How to make figures from balloons. How to make a flower from a ball of sausages in stages: a diagram for beginners. How to make a flower from balls


To create a figurine from a balloon, special latex balloons for. A regular balloon can burst. Also note that when inflating such a ball, only a manual piston pump must be used (it will be inconvenient to use a conventional pump in this situation, and it can break the ball). Sometimes the pump is included in the simulation kit. Stretch 1 ball lengthwise and slide it with the hole onto the tip of the pump. Inflate slowly, evenly. Be sure to step back 8-9 cm from the tail of the ball. So it will be more convenient to twist it in the future, the pressure will not tear the figure. Adjust the thickness of the ball as needed. Tie the tip with a knot. If you are in a hurry and inflate the balloon completely, then deflate it a little and leave room for further twists.

Before starting the formation of the figure, remember: in any case, twist only in one direction. Always hold them with your fingers until they are fully secured. In the process of making the figurine, all fingers must be involved. It is necessary to hold on to all the elements, otherwise the structure may unwind at any moment, and your efforts will not be justified.

One of the simplest and most popular shapes is. You will need one inflated long latex balloon to create it. For convenience and accuracy, take a ruler, measure 5 cm from the beginning of the ball and twist. Hold it with your fingers. Measure 6 cm from the first twist and make the second, and then the third at a distance of 6 cm from the second.

Now you need to twist the first and third twists together. You have got the muzzle of the future air. Measure 7 cm from the last twist of the ball, make another twist. Then step back 8 cm and twist the future front paws together under her muzzle. Align the resulting details. At a distance of 10-12 cm from the front paws and muzzle, make another twist, marking the torso. Form 2 bubbles for the hind legs following the pattern for the front legs. The rest is the dog's tail. Secure it to your torso. Take a water-based felt-tip pen and draw the dog's eyes, nose and mouth.

So, now you know how to make a dog. It's a little more difficult to make a flower. To do this, you will need 3 modeling balls: red (directly for the flower), green (for the stem and leaf) and yellow (for the center of the flower). Inflate the red balloon. Step 3 cm away from the ponytail (leave this part not inflated). Tie the tail of the balloon to the beginning of the balloon. You should now have a circle (oval). With two we make a few turns to get 2 twists. Then mentally divide the shape into 3 parts. Make twists step by step in the places between 1 and 2 parts, 2 and 3 parts. You should have a kind of bunch, like a double row of sausages with a gap between them. After that, fold the structure into an accordion. Twist all the pieces into a single twist. To do this, hold the accordion in your left hand with your thumb and forefinger, twist 3 more petals. You already have a flower.

Next, take the green balloon and inflate it completely with the pump. To prevent it from bursting, make it not very dense. Tie in a knot. Then retreat 10 cm from the knot and twist. The twisted should then easily divide into 2. To do this, we divide the twisted part into 2 equal parts. Hold the petal and trunk with one hand, and twist the structure with the other several times.

Then you can go in two ways. The first is to simply insert the stem into the flower and thus involuntarily make a green center. The second is to start making the middle of the yellow color. Take a yellow balloon, inflate it just a little. Since the core of the flower should not be large, you will have to cut off the excess part of the ball (only 7-8 cm should be left with the knot). Before cutting, press down on the part of the core that will be visible. So it will look more like the real one. Tie the resulting stamen to the trunk with a regular knot. Then slide it gently between the petals. You can also use the most common round ball to create the stamen.

Large bouquets of airy flowers look most impressive. To create such a bouquet, you need to make 10-15 flowers. To secure the composition, tie it with a regular bow or make such a bow from another one.

The first time, it will take you a long time to create a dog or a flower. But with regular training, this process will take only a few seconds (just like clowns in a circus). Remember: there is no limit to perfection. A true professional and twisting will be able to easily twist 33 bubbles (or compartment) from one sausage.


You need to twist with one hand and always in the same direction. At the same time, the second hand should hold the penultimate bubble.

Useful advice

Start curling from the neck, then the air will gradually move towards the tail, and the ball will not burst.

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If, during the modeling process, you notice that you do not have enough stock, unwind the already made elements, untie the ball and let some air out of it.

Useful advice

Invite your child to draw eyes for the dog, he will definitely like it. Just do it with a soft felt-tip pen.

Bowling allows you to have fun and demonstrate your skills, accurate calculation of movement balls and a direct hit on the target. The most important detail is rotation. balls, which is not so easy to achieve, which requires spending time training your wrists.

You will need

  • Bowling ball, gloves.


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Try not to take the ball far behind you, otherwise the force of the last push will not allow you to spin the ball and throw it right on target.

Useful advice

Hold the ball with one hand while the other hand should be extended to the side. This position ensures the correct body position, in which the correct swing and throw is made.


  • Lessons and tips for bowling beginners.

Making funny balloon shapes is a great way to play and have a good time with your child. This activity helps to develop imagination and imagination, in addition, it is just very fun and exciting. The main thing is that anyone can create such figures, without any preparation, the funnier the animal turns out, the more interesting it is.

You will need

  • - a ball in the form of a long sausage;
  • - a pump for inflating balloons.


If you can't find a pump to inflate, you can use your own lungs as well. When choosing a balloon, keep in mind that they are of several types:
latex - one of the most common and budget options, their surface can be glossy, matte, with a silver or gold sheen;
milar or balloons hold air or helium for the longest time, up to 3 weeks, crafts made from such balloons are more durable and durable;
plastic balls are made of a special hypoallergenic material and are most often used by designers for interior decoration.

If you are going to make a figurine of a flower or animal from a balloon, then ordinary latex balloons are suitable for you. There are a lot of shapes that can be made from balloons.

Balloon flower

Take a green sausage balloon and inflate it, leaving at the end 5 cm unfilled with air. Twist the ball in the middle into a figure eight. The eight must be done with twists. So you get leaves on the stem of the future flower. Twist the remaining non-inflated ponytail so that it becomes twisted.

Take a balloon of a different color, for example yellow, and inflate another sausage. Connect the edges of the ball to form a ring. Twist it in half (you get two rings), twist each new ring you get in half again. The resulting quarters will represent the petals of your flower. It remains to place these petals on the stem made earlier, attach them to the twisted piece on the green ball. The flower is ready. You can even decorate a house for a holiday with such figures.

Volumetric figure of a bear made of balloons

To make the shape of a bear, you need a long ball, preferably brown or another dark color. Inflate it, but not completely, you need to leave empty 10-12 cm. Tie a balloon. Start twisting it. All twisting should be performed in one direction, if possible, otherwise the figure will not be able to keep its shape well. First you need to twist the muzzle, along the way creating a nose, 2 large cheeks and 2 small ears, the back of the head.

When twisting new parts, hold the ready-made ones with your hand so that they do not shift and do not. Make a head, collecting all the ready-made elements into a ring; all parts of the head should be held in it. To make the ears look like real ones, gently twist each one with your fingers in the same direction you chose.

Make the bear's neck by twisting the ball a little lower under the finished head. Start building the body. Twist the ball, turning it into two upper legs, more details will go to them, and into two lower legs - smaller. Wrap the ball at the base of the bear's neck. From the rest of the balloon, make the back and belly of the bear. If any unused parts remain, hide them inside the toy. You can add a scarf to the bear; for this, inflate a thin sausage ball of any contrasting color and wrap it around the neck. The bear figure is ready.

Balloon dog figure

Take a long latex balloon in the color you want. Pull the tip slightly before inflating. Do not completely fill the balloon with air. To create a dog's figure, it will be enough to leave 5-7 cm of the free end. When you begin to twist the figure, make sure that the air is evenly distributed over the ball, otherwise, if there is no space left, it will not work or even burst.

Start twisting the dog's figure from the base of the ball. Twist 3 times on the ball so that you get 3 sausages. Now you need to make a dog's face out of them. To do this, twist one of the sausages. Twist the ball twice more to get the dog's paws.

Form a sausage for the body of the dog, and then two more for the second pair of paws. Finish with a ponytail. Now your dog is ready. Such a balloon figurine delights children, it is a good alternative to purchased toys. You can create a whole lot of these.

Balloon elephant

To make an elephant, take a very long balloon. Perform 3 twists so that identical sausages form on the ball. Keep in mind that the elephant has a rather wide figure and leave the sausages wider than usual.

Bend the sausage second from the beginning of the ball in half and twist. This will be the first ear of the elephant. Make the second ear in the same way. Then form a small head and 2 front legs.

Also, twist the elephant's body and two more paws. Finally, make a small ponytail and curl the trunk. The elephant is ready.

The child always looks with enthusiasm at the magician, who creates figures from balls in a few seconds. But he and his parents can learn to make such things themselves. This activity can help you relieve stress and have fun.

Making crafts with your own hands from a long sausage balloon (or several balls) is called twisting... They are perfect as a decoration for a festive hall at a children's party.

The history of the development of twisting

The process of creating figurines from balls was first demonstrated in 1938 at the circus arena. At first, the balls were made in Japanese factories and brought to the United States of America. However, the quality of the products was poor, which made it impossible to make a complex figurine. In the 60s of the XX century, rubber became thinner and stronger, and the number of colors increased. At the same time, the balls became longer (it became possible to perform a lot of twisting) and were cheaper, so a large number of people were carried away twisting.

At the end of the 20th century, he gained universal popularity. The masters of this fun craft began to create their own professional communities. In America, open lessons began to be held, where everyone could get basic knowledge of twisting. And they began to print information about him in newspapers and entertainment publications. The first exhibition was organized at the end of the 1980s.

Twisting now

Now from the Internet anyone can learn how to do it yourself:

  • car;
  • a dog;
  • giraffe;
  • tiger;
  • mouse;
  • flower.

Looking at a photo of some craft made from balls or at it itself, a beginner has a logical question, how to make such a toy? On the vastness of the world wide web, you can find various step-by-step instructions for beginners to make various shapes from balls.

First you need to learn how to inflate and twist the balloon. It needs to be inflated to the required length, deflated a little and tied. Twisting should occur from the neck so that the air moves further to the tail (there is free space), then the ball will not burst.

Twisting has one basic rule: twisting should be done with one hand and in one direction, with the other hand holding the penultimate bubble. The whole process must be done with all fingers, otherwise the craft will begin to unwind.

In the beginner's instructions for creating a balloon shape, there are some terms that describe the process, for example:

  • "bubble"- the part between the twists;
  • "Ottoman"- a bubble in the tail.

How to make simple crafts from balls with your own hands?

It is better to master the process of creating crafts from balloons from a simple product; there are many master classes with photos on the Internet, from which you can learn about all the stages of twisting and positioning your fingers.

With your own hands the easiest way to make a flower from balloons... These can be purchased at a store that sells carnival costumes and party supplies. These balls are called modeling balls.

To make a flower with your own hands, you need to take two red balls and one green one. To inflate them, you need a hand pump.

First, inflate the red balloon, leaving the tip 3 centimeters long and tying it to a knot (both the beginning and the end). Then you need to bend it in half and twist it twice in the middle. Then again divide into three different sections and twist in two places. The resulting workpiece must be folded like an accordion.

Holding the accordion in twisted places with your left hand (between the index and thumb), you need to make three more petals of the future flower with the fingers of your right hand.

As a result of all the manipulations, you get a flower head. After that, you should make a stem from a green ball. It needs to be inflated, and to the end. It shouldn't come out too tight so as not to burst.

It is required to retreat 10 centimeters from the knot and twist, and this must be done so that there is a knot on the twisted section. The resulting stem should be inserted into the middle of the flower, then bent inward and twisted. The handmade flower is completely ready! You can decorate the interior of your house with it or give it to someone.

DIY a dog very easy too. This requires only one ball of sausage. When twisting it, you get ears, a sharp little face, 4 legs and a tail. Children will be delighted with her!

Of course, according to the photo of the master class, the whole work does not look very easy, and, doing twisting for the first time, you will have to spend a lot of time and your nerves (the rubber will tear, and the finished product will be far from perfect). But with more experience, the whole twisting process will take a matter of seconds. You should not be afraid of experiments, hone your skills, please yourself, your family and friends!

Figures from balls of sausages: photo

An ordinary birthday and anniversary, a wedding and the appearance of a baby in the family, the first of September and the last bell - almost all events in a person's life are accompanied by these symbols of fun and joy. On threads and ribbons, on sticks and in intricate compositions, they demonstrate their almost limitless design possibilities. How to make a ball shape without having enough experience or where to start?

Unclassified materials

For all the spectacular design of the balls, they are quite expensive in comparison with the cost of consumables used to make them.

More and more people are inclined to create air sculptures on their own, and because the professional use of balloons as a festive street and interior decor has given rise to the production of elements and devices of various shapes and properties (special pumps, clamps and sockets, as well as double-tailed linkcoluns and SDMs - long sausages of different sizes), allowing ordinary people to master the basics of this design direction.

Balls of traditional shape, which can be used when creating a figure from balls with your own hands, to form tops or fill voids, have not lost their popularity.

Before starting to master the technique of making aerial compositions, you need to familiarize yourself with the developments and advice of design specialists, stock up on all the necessary devices and materials, and also be patient.

The most important thing is to decide which shape to start with, as well as purchase the balls of the right types to create it.

It is important to get a hand pump - it will not only save time on filling the elements with air, but will also allow you to inflate them exactly as much as a specific composition requires - many assembly instructions contain information on the number of pump strokes to create the constituent parts of a figure from balloons with your own hands ...


The universal pattern of weaving is "Herringbone", which can be used not only for making a New Year tree, but also for creating a conical object - the body of a female character or a low column.

Would need:

  • hand pump;
  • 18 twelve-inch linkcoluns;
  • 12 links 5 ";
  • ruler.

For the convenience of making figures using linkoluns and in order not to waste time knitting unnecessary knots, it is better to inflate two links at once and tie them together from the side of the holes.

  1. You need to inflate the 12 "links so that you get 6 of each size: 21cm, 16.8cm, 13cm.
  2. Link chains of 6 identical links each.
  3. Inflate 5 "linkolons to fit the sizes: 10.75 and 8.6 cm and also tie in a chain.
  4. Further, chains 21 and 16 need to be combined, bent at the place of the size border and twisted by four linkoluns in a coupler.
  5. Tie the tails of the last "four" together.
  6. Do the same for the 13cm and 10.75cm link chains.
  7. We got two trapezoidal stripes that need to be connected together into a single (decreasing to the top) canvas with the help of tails.
  8. The chain of the smallest links is simply twisted with the balls of the upper part of the trapezoid (by threading small elements through the gaps between the large ones).

Small round balls can be inserted into the gaps, which will imitate Christmas tree decorations. They are inflated and tied, like links, in pairs, and then threaded through intervals until the silhouette is formed.

When making figures from balls with your own hands, it is necessary to follow the instructions step by step, since the working material is very delicate and the slightest deviation from the scheme can nullify all the previous stages.

The trapezoid must be rolled into a cone and fixed, i.e. tie the tails of the links on opposite sides. It is advisable to tie the tails of the links in the top row together to narrow the top.

It remains to make the pommel, for which the air figure "Star" will be useful.


The most popular DIY birthday balloons are flowers. They are done using:

  • elements of traditional form;
  • linkoluns;
  • air components of different types.

They look very solemn in an interior with two layers of petals. For their manufacture, you will need elements of a traditional form:

  • 5 large reds;
  • 5 small yellow;
  • 1 small red.

Each five is tied by flowered ponytails. The tails of the small "petals" are threaded through the hole formed by the tails of the large "petals". The middle is formed by a small red ball.

These flowers are most often placed attached to the wall with double-sided tape.


Another technology involves the creation of flowers and whole bouquets from ШДМ 260Q. The secret of working with this modeling material is that to create a bud, the balloon must first be completely inflated, and then slightly deflated (2 seconds) - the SDM must be filled, but soft.

  1. Tie the tail so that the air does not go out, and twist the SHDM in the middle.
  2. Tie the tail with the hole and the opposite end into a ring.
  3. Having folded the ShDM into a strip, twist it in every third of the length (you get a strip of three identical double bubbles).
  4. Holding the "accordion" of bubbles with one hand, with the other hand you need to squeeze the "accordion" in the center and twist the halves together to make a flower (perhaps, at this stage, you may need outside help, and the structure will have to be twisted along both axes).

Finally, inflate the green SHDM and turn it into a stem.

Structural decoration

Large compositions look very solemn - air columns, arches and plaits. Such creations take a lot of material, but they are incredibly simple to make.

One way is to create chains of links of the same size and tie them into a canvas to form a finished structure (the principle by which a herringbone is made).

A frame structure (for example, an arch or a heart) requires a rigid profile on which "fours" of ordinary balls tied by the tails are strung (first, elements No. 1 and No. 2 are connected, then No. 2 and No. 3, No. 3 and No. 4, and # 4 binds to # 1). You can wrap the frame with chains of linkoluns and attach them to each other on a ready-made figure.

There are many ways to make unusual and interesting compositions based on this gentle, but very plastic and pliable material. Famous designers include SHDM dresses in their shows, and women of fashion flaunt in hats filled with air on vacation. And this means that everyone who has found something interesting for themselves in this direction of modeling still has to make many discoveries.

All kids love balloons. What can I say, and adults adore them too. Maybe that's why the art of twisting is gaining popularity at such a rate. Twisting is the process of creating various shapes. In particular, sausage balls are twisted this way. Moreover, twisting dates back to ancient times, in Egypt they twisted the guts of camels to create a drawing. Twisting gained particular popularity with the advent of elongated balls in the form of sausages. Using them, you can create a giraffe, dog or flower in a matter of seconds. But more about everything.

Initial shapes

A beginner will not be able to immediately make an impressive picture of balloons. Here's where to start:

  • dog;
  • flower;
  • duck.

It is just as easy to make a crocodile. Let's take a look at the basic twisting techniques to learn how to create sausage balls.

Basic techniques

To prevent the balloon from bursting, you need to leave a 10 cm tail not inflated. The balloon is tied to a knot and creativity begins. To get started, simply twist the ball anywhere you want. This is called simple curling. In this case, you need to hold the shorter end of the ball, and twist the long one. Twisting is always done in one direction. A twisting lock is needed when it is necessary to secure three bubbles into a shape. To do this, you need to bend the ball so that on one side of the fold there are 2 bubbles, and on the other 1 and the tail of the ball. Now everything is curled together again to connect to the previous bubble. In this way, the muzzle of a dog or other animal is usually made. Twisting with an inflection is done in the same way, only as a bubble, only the first section is selected, and the second two are not marked and are simply folded in the same way as in the previous example. Below you will understand in more detail how to make figures from balls of sausages, the schemes of which are most common.


The simplest figure. A dog is made from just one ball. Inflate it according to all the rules and proceed. Twist three consecutive bubbles of the same size - 5-7 cm. Twist with the lock to get a dog's face and ears. Twist the next 7cm bubble. This will be the neck. Then make two bubbles for the front paws. Perform a paw and neck twist. Next comes the body of the dog - this is another bubble, the longest. And the procedure is repeated with the hind legs. Don't forget to leave a cute ponytail. You can make other sausage balls in a similar way. The instruction will always be like this.


So, having studied the basic basics, you can easily please loved ones with cute gifts by making figures from sausage balls. It's cheap, fun and exciting for kids. In addition, this hobby can become an additional one for you. After all, the figurines made of sausage balls are really impressive when they fall into experienced hands. It can be a large yacht or Yes, and the material investment in such a business is minimal. And how much pleasure will you get from it!

Balloons and balloon figures can be seen at almost any occasion. It is an invariable attribute of weddings and birthdays, helping to create a festive atmosphere. Individual figures, twisted from balls, and large compositions look especially beautiful. In order to make them with your own hands, you will need a special pump and packing of balls.

Do-it-yourself figures from balls are made from special balls. Regular round balloons sold in the store can only be inflated. It is almost impossible to model figures from them. Special balls are sold in large packs of 100. in each. Usually they are produced in different sizes, textures and colors. You can find transparent, colored and matte balls. In order to make large volumetric figures from balls, it is better to buy several packs of balls. Usually they, like the pump, are sold in specialty stores that sell decor for the holidays.

How to make shapes from balls?

First of all, you need to learn how to properly inflate the balloons and tie them without the help of a rope. If you pump the ball too much with the pump, then most likely you will not be able to model even the simplest figure. Try not to inflate the balloon completely and make sure that it has a long enough tail. It is with its help that the ball is tied - they make a loop from the tail and pass the tip into it, tightly tightening the knot.

Balloon garland

You will need an arbitrary number of balloons of the smallest diameter. You can calculate the amount according to the following principle: for 1 m of the garland, you will need about 40 balls with a diameter of 12 cm. In addition to the balls, you need to stock up on fishing line and double-sided tape. Various decorative elements can also come in handy - ribbons, rain.

We inflate the balloons. We take 4 balls and tie them with a fishing line by the tails, taken together so that we get a square of balls. In inconspicuous places, we fasten them with double-sided tape. So they will be tightly pressed against each other. We repeat the same with the rest of the balls. Using a fishing line, we connect the balls into a garland - we tie it to the tied tails of the 1st four, stretch the balls of the 2nd four through the square and also tie them to their tails. We string the remaining balls on the fishing line according to this principle until we have a garland of the required length. We decorate the garland with ribbons and rains. At the beginning and at the end, you can fasten a pair of large balls. If desired, the same principle can be used to make a column of balloons. In this case, it must be strengthened with some kind of load so that the balls do not swing. Also, such a fastening of balls allows you to make volumetric contour compositions out of them. The connected balls can be fixed in the shape of a heart or a single canvas.

Most often, wedding halls and birthdays are decorated with garlands and columns.

Ball shapes: popular options

Ball shapes can be very different. So flowers and whole bouquets of them are especially popular. You can give a flower from balls to both an adult and a child. Unlike real flowers, it will delight you with its appearance for a very long time.

  • For a flower of several tiers, you need a long green ball, 5 pink balls with a diameter of more than 20 cm, 5 white balls with a diameter of about 16 cm and 1 small yellow ball. We inflate all the balloons. We begin to model the petals of the future flower. To do this, take 4 white and 4 pink balls and tie them together - we twist all the tails of the balls of the same color and tie them together in a knot.
  • We tie the 2 remaining white and pink balls together by the tails. They will be needed to make one whole from the flower. Place 4 pink connected balls on the connected white balls. We fasten everything together using a bunch of white and pink balls. We form the stem of a two-tiered flower. To do this, we make a loop at the end of a long green ball and fix it with a ponytail. We retreat from the edge about 20-25 cm. If you want to make leaves for a flower, then you will need another green ball. The ball is placed under the stem in the place where they want to arrange the leaves. Both ends of the ball are bent to the center and tied in the middle so that the resulting 2 leaves tightly clasped the stem.
  • We drag a small yellow ball into the upper loop of the stem. This will be the top and middle of the flower. We attach a figure of connected white and pink petals to its ponytail. A flower from balls with your own hands is ready! In order to make a bouquet, you need to prepare several of these flowers and fasten them together with a long ball ring that will hold the stems.
  • You can make a huge outdoor flower from long balls. This time we need 3 green long balls for the stem, several for a small pedestal-column and 3 more long balls for the petals. Using the method described above, we make a column-garland from an arbitrary number of balls. The more there are, the higher the flower will turn out.
  • Inflate the green balls for the stem and twist all 3 together so that you get a spiral. Let's move on to the formation of the petals. Inflate the 3 remaining balloons. We close each of them in a ring. Next, we twist the resulting ring in the center. We conditionally divide the resulting figure into 3 parts - we twist it 2 times in the right places so that we have 3 rings. We fold the petals like an accordion and thread them into the stem. We fix the petals. Connect the stem to the column we made earlier.

  • The swan is considered to be the simplest figure. Even someone who has never made figures from balloons can cope with his modeling. For this, a long white modeling ball is inflated. At the same time, they make sure that the ball has tails on both sides - the first will be the beak, and the second will help to tie the ball so that it does not deflate.
  • We form the swan's neck - we tie a knot, retreating from the end where the bite will be located by 15-20 cm. We got a circle-ring. We divide it visually into 2 equal parts and retrain it around the first node strictly in the middle. It turned out 2 rings. We drag one of them through the second. In the same way we drag the swan's neck through the 2nd ring. We draw eyes with a marker not far from the beak of our swan.
  • Another interesting ball shape is a bow that can be used to decorate a gift. We need 1 balloon for modeling any size, about 160 cm long. Inflate the balloon with a pump so that it is not inflated much in the upper part (leave about 8 cm not inflated). We hold the ball at the open end with our hand so that it does not deflate, and move the air towards the other end. It turned out to be a small puffy ponytail. We take a gift (it is better that it is flat or not too bulky). We wrap it with a ball on all sides. On the seamy side, we twist the ball in the middle. We throw the remaining ends to the other side. We form a bow out of them and fix the ball.

Figures from balls: photo