparent tape;
  • beads, rhinestones, beads to create a pattern;
  • glitter nail polish.

First, take a sheet of paper and fold it in half.

From the fold line we draw half of the butterfly, so that after cutting, when unfolding, we get a symmetrical figure (Fig. 1). Cut out (Fig. 2).

We take the middle flat part of the plastic bottle, glue a paper butterfly to it with transparent tape and cut it out (Fig. 3). We get the same butterfly, but already made of plastic (Fig. 4–5).

Along the lines marked with a marker, we slightly bend the body of the moth to give it more volume (Fig. 6-7).

Let's start decorating.

To begin with, we will paste over our entire butterfly with a beautiful fabric or lace (Fig. 8).

Further, with the help of glue (or you can use thread with a needle), we attach beads and beads to the fabric, forming the body of a butterfly and creating a symmetrical pattern on the wings (Fig. 9–12). Decorate with glue rhinestones. The edges are treated with a shiny varnish. We make antennae from thin wire or thick fishing line, crowning the edges with beads.

That's all, the moth is ready. If you want, you can fasten a large hairpin on its reverse side and turn the decoration into a brooch that can be easily attached to any fabric - a curtain, a curtain, a curtain. Enjoy the beauty!

And in the next photo you can also see other options for butterflies from plastic bottles.

Craft number 4: a chandelier from plastic bottles

Another option, I want to suggest that you make such a creative chandelier, invented and brought to life by folk inventors.

In order to make it you will need:

  • scissors;
  • paint of several colors in spray cans;
  • two metal rings of different diameters for the frame;
  • strong thread to secure the structure.

Following simple instructions and focusing on the drawings, you can quickly and easily decorate your country house or cottage with an unusual chandelier.

Craft number 5: box

How would you like this box?

Materials for work:

  • several plastic bottles;
  • scissors;
  • hole puncher;
  • strong thick colored thread;
  • hook for weaving;
  • colored cardboard or other colored plastic containers;
  • transparent glue.

First you need to cut 6 double blanks from the middle parts of plastic bottles of the same size - 4 rectangular and 2 square (Fig. 1). Further, in each blank, along the perimeter, we make holes with a hole punch (Fig. 2).

Using a hook and thread, we braid the edges of each part (Fig. 3). We connect the bottom and walls to each other (Fig. 4-7).

We cut out 4 strips from pieces of plastic, long, corresponding to the length of the sides of the cap and a few centimeters wide. We make holes in them and also braid them with a thread (Fig. 8).

We connect the strips with the lid (Fig. 9–10) and attach the lid on one side to the main part of the box (Fig. 11).

That's practically all. It remains only to decorate the box with a paper or plastic application (Fig. 12).

In my opinion, it will be much more practical and beautiful if, before braiding the parts of the box with a thread, you insert the appliquΓ© inside, between the double walls.

And also look how many different caskets of various shapes you can make with your own hands.

Craft number 6: Christmas tree from plastic bottles

A very easy way to create a New Year's mood and decorate the house for the New Year is to make a Christmas tree and New Year's toys yourself.

These pictures show how to quickly and economically make a pretty Christmas tree out of a green plastic bottle, using only scissors and a candle (or a lighter).

In another photo, you see more Christmas trees made of plastic, but made using a different technique. Which one will you like?

And look at these Christmas toys and decorations! Do you want the same? There is nothing easier - a plastic bottle, scissors and your imagination - that's all you need.

And this is only a small part of what can be made from plastic, instead of just throwing it in the trash can.

The most unusual plastic bottle crafts: an overview

From plastic bottles you can make wonderful toys, one of a kind, as they will be invented and created by you in a single copy. And if you involve your kids in their creation, then such toys will bring even more joy to the kids, as they will be created by their own hands. Many of these crafts can be a wonderful gift for a child. Of course, it's much easier to go to the store and buy Ferby. But nothing can be more beautiful than a handmade gift, right? πŸ™‚

Girls can also make simple but pretty cute bottle bracelets.

And how many different useful little things can be made from the same bottles! You can’t count everything: candlesticks, coasters and containers for storing small items, curtains, floor lamps, a wide variety of decorative ornaments, wonderful plastic bottle flowers etc.

Separately, it is worth giving examples of decorating and arranging a garden or summer cottage using the same plastic bottles of different capacities and shapes. Craftsmen have learned to create truly masterpieces of art from various waste. See for yourself! Don't these beautiful birds, cute little animals, fabulous clearings cause admiration?

And these gazebos, flower beds, columns and other elements? Is it really surprising that all this was created at first glance, from useless garbage?

But among other things, by converting plastic containers into a variety of interesting and useful little things, you also protect our Mother Nature. Indeed, otherwise, plastic waste thrown into the trash would decompose in the ground for hundreds of years and at the same time pollute the environment. And so they will not only not bring harm, but for some time will serve to benefit you and others and will be an adornment of your everyday life.

Learn from us, fantasize with us, invent and create crafts even better, more interesting, more original! Good luck and success!


To make dolls and toys - animals based on plastic bottles, you will need fabric, woolen threads (for hair) and a little synthetic winterizer (for filling heads).

These dolls from plastic bottles are offered to be made by needlewomen from the land of the rising sun:

The main thing is to find a suitable bottle in shape and size.

Operating procedure:

Now the detailed execution of the work:

We fit the plastic bottle with two pieces of fabric - the bottom and the neck separately.

Hands are made of rope, immediately sewn into sleeves. The rope is not cut - it turns out that the doll closed her hands. The length of the rope depends on the size of the chosen bottle. In our case, its length is 20 cm.

The head is sewn from a circle of light knitwear filled with padding polyester.

Hair - fluffy rope or woolen knitting threads.

We collect the doll.

We sew the rope-hands in the middle, forming palms.

Cats from plastic bottles:

What a bottle, such a figure of a cat. Before wrapping the bottles with a cloth, it is recommended to wrap them with a layer of padding polyester (you can grab them in several places with Moment glue).

Another tip - for stability, pour some sand into the bottle, and if you want a rattle, beads or pebbles.

Dolls from plastic bottles and spoons:

Wrap a suitable bottle with threads, ribbon or braid. A face is drawn on a spoon. The spoon is lowered into the bottle, fixed to the neck of the bottle with plasticine, and the neck is also wrapped with colored braid.

These rattle dolls are not covered with fabric; a removable cover with faces of different animals is put on plastic bottles. Such dolls are used as educational toys for babies.


Patterns of various tails, ears, paws:

On holidays, it is imperative to give gifts, especially when they are made by hand, in this article you will learn how to make a doll from a plastic bottle, this will be a doll box in which you can store valuables. It will also be a good gift for the holidays or.
The craft is easy to do, but in order to do it, you must follow the stages and not deviate from the course of manufacture.

Craft materials:

β€” Plastic bottle.
β€” Baby doll, preferably a barbie.
β€” Hot glue gun.
β€” Two satin ribbons 3 and 1 centimeters.
β€” Braid, preferably pink.
β€” The lace is plain pink.
β€” Small stripe of chiffon.
β€” Two sponges (these are cosmetic disks).

All materials are in most cases necessary for sewing a dress for a doll.
A step-by-step photo instruction is presented to you below, with short descriptions of the main points.

1. We take a bottle and cut off only the neck from it.

3. Take a barbie doll and cut it in half.

4. Glue the top of the doll with a thermal gun to the top of the cut bottle.

5. Now we make a lining for the inside of the box, you need two sponges and a piece of chiffon. We repeat the steps in the photo.

6. We put chiffon on the sponge and sew it on a sewing machine. It turned out to be a bottom.

7. I gather a strip of chiffon on one side into an assembly and sew it to the bottom.

8. Now we take both plastic parts and glue the bottom and the chiffon itself to them.

9. We connect both parts of our box with the same chiffon, folded several times.

10. We sew a dress - you need to sew together lace and ribbons.

11. We do the assembly.

12. Glue the completed assembly onto the box, the lower part.

13. The second assembly should be the same.

15. We make three frills on the top of the plastic bottle box doll.

16. We also cut out the material on the doll’s chest and glue it.

17. We make the upper part of the doll's dress from lace.

18. We make a frill only from lace, with it we close the part between the dress and the body.

19. Do not forget to make a belt from braid and, of course, glue the frill.

20. We make a hat for a box doll. We take lace and ribbon, collect them in a circle, also separate the ribbon and stitch along, do the assembly. The top of the doll's hat turned out.

21. We glue two parts and glue a bow at the top.

22. We put the hat on the doll, and the fabric is ready.